Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (3)

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[ DESIONERS Rod ney Thompso n, Patrick Stutzman , JD Wiker

[ ADDITIONAL. DESION 1 Gary Astleford, T. Rob Brown ~--------------------~

[ DEVEL.OPER ) Rodney Thompson ~--------------------~

[ ART DIRECTOR 1 Blake Beasley ~ ________________________ -J

EDITORS Gary M. Sarli , Brad ley Will


[ DES I ON MANAOER 1 Christopher Perkins

[ MANAOINO EDITOR ) Christopher Perkins ~-------------------------

[~_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R __ O_P_ R_ P_ O __ R_&_ D __ --,) Bi ll Siavicsek

[ PRODUCTION MANAOER ] CyndaCallaway ----------------------~

[ ORAPHI C DESIONER 1 Soe Hemmi ~ ________________________ -J

[ PRE-PRESS MANAOER 1 Jefferson Dunlap ~--------------------------




Gonzalo Flores

Steve Argyle, Drew Baker, Zoltan Bo ros & Gabor Sziksza i, Miguel Coimbra , Michael Dubisch, Steve Ellis, Gonzalo Flores, Randy Ga llegos , Jonathan Hill, Jason Juta , Lucasfilm Ltd., Ron Lemen, Warren Mahy, Walte r O'Neil, Pau l Shipper, Brian Snoddy, Mark Tedin , Ch ris Trevas, Francis Tsa i, Ben Wootten

[ IMAOINO TECHN I CIAN 1 Carmen Cheung ~--------------------~

[ CARTOORAPHERS ) Christopher West ~--------------------~

[ PL.AYTESTERS Adam Colby, Jeff Cain , Oscar S. Cisneros, Andrew Finch, Elisa Jaeger, Matt Sernett, Stephen Radney-Macfarland

[ SPECIAL. THAN K S 1 Leland Chee

Some rules mecha nics are based on the Sta r Wars Rolepla ying Game Saga Edi tion Core Rulebook by Ch ris t opher Pe rkins, Owen K.C. Ste phens, and Rodney Thompson, t he origina l Dungeo ns Et Dra gons!!> rul es created by E. Gary Gyga x and Dave Arn eson, and the 3rd Ed itio n Dungeons Et Dragons game designed by Jonat ha n Tweet. Monte Cook, Sk ip Wil lia ms, Rich ard Baker. and Peter Adkison.

This Wizards of t he Coas t' ga me product contains no Open Game Content. No port ion of this work may be rep roduced in any form without wri tt en permissio n. To learn more abou t t he Ope n Gaming Li ce nse and the d2D System'" Licen se. please vis it www.wiza

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EUROPE Wizards of the Coast. Belgium 't Hofveld 60 1702 Groot-Bijgaard en Belgium +322 4673360 ISBN,978·0·7869·4999·1

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First Print ing : Jan uary 2009



Dungeons & Dragons, d20 System, Wizards of the Coast. and the ir respec tive logos are trademarks of Wizards of th e Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited withou t the express wri tten permission of Wiza rds of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fict ion. Any similarity to actual people, organ izat ions, places , or events is purely co incidenta l. Printed in the U.S.A.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (4)




Species Characteristics. .. . . ... . 9 Dugs . . . .. .10 Gen'Da i .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. 11 Iktotch i . .. .... .. ..... .... · . 12 Ka leesh. .. . ..... . . . . .. .. . ... 12 Kaminoans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Kerkoidens .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nautolans . . ... ..... . . ... .. . 15 Nelvaanians .. ... . .. .... . . . .. 16 Vurks . . .. . . . . . . ... . .... .. . .. 17


TRAITS • • 18

Heroes of the Clone Wars. .. . · .19 Jed i .......... . ... . . . . . . . . · .21 Nobles . . .. . ..... . . .... . . . ... 22

Scoundrels . ....... ....... ... 23 Scouts . . . .. ... .. .. ... · .24 Soldiers .. .... . . . . . . . . . , . . . .25

I[ Skills ... ... 27 ... .. . .. . .. ...... Feats. . ..... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .28 Followers . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... ... 32


CL.ASSES ••• 3 ' 8

New Talents. . . , . . . . . . . . . · .39 Prest ige Classes . .. .. . .. ... 42

Droid Commander ... .... .. .42 Mi litary Engineer. ..... . . . . .44 Vanguard ... ..... . .. .. 46


The Force d u ri ng the Clone Wars .. ..... . . .49

Force Powers .. ... . . .. .. . . . · .50 Force Ta lents .. . .. .. ... . . . · .53 Force Techn iques. ..... . . . ... . 54 Force Secrets ...... . . ., .. . ... 55 Force-Using Trad itions . . .. . . . . 55

The Bando Gora . ........ . . . 55 The Believers . ... . . . . . . . . . · .56 The Korunnai. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .56



Melee Weapons .. . . . . ... . .... 59 Ranged Weapons. .. .. . . . ... 60 Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Equ ipment ... .. . .. . ... . ... · .65 Droids .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 66


Space Tran sports ... . . .. . .... . 75 Bar/oz-class Freighter .... ... 75 G9 Rigger ...... . . . .... .. . 76 GS-100 Salvage Sh ip . . . ... . . 78 KR-TB Doomtreader. ., .. . . . . 78 Pursuer-class

Enforcement Ship .. . .... 79 Se ltiss-2 Caravel . . . .. . .... .80

Starfighters ....... . .... ... . .81 Dagger-class Starfighter . . .. . 81 Dianoga-class

Assau lt Starfighter . . .. .. 82 Freefall-class Sta rf igh ter .... 82 MorningStar Assaul t

Starflghter ....... .... . . 83

S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace . ....... . . . 84


Scurrg H-6 Prototype Bomber . . .... . . . ....... 85

The Jedi Order ......... . ... . 121 Influentia l Figures . .. . .... . . . 126 Jedi Vehicles and Starships .... 137


CAMPAIONS •••• 86 If CHAPTER X: 1 DeclineoftheJedi .. .. ........ 87 I THE REPUBL.IC. 140 Rampant Corruption .... .• ... . 89 '-----------,J

V'II . Organ ization .. ............. 142 I alns . .. . ..... . ......... . . 89

The Republic High Command .. 145 Militarization . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. 91

Personnel ......... . ....... . 147 Large-Scale Conflict . . . . . .... . 92

Squads . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . ..... 93 ~nflu~~tia~ Figdures .. . ........ 155 Mass Combat.. . .. .. ...... 95 epu IC rol s ............. 160 Starting Mass Battles . . . . .. . . 101 Republic Vehicles. . . . .. .• . .162

Repub lic Starships .. .. ... ... . 170


CONFEDERACY 174 OAZETTEER. 104 (I Ca to Neimoidia ............. 1 06 ~--------------(

Ch . h . Organ ization ......... . .. . .. 176

rlstop SiS .... . . . ..•. . .... 106 Th S . 0 'd Geonosis ......... .. .. ..... 107 e eparat lst ro l Army .... 178 Glee Anse lm ... . ...... .. .... 107 Personnel . .. . .. . ... . ....... 181

Ik h Influential Figures .. . .. .. .. .. 183

totc .......... .. .... . ... 108 C f d D 'd Kalee ...... ... ............. 108 on e eracy ro l s . .. .. ..... 188 Kamino ..... .. . . .. . .. .. ... . 109 Confederacy Vehicles . . .. . ... 198

K k 'd ' Confederacy Starsh ips ...... 203

er 01 la .. . ...... .. . ... ... 110

Malastare .... . • . . • . . .. . .. . . 110 If CHAPTER XII : FRINOE j Mustafar ......• . . . . . . . ..... 110 II FACTIONS 212

Muunilinst ..... . . . . .. . ... . . 111 '--------------,J Nelvaan ...... . .. . . . .. . ... . 111 Mercenary Fact ions . . . . . .... . 213 Polis Massa . . . ... . . . .. . . . .. 112 Influential Figu res ..... . .. . . . 214 Sembla .... . ... . .. . .. . .... . 112 Veh icles and Starsh ips ....... 219 Skako ........ . .. .......... 113 Beasts ..................... 221 Teth ........ . ....... ... . . 113 Toydaria .. ........ . . .. . .... 114 ApPENDIX 222

Utapau ... . ............... 114 Planetary Updates ........... 115

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Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (5)

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (6)

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (7)

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A OALAXY AT WAR The Clone Wars might be the greatest, most far-reaching conflict the galaxy has seen-at least in recorded history. Even during the Jedi Civi l War, many worlds escape the conflict entirely. However, when the Separatists withdraw from the Republic, they create a schism that divides the galaxy into two fac­tions. As a result, worlds that wou ld have remained neutral are forced into either the Republic camp or the Separatist camp because of the imperative to declare allegiance to one of the two competing governments. In the Clone Wars, any world that attempts to maintain neutrality is crushed between the Republic and the Confederacy as they compete for that wor ld's resources.

Whether aligned with the Republic or the Confederacy, many planets­especially those with significant manufacturing resources-become vital to the war effort simply by being ab le to produce ships, weapons, and equip­ment. On some worlds, mil itarization is harsher than on others. For example, the shipbu ilding facilities of Utapau, which had previously manufactured domestic planetary defender starfighters, are forced to produce Mank­vim-814 light interceptors and Porax-38 starfighters for the Confederacy. Other worlds are practically enslaved to meet the demands of their military masters, and the natural resources of entire planets are consumed in a matter of months to keep the fight going.

Even remote worlds feel the sting of the Clone Wars. Remote Tatooine­where the Republic has had no presence-is embroiled in the war as the Confederacy attempts to tr ick Jabba the Hutt into influencing the other Hutt clans to al low the Separatists to use the the ir shipping lanes. The Techno Union sets up a top-secret research facility on snow-covered Nelvaan, where the natives have lived in isolated peace for most of their history. No matter how far ou t on the Outer Rim or how deep in the Deep Core the planet is, the Clone Wars affect it.

WHAT You NEED TO PLAY As with any Star Wars game supplement, you need the Saga Edition core rulebook to make full use of the information in The Clone Wars Campaign Guide. This book also uses material from other supplements, including Starships of the Galaxy and Threa ts of the Galaxy, but those supplements are not essential. Also be sure to visit the official Star Wars Roleplaying Game website at www.wiza for the latest updates and official errata .

CHOOSINO SIDES The heroes of a Clone Wars campaign can have options regarding their alle­gia nce and are far more li ke ly to side with one faction or another, at least ta ngentia lly, giving them a stake in th e Clone Wars as a whole. For example, the heroes might choose to support the Republic as official members of the Republic military or other Republic agency, such as the Judicial Department or the Jed i Order. Or they might be cit izens doing their part to ensure the Repub­lic's success. The heroes might be mercenaries, privateers, or free traders who volunteer to help transport undercover Republic agents behind Confederacy lines. Heroes might even be clone troopers or members of the Republic Navy, putting them right in the middle of the ga laxy-spanning conflict.

Conversely, the heroes might choose to ally themselves with the Sepa­ratists, seeing the Republic as the faction in the wrong. These heroes might be mercenaries, smugglers, or even Jedi who have left the Order, convin ced that the Confederacy represents the galaxy's best chance for freedom. Alter­natively, the heroes might ally with one of the va rious trade organizations, working as corpora te troubleshooters or freelance agents hired by the Trade Federation, the Te chno Union, or the Retail Caucus to deal with Republic disruptions of supply lines or sed itious elements on Confederate worlds . The heroes might not support questionab le Confederacy tactics (such as those employed by the sinister military leaders, like General Grievous and General Loathsoml. but they might yet believe that even with such leadership the Confederacy is a better alternative than the Republic.

The heroes might be on the fr inges of society, try ing to get along in the galaxy despite the raging Clone Wars. Even neutra l heroes are likely unable to avoid the conflict of the war, and their allegiance might hinge on who attacks them fi rst. These heroes can try to play both sides of t he conflict against each other, but this is a precarious path to walk. After all, one faction might get word that the heroes are work ing with the other, and when this hap­pens, the situat ion ca n quickly go bad. Fringe heroes with the best intentions might find themselves sta ri ng down the fu ll military might of the Republic if they misplay their cards. By the same token, heroes who attempt to stay neutral also have the opportunity to experience life on both sides of the war, opening options for a Gamemaster who wants to have the heroes work with the Confederacy in one adventure and the Republic in the next.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (8)

THE CLONE WARS The Clone Wars encompass a complicated series of battles and skirm ishes with a comp lex history covering approximately three years. Below are some major events in the Clone Wars. Gamemasters can use these events as guide­posts when creating Clone Wars adventures. Th ey se rve as good markers for the major events during this turbulent time.

THE BATTLE OF NASOO Though the Battle of Naboo is little more than a skirmish between the Trade Federation and the planetary defense forces of the planet Naboo, it is the precursor to the Clone Wars, which beg in ten years later. The repercussions of this battle echo through the Clone Wars and beyond. After the Battle of Naboo, Palpatine is elected to the post of Supreme Chancellor, allowing him to manipu late the Republic into the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, the Trade Fed­eration is rebuffed and joins with the other trade organizations to form the alliance that eventual ly becomes the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Lastly, the Battle of Naboo leads to Anakin Skywalker becoming the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a course of events that shakes the entire galaxy.

THE BATTLE OF OEONOSIS The first true battle of the Clone Wars, the Ba ttle of Geonosis introduces the Grand Army of the Republic and unleashes the clone troopers upon the galaxy. On th is desolate planet the first shots of the galactic conflict are fired , and the full extent of Count Dooku 's betrayal becomes evident to the Jedi. Many Jedi die on Geonosis, but just as many are thrust into the com­mand of clone forces, setting a precedent that draws the Jedi out into the galaxy as military leaders.

CCJRUSCANT AND UTAPAU After three years of struggling against the Confederacy, the Jedi strike a major blow against the Separatists with the death of Cou nt Dooku. In the process of rescuing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the flagship of the Separat ist f leet, Anakin Skywalker dispatches t he Sith apprentice, and the Republic wins a signi ficant vic tory. A sho rt time later, Obi-Wan Kenob i ends General Grievous's reign of terror during the siege of Utapau. In a short time, the Jedi eliminate two of the Confederacy's powerful leaders, and the tide shifts heavi ly in favo r of the Republic.

ORDER 66 Without strong military leadersh ip, the Confederacy is on the brink of co l­lapse. The Jedi suspect that Pal patine has no intention of giving up his power after the Clone Wars end. After a confrontation leaves Mace Windu dead and Anakin Skywalker as the new apprentice of Darth Sidious, clone forces throughout the galaxy respond to Order 66, turning on their Jedi generals and slaughtering the noble defenders of the Republic. With the Jedi Order wiped out, Skywalker, now nam ed Darth Vader travels to Mustafar, murders the remaining leaders of the Confederacy, and brings the Clone Wars to its true end .

THE CLONE WARS Many of the starships, vehicles, and characters from this book are drawn from The Clone Wars animated series. Throughout the book, you can find descriptions and rules information from The Clone Wars series, as well as still images from and art based on episodes of the animated series. Additionally, many of the chapter sta rt images from this book contain art from The Clone Wars series in the hopes that they inspire players and Gamemasters to create adventures and campaigns that follow themes presented in the show.







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Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (10)

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (11)

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Dug 1-9 10-1 4 15-44 45-59 60-74 75+

Gen'Dai 1-9 10- 200 201-999 1,000- 2,000- 4,000+

1,999 3,999

Iktotchi 1-13 14- 18 19-44 45-70 71-89 90+

Kaleesh 1-9 10-24 25-40 41-55 56-79 80+

Kaminoan 1-6 7- 10 11-39 40-59 60-79 80+

Kerkoiden 1- 11 12-18 19-45 46-70 71 - 90 91+

Nautolan 1-9 10- 14 15-40 41-54 55-69 70+

Nelvaanian 1-7 8-20 21-30 31-45 46- 64 65+

Vurk 1- 6 7-14 15-30 31-49 50- 69 70+



Dug, male 1 m 35 kg

Dug, female 1 m 30 kg

Gen'Dai, male or female 2.5 m 145 kg

Iktotchi, ma le or female 1.8 m 80 kg

Kaleesh, male 1.8 m 80 kg

Kaleesh, female 1.6 m 75 kg

Kaminoan, male 2.7 m 70 kg

Kaminoan, female 2.1 m 65 kg

Kerkoiden, male or female 1.4 m 55 kg

Nautolan, male or female 1.B m 75 kg

Nelvaanian, male 2m 130 kg

Nelvaanian, female 1.5 m 50 kg

Vurk, male 2.1 m 90 kg

Vurk, female 1.9 m 85 kg

Duos Dugs are an arboreal species from the Republic world of Malastare. They are strong and agile for their size, and climb and jump exceptionally well . Dugs unwillingly share their homeworld with the Gran, who establish trade co lonies on Ma lastare in 8,000 BBY. The Dugs fight a long, intense war against the Gran. Eventually the Repub lic intervenes and sides with the Gran, negotiating a truce that essentially demilitarizes the Dugs.

In response to their marginalization, the Dugs develop a culture based, in large part, on self-pity. They are se lf-congratu latory to a fault, and every Dug claims at least one celebrated hero or martyr in his family tree. Beads, worn on their ear f ins, represent these purported patriots and their stories of heroism. To question the legitimacy of a Dug's collection of martyr beads is a grave insult that can be retracted only by the death of the offending party.

Persona li ty: The Dugs' reputation for violence and bullying is well­deserved. As a species, they are adversaria l, preferring to solve problems through intimidation and hostile acts. They consider themse lves to be beleaguered warriors, underdogs who must fight against the rest of the universe for what is rightfully theirs. Despite their best efforts, the Dugs are continually mired in defeat. They tend to be xenophobic, and this fear of outsiders often manifests as blatant bigotry.

Physica l Description : Dugs are vaguely humanoid, in that they possess a torso, two legs, and two arms. The positions of their limbs are reversed, how­ever, so that they use their upper limbs for walking and their lower limbs to man ipulate objects. They have brown skin, floppy ear flaps, and large mouths filled with broad, flat teeth . Male dugs possess a f lap of skin on their th roats that can be inflated and used to produce mating calls during the appropriate season.

Homeworld: Malastare. Languages : Dug. Example Names : Drodwa, Flugello, Flugo,

Gorlok, Langro Dis, Luvagwa, Pugwis, Rewulga, Sebulba, Sioor.

Adventurers: Dugs are drawn to occupations that involve skull duggery and vio lence, and they make exceptional scoundrels, scouts , and sold iers. Dug nobles are rare, and the typical Dug does not possess the mental acu ity or patience requi red to become a Jed i.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (12)

Duo SPECIES TRAITS Dugs share the following species t raits:

Ability Modifiers : +2 Oexterity, -2 Charisma. Ougs possess excellent reflexes and hand-eye coordination, but they rarely think befo re they act and are known for their crude demeanor.

Small Size: As Sma ll creatures, Ougs gain a + 1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are th ree-quarters of those of Medium characters.

Speed : Dug base speed is 6 squares . Athletic : A Du g can reroll any Climb or Jump check, but the result of the

rero ll must be accepted, even if it is worse . In addition , a Dug can take 10 on Climb and Jump checks even when distracted or threatened.

Automatic Languages: Dug.

O EN'DAI The Gen'Dai benefit from extremely long life spans. Accounts of Gen 'Dai living to be over four thousand standard years old are common. They are a hardy spe­ci es, thanks in part to their unique physiology. The Gen'Oai have no centralized vital organs, and their elaborate nervous and vascular systems allow them to act quickly and withstand wounds that would kill nearly any other creature.

The Gen'Dai are intergalactic nomads, constantly traversing the ga laxy. The location of their homeworld has been lost to t ime. Even those Gen'Oai who claim to have lived for several mi llennia cannot, or do not. reveal its location .

Personality: With few exceptions, the Gen'Oai are an introspective and peaceful species. Because of th eir extraordinari ly long life spans, they are

slow in their decision-making processes. They con sider the long-term conse­

quences of their act ions, and do not jump to conclusions with ­

out adequate evidence. As they age, they begin

to lose their grip on the ir mental faculties. Th eir per­sonal ities become increas­ingly disjointed, and the ir penchant for introspect ion causes them to suffer from dep re ss ion , psychosis, and other forms of insanity.

Physical Oescription: Superficia lly, Gen'Oai appear to be a humanoid race. Their sk in color ranges from light red to deep purple, and their eyes vary from bright red to dull ye llow-orange. A mand iblelike protrusion extends from each of their cheekbones. The Gen'Oai are large, typically stand ing over two meters ta ll .

Homeworld: Unknown. Languages: Gen'Oai. Example Names: Ou rge, Grozm, Kranth, Lu'urn . Adventurers: The most common character class for Gen'Dai heroes is

the scout, followed by the sold ier. A few Gen' Oai use their veritable immor­ta li ty to amass wealth and influence as nobles, an d only a handful become scoundre ls. No Gen'Oai are known to have become Jedi.

OEN'OAI SPECIES TRAIT S Gen'Oai share the following species traits :

Ability Modifiers: +4 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Chari sma. Gen'Oai are incredibly res istant to damage, but their long life spans cause them to be mental ly unstable.

Large Size: As Large creatures, Gen'Dai take a - 1 size penalty to their Reflex Oefense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and gain a +5 size bonu s to thei r damage threshold . Their lifting and ca rrying limits are double those of Medium characters.

Speed: Gen'Oai base speed is 8 squares. Gen'Oai Surge : Whenever a Gen'Dai takes its second wind, it reg ains 5

hit points every round at the end of its turn until killed , until the end of the encounter, or until reaching one-half hit points (whichever comes first) .

Hibernation: A Gen'Dai can enter a state similar to a hibernation trance. A Gen 'Oai can use the Force Trance app lication of t he Use the Force skill untrained (and even if not Force -sensitive) and can remai n in the trance indefin ite ly. A Gen'Dai in such a state ceases to age, and needs no food , water, or air un t il it emerges from hibernation.

Mental Instability: As they age, Gen'Oai begin to lose touch with reality. For each age category a Gen'Oai advances past Adult, it takes an additional loss of - 1 Wisdom. Gen'Dai characte rs never gain increased Wisdom due to age, though they can increase th eir Wisdom scores as thei r character level increases.

Regeneration: A Gen'Dai can regrow lost body parts- including signifi­cant portions of its physical structu re and individua l limbs- in 1d1 0 minutes. At the end of that time, al l persistent penalties associated with the loss of one or more limbs are removed.

Resilient Physiology: Because of their unique physio logy, the Gen'Oai can shrug off the effect of wounds that wou ld be fatal to any other spe­cies. Because of this, a Gen'Dai's damage threshold is doubled after adding bonuses for feats or size when determi ning whether the Gen'Oai is ki lled by an attack (but not for any other purpose) .

Automatic Languages: Basic and Gen'Oai.

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IKTOTCHI Hailing from the Expansion region

world of Iktotchon and its moon, Iktotch, the Iktotchi

are a race of precog-nitive humanoids. All Iktotchi possess this precognitive ability, which manifests as vivid dreams, visions, or waking dreams. Few

Iktotchi have control of how or when their precog­

nition manifests or of what it reveals to them. As a spe­

cies, they know of the Republic's coming long before their world is

visited, and they are prepared to welcome the guests that would usher them into a vast galactic

society. Iktotchi are famed for their prowess as pilots, and attribute their success at the helm to nearly imperceptible precognitive inclinations.

Because of their visions, Iktotchi are aware of the bloodshed that heralds the coming of the Clone Wars. Many of the era's prominent diplomats are Iktotchi who seek to avert the impending violence.

Personality: Iktotchi are a deeply emotional species. Despite their sensi­tive qualities, their culture dictates that they must hide their feelings behind a veneer of quiet stoicism. Though they respect the nature of diversity in the galaxy, the Iktotchi have a hard time forming lasting friendships with members of other species because of the Iktotchi's occasional impatience with species who lack their precognitive gifts and because of other species' overt suspicion of the Iktotchi's precognition.

Physical Description: The Iktotchi are a humanoid species with large, downward-curving horns. Females have smaller horns than the males. Their skin is thick, tan, and hairless, weather beaten by Iktotchon's fierce winds. Their eye color ranges from yellow to orange.

Homeworld: I ktotchon. Languages: Iktotchese. Example Names: Arctan Meeso, Daedar Xiese, Liiren Baelar, Niira Korl,

Saesee Tiin, Seer Varree. Adventurers: Iktotchi who journey out into the galaxy become nobles,

scouts, or soldiers. A small number excel as scoundrels by using their spe­cies' reputation for clairvoyance to run scams and rackets, despite a strong cultural prohibition against using their visions to generate a profit. Because of their precognitive talents, there have been several notable Iktotchi Jedi, such as Saesee Tiin.

IKTCJTCHI SPECIES TRAITS Iktotch i share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Though they are a hardy species, the Iktotchi are a quiet and introspective people and have trouble forming friendships .

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Iktotchi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Iktotchi base speed is 6 squares. Natural Armor: Iktotchi have tough skin that provides a +1 natural

armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.

Limited Precognition: Iktotchi are gifted with limited precognition and are subjected to prophetic dreams. Once per encounter, as a reaction, an Iktotchi can grant itself or any vehicle the Iktotchi pilots a +2 species bonus to Reflex Defense against any single attack.

Expert Pilot: An Iktotchi can reroll any Pilot check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Iktotchese.

KALEESH The Kaleesh are a nomadic species with a tribal culture. They are spiritual beings who worship their ancestors as deities, and they consider their ances­tral burial grounds to be sacred lands. The Kaleesh believe that anyone who dies in honorable service to his people becomes a god upon death.

