The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A at 8 C10 8 SPORTS Sunday Republican, November 25, 2001 l. Scoreboard NBA NHL AML COLLEGES More sports on Page C12 EASTERN Atlantic Pct New Jersey 9 3 .750 Philadelphia 05 .583 Orlando 7 .500 CELTICS .455 New York 5 8 .385 Miami 2 10 .167 Washington 3 9 .250 Central Pat Milwaukee 9. .889 Detroit 8 .667 Teronto 8 .571 Indiana 8 .533 (Earlotte 6 462 Attanta .357 -Cleveland 4 10 .286 Thicago 1 10 .091 WESTERN Midwest Son Antonio 1900 .750 Minnesota .833 Dallas .643 Houston .539 Utch 5 .385 Denver 6 1 .461 Memphis 11 083 Pacific Pet L.A. Lakers 11 1 .917 Sacramento 9 .750 Phoenix .500 Portland A .500 Golden State 6 .461 Seattle 6 8 429 L.A. Clippers 5 8 .385 Friday Philadelphia 79, Cleveland 68 Toronto 91, CELTICS 89 Atlanta 106, Detroit 99 Dollos 104 Miami 94 Orlando 109, Charlotte 99 Phoenix 103.

Memphis 89 San Antonio 97. Indiana 79 Utah 106, L.A. Clippers 101 Seattle 99. Houston 81 Portland 97, Denver 90 LA. Lakers 106.

Golden State 90 Saturday Washington 88. CELTICS 84 (OT) New York 78. Chicago 71 Detroit 91, Memphis 84 4 7' CONFERENCE Division GB L10 Str Home Away Conf 7-3 W-2 5-1 4-2 6-2 7-3 W-7 4-2 3-3 6-2 3 5-5 L-1 3-2 4-5 3-2 4-6 4-3 1-3 4-6 4-6 L-1 4-1 1-7 3-4 7 1-9 L-8 2-6 0-4 2-6 2-8 W-1 2-5 1-4 3-6 Division GB L10 Str Home Away Conf 9-1 W-5 5-1 4-0 6-0 2 7-3 W-1 5-1 3-3 5-2 6-4 W-1 3-2 5-4 2-4 5-5 L-1 6-3 2-4 6-5 3-7 W-1 2-4 4-3 6-3 4-6 L-1 4-1. 1-8: 4-4 7 3-7 W-1 2-4 2-6. 2-6 1-9 L-8 1-3 0-7' 1-5 CONFERENCE Division GB L10 Str Home Away Conf 8-2 W-1 6-1 4-1 3-0 8-2 L-1 6-0 3-3.

4-3 2 6-4 W-3 3-2 3-2 5-5 L-1 5-2 2-4. 5-6 5-5 L-2 4-4 2-3 3-5 54 4-6 W-1 3-4 2-4 2-3 9 1-9 L-3 1-5 0-6 0-8 Division GB L10 Str Home Away Conf 9-1 W-4 7-0 4-1 10-1 7-3 W-2 6-0 3-3 5-1 6-4 L-1 4-5 3-2 5-4 6-4 W-1 4-2 3-5 5-5 5-5 L-2 2-3 4-4 3-4 6 4-6 W-1 3-3 3-5 4-5 5-5 L-3 5-4 0-4 2-6 Charlotte 103, Orlando 101 Cleveland 100, Miami 96. Minnesota 99. San Antonio 94 Dallas 119, Phoenix 104. Milwaukee 95, Atlanta 88 New Jersey ot Sacramento, Sunday Philadelphia at Toronto, 12:30 Houston L.A.

Clippers, 3.30 Indiana at Seattle, 7 New Jersey at Golden State, 9 Denver of L.A. Lakers, 9:30 Monday Detroit at Orlando 7:30 Atlanta at New York, 7:30 Sacramento at Memphis, 8 Phoenix at Utah, 9 1 Toronto Ottowo 12 BRUINS Montreal 11 Buffalo 10 N.Y. Islanders 15 N.Y. Rangers 14 Philadelphia 10 Pittsburgh 9 New Jersey 9 Carolina 11 Washington 9 Tampa Boy CO Florida 6 Atlanta Detroit 20 Chicago 12 St. Louis 10 Nashville 9 Columbus 5 Edmonton 14 Calgary 13 Minnesota 9 Vancouver 10 Colorado 10 Thursday Calgary 4, Ottawa 4, tie Montreal 5, Atlanto 2 Los Angeles 4, Edmonton 2 Friday BRUINS 3, Vancouver 2 Minnesota 5, Phoenix 2 Buffalo 5, Calgary 2.

Chicago 2, Columbus 2, tie Washington 6. N.Y. Rangers 2 N.Y. Islanders 3, Toronto 1 Detroit 3, St. Louis 1 Tampa Bay 2.

New Jersey 0 Nashville 5, Pittsburgh 0 Philadelphia 3 Dallas 3, tie Son Jose 9 Phoenix Dallas Los Angeles 7 Anaheim 6 Two points for a win, one Bruins lose, 2-0 EASTERN Northeast OL Pts 2 3 31 3 0 27 3. 2 27 8 2 25 13 1 1 22 Atlantic OL Pts 5 2 1 33 8 1 30 6 5 0 25 9 3 2 23 2 2 22 Southeast OL Pts 8 4 2 28 11 2.0 20 11 1 1 18 12 2 3 17 13 2 2 :14 WESTERN Central OL Pts 3 41 7 5 0 29 8 3 24 11 3 0 21 12 5 16 Northwest OL Pts 6 3 1 32 3 2 32 8 2 24 13 2 0 22 12 0 21 Pacific 1 OL Pts 7 4 3 25 8 3 3 24 7 3 23 11 3 2 19 14 3 0 15 paint for a tie Boston 0 0 0-0 Toronto 0-2 First Perioo-1, Toronto, Green 3 (Reichei, Roberts), 14 73. Pena -None. Second Period-? Toronto. Hoglund 6.

10:12 Penales-Emmans. Bos (interference), 1.26. Beiak, Tor (elbowing), 6 3 Green Tor 738. Third Period -None Penalty-Sundin. Tor (cross-checking) 402.

Shols on gos -Boston 8-9-12-29 Toronto 5-3-4-12. Power -play OpportunitiesBoston 0 of 3: Toronto 0 of 1: GoaliesBoston. Datoe 10-8-1 (12 snots-10 saves). Toronto, Joseph 12-7-2 (29-29; (18 800); -Kerry Fraser, Dean Warren. Linesmen -Jean Moria, Steve A Blues, 5-3 Phoenix 0 3 St.

Louis 1-5 First Period-1. St. Louis. Young 4 iTaachuk, 4 52 ipp). 7 St.

Louis, Demitra 13 1 Young. 645. 3, St Louis Trachuk 11 (Weight Pronger), 19:59 Pho (crosscreckingi. 5:50: May. Pha.

major 10-15: Salvador SAL maior i 10 15: Doan, Pro (nocking), Kolanos, Pho 19:36. Second Period-4 5t. Louis, Pronger (Corso. 2 46. 5.

Phoenix, Kolanos 8:23. 6, Phoenix. Suchy 2 Handzus), 8:52. 7 Phoenix, Numminen Kolaros), 16 50. Penalty -Finley, SiL (no ging), 13:52: Thira St Louis.

Mayers 3 15:59. Penalty -Hilt, SIL 17 $4. Shots on goal 8-11-11-30 S1. Louis 13-10-5-28: Power -play Opportunities- Phoenix 0 of 2 St Louis 2 of Goalies--Phoenix. Esche t13 shots-10 saves), DesRochers 0-1-0 (0 00 second, 15- 13:.

SI. Lous. jorason 6-4-1 '30-27); A- 19 916 250:: Referees -Don Van Massenhoven. Tom Kowal. Linesmer -Ray Penguins, 3-1 Buffalo 1 0 0-1 Pittsburgh 0 2 1-3 Firs: Period-1.

Buffalo Zhitnit 1 (Satan, Durront), $52 (pp). Penalties- Rozsival. Pit (hoiding), A asparaitis, Pit (interference), Smehlik, But (boarding), 834: Oliwa Pi! checking) 8.34; Satan But 15 52; Laukkamen, Pit (holding), 15:52: Barnes. But (dela; of game). 18:24.

Second Moran 1 (Primeau. Kasparaitis), 5.32. 3, Pittsburgh Hrdina 5 (Morotov, Rozsival), 16:19. Penalties--Ray, But (elbowing) 243; asparaitis. Pit (roughing), 5.19, Rozsivat.

Pit (roughing). 10 17 Varada. Buf tripping), 11:03: But 20:00: Moran. Pit (rougning). 20:00.

Third Per od-4. Pittsburgh Beech 1 Roszival 12:30. Pena tiesKovaley, Pit 8 52; Pit (high-sticking), 12:48. Shots on 9-4-6-19 Pittsburgh 16-8-3--27. Power -play 1 of a.

0 of 3. Goalles-Buffaio. Biron 10-11-1 127 shots25 saves). Pittsburgo, Hedberg 8-7-2 419- 181. 4-16 958 (16 958 Referees -Ken Pollock Stephen Walkom.

Linesmen--Brad Kowachik. Dan Schachte. Islanders, 5-3 Anaheim 2-3 N. Y. Islanders 2-5 First Perioc-1, Anaheim.

Titov 2. 8.13. 2. New York. Hamrlix 3.

16:54 PenantiesSawver, Ana. maior (fignting). 2.55: Webb. NY, minor- (instigator, 2.55 Parrish. NY 18.52.

Second Period-3 New York, Parrish 14 (Pecar. 7:57. 1. New York, Peca 6 a vskl. 8:18 PenaltyKiehberg Ana 9-51.

Trird Period-5. New York. Parrish 15 (Lacointe). 5.35 (st). 6 New York.

Parrish 16 1 Peca), 7:48. 7. Ananeim, Mcinris 3 907 Ananeim, Kariya 9 i Troka. Lecerch, 12:34 PenaniesIsbister NY tho dingh :52 Snow. NY, served by Scalchard double minor thigh.

sticking). 2:22 Saiei Ana trioping). 15:52. Snots on goal-Araneim 12-10-15-37. New York 8-12-4-26.

play Opportunities--Anaheim 0 of 5, New York 0 of 2. Goalies Giguere (16 shors-13 savesi. Srields 7-8-2 18:18 second. 10-8). New York Snow 2-0-1(37-34; 4-16 234 16.224}.

