They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (2024)

One-pot dinners, cozy soups, and casseroles—count us in!

By Kara Zauberman

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (1)

It’s hard to believe that 2022 is almost over!

For the Drummond family, so much has happened this year from Paige’s college graduation to Todd's last year of high school football—and there were plenty of recipes being made in between. In fact, Ree even reunited with her film crew this year to start shooting (and cooking) a new season of The Pioneer Woman. Of course, readers were also busy making some of Ree's best recipes throughout the year, too. But which were the most popular Pioneer Woman recipes of 2022? Let's find out!

From comforting soups to crowd-pleasing casseroles, 2022 was a year filled with comfort food, holiday favorites, and weeknight wonders. While you might be surprised to learn that sweets didn't make the list this year (last year's top recipes had two Drummond family favorites: chocolate sheet cake and chocolate pie), this year, people were focused on all things cheesy, salty, and savory. (Say hello to Ree's mac and cheese!) And if there's one trait that these top 10 recipes all share, it's that they all feel like a big, warm hug. 🤗

So, without further ado, join us for a countdown of the best Pioneer Woman recipes for 2022. Did your favorite make the list? Let us know in the comments!


Perfect Pot Roast

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (2)

This recipe is all about the meat. Ree likes to use chuck roast which has beautiful marbling and ends up being melt-in-your-mouth delicious! It might take a little longer to cook than some of the other recipes on this list, but that's just what makes the finished dish so dang special.



The Best Lasagna. Ever.

Ree has been eating this lasagna since childhood so you know it's got to be good. It has layers of beef, cheese, sauce, and noodles. What's not to love?



Classic Pot Pie

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (4)

Here's the thing about pot pie: it's surprisingly easy to make! You can use shredded leftover rotisserie chicken and store-bought pie dough—and it'll still be the most comforting dish you make this year.


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My Favorite Turkey Brine

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (5)

If there was ever a recipe that got us through the holiday season, it would have to be Ree's turkey brine. It makes everyone's Thanksgiving turkey taste that much better and it results in the juiciest bird ever. (And if you didn't brine your turkey this year, trust us, you'll want to save this recipe for next year.)



Creamy Mashed Potatoes

This side dish checks all the boxes: it's comforting, it's buttery, and you can even make it ahead of time. Try it for your next holiday gathering or even just a steak dinner during the week. You won't regret it!



Baked Ziti

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (7)

Calling all pasta lovers! This baked pasta recipe is always a hit. Wonder why? Ree skips the plain old tomato sauce for a hearty meat sauce, instead. "There must be meat. Meat there must be," Ree says.


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Chicken Salad

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (8)

This is the way Ree likes her chicken salad—with crunchy mix-ins, like celery, grapes, and green onions. And it appears to be the way most of you like it, too! Of course, it's easy to make this recipe your own by adding or subtracting any ingredients.



Perfect Potato Soup

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (9)

There's a reason Ree's potato soup makes our list year after year. It's comforting, simple, and ready in just 30 minutes! The bacon and cheese make it downright perfect!



Macaroni and Cheese

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (10)

Whether you have kids of your own or you're just a kid at heart, this ooey, gooey macaroni and cheese is sure to become a new favorite. It only takes 30 minutes to make and it has the crispiest, cheesiest topping we ever did see!


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Chicken Spaghetti

They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (11)

And the #1 recipe of the year goes to... Ree's chicken spaghetti! "This is not your ordinary chicken dinner," Ree says about this family favorite, "It's irresistible!" In fact, it might just be the only casserole recipe that her husband Ladd will eat. Talk about a weeknight savior!


They're In! The 10 Most Popular Pioneer Woman Recipes of 2022 (2024)


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