The Kaleesh come to momentary prominence in the galaxy when they fight off an invasion by an alien species known as the Huk. Having already subjugated and exploited the natural resources of several worlds, the Huk capture millions of Kaleesh and sell them into slavery. However, the Huk invasion of Kalee is short lived. Under the leadership of a hero who eventually comes to be known as Grievous, the Kaleesh repel the Huk. They doggedly pursue their enemies into space, and the Huk are completely overcome by the Kaleesh. The hunters become the hunted. The Huk request assistance from the Republic, and through a number of underhanded dealings, they receive it. As a result, the Republic subjects the Kaleesh to severe eco­nomic sanctions, and the Kaleesh are marginalized by galactic society.

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Personality: Kaleesh are a warlike species, but they reserve their ire for those who provoke them. They are protective of their territory-especially the ir ancient burial grounds. Kaleesh hold their families and tribes in high esteem, and do anything to protect them. These sentiments sometimes extend to non-Kaleesh who prove themselves to be trustworthy companions, but such a distinction is rare. Honor and sacrifice at the expense of oneself are high ly valued qualities in their society.

Physical Description: The Kaleesh are tall, reptilian humanoids. Their scaly skin varies from deep red to dull yellow. Their black hair is worn in long braids or tied up in a queue or topknot.

The long faces of the Kaleesh are framed on either side by two sharp tusks that extend outward from their jawbones, and their nostrils are two long slits that stretch toward their yellow eyes. However, few non-Ka leesh have seen the faces of these enigmatic aliens, for they wear masks made from the skulls of some of Kalee's most vicious predators. The Kaleesh are also distingu ished by their hands, which each feature four long fingers, two of which are ful ly opposable.

Homeworld: Kalee. Languages: Kaleesh. Example Names: Qymaen jai Sheela I, Ronderu lij Kummar, Bentilais san

Sk'ar. Adventurers: The Kaleesh excel in the roles of scout and soldier. Given

their inherent sense of honor and dignity, they also make excellent nobles but rare ly take on the role of a scoundrel. Although no Kaleesh Jedi are known, Kaleesh spiritual traditions view Force sensitivity as a boon granted by their ancestors.

KAL.EESH SPECIES TRAITS Kaleesh share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma.

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kaleesh have no special bonuses or pena lties due to their size.

Speed: Kaleesh base speed is 6 squares. Conditional Bonus Feat: Kaleesh are a nomadic people who have learned

to live off the land. A Kaleesh with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.

Darkvision: Because of the thermoreceptor glands next to their eyes, Kaleesh ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness. However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness.

Driven: Kaleesh are focused individuals who maintain sight of their goals even under adverse conditions. Because of th is single-minded drive, they gain a +5 species bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting effects.

Persistent: A Kaleesh can reroll any Endurance check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Kaleesh.

KAMINOANS The watery planet of Kamino is home to a species of cloners known as Kaminoans. These tall aliens are the result of generations of selective breeding and genetic modification that began when their world suffered a drastic change in climate. These restrictive breeding programs have made Kaminoans an extremely adaptable species. Apart from gender, Kaminoans have little variation, and to the untrained eye they all look the same. Subtle variations have been introduced into their genetic codes, however, allowing for diversity within a strict set of parameters.

The economy of Kamino is based on cloning for profit, but not every Kaminoan is a cloner by trade. The majority of Kaminoans support their com­munities with various skills and specialized abilities . They strive to perform their work flawlessly, and seek perfection. Because Kaminoans are moderately xenophobic and rarely venture away from their homeworld, they are a rare sight in other parts of the galaxy.

Personality: Kaminoans see themselves as superior to other forms of life. They harbor a private intolerance for imperfection, but they are, nonetheless, polite to outsiders. To a Kaminoan, any species that seeks self improvement is worthy of respect, but those who do not are obviously inferior and deserve their inevitable decline. This attitude is reflected in their cloning processes, where entire crops of clones might be eliminated due to a single, subtle flaw.

Physical Description: Kaminoans are tall and gaunt, with pale skin, three-fingered hands, and long necks. Their faces are small and dominated by a pair of large, black eyes. Every male Kaminoan has a finlike crest on the top of his head, but female Kaminoans have none.

Homeworld: Kamino. Languages: Kaminoan.

Example Names: Aya Lim, Lama Su, Maru Lan, Tau Shel, Taga Sai, Seva Ke,

Taun We. Adventurers: Because they are

genetically designed, Kaminoans are bred to fulfill a specific role or niche. They make excellent nobles, scouts, and soldiers. Scoundrels, though rare, are not unheard of. Kaminoans are not bred with Force sensitivity, though anomalies are possible. Kaminoan Jedi are essentially


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KAMINOAN SPECIES TRAITS Kaminoans share the following species traits :

Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, - 2 Wisdom. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kaminoans have no special bonuses

or penalties due to their size. Speed: Kaminoan base speed is 6 squares. Conditional Bonus Feat: Kaminoans are expert cloners and possess

remarkably knowledge about the physiologies of species across the galaxy. A Kaminoan with Treat Injury as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Treat Injury) as a bonus feat.

Resistant: Scientific refinements to their genetic code make Kaminoans resistant to poisons, disease, radiation, and other hazards that target their physio logy. Kaminoans gain a +2 species bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Kaminoan.

KERKOIDENS A smaller species from the Expansion Region, the Kerkoidens are aggressive and cunning beings who often have someth ing to prove. Excellent traders, ski lled politicians, and creative mi li tary commanders, Kerkoidens are known as formidable opponents, a reputation they prove is well-earned during the Clone Wars.

Xenobiologists from the University of Sanbra believe that the Kerkoiden species descended from quadruped predators that hunt on the savannahs and in the jungles of Kerkoidia. Much of the Kerkoiden physiology seems to support this claim, including their hunched posture, long snout, claws, and jutting teeth . Additionally, Kerkoiden aggression seems to be consistent with the predatory instincts of their ancestors, lending credence to this theory of Kerkoiden evolution.

The Kerkoiden species as a whole has fought to evolve beyond their predatory ancestry and prove to the galaxy that they are sophisticated and civilized . Many Kerkoiden nobles pride themselves on superior breeding and also on being refined and sophisticated enough to rub elbows with the galaxy's elite on Coruscant. Of course, this also leads to elitism among the Kerkoidens, which does the species no favors on the galactic scene.




Personality: The Kerkoidens have shifted many of their cunning predatory instincts over to the social arena, becom­ing savvy politicians on a galactic scale . Most Kerkoidens are pushy if not outright aggressive. They are regard every­one with suspicion, and expect deception from their political and social rivals. Additionally, many Kerkoidens would like to believe that their people are more evolved and sophisticated than their heritage suggests, leading them to be both elitist and arrogant at times.

Physical Description: Kerkoidens are hunched beings with rough skin that ranges in hue from green to dark blue. Their bodies stil l show signs of predator physiology, namely their long claws and jutting teeth. Kerkoidens have tall, slender heads with long snouts and narrow eyes.

Homeworld: The Kerkoiden species hails from Kerkoidia, a world covered in tall, grassy savannahs and thick swamps in the Expansion Region, specifi ­cally in the Kira Sector just off of the Harrin Trade Corridor.

Languages: Kerkoidens speak Kerkoidese and Basic. Example Names: Dram Bothren, Var Cashral, Ph eel Hoshar, Whorm

Loathsom. Adventurers: Kerkoiden adventurers gravitate toward classes where

they can freely exhibit their aggressiveness or demonstrate their sophisti­cation. Soldiers are common. Kerkoidens also make excellent nobles, using their wisdom and cunning to talk circles around their opponents. Kerkoiden scoundrels take pleasure in throwing a proverbial hydrospanner into their opponents' plans, sowing discord and shattering enemy organization. Kerkoidens who learn to temper their aggression with wisdom might also become Jed i.

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K SRKCJIDEN SPECIES TRAITS Kerkoidens share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom . Though less hardy than other species, Kerkoidens are devious and cunning.

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kerkoidens have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Kerkoiden base speed is 6 squares. Predator's Heritage: Despite their stature, Kerkoidens are descended

from predatory beings. Kerkoidens gain a +2 species bonus on damage rolls against a target that has been damaged since the beginning of the Kerkoiden's last turn .

Social Cunning: Kerkoidens may use their Wisdom modifier in the place of their Charisma modifier for determining their ski ll bonus on Deception and Persuasion .

Automatic Languages: Basic and Kerkoidese.

N AUTOL..ANS Nautolans are one of the sentient species native to the planet Glee Anselm. Their language, Nautila, evolved underwater and is heavily tied to pheromones. Out of water, Nautila loses much of its meaning. As a result, Nautolans learn another language, typically either Basic or Anselmian, the language of the Anselmi people, who are native to Glee Anselm's land masses.

Even though they are aquatic, Nautolans have little difficulty living in climates that would be uncomfortable for other amphibians. They are a hardy species, due in part to the extra cartilage that supports their skeletal structures. Given their aquatic orig ins, they are excellent swimmers.

Personality: Nautolans are loyal and steadfast companions. They wear their moods on their proverbial sleeves, expressing both joy and despair with equal zeal. Though polite and civilized under most circ*mstances, Nautolans tend to reflect the moods of others around them. The tendrils on their heads sense the pheromones released by others. This can inadvertently affect a Nautolan's disposition-for better or for worse. Despite their peaceful nature, Nautolans are not above defending themselves.

Physical Description: Nautolans have thick green skin that is covered in dark, mottled spots. Their large, black eyes allow them to see well in dim light. Each Nautolan's head is crowned by long, tentaclelike tendrils, which the Nautolan decorates with leather bands, metal rings, or beaded ties.

Homeworld: Glee Anselm. Languages: Nautila . Example Names: Hiskar Dorset, Kit Fisto, Ploss Niklos, Renko Losa,

Rin Mako, Setel Yast.

Adventurers: Nautolans crave adventure and are as likely to be nobles or scoundrels as they are to be scouts or soldiers. There have also been several notable Nau tolan Jedi.

NAUTOL-AN SPECIES TRAITS Nau tolans share the follow­ing species traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2

Constitution, -2 Intelli­gence, -2 Wisdom .

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Nau­tolans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Nautolan base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 4

squares. Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Nautolans cannot drown

in water. Expert Swimmer: A Nautolan can reroll any Swim check, but the result

of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Nauto lan can take 10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened .

Low-Light Vision: Nautolans ignore concealment (but not total conceal­ment) from darkness.

Natural Damage Reduction: The rubbery hide of a Nautolan provides DR 2.

Pheromonal Sensor: A Nautolan can reroll any Perception check made to sense deception or sense influence, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. If underwater, the Nautolan can take the better of the two rolls instead.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Nautila.

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NELVAANIANS Nelvaanians, also referred to as Nelvaans, are a species of tribal humanoids from the planet Nelvaan. They are a prim itive species, using only crude technology. Male Nelvaanians are responsible for hunting game and protecting the tr ibe, while females are responsible for the day­to -day affairs of their tribe, which includes raising cubs.

At the top of the Nelvaanian tr ibe is the chief, who rules with the help of his mate and a shaman. A tribal chief is not chosen by trial, nor is he elected to his position. Instead, the chief's ascension is determined by the grace of the "Great Mother" and is established through a show of mutual admiration and respect among the entire tribe. Religion and spirituality are the center of Nelvaanian society. Elders are revered, as are mothers of all ages.

During the Clone Wars, male Nel­vaanians are abducted by the Techno Union and subjected to extensive physiological and genetic manipulation in an attempt to create a race of mutant warriors. The experiments are partially successful, turning the males of the species into monstrous versions of their former selves. However, the experiments are stopped by Anakin Skywalker, and the modified Nelvaanians reunite with their tr ibes.

Personality: Nelvaanians are closely tied by the bonds of family and kinsh ip. They are superstitious, attributing magical powers to most technol­ogy, which they distrust. Nevertheless, they are honorable and faithful once their trust is earned. Genetically mod ified male Nelvaanians are somewhat less astute than their female counterparts, and this extends to their social graces, as well.



Physical Description: The Nelvaanians are a humanoid species with pronounced canine characteristics. They have blue-green fur, large teeth In a pronounced muzzle, and two pointy, independently movable ears. A thick mane of black hair on their heads extends down the napes of their necks, and this tends to whiten with age.

After the experiments of the Techno Union, nearly all Ne lvaanian males are transformed into hulking monstrosities due to intensive genetic manipu lation. This genetic trait persists in males born after the Clone Wars, though females are not subject to the mutation.

Homeworld: Nelvaan. Languages: Nelvaanese. Example Names: Harvos, Orvos, Tuzes-Adaz. Adventurers: Nelvaanians are ra rely encountered away from Nel­

vaan, but those who are become soldiers and scouts.

NELVAANIAN SPECIES TRAITS Nelvaanians share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Nelvaanians have no special

bonuses or penalties due to their size . Speed: Nelvaanian base speed is 6 squares. Low-Light Vision: Nelvaanians ignore concealment (but not total

concealment) from darkness. Primitive: Nelvaanians do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles,

or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally

grants them. . . Scent: Nelvaan ians have a keen sense of smell. At close range (Within

10 squares). Ne lvaanians ignore concealment and cover for the purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when tracking.

Shadow Swiftness: If a Nelvaanian begins its turn with concealment from a target or with the target unaware of it, the Ne lvaan ian does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through the target's threatened space until the end of the Nelvaanian's turn.

Automatic Languages: Nelvaanese.


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VURKS Vurks are an amphibious species from the planet Sembla. Their way of life is based on a nomadic life­style, as large fam ily units move en masse across Sem­bla's watery surface. They transition easi ly from the depths of Semb la's warm seas to the heights of its rocky, volcanic archipelagos. Vurk families rarely stop in anyone spot for more than a fortnight at a time.

When two or more Vurk clans meet during the ir constant migration, the families of these clans stop and hold a mutua l feast. Tests of strength, speed, and wits are commonplace, as are arranged marriages and commerce. Young males are married off by their parents and leave to be with their wives and their new families. Male Vurks who fail to marry before reaching adulthood remain bachelors for the rest of their lives.

Originally considered a primitive species by galactic survey teams, Vurks are intelligent and philosophically advanced. From birth, they are taught to honor personal integrity, individual freedom, and honesty. Because of these tenets, Vurks make excellent diplomats and negotiators. . Personality: Known for their even tempers, compassion, and personal mtegrlty, Vurks abhor lying. They take their duties, whether to family, fr iends, or nation, seriously. Because of this, others consider them somewhat blunt and stern.

Physical Description: Vurks are tall, reptilian amphibians with leathery gray-green skin. Their eyes are dark and set deep in their faces. A long crest extends up and back from a Vurk's skull. A Vurk has two long, thick fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand.

Homeworld: Sembla. Languages: Semblan. Example Names: Coleman Trebor, Sweitt Concorkill. Adventurers: Vurks who leave their homeworld tend toward the path

of the scout or soldier. A handful of Vurk nob les make their way to the sta rs as diplomats, but given the species' ingrained integrity, few Vurk are scoundrels.

VURK SPECIES TRAITS Vurks share the following species traits :

Ability Modifiers: -2 Dexterit y, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Vurks have no special bonuses or

penalties due to their size. Speed: Vurk base speed is 6 squares. Vurk have a swim speed of 4

squares. Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Vurks cannot drown

in water. Expert Swimmer: A Vurk can reroll any Swim check, but the result of

the rerall must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition , a Vurk can take 10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened .

Placid: Vurks are renowned for their abil ity to remain calm and collected even in the face of danger. Once per encounter, as a free action, a Vurk ca~ remove one fear effect currently affecting it.

Nomads: As nomads, Vurks are accustomed to moving around, even through dangerous places. A Vurk can reroll any Survival check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Semblan.



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LAROE-SCALE CONFLICT A hero in a Clone Wars campaign can come from almost any world in the Star Wars saga, and chances are his or her life has been affected by the war in some way. Few worlds escape the galactic conflict, so even primitive planets can become critical battlefields in the Clone Wars. Your hero might be from an obscure, out-of-the-way planet like Nelvaan, drawn into the war after Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi liberate the Nelvaanians from the oppression of the Techno Union. Or your hero might be a noble from Commenor, run­ning away from a life of wealth and luxury to join in the war effort for the Separatists. With special permission from your Gamemaster, you might even be able to playa member of a species that has not yet entered the ga laxy at large, such as Ewoks or the Chiss, if your hero's unique history includes an explanation of how the conflicts of the Clone Wars cause you to leave your home planet well before the rest of the galaxy even knows it exists. In a Clone Wars campaign, planet of origin is rarely a hindrance for a character becoming high ly involved in the conflict, as the battles of the Clone Wars stretch from the densely populated Core Worlds all the way to the Outer Rim.

DECLINE OF THE ..JEDI The Clone Wars are waning years for the Jedi Order. Not only do their numbers shrink leading up to the confl ict, but many Jedi Generals are killed in skirmishes on distant battlefields. Ult imately, the Jed i Order is nearly completely wiped out by Order 66, but even before that point, many Jed i sense that their organization is on the decline. This affects not only the Jedi themselves but also those who rely on the Jedi for peace and justice. With the Jedi drawn away to fight in the Clone Wars, planets that rely on the Jedi to settle disputes and protect them from predatory neighbors are now exposed to danger and unrest. Your hero might be a native of an Outer Rim world that relies on local Jedi for protection from pirates; with the Jedi engaged in the Clone Wars, the pirates ravage your homeworld, leaving you to find your way in the galaxy with no home to return to. Likewise, your hero could be a mercenary who serves alongside a Jedi general who, like Jedi Master Kota, prefers not to work wi th clone troops; when the Jedi falls in battle, your hero sudden ly finds himsel f without an employer. These are the kinds of heroes that might arise as a result of the changing status of the Jedi during the Clone Wars.

RAMPANT CORRUPTION A key facet of galactic culture that leads to the eruption of the Clone Wars is rampant corruption. Politicians, nobles, businessmen, and other wealthy and powerful beings disregard their responsibility to those less fortunate and put their own desires and greed above the needs of those who rely on them. Corruption in the Senate allows Senator Palpatine to maneuver his way into the position of Supreme Chancellor, and the greed of the member organizations of the Confederacy allows Darth Sidious and Count Dooku to manipulate them into starting a galaxy-spann ing war. Heroes of th is era have likely been exposed to corruption. Jed i witness the fall of Count Dooku, nobles have brushes with power-hungry peers, and soldiers are thrown into chaos by the carelessness with wh ich politicians commit lives to battle. Many heroes in a Clone Wars campaign have been put on their path as a result of the corruption of others.




HIOH-PROFILE VILLAINS The Clone Wars allow for the ascension of powerful villains into the limelight. The Separatists, denounced by the Republic as greed-driven traitors, have some of the most visible and eclectic villains in the entire Star Wars saga. Count Dooku is a well-known Jedi traitor; General Grievous is a reputedly bril­liant military leader whose visage intimidates his enemies; General Loathsom is a vicious brute, Asajj Ventress an aspiring Sith, and Durge an immortal bounty hunter. Even Darth Maul, whose involvement in the lead-up to the Clone Wa rs ends nearly ten years before the outbreak of wa r, works closely alongside leaders of the Trade Federation. Your hero might have a history involving one of these high-profile Separatists, even if the Gamemaster chooses not to integrate that vi llain into your campaign. Your hero might be a Kaleesh who fought alongside General Grievous on Kalee, but now your hero resents Grievous for his role in the devastation of your planet. Similarly, your world might have been blasted from orbit by Separatist vessels under the command of General Loathsom, or the bounty hunter Durge might have killed or captured a member of your immediate family. Tying your hero's history to one of these highly visible villains is an excellent way to help your hero feel more like a part of the Clone Wars campaign .

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MIL.ITARIZATION A necessity of warfare is the increased militarization of the galaxy. The best example is the Republic government, which has no standing military prior to the Clone Wars. To sta nd against the forces of the Confederacy, the Republic militarizes quickly (with the he lp of the Kaminoan cloners and the military hardware provided by Rothana Heavy Engineering) . Individual worlds that pledge their support to the Republic find themselves the beneficiaries of this militarization, but many also have their infrastructure commandeered for the increased production requirements of the war effort. Separatist worlds spend la rge amounts of credits pumping out new sta rships, walkers, tanks, and battle droids, buying them from other member worlds or mass-producing materiel for their own use. As a result, even once-peaceful worlds have their industries converted to military use, including agriculture (clone troopers must be fed). medical (injured soldiers need healing to keep fighting). and manufacturing (producing the weapons and veh icles of war). You r scoundrel hero might have established herself as a smuggler of fine antiquities, but finds that her services are required for legally shipping supplies to the front lines. Or your scout hero might have been a big game hunter who traveled the Outer Rim in search of the next big hunt, but thanks to a massive increase in military influence, finds herself recruited as a guide for Republic troops through the deep j ungles of Fe lucia.

-..JEDI During the Clone Wars, the Jedi are not just the defenders of peace and jus­tice but also the military leaders of the Republic. The Jedi are placed at the head of clone armies, and they wade into battle on distant worlds alongside the rest of the Grand Army of the Republi c. For Jedi heroes in a Clone Wars campaig n, this means being sent on military assignments, even for Padawans. Your Jedi hero might be out in the galaxy on a dangerous mission entrusted to you by the Jedi Council, or you might be accompanying your Master to an important planet to defend it against Separatist attacks. Though the Jedi are allied with the Republic, some Jedi, such as Quinlan Vos, go undercover to infiltrate the Confederacy; such Jedi would likely keep their allegiances and powers a secret, as the powerful Force-users among the Separatists would be able to detect both their deception and, likely, their subterfuge.


Establishing your Jedi hero's role in the Clone Wars is an important part of creating your character. Jedi who follow the Guardian path, and any Jedi that use their powers to enhance their combat prowess, are likely to seek out an active role in the war effort. This might mean leading clone troopers into battle, working with elite Republic commandos, or leading a starfighter corps into Separatist space. Jed i who follow the Consula r path join the Republi c as healers and diplomats. Some Jedi join up with Republic Mobile Surgical Un its (RMSUs). provid ing Force-assisted healing for those injured in battle. Other Jedi act as liaisons between the Republic and the civ il ian populations of disputed worlds, providing humanitarian assistance or merely serving in a diplomatic capacity. Jedi who fol low the path of the Sentinel put their skills in stea lth, subte rfuge , and investigation to good use as undercover agents, spies, and saboteurs. These Jedi act beh ind enemy lines, infiltrating Separatist forces or causing chaos and havoc for the Confederacy.

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NEW ..JEDI TALENTS The following talents are intended for use with the Jedi class.

New Jedi Consular Talents The following new talents belong to the Jedi Consular talent tree (see page 39 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the Jedi class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Jedi Consular talent tree can choose from these talents as well.

Consular's Vita lity: Jedi during the Clone Wars learn to call upon the Force not only for their own strength but also to aid the clone troopers and other allies under their command. Once per round as a swift action , you grant one ally within 12 squares of you (and in your line of sight) bonus hit po ints equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier. These bonus hit points last until the beginning of your next turn (at which point any remaining bonus hit points are lostl, and any damage dealt to that ally comes out of bonus hit points first. You take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks until the beg inning of your next turn.

Improved Consular's Vitality: Whenever you damage a target with a successfu l lightsaber attack, you may use the Consular's Vital ity talent as a free action instead of a swift action until the start of your next turn.

New Jedi Guardian Talents The following new talents belong to the Jedi Guardian talent tree (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the Jedi class. Any character who can normal ly choose talents from the Jedi Guardian talent tree can choose from these talents as well.

Exposing Strike: When you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, you can spend a Force Point to make that target flat-footed until the end of your next turn.

Guardian Strike: Whenever you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, that target takes a -2 penalty on attack ro lls against any target othe r than you until the beginning of your next turn .

New Jedi Sentinel Talents The following new talents belong to the Jedi Sentinel talent tree (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the Jedi class. Any character who can norma lly choose talents from the Jedi Sentinel talent tree can choose from these talents as well.

Sentinel 's Observat ion: If you have concealment against a target, you gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus on attack rolls against that target.

Unseen Eyes: Whenever you use the Force Haze talent, allies hidden by the haze can reroll any Perception check, keeping the better result. Addition­ally, allies hidden by the haze gain +2 on all damage rolls against foes that are unaware of them.

Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.

NOBL..ES The Clone Wars can be difficult for nobles. Those nobles who are members of nob le houses or corporations on disputed worlds might find their resources dra ined by one faction or another, and others' homes and livelihoods are comp letely destroyed when conflict comes to their home planet. Though nobles can fill their traditional role, the Clone Wars provide opportunities for nobles to see what life is like for most citizens of the galaxy. When a battle between the Separatists and the Republic literally destroys everything they know and love, many nobles turn to a life among the stars, using their skills and knowledge to their advantage. With nothing left to lose, some nobles flee their homeworlds, seeking a haven safer and farther from the war, only to find themselves drawn back in.

By the same token, many nobles find their own place in the war. Those nobles whose wealth ties them to the various commercial institutions that make up the Confederacy f ind it in their best interests to contribute to the war effort. Nob les serve as officers aboard Separatist starships or lead ground troops into battle. Other nobles are not so eager to throw their sup­port in with the Separatists, despite their financial ties, and instead turn their back on the Confederacy to support the Republic. Those nobles who do not become military officers (on one side of the conflict or the other) might fight to protect their interests or to expand their influence and profit from the chaos of war. Many nobles find themselves on worlds occupied by the factions they do not support, and to survive they put on a friendly face for their new masters while secretly working against them from within. Even though these nobles might be branded as traitors or collaborators, they know in their hearts where their true loyalties lie.