Referees--Mite Legge. Paul Stewart Linesmen- Gerard Gauthier Angeio D'Amico. Predators, 5-0 LATE FRIDAY Pittsburgh 0-0 Nashville 2 1 1-5 First Period-1, Nashville. Er at (Orszagh 1:52. 2.

Nashville. Legwand 7 (Crszagh. Walker), 859 170). Penanties-Grinson. Nas maior (fighting), 3:14 Pit, maior (fighting).

3.14• Tippetts, Pit (roughing), Orszagh, Nas (hooking), 10:43: Eaton, Nas (holding stick), 1801. Second Period-3. Nashville Orsragh 2.18. 4. Nashville Warren 5.

7:07. Penalties Nas (highsticking). 16:05 Stevens. Pit (boarding), 18:24 Third Period-5 Nashville. Ronning 6 (Johnson, 1:24 PenailiesKasparaitis, Pit (roughing: 041: Orszagh.

Nas (roughing), 0.41; Tibbetts. Pit. minormalor-misconduct (instigator, fighting). 5:09: Fitzgerald. Nas, maior 5.09 Shots on goal-Pittsburgh 8-12-7--27 Nasoville 6-9-12--27.

Power -plav Opportunities--Pittsburgh 0 of J. Nashville 1 of 3. Goaties-PiMsourgh, Aubin 1-4-1 127 shots-22 saves). Nashvite. Vokoum 2-4-2 (27-27).

Referees Maguire Brad Meler. Linesmen- Thor Nelson. Pierre CONFERENCE Division GF GA 67 53 74 54 54. 52 55 57 65 64 Division GF GA 69 55 71 69 63 46 47 57 54 57 Division GF GA 62 63 60 70 41 47 49 65 48 84 CONFERENCE Division GF GA 84 54 71 66 56 51 63 65 43 65 Division GF GA 69 47 66 49 60 68 65 66 48 51 Division GF GA 60 58 57 61 56 63 62 63 50 68 and overtime Home Away Division 8-2- 1 5- 4. 1 2- 2-1 6- 3- 3 6- 4- 0 3- 2- 0 9- 2- 0 2- 5- 3 3- 3- 0 7- 3- 2 5- 0 3- 2- 8- 6-1 2- 7.0 0 3- 3- 0 Home Away: Division 7-1- 8- 4- 1 3- 8- 3- 0 6- 5- 3- 0- 4.

2- 2 6- 4- 3 2- 2- 6- 4- 2 3- 5- 1 2- 2- 6- 5- 0 3- 3- 2 0- 3- Home Away Division 8- 4- 2 3- 4- 2.3- 1- 0 6- 3- 1 3- 9.1 3- 2- 1 6- 4- 1 2- 7. 0. 1- 3-1 3- 7- 0 3- 5- 2 1- 0- 0 3- 5- 2 2- 8- 0 2- 2- 0 1- Home Away Division 11- 2- 0 9- 1- 0 5-1- 0 9- 0- 2 3- 7. 3 2- 1- 2 6- 3- 4- 5- 2 0- 1- 2 6- 5- 1 3- 6- 2 2- 3- 2- 6- 3 3- 6- 2 2- 3 Home Away Division 8- 4- 0 6- 2- 3 4- 1- 2 9- 0- 2 4- 3- 2 3- 0- 0 5- 4- 3 4-4-1 1- 1 6- 3- 2 4-10- 0 2- 3-1 6- 2- 0 4-10- 1 3- 5- 0 Home Away Division 5- 2- 4. 5- 3 2- 2- 6- 2- 1 3- 6- 2 2- 1-1 4- 3- 4 3- 4- 2 4- 1- 2 3- 5- 4- 6- 2 2- 2-1 4- 5- 3 2- 9-0 1- 3- loss.

Saturday Toronto 2. BRUINS Los Angeles 3, San Jose Atlanta 6. Ottawa 3 Montreal 5. Washington 3 N.Y. Islanders 5, Anaheim 3 Pittsburgh 3.

Buffalo 1 New Jersey 5. Florida 1 St. Louis 5, Phoenix 3 Edmonton at Colorado, Sunday Tampa Bay at Carolina, 1:30 Dallas al Minnesota, 2 Calgary at Columbus, 2. Ancheim at N.Y. Rangers, 5 Chicago at Detroit, 6 Vancouver at Philadelphia, 7 Devils, 5-1 New Jersey 0 4-5 Florida 0 0-1 First Period-1.

Florida Lindsav (Johnson). 13 2. New jersey. Syxora (N.edermaver), 18.13. Penaities-None.

Second Period--None Penallies-Laus Fla (elbowing), Nedermaver, NJ 19:06. Third Period-3. New Jersey. Arnolt 1 (Holik). 4.09 1pp).

4 New Jersey. Madden 4 10 44 5. New Jersey Holik 9 Elias). 6. New Jersev, McKenzie (Madden.

Pandotto), 17:37. Penaitles-Sven'a Fla (hooking), 2.35; Pandolfo, NJ 4 41; Salomonsson, NJ 13:44 Shots or goa -New Jersey 14-6-11-31. Florida 9-11-5-25 Power -prav Opportunities -New Jersey 1 of Florida 0 of 3. Goales-New jersey Brodeur 9-9-2 (25 shots-24 saves). Florida.

Luongo 5-10-1 (31-25): A-'8 $75 (19.058); Referees Faucere Kevin Maguire. Linesmen--Brad Lazarowich Randy Milton. Canadiens, 5-3 First Perioo-1, Washington, Pettinger 3 (Zetter, 2:06. Penalties--Cote. as (heiding stick), 8:02: Zednik.

Non (hocking), 8:02. Witt Was (roughing), 10:21, Damien, Was (goalie interference), 19 57. Second Period-2 Montreal, Bulls 1 (Juneau. 2:29. 3,.

Montreal. Perreault 10 (Audette. Markovi, 9:06 (pp). 4, Montreal. Savage 10 (Perreaulr), 11:49 5, Washington.

Bondra 13 (Jagr, Cote), 13.06. Was (highsticking). Jagr. Was (roughing), 11:19, Simon, Was 18 06. Third Perioo-6 Montreai, Audette 5 (Gilmour, Riven), 10.01.

7, Washirgion, Jagr (Bendra. Gonchar), a12.15 ippi. 8. Montreal, Kilger 3 (Jureau). 1951 (en).

Perallies-Quinta Mon (holding), 2:19 Haipern. Was (tripping), 50; Dukhuis, Mor. thoiding stick). 11:49. Snots on goal--Washington 11-10-11-32 Montrea: 13-15-16-44.

Power -pray Opportunities--Washington 1 of 2: Montreal 2 of 6., Kozig 9-10-1 (43 sncts-39 saves). Montreal, Theodore 7-5-2 (32-29). A Referees -Dave Jackson, Scott Zelkin. Linesmen--Dan McCourt.

Anthony Sericcto Kings, 3-1 San jose 0 1 0-1 Las Angeles 0 2-3 First Period--I, Los Angeles Alison 5 (Modry, Robitaille). 3.24. Perat.esBoucher LA (high-shcking), 3:56 Smith. 5J (holding), 1414; Karaanti, LA 17:29. Second Period-2, San Jose.

Selanne 6 (Jillson, Suter). 1o 46 upc). Pena'nes-Smith, Sj, maior (fighting). Laperriere LA. maior I fighting).

3.19: Smith, SJ tinpping), Korolvun. 53 (noosing). 14.27; Modry, LA (tripping). Buckberger, LA (roughing 17:20. Third Period-3.

Los Angeles. He'inze 9 Alison, Modry), 3.57 (pp). 4. Los Angeles. Eloranta 1 (Johnson, Chartrand).

804. Penalhes-Hanran. 5J 2:27: Karaghti, LA (holding), 16.42, Miller, LA (tripping), 18.48. Snots on goal-San Jose 10-6-7-23. Los Angeles 7-6-0-19.

Missed Penalty Shol-Korolyuk, third Power -play Opportunities--San Jose 1 of Los Angeies 1 of Goalies--San Jose, Nabokov 8-8-3 117 saves), Toskaia (11:03 third period, 2-21. Los ange es Starr 6-11-1123-22). A-18 118 118 1181. Referees--Dennis LaRue. Reb Stick.

Racy. Loprie Cameron, Thrashers, 6-3 Atlanta 3 3-6 Off awa 2 0 1-3 First Period-1. Ottawa. 17 (White. McEachern), 4:20.

2. Atlanta, Ferraro 4 (Tapper, Svartvadeth, 6:00. 3, Atlanta, Roeaume 3 Kovalchuk. Reirden), 12:20. 4.

Ottawa, Alfredsson 13 Salo, 15:52 po). 5. Atlanta. Kovalchuk 10 (Rheaume, Hirkach, 18.45 (pp). PenaltiesReirden, All :52: Havial, Oft (hooking), Atlanta bench.

served by" many men, Net, (holding), 17 53. Second Period PenaltiesHariock, 7.48. Father. Aft (sashing). 9:55, Redden Oft Itripping) 14:15.

Third Feriod-6, Onawa. Hossa 8 Bonk, Philips), 5:28 (pol. 7. Allanta, Rheaume 4 (K 8.43. 8.

Tiarnavist 1, 931 9 Attanta, Bartecko 2 Tiarrovistt. 9:50 Peratles-Reirden, :51: Harlock, AH (interference). 405: Tamer, All, (fighting), Nell, Ott, maior (fighting), 15.52. Shots on 13-7-3--23. Ohawa 8-10-17-35 Power -piar OpportunitiesA' anta of J.

Ottawa 2 of GoatiesRhodes 1-4-1 (35 shots-32 saves). Or awa, Hurme (13-10). Latime 7-5-3 10:00 second, 10-7); (18 500); Referees--Greg Kimmerty Bit McCreary. Linesmen--Mark Pare Jonny Murray. B'hawks-Blue Jackets, 2-2 LATE FRIDAY Chicago 1 0 0-1 Columbus 0 0-2 First Period-1.