NEW NOBLE TALENTS The following new talents are intended for use with the noble class.

Collaborator Talent Tree Some nobles learn to work both sides of the conflict in war and can manipu­late the ir enemies into believing they are allies.

Double Agent : When you roll Initiative at the beginning of combat, also ro ll a Deception check, comparing the result to the Will Defense of all enemies in line of sight. If your Deception check is successful, that target cannot attack you and does not believe you to be an enemy (though they do not consider you an ally) while this effect is active. If you attack or otherwise obviously harm or hinder a target under the effect of this talent, or one of that target's allies, this effect ends .

This is a mind-affecting effect.


January 2009

p. 22 – Improved Consular’s Vitality Add the following line to the end of this talent: Prerequisite: Consular’s Vitality

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Enemy Tactics: Whenever an enemy within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight receives an insight or morale bonus fro m any source, you can also gain that bonus, subject to all the same limitations as the bonus provided to that enemy.

Feed Information: As a swift action, you can grant one enemy a + 1 bonus on its next attack roll made before the beginning of your next turn. Additional ly, unti l the beginning of your next turn, you can designate one ally who receives a +2 bonus on its next attack roll.

Friendly Fire: If you are engaged in melee combat with an adjacent enemy and are the target of a ranged attack that misses you , compare the attack roll to the Reflex Defense of one adjacent enemy ; if the attack equals or exceeds the target's Reflex Defense, that enemy becomes the new target of the attack, wh ich is resolved as normal.

Prerequisite: Enemy Tactics. Protection: As a standard action, you can designate one ally and make

a Persuasion check, compa ring the result against the Will Defense of all enemies in your line of sight who can hear and understand you. If your check result equals or exceeds a target's Will Defense, that target cannot attack the ally you designated until the beginning of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Double Agent.

Loyal Protector Talent Tree As a result of your station, occupation, or even just your natural Charisma, you can attract one or more fa ithful fol lowers who protect you from harm.

Inspire Loyalty: You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggres­sive, defensive, or utility fol lowe r template for your follower, generating the follower's statist ics based on the rules on page 32. This follower gains one Armor Proficiency feat of your choice and becomes trained in the Perception sk ill . The follower must meet the prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency feat you se lect.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional follower (maximum of 3 followers).

Undying Loyalty: Each of your followers gains the Toughness feat. Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty. Punishing Protection: As a reaction to you being damaged by an attack

or a Force power, one of your followers can make an immediate melee or ranged attack against the target that attacked you. Until the beginning of you r next turn, any time you are damaged by an attack or Force power, another one of your followers can attack that attacking target. This ability can be used once per encounter.

Prerequisites: Inspire Loyalty, base attack bonus +5.

Protector Actions: You and your followers have learned to work together to great effect, ensuring that you remain safe wh ile allowing them to do their duty. You can use any of the following actions on your turn . • Bodyguard: As a standard act ion, you can make a melee or ranged attack

against a target within range. Until the end of your next turn , if that target damages you with an attack or a Force power, as a reaction you can choose to redirect the attack or Force power to an adjacent follower; the attack or Force power is resolved against that ally as normal.

• Diversion Attack: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target with in rang e. If that target attacks you or one of yo ur allies before the beginning of your next turn, you can move one of your followers up to its spee d directly toward that target.

• The Best Defense: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target within range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon and having li ne of sight to the target, that target takes a - 1 penalty on attack roll s until the beginning of your next turn. Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty.

SCOUNDREL.S The scoun dre l flourishes during the Clone Wars, because the shifting lines of battle and utter chaos create an environment in which she can thrive. With both the Republic and the Separatists engaged in a long, drawn-out war, resources used to keep the peace and enforce the law are instead diverted to enhance military assets. Though planetary police forces and the Sector Rangers continue to enforce the law, they f ind themselves without the ships, personnel, and credits necessary to do their jobs, letting scoundrels get away with more than before. Smugglers, pirates, and black marketeers take the opportunity to expand their influence during the Clone Wars, extending their operations into new systems and sectors where they previously had littl e influence. A scoundrel character can seek to take advantage of the havoc wreaked upon the galaxy by war, looking to make credits while the attention of the Republic is elsewhere.

Alternatively, many scoundrels find themselves drawn into the Clone Wars, find ing more legitimate employment as a result of increased need. Many sm ugglers cease to transport contraband and instead become legitimate shippers of weapons and supp lies, giving up a life of crime thanks to the generous contracts handed out to independent traders by both the Republic and the Confederacy. Bo th sides of the conflict seek out pirates, offering them commissions to act as privateers that prey only on the members of the opposing faction. Though mostly the domain of the Separatists, bounty hunt­ers and assassins find themselves on the payrolls of factions involved in the war, serving as mercenaries, bodyguards, and leaders. Any scoundrels whose skil ls allow them to work well with others can surely find a place alongside one of the factions in the Clone Wars, because both sides of the conflict engage in tact ics fa r outside the realm of proper mi litary protocol.

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January 2009

p. 21 – Protection Add the following text to the end of the talent’s description: “Characters that use this talent or the Draw Fire talent cannot be targeted by or benefit from this talent. You may not benefit from this talent at the same time as the Misplaced Loyalty talent (Scum and Villainy, page 14).”

Staffan Bengtsson

January 2009

Marked set by Staffan Bengtsson

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (25)

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NEW SCOUNDREL TALENTS The following new talents are intended for use with the scoundrel class.

New Misfortune Talent The following new talent belongs to the Misfortune talent tree (see page

46 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the

scoundrel class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the

Misfortune talent tree can choose this talent as well.

Stymie: Once per round, as a swift action, you can designate a target

within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight as the target of this talent.

Until the beginning of your turn, you can cause that target to take a -5

penalty on all checks made with a single skill. You must have line of sight

to your target to make use of this talent, and declare which skill is to be

penalized at the time this talent is activated.

This is a mind-affecting effect.

Opportunist Talent Tree Profiteers, gunrunners, and privateers can use the chaos of war to make a

tidy profit, and you are no exception. Your talents allow you to make the

best of a bad situation, keep your pockets filled with credits, and keep you

alive long enough to spend them.

Advantageous Opening: When an enemy or ally in your line of sight rolls

a natural 1 on an attack roll, you can make a melee or ranged attack against

a single target within range.

Retribution: When a target moves one of your allies in your line of sight

down the condition track by any means, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your

attack rolls against that target until the end of your next turn.

Slip By: When you damage a target, until the beginning of your next turn,

you can move through that target's space. Moving through the target's space

might still provoke attacks of opportunity as normal, and you must end your

movement in a legal space.

Thrive on Chaos: When an enemy or ally within 20 squares of you is

reduced to 0 hit points, you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 + one-half

your character level. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and

any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus

hit points do not stack.

Prerequisite: Advantageous Opening.

Vindication: When an enemy you have damaged is reduced to 0 hit points

or moved to the bottom of the condition track, your next attack made before

the end of the encounter deals + 1 die of damage.

Prerequisite: Retribution.

SCOUTS The Clone Wars send agents of both the Republic and the Confederacy

to far-flung worlds in search of resources to exploit. Many rely on local

guides to keep them from getting lost in the unfamiliar wilderness, and

scout heroes become entangled in the conflict in such a way. The RepUbliC

and the Confederacy hire scout heroes either as guides or trackers, but also

sometimes as advanced scouts, bounty hunters, and even assassins. Thanks

to the expansive nature of the Clone Wars, major conflicts take place on

undeveloped, wild worlds where the skills of a scout are extremely valuable.

Without scouts, both the Republic and the Separatists would have a more

difficult time finding their way across planets like Felucia and Saleucami,

both of which see significant activity during the Clone Wars.

Moreover, scouts find themselves thrust into the Clone Wars against

their wi l l simply by living on out-of-the-way worlds that become hot spots

for military activity. Though actual conscriptions are rare, many scouts are

scooped up by occupying forces and pressed into service. Though the occu­

piers pay these scouts, they have little choice in accepting the job. Other

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (26)

scouts willingly join one faction or the other, and many of the Republic's and Separatists' best scouts do not officially join either faction until the war comes to their home planets. Regardless of how the hero is drawn into the conflict, scou ts have skills that are hot commodities during the Clone Wars. As a result, scouts see working for one faction or another during the Clone Wars as a way to make some easy credits and also improve their standing with the winni ng faction .

NEW SCOUT TAL..ENTS The following new talents are intended for use with the scout class.

Reconnaissance Talent Tree You have lea rned to work in concert with a team to provide the best recon­naissance an d cover as much ground as possibl e.

Reconnaissance Team Leader: You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower temp late for your follower, generating the follower's statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains the Skill Training feat for the Perception and Stealth skills. Additionally, whenever you use the Stealth skill, all your followers can also make Stealth checks as a part of the same action if they are ab le to.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional follower (maximum of three followers).

Close-Combat Assault: Each of your followers gains the Point Blank Shot feat.

Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader. Get Into Position: As a move action, you can cause one of your followers

to move up to his or her speed +2 squares. Prerequisites: Reconnaissance Team Leader, base attack bonus +5. Reconnaissance Actions: You and your reconnai ssa nce team have

learned to work together as a cohesive unit and have an established set of tactics, which you have practiced to perfection. You can use any of the following actions on your turn. • Forward Scouting: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged

attack against a target in range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you can grant one ally a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls against your target until the beginning of your next turn. Th us, if you have multiple armed followers with li ne of sight to the target, you can grant the +2 bonus to mUltiple allies.

• Group Sniping: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. For each of your fo llowers armed with a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you and each of your fo llowers gains a + 1 circ*mstance bonus to Stealth checks until the end of your next turn.

• Sweep the Area: As a standa rd action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. For each of your fol lowers armed with a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you and each of your followers gains a +1 circ*mstance on Perception checks until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader.

Surveillance Talent Tree You have mastered the art of surveillance, transforming the information you gather with scout ing into a distinct advantage on the battlefield.

Advanced Intel: If you are not surprised at the beginning of combat, you can use the Spotter talent as a free action on your first turn, including during the surprise round.

Prerequisite: Spotter. Hidden Eyes: If you have concealment from a target, you gain a +5

circ*mstance bonus on all Perception checks made against that target. Hunt the Hunter: When you use a standard action to actively look for

hidden enemies (as per the Notice Ta rgets application of the Perception skill). you can make a single melee or ranged attack against anyone enemy you notice with your Perception check.

Seek and Destroy : If you make a charge attack against a target that is unaware of you , that target cannot make a Perception check to notice you until after the attack is resolved, even if you move away from cover or concea lment.

Prerequisite: Hidden Eyes. Spotter: As a move action , you ca n make a Perception check with a DC

equal to 10 + the CL of a single target enemy in your line of sight. If you succeed on the check, you and all your allies that can hear and understand you gain a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that target until the end of you r next turn.

SOL..DIERS The Clone Wars are a sold ier's dream. With two major fact ions struggl ing for control of the ga laxy, soldiers find themselves in high demand on both sides of the battlefield. Professional soldiers, including members of planetary militias, lend their expertise to the Republic or the Separatists. Some become mercenaries, acting as blasters-for-hire for the highest bidd er. Others f ight out of idealism, standing by their principles as they support the Republic or secede with the Confederacy. The Clone Wars present a straightfo rward conflict between two forces of relatively equal power, and t he tou ghness and cunning of sold iers can tip the sca les of any given battle.

Soldiers are everywhere during the Clone Wars. The clones and droids fighting on either side have sol diers among them (and players might choose to create heroic clone or droid characters). Pilots and vehicle operators in the Clone Wars are soldiers, as are gunners manning artillery stations. Most

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soldiers specialize in a particular field during the Clone Wars, providing a specific service as a member of infantry units, starfighter corps, or armor units. Heroic soldiers are usually more than rank-and-file troopers during the Clone Wars; many are officers (even low-level captains and lieutenants) com­manding larger groups of soldiers, and some are elite special forces soldiers­expected to be more talented and more deadly than other soldiers.

NEW SOLDIER TALENTS The following new talents are intended for use with the soldier class.

New Brawler Talent The following new talents belong to the Brawler talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), which is available to members of the soldier class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Brawler talent tree can choose from these talents as well.

Bayonet Master: When you take a full attack action, you can treat a ranged weapon with a bayonet as a double melee weapon. You can attack with the bayonet and club a target with your ranged weapon (as with the Gun Club talent), ignoring the normal penalties for attacking with both ends of a double weapon.

Prerequisite: Gun Club. Unrelenting Assault: You launch yourself at your foe, attacking with

weapons, limbs, and anything else available. Whenever you miss with a melee attack or the attack is negated, you still deal your Strength bonus in damage to the target (minimum 1) or 2 x your Strength bonus if you attack with a weapon you are wei lding two-handed.

Prerequisite: Melee Smash.

New Commando Talent Th e following new ta lent belongs to the Commando talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' which is available to members of the soldier class. Any character who can normally choose talents fro m the Commando talent tree can choose this talent as well.

Keep Them at Bay: When you use the aid another action to suppress an enemy, that enemy takes a -5 penalty on its next attack instead of the normal -2 penalty. Only 1 character may gain the benefits of this talent against a given target at a time.

Trooper Talent Tree In war, soldiers stand side by side against deadly foes, and you have learned how to keep yourself and your comrades alive in battle.

Comrades in Arms: Whenever you are within 3 squares of an ally, you gain a + 1 circ*mstance bonus on all melee and ranged attack rolls.

Focused Targeting: When you damage a target with a melee or ranged attack, all allies within 3 squares gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against that target until the beginning of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms.

Phalanx: Whenever you provide soft cover to an ally within 3 squares, you are considered to be providing improved cover.

Prerequisite: Watch Your Back. Stick Together: You can spend a move action to act ivate this ta lent.

Until the beginning of your next turn, if an ally moves you can immediately move up to your speed as a move action, provided you end you r movement within 3 squares of that ally.

Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms. Watch Your Back: If you are adjacent to at least one ally, enemies gain

no benefit from flanking you or any adjacent allies.

Squad Leader Talent Tree You are a capable military leader who can issue orders to a squad of sold iers with poise and efficiency.

Commanding Officer: You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower template for your follower, generat­ing the follower's statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains one Armor Proficiency feat of you r choice and Weapon Proficiency (rifles), in addition to those provided by the follower templates. The follower must meet the prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency feat you select.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional fol lower (maximum of three followers).

Coordinated Tactics: Each of your followers gains the Coordinated Attack feat (see page 83 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' provided he meets the prerequisite. If your follower later meets the prerequisite for the feat, he gains the feat at that time.

Prerequisite: Commanding Officer. Fire at Will: As a full-round act ion, you and one of your followers can

make a ranged attack against one target (each) in line of sight. You each take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls.

Prerequisites: Commanding Officer, base attack bonus +5. Squad Actions: You and your squad have learned to work together as

a team, and have an established set of tactics that you have practiced to perfection. You can use any of the following actions on your turn. • Autafire Barrage: As a standard action, you can make an autofire attack

against legal target spaces. For each of your followers who is armed with a ranged weapon set on autofire and has line of sight to the area targeted by your autofire, you can designate one additional square as targeted by your autofire (that square must be adjacent to your original target area).

• Open Fire: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a sing le target. For each of your followers who is armed with a ranged weapon and has line of sight to the target, add +2 to your damage roll on a successful hit.


January 2009

p. 26 – Stick Together Remove the phrase “as a move action” from the second sentence of this talent.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (28)

• Painted Target: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a single target. You gain a competence bonus on your attack roll equal to the number of your followers who are armed with a ranged weapon and have line of sight to the target. Thus, if you have three armed followers with line of sight to the target, you gain a +3 competence bonus on your attack roll. Prerequisite: Commanding Officer.

S KIL.LS Skills in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition cover a broad range of uses under their general titles . Below are new specific uses for some of the ski lls in the game. However, a skill could apply in situations even when specific rules are not provided in the skill description. It is up to the Gamemaster to determine when a skill is applicable, or if an ability check is more suitable.

KNOWLEDOE (TACTICS) Heroes in a Clone Wars campaign often find themselves on the field of battle, and only the quick minds of military leaders can ensure that the heroes survive or even emerge victor ious. The fo ll owing new applications of the Knowledge (tactics) skill can be used in any era but are particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.

Anticipate Enemy Strategy (Trained Only): A good tactician can antici­pate her enemy's movements and strateg ies, and th en plan accordingly. As a move action, a character trained in Knowledge (tactics) can designate a target in her line of sight and make a Knowledge (tactics) check to anticipate the enemy's next move. The DC for the check is equal to the target's Will Defense, or 10 + the target's CL if t he target does not have a Will Defe nse (as is the case for vehicles without unique pilots).

If successful, you gain special insight into the target's strategy and can anticipate its next move. You learn what actions the target is likely to take on its next turn based on the current circ*mstances; if circ*mstances change, the ta rge t's actions might change as well, though typical ly unless the situation changes drastically you should have a good idea of the target's likely next action. The Gamemaster is the final arbiter of just how much information you gain through the use of this skill . Typi cally this does not include information on the use of talents or feats, but it should provide information on whether the target is going to attack, who the target intends to attack, where the target might move to , or any other specia l strategies the target might employ.

Battlefield Tactics (Trained Only) : If you are the commander in a unit during mass combat, you can use your tactical knowledge to grant extra standard actions to other characters in your unit (see "Mass Combat" on page 95). The base check DC for this applicat ion of the skil l is 20, and it requires three swift act ions made on consecutive rounds to activate.

PERCEPTION The battlefields of the Clone Wars are confusing, hazardous places where danger can rise from anywhere to str ike without warning. Scouts and other forward units are cri tica l to t he success of a faction during a batt le. The following new application of the Perception skill can be used in any era bu t is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.

Long-Range Spotter (Trained Only; requires electrobinoculars): Though anyone can use electrobinocula rs to see objects at a distance, those trained in the Perception skill can glean particularly useful insights from their long-range observation. You can aid another on an attack roll (see page 151 of the Saga Edit ion core rulebook) made by an ally or all ied veh icle by making a DC 10 Perception check instead of an attack roll. You must be able to see the target of the attack through th e electrobinoculars, and you r target must be at least 50 squares (character scale) from both you and the ally you aid. Your ally must be able to hear and understand you to use th is application of the Perception skill.

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SURVIVAL. Since many of the battles of the Clone Wars take place on worlds hostile to Humans and other species, it should come as no surprise that the Survival skill is used extensively during this era. The following new application of the Survival skill can be used in any era but is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.

Create Defensive Position (Trained Only): A character trained in the Survival skill can make camp in a defensible position, digging trenches or otherwise preparing the encampment to defend against an attack. When you stop to rest (even in urban or otherwise civilized environments), you can take 10 minutes to prepare the place where you and your allies are resting as a defensive position. At the end of the 10 minutes, if you succeed on a DC 20 Su rvival check, you prepare an area no bigger than 20x20 squares as a defensive position . While you and your allies sleep within that area, you take no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets. Furthermore, all creatures take a - 5 penalty on Stealth checks made within the prepared area. Lastly, you and all allies gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Reflex Defense while within the area. If you and your allies abandon the defensive position, the effect ends.

Special: Sleeping or unconscious characters take a -10 penalty on Perception checks.

USE THE FORCE The Jedi generals of the Clone Wars do not all lead clones into battle; many serve in auxi liary capacity, such as the Jedi healers who serve in Repub lic Mobile Surgical Units. The following new application of the Use the Force skill can be used in any era but is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.

Move Light Object (Trained Only): You can use this application of the skill to catch and move a thrown weapon, such as grenades, that lands within your reach. The object can weigh no more than 5 kg. You must ready an action to catch the object on your turn, before the object is thrown. Moving the object requires a Use the Force check, with a DC equal to the attack roll of the thrown weapon. If you succeed on this check, you catch the object with the Force and can immediate ly move the object up to 6 squares away from you; otherwise, resolve the attack as normal. If the object you caught is an explosive, such as a grenade, it explodes at the end of its movement. You can use the object caught as a projectile weapon, as normal.

Place Other in Force Trance (Trained Only): As a full-round action, you can place an adjacent willing ally that you touch into a Force trance with a DC 15 Use the Force check. In this state, the target ally rests as though in a deep coma and is considered helpless. Each hour the target remains in the trance, the target regains a number of hit points equal to its character level. You can bring an adjacent ally you touch out of a Force trance as a swift action, but the target cannot otherwise come out of the Force trance on his or her own. If the target remains in the Force trance for 4 consecutive hours, the target emerges from the trance ful ly rested (as though the target had rested for 8 hours).

While the target ally is in a Force trance, it can go ten times as long as normal without air, food, or water (see the Endurance skill on page 66 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Unwilling targets cannot be placed in a Force trance.

FEATS The new feats presented here are availab le in any era. Some feats are especially appropriate for Clone Wars campaigns and should contribute to character concepts commonly found in this time.

ANOINTED HUNTER You have been anointed as a hunter for your tribe and possess skills few other Nelvaanians do.

Prerequisite: Nelvaanian species. Benefit: If you end your move at least 2 squares from where you started,

you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks made with thrown weapons until the end of your turn.

ARTIL.L.ERY SHOT You have learned to use the angle and distance between you and your target to devastating effect.

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used. Benefit: When you make an attack with a burst or splash weapon against

a target at greater than point blank range, you can affect two additional squares adjacent to the normal burst or sp lash area.

COORDINATED BARRAOE When you combine fire with an ally, your barrage can have devastating results on the attacker.

Prerequisites: Coordinated Attack, base attack bonus +5. Benefit: When you aid an ally's attack, for every 3 points that the ally's

attack roll beats the target's Reflex Defense, the attack deals + 1 die of damage. The maximum number of bonus damage dice the attack receives is equal to the number of allies with this feat that aided on the attack roll or +5 dice, whichever is lower.

DROIDCRAFT You can repair droids quickly.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill. Benefit: You can perform repairs on a droid in 10 minutes. Normal: Repairing a droid typically takes 1 hour (see the Mechanics skill,

page 70 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (30)

DROIO HUNTER You have learned to target the de licate parts of your droid opponents, taking advantage of their mechanical frailties.

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against droid enemies, or

+4 if you are using a weapon that deals ion damage.

EXPERIENCED MEDIC You have spent so much time on the battlefield that patching up wounded allies has become second nature to you .

Prerequisite: Trained in Treat Injury. Benefit: You can perform surgery (see page 74 of the Saga Edition core

rulebook) on a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence bonus (min i­mum 2) simultaneously. You make Treat Injury checks for each individual creature as norma l.


BONUS FEATS Some of the feats in this chapter may be selected as bonus feats by certain classes. Each class may add the following feats to their relevant bonus feat list.

Class Jedi Noble




Bonus Feats Unstoppable Force, Unwavering Resolve, Wary Defender Experienced Medic, Leader of Droids, Unwavering Resolve, Wary Defender Droid Hunter, Droidcraft, Expert Droid Repair, Overwhelming Attack Droid Hunter, Droidcraft, Expert Droid Repair, Flash and Clear Artillery Shot, Coordinated Barrage, Droid Hunter, Experienced Medic, Flash and Clear, Flood of Fire, Grand Army of the Republic Training, Gunnery Specialist, Overwhelming Attack, Separatist Military Training, Trench Warrior, Unstoppable Force, Wary Defender

EXPERT DROID REPAIR You can repair multip le droids simultaneously.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill. Benefit: You can repair a number of droids equal to you r Intelligence bonus

simultaneously. You make Mechanics checks for each droid as normal.

FLASH AND CLEAR You can use the smoke, noise, lig ht, and confusion caused by your grenade attacks to move unseen near your foes.

Benefit: When you damage a target with a burst or splash weapon , you gain concealment against that target until the beginning of your next turn.

FLOOD OF FIRE You fill the air with weapon fire, keeping your opponents from escaping the barrage.

Pre requisite: Proficient with wea pon used. Benefit: When you make an area attack with a weapon set on autofire,

all targets in the area lose all dodge or deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense against the autofire attack.

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January 2009

p. 29 – Expert Droid Repair Add the phrase “(minimum 2) after the phrase “Intelligence bonus.”

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Move 2 or more squares and gain a + 1 bonus on attacks with thrown

weapons until the end of your turn.

You increase the efficacy of your burst and splash weapon attacks.

Allow an ally to deal more damage when you aid his attack.

Repair a droid in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour

Dea l +2 damage to droid enemies, or +4 when using an ion weapon.

Perform surgery on multiple creatures simultaneously.

Repair multiple droids simultaneously

Gain concealment against a target you damage with a burst or splash wea pon.

Ignore enemies' dodge and deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense when ma king

area attacks with a weapon set on autofire.

Apply your armor's equipment bonus to your Will Defense.

Re ro ll an attack made with a vehicle weapon.

Gain one temporary Force Point when targeted by an ally's Force power

or Force talent.

Allied droids benefit from your beneficial mind-affecting effects.

Any attempt to negate your attack takes a - 5 penalty on the attack roll

or skill check.

Add half your Dark Side Score to Use the Force checks to resist detection.

Gain a + 1 bonus on an attack roll while adjacent to an ally.

When using a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the area to 1 square.

When you have cover against a enemy's ranged attacks, gain a + 1 bonus

on attack rol ls against that enemy.