Columbus. Sitinger 3 (Marshall 13.30. 2 Cacago, Mironov Calder Amortel 17:17. Penalties-Kiemm Chi (delay of carrel. 5:38, Cum

10:23: Second Period-1, Chicago. Nylander 2 (Daze, Calder 6:19 4 Columbus. Marshal 7 Sanderson, Shinger), 19:06. PenatiesKiesta. Cm (tripping), 1:54.

Chi poing), 16.55 Tried Period -None. Peraties-Swoan, Carr (hooking), Poapst. Chi (interference) McAlpine. 'Chi (hooking) Grand-Pierre, C.m (diving), 17:37. Shots on 908-Chicago 4-12-8-2-31.

Columbus 8-2-11-2-23. Goalies--Ch-cago, Thibault 12-6-5 123 shots-21 savesi Columbus Denis 4-4-3'31-29). EASTERN CONFERENCE East Division OTL PtS GF GA Bridgeport: 12 4 4 28 63 4 Hartford 9 0 21 53 57 Providence 0- 19 46 55 FALCONS 7 12 0 15 54 73 Albany 2 10 5 3 12 44 66 North Division OTL Pts GF GA Lowell 11 0 27 73 61 Worcester 22 70 60 Portland 17 54 60 Mancnester 5 10 1 14 60 68 Canadian Division OTL Pts GF GA Quebec 12 28 72 64 Hamilton 12 5 2 27 81 43 Manitoba 10 8 0 2 22 69 68 St John 10 10 64 66 Saint John 6 7 18 47 49 WESTERN CONFERENCE West Division LT OTL PTS GF GA Utah 13 8 0 1 27 75 61 Grand Rapids 13 6 0 0 26 66 4C Houston 10 5 2 23 56 Chicago 3 18 55 58 Milwaukee 9 0 15 43 51 Central Division LT OTL Pts GF GA Cleve and 12 8 25 71 72 Cincinnati 10 9 21 65 63 Syracuse 6 2 19 53 74 Rochester 6 17 48 61 South Division OTL Pts GF GA Philadelpnia 12 4 1 29 61 47 Norfoix 10 7 2 24 62 59 Hersney 8 9 20 62 66 Wilkes- -Barre 3 15 3 2 11 67 102 NOTE: Two points are awarded for victory: one point for ties and overtime losses. Teams losing in overtime while the goalie is pulled will lose the point for an overtime loss and the result will be recorded in the loss column Friday Portland 2. Saint john? tie Hartford 3 Lowell 3.

tie Cleveland 2 Milwaukee 1 Hershey 4. Philadelpnia tie Providence 5 FALCONS 2 Grand Rapids 2. Chicago I Hamilton Quebec 1 5. Cincinnati a Syracuse 1 St. John's 2.

Worcester 1 Rochester 3. Wines -Barre 2. OT Norfolk 3. Manchester 2. Bridgeport 2.

Albany 1 Manitoba 7, Utat 1 Saturday Cleveiana 3 Syracuse Manchester 2 Saint John 2. lie Albany 3, Rochester 1 Hartford 2. Norion 1 Philadelphia 4. Hershey 1 Portland 3. Bridgeport 2.

Hamilton 7. 1. Quebec 1 St. John's 5. FALCONS 2 1, Milwaukee 5, Chicago 1 Manitoba 5, Utah 2 Cincinnati 4.

Grand Rapids 3 Worcester 5 Providence 2 Falcons lose, 5-2 St. John's 1 2-5 Springfield 0-2 First period-1. St. John's. House 10 10:00.

2. St. John's, House 11 (Wren, Wilford), 10:12. 3. Springheld.

Keete 5 (Westrum, Afarasenkov), 11:03. 4, St. Jon's Pilar 3 fAntropov. Wren), 19:14 (po). Penalties -Willord SJ 1:13: Rourke, SJ major (fighting).

Abid. Spr maior (fighting), Healey (nooking), 5.50: Aexeev. Sor (tripping), 17:53. Second period-5, Springfied. Keete 6.

(Bezina, 2:17. Penalies-A'anasenkov. Spr (inlerference), 2.29; Jaspers Sor (hooking), 9-54 Svoboda, SJ (tripping). Tooler, Sor (interference, 18:24, Third period-6 51. John s.

Hearey 6 (Dempsey, Antropov), 16:23 pol 7, St. John's, Farkes 19:20 den). Penalties-Jaspers Spr :39 S. (holding), Acid. Sor tripping), 4:20: Dempsey.

(interference), 5:02: Travnicek, SJ (intertererce), 10:28. Sarch, Sor (roughing), 10:28: Mills, SJ (fighting). 13.10 Bouck, Spr maior (fighting), Abid Spr (goal'ender interference), 15:38, Keele. Spr (tripping). 19:38.

Warren, 5J (roughing), 19:44 Bouck. Spr (roughing). Westrum, Sor matchgame misconduct (cross-checking), Lariviere, SJ major 19 47; Grenier, Spr maior (fighting), 19.47. Shots 01 -St John's 10-5-9-24. Springfield 10-11-11-32.

Power -play opportunities-St. John's 2 of 7: Springfield 0 of 6. Goalie saves-St. Jonn's. Minard 8-3-1 (32 shots-30 saves).

Springfield. Kochan 5-7- 1 A (7 444); Goalie saves-St. Jonn's. Minard 8-3-1 132 shots-30- saves). Spring eid.

Kochan. 5-7-1 (23-19). Referee-Can O' Rourke. Linesmen- Luke Galvin. Chris Low TRANSACTIONS BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NEW YORK KNICKS -Paced Carence Weatherspoon on tre inured list.

Activated G-F Larry Robinson from the injured list. HOCKEY National Hockey League ATLANTA THRASHERS- Activaled Patria Stefan from inured reserve. Placed jini Slegr on Iniurec reserve. COLUMBUS BLUE JACKETS -Recaled RW Chris Nielsen irom Syracuse of the AHL. DALLAS STARS- Assigned Roman Lvashenk to Uiah of the AHL.

ST. LOUIS BLUES -Assigned Reinhard Divis to Worcester of the AML COLLEGE BOISE STATE -Suspended QB Ryan Dinwiddie tor Saturdav's game against Central Michigan for breaking team rules. FOOTBALL WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS TOUCH FOOTBALL LEAGUE Sunday, Nov. 25 At Blunt Park Semifinals Roseli's Chiefs vs. $3 Teddy Bear Pools Saints 9 a.m.

Slyvester's Lounge Titans Cornerstone Raiders, 10.30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 At Blunt Park All-Star Game and Superoowl Sunday, Nov. 18 Semitinals A Division At Mitchell Field Lau Cardinals 23, O' Meara's Eagles Sunset Motor Ravens 9. Sandcastle Patriots 0 Div.

At Ludlow Ebenezers Bengals 6 My Brothers Place Steelers 0 Exec Bocy Dolphins 24, Norris Demotion Bucs 0 Sunday, Nov. 25 Al Roberts Field, Holyoke A Division Super Bowl Hut Lau Carcinais vs. Sunset Motors Ravens. 11 am. Division Championship Ebenezers Benga's VS.

Exec. Body Dopmrs 9:30 ROAD RACING TALKING TURKEY 6 MILE XC T. Ted Towse 30 22. 2. Paul Low 30:42.

3 Matthew Mulvaney 30 53, 4. Steve Snover 31:05. 5. Mike Brouillette 31:26. 6.

Tavior Washburn 31:29. 7. Jon Rosen 31.49 8. Carios Rivera 32.36, 9. Bco Lynch 32:51, 10.

Faul Fratini 33:22 11. Joe Berger 3329, 12. Stephen Weckstrom 33:38. 13. Brian Donoghue 33 48 14.

John Colucci 33:57, 15 Peter Fratini 13:58. 16. Todd Lagimonier 34:14, 17 David Dubuc 34.31. 18 Stephen 34.38. 19.

Chris Sorensen 34 47 20. Jason Lukasiewicz 35:02, 21. Frank Pucki 35.17. 2.. Michael Maier 3520.

23. Daniel (satson 35:48 24. Donald van 35:51, 25. Dan Laroche 35:58 26 Jason Reed 36:03. 27.

Ken! Lemme 30.14, 38 Mariorie Shearer 36:20, 29 Art Scolari 36:28. 30. Joe Klenja 3o 37, 31. Don Pranovost 36.44. 32.

Mike Bernard 36:54, 33. Ann 36:54 34 Nadia Baadi 36:58 35. Dave Belcher 3701, 36. Justin Thomas 37.01 37. Biron Christopher 37:04.

38. John Passer 37.05. 39. Sean Aronson 37:12. 40.

Ramon Ascea 37:14 41. Carlos Adams 37.19, 42. Rick Pacheco 3721. 43. Jim Sullivan 37:25, 44.

James McCann 37.28, 45. Richard C.ark 37 30. 46. Burned 37:32 47. Hearer Wark 37-33.

48. M'chael Murphy 37:34 19. Kevin Leach 37.36. 50 Richard Webber 37:41 51. Chris Oar! 37:45 52.

Michael Butter 37:50, 53 Seth Roberts 37:51 54. Wayne Stocker 37 52 55. Bin Sicard 37 52. 56. Barry Austere 37.53.

57. Matthew Bourgom 38 01, 58. Andrew Butter 38.04 59. Rob Lusig an 38:06 40. Chris Adelerti 3807 el.

Jong Pritpott 38:08 $2 Stah Kopa 39:09 63. George Barker 38:11. 64. Art Roberts 38:12, 65: Sullivan 36 13, Sidney Leterdre 38:15. 67.

W.n Whaco mD 38 17 68. Bob Frey 49. Thomas Stevens 38.20, 70. Paul Bazaachuk 38 21. 71.

Tocd Lemme 38:29, 71. Linda Gavin 3820 73. James Man's 38.31. 74 Josech anchard 38:34. 75.