Gain a +5 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense against any effect

requiring a Use the Force check.

Gain a +5 bonus to Will Defense against Deception and Persuasion checks.

Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense wh ile fight ing defensivel y.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (32)

GR AND ARMY OF THE RE PUBL.IC TRAINING You have received basic training from the Grand Army of the Republic and know how to turn even bulky armor into an asset.

Prerequisite : Proficient with armor worn. Benefit: If you wear armor that provides an equipment bonus to your

Fortitude Defense, you also apply the armor's equipment bonus to your Wi ll Defense.

GUNNERY SPECIAL.IST You are right at home in the gunner's seat and use heavy artillery to great

effect. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1. Benefit: Whi le you are the gunner of a vehicle, you are considered

proficient with vehicle weapons. Additionally, once per encounter, you can reroll an attack roll made with a vehicle weapon, though you must keep the second result, even if it is worse. You can declare this reroll after you learn the result of the attack rol l, but before damage is reso lved.

Special: Taking this feat satisfies the prerequ isites for the Starship Tactics feat (page 20 of Starshipsafthe Galaxy); however, unless you are trained in the Pilot skill and have the Veh icular Combat feat, you may only take [gunner] maneuvers when you select starship maneuvers for Starship Tacti cs .

.J EDI FAMIL.IARITY You have worked alongside Jedi or other Force-users and have developed an excellent rapport.

Benefit: Once per encounter, when you are targeted or affected by a Force power or Force talent originating from an ally, you gain one temporary Force Point, which must be spent before the end of the encounter or it goes away. If the Force power or Force talent damages you or moves you down the condition track, you do not gain the benefit of this feat.

L EADER OF DROIDS You are experienced in leading dro ids, and you know how to direct them tactically.

Benefit: Whenever you provide a beneficial, mind-affecting effect to your allies, you may select from among these allies a number of droids equal to your Intell ig ence modifier (minimum 1). The droids you designate ignore their mind-affecting immunity with regards to this effect, provided they are willing to ignore this immunity.

OVERWHEL.MING ATTACK You know how to get your attacks past enemy defenses, making sure they strike true .

Benefit: You must spend two swift actions in the same round to activate th is feat. If your target attempts to use a ta lent, feat, or other ability to negate your attack (such as Block, Deflect, or Vehicular Combatl. the target takes a -5 penalty to any attack rolls or skill checks it makes to negate the attack. This effect applies to the next attack you make before the end of the same round.

PAL.L. OF THE DARK SIDE You are adept at hiding yourself from Force-users, thanks to the haze of the dark side.

Prerequisite: Dark Side Score 1+. Benefit : You can add one-half your Dark Side Score (minimum 1) to any

Use the Force checks made to resist attempts to detect you with the Sense Force application of the Use the Force skil l.

SEPARATIST MIL.ITARY TRAINING You have rece ived extensive training from the military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and are fam il iar with its practices.

Benefit: While you are adjacent to at least one of your al lies, gain a + 1 ci rcu mstance bonus on anyone attack roll you make on your turn .

SPRAY SHOT You can fire a short burst at an enemy while protecting nearby allies from erran t shots.

Benefit: When you have a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the area targeted by your autofire attack to 1 square.

TRENCH WARRIOR You have experience fighting in the trenches, and you know how to use cover to your attack advantage.

Benefit: When you are adjacent to a wall or object that provides you with cover from your target's ranged attacks, you gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus on your attack rolls against that target.

UNSTOPPABL.E FORCE Your constant exposure to Force-users has taught you methods of physically resisting their effect on you in battle.

Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense against any attack or effect requiring a Use the Force check.

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UNWAVERING RESOLVE You are not easily swayed by the words of others, and can see through deceptions thanks to your keen mind.

Prerequ is ite: Trained in Perception. Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Will Defense against Deception

and Persuasion checks.

WARY DEFENDER Even in the heat of battle you can bolster yourself against nearly anything that comes your way.

Benefi t : When you use the fight defensively act ion (see page 152 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, you gain a +2 competence bonus to your Fortitude Defense and Will Defense until the beginning of your next turn .

FOLLOWERS Followers are nonheroic characters that act as your allies and agents during adventures. Unlike other NPC allies, followers are obtained through talents and augmented by ab ilities of your choosing. A player that se lects follower­granting ta lents can choose the role, function , and abilities of those fo llowers through further talent selection. Unlike a crime lord's minions, followers do not gain skills or feats as they advance in level, and many of their statistics

are tied directly to the hero who spent talents and feats to gain them. How­ever, followers go on adventures with you and provide assistance, both in combat and in noncombat encounters, and otherwise function as members of your party. Foll owers are considered your allies, as well as the allies of your party members.

In a Clone Wars campaign, followers give the heroes an opportunity to lead troops into battle, command a crack squad of Republic Commandos, contro l a group of mercenaries hired to do reconna issance, or re tain a retinue of guards fitting for a noble of stature. Though they serve the same functions as nonheroic allies, they are different in that their actions are typically under the direct control of one of the heroes. A Jedi hero might lead clone trooper followers into battle, while a noble might have a team of loyal protectors and decoys accompanying her as she travels the galaxy. These followers are not just mindless, faceless drones who obey the hero's every bidding, but they do represent the many background characters that assist heroes in one way or another throughout the Star Wars saga.

For an individual hero, the prese nce of followers represents a significant part of that character's development: leadersh ip. When a hero takes a talent that grants fol lowers, that hero has become a leader to a single follower or small group of NPCs. Gamemasters that allow heroes to take follower­granting talents should encourage these heroes to act as good leaders should, taking care of their followers, ensuring they are healthy and prepared, and watching out for their emotional and physical we lfare.

Each individual Gamemaster can determine how much or how little time they devote to fleshing out the personalities and mannerisms of a hero's followers. For some, assigning a name to the follower is enough, but some Gamemasters might wish to flesh out the followers as thoroughly as they wou ld major NPCs for a campaign. Gamemasters should also consult with their players to determine how much detail they would like for their follow­ers. For example, a hero leading a squa d of clone troopers as followers might not care about his fol lowers' thoughts and motivations, and Gamemasters should be aware of how much attention their players want paid to followers' persona I ity detai Is.

HUMAN FOLLOWERS Since Human species tra its grant a bonus feat and a bonus trained ski ll, Human fol lowers gain no species bonus from the standard follower generation system. Instead, Human fo llowers can choose one item from any tem plate (ot her than their own fol lower te mplate) and app ly that to the follower's statistics instead. For example, a Human follower with the aggressive temp late could choose to gain the bonus to Reflex Defense from the defensive follower template, or a Human uti lity follower could choose t he +2 bonus to Constitut ion f ro m the agg ressive fol lower.

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FOLLOWER STATISTICS A follower's statistics are determined by your heroic level, so when you take a talent that grants you a follower, you need not worry about building a character completely from scratch. Similarly, as you gain levels, the fol­lower's statistics improve, helping your followers stay active as your campaign progresses. When you gain a follower, you can build a full stat block for that follower by using the gu idelines presented below.

Level: Your followers are considered to be the same level as your hero. Fo llowers are considered non heroic characters but gain none of the benefits of the non heroic class (see page 277 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Species: When you receive a follower, you can select the follower's species, applying that species' traits to the statistics of the follower. Your followers never gain bonus feats from their species traits.

Initiative: Followers do not make Initiative checks. They act on the hero's turn, as the hero must spend actions to activate them.

Destiny and Force Points: Followers do not receive Destiny Points or Force Points, nor do they have destinies. Any effect that would give a fol­lower a Force Point, use a follower's Force Point. or otherwise interact with the follower's Force Points and Destiny Points have no effect.

Dark Side Score: Followers have Dark Side Scores (though they begin with no score). which increase as they commit acts that would warrant an increase normally.

Languages: A follower speaks its native languages, plus it has at least one language in common with you (usually Basic).

Defenses: A follower has a Reflex Defense, Fortitude Defense, and Will Defense equal to 10 + the relevant ability score modifier + your heroic level. Some talents and effects allow you to increase these defenses, and the basic follower templates can also include bonuses for individual defenses. Any bonus to Reflex Defense from armor does not stack with the bonus from your heroic level. If the follower is wearing armor, use the higher of the two bonuses.

Hit Points: A follower has a number of hit points equal to 10 + your heroic level.

Damage Threshold: A follower's damage threshold is calculated as normal (see page 146 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Base Attack Bonus: A follower's template determines its base attack bonus. Aggressive followers use the soldier base attack progression (see page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl. while defensive and utility fol­lowers use the scoundrel base attack progression (see page 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Grapple: A follower's grapple bonus is calculated as normal (see page 153 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Ability Scores: A follower's ability scores are all equal to 10, except as noted under each template.

Talents and Feats: Followers do not gain talents or feats unless specified by the follower's template or talents taken by your hero. This means they do not gain bonus feats from their species, even if they normally would ga in one. Exception: All followers gain the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat.

Skills: Followers do not gain trained skills, though their untrained skill modifiers are calculated as normal (one-half level + the relevant ability score modifier). Some templates and talents allow followers to become trained in certain skills. Followers do not gain bonus trained skills for having a high Intelligence.

Possessions: All followers have starting credits equal to the starting credits for your first class.

OROID FOLLOWERS Unlike the various alien species of the Star Wars universe, droids do not share a basic set of traits that can be used to quickly build a character. Heroes in a Clone Wars campaign with droid followers are likely to be mem­bers of the Confederacy (or at least working with the Separatists). Rather that restrict droid followers to a single model of droid, all droid followers use some of the same basic rules to cover their game mechanics, leaving the specifics of droid model and appearance up to the Gamemaster. The droids might be super battle droids, droid commandos, or IG-100 bodyguard droids depending on the needs and desires of the individual hero.

However, droid followers come with some pitfalls that nondroid fol­lowers do not. It is much easier to upgrade the combat capabilities of a droid follower simply by purchasing equipment for it, such as hardened systems or personal shields. Gamemasters should be careful when allowing PCs to take droid followers, as they can quickly become more powerful than their nondroid counterparts. Gamemasters must carefully consider the repercussions of giving heroes too free a hand in modifying their droid followers.

Use "the following species traits when creating a droid follower: Ability Scores: Droid followers may choose to apply a +2 bonus to

any ability score of their choice (except Constitution) . Size: Droid followers should be Medium size. Gamemasters that wish to

allow droid followers of different sizes can do so, but must make adjustments to statistics and locomotion speed based on the size of the follower.

Speed: Droid fo llowers can begin with walking locomotion or tracked locomotion, each of wh ich confers a speed of 6 squares.

Droid Traits: Droid followers have all of the droid traits and droid immunities. They follow all of the same rules as droids, as outlined on pages 187-188 of the Saga Edition core rulebook. All droid followers are considered to be fourth-degree droids, though Gamemasters are free to allow a different droid degree. Gamemasters should keep in mind, how­ever, that droids of other degrees typically have limitations placed on the actions they can take (specifically with regards to combat).

Starting Equipment: Droid followers begin with a heuristic processor, 2 arm appendages, and a locomotion system. They gain normal start­ing credits as per the follower ru les, but these credits must be spent on nondroid equipment or the following droid accessories: appendages, communications devices, internal storage, sensors, or translator units.

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FOLLOWER TEMPLATES When you gain a follower, you must choose one of three templates for your

follower: the aggressive follower. the defensive follower, or the utility follower. These follower templates provide unique ski lls and other mechan ica l benefits

for your fo llowers that not only increase their usefulness but also prevent

all your followers from having identical statistics (if you choose different

templates for each follower).

When you gain a follower, choose one template and apply the mechanical

modifications indicated in that template to the statist ics of yo ur follower.

Once chosen, a follower 's template cannot be changed.

The Aggressive Follower Aggressive followers are focused on attacks and depleting enemy resources.

They are somewhat tougher than other followers because they put themselves

in harm's way more often and are more likely to attack an enemy target.

Defenses: An aggressive fo ll ower gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude


Base Attack Bonus: An aggressive follower uses the so ldier class's base

attack bonus progression (see page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Ability Scores: An aggressive follower gains a +2 bonus to Strength or Constitution (your choice).

Trained Skills: Aggressive fo llowers are trained in Endurance.

Feats: Aggressive followers gain the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat.

The Defensive Follower Defensive followers specialize in protecting themselves from damage and,

sim ilarly, holding a defensive position. Defensive followers make excellent

support fighters, laying down suppression fire or helping to hold a corridor

against an invading force.

Defenses: A defensive follower gains a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense.

Base Attack Bonus: A defensive follower uses the scoundrel class's base

attack bonus progression (see page 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Ability Scores: A defensive follower gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity or

Wisdom (your cho ice).

Trained Skills: Defensive followers are trained in Endurance.

Feats: Defensive followers gain the Armor Proficiency (light) feat.

The Utility Follower Utility followers are typically skilled in several areas, allowing them to

contribute to a variety of situations where sk ill checks are called for. Utility

followers might be demolitions experts, slicers, saboteurs, or any number of

other professions that rely on ski lls to excel.

Defenses: A utility fo llower gains a +2 bonus to Will Defense.

Base Attack Bonus: A utility follower uses the scoundrel class's base

attack bonus progression (see page 45 of the Saga Edit ion core rulebook).

Ability Scores: A utility follower gains a +2 bonus to Intelligence or

Charisma (your choice).

Skills: Utility followers are trained in one ski ll of your choice (except

Use the Force) .

Feats: Utility followers gain either the Armor Proficiency (light) feat

or the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat (your choice at time of follower

creation) .

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SAMPLE FOLLOWER: OAMMA-3S3 "TRENCH" The following stat block represents a sample follower for a level 7 soldier who has taken the Commanding Officer talent. Since the soldier is a member of the Republic, he decides that his follower is a special clone trooper assigned to follow his orders in preparation for life as a member of a commando squad. Wanting his fo llower to be more survivable, the hero chooses the defensive follower template. Since the clone trooper is Human, the soldier also decides that his follower should take the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat from the aggressive follower template's feats section. The clone trooper, designated Gamma-383 by the Grand Army of the Republic, is nicknamed "Trench" due to his penchant for hunkering down and holding a threatened position for long periods of time.

Gamma-383 "Trench" Medium Human defensive follower 7 Init acts on hero's Initiative; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19). Fort 19, Will 17 hp 17; Threshold 19

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +5 (1d4) Ranged blaster rifle +6 (3dB) or Ranged blaster pistol +6 (3d6) or Ranged frag grenade +6 (4d6) Base Atk +5; Grp +5 Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Special Qualities follower qualities

CL 2

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance +B Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle, blaster pistol, 2 frag


FOLLOWER ACTIONS Unlike normal NPCs, followers have a limited array of actions that they can perform on any given round. They depend on you, the hero, to direct them.

Followers act on your initiative count and take actions based on the actions you choose to give them. Below is a summary of actions your fol­lowers can take (along with the action cost to you). both in character-scale combat and in veh icle and starship combat.

You must have line of sight to your follower or be in communications with your follower to be able to use any of the actions below. Other talents related to followers might have their own act ion or range requirements, as well.

Standard Actions You can give up your standard action to let one of your followers take a stan­dard action of its own. On any round in which an individual follower does not take a standard action (that is, if you do not grant that follower a standard action from the list below or from a talent-granted ability). that follower is considered to be fighting defensively as their standard action.

As a standard action, you can cause one of your followers to take one of the following actions:

Attack: The follower makes a melee or ranged attack aga inst a legal target. Followers can use weapons set on different settings-such as autofire or stun-as normal.

Aid Another: The follower uses the aid another action as normal. Charge: The follower makes a charge attack against a legal target. Fight Defensively: The follower takes the fight defensively action as

normal (it can still make attacks of opportunity). Retrieve a Concealed Item: The follower retrieves an item concealed

with the Stealth skill from his person . Use Special Ability: If you have a talent that allows one of your followers

to use a specia l ability as a sta ndard action, it can do so.

Move Actions As a move action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following actions:

Draw or Holster a Weapon: When you use a move action to draw or holster a weapon, each of your followers can do the same. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers draw or holster a weapon, even if you do not.

Manipulate an Item: Each of your followers can pick up an item, load a weapon, open or close a door, or move a heavy object.

Move With You: When you take a move action to move, stand up, or withdraw, each of your followers can move up to their speed, stand up, or withdraw as normal. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform these actions, even if you do not.

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Swift Actions As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following


Activate an Item: When you use a swift action to act ivate an item, each

of your followers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more

of your followers activate an item, even if you do not.

Drop an Item: When you use a sw ift action to drop an item, each of your

followers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more of your

followers drop an item, even if you do not.

Fall Prone: When you use a swift action to fall prone, each of your fol­

lowers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more of your

followers fall prone, even if you do not.

Recover: When you use three swift actions to recover in the same

round or on consecutive rounds, each of your followers can do the same.

You can use the actions to let one or more of your followers recover, even

if you do not.

Switch Weapon Mode: When you use a swift action to switch weapon

mode, each of your followers can do the same. You can use the action to let

one or more of your followers switch weapon mode, even if you do not.

SHARING ACTIONS Players and Gamemasters may wonder why followers, unlike all other

NPCs in the galaxy, do not have a full suite of actions each round . The

primary reason is to prevent a single hero who takes the follower talents

from gaining a longer turn than the other players, and also to keep the

hero from unbalancing encounters due to the added firepower. Standard

assumptions about round length and CL are affected by adding NPCs

to the mix, and having each follower act in concert with its controller

reduces the amount of extra work a Gamemaster must put into designing

encounters. Therefore, each follower talent tree features at least one

talent that allows the hero and the follower to act in concert.

In terms of an in-universe explanation for this discrepancy, a hero

needs to direct his followers, and doing so requires more than just shout­

ing orders; he needs to assess the situation, determine the best course of

action, and effectively communicate instructions to his followers. When

your turn comes up and your followers take no actions, they aren't just

sitting there idle-they are taking cover, assessing the situation, and

preparing to execute the plans you set forth for them.

Full-Round Actions As a full-round action, you can allow your followers to take the following


Run: When you take a full-round act ion to run, each of your followers

can run up to their normal run speed. You can also use the act ion to let one

or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

FOLLOWERS IN VEHICLES Followers can pilot or act as gunners in vehicles just like any other NPC

al ly. However, they operate under the same action restrict ions as they do

in character-scale combat. A fo llower can take on any role on a starship,

including pilot, but the follower must abide by the same restrictions of that

role that any other character would have. For example, follower pilots must

still spend a move action piloting the ir ships.

Standard Actions You can give up your standard actions to let one of your fol lowers take a

standard action of its own. On any round in which an individual follower in

the pilot's role does not take a standard action (that is, if you do not grant

that follower a standard action from the list below or from a ta lent-granted

ability), that follower is considered to be f ighting defensively as their standard

action, though normal penalties to the attacks of gunners still apply.

As a standard action, you can cause one of you r followers to take one of

the following actions:

Attack: The fol lower makes a melee or ranged attack aga inst a legal

target, including an attack with a vehicle weapon .

Aid Another: The follower uses the aid another action as normal. The

normal rules for the aid another vehicle action still apply.

Attack Run: The fo llower can make an attack run against a legal target,

provided that follower is the pilot of the vehicle. Followers acting as gunners

cannot coordinate their attacks with this attack run, since they require a

standard action to ready or make attacks.

Dogfight: The follower initiates or participates in a dogfight. When

engaged in a dogfight, your fol lower can attack or disengage as normal.

Follow all the normal rules for dogfighting. Followers can initiate a dogfight

as an attack of opportunity as normal, but this counts as your one attack of

opportunity for the round (see "Attacks of Opportunity" below).

Fight Defensively: The follower takes the f ight defensively action as

normal; it can stil l make attacks of opportunity. Your fo llower must be the

pilot of the vehicle to take this action.

Use Special Ability: If you have a ta lent that allows one of your followers

to use a special ability as a standard action, the follower can do so.

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Move Actions As a move action, you can cause your followers to take one of the fo llow­ing actions:

Move Vehicle With You: When you take a move action to move your vehicle, each of your followers can move a vehicle th ey pilot up to their vehicle's speed. You can also use the action to let one or more of your fol­lowers perform this action, even if you do not.

Swift Actions As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following actions:

Ful l Stop: When you take a swift action to bring a vehicle to a full stop, one or more of your followers piloting a veh icle can take the full stop action as well. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action , even if you do not.

Increase Vehicle Speed: When yo u take a swift action to increase vehicle speed, one or more of your followers piloting a vehicle can take the increase veh icle speed action as well. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this act ion, even if you do not.

Raise or Lower Shields: When you take a swift act ion to raise or lower shields, one or more of your followers acting as system operator can raise or lower shields on their vehicles as well. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Recharge Sh ields : When you spend 3 swift actions in the same round or on consecutive rounds to recharge shields, you can also let one or more of yourfoll owers acting as system operator make a DC 20 Mechanics check to increase their vehicles' shield rating by 5, up to the vehicle's normal maximum. You can also use the action to let one or more of yo ur fol lowers pe rform this action, even if you do not.

Reroute Power: Whenever you spend 3 swift actions in the same round or on consecutive rounds to reroute power, you can also let one or more of your fol lowers acting as engineer make a DC 20 Mechanics check to move thei r veh icles + 1 step on the condition track. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Full-Round Actions As a full-round action, you can allow your fo llowers to take the following action:

All-Out Movement : When you take a fu ll-round action to move your vehicle using the all-out movement action, each of your fol lowers can take the all -out movement act ion for vehicles they pilot as we ll. You can also use the acti on to let one or more of your fo ll owers perform th is action, even if you do not.

ATTACKS OF OPPORTUNITY Like a normal hero, fo ll owers that threaten can make attacks of opportun ity as normal. However, any attack of opportunity made by a follower counts as an attack of opport unity made by you.

EQUIPPING A FOL.L.OWER Followers gain starting credits and can use those credits to pu rchase equip­ment. A hero can provide equipment to his followers, though their limited number of armor and weapon proficiencies keeps followers from becoming walking arsenals. Followers must abide by the normal rules for carrying capacity and encumbrance, though they are otherwise unrestricted in t he kinds or amounts of equ ipment they can use.

FOL.L.OWER DEATH When a fo ll ower is red uced to 0 hit poi nts by an attack that exceeds its damage threshold, it dies. However, you can spend a Force Poi nt to prevent the fo llower from dying just as you would prevent yourself from dying from a similar wound. An attack that reduces a fo llower to 0 hit points but does not exceed the fo llower's damage threshold ca uses the follower to go uncon­scious (apply the normal rules for unconsciousness, death, and dying).

If a follower dies, you do not lose the benefits of the talent that granted you the follower. You can recruit another follower to replace a dead one, abiding by the normal rules for gaining a follower at that point. Recruiting a new follower usual ly requires 8 hours of searching and recruitment, though Gamemasters can shorten or lengthen th is amount of time based on the circ*mstances. However, Gamemasters should be careful not to delay this recruitment for too long , because until the hero ga ins a replacement follower, that hero is at a disadva ntage.

FOL.L.OWERS AND DARK SIDE SCORES A good leader is responsible for the actions of those who follow him, and when it comes to the lure of the dark side, heroes with followers are no exceptions. If you command one of your followers to commit an act t hat would normally increase one's Dark Side Score, you increase th e Dark Side Score of both you and your follower. If a follower's Dark Side Score equals its Wisdom score, it becomes an NPC under Gamemaster control (as any hero normally would), but you can recruit a new follower as though yours had died.

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Close-Quarters Fighter : Whenever you occupy the same square as your target or are adjacent to your target, you gain a + 1 circ*mstance bonus to you r melee attack ro lls against that target.

Ignore Armor: Once per encou nter, when you make a melee attack, you can ignore any armor or equipment bonuses granted by your target's armor.

Improved Stunning Strike: When you damage an opponent with a melee attack that moves the target down the condition track, the target cannot take any action requiring a standard or full - round action on its next turn.

Prerequisite: Stunning Strike. Whirling Death : You twirl your weapon around you in a blur, creat ing a

circle of death around you. Any enemy target that begins its turn adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength bonus. You must be wielding a melee weapon to use this talent.

Prerequisites: Melee Smash, Unrelenting Assault.

Republic Commando Talent Tree You have demonstrated that you are a highly sk ill ed and capable soldi er for the Republic and work well in a commando squad.

Ambush: When you successfully hit an opponent that has not yet acted in combat, you deal +2 dice of damage with the attack.

Higher Yield : Once per encounter, you can choose to deal +1 die of damage with a sing le grenade or other explosive.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Demolitions ski ll.


Rapid Reload: You can retrieve a stored energy cell and reload your weapon as a single sw ift action.

Shoulder to Shoulder: Whenever you begin your turn adjacent to an ally, you gain a number of bonus hit points equal to your heroic level. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the en d of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from va riou s sources do not stack.

Strength in Numbers: If you are within 10 squares of an ally, you ca n add +2 to your DR.

Weapon Shift: If you use a ranged weapon as a melee weapon (as with the Gun Club talent), you gain a +2 bonus to melee attack ro lls with that weapon.

Prerequisite: Gun Club .

FORCE ADEPT TALENTS Th e following new talents are intended for use with the Force Adept prestige class (see page 212 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ.

New Force Item Talents Th e following talents expand the Force Item talent tree (see page 214 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ.

Focused Force Talisman: When you create a Force talisman (see page 214 of the Saga Edi tion core rulebook), you can select a sing le Force power from your Force su ite. Whenever you are wearing this talisman and activate the selected Force power, you can spend a Force Point to immediately regain that spent power, adding it to you r Force su ite.

Prerequisite: Force Talisman . Greater Focused Force Talisman : As Focused Force Talisman (see above),

except tha t a Force Point spent to immediately recover the selected power does not count against the "one per turn" restriction on spending Force Points.

Prerequisites: Force Tal isman, Focused Force Talisman.







January 2009

p. 40 – Higher Yield Change the word “Demolitions” to “Mechanics” in the Prerequisites line.


January 2009

p. 40 – Focused Force Talisman Add the phrase “all your expended uses of” before the phrase “that spent Force power” in the last sentence of the talent’s description.


January 2009

p. 40 – Rapid Reload Add the phrase “or power pack” after the phrase “energy cell.”

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GUN SLINGER TALENT The followin g new talent is intended for use with the Gunslinger prestige class (see page 216 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

New Gunslinger Talents The following talent expands the Gunslinger talent tree (see page 216 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) .

Blind Shot: You ignore the penalties on your ranged attack rol ls when a target has concealment or total concealment.

..JED I KNIGHT TALENTS The follow ing new talents and talent trees are intended for use with the Jedi Knight prestige class (see page 217 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Jedi Archivist Talent Tree You have dedicated your life as a Jedi to preserving knowledge and applying it in times when it is needed.

Direct: As a standard action, you can return one spent Force power to the Force suite of any ally within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight. The Force power must have been spent by the ally you designate.

Impart Knowledge: You can aid another on the Knowledge checks of any ally within 6 squares of you as a reaction for Knowledge skills you are trained in .

Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor. Insight of the Force: You can make a Use the Force check in place of a

Knowledge check for any Knowledge skill you are not trained in . You are con­sidered trained in that Knowledge skill for the purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Knowledge check reroll, you can reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circ*mstances and limitations).

Master Advisor: When you use the Skilled Advisor talent (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ. the ally you aid gains one temporary Force Point at the end of her next turn. If the Force Point is not spent before the end of the encounter, it is lost.

Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor. Scholarly Knowledge: As a swift action, you can reroll a Knowledge check

and keep the better of the two results. This can be used with any Knowledge skill you are trained in.

Jedi Healer Talent Tree You have focused your natural ability with the Force to heal the sick and injured.

Force Treatment: You can make a Use the Force check in the place of a Treat Injury check. You are considered trained in the Treat Injury skill. If you are entitled to a Treat Injury check reroll, you can reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circ*mstances and limitations).

Healing Boost: When healing somebody through vital transfer, the amount of damage healed increases by 1 point per your class level.

Prerequisite: Vital transfer. Improved Healing Boost: When healing somebody through vital transfer,

the amount of damage healed increases by 2 points per your class level. Prerequisites: Healing Boost, vital transfer. Soothe: When using vital transfer to heal somebody, you can move the

target + 1 step on the condition track instead of healing damage. When doing so, you move -1 step on the condition track in exchange.

Prerequisite: Vital transfer.


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OFFICER TALENTS The following new talents are intended for use with the officer prestige class (see page 20 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) .

New Military Tactics Talents The following new talents expand the Military Tactics talent tree (see page 221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) .

Exploit Weakness: When you use the Assault Tactics talent (see page 221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) on an enemy, the target takes a cumulative -1 penalty to Reflex Defense each time it is damaged by one of your allies (maximum -5). This penalty applies until the end of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Assault Ta ctics. Grand Leader : As a swift action, once per encounter, you can grant bonus

hit points equal to 5 + one-half your character level to all allies within 20 squares of you and in your line of sight. Damage is subtracted f rom the bonus hit points fi rst, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not stack.

Uncanny Defense : Once per day, you can add one-half your officer class level to all your defenses for one round . You must declare that you are using this talent at the beginning of your turn. The benefits last until the begin­ning of your next turn.

PRESTIGE CLASSES The following new prestige classes are available during the Rise of the Empire era, particularly during the Clone Wars.



Droid commander Leader specializing in droid troops

Military engineer Tech specialist focusing on military hardware

Vanguard Advanced scout who pinpoints enemy forces

OROID COMMANDER All armies need an established hierarchy to ensure that objectives are achieved successfully. Even battle droids, with their network connection to a central command computer, must sometimes have specific movements dictated to them by a separate droid designated as a field commander. The droid commander, through the course of its career as a soldier for its orga­nization, proves itself through its actions and is promoted to lead others of its kind to support the unit's mission and the organization's cause.

Droid commanders are easy to spot on the battlefield. They bear command colors and are positioned within the ranks to receive maximum protection from the enemy. Although they might be easy to find, they are rarely easy to eliminate. Because these droids are prized by their superiors, they are augmented and improved to increase the likelihood of their survival and continued service to their masters. Better weapons, armor, and equipment in addition to upgraded systems make the droid commander a formidable foe on its own. Its ability to effectively lead troops on the battlefield make the droid commander and its squad a force to be reckoned with.




1st +1 Defense bonuses, talent

2nd +2 Networked mind (1 droid ally)

3rd +3 Talent

4th +4 Networked mind (2 droid allies)

5th +5 Talent

6th +6 Networked mind (3 droid allies)

7th +7 Talent

8th +8 Networked mind (4 droid allies)

9th +9 Talent

10th +10 Networked mind (5 droid allies)


REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a droid commander, a character must fulfill the fol­lowing criteria.

Minimum Level: 7th. Trained Skills: Knowledge (tactics), Use Computer. Talents: At least one talent from the Leadership talent tree (see page 44

of the Saga Edition core rulebook) or the Commando talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Special: Droids only.

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OAME RULE INFORMATION Droid commanders have the following game statistics.

Hit Points At each level, droid commanders gain 1d10 hit points.

Force Points Droid commanders gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their

character level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in this class.

CLASS FEATURES The following are features of the droid commander prestige class.

Defense Bonuses At 1st level, you gain a +2 class bonus to your Reflex Defense, Fortitude

Defense, and Will Defense.

Talents At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on). the droid commander

selects a talent. The talent can be selected from the Droid Commander talent

tree (presented below)' the Inspiration talent tree (see page 43 of the Saga

Edition core rulebook). or the Leadership talent tree (see page 44 of the Saga

Edition core rulebook). The droid commander must meet the prerequisites (if

any) of the chosen talent. No talent can be selected more than once unless

expressly indicated.


You have learned the quirks and intricacies of commanding droids, and you

can get the most out of even the least sophisticated basic programming.

Automated Strike: As a swift act ion, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge

(tactics) check. If successful, all droid allies able to hear and understand

you gain the benefits of the Double Attack feat for one weapon group with

which you are proficient until the end of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Double Attack with the chosen weapon.

Droid Defense: As a standard action, you can transmit tactical infor­

mation to all droid al li es that can hear and understand you, granting them

a bonus equa l to your Intelligence modifier to one of their defenses (your

cho ice) until the beginning of your next turn.

Droid Mettle: As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a single

droid ally within your line of sight. That droid ally ga ins bonus hit points equal

to 10 + your class level.

Prerequisites: Droid Defense.

Expanded Sensors: If you or any of your droid allies has line of sight to

and is aware of a target, all droid allies that can hear and understand you

are also considered to have line of sight (but not necessarily line of effect)

to that target.

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Inspire Competence: As a swift action once per turn, you can grant one droid ally within your line of sight a competence bonus on its next attack roll made before the start of your next turn equal to half your class level. Additionally, any droid designated as the target of your Networked Mind class feature is cons id ered to have a heuristic processor whenever it is beneficial, even if it does not actually have a heuristic processor.

Prerequisite: Expanded Sensors. Maintain Focus: As a swift action once per turn, you can grant all

droid allies within your line of sight the ability to take the Recover action as two swift actions (instead of as three swift actions) until the start of your next turn .

Overclocked Troops: You push the limits of the droids under your com­mand. You can spend a sw ift action once per turn to allow each of your net­worked allies (see the Networked Mind class feature below) to immediately move up to their speed.

Prerequisite: Droid Defense. Reinforced Commands: When you use an ability that grants a droid ally

a morale or insight bonus, increase the va lue of that bonus by 1. Prerequisite: Droid Defense.

Networked Mind You can designate a number of your droid allies equal to one-half your class level as being networked with you. A networked droid ally can receive ben­eficial mind-affecting effects from you . Once you designate a droid ally as the recipient of this benefit, you cannot change the droid beneficiary until afte r the end of the encounter, and designating a droid to benefit from this class feature is a free action. Additiona lly, you are considered to have line of sight to a networked droid ally as long as both you and the ally have an active comlink (if the comlinks are subject to communications jamm ing, you lose this benefit).

MILITARY ENGINEER The platoon's transport has broken down . The radio is not working . Two of the sold iers' rifles have jammed. The enemy is closing in. Who is going to fix everything in time? This is when the military engineer steps in. The military engineer is a tech specia list who focuses her energy on making repairs in the field and keeping the group's hardware running until they make it back to base.

Although the military engineer is likely to be part of a combat unit, she feels more comfortable with tools in her hands while lying under a vehicle or digging through a droid's internal components than firing a blaster. Her skills are honed so that she can rapidly perform repairs and adjustments during highly stressful si tuations-even while under fire. In fact, military engineers thrive on stress and look for such opportunities.

The military engineer can be deployed virtually anywhere within the military organization, but is often found near the front lines as part of a squad requiring technical support.




1st +0 Defense bonuses, talent

2nd +1 Field-created weapon + 1

3rd +2 Talent

4th +3 Field -created weapon +2

5th +3 Talent

6th +4 Field-created weapon +3

7th +5 Talent

8th +6 Field-created weapon +4

9th +6 Talent

10th +7 Field-created weapon +5


REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a military engineer, a character must fulfill the fol­lowing criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +7. Trained Skills: Mechanics, Use Computer.

GAME RUL.E INFORMATION Mil itary engineers have the following game statistics .

Hit Points At each level, military engineers gain 1d8 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Force Points Military engineers gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their character level, rounded down , every time they gain a new level in this class.

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CL.ASS FEATURES The following are features of the military engineer prestige class.

Defense Bonuses At 1st level, you gain a +2 class bonus to your Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Defenses.

Talents At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd , 5th, and so on), you select a talent. The talent can be selected from the Military Engineer talent tree (presented below) or the Outlaw Tech talent tree (see page 16 of Starshipsofthe Galaxy). You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talent. No talent can be selected more than once unless exp ressly indicated.

MILITARY ENGINEER TALENT TREE You have become skilled at using and manipulating technology on the battlefield. In fact , your fellow soldiers rely on your technical expertise in the heat of battle.

Breach Cover: When you fire or throw a weapon with a burst or splash radius at a target with cover, you ignore that cover.

Breaching Explosive: You ignore the damage threshold of doors and wa lls when using mines and fixed (non-grenade) explosives.

Droid Expert: When you repair a droid, you repair 1 additional hit point for each point by which your Mechanics check beats the base DC of 20.

Prerequisite: Repairs on the Fly. Prepared Explosive: When you use a mine or other fixed (non-grenade)

explosive, you can choose to have the blast radius of the explosive become difficult terrain after the explosive has detonated . Alternately, if you plant a mine or fixed explosive in an area of difficult terrain , you can have the explosive deal no damage and instead turn the difficult terra in into normal terrain.

Problem Solver: As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a single vehicle within your line of sight whose pilot can hear and understand you. That pilot's vehicle ignores difficult terrain until the start of your next turn, and the pilot gains a +5 insight bonus on all Pilot checks made to avoid hazards and coll isions until the start of your next turn.

Quick Modifications: When you create a field-created weapon (as per the class feature), you can choose one weapon modification from the Tech Special ist feat (see page 21 of Starships afthe Galaxy) to apply to the created weapon at the time of creation.

Prerequisites: Repairs on the Fly, Tech Specialist feat. Repairs on the Fly: You can use the Repair application of the Mechanics

skill to repair a droid or object as a standard action. You can gain the benefits of this talent only once per day per droid, object, or vehicle repaired .

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Sabotage Device: As a swift action, you can sabotage any object or weapon that is powered by an energy cell so that it becomes a grenade. The object or weapon is then considered to be a frag mentation grenade in all ways, but it can be turned back into its original form with another swift action .

Tech Savant: As a standard action, you can increase the speed of one adjacent droid or vehicle you occupy by 1 square (app lied to any method of locomotion) until the end of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (technology) skill. Vehicular Boost: As a standard action, you can make a DC 15 Mechanics

check to grant one vehicle you occupy a number of bonus hit points equa l to 5 x your class leve l. Damage is subtracted from the bonus his points f irst, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not stack.

Field-Created Weapon You are able to scavenge parts from other technological objects and use them to build a limited-use personal-sized weapon . The item you create has only a limited life span , and the parts used to build it are rendered useless afterward.

As a standard action, you make a Mechanics check (DC 20) to create a melee or ranged weapon of your choice. The base value of the weapon can be no more than 600 credits x your class level . Additiona lly, the weapon grants you (and only you) an equipment bonus on attack rolls equal to one-half your class level. You can use this abi lity on ly once per encounter, and at the end of the encounter the weapon is destroyed. If the weapon requires an energy cell to operate, yo u create one (at no additional cost) for the weapon at the time you create the weapon. You may only create weapons you are proficient with .

VANGUARD Fighting an effective war and taking out the enemy is necessary if your army is to li ve to fight another day. But you must find the enemy first, and those sensor results can be a little deceptive at times. Send out the vanguard to track them down.

The vanguard, simply put, is an advance scout who specia lizes in locating the enemy and relaying its position to his al lies. With the stealth and sharp senses required to achieve his goal, he specializes in locating and observing the enemy's movements, all the while obscuring his presence from them. If the situation arises, he might try to take a few of the enemy down before retreating back to friendly territory, but his pr imary purpose is to serve as his group's eyes and ears.

Vanguards are typically attached to mil itary units near the front lines. They operate best in sma ll groups as individuals. In either case, the vanguard excels at sneaking in close to hostile forces, stealing away the knowledge of their location, and watching them fall to the might of his al lies.

TABLE 3-4: THE VANGU::;;A~R~D:-_---..I

























Defense bonuses, talent

Surprise attack + 1


Surprise attack +2


Surprise attack +3


Surprise attack +4


Surprise attack +5

EXAMPLES OF VANGUARDS IN STAR WARS 91st Reconnaissance Corps clone troopers, Aleenan scouts, Antarian Rangers, Neyo (CC-826), Rebel Pl ex Troopers.

REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a vanguard, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Minimum Level: 7th. Trained Skills: Perception, Stealth. Talents: Any two talents from the Camouflage talent tree (see page 49

of the Saga Edition core rulebook) or the Commando talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

GAME RULE INFORMATION Vanguards have the fo llowing game statistics.

Hit Points At each level, vanguards gain ldl0 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Force Points Vanguards gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their character level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in this class.

CLASS FEATURES The fo ll owing are features of the Vanguard prestige class.

Defense Bonuses At 1st level, you ga in a +4 class bonus to your Fortitude Defense and a +2 class bonus to your Reflex Defense.


January 2009

p. 46 – Tech Savant Add the following text to the end of the talent’s description: “Any droid or vehicle can only benefit from this talent once per round.”


January 2009

p. 46 – Sabotage Device Add the phrase “or power pack” after the phrase “energy cell.”

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Talents At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on), you se lect a ta lent. Th e talent ca n be se lected from the Awareness talent tree (see page 49 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), the Survivor talent tree (see page 50 of th e Saga Edition core rulebook)' or the Vanguard talent tree (presented below). You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talen t. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated.

VANGUARD TALENT TREE As an expert in the art of scout ing enemy formations, you are a valuable asset to any mi litary force. You r abil ity to see what lies ahead on the battlefield is uncanny.

Enhanced Vision: When acti ve ly looking for hidden enemies, you can make a Perception check as a swift action instead of a standard action.

Impenetrable Cover: Whenever you have cover against a target, you gain DR equa l to your class level against that target until the sta rt of your next turn, provided you st ill have cover from the target at the time the attack is made.

Prerequisites: Maximize Cover. Invisible Attacker: If your target is unaware of you , your ranged attacks

deal + 1 die of damage against that target. Prerequisite: Maximize Cover. Mark the Target: Whenever you damage a target with a non-area ranged

attack, you may designate one al ly with in your line of sight as a swift action. Your target is considered f lat-footed aga inst that ally's first attack made before the start of your next tu rn .

Maximize Cover : When an opponent uses the aim action to negate your cover, you ca n make a Stealth check opposed by t he attacker's Initiative check. If successful, you retain your cover bonus.

Shellshock: Whenever you damage a target that is unaware of you with an area attack, that target is considered flat-footed until the start of your next t urn.

Prerequisite: Soften the Target. Soften the Target: Whenever you damage a target with a ranged attack,

you may designate one ally with in your line of sight as a swift action. Th e ally you designate ignores the target's damage reduction and SR (if any) until the start of yo ur next turn .

Triangulate: If you and at least one other ally have line of sight to and are aware of a target, yo u and alli es that ca n hear and understand you can rero ll one ranged attack roll against that target, accepting the second result even if it is worse. You and your allies can only gain the benefit of t his talent once per encounter.

Prerequisite: Enhanced Vision .

Surprise Attack Whenever you attack a target that is unaware of you or otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, you gain a bonus on your first attack roll in a round against tha t target equa l to one-ha lf your class level.

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Although the Jedi must struggle with the temptation of the dark side

during the war, other Force-users who do not re ly solely on the light side of

the Force-such as the Jensaarai or the Korunnai - are not affected so much

by their feelings during combat and might inadvertently take a Dark Side

Point in the midst of battle. Typically, these users of the Force have rituals

that help them cope with and accept a brush with the dark side, or they have

practices that help cleanse them of its influence.

FORCE POWERS The following Force powers are available to any character with the Force

Sensitiv ity f eat (see page 85 of the Saga Edit ion core rulebook). These Force

powers expand the range of powers ava ilable to the Jed i and oth er Force­

using traditions.

Telekinetic Powers: Force powers with the [telekinetic} descriptor are

added to the list of powers affected by talents such as Telekinet ic Power and

Te lekinetic Savant (see page 100 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) .

C L OAK You can bend light around your body, rendering yourself invisible to anyone

looking in your direct ion . Time: Standard action . Target: You.

Make a Use the Force check. The resu lt of the check determines th e

effect. if any :

DC 15:You are cons idered to have total concealment against all targets

until the beginn ing of your next turn.

DC 20:As DC 15, and you gain a +2 Force bonus to Stea lth checks until

the beginning of your next turn.

DC 25: As DC 15, except you ga in a +3 Force bonus to Stealth checks until

the beginning of your next turn .

DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain a +5 Force bonus to Stea lth checks until

the beginning of your next turn .

Special: You can maintain the cloak power from round to round, extend ing

the normal duration . Maintaining the cloak power is a standard action , and

you must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you take damage

whi le maintaining this power, you must succeed on a Use the Force check

(DC = 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power.

You can spend a Force Point to increase the bonus to your Stealth checks

by 5.

LEVITATE [TELEKINETIC] You can float up or down without anyth ing or anyone to assist you . Time:

Move action . Target : You.

Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the

effect, if any:

DC 15: You gain a fly speed of 2 squa res but can on ly move vert ically.

You may move up to your fly speed as part of this action, and if you end this

movement adjacent to a horizontal su rface, you can move 1 square onto

that surface as a free act ion . At the start of your next turn, if yo u are not

standing or holding onto a solid surface, you fa ll to the ground.

DC 20: As DC 15, except the fly speed increases to 4 squares.

DC 25: As DC 15, except the f ly speed increases to 6 squares.

Special: You can spend a Force Point as a reaction to activate this power

when falling. You can reduce your fall distance by a number of squares equal

to the fly speed provided by this power. If you reduce t he fa ll distance to a squares, you land safely on your feet.

You can mainta in the levitate power from round to round, extending the

normal duration. Ma intaining levitate is a move action, and whenever you

ma intain this power you can move vert ica lly up to you r fly speed. If you take

damage while maintaining levitate, you must succeed on a Use t he Force

check (DC 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power. If you

fai l th is Use the Force check, you immediately fa ll.



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MALACIA [LIGHT SIDE] You create dizziness and nausea by disrupting your enemy's equilibrium. Time: Standard action. Target: One living creatu re within 6 sq uares of you and in your line of sight.

Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to your target's Forti­tude Defense. If your check equals or exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense, the target moves -1 step down the condition track. Additionally, until the end of its next turn, the target takes a -5 penalty to its damage threshold.

Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the penalty to damage threshold to -10.

You can maintain the malacia power from round to round, extending the duration of the damage threshold penalty. Maintaining the malacia power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining malacia, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC; 15' + damage taken) to continue concentrat ing.

MORICHRO You slow the vital functions of a target. causing her to sl ip into a deep sleep or even die. Time: Standard action. Target: One living creature you have grabbed or grappled.

Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target's Fortitude Defense. If you succeed, the target moves -1 step down the condition track. Each round you maintain this power, if your Use the Force check exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense, the target moves another step down the condi­tion track. If you move a target to the bottom of the condition track with this power, you can choose to kill the target or place it into a Force trance even if it is unwilling (see page 28) . Additionally, if you use this power on an already unconscious target, you can consider the target wil ling for the purposes of placing them in a Force trance.

Special: You can maintain the morichro power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining this power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining marichro, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC; 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power. If the target escapes your grab or the grab ends for any reason, you cannot maintain this power on your next turn.

PHASE You can pass through solid objects, such as walls and doors. Time: Move action. Target: You.

Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect. if any:

DC 25: You gain a phasing speed of 2 squares; your phasing speed can never exceed your own base speed. When moving using your phasing speed, you can move through the spaces of your enemies, as well as through walls, vehicles, large objects, and other obstructions but must end your movement in a legal, unoccupied space. You retain this phasing speed until the begin­ning of your next turn. You may move up to your phasing speed as a part of the activation of this power.

DC 30: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 4 squares. DC 35: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 6 squares. DC 40: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 8 squares. Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase your phasing speed by 2

squares. You can maintain the phase power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining this power is a move action, and whenever you maintain the phase power you can move up to your phasing speed. If you take damage while maintaining this power, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC; 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power.



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REND [DARK SIDE] You can move a single target, whether it is a creature or object, in two dif­ferent directions simultaneously. Time: Standard action. Target: One target in your line of sight and within 6 squares of you.

Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result with the target's Reflex Defense. If the check equals or exceeds the target's Reflex Defense, the target takes 3d6 damage. If your Use the Force check is a natural 20, you score the equivalent of a critical hit, and the target takes double damage. If you deal enough damage to reduce the target to 0 hit points, you rip the target into two separate parts (living creatures are automatically killed).

Special: If your Use the Force check succeeds, you can spend a Force Point to deal an additional 2d6 damage to the target.

SHATTERPOINT You can see the critical point of something, whether it is a person or object, that would shatter if struck at the right time. Time: Swift action. Target: You.

Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:

DC 25: If your next attack made before the end of the encounter hits, treat the target's damage threshold against the attack as though it is 5 po ints lower than normal.

DC 30: As DC 25, except treat the target's damage threshold as though it is 10 points lower than normal.

DC 35: As DC 25, except treat the target's damage threshold as though it is 15 points lower than normal.

DC 40: As DC 25, except treat the target's damage threshold as though it is 20 points lower than normal.

Special: You can spend a Force Point to ignore the target's DR in addition to gaining the normal effect of this power.

TECHNOMETRV You can tap into and read technological devices and, in some cases, con­trol them. Time: Standard action. Target: One droid or electronic device touched.

Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target's Will Defense. If the check equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, you discover one piece of information contained within the target's memory as determined by the Access Information table under the Use Computer skill description (see page 75 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). For every 5 points that you exceed the target's Will Defense, you can learn one additional piece of information.

Alternatively, if you target a droid and succeed at your Use the Force check, you may choose one of the following effects and apply it to the targeted droid:

• The droid's senses are jammed, allowing you to make Stealth checks against the droid until the end of your next turn, even though it is aware of you.

• The droid is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your next attack made before the end of your next turn.

• On its next two turns, the droid does nothing except flee from you at top speed.

Special: You can spend a Force Point to learn two more pieces of information or extend one of the droid-specific effects of this power by an additional round.


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FORCE TALENTS Force talents work just like talents found elsewhere in this book and in the Saga Edition core rulebook. However, they are available only to characters with the Force Sensitivity feat (see page 85 of the Saga EditIOn core rule­bookJ. Any time a character with the Force Sensitivity feat can select a talent, he or she can select one from any of the talent trees presented below. If the character is also a member of a Force-using tradition, he or she can also select from that trad ition's specific Force talent tree.

NEW ALTER TALENT The following new talent expands the Alter talent tree (see page 100 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ. ..

Aversion: As a swift action, you can spend a Force POint to radiate an invisible aura that makes other beings want to avoid you. Un ti l the end of the encounter, all squa res within 2 squares of you are co nsidered difficult terrain for your enemies.

This is a mind-affecting effect.

NEW CONTROL TALENT The following new talent expands the Control talent tree (see page 101 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ.

The Will To Resist: Once per turn, as a reaction to being targeted by a Force power or other ab ility that targets your Will Defense, you can make a Use the Force check and replace your Will Defense with the result of the Use the Force check. After you make this check, until the end of your next turn, you take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks.

NEW DARK SIDE TALENT The following new talent expands the Dark Side talent tree (see page 101 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ. You must have a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher to select talents from this tree; if your Dark Side Score is ever reduced to 0, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your Dark Side Score increases.