Bill Stathis-38 44 Age group winners 1-19 Tavior Wasaburn 31.29, Kate Knowles 41:51, 20-29, Aline Brouillette 31 24, Cawn Roberts 30-39 Bob Lunch 12:51 Heather Wark 37:30. Steve Snover 31:05. Sidney Letendre 38:15: 50-50 Frank Rucki 3517 Carol L'Esperance 39.57. 60-60 Crarlie Towse 42-51. Judy Scom 70-79 Pedro 46.56 FOOTBALL EAST Ithaca 27 RPM 10 Pittsburgh 23.

West Virginia 17 Rhode Island 27, Northeastern 26 Rowan 43, W. Connecticul 14 Syracuse 39 Boston College 28 Temple 56 Connecticut 7 Widerer 46, Washington Jefferson 30 SOUTH Bridgewater, Va. 41. Trinity, Texas 37 Catawba 37. Valdosta St.

34. OT Chattanooga 73, Kentucky St. 0 Cincinnati 36. Memphis 34 Furman 47. Presbyterian 28 Georgia 31, Georgia Tech 17.

Georgia Southern 48. Wolford 10 Grambling St. 30, Southern U. 20 Marshall 38. Youngstown St.

24 McNeese St. 31 Jacksonville St. 21 Miami 65. Washington 7 N. Carciina 36.

Delaware St. 30 C. State 27, Ohio 7 S. Carclina St. 16 Norfoi SI.

10 South Florida 34. Ulah St. 13 Tennessee 38, Vanderbilt 0 UCF 31. Louisiana- -La'avette 0 Wake Forest 38, N. Illinois 35 William Mary 47, Villanova 43 SOUTHWEST Alcorn St.

17. Ark. -Pine BruH 10 Baylor 56 S. INinois 12 Louisiana Tech 19. Tuisa 7 Oklahoma St.

16 Oklahoma 13 SA1U 37 Rice 20 Texas Tech 58. Stephen F. Austin 3 MIDWEST Akron oS, E. Michigan 62. 30T Bal St.

35. Michigan 31 Benedictine Kan. 34. Evangel 30 Georgetown, Ky. 76 Campbelisville 9 Grand Valley S1.

33. Saginaw Valley St. 30 Indiana 13 Purdue 7 lowa St 17. l4 Kansas 27. Wyoming 14 Kansas St 24 Missouri 3 Kent St.

24. Miami (Ohio' 20 Minnesota 42. Wisconsin 31 Mount Union 32. Augustana, Ill. 7 North Dakota 38.

Pittsburg S1.0 Ohio St. 26, Michigan 20 Penn 42. Michigan St. 37 St John Minn. 9 Wis -Stevens Pt 7 Wittenberg 41, Thomas More 0 FAR WEST Boise S1.

26 Cent. Michigan 10 Cal Poly -SLO 10 St. Mary s. 0 Carrol, Mont. 1o.

5. Oregon 13 Montana 33. Idaho 27. 20T New Mexico 53. New Mexico St Portland St 52 Sacramento St.

33 Stanford 17. Noire Dame 13 MEN'S BASKETBALL TOP 25 FARED Saturday 1. Duke (3-0) did not play. Next: V5. Port and Sunday.

2. Illinois 13-0) vs. Southern Next: No. 6 Maryland, Tuesday. -l: 3 UCLA (2-1) did not play.

Next: vs. Pepperdine Wednesday. Kansas (2-1) did not pray. Next. v5.

Fittsourg State, Weanesday. 5 Missouri (5-0) beat Xavier 72-60. Next: ViS. Jackson Stare. Thursday.

6. Maryland 13-1) beat Delaware S'ate 77- 53. Next: vs. No. 2 Hinois.

Tuesday. 7. Florida (2-1) did not play Next. at New Hampshire. Wednesday.

8. Arizona (3-0) did not pay, vs. No 3 Kansas Saturday. Dec. 1.

9. lowa (4-1) did no! play. Next: No. It Duke. Tuesdav.

10. Kentucky (2-1) beat Morehead State 94-. 75 Next. vs Kent State. Wednesday.

11. Virginia (3-0) did not play. Next: vs. No. 13 Michigan State.

Wednesday. 12. Merroris (4-2: beat SE Louisiana 65-46. Next vs. Christian Brothers Wednesday.

13. Michigan State (2-2; 0.0 not piay. Next: No. 11 Virginia, Wednesday 14. Stanford (3-0) beat Purdue 78-62.

Next: vs. Texas Saturoav. Dec 1 15. On'anoma State (6-0) beat North Texas 77-58. Next: vs.

New Orieans. Thursdav. 16. Georgetown 13-1) beat Towson 91-40. Next: vs Gambling State Monday.

17. Boston College (3-01 beat Penn State 88. 65. Next. at St Bonaventure.

Wednesdav. 18. Syracuse (5-0) did not play. Next: vs. Colgate, Tuesday.

19. San! Joseons (1-1) did not play. Next: vs. Colorado. Sundar.

20. Indiana 13-1) beat Texas 77-71. Next: al North Carolina. Wednesdav. 21.

Western Kentucky (4-01 beat Murray State 101-77. Next: af Creighton, Tuesdav. 22. Alabama (3-1) aid not play Next: vs. Utah.

Monday. 23. Fresno S'ate (3-1) did not play. Next: at Pacific. Wednesday.

24, Southern California (1-1) did not play. Next: vs. UC Santa Barbara Monday. 25. Temple 10-2) did not play.

Next: vs. Charlotte. Thursday. SATURDAY EAST American U. 55, Fairleigh Dickinson 48 Army 87 Y.

Maritime 44 Boston College 28 Penr St 65 Brown 103. Wagner Cleveland St. 72, Vermont 69 Dartmouth 72. New Hampshire 70 Delaware 85 La Salle 78. OT Fordham 78.

Siena 69 Georgetown 91, Towson 40 Harvard 64 Lehigh 62 MIT 66, 65 N. Arizona 70, Northeastern 67 Navy 71. Air Force 58 Providence 68. Columbia 54 Quinnipiac 79, Albany, N. Y.

65 Rnode Island 66 lor.a 61 Rider 68, Drexel 55 Rutgers 57. Auburn 56 St. Bonaventure 90, 75 St. Francis NY 95. Howard 72 St.

Francis. Pa 59 Bucknell 14 Union, N. Y. 77. Haverford 67 Villanova 59, Daylor 57 SOUTH Ciemson 85, Wrofford 62 Coastal Carolina 79.

W. Carolina 73 Coll. ct Char eston 81 Francis Marior 45 Coppin St 58 Morgar $1. 60 Fra. International 49.

Princeton 44 Fiorida 98. 77 Ficrida Southern 108, North Fiorida 102, 20T George Mason 67, Toledo 64 Jacksonville 58. Betront 37 James Madison 85. Gardner- 67 Kentucky 94 Morehead 51.75 Maryland 77, De aware St. 53 Memphis 65, SE Louls ana 46 Miami 79 Latarette 69 Mississippi St.

79 Louisiana- Lafavette 71 Mobile 55. Alabama St. 61 New Orleans 80. Nicholls SI. 66 Old Dominion 55, Virginia Tech 46 Richmond o0.

UA5 59 Tulane 89, Norfolk St. 67 UCF 82. East Carclina 72 W. Kentucky 101, Murray St. 77 West Florida 66 Fort Valley St.

64 William Mary 71. Charleston Southern 60 Wingate 73. Armstrong Atiantic 59 MIDWEST Bowling Green 107, Defiance 80 Bradley B4, W. Minois 69 Cent. Michigan 76.

Georgia St. 52 Chicago 87, Carieto: 82 Cincinnati 74, UNLV 61 Detroit 98. Alabama 75 Kentucky Wesleyan 106, Quincy 10G, OT Loyola of Chicago 75. 63 Minnesota So. E.

Washington 58 Mississippi 67. Kansas 51. 65 Missouri 72, Xavier b0 Nebraska 73. Winthrop 65 Northwestern 80. Chicago St.

42 Stanford 78 Purdue 62 Valpara: so 82 Milwaukee 69 SOUTHWEST Ark. Little Roca 76. Ark. Bluff 52 Arkansas St. 91 Nevada 61 Baylor 81.

Sacred Heart 55 Oklahoma St. 77, Norin Texas 58 Texas A8M 77, Lamar 74. Texas -Pan American 96, Texas Southern 63 Tulsa 88, Morris Brown 41 FAR WEST BYU 82. Arizona St. 70 Charlotte 100, Long Beach SI 81 Colorado Mines 62 M.

Colorado 60 New Mexico St. 94. San Diego St. 79 Washing on 69 Santa Clara 49 Washingion Si. 103.

Prairie View 55 Wyoming 98 Kentucky 78 TOURNAMENT Carrs Safeway Great Alaska Shootout Championship Indiana 77, Texas 71 Fifth Place St. Jchn's 69. Tennessee 55 Seventh Place Oregon St. 72. Alaska- Anchorage 63 City Aloha Big Invitatio Consolation Bracket LSU 64 Hawaii-Hilo 62 Harbor invitational Championship Colv 58 Framingham Si 19 Third Place Mount Ida 76.

Mass. -Boston 72 Hispanic College Fund Classic Third Place Pacific 65, Southern Miss. 50 Las Vegas Invitational Third 1 Place Penn 84. low a St. 77 Consolation Bracket E.

Inois 73 Hartford 57 Fitth Place Saint Louis 67 Georgia Teco 54 Matoy Kiwanis Inviational First Round Bloomfield 78. S. Connecticut 71 Red a Auerbach Colonial Classic Third Place Binghamton 53. Stony Brook 51 Third Place George Washington 116. Yale 102 OT University Hoops Classic Semifinals Pittsburgh 65.

Illinois 51. $6 Second Round Kent St. 83. Roper! Morris 55 South Fiorida 79. Holstra 60 UC Ir vine 68 Oarianc Mich 61 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL SATURDAY EAST Connecticut 84.

Rhode Island 38 Duquesne 68. Towson 44 Georgetown 77, Rider 64 Holy Cross 88, Siena 73 Loyo.a, Md 78. Md. -Eastern Snore 71 Monmouth. N.J.

58, Norinwestern 53 Pittsburgh 84. American 60 Providence 81, Maris: 70 de Rutgers 53. Virginia 48 SOUTH A Bethune-Cookman 75. Florida 65 Cincinnati 65, Middle Tennessee 63 Coll. of Charleston 77.