Consumed by Darkness : Sometimes your anger consumes you. As a sw ift act ion, you can take a -5 penalty to your Will Defense to gain a +2 Force bonus on attack rolls. The penalty and bonus last until the beginning of your next turn.

LIGHT SIDE TALENT TREE The light side of the Force is not the easiest course to follow, but its promise of peace and harmony can help even the most weak-wi lled of Force-users on the right path.

You must have a Dark Side Score of 0 to select talents from this tree; if your Dark Side Score ever increases to at least 1, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree unti l your Dark Side Score drops back to o.

At Peace: You can spend a Force Point to gain a +2 Force bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter or until you attack, whichever comes first.

Attuned: When you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll against a target with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, you can activate a single Force power with the [light side) descriptor immediately as a free action.

Prerequisite: Focused Attack. Focused Attack : You can spend a Force Point to reroll an attack aga inst

a creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, keeping the better of the two rolls.

Surge of Light : Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can retu rn any Force power with the [light side} descriptor to your su ite without spending a Force Point.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you can use this talent one additiona l time per encounter.

NEW SENSE TALENTS The following new talents expand the Sense talent tree (see page 101 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ.

Heightened Awareness : You can spe nd a Force Point to add your Cha­risma bonus to your Perception check.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, you add your Charisma bonus an additiona l time.

Psychometry: When you use the farseeing Force power, you can choose to target an object you hold instead of a character or creature. You can look into the targeted object's past, up to a maximum of 5 years per your character level. Any information gained about the object's past is based on the thoughts and emotions of the person holding or carrying the object at the time you perceive, which can skew the results of the vision.

Prerequisites: Force Perception, farseeing. Shift Sense : You can spend a Force Point to ga in low-light vision for 1

minute or until the end of the encounter, whichever is longer.

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FORCE TECHNIQUES Force techniques represent a deeper understanding of the Force and, like

martial skills, are mastered after years of practice. A few gifted or devoted

Force- users learn to master them more quickly. In general, Force techniques

are available only to characters with levels in certain Force-using prestige

classes (such as Force adept, Jedi Knight, and Sith apprentice).

When you gain access to a new Force technique, you can select it from

among those found on pages 102-103 of the Saga Edition core rulebook or

from the techniques described below. Once you select a Force technique, it

cannot be changed.

ADVANCED VITAL TRANSFER When you use the vital transfer power, you can spend a Destiny Point to

fully heal the target of all damage and remove all of the target's debilitating


IMPROVED CLOAK You can maintain your cloak power as a move action instead of a standard

action .

IMPROVED LEVITATE If you are moved into a pit or off another elevated surface involuntarily, such

as by being the target of a Force thrustor Bantha Rush, you can spend a Force

Point to activate this power as a reaction. If you do so, you end your forced

movement in the last square before the edge of the precipice.

IMPROVED MALACIA You can maintain the damage threshold penalty of the malacia power as a

swift action .

IMPROVED PHAS E When you use the phase power, you can end a single move action inside

an occupied space, but you must still end your turn in a legal, unoccupied


IMPROVED REND The range of your rend power increases to 12 squares. When using this

power on an object or character or creature, you can ignore the object's or

creature's damage reduction .

IMPROVED SHATTE R P O INT When you move a target down the condition track with an attack benefit­

ting from the shatterpaint power, you can spend a Force Point to make the

target's condition persistent. This persistent condition can only be removed

if the target receives surgery (for living beings) or repairs (for droids, objects,

and vehicles).

IMPROVED TECHNOM E TR V When you use the technametry power, you can change the time it takes to

activate to a full-round action and target all droids in a 6-square cone that

originates from your square.







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FORCE SECRETS Skilled Force-users can learn to manipulate their Force powers in intriguing ways. Force secrets represent a sublime connection to the Force and are available only to powerful Force-users such as Force disciples, Jedi Masters,

and Sith Lords. Activating a Force secret costs either a Force Point or a Destiny Point

(as noted in its description), and the normal limits on spending Force Points and Destiny Points during a round apply. When you learn a new Force secret, you can select it from among those found on page 103 of the Saga Edition core rulebook or from the Force secrets listed below. Once you select a Force

secret, it cannot be changed .

EXTEND POWER When using a Force power that allows you to maintain your concentration (such as Force grip), you can spend a Force Point to sustai n the power as a swift action instead of a standard action for a number of rounds equal to

your Charisma modifier.

LINKED POWER You can spend a Force Point to link a Force power to the power you use in the current round so that it goes off in the following round. You must choose two powers-one for the cu rrent round and one for the next round. Both selected powers cannot be altered in any way, such as through Force techniques, Force secrets, or the use of Force Points. However, the second power goes off In

the following round as a free action at the start of your turn.

UNCONDITIONAL POWER When you activate a power that targets only you, you ignore all condition track penalties to your Use the Force check to activate that power.

FORCE-USING TRADITIONS Even though the Jedi are the most prominent and well-known users of the Force in the galaxy during the Clone Wars, they are not the only ones who know how to manipulate the Force. Other Force- using traditions exist and ascribe the source of their powers to other sou rce s, such as magic or a deity, but they all use the same source of energy to accompl ish the desired effect when they ca ll upon that power. Basically, anyone with the Force Sensitivity feat has the capability to utilize the Use the Force skill and learn Force powers, even though they might not follow the path of a Force-user.

During the Clone Wars, other traditions that use the Force include dark side sects such as the Sith as well as little known factions such as the Koru­nnai. Others know the Force as it is but approach its use from a different direction and purpose than the Jedi . Sti ll others call the Force by a tota lly different name. Regardless of the approach, the Force rema ins the same and is the one constant that ties these organizations together.

THE BANDO OORA Tucked away in the Inner Rim, near the Hydian Way, is an ancient burial moon named Kholma, located in the Bogden system. Its presence in the galaxy would have gone unnoticed for the most part, if not for the emergence of a band of ruthless, Force-sensitive criminals calling themselves the Bando Gora.

Shortly after the Battle of Galidraan, the Bando Gora gains the attention of the Galactic Republic, which swiftly requests Jedi intervention against the criminal faction. Even the mighty Jedi Order underestimates the sect's power and loses nearly every member they send against the Bando Gora. The only known survivor is Komari Vosa, who abandons her Jedi teachings and succumbs to the dark side of the Force to escape her bonds, eventually becoming the new leader of the Bando Gora.

As the Trade Federation invades Naboo, the Bando Gora stretches its dark influence to many worlds and organizations, subjugating them and enslaving countless people. Those that do not surrender to Bando Gora rule are killed or captured and brutally tortured . Companies that refuse to follow the cult's lead find their leaders assassinated.

In addition to conquering uncivilized worlds and driving companies under their heel, the Bando Gora supplements its income through the production and sa le of a high ly potent stra in of death stick that is sometimes used as a brainwashing agent. The narcotic se lls all across the galaxy and is particularly popular with those who have ties to the underworld.

After joining the cult, members of the Bando Gora must undergo a ritual that transforms their appearance, giving them dark, mottled skin and glowing eyes. Leaders of the organization are known to don frightening masks and carry staffs that shoot green balls of fire.

Membership: Anyone with the Force Sensitivity feat and a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher can become a member of the Bando Gora.

BANDO GORA CAPTAIN TALENT TREE The cultists of the Bando Gora have a reputation for being merciless, and

you are no exception. Bando Gora Surge: Whenever you move up the condition track by any

means, you gain bonus hit po ints equal to 5 + your heroic level. Bonus hit points are consumed before normal hit points, and unused bonus hit points go away at the end of the encounter. Bonus hit points from multiple sources

do not stack.

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Force Fighter: Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to an attack

roll, you heal a number of hit points equal to the Force Point result if the

attack hits.

Resist Enervation: Whenever an effect would move you down the con­

dition track, you can spend a Force Point to negate that movement down

the condition track.

Victorious Force Mastery: Whenever an enemy you have damaged in

this encounter is reduced to 0 hit points, you may automatically return one

spent Force power to your Force suite as a free action.

THE BELIEVERS Rising to prominence shortly after the Battle of Naboo, the Believers, based

in the Cularin system, are a cult of Force-sensitive beings. Members devote

their energies to studying and embracing the dark side of the Force, with

the intent of fol lowing the doctrines and customs of the ancient Sith that

existed before Darth Bane. Rejecting Bane's Rule ofTwo, the Believers seek

to expand their numbers to eventual ly challenge the Jedi directly and usher

in a new age for the Sith. All Believers can be recognized by a distinctive

tattoo, a shape that resembles the spire of the Sith fortress on Almas with

a broken lightsaber at its base.

At first, the existence of the Believers is thought to be nothing more than

rumor, since their presence cannot be confirmed by even the Jedi. During

the Clone Wars, however, Jedi stationed in the Cularin system slowly begin

turning to the dark side and joining the Believers, confirming the existence of

the dark side cult and increasing its size. As their numbers swell, the Believers

create a plague virus to eradicate the Caarite race and the Metatheran Cartel.

Initially, the virus is successful, but it is stopped by a counteragent created

from samples of the virus recovered from early victims of the plague. With

their plans foiled, the Believers abandon the Sith Temple on Alm as and go

underground for a short time.

The Believers return later, when the Darkstaff, a Sith artifact, attempts

to protect itself from a group of agents that discover its connection to the

shadow lurkers and the Oblee. Found by Len Markus in the Cularin asteroid

belt, the artifact possesses him and rises to become the new leader of the

Believers. The Darkstaff calls on the Believers to destroy the free lance

agents that hunted it. However, the agents manage to thwart the Believers

and free the Oblee.

Membership: Anyone with the Force Sensitivity feat and a Dark Side

Score of 1 or higher is welcome to join the Believers by being accepted as an

apprentice by a Force adept or Force disciple member of the cult.


The Believers follow the teachings of the Sith from ancient times and strive

to extend the influence of the dark side of the Force.

Believer Intuition: As a reaction, when an opponent successfully attacks

you, make a Use the Force check and compare the result to your opponent's

attack roll. If the check equals or exceeds the result of the attack roll, you

can add your Charisma modifier to your Reflex Defense.

Defense Boost: As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force

check. If the check succeeds, you gain a + 1 Force bonus to your Fortitude

Defense until the end of the encounter. Before you make your Use the Force

check, you can increase the target number to DC 20 to gain a + 1 Force bonus

to all your defenses.

Hardiness: You can spend a Force Point to reduce the number of swift

actions it takes you to move + 1 step along the condition track by one.

High Impact: As a swift action, make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If

your check succeeds, double your Strength bonus to the next melee damage

roll you make before the end of your turn.

Sith Reverence: You gain a + 1 morale bonus on your attack rolls while

you are within 20 squares and in line of sight of an ally with a Dark Side

Score equa l to or greater than your own.

THE KORUNNAI The Korunnai are a nomadic "tribe" of Humans from the uplands of the planet

Haruun Kal, the sole planet of the AI'Har system. Not so much a formalized

Force-tradition like the Jedi, the Korunnai live in the harsh jungles that

grow above the layers of lethal gases that fill the planet's lowlands. They

maintain their existence by following herd animals called grassers, which

provide them with sustenance and the materials they needed to survive. In

addition to their keen survival sk ill s, members of the Korunnai have a strong

connection to the Force.

Life is not so simple for the Korunnai, as they also fight a bloody war

against the planet's other sapient inhabitants-the Balawai. Originally

offworlders, the Ba lawai invade the jungl es the Korunnai call home and

ransack the natural resources to sell in the galaxy's markets for profit,

including spices and exotic woods. Their unsympathetic behavior quickly

creates enmity between the two peoples that erupts into war lasting well

into the Clone Wars. When the Separatist-backed Balawai are reinforced with

updated weapons and technology to protect the planet's only spaceport, the

Republic has too few troops to help in the conflict and sends only a single

Jedi-Depa Billaba-to back the Korunnai. The conflict between the Korunnai

and Balawai esca lates to such an extent that the Jedi Master is mentally

scarred from the experience.

The Korunnai refer to the Force as pe/ekotan, interacting with what they

believe to be the "jung le mind" as a way to survive the perils of their home­

world. They see pelekotan as a dark force that rules the darkness ofthejungles

and cha llenges those that tap into its energy. Sometimes, pelekotan presents

its challenges in ways that cause physical ailments for its users, and at other

times, those challenges can cause mental impairments. Jedi believe that users

of pelekotan equally use both the light side and the dark side of the Force, but

the Korunnai merely believe that they are all part of the same entity. Some

Jedi feel that pelekotan is just another name for the Living Force.

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Membership : True members of the Korunnai are the natives of Haruun Kal who roam the world 's highlands. Others who jo in their tri be have the Force Sensitivity feat and embrace the concept of pelekotan.

KORUNNAI ADEPT TALENT TREE You have learned to use pelekotan to survive in the jungles of Haruun Kal and have bonded with an akk dog, which serves you faithfully.

Akk Dog Master: You gain an akk dog fol lower. Choose either t he aggressive, defensive, or utility fo llower temp late, and generate the akk dog followe~'s statist ics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains the akk dog species traits (see the "Akk Dog Followers" sidebar) and the Power Attack feat. Additiona ll y, any Force power you activate that targets you can target your akk dog fo llower instead, at your discretion.

An akk dog counts toward the total number of fo llowers you have, just like followers gained from other talents.

Akk Dog Trainer 's Actions: You and your akk dog have bonded through the Force and can f ight in concert. You can use any of the fo ll owing actions on your turn. • Attack in Concert:As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged

attack aga inst a target in range. If your akk dog follower is adj acent to the target and your attack hits, the target also takes piercing damage equal to 1d6 + the akk dog's Strength modifier. This addit ional damage is considered part of your attack for the purposes of resolving damage, DR, SR, and overcoming damage t hresho ld.


AKK Doo FOLLOWERS When a character gains an akk dog follower, the follower gains the species traits of the akk dog described below. Akk dogs are considered beasts.

Abilities: Akk dogs have set ability scores. They use the follow ing statistics: Strength 16, Dexterity 8, Constitution 12, Wisdom 10, Intel­ligence 2, Charisma 8.

Large Size: Akk dogs take a -1 size penalty to Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty to Stealth checks. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.

Speed: An akk dog's base speed is 6 squares. Natural Armor: Akk dogs gain a +2 natural armor bonus to Reflex

Defense. Natural Weapon: When an akk dog makes an unarmed attack, it

can use its natural weapons, dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus its Strength modifier) with that attack instead of normal unarmed damage.

• Fall Upon Prey: As a standa rd act ion, you ca n make a melee or ranged attack aga inst a target in range, and your akk dog can take the charge action aga inst a target with in its range. However, both yo u and your akk dog take a -5 penalty on you r attack rolls (this replaces the bonus to attack rol ls granted by the charge act ion).

• Paired Maul: As a stan dard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a ta rget in ran ge. If the attack hi ts, yo ur akk dog fol­lower gains a +2 competence bonus on its next attack roll aga inst th at target. Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master. Akk Dog Attack Training : Your akk dog fo llower gains t he Powerful

Charge feat. Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master. Protective Reaction : Whenever you are targeted by an attack made

by an enemy adjacent to your akk dog follower, th at attacker provokes an attack of opportun ity from your akk dog follower.

Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master.



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5-1: MEL.EE WEAf=:'ONS



Vibroknuck lers 200 +3 0.5 kg Slashing Restr icted

Vibrorapier 500 2d6 1.4 kg Slashing Restricted



Garrote' 50 ld6' 0.5 kg Slashing



Snap baton 100



Stunning gauntlet 200

1 See the weapon's description for special rules.

Stunn ing Gauntlet Simple Weapon



An insulated glove with an embedded energy cell, the stunning gauntlet produces an electri fy ing charge when it strikes a target. A stunning gaunt­let changes the wea rer's unarmed melee attacks to stun damage, and they provide a +1 bonus to stun damage on a successful unarmed attack.

Stunning gauntlets are two sizes smaller than their wearer (for example, a pair of stunn ing gauntlets designed for a Human are Tiny) . Because of how they are worn, stunning gauntlets can't be disarmed or dropped.

Vibroknucklers Advanced Melee Weapon Little more than a casing attached to a set offinger rings, vibroknucklers are a tiny weapon favored by thugs and petty thieves, mainly because the weapon can be easily concealed or stored away. The weapon's nasty surprise-a small microb lade that extends slightly beyond the knuckles-is an added bonus.

A character wearing vibroknucklers deals +3 points of damage on a suc­cessful unarmed attack.

Like combat gloves, vibroknucklers are two sizes smaller than their wearer (for example, vibroknucklers designed for a Human are Tiny). Because of how they are worn, vibroknucklers can't be disarmed or dropped. Additionally, while wearing vibroknucklers, your unarmed attacks are considered to be

Yes 1 kg Bludgeoning


+1 0.4 kg Energy Restricted

both a normal unarmed attack (treated as a simple weapon) as well as an attack with an advanced melee weapon.

Vibroknucklers require an energy cell to operate, which is stored within the casing.

Vibrorapier Advanced Melee Weapon A vibrorapier is designed to have a longer, thinner blade than the standard vibroblade. It is well-balanced and completely silent due to a specialized design that diminishes the ultrasonic pitch that other vibro weapons normally create. Many professional fighters consider the vibrorapier an excellent weapon and prefer it over a blaster or other melee weapons when stealth is necessary.

A vibrorapier requires two energy cells to operate.

RANGED WEAPONS Ranged weapons, especially blasters, can be found throughout the galaxy and are preferred by military and security organizations, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and ordinary people who live away from the relative safety of the Core Worlds.

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Wrist rocket launcher 2,500 Varies 5 1 kg Varies Restricted



Czerka Adjudicator 325 2d4 S 0.5 kg Piercing Licensed

Gee-Tech 12 Defender2 400 3d4 S 0.25 kg Energy Illegal


BlasTech DH-23 500 3d6 Yes S 1 kg Energy Restricted


BlasTech DT-122 900 4d6 Yes 5 2 kg Energy Military n Men-50nn Model 434 650 3d8 Yes 5 1.2 kg Energy Restricted I

~ 11 -i


Medium < BlasTech 500 "E5PO"2 1,000 3d8 Yes 5,A 4.5 kg Energy Military

Czerka Adventurer3 360 2d10 5 4 kg Piercing Restricted G

50ro5uub Firelance 1,200 3d8 Yes (4d6) 5, A 2.5 kg Energy Restricted (ill @ 0 is 0 Large ~

BlasTech DLT-20N 1,300 3d10 5,A 6.7 kg Energy Military ~ 0 liil 0 ~


Small ))

EMP grenade' 500 3d6 ion 5 0.5 kg Energy (ion) Restricted ~ @

1 Area attack weapon (see page 155 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). @ 2 Inaccurate weapon: This weapon cannot fire at targets at long range. l!)

3 Accurate weapon: This weapon takes no penalty when firing at targets at short range. @ @

BlasTech 500 "ESPO" Riot Gun BlasTech DH-23 "Outback" Blaster Pistol ()j)

Rifle Pistol Best known as the "ESPO" gun due to its wide use by the Corporate Sector The DH-23 is designed to be a more reliable weapon when compared to Security Division, the BlasTech 500 is a compact blaster with a short barrel the typical blaste r pistol, but it sacri fices range and strength to achieve and an open-frame stock. Designed for use against large crowds, the weapon it. The pistol incorporates an effective heat radiator and a tight body trades simple accuracy fo r the ability to hit just about anything in its path. construction that increase its durability, granting it a Strength of 17 and Operating best in autofire mode, the rifle incurs a -2 penalty when used as a Break DC of 20. a single-shot weapon.


January 2009

p. 61-63 – Ranged Weapons The weapons in this section have the following ammunition capacities: · BlasTech 500 “Espo” Riot Gun, BlasTech DT-12, Czerka Adventurer, Merr-Sonn Model 434, SoroSuub Firelance: 50 shots. · BlasTech DH-23 “Outback” Blaster Pistol: 100 shots · BlasTech DLT-20A: 30 shots


January 2009

p. 61-63 – Ranged Weapons The weapons in this section have the following ammunition capacities: · BlasTech 500 “Espo” Riot Gun, BlasTech DT-12, Czerka Adventurer, Merr-Sonn Model 434, SoroSuub Firelance: 50 shots. · BlasTech DH-23 “Outback” Blaster Pistol: 100 shots · BlasTech DLT-20A: 30 shots

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BlasTech DLT-20A "Longbarrel" Blaster Rifle Rifle

The DLT-20A sees use primar ily by mounted troops, especia lly Republic recon

patrols that use local planetary wil dli fe as their mounts. The rif le comes

standard with a top-mounted rangefinder and electronic sight that acts as

a standard targeting scope. It also incorporates a new concept in weapon

technology called a magnatomic adhesion grip, which improves the user's

hold on the rifle, granting a + 1 equ ipment bonus to his Reflex Defense when

he is the target of a disarm attack.

BlasTech DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol Pistol

The initial concept behind the design and production of the DT-12 is to cater

to customers who do not have hands like Humans, such as Rodians with their

longer fingers, by incorporat ing a larger trigger grip. The weapon gives up

weight and long-range accuracy to provide a stronger punch .

Czerka Adjudicator Pistol

The Adjudicator remains one of the few slugthrower hold-out pisto ls still in

production today. It shares a lot of the same attributes-such as its small

size and ease of concealment- with its hold-out blaster pistol cousins. The

weapon is popular and useful when slugthrowers are more numerous than

blasters. With its limited ammunition capacity and slow reload time, most

owners use the Adjudicator as a backup weapon. The pistol can fire only 4

shots before needing to be reloaded, and a full-round action is required to

reload it.

Czerka Adventurer Rifle

Designed as a long-barreled slugthrower rifle, the Czerka Adventurer is used

by bounty hunters because of its high accuracy ratings at long range. Unlike

other slugthrower rifles, the Adventurer fills its firing chamber with a rich

oxidizer as the bullet fires, propelling it faster to give it a longer range and a

higher punch. Bounty hunters also prize the rifle for its abi lity to easily break

down and be stashed inside a small portable container. The weapon can be

disassembled or reassembled quickly using a move action.

EMP Grenade Simple Weapon

Often referred to by the clone troops of the Republic as "droid poppers,"

EMP grenades are sim ilar to ion grenades in most respects. The biggest dif­

ference between EMP grenades and standard ion grenades is that they can

completely shut down relatively weak droids.

When you make an area attack with an EMP grenade, make a single

attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of every target in

the grenade's 2-square burst radius.

Droids, vehicles, electronic devices, and cybernetically enhanced creatures

hit by the grenade take normal ion damage, or half damage on a miss . If

the ion damage dealt by the weapon would reduce a target to 0 hit points

(before the ion damage is halved). the target is pushed -5 steps down the

condition track and disabled.

Creatures without cybernetics take half ion damage on a hit or no ion

damage on a miss, and they suffer no other ill effects.

A target with the Evasion talent takes half damage from a successful

attack and no damage if the attack misses.

Gee-Tech 12 Defender Microblaster Pistol

The designers at Gee-Tech exchanged range and damage to create the

galaxy's smallest blaster. In fact, the Gee-Tech 12 is so small that it grants

its wielder a +5 bonus on Stealth checks to conceal it. The Defender is

light on energy because it carries only enough power for two shots, with a

maximum range of 3 squares. A bigger disadvantage is that the power pack

is integrated into the weapon and cannot be recharged once its two shots

are spent, making it a truly disposable weapon .


January 2009

p. 61-63 – Ranged Weapons The weapons in this section have the following ammunition capacities: · BlasTech 500 “Espo” Riot Gun, BlasTech DT-12, Czerka Adventurer, Merr-Sonn Model 434, SoroSuub Firelance: 50 shots. · BlasTech DH-23 “Outback” Blaster Pistol: 100 shots · BlasTech DLT-20A: 30 shots

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Merr-Sonn Model 434 "Death Hammer" Pistol Built as a compact pistol, the Model 434 quickly earns the nickname of

"DeathHammer" from the bounty hunters and professional killers who favor the gun because of its durability and sheer power. The weapon's durasteel

plating increases its sturdiness, giving it a +2 equipment bonus to its DR.

Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and assassins who use the DeathHammer

ornately decorate the weapon, adding more detail after every kill.

SoroSuub Fi relance Blast er Rif le Ri fle The Firelance stands out among other blaster rifles so lely because of its highly

effective stun sett ing . When sa les to bounty hunters skyrocket, SoroSuub markets the rifle as "the most effective weapon available for freelance law

enforcement officials." Although the rifle's owners come from different

walks of life, most are bounty hunters who. use the firearm to bri ng back

their targets alive. In addit ion to its stun capability, the Firelance is also

lighter than other blaster rifles in its class, weighing as little as a carb ine

and making it a good choice for those law enforcement agents who need to

travel long distances to track their quarry.

Wrist Rocket Launcher Exotic Weapon

The wrist rocket launcher is a versatile personal weapon designed to be useful in various combat situations. It mounts on the forearm and extends over the

back of the wielder's hand. Bounty hunters favor the weapon, despite various

government attempts to ban the weapons and fo rce production to stop.

Wrist rocket launchers are sing le-shot weapons that must be re loaded

after each shot. See the "Wrist Rocket Ammunit ion" sidebar for more infor-

malion on wrist rockets.

WRIST ROCKET AMMUNITION The open market offers a wide va rie ty of rockets for use with t he wrist

rocket launcher. Listed below are a fe w of th e more common rockets available.