Jacksonville 51 Coopin 51. 68 Mount St. Mary's, Md. 58 Fla. International 69.

Michigan St. 56 George Mason 91. Chattanooga 84 Georgia S1. 87, Morris Brown 55 High Point 77. Little Rock 58 Mississippi 74.

57 Morgan St. 92. Winston-Salem 79 Nicholes St. 62, Armstrong Atlantic 51 South Alsoama 77, McNeese St. 39 South Florida 101.

Savannah St. 47 UAB 80 Wake Forest el W. Carolina 56. Campbell 55 1 SOUTHWEST Oklahoma 83. North Texas 68 Orai Roberts 62.

Wichita 5:. 58 SMU 19 Utah 48 Texas -San Antonio 67, Butler 48 MIDWEST Army $2, Wayne 73 Calvin 67, Aquinas 58 4 Carleton 72. Chicago 16 Cent. Iowa 84. Beloit 58 Columbia.

Mo 88. Rockhurst 69 Concordia. IN. 53. Alvernia 49 Franklin 68.

Alma 51 Hillsdale 79, Incarnate Word 70 Indianapolis 50 Wis. -Parkside 36 Manchester 62. Maryville Mo. 57 Midland Lutheran 68. Adams $1.

56 Minor St. 94. Northwest College 70 4: Missouri Southern 89, Philander Smith 55 Missouri Western 85, Minn, -Mankato 61 Mount Vernon Nazarene 68 Carlow, Pa. 59 Muskingum 78. Oberlin 63 N.

Kentucky 74. Lew's 43 North Dakota 73. Southwest Man. 70 Nortnwestern, lowa 79, Dal ota St.53 Ohio 98. East Carolina 91, OT Ohio 75 Ohio Northern 66 Pittsburg St.

73. Evangel 51 S. Indiana 69. Missouri- St. Louis 60 SE Missouri 81.

S. Illinois 70 St. Cloud St. 105. Minn.

-Morris 49 i St Joseph's. Ind. 90. Purdue-Calunet 54 74. Luther 73 SI.

Scholastica 57. Augsburg 49 Tri-State 69 Olivet 59 Valparaiso 76, Marian, Ind. 44 Washington, Mo. 75. Washington 8 Lee 54 Wis.

80 Concordia, Wis 66 Wis -Oshkosh 71, Lake Forest 68 Wis. Stevens Pt. 80, Wis. Lutheran52 Superior 69, Mount Senario Sr Youngstown St. 79 Kent 64 FAR WEST Arizona 72, Notre Dame 70 BYU Washington 67 Ca -SLO 70 Jacksonville S1.

8 Nevada o9, San Francisco 67 Oregon 75, TCU 63 Texas Tech o4, Oregon S1. 60 UCLA 64 Ohio St 60 W. Kentucky 73. Montana 70 TOURNAMENT Asahi Rainbow Wahine Classic Semifinals Penn SI. 73.

Oklahoma St. 54 Stanford 71. Haw ail 60 Consolation Bracket Minnesota 92. Wyoming 66 Weber St. 85.

Fiorida Atlantic 63 1 AManta Marriott Northwest Cassic Championship Georgia Tech 91, E. Washington 3 Third Place Hartford 80 51 BU Time Warner Classil First Round Binghamton 72. Lafaveme 39 Morehead SI. 82 Long Isiand U. 7.

Christmas City Classic First Round Boston U. 75, Delaware St. 51 Lenigh 83. Elon 68 Colorado State Coors Clasic Third Place Toledo 72. West Virginia 58 Third Place Colorado St 82, ansville 53 Coors Classic Third Place Yale 81.

Bowling Green 69 14 Cox Rebel Shotout First Round Tennessee Tech 78, Seton Hall 631 Crawfish Classic First Round LSU 95. Tenn. 47 Virginia Tech 71 Northwestern S146 Dead River Co. Classier Third Place 60 Maine 79, Xavier al It Third Place 1) Bradley 70. Wis -Greer Bay 63 Duke Classic First Round Duke 107, Davison 58 South Carolina 72 Missouri 60 in First Tennessee Tourname First Round Dartmouth 80, Inciana St.

68 Vanderbilt 75 Wagner 30 Fresno St. Classic First Round Fresno St. 76 S. Utan 56 Kroger Thanksgiving Third Place Stephen F.Austin 66, Sauthern 62 Auburn 74. Chicago Third St.

54 Place LMU Thanksgiving Classe Consolation Bracket a Bai St. 85, Louis ana- Monroe a3 Consolation Bracket Lova.a Marymount o0. Arkansas 58 Lady Tiger Classic Championship Memphis 63 Kentucky 55 Consolation Bracket UMKC 70. Sam Houston St. 49 Paradise Jam First Round Kansas 85.

Richmond 63 Southern Cal 71. Florida 68 Texas 75 Wisconsin 70 W. Michigan 77, Arizona St. 63 Pepperdine Thanksgiving Classic Consolation Bracket: Louisville 89, William Mary 67 Consolation Bracket Pepperdine 81. Alabama 79 SJU Thanksgiving Tournament Championship Hofstra 57, San Diego 52 Consolation Bracket Fordham 62.

S1. John's 41 San Juan Shootout Semifinals Nebraska 80. N. Iowa 73 Tulane 82, Hampton 75 Consolation Bracket Kansas 93. Puerto Rico-Mayaguez UCF 90.

Colgate 84 Seminole Classic First Round Florida SI. 99. ET5U 66 St. Joseph 85, Akron 52 Shehan Classic First Round Harvard 68, Fairfieid 62 Villanova 62. Quinnipiac 51 St.

Mary's Thanksgiving Classt Consolation Bracket James Madison 80. Stony Brook 58 Texas Christi Tournament Third Place Murray St. 66, E. Ilinois 51 Third Place Texas Christi 70, Merger 53 UIC Thanksgiving Tournament First Round Alcorn St. 68.

Brown 47. I. Chicago 77, Air Force of UNCG Marriott Classic Consolation Bracket Liberty 78. Canisius 19 Consolation Bracket UNC-Greensboro 67. Delaware 62 Whataburger Aggie Classic First Round N.C Charlotte 54.

Jackson St. 46 Texas 89. Wright S1. 65 a SOCCER NCAA DIVISION I SOCCER TOURNAMENT First Round FRIDAY South Florida 2 Akron 1 UMass 1. Creighton 0 Kentucky 1, Mercer 0 Ala -Birmingham 1, Furman 0, (OT): Rutgers 1, Harvard 0 Michigan St.

2. Butler 1 Portland 1, Gonzaga 0 Maryland 1 Notre Dame Towson 4, James Madison 1 American 2. Ohio 51.1 Fairleigh Dickinson 1, Boston Colege 0, (30T) New Mexico 1. Fiorida UCLA 3. Loyola Marymount 2, 20T Santa Clara 1, California 0 30T Mo.

Kansas City 2 Wis -Milwaukee 1. OT Seton Hall 2, Coastal Carolina 1 Second Round SUNDAY New Mexico 17-11-2) at Southern Methodist 419-0-0) UCLA (11-6-4) San Diego f12-3-11 South Fiorida 15-6-0; at Penn St. (13-4-1). UMASS (15-5-1) St John's. N.Y.

(13-2-3) Kentucky: at Clemson (17-4-0) (14-5-0) South Carolina 1 Rutgers (14-6-3) at Connecticut (15-4-2) Michigan at 3-1) Santa Ciara 12-8-01 a' Stanford (16-1-1) Portiand 112-5-1) at Washington (13-5-0) Maryland (11-8-1) at Lovola Md. (12-6-1) at Saint Louis 116-1-0) Towson a1 North Carolina American 112-7-2) at Wake Forest Falrieigh Dickinson (15-6-0) at Princeton 410-2-51 Seton Hall (11-4-2) at Virginia (17-1-1) THIS DATE IN LOCAL SPORTS Nov. 25, 1981: 1: Vern Williams rushed for 214 and scored three touchdowns as the Amherst Regional High School football team beat Northampton 32-14, sending retiring coach Rufus "Bud" Kneeland off a winner. Bucks, 95-88 ATLANTA (88) -Rahim 8-18 7-9 23. Glover 4-12 1-2 9, Norammed 2-40-0 1 Davis 0-10-00.

Terry 3451-18 Bowdier 5-8 1-2 11. Kukoc7-123348 Vaughn 5-6 2-2 12 D. Johrson 1-30-03. Mortola 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 35-80 15-19 88.

MALWAUKEE (95) Mason 4-10 1-1 9, Robinson 6-20 4-4 17. Johnson 1-3 1-2 3, Allen 8-io 3-3 21. Cassell 8-15 2-2 18 Alston 3-7 0-0 10, Thomas 4-6 1-2 11. Redo 1-60-02 0- Pope 2-20-0 4 Totals 38-86 95. AManta 23 23 18 24-38 Milwaukee 15 27 27 26-95 43-Point 3-19 D.Johnson I- 3-Kukoc 1-4 Terry 1-9.

Mottola 0-1, Davis 0n1 Glover 0-21, Milwaukee 7-19 Aston 2- 2- Thomas 2-3 Allen 2-6. Robinson 1-4. Cassell 0-2. Redo 0-2). Fouled out -None.

Rebounds -Atianta 43 (Abdur-Ranim 14:, Marwaukee 51 (E Johnson 141. AssistsAmara 19. Kukoc Terry 5), Milwaukee 28 (Cassell 71. Total 18, Milwaukee 19 Technicals -Milwaukee Defensive Three Second 416 717). Mavericks, 119-104 PHOENIX (104) 3-6 0-0 6.

Marion 8-15 2-2 19, 1-2 0-0 2. P.Haraaway 3-16 6-9 18. arbury 13-26 3-6 31. Rogers 7-13 7-9 21. 0-2 0-0 0.

Maierie 1-1 2-2 5. Outlaw 1-1 Q2. Totals 39-82 22-28 104 (119) Buckner 2-2 1-2 5. Nowitzki 8-20 14-17 32. Bradley 3-4 6-7 12.

Finiev 7-18 4-4 20. Nash 10-17 6-6 29 Howard 5-13 0-0 10. Grin 2-5 2-27. Hardaway 0-1 0-0 0. Manning 2-20- 0-4 Harvey 0-00-00.

Totals 39-8: 33-38 119 Phoenix 22 22 29 31-104 Callas 31 25 25 38-119 3-Point Goals -Phoenix 4-11 (Marbury 2- 4. Maierte 1-1. Marion 1-2. 4ardawav 0-1, Delk 0-1 Rogers 0-2). Dallas 8-14 (Nash 3- 6.

Finey 2-1. Nowitzk: 2-4 Grittin 1-21. Fouied out -None. -Phoenix 18 (Marion Dadas 39 Howard 131. AssistsPhoenix 13 Marbury 6).

Dallas 16 (Nash 9). Tota: 29. Delias 21. Technicars -Phoenix Defensive Three Second. Phoenix assistant coach Bovlan, Phoenix coach Sailes.

Manning. A (08 1871. Timberwolves, 99-94 SAN ANTONIC (94) Bowen 3-9 2-2 9 Duncan 7-20 7-9 21 Robinson 1-9 3-5 17. Smith J-8 2-4 11, Parker 6-14 3-419. Rose 2-8 0-04 1 Ferry 0-0 0-4 0.

Daniels 4-11 12 Porter 0-21-21, Parks 0-00-00. 5 33-81 21-30 94. MINNESOTA (99) Garnett 5-17 7-8 17. Smith 5-10 0-0 11, Nestero: 12-23 0-0 24. 5-8 3-4 12, Brandon 6-12 9-9 21, Trent 0-3 0-0 0.

1-40-0 1. Mitche" 0-10-00 Peeler 1- 0-0 10. Woods 0-1 0-G 0. Lopez 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 38-88 19-33 99 San Antonio 25 22 19 20-94 Minnesota 24 24 26 25-99 3-Point Goals--San Antonio 7-16 (Parker 4-6 S.

Smith 1-2 Caniels 1-3. Bowen 1-4. Porter 0-1). Minnesota 1-7 Peeier 2-3. 1-1, J.

Smith 1-1, Garne't 0-1. Szezerb.ak0-1). Fouled out -None. Rebounds--San Antonio 56 (Duncan 183, Minnesota 53 Nesterovic 12). Assists -San 22 (Duncan 8), Minnesota 24 (Brandon Szczerbian 7a, Total Fouls-Sar Antonio 21 Minnesota 21.

Detensive Three Second 2. 4-19 006 119 C06 j. Knicks, 78-71 CHICAGO (71) 5-17 3-4 14 Gakey 0-30-00 Miller 5-7 23 Aninony 1-5 2-34 Hassen 5-10 3-4 15 Ha.berg 0-2 1-1 1. Fizer 0-5 4-8 1 Curry 0-1 6-8 6. Citie 1-4 0-0 2.

Chandler 1-1 2 0-40-00. Totais 22-66 24-37 71. NEW YORK (78) Spre wen 2-7 0-0 5, Thomas 5-10 1-1 11. Spencer 0-0 1-2 1 Hustor 10-22 1-5 24. Jacksor 4-13 2-2 11.

8-11 2-3 18. Anderson 0-20-00 rich: 2-4 2-2 6, Eis.ey 1-60-02. Tota's 32-75 12-15 78. Chicago 16 21 20-71 New York 25 16 16 21-78 Goa 3-11 'Wassel! 2-4 Mercer 1-1, Anthony 0-1. 0-1.

Holberg 0-1. Guyion 0-31 New York 2-11 i5orewell Jack 300 1-5. Anderson 0-1. slev 0-1. Houston 0-21.

Fouled out--Harrington. ReDounds--Chicago 46 Miller 9. New York Thomas 12). Assist5-Cnicago 12 31, New York 19 Jackson 6). Tota: fouls -Chicago 15.

New York 30. Technicals -Coicago Defensive Three Second 2. Miller. New York Defensive Three Second Spurs, 97-79 LATE FRIDAY SAN ANTONIO (97) Bowen 4-11 C-0 9 Duncan 11-24 8-9 30, Robinson 2-3 4-6 8, S.Smith 3-7 3-3 10, Parter 3-91-59 Caniels 3-6 4-4 11. Al.

Rose 2-2 2. Porter 2-5 1-4 9. Ferry 2-7 0-0 5. Pares 0-20-00. 1-20-0 2.

Smith 110-02 Totais 32-83 26-33 97. INDIANA (79) ARose 8-19 0-0 17 Neat 4-171-19 Foster Miler 6-8 1-4 17. Tinsley 1-5 Harrington 3-11 0-0 5 Berder 1-5 1-1 3. Brezec J-1 0-2 2. Crostere 3-8 0-0 0.

Surdov 340-06 Brewer 0-00-00 Totars 33-85 9-13 San Antonio 24 27 27 24-97 Indiana 29 13 21 16-79 13-Point Goals--San Antonio 7-22 1 84. Porter 1-2. Daniels 1-3. 5. Smith 1-3.

Bowen 1-4 Ferry 1-5, M. Rose 0-1), Indiana 411 1Creshere J.Rose 1-2. Miller 1-2. Bender 0-1. Tosiev G-1).

Fouled outHarrington. Near. Rebounds-San Antonio 70 (Duncan 18), 441O Neal 11). 4ssists-San Anionio 18 (Duncan 5), Indiana 23 (J. Rose 10).

touts--San Antenio 20. Indiana 30. -18 335 018 345). NBA TODAY SCOREBOARD Sunday, Nov. 25 Philadelori: at Toronto 112:30 p.m.

EST) The 76ers face the Raptors for the Arst time ince eliminating there in seven garres during year's Eastern Conference semifina's. STARS Friday. -Snareet Abdur-Ranim. Hawns nad 50 points and 12 rebounds as Atlanta called for a 106-99 wir. over Detroit.

Celtics lose, 88-84 (OT) BOSTON (84) Pierce 7-20 7-8 23, Walker 8-20 5-524. Battie 3-71-27, Johnson 1-81-23 Anderson 1-50- 0 02 Palacio 9-14 0-0 19, Strickiand 1-5 0-0 02. Potapenko 1-3 0-0 2. Blount 0-0 0-0 0, McCarty 0-2 0-0 0. Ke Brown 1-4 0-0 2.

Totals 32-88 11-17 84. WASHINGTON (88) Jordan 7-24 3-3 17. 8-10 1-1 17, White 3-3 4-4 10. Hamilton 5-19 6-6 16. Whitney 0-2 0-00.

Jones 5-91-1 11, Davis 1- 140-08 Kw. Brown 2-31-15 Alexander 1-6 0-0 4. Simmons 0-0 0-00. Totals 36-90 16-16 88. Boston 18 21 13 26 6-84 Washington 20 24 21 13 10-88 3-Point Goa's--Boston o-27 (Wainer 3-9, Pierce 2-7.

Paracio 1-2 McCarty 0-1, Strickland 0-2 Ke Brown 0-3. Jonnson 0-3. Trashingion 0-8 (Whitney 0-1. Jordan 0-1. Davis 0-6).

Fouled out- -None. ReboundsBoston 55 Walker 11). 58 (Jordan 11). Assists--Boston 17 Pierce 5). Washington 27 (R Hamilton.

Jordan 61. Total fouls -Boston 21. Washington 20. Technical- Boston Detensive Three Secona 4-20 674:20 6741. Cavaliers, 100-96 MIAMI (96) House 7-14 0-0 17 dis 5-9 0-0 10, Mourning 6-10 2-314 Carter )-6 0-2 2, Jones 7-15 8- 10 27, Marks 0-3 3-4 3 Gating 6-7 5-9 17, Strickland 2-10 2-2 6.

Hamilton 0-0 0-0 0 20-30 96 CLEVELAND (100) J. Jones 3-52-38 Murray 4-19 5-5 15. Muhm 3-8 4-4 10. Miller 8-15 4-6 21. Person 10-16 2- 25, Skinner 1-5 1-2 9.

Davis 3-10 6-8 12, Trepagoler 0-1 0-0 0, Coles 0-30-0 0 Totals 35-82 14-30 100. Miami 25 20 19 25 1- Cleveland 26 18 26 19 11-100 3-Point Goals-Miami 8-14 'E Jones 5-8, House 3-5. 0-1). Cleveland 6-11 (Person 3-5 Murray 2-4. Miller 1-1, Jones 0-1).

Fouled out Carter, Mihm. ReboundsMiami 53 (E Jones 13). Cleveland 52 Person 14), Assists--Miami 27 14), Ceveland 26 (Miller 12i. Tolal fouls- Miami 24, Cevelard 25. Technica's-Mani Defensive Three Second 2, Cleveland Defensive Three Second A 120 5621.

Pistons, 91-84 MEMPHIS (84) Gaso! 4-10 3-5 11 Long 2-6 2-1 6. Wright 2-9 2-4 6 BalMier 7-12 3-3 18. Williams 9-18 2-2 25. Buford 3-5 0-0 6, Anderson 2-6 0-0 4 Austin 1-3 0-0 2, Knight 3-40-0 6. Totais 33- 73 12-16 64.

DETROIT (91) Curry 3-11 3-4 10. Wallace 2-8 0-1 4. Robinson 10-20 2-2 23. Barry 5-6 5-7 15 Barros 5-8 3-4 14. Recraca 2-3 10.

2-2 6. Totals 34-70 20-29 Atkins 3-7 2-5 9 Moore 90200 While 2-3 Memphis 22 22 27 13-84 Detroit 25 24 17 25-91 3-Point Goals -Memphis 6-18 5- 11. Battler 1-2, Gasol 0-1. Buford 0-1. N.

Anderson Detroit 3-9 (Barros 1-1, Robinson 1-2. Atkins 1-4 Barry 0-1. Curry 0-11. Fouled out -None. ReboundsMemphis 47 (Wright 13), Detroi: 42 (Wallace 11).

Assists-Memphs 17 (knign! 8i. Detroit 19 Atkins 5). Totai 23, Detroit 17. Bench, Long 2. Elected--Long -15 256 (22 076), Hornets, 103-101 CHARLOTTE 1103) Nation o-8 0-0 12.