Antipersonnel Rocket: This sty le of rocket fu nctions li ke a f rag

grenade, bu t it does not affect mu ltiple squares.

Antivehicle Rocket: This rocket delivers a powerf ul kick, sufficient

for disabling or significantly damaging a vehicle.

Flash Rocket: Upon detonation, the flash rocket emits intense light

that ca uses temporary blindn ess. Anyon e within t he 3- sq uare burst

radius whose Refle x Defense is beaten by the attack ro ll is bli nded f or ld4 rounds.

Hollow-Tip Rocket: Th is t ype of rocket is used as a mea ns of exposing

t he target to a drug or chemica l stored inside its specialized tip. Bounty

hunters most common ly use nerve toxin and stun gas. The nerve toxin , if

a successful hi t is made, allows a secondary attack aga inst t he target's Forti t ude Def ense. If th e secondary at tack succeeds, the nerve agent

is injected into t he target's body and moves t he ta rg et - 2 steps on t he

condition t rack. The stun gas agent sprays into t he air on impact, crea t ing a cloud t hat f ills the square.

Ion Blast Rocket: This rocket emits an ionizing wave of energy in all

directions upon impact that affect s el ectronic devices, includ ing droids and cybernetic systems.



Antipersonnel rocket 400 3d8 S 0.25 kg Sl ash ing Mi litary

Antivehicle rocket 500 3dl0 S 0.25 kg Slash ing Military

Flash rocket 400 Special S 0.25 kg Energy Restricted

Hollow-t ip rocket

Empty 200 2d6 S 0.25 kg Piercing Li censed

nerve tox in 600 Special S 0.25 kg Piercing Illegal

stun gas 400 3d6 S 0.25 kg Pierci ng Restricted

Ion blast rocket 400 3d6 ion S 0.25 kg Ene rgy (ion) Restricted

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Light Armor (-2)

Shadowsuif 600 +6 3 kg Military

Thinsuit2 900 +6 1 kg

Tracker utility vest 300 +1 +5 0.5 kg

Medium Armor (-5)

Camo armor 6,000 +5 +3 4 sq . 3 sq. 6 kg Restricted

Heavy Armor (-10) Vacuu m pod 15,000 +4 +1 +0 4 sq' 3 sq.' 35 kg

1 When running in heavy armor, you can only move up to three times your speed {instead of four times}.

2 Can be worn beneath clothing or other armor.

ARMOR Even though blasters are the most common form of weapon in the galaxy, persona l armor is st ill in widespread use. Many factions use armor as a type

of uniform as well as a means of protect ing its members. Many types of

armor are severely restricted or even illegal if not used within the proper

scope of the organization's mandate. Even in areas where armor is not pro­

hibited, wearing a suit of armor indicates to others t hat you are expect ing or courting trouble.

Camo Armor Medium Armor

Camo armor protects the wea rer from discovery as well as injury. In addit ion to of the usual hard metal plates woven on top of a fabric body suit, the

arm or is also embedded with miniature photoreactive fibers that allow the

suit to absorb light and change its co lor to match t he wearer's surroundi ngs.

When attempting to hide, the wearer gains a + 10 equ ipment bonus to Stealth

checks, regardless of the terrain .

Shadowsuit Light Armor

A shadowsuit appears to be nothing more than an unassuming black body

stocking that cove rs every part of the wearer's body except for the eyes.

Actually, the shadowsuit is composed of a special soft fiber ca lled shadowsilk

that absorbs light and sound. To further improve covert movement, the suit

also has sound dampening pads on the hands and feet, and the wearer's eyes

are covered by a set of gogg les tha t come with the sui t. A shadowsui t has no elec tronic systems t hat ca n reveal the wearer to sensors. Therefore, the

person wearing a shadowsu it gains a +10 equipment bonus to all Stealth

checks when trying to sneak , but the bonus is nullified if any other armor is worn with the shadowsui t.

Thinsuit Light Armor

Insulating against extreme pressure and temperatu re, a thinsuit is a ski ntig ht garment that covers the entire body except for the face, which is covered by

a breath mask that provides 1 hour of breathable air. The thinsu it comes with

an environmental system of minuscule heaters and coolers that allow the

wearer to remain comfortab le in extreme heat and cold . It provides the wearer

with a +5 bonus to Fortitude Defense when resisting extreme temperatures.

In addition, the suit further reduces damage taken in such circ*mstances. If

an attack is successful , the character takes only half damage and does not move along the condition track, while a failed attack dea ls no damage.

A thinsuit can be worn under other armors.

Tracker Utility Vest Light Armor

The tracker utility vest is a simple garment that al lows hunters and guides to carry a wide assortment of small equipment without discomforting the

wearer. Although they can be constructed from an assortment of materials,

t racker uti li ty vests are commonly made from a tough, leathery hide treated

to be watertight, stainproof, and resistant to rips and tears.

The vest features pockets, pouches, and straps capable of carrying up to twenty- four small objects weighing no more than 1 kilogram each. Because

the items are stored so that their weight is distr ibuted even ly around the

wearer's torso, their cumulative weight is halved for purposes of calculat ing

the wearer's total carr ied weight.


January 2009

p. 64 – Shadowsuit Replace the full text of this entry with the following: Shadowsuit Light Armor Used by assassins and burglars, the shadowsuit manufactured by Ayelixe/Krongbing textiles is little more than a black body stocking covering the wearer’s entire body. Shadowsuits are made from a tough but soft material known as shadowsilk that absorbs light and sound. The hands and feet of the shadowsuit have sound-dampening pads that reduce the noise made by the wearer. A shadowsuit grants a +5 equipment bonus to Stealth checks whenever the wearer has concealment from darkness or low-light conditions. If any armor or clothing is worn over the shadowsuit, this bonus is lost. Replace the Shadowsuit entry on Table 5-4: Armor with the following: Shadowsuit 2 600 +1 +1 +5 – – 2 kg Military


January 2009

p. 64 – Shadowsuit Replace the Shadowsuit entry on Table 5-4: Armor with the following: Shadowsuit 2 600 +1 +1 +5 – – 2 kg Military

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Vacuum Pod Heavy Armor The Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) pod, or vacuum pod, is a droid-assisted suit of powered armor specifically designed to allow a person to repair a starship while in space. Its systems are designed in 50 that a wearer not proficient with heavy armor can use it competently in nonstressful situations. The suit, once donned properly, provides full life support to its wearer and also includes external thrusters to allow movement in a zero-gravity environment (speed fly 6). It also features motorized limbs, a complete set of integrated repair tools, and an external compartment to allow the user to carry any extra materials needed to make repairs. The su it's functions are control led by a dedicated, low-level droid brain that handles all the complex systems of the suit, such as the life support monitoring system and the regulation of the external thrusters.

Vacuum pod users who have the Armor Proficiency (heavy) feat can use the following features and receive the bonuses listed. A wearer who does not have the feat can sti ll use the suit but does not receive any of the equipment bonuses listed below, unless otherwise noted. Regardless, the wearer has any armor check penalties halved while in noncombat situations.

Comlink: The suit's integrated comlink has a range of 100 kilometers and can send and receive encrypted messages.

Life Support: The suit provides up to 2 hours of continuous life support with air supply and protection against extreme environments, including hard vacuum.

Powerlamp: The armor comes with an integrated glowrod, which emits a 70-square cone of light.

Repair Kit: The tools integrated in the suit's motorized arms give the user a +2 bonus on al l Mechanics checks while the systems function.

Strength Augmentation: The suit's power systems grant the wearer a +4 bonus to Strength while the suit is operational.

Putting on the suit and bringing all the droid's systems online takes 15 minutes. Removing the suit takes only 3 rounds.






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EQUIPMENT During the Clone Wars, technological advances allow new and better equip­ment to appear on the open market faster than any other time within the previous thousand years. The equipment presented in this chapter represent but a small fraction of the devices that emerge during this time.




Bracer computer

Camouflage netting

Halo lamp

Visual wrist comm









0.5 kg

0.5 kg

40 kg

1 kg

0.25 kg

The bioscanner is a low-power, handheld scanner used by doctors and medi­cal technicians to help diagnose medical conditions in their patients. One or two passes over the patient collects biological information. The scanner displays vital statistics and analyzes and diagnoses any anomalies on file in the scanner's medical database. This device grants its user a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (life sciences) checks made to identify ailments.

Bracer Computer The bracer computer is a datapad worn on the user's forearm. It performs all the same functions as the standard datapad, including the ability to read standard data cards in a slot on the underside of the device. The bracer computer also features a holographic screen that displays information as a two-dimensional image about three centimeters above the device. Plus, the keyboard is designed to accommodate one-handed typing. The bracer computer is popular among those who need to conserve space with their equipment, particularly bounty hunters.

A bracer computer has Intelligence 12.

Camouflage Netting Any camouflage netting found on the market is one of two kinds: powered and un powered. Both kinds, when draped over one or more objects within a 6-square-by-6-square area, bestow a +5 bonus to all Stealth checks while under the netting, and offer partial concealment.

Integrated into the netting of the powered version are overlapping sensor baffle scales that emulate the emission patterns of the surrounding terrain-including light emissions. Thus, powered camouflage netting grants an additional +5 bonus to all Stealth checks while under the netting. The netting is carried in a small backpack and takes a full-round action and two people to deploy it.

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Halo Lamp A pocket-sized disc small enough to fit in the palm of a Human hand, the halo lamp shines a bright light in a circle around the person holding it out to a 3-square radius. While lit, it remains cool to the touch, and it can easily be attached as a weapon accessory.

Visual Wrist Comm The visua l wrist comm is popular with smugglers and soldiers. The comm is a small, flat, rectangular panel that easily attaches to a glove or other flat surface. The comm sends and receives audio and visual signals, and it can display holographic information, though only as a two-di mensional image. It has a range of up to 75 kilometers while planetside-sufficient to reach orbital range-and runs on a single energy cell, which must be replaced after 10 days of continuous use. In addition, the wrist comm functions as a simple data pad that stores and receives information from droids, comm signals, direct computer links, and standard data cards.

DROIDS The Clone Wars saw the rapid development of droid technology, mainly due to the Separatists' heavy reliance on droid military units . The droids pre­sented in this chapter are some of the models found in use in nonmilitary capacities. You can f ind information on the droids used by the Republic in Chapter 10: The Republic, and those used by the Separatists in Chapter 11: The Confederacy.

FIRST-DEOREE DROIDS First-degree droids usually hold medical, scientific, and ana lytical positions. These droids are commonly found in hospita ls and laboratories.

00-13 Medical Assistant Oroid Officially dubbed the Model 00-13, this droid is created by Ubrikkian Trans­ports, a company more commonly associated with repulsorlift veh icles. The 00 -13 gains the nickname "Galactic Chopper" from clone commanders who know of the model's origins and who witness the droid in action in the field .

Oddly enough, Ubrikkian originally designs the droid to be used aboard its medlifter transports. When the transports prove less useful than origi­nally anticipated , Ubrikkian redistributes the droids as medical assistants and battlefield medical droids with updated databases and medical tools installed within the two upper arms. The droid's cylindrical head, which sits atop its three-legged body, is equipped with specially cal ibrated medical sensors that help it perform procedures with extreme precision . Oro ids of this model do not converse much, if at all, with patients, preferring to work without any distractions.

00-13 medical assistant droids can't be played as droid heroes.

00-13 Medical Assistant Droid Medium droid (1st-degree) non heroic 3 Init + 1 ; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10 Languages Basic, Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10). Fort 9, Will 12 hp 8; Threshold 9 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 sq uares (walking) Melee unarmed +1 (1d4-1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2; Grp + 1

Abilities Str 9, Oex 11, Con - , Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 8

CL 1

Feats Cybernetic Surgery, Ski ll Focus (Knowledge [life sc iences]. Treat Injury). Skill Training (Use Computer)

Skills Knowledge (life sciences) + 13, Perception + 10, Treat Injury + 13 , Use Computer +8

Systems walking locomotion, basic processor, 2 claw appendages, improved sensor package, internal storage (10 kg). vocabu lator

Possessions surgery kit Availability Licensed; Cost 4,150 credits



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EW-3 Midwife Droid Designed by the Polis Massans on their homeworld years before the Clone Wars, the EW-3 droid mimics its creators' appearance. That, however, is where the resemblance ends. Unlike its designers, the EW-3 has a vocabulator that allows it to speak at frequencies audible to others. Its behavior algorithms cause the droid to act in a motherly fashion. Plus, repulsorlift units in the droid's base permit freedom of movement.

EW-3 midwife droids work in medical facilities allover the galaxy, tend­ing to children's wards and nurseries and providing attention to its young patients. Some EW-3 droids serve as nurses for doctors needing an assistan t for their private practices.

EW-3 droids can be played as droid heroes.

EW-3 Midwife Droid Medium droid (1st-degree) non heroic 2 Init + 1 ; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 Languages Basic, Binary, 1 unassigned

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10). Fort 10, Will 12 hp 6; Threshold 10 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (hovering) Melee unarmed +1 (ld3) Fighting Space 1 squa re; Reach 1 square Base Atk +1; Grp +1

Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13

CL 0

Feats Skill Focus (Knowledge [life sciences], Knowledge [social sciences]) Skill Training (Treat Injury)

Skills Knowledge (life sciences) + 12, Knowledge (social sc iences) + 12, Percept ion +5 ,Treat Injury +B

Systems hovering locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 tool appendages, improved sensor package, vocabulator

Availability Licensed; Cost 5,B70 credits

IM-6 M edical Droid The widely employed IM-6 from Cybot Galactica is perhaps the most versatile and advanced medical droid of the Clone Wars, renowned not only for its skill but its attention to patients' needs and limitations. Used on the battlefield as well as aboa rd AT-TEs and a variety of military starships, the IM-6 is capable of dodging nimbly through enemy fire to retrieve wound ed soldiers and drag them back to safety before commencing treatment, all the while speak ing in a soothing voice. Their friendly and helpful programming leads clone trooper platoons to adopt IM-6 droids as unofficial members of their units.

IM-6 droids are so efficient partly because they carry their own medical and surgical suppli es, including an internal medpac reservoir that holds the equivalent of five medpacs wor th of pharmaceuticals.

IM-6 med ical droids can be played as droid heroes.

IM-G Medical Droid Small droid (1 st-degree) nonheroic 3 Init +B; Senses Perception +5 Languages Basic, Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 10, Will 12 hp 7; Threshold 12 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (hovering) Melee unarmed +2 (ld2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2 ; Grp -2

Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13

CL 1

Feats Cybernetic Surgery, Skill Focus (Knowledge [life sciences], Treat Injury). Skill Training (Use Computer). Surgical Expertise

Skills Initiative +B, Knowledge (life sciences) + 13, Perception +5, Treat Injury + 13, Use Computer +B

Systems hovering locomotion, internal com link, heuristic processor, 2 hands, improved sensor package, vocabulator

Possessions su rgery kit. medpac reservoir (equivalent of 5 medpacs) Availability Licensed; Cost 11 ,BOO credits




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SP-4 Analysis Droid The SP-4 analysis droid from Cybot Galactica is a sophisticated droid designed to help in the objective deconstruction and ana lys is of empirical data. SP-4 analysis droids are often used by law enforcement agenc ies to analyze the data from crime scenes and eliminate human error. The Jedi Temple owns several SP-4 analysis droids, which work as a part of the Jed i Archives.

SP-4 analysis droids can be played as droid heroes.

SP-4 Analysis Droid Small droid (1st-degree) nonheroic 3 Init + 1; Senses darkvision, Perception + 10 Languages Basic, Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 12 hp 8; Threshold 9 Immune droid immunities

Speed 4 squares Melee unarmed + 1 (ld2-1) Ranged by weapon +2 Base Atk +2; Grp -4

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con -, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 12 Special Qualities droid traits

CL 1

Feats Skill Focus (Knowledge [galactic lore]), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill Training (Gather Information), Skill Training (Perception), Skill Training (U se Computer)

Skills Gather Information +7, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +8, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, Knowledge (technology) +8, Perception +10, Use Computer + 13

Systems walking locomotion, 2 hand appendages, heuristic processor, darkvision, improved sensor package, interna l comlink, vocabulator

Availability Licensed; Cost 3,100

SECOND-DEGREE DROIDS Second-degree dro ids are skilled at mechanical and technical work. Repair facilities usually have at least one second-degree droid to assist in major jobs or to complete minor repairs.

LE Series Repair Droid The concept behind Cybot Galactica's LE Series repair droid is simple enough: Combine the repair funct ions of an astromech droid with the chassis and personality matrix of an administrative droid. With the hopes of appealing to a market of independent traders and space transport captains, Cybot Galactica advertised the LE Series droid as having extensive functionality concentrated into one droid, and the corporation asked a high price for them. The main drawback is the bipedal, humanoid chassis. Although it helps the droid to more easily interact with spaceport officials and docking crews, the design hampers its primary function as a repair droid. Cybot Galactica insists that the LE Series can use the same tools as its owner and emphasizes that the administration skills programming allows it to handle the day-to-day duties that starship captains want to avoid. However, the company's efforts fallon deaf ears.

LE Series droids are found on capital sh ips and in port offices, acting as administrative assistants, though their technical skills do occasionally come into play to help repair office equipment.

LE Series repair droids can be played as droid heroes.



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LE Series Repair Droid Medium droid (2nd-degree) non heroic 3 Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 Languages Basic, Binary, 1 unassigned

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 13), Fort 10, Wil111 hp 7; Threshold 10 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +2 (ld3) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2; Grp +2

Abilities Str 10, Dex 8, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12

CL 1

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Training (Knowledge [technology]) , Skill Training (Mechanics)

Skills Know ledge (bureaucracy) +7 , Knowledge (technology) +7 , Mechanics + 12, Perception +4, Use Computer +7

Systems walking locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 hand appendages, durasteel shell, integrated com link, diagnostic package, improved sensor package, translator unit (DC 15), vocabulator

Possessions holoprojector, holorecorder Availabi lity Licensed; Cost 6,000 credits

P2 Series Astromech Droid The first of Industrial Automaton's attempts to creating an astromech droid for commercia l and consumer markets, the P2 droid is a prototype initially sold to the Republic for use aboard their merchant f leet vessels on a tria l basis.

Th e P2 looks, in many ways, like a larger version of the newer R2 series droid, but the P2 also has a nonretractable claw appendage attached to its dome. Another feature missing in the P2, but present in its la ter cousins, is a vocabulator. Instead, the P2 commun icates with its owner through an integrated screen on its dome, making communication inconvenient at best. In spite of these drawbacks, P2 droids have the same cheerful attitude that their younger R2 cousins display, making them popular with their owners.

P2 Series astromech droids can be played as droid heroes.

P2 Series Astromech Droid Medium droid (2nd-degree) nonheroic 1 Init -1 ; Senses darkvision; Perception +6 Languages Basic (understand only), Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 9 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12 , Will 9 hp 5; Threshold 12 Immune droid traits

Speed 8 squares (wheeled), 2 squares (wa lking) Melee unarmed +2 (ld4+2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +0; Grp +2

Abilities Str 15, Dex 9, Con -, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10

CL 0

Feats Sk il l Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer), Skill Training (Perception) Skills Mechanics + 12, Perception +4, Pil ot +4 , Use Computer + 12 Systems whee led locomotion, wa lking locomotion, magnetic feet,

heuristic processor, 6 tool appendages, 2 claw appendages, diagnostics package, interna l storage (10 kg), improved sensor package, internal com link, darkvision

Possessions astrogation buffer (storage device, 4 memory units), circu lar saw, electric arc welder, fire ext ingu isher, holoprojector, holorecorder

Availability Licensed; Cost 4,200 credits (used)

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Pit Droid Designed by Serv-O- Droid to assist docking bay mechanics with repairs , the pit droid is remarkably sturdy and strong for its size. Unlike other smal l droids, pit droids take no penalty to their ca rrying capacity for being Small. Additionally, pit droids fold up into a Tiny object when deactivated , allow ing them to be stowed in a smal ler space when unused. Many transport pilots keep a small number of pit droids in their cargo holds to assist with repairs, especia Ily when they are the lone crew member.

Pit droids can be played as droid heroes.

Serv-O-Droid Pit Droid Sma ll droid (2nd deg re e) nonheroic 2 Init +3; Senses Perception +0 Languages Basic (understand on ly). Binary

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 12, Will 9 hp 5; Threshold 12 Immune droid immunities

Speed 4 squares Melee unarmed +3 (ld2+2) Ranged by weapon +3 Base Atk + 1; Grp -2

Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12 Special Qualities droid traits

CL 0

Feats Ski ll Focus (Mechanics). Skill Training (Mechanics). Skill Tra ining (Pilot). Skill Training (Use Computer)

Skills Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics + 11, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6

Systems wa lking locomotion, 2 hand appen dages, basic processor Availability Licensed; Cost 1,300




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THIRD-DEOREE DRCJIDS Third-degree droids are used in situations where interactions between beings play an important role in everyday life, such as political arenas, merchant services , and even domestic settings. Military forces during the Clone Wars sometimes send thi rd-d egree droids to soften the blow of bad news, creating negative feelings toward them.

5YQ Series Protocol Droid Built as a more affordab le version of their popular 3PO series protocol droid, Cybot Galactica's 5YQ protoco l droid is intended for the Mid Rim market, where expensive droids do not sell wel l. Only a limited number are produced before legal action forces Cybot Galactica to cancel the line. Few 5YQs remain in service, but they are popular on the Outer Rim, where 3PO models are still exorbitantly expensive.

The 5YQs are also surprisingly popular among droid "kit" enthusiasts, who tear out most of the interna l co mponents an d replace them with custom upgrades. One popular conversion is disabling the 5YQ's creative dampeners, which not only allows the normally scrupulous droid to manufacture false­hoods but also enables it to form independent ideas and opinions.

5YQ protocol droids can be played as droid heroes.

5YQ Protocol Droid Medium droid (3rd-degree) non heroic 1 Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Languages Basic, Binary, 3 unassigned

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10). Fort 9, Will 11 hp 2; Threshold 9 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squa res (wa lking) Melee unarmed -1 (ld3-1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +0; Grp - 1

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14 Feats Linguist, Ski ll Focus (Persuasion). Ski ll Training (Knowledge

[bureaucracy]), Skill Training (Knowledge [ga lactic lore))

CL 0

Skills In itiative +0, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Perception +6, Persuasion + 12

Systems walking locomotion, basic processor, translator unit (DC 10). 2 hand appendages, vocabulator, internal sto rage (5 kg)

Possessions audio recorder Availability Licensed; Cost 1,460 credits

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F OURTH-DEGREE DROIDS Fourth-degree droids include models designed for combat in one form or another. Most fourth -degree droids are mi litary and security droids, but other models such as assassin droids, probe droids, tracker droids, and certain non­combative droids used by military organizations fal l in this grou p as well.

BCA-11!X Lightsaber Practice Droid Before the Battle of Naboo, Baktoid Combat Automata produces a number of training droids for the Jedi Order, but the results convince them that helping to train young Jedi might not be the best business decision. The 11/X's most unusual feature is the use of a cortosis matrix in the bonding of the droid 's quadanium armor, designed to resist the energy of a lightsaber and make the 11 IX harder to disable or destroy.

SCA-11 IX training droids can't be played as droid heroes.

BCA-ll IX Training Droid CL 2 Medium droid (4th -degree) non heroic 3/sol di er 1 Init +9; Senses low-light, Perception +4 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 13, Will 11; +7 armor hp 17; DR 5 (Iightsabers only); Threshold 13 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 sq uares (walking) Melee claw +4 (1 d4+ 1) Ranged blaster ca rbine +6 (3d8+2) Base Atk +3 ; Grp +5 Fighting Space 1 sq uare; Reach 1 squa re Atk Options autofire (b laster carbine) Special Actions Coord inated Attack

Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con -, I nt 9, Wis 11 , Cha 8 Talents Weapon Specialization (rifles) Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Coordinated Attack, Toughness,

Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (rifles) Skills Initiative +9, Perception +4 Systems walking locomotion, basic processor, improved sensor package,

internal comlink, quadanium battle armor (+7 armor, cortosis-durasteel alloy), vocabulator

Possessions blaster carbine Availability Military; Cost 5,860 credits

IG-86 Sentinel Droid Part of Holowan Mechanicals evergrowing line of IG Series comba t droids, the IG -86 sentinel droid was designed to function as a bodyguard or home security system for the wea lthy. In practice, however, most IG -86 droids are used for more sinister purposes. Armed with programming t hat is only marginal ly mo re soph ist icated than basic battle droids, the IG-86 comes standard with a heuristic processor, making it versatile as well as more capab le of learning new combat routines over time.

Both Ziro the Hutt and Gha' Nachkt use IG-86 sentinel droids as agents and protectors. Ziro the Hutt has al lowed several of his IG-86 droids to go for long periods of time without memory wipes, causing them to gain sig­nificant experience and develop persona lities. One such droid, KRONOS-327, is a formidable assassin droid.

IG-86 sentine l droids can be played as droid heroes.

IG-86 Sentinel Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) soldier 1 Init +7; Senses Pe rcept ion +6 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 17 (flat- footed 15), Fort 15, Will 12 hp 30; Threshold 15 Immune droid immunities

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +3 (l d3+2) Ranged blaster carb ine +4 (3d8) or Ranged blaster carbine +2 (4d8) with Rapid Shot Base Atk + 1; Grp +3 Atk Options Rapid Shot

Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qualities droid tra its Talents Indomitable Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (rifles),

Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

CL 1

Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +5, Perception +6, Use Computer +5 Systems walking locomotion, 2 hand appendages, heurist ic processor,

vocabulator Possessions blaster rif le, durasteel she ll Availability Restricted; Cost 7,800

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FIFTH-DEOREE DRCJIDS Fifth-degree droids are labor and uti lity droids, performing heavy lift ing and low-level, repet itive grunt work that many beings in the ga laxy prefer to avoid. The main difference between these and other domestic droids is that f ifth-degree droids are not programmed to prov ide companionship. Instead, they perform the ordered task and report back when it is completed.

CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter So cognit ively slow that it barely qua lifies as a droid, the binary load lifter serves one purpose only: to lift and stack cargo containers in industrial wa rehouses all over the galaxy. The most basic of processors keeps this droid moving and carrying out its orders. Only the slightest level of self-awareness prevents CLL-6 droids from being considered nonthinking mach ines.

The binary load lifter is one of the oldest and simplest droid models in the galaxy. The boxy droid stands 3 meters tall and appears to be ca rrying two trays at the end of its arms. In fact, the droid has no manipulators at all and uses the "trays" to lift cargo pa lettes and del iver them to their desti na­tions. Each leg is reinforced with industrial-grade durasteel and powered by a heavy-duty hydraulic system to support the droid's bulk as well as the burden of its load.

Although the CLL-6 can understand and take orders in Basic, it can speak only in Binary. When it takes orders, the droid takes them literally, much to the regret of frustrated owners who eventually decide to invest in a protocol droid to deliver orders for them. With the binary load lifter's low cost, those owners are not set back much when they do so.

CLL-6 droids can't be played as droid heroes.

CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter Large droid (5th-degree) nonheroic 1 Init +0 : Senses Perception + 10 Languages Basic (understand only). Binary

Defenses Ref 9 (flat-footed 9). Fort 19, Will 10 hp 23: Threshold 19 Immune droid traits

Speed 8 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +9 (ld4+9) Fighting Space 2x2 : Reach 1 squa re Base Atk +0; Grp +14

Abilities Str 28 , Dex 10, Con - , Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 5 Feats Sk ill Focus (Endurance, Perception). Ski ll Training (Perception) Skills Endurance + 19, Perception + 10 Systems walking locomotion , basic processor, 2 tool appendages Ava ilability Licensed; Cost 4,200 credits (used)

FA-5 Valet Droid


One of the SoroSuub Corporation's most popular se rvant droids, the FA-5 valet droid is used for menial tasks in hotels , spaceports, and government facilities. The FA-5 valet droid has little in the way of comp lex programm ing and is best used for basic se rvice tasks, such as carrying bags, delivering food and drinks, and acting as a mail courier. Al l FA-5 valet droids are programmed with basic flight protocols, allowing them to move, park, and retr ieve the ai rspeeders and sta rships of their owners or their owners' clients.

FA-5 valet droids can be played as droid heroes.

FA-5 Valet Droid Medium droid (5th-degree) nonheroic 1 Init +2; Senses Perception +0 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10). Fo rt 11 , Will 10 hp 3; Threshold 10 Immune droid immunities

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +1 (ld3+1) Ranged by weapon +2 Base Atk +0: Grp +2

Abil ities Str 12, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12 Specia l Qualities droid t raits Feats Skill Focus (Endurance). Skill Training (Pilot). 2 unassigned Skills Endurance + 10, Pilot + 12 Systems walking locomotion, 2 hand appendages, basic processor,

vocabulator Availability Licensed; Cost 1,100


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IW-37 Pincer Loader Droid Marketed as "the bantha of load lifters," the Industrial Automaton IW-37 pincer loader droid is designed to carry rockets, torpedoes, and other mis­siles, and to load them into the launch tubes of starships and other vehicles. IW-37s are also used on battlefields, where they are programmed to locate and retrieve unused munitions and other salvage from disabled vehicles.

Although not built for combat, the IW-37 is programmed to immobilize those who attempt to interfere with its work. Clone trooper units occasion­ally find IW-37s in the cargo holds of wrecked Separatists ships, clutching sti ll-functioning super battle droids in their claws.

IW-37 pincer loader droids can't be played as droid heroes.

IW-37 Pincer Loader Droid Large droid (5th-degree) non heroic 4 Init +7; Senses Perception +6 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15). Fort 17, Will 10 hp 11; Threshold 22 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee 2 claws +10 (ld6+7) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +15

Abilities Str 24, Dex 11, Con -, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6 Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Improved Damage Threshold, Pin,

Power Attack Skills Initiative +7, Perception +6 Systems walking locomotion, basic processor, 2 claw appendages,

durasteel plating (+6 armor) Possessions durasteel shell Availability Licensed; Cost 8,000 credits




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A series of Barloz gu nships, known co ll oqu ially as Justifiers, are produced by private parties at the height of the Clone Wars. Internal cargo space is converted to make room for larger engines and sh ield generators, and a number of gu n em pl acements are add ed to the ventral and dorsa l surfaces of the ship. Intended to provide fire support for merchant shipping , the Justifier is expensive to ma intain and is produced only in limited numbers.

Barloz-class Freighter Colossa l space transport Init - 3; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 30; + 13 armor hp 180 ; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 80

Speed fly 12 squa res (max. ve locity 850 km/h ), fly 3 squares (starship sca le)

Ranged laser cannon + 1 (see below)

CL 7

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 squa res (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +40

Abilities Str 50, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot - 3,

Use Computer +5

Crew 2 (norma l); Passengers 4 Cargo 85 metric tons; Consumables 2 months; Carr ied Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12) Availability Licen sed; Cost 120,000 (1 7,500 used)

Laser Cannon (copilot) Atk + 1, Dmg 4d10 x2



OFF au


09 RIOOER Designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation as a budget space trans­port for fledgl ing businesses, the G9 Rigger is a slow and unwieldy t ransport ship on the verge of obsolescence by the time of the outbreak of the Clone Wars. The G9 Rigger, though inexpensive, offers few of the amen ities sought after by independent traders. Like all Corellian Engineering Corporation ships, the G9 Rigger is fairly easy to customize, but the sh ip is too bulky and sluggish for most couriers and transport pilots who pride themse lves on speed. As a resu lt, the G9 Rigger is most often seen in the hands of local tra ders who ply the space lanes in a sma ll area of the galaxy, and has earned a reputation as a low-quality vessel suitable for use only on the Ou te r Rim . Interestingly, it is this reputation that leads many sp ice smugglers to spend the time an d effort to modify the G9 Ri gger, as most sector authorities see little threat from this vessel.

The Twilight, a spice freighter owned by Ziro the Hutt and stolen from the planet Teth by Anakin Skywalker, is a G9 Rigger.

G9 Rigger Co lossa l space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 24; +11 armor hp 100; DR 15; Th reshol d 74

Speed fly 12 squares (max. ve locity 700 km/h)' fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Ranged doub le light laser cannons +3 (see be low) and light laser cannons + 1 (see be low)

CL 6

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +5 Atk Options autofire (double light laser cannons)

Ab ilit ies Str 39, Dex 10, Con - , Int 12 Skil ls Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,

Use Computer +5

Crew 2 (n ormal); Passengers 6 Cargo 70 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x3 Availability Licensed; Cost 85,000 (45 ,000 used)

Doub le Light Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dm g 4d1 0x2

Light Laser Cannons (copi lot) Atk + 1, Dmg 3dlOx2


January 2009

p. 76 – G9 Rigger Grp modifier should be +34

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Barl[]z-class Medium Freighter

I. co*ckpit a Pilot b Co-Pilot c Sensors/Communications d Shields/Weapons

2. Ship's Computer 3. Life Support 4. Galley 5. Refresher G. Passenger Cabins 7. First Mate's Cabin B. Captain's Cabin 9. Common Room 10. Boarding Ramp II. Machine Shop/Storage 12. Cargo Bay 13. Cargo Elevator 14. Escape Pod 15. Cargo Loading Ramp IG. Engineering Section 17. Gunwell to Turret

I square = 3 meters n n I » 1) -i III l)


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OS-100 SALVAGE SHIP The Gallofree Yards GS-100 salvage ship is a large, bulky craft designed to navigate debris f ields in the wake of space batt les, picking up sa lvageable parts to sell as scrap . Durable and capable of dealing with dangerous float­ing f lotsam and debris, the GS-100 runs with a small crew complement, and some independent sa lvagers prefer to fi ll the other two crew slots with droids, allowing them to plunder the graveyards of past battles without the need to split the profits with living associates.

Gha' Nachkt's ship, the Vulture's Claw, is a heavily mod if ied GS-100 salvage ship.

GS- l 00 Salvage Ship Colossal space transport Init -4; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 30 ; +13 armor hp 190; DR 15; Threshold 80

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 400 km/h)' fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Ranged 2 medium laser cannons +2 (see below)

CL 8

Fighti ng Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover tota l (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +40

Abi li ties Str 51, Dex 12, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -4,

Use Computer +5

Crew 3 (normal); Passengers 20 (droids) Cargo 140 tons; Consumab les 1 month ; Ca rried Craft none Hyperdrive x3 Availability Licensed; Cost 190,000 (95,000 used)

Medium Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +2, Dmg 4dlOx2







KR-TB DCJCJMTREADER One of the Corellian Engineering Corporation's forgotten achievements is the KR-TB, better known as the Doomtreader. It represents a radical shift in design for the CEC at a time when the company is searching for a product that resonates well with the majority of their customer base. Though the YT series is nearly a centu ry away from being realized, the KR-TB is one of the earliest attempts at designing a freighter that would be all th ings to all people.

For the time, the Doomtreader's expansive cargo holds are its most lauded feature. With over 300 metric tons of capacity, a small fortune can be secured for reliable transport. The KR-TB is also designed with the solo pilot in mind. The duties of the copilot can be delegated to an astromech droid, necessi tating only a sma ll organic crew. Adequate passenger space is provided for up to six additional organics .

Next to its vast cargo capabi li ties, the Doomtreader is renowned for its defensive capabilities. In fact, the KR-TB earns its moniker from its heavy shields, durable construction, and dual laser cannons, which allow it to venture into situations that would doom lesser vessels to capture or destruction.

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Even though it seems the perfect ship for the intergalactic merchant, the KR-TB is only moderately successful - in part because of the ship's high price tag. Behind the scenes , rivalries within the Core llian Engineering Corpora­tion also playa substantial role in the model's marginalization . In the end, remaining Doomtreaders are so ld at cut rates to planeta ry defense fo rces and law enforcement agencies.

The most famous KR-TB Doomtreader is Hell's Anvil. Taken as a pr ize by Montross, a well-known Mandalorian bounty hunter and rival of Jango Fett, Hell 's Anvil is heavily mod ified and converted for use as a prisoner transport and mobile base. The most notorious of Hell's Anvil's modifications is a pa ir of solar ionization cannons, devastating weapons that are unaffected by conventional deflector sh ields. With Montross's death at the ha nds of Jango Fett, the Hell's Anvil fades into obscurity.



KR- TB Doomtreader Colossal space transport lnit - 4; Senses Percept ion +S

Def enses Ref 14 (flat- footed 13), Fort 30; +13 armor hp 180; DR lS ; SR 30; Threshold 80

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 900 km/h)' fly 3 squares (starsh ip sca le)

Ran ged laser cannons +4 (see below)

CL 8

Fighting Spa ce 20xl0 or 1 squares (starsh ip sca le); Cover total (crew), total (astromech droid)

Base Atk +0; Grp +40

Abilities Str SO, Dex 12, Con -, lnt 14 Skill s Initiative -4, Mechanics +S (+ 13*), Perception +S, Pilot -4,

Use Computer +S (+ 13*)

Crew 2 pl us astromech droid (ski lled ); Passengers 6 Ca rgo 100 tons; Consumables 1 month; Ca rried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x l S) Availability Licensed; Cost 3S0,000 (70,000 used) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Dual Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +4, Dmg 6dl0x2

PURSUSR-CL..ASS ENFORCEMENT SHIP The Pursuer-class enforcement ship is a patrol vessel and fast transport designed by MandalMotors with Mandaloria ns specifica lly in mind. The ship is popu lar with th e Mandaloria n Protectors du ring the Clone Wars, but the Pursuer- class also becomes a sought-afte r ship among non-Mandalorian police forces and bounty hunters across the ga laxy.

The stock Pursuer is fast , wi th good armament and adequate shields. Thoug h its cargo capacity is not up to pa r with other interstellar transports and freighters, it can be easily relegated to a transport role in a pinch. Pas­senger space is lim ited to five cramped cel ls and a couple of bunks, and the cargo area is adequate for securing contraband and ground vehicles. Even though it is a capable craft right off the assembly line, few Pursuers go long without aftermarket mod ification.

Fol low ing the Clone Wars, the Pursuer-c lass continues to see production and distribution across the galaxy with few changes to its basic design. Its fearsome reputation, combined with its capabilities, is just as valuable to potentia l owners as its actual weapon systems are.

With his Firespray-3 1, Slave I, in impound , Boba Fett uses of a modified Pursuer-class, dubbing it Slave II. The ship serves him well until it is nearly destroyed at Byss. Fett's mod ified Pursuer in cl udes a rear-firing proton torpedo launcher, an improved sensor array, and improved shield generators and sub light engines.

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Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Colossal space transport Init - 3; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12). Fort 26; +12 armor hp 120; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 76

Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,000 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship sca le)

Ranged twin blaster ca nnons +5 (see below) or Ranged ion cannons +5 (see below)

CL 7

Fighting Space 10x20 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk + 1; Grp +37 Atk Options autofire (twin blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con -, In t 14 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1; Passengers 7 (2 Passengers, 5 prisoners) Cargo 35 metric tons; Consumables 5 weeks Hyperdrive xl (backup x 16) Availability Restricted; Cost 200,000 (40,000 used)

Twin Blaster Cannons (pilot) Atk +5 (+0 autofire). Dmg 5dl0x2

Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +5, Dmg 4dl0x2 ion

SELTISS-Z CARAVE L All Hutts of means seek to demonstrate their personal successes. This extends to the vessels they buy, and the Seltiss-2 caravel is a prime example of Hut­tese taste in starships. The Seltiss-2 is modest by Hutt standards, yet to other speci es its amenities seem lush. No two sh ips are the same, and the interio rs are crafted to individual specifications and requirements. Externally, the Seltiss-2 resembles a sail barge. Inside, however, the accommodations-at least for the Hutt and honored guests-are spacious and opulent.

Hutt caravels, the Seltiss-2 among them, are designed with short intra­system jaunts in mind. Thus, they are not equipped with hyperdrives as a standard feature. Th ey move eas il y between the upper atmosphere of Nal Hutta and the smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa. The vessel's combat capa­bilities are humble and hidden from the naked eye. Any self-respecting Hutt prefers to keep his weapons concealed to lull enemies into a fa lse se nse of superiority.

The main cabin of the Seltiss-2 is equipped with a raised da is and a stun­ning view. It serves as a Hutt's audience chamber away from the personal palace. The cabin detaches from the rest of the ship, ferrying the Hutt and his servants to and from the planet below.

Ubrikkian Seltiss-2 Caravel Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 14). Fort 31; + 14 armor hp 200; DR 15; SR 30; Threshold 81

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/hl. fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ran ged laser cannon battery +2 (see below)

CL 9

Fighting Space 10x20 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +41 Atk Options autofire (laser cannon battery)

Abilities Str 52, Dex 10, Con - , Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,

Use Computer +5

Crew 4 (1 pilot, 1 copilot, 2 gunners); Passengers 12 Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft main cabin Availability Li censed; Cost 800,000 (160,000 used)

Laser Cannon Battery (2 gunners) Atk +4 H autofire)' Dmg 4dlOx2

Seltiss-2 Caravel Cabin Th e Se ltiss-2 caravel, like many Hutt space transports, is equipped with a cabin that separates from the rest of the ship. Though this is often done merely to accommodate suborbital transportation, the most obvious reason for such a feature is to allow the owner of the caravel to escape harm. Escape pods are not a standard feature aboard Hutt caravel s, leaving the Hutt's crew and entourage in dire straights if the ship's owner decides to depart during an emergency.

When detached from the primary hull, the cabin of a Seltiss-2 has the following stat istics.

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Ubrikkian Seltiss-2 Caravel Cabin Huge space transport Init +4; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 11), Fort 21; +3 armor hp 50; DR 5; SR 10 ; Threshold 31

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 700 km/h), fly 3 squares (starship sca le)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (sta rshi p sca le); Cover to tal (cre w) Base Atk +0; Grp +2 1

Abilities Str 32, Dex 12, Con - , Int 14 Skills Initiative +4, Mecha nics +5, Perception +5, Pi lot +4,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1; Passengers 6 Cargo 5 tons; Consumables 2 weeks; Carried Craft none Availability Licensed; Cost 400,000 (80,000 used)


CL 3

The following starfighte rs are prevalent during the Clone Wars. Some achieve greatness, while others f ly into obscurity after t he wa rs.

D AOOER-CLASS STARFIOHTER The Oagger-class space superi or ity sta rfigh te r is produced in larg e num bers by Republic Si enar Systems in th e wan ing days of th e Old Re public. It is a form idable craft for its t ime : small, maneuverab le, and fast, wi th powerful weaponry and a relatively cheap price tag. It even incorporates a hyper­drive and a limited astrogation compute r that sto res enough data for three hyperspace jumps.

As with later examples of Sienar's design ph ilosophy, the Dagger- class lacks shields or extensive life support systems. Dagger pilots must don pres­surized flight suits to withstan d the rig ors of space. An abse nce of inertial and gravity cont rols means that Dagger pilots are also exposed to ext reme gravitational forces as they dodge, weave, and careen through space.

Thousands of Dagger-class starfighters are produced by Republic Sienar prior to the Clon e Wars. The majori ty are purchased by planetary defense forces, and many of the systems that take up the banner of the Confederacy of Independent Systems have Daggers in their arsenals. Given its low cost and ubiquitous nature, the Dagger is also used by a number of mercenary orga nizations, as well as independent parami lita ry cont ractors. Th e Trade Federation, in particular, contracts with a number of mercenary organizations that employ Dagger starfighters.

With Repub lic Sienar's dissolution by Emperor Pal patine, and subsequent incorporation into the Republic Navy, production of many of its sta rfigh ters ceases completely. This includes the Dagger- class starfighter. The design specifications of the Dagger are eventually brought out for review by the newly founded Sienar Fleet Systems, and some elements of the class are incorporated into the initial TIE series of starfighters.



Dagger-class Starfighter CL 6 Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses Pe rception +5

Defenses Ref 15 (f lat- footed 11), Fort 22 ; +6 armor hp 60; DR 10; Threshold 42

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged laser can nons +2 (see bel ow) Fighting Space 4x 4 or 1 squa re (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +27 Atk Options autofire (l aser ca nnons)

Abil ities Str 34, Dex 18, Con - , Int 10 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +4,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1; Passengers none Cargo 55 kg ; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Availability Restricted; Cost 35,000 (8,000 used)

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 (-3 autof ire)' Dmg 6dl 0x2

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January 2009

p. 81 – Dagger-class Starfighter Add the following line beneath the Cargo line: Hyperdrive x2 (3 pre-programmed hyperspace jumps)

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DIANOOA-CLASS ASSAULT STARFIOHTER The Dianaga-class starfighter is one of Koensayr's most popular starfighter models prior to the advent of the y-wing . Though its armaments are con­sidered excessive for a civilian fighter produced during peacetime, it is a popu la r choice of planetary defense forces, mercenary fleets, and pirate bands. Though effective when employed in large numbers, the Dianaga's relatively slow speed and low maneuverability keep it from competing with faster and nimbler military-grade starfighters.

The Dianaga's leading feature is its weaponry. Four fire-linked laser can ­nons provide the fighter with a significant offensive punch, while the craft's heavy ion cannon allows for more controlled attacks against sensitive targets that need to be taken in one piece. Decent shields, a reinforced hull, and a mid-grade hyperdrive are also standard features of the Dianaga, providing it with a degree of tactical flexibility.

During the Clone Wars, Dianagas fly in mercenary and pirate fleets. Koensayr eventually discontinues the line, making it a rare sight following the Clone Wars. Some Dianogas are still in service with pirate bands well into the Rebe ll ion era, but the lack of available parts makes them difficult, if not impossible, to maintain .

Dianoga-class Assault Starfighter Gargantuan starfighter Init +2; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 23; +6 armor hp 80; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 43

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h)' fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged laser cannons +2 (see below) or Ranged heavy ion cannon +2 (see below)

CL 7

Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 sq uares (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +28 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 36, Dex 14, Con -, Int 11 Skills Initiative +2, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +2,

Use Compu ter +5

Crew 1; Passengers none Cargo 90 kg; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 Availability Restricted; Cost 45,000 (12,000 used)

Fire-linked Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 (-3 autofire)' Dmg 6d10x2

Heavy Ion Cannon (pilot) Atk +2, Dmg 5dlOx2 ion

FRSSFALL-CLASS STARFIOHTER The Freefall-class starfighter is a bomber manufactured by the Nubian Design Collect ive. Named for the unguided bombs it is designed to use, the Fredall is an effective craft despite its lowtech approach to ordnance delivery. It is a large starfighter, possessing a wide wingspan with a large sublight engine mounted on each wing tip. Cargo ca pacity is typically limited to bombs, but the ship can be converted to make supply drops and troop insertions if necessary.

A Free fa II requires an extensive crew, including a dedicated pilot, gunner, navigator, and bombardier. Allowing a pilot to focus on maneuvers while providing additional crew to pe rform other functions is a stap le of Nubian design philosophy. In fact, the calibration of these diverse systems is so exacting that as long as a crew of four operates the ship, each gains a +1 bonus to checks and rolls related to his own duties. It is theoretically possible to consolidate systems, thereby reducing the ship's required crew, but this eliminates the aforementioned bonus.

During the Clone Wars, the Freefall-class starfighter is employed by several independent mercenary units, mostly on the side of the Republic. The best known of these mercenaries is the Bith engineer Jin kins, who flies a heavily modified Freefall-class starfighter with improved weaponry.

Freefall-class Starfighter Colossal starfighter Init -2; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 12). Fort 26; +12 armor hp 120; DR 15; SR 20; Threshold 76

Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged laser cannons + 1 (see below) and Ranged bomb chute + 1 (see below)

CL 8

Fighting Space 30x20 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +36 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 42, Dex 16, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -2,

Use Computer +5

Crew 4 (1 pilot. 1 gunner, 1 navigator, 1 bombardier); Passengers 10 Cargo 20 metric tons; Consumables 4 weeks; Carried Craft none Payload 20 proton bombs Hyperdrive x2 (backup xlO) Availability Restric ted; Cost 70,000 (18,000 used)

Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +1 (-4 autofire)' Dmg 6d10x2

Bomb Chute (bombardier) Atk +1, Dmg 8dlOx5

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MORNINOSTAR ASSAULT STARFIOHTER The MorningStar is a tri-wing starfighter used extensively in mercenary fleets prior to the invasion of Naboo. The Trade Fede ra ti on employs seve ral mercenary groups that use the MorningStar fighter and its variants. Of the starfighters available prior to the Galactic Civil War, the MorningStar is one of the most capable designs avai lable. In spite of being marketed as a planetary defense ship, the MorningStar finds its way into mercenary and pirate fleets across the galaxy.

Kuat Systems En gineering origina ll y produces the MorningStar as an orbital fighter and picket vessel for planetary defenses and law enforce­ment. With the eventual addition of a Class-2 hyperdrive, the Morn ingStar is shoehorned into the role of a space superiority starfighter. Th ough effective, especially en masse, the Morn ingStar suffers from light construc­tion, mediocre maneuverability, slow speed, and an inadequate payload of concussion missiles.


Variants of the MorningStar are produced , the most popular of whi ch are the A, B, and C models. The A model, detailed here, is the original space supe­riority design. The MorningStar- B trad es in its concussion missile launcher for three heavy laser cann ons (dam age 7dl 0x2). As a result, it is favored as a dogfighting craft by the mercenaries who employ it.

The MorningStar-C is born of the desire for a starfighter that is effective against cap ita l ships. This design change takes the B model, removes the light laser cannons, and includes three concussion missi le launchers with ten missiles each in their place.

MorningStar-A Assault Starfighter Gargantuan starfighte r Init +2; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 22; +6 armor hp 70; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 42

Speed f ly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h)' fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged light laser cannons +3 (see below) or Ranged concussion missile lau ncher +3 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +27 Atk Options autofire (light laser cannons)

Abilities Str 35, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative +2, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +2,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1; Passengers none Cargo 75 kg; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft none Payload 4 miss il es Hyperdrive x2 Availability Restricted; Cost 43,000 (10,000 used)

Light Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 au tofire)' Dmg 5dl0 x2

Concussion Missile Launcher (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg 8dl0x2

CL 8

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54-OK PHOENIX HAWK-CLASS LIOHT PINNACE The S40K is one of Kuat Systems Engineering's first forays into the galactic starship market. Design ed as an affordab le space transport with minimal cargo capacity, good defenses, and high utility, the Phoenix Hawk-class falls short in a number of areas, and these shortcomings eventually doom it to failure. So many corners are cut by KSE's designers that the Phoenix Hawk-class is essential ly ignored by wealthy pilots and merchants in favor of more expensive, less cramped alternatives. Externally, the Phoenix Hawk­class resembles a squat Firespray-31 patrol craft. Unlike the Firespray, which is streamlined and elegant in appearance, the