Brown 1-7 0-02. Campbell 9-14 5-6 23, B. Davis 7-24 2-218 Wesley 6-15 3-3 16 Magioire 0-1 0-0 0 Bullard 7-17 2-2 19 Augmon 2-51-15 Drew 3-70-08 Totals 13-13 103 ORLANDO (101) Miller 13-22 0-0 32. Grant 0-2 0-0 0. Hunter 4-4 1-49 McG-ady 13-31 5-7 31, Armstrong 4-10 3-5 12.

Garrity 2-5 2-27. Ewing 2-71-1 5, Hudson 1-2 9-3 2. Buechler 1-3 0-0 3 Totals 40-86 12-19 101 Charlotte 34 27 15 27-103 Ortando 39 20 19 23-101 3-Point Goals--Charlotte 8-25 Bullard 3- 8 Drew 2-3, Davis 2-7, Wesley 1-7). Orianco 9-17 (Miller p-8. Garrity 1-1, Buecrier 1-3.

Armstrong 1-5). Fouled outNone. Rebounds-Charione 60 (Brown 111 Orlando 51 (Grant 9). Assists--Charlotte 25 18 Davis 11), Orlardo 19 (Armstrong 81. Total fous-Charlotte 15.

Oriardo 13. Technicals-Chariotte Defensive Three Seconc. Drew 2. Oriando Defensive Three Second. Erected-Drew A-14 003 (17.2481.

Pistons, 91-84 MEMPHIS Gasol 4-10 3-5 11. Lone 2-6 2-2 6. Wright 2-9 2-4 6 Battler 7-12 3-3 13, Will arms 9-18 2-2 2: Buford 3-5 0-0 6. Arderson 2-6 0-0 4, Austin 1-3 0-0 2, Knight 3-4 0-0 6. Tota's 33- 73 12-16 84 DETROIT (91) Curry 3-1! J-4 10, Wallace 2-8 0-2 Robinson 10-20 2-2 23.

Barry 5-6 5-7 15, Barros 5-8 3-4 14 Rebraca 4-7 2-3 10 Atkins 3-7 2-5 9, Moore 0-0 0-40 0, White 2-3 2-2 6. Totas 34-70 20-29 91. Memphis 22 27 27 13-84 Detroit 25 24 17 25-91 3-Point Goals o- 18 Willams 5- 11 Battier 1-2, Gasol 0-1. Buford 0-1, A Anderson 0-3). Detroit 3 3-9 (Barros 1-1, Rooinsor 1-2.

Arkirs 1-4. Barry 0-1, Curry 0-11. Fouled out -None ReboundsMemphis 47 (Wright 13) Detroit 42 (Wallace 111. Assists-Memohis 17 (Knight 8), Detroit 19 (Atkins 5). Tota: fouls--Memphis 23.

Detroit 17. Technicals--Memphis Bench, Long 2. Elected -Long, A 122.076). LEADERS Through Nov. 23 Scoring FG FT PTS AV Brvant, LAL 11 112 94 326 27.2 Neal, LAL 12 123 76 322 26.8 Jordan, Wash 115 63 295 26.8 Pierce.

Bos. 93 267 26.7 Van Exel. Den. 13 347 26.7 Carter, Tor. 367 26.2 McGrady.

Ort. 115 318 24.5 Duncan. 5 A. 11 99 208 21.4 Walter. Bos.

10 85 239 23.9 Pavton. Sea 14 132 333 23.8 Stoiakovic. Sac. 12 282 13.5 Marione Utah 13 108 303 23.3 Allen. Mil.

22.9 Brand. LAC 22.4 Robinson, MiL 72.3 Rose Ind. 15 33: 22.1 Stackhouse Det. 10 58 217 21.7 Garnett, Minn. 238 21.6 Nowitzki.

Dall. 21.5 Abour-Rahm, All 12 74 257 211 LOCAL COLLEGES SATURDAY, NOV. 24 MEN'S BASKETBALL STCC 77, Quinsiga mond CC 67 UMass 60. Marist 59 HCC Holiday Tournament Keystone Bo. FIT 83 HCC 74.

Orange County CC 64 UMass wins, 66-59 At Amherst Marist (59) FG FT Reb Min M-A 0-T A PF PIS Eppehimer 27 5-11 1-3 1-4 5 14 Tuilis 30 1-6 A Watson 19 1-1 Kenredy 38 2-8 00 Smith 34 5-15 1-1 2-3 Young 15 1-1 0-0 Ellerbee 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 Bennett 21 2-6 4-7 0 10 Walker 1-5 0-0 0-0 0 Hunsaker 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 Totals 200 22-61 12-14 9-38 12 22 59 Percentages: FG .327. FT .583. 3-Point Goals: 9-30 .300 (Epcehimer 3-9 Kennedy 2-4 Bennett 2-5. Walker 1-5 Smith 1-7): Team Rebounds: 2-1-3; Blocked shots. (Tullis 4): Turnovers.

10 Eppenimer, Tullis, Watson, Kennedy 3. Smith 2. Bennett, Walker); Steals: 7 (Eppenimer, Tullis 2 Kennedy 2 Bennett, Walker: Technica: fouis UMAS5 (66) FG FT Reb Min M- A M-A A PF PtS Jenkirs 2-7 4-4 4-7 0 Williams 18 1-2 1-2 0-3 Brand 24 3-5 2-8 Anderson 28 2-7 0-0 Crooks: 36 4-8 4-6 Blizzard 14 0-2 Wilson 0-3 0-2 Pugh 1-1 0-0 Rhymer 24 7-11 2-5 73-7 16 Lamb 18 3-6 0-0 2-6 0 2 6 Totals 200 35-73 4-7 11-4? 20 21 66 Percentages: FG 442. FT .652. 3-Point Goals: 5-11, .455 (Croons 2-3, Williams 1-1.

Jenkins 1-2 Anderson 1-3 Wilson Team Rebounas: 2-0-2; Blocked shots: 4 (rhymer Turnovers: 18 (Willians 3, brand, Anderson Crocks 3, Buzzard. Wilson. Rhymer 41 Steals: 3 Crooks. Rhymer): Technical fouls. none Marist 17 42-59 UMASS 36 30-66 Officials- Murph Shapiro Bid McCarthy Ken Turner.

STCC 71, Quinsigarnond CC 67 QUINSIGAMOND Rowiell 9 Perez 7, Joslyn 4. Bovd 8, McCarthy 13. Koen 5 Laine 4 Sims 17. Totals 22-19-ol. STCC Villalongo 10, Davis 7, Price 13.

Howell 4, Saunders 8. Granam 72. Privelle 11. Boone 2. Totals: 28-18-77.

3-pointers. Perez. Boyd. Sims. 5.3;-Davis.

Gratam, Privette. Halftime: Quinsigamond 30-26 HCC 74, Orange County CC 64 ORANGE COUNTY Rickard 5. Jones 4. Gonzalez 8. Sampson 10.

Fogarty 6 Schulz 21. B.are wood 10. Totals. 22-13-64 HC I Harris 10. Morgan 7.

A Harris Almodovar 1. Holmes 24 2, Meg't 2. Connors 2 Jacison 17. Gagnon 5. Totals.

26-19-74 3-pointers: OC 3. Gonzalez 2 Sampson, Fogarty 2. Ha HCC 38-33 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL STCC 67. Quinsigamond CC 49 STCC 67, Quinsigamond CC 19 QUINSIGAMOND Austin 10, Hill 9. Washington 2, Turgeon 9, Tonelli 19, Totals: 20-7-19.

STCC Seymour 17. Brassil 7. Santos 9, Read 16. Jette 10, White 6. Caution 2.

Totals: 29-6-67. 3-pointers: (2)-Austin 2 13-Seymour. Brassil Reid Halftime: Quinsigamond 33-30. ICE HOCKEY UMass 4 Dartmouth 0 UMass wins, 4-0 UMass 121-4 Dartmouth 0, First Period- UMass, Macdonald 3 (Caliahan, Ratterty, PPG 15:09 Second Period-2. UMass.

Niko 4 Pock. 3. UMass MacDorad (Kuiper, Jakaren: PPG 1728. Third Period-4 UMass, Jath anen (Pock, Sodernolm) PPG 12:28. Snots on goal- UMass-7-4-4-15; Power -Play Opportunities- UMass 2-5: Dartmouth 1-4 Goalies- UMass.

McCormick (24 shots-22 saves); Dartmouth, Johnson. (15 shots-11 saves). A SUNDAY, NOV. 25 MEN'S BASKETBALL Bryant al 4IC, 3.30 ACC Holiday Tournament FIT vs. Orange County CC.

1 Kevsione MCC 3 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Bryant at AlC. 1:30 Clemson al UMass MEN'S SOCCER A UN.ass vs St. Johas at A deighi, roon FOOTBALL ATLANTIC I0 CONFERENCE Over aft PF PA Hofstra $17 267 Maine 310. 203 Villanova 316 William Mary 345 255 Rhodc L. 272 252 Northeastern 225 224 Delaware 188 199 Massachusetts 178 Richmond 201 189 New Hampshire 329 392 James Madison 9 1 201 260 Friday Richmond 35.

Massachusetts 7 James Madison Id Liberty 7 Saturday Rhode Island 27. Northeastern 26 William Mary 47, Villanova 14 Regular Season Ends HIGH SCHOOLS SATURDAY, DEC. 1 FOOTBALL Western Mass. -Central Mass. Super Bows At Springfield College Division I Longmeadow (9-0! V5.

St. John's Shrewsbury 10-01 12:30 Division Wahconah (8-1) vs. Northbridge (10-1), 3:15 Division MIA Putnam (9-1) vs. Bay Path 9:45 a.m. at Worcester State College Division IA Central: 8-1) vs.

Holy Name (7-41, 12:30 Division IA Commerce (8-1) vs. Auburn 19-2), 3:15 Division Frontier (7-1) vs. Clinton (11-0), 9:45 a m. LOCAL LISTINGS Send items by fax to 788-1259, by mail to Local Listings. News Spor's Department.

PO. Box 2350. Springfield. MA 01102-2350. or by e-ma'l to sports

Because of the volume of items recieved. we canno! accept submissions over the phone. HOLYOKE ALUMNI SOCCER: Holyoke High School boys' alumni soccer game, Nov. 24 10 a at Roberts Field current and past players invited. Kevin Tierrey.

533- 1551. BERKSHIRE U-18 SOCCER: MAPLE tryouts, gins corn Aug 1, 1983 or after. for spring Div. Ni scason, Nov. 24, 2 30 and Nov.

28-29 6:30 p.m.. Berrshire Industries Field. Jack. 739-9327 or Marty, 739-4121 BOYS' BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Nov. 24-26, at OLSH gym; guaracteed htc games for 5th-6th and 71h-8th grade boys: CYO first eight paid registerd teams eligible: $100 per team Paul Higgs 783-4084 Frank 783-7372 SPRINGFIELD YOUTH EASKETBALL: Springfiela Winter Youth Basketball League fina: meeting for submitting rosters and league fees and picking up plaver passes Nov.

29. at Kiey gym; Jim Kelly, 787-6434 or Bob Boreckl, 739-3069. ROAD RACING LOCAL SCHEDULE Massive com has a complete set of upcoming races as well as past race results. Go to sports Saturday, Dec. 1 WESTFIELD: James Baracos 10K Road Race report to Miestfie'd State Cotege noon, $10, $5 for W5C students; Lou Ann.

Simcrak at 572-5424. Sunday, Dec. 2 SPRINGFIELD: George Ryan 8K Race: 10.30 a.m.: report to Walker Grand Stand el Forest Park, $5. 57 race gar: mane check Greater Springfield Harriers and wali to George Ryan Race 43 Betmon! West Sori- 01090 LATEST LINE NFL Favorite Points Underdog Sunday Ravens 3 (34) JAGUARS Dolphins 412 (36) BILLS TITANS $2 (34) 2) Steelers COLTS 3152) jders CHIEFS 1'2 tel; Seahawks, EAGLES 13712) Redskins Falcons 3,30) PANTHERS' BROWNS 412 Bengals Saints PK (42) PATRIOTS CHARGERS 7143'2) Cards Raiders 213912) GIANTS VIKINGS 3:45) Bears Monday RAMS 10 (46) Bucs. Bye: Jels.

NBA Favorite Points Underdog RAPTORS 3 76ers CLIPPERS Rockets SONICS Pacers' Nets 2 WARRIORS LAKERS 13 Nuggets College Basketball Favorite Points Underdog WISC-G BAY 31? No lowa DEPAUL 1212 Youngstown St BUTLER 13 Indiana St ST. JOSEPH 11 Colorado DUKE 42 Portland NHL Favorite Goals Underdog HURRICANES Lightning Stars WILD Flares 12-1 BLUE JACKETS RANGERS 1-112 Ducks RED WINGS 1'2-2 Blackhawks FLYERS 1-112 Canucks. Home team in RACING TODAY HORSE RACING Aqueduct IN 12:30 DOG RACING Hinsdale 100 SIMULCASTS Bradley Teletnealer Windsor Locks C'. Hinsgale (N.H.) Greyhound Park Pniladelphia (thoroughbreds 12:10 Finger Lakes (thoroughbreds 12.15 Milford nal a al) 8 12:15 Calder (thoroughbreds) 12.25 Thistle Beulah 12:25 Tropical (thoroughbreds 12:25 Aqueduct thoroughbreds) 12:30 Laurel (thoroughbreds) 8 12.35 Woodbine thoroughbreds 12:55 Palm Beach dogs) 1.00 Plainfield 00 1:00 Raynham- Taunton (dogs) 1.00 Monticello 1.05 Turtway 1:10 Fairgrounds (thoroughbreds) 1.30 Hawthorne (thoroughbreds 2:10 Turt Paradise 2:30 Hollywood thoroughbreds 330 Golden Gate thoroughbreds 345 Dover Hoosier 8 00 Mountaineer (thoroughbreds 700 Wonderland dogs) 8 125 Balmoral 7.30 Flagler 9.05 Los Alamitos 8.30 Phoenix (dogs 6 9:30 HORSE RACING AQUEDUCT 1st, 1'ami 34.80 1220 4.50 1-K O'3 Crypto (L.Lezcano) 4.20 2 40 8-Galactic (J. Santos! 3.20 43-10 $116 SC.

(3-1-8) $385.50. 2nd, 4. 1-a-Suncae Bride: A. Gryderi 16.20 7.00 00 4.70 10-Juan sIvana (S Bridgmoran) 1060 6 30 2-Nice Lime Girl IS Leon) 6.00 DD 13-1) 5361.00 (1-10) $157 50 Tr 5100 00. (1-10-2: 5791.00.

443. 1. a -Coupied. 3rd, Mimi. a 2 5-Quiet Ruler Prado) 7.50 420 3.00 9-Winioc's Nelson 1H.

Castillo Jr. 4.90 390 8-Late Too R. 4.70 15-9) $28 00. (5- 5101.00. a -Coupled.

4th, 74. 1-Kingstard Velazquez) 3 80 290 2.50 3-Laay Droiomat iN Arrovo Jr.J 4.70 3 80 8-Favorite Ending IM. Luzzil o.70 Picx 3 (1-5-1) 5143.00. (7-3) 514 80. (1-3-8) $163 00.

(1-3) $21.00 5th, Imi. 2-Absaroka J. Santos) 16 40 4 80 320 3-Accept Praco) 1.80 2.10 1-Ary (J. 300 Pick 3.5-1-2 3 5138 00. (2-3-1) S113 00.

(2-3) $36 20. 6th, 1'ami. Demoiselle Stakes 1-Smok aFrolic Vizaz) 530 3 30 2 50 3-Lady Shari iC Montoefier) 5 80 3.20 7-Proxy Statement tP Davi 2 60 Pick 3 3 577 00 T14-3-70 591.00. (3-3) $34.00 7th, 1 ami. Remsen Stakes 3-Saar and (J.

Velazquez: 5.70 3.70 2.90 7-Nonoma (P Dav) 5.40 110 6-Silent Fred (J. Santos! 4.60 Pick 3 (2-4-31 3 5157 00. 13-7) 531.40. (3-7-5) 5202 50. DD (4-3) $17 00.

8th, 1mi. Cigar Mile Handicap 6-Let: Bank 1 J. Velazquez 6.90 4 30 3 30 9-Graeme Hall (R Migliore) 6 10 4 10 7-Red (J Chavez. 4.80 Pica. 615-1-2-4-3-01 6 52 196.00.

5 $38.00. T16-9-7, $156.50. (6-9) $32.00. 9th, tmi. 12-Sonny the Sailor (J.

Samyn) 9.19 5 50 4.00 9-Anties Boy (S.Smith) 29.80 18.20 7-Lastcallforpar's Luzzi) 6 60 Pick 4: 4-3-6-12) 4 5272.00 00 Pick 313-6-121 3 $95.50. (12-9: 5272 00 (12-9-7-21 510 269.00 112-9-7) $2 602.00. DD (6-12) $38.40. Attend: 6,601. Tot.

512,896,375. SUFFOLK DOWNS 1st, 6f. 2-Raia's Girl (J. Parenti, Jr.) 16.40 7.80 6-Kea Lani (C. Dooley) 4 20 5-Aunt Linnie (W.

Thompson, 2 2nd, of. 2-WesternRosy Thmpsn) 4 60 3.30 1-Higher Honor (J Sanchez) 6.60 7- Ten Forevers (T. Ferdomo) DD (2-2; 560. cD. 12-1: 520.60.

(2-1-7) 592 80. 3rd, 1mi. 3-Hetty Taxes (M.Santiago) 3.80 3 60 I Bolton Nina (J. Jellison) 740 5-Blondie's Poohbear (J. Hampshire Jr.) (3-1) $33.40.

T13-1-5) $82.00 4th, 6f, 9-Lady 6-McBeal Husky ID Cars'ens: (H.Keavenev) 8.20 3.00 3.60 2 7-ima Thompson) 5 9.6 $25.00. (9-6-7-2) $1,954.40. T19-6-7: 5300.60. 5th, 5-Grim Reaper (H 9.20 4.20 7-Mister Jiggs iT. Perdomo! 6.00 00 8-Caramels Express Pick 313-9-5: 3 $90.10.

T15-7-81 5407 20. 5-7) 4th, 1mi. 3-CourtvardiHmosore: 2.60 2.20 1-Tea Toddy (E Jimenez 2.80 2-11 5 Approved (E. Molinari) 2 13-1: $10 20. (3-1-2) 532.40.

7th, Imi 70yd. 6.20 3.80 7-Skyi Orange (E Molinar'! 5.20 2-Strike Twice iT P'3-7, 51,476.20. T14-7-2: 5152.40. 3th, 1 3-Bo Barley (E Aguirre 17.80 7.40 5-Detener W. Thompson) 320 2 4-Private Netizen (J Hampshire Ur) Pick 3 S50.00.

(3-5-4) 5113 80. (3-5: 537.60. a -Coupled. 7th, 61. 10-wrester (T.Hone) 3.20 2.40 7-Grudge E.

Aguirrel. 6.20 3-Hoses Kaz domo) DD 13-10: 525.40 410-7 525 60. $87C 00. 116-7-3) $391 60. BOXING FIGHT SCHEDULE Nov.

30 At the Moison Centre Montreal (ESPN2). Eric Lucas. Canada vs. Dingsar: Soutn Africa. 12.

tor Lucas WBC sucer middleweight tile the Park Mya'! Poladelphia. Efren Hinciosa. Labeside. Calf, VS Julian Wheeler, Virginia Beach. Va.

12. for Minciosa's USBA lightweignt title. At tne Reno Hilton Las Vegas, Oley Masaney Brookwn A Y. vs David Vedder Sam Jose, 10, heavyweights. Derrick lettersor.

Detroit, v3 Marcellus Brown, Alaria 10, near weights. 2.80 260 20 2.60 3.80 3.20 2.20 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.40 40 6.10 3.80 9.20 2.20 2.20 20 3.40 3.60 6.00 3.00 20 2.60 2.20 2.80 3.40 YA A 1..

The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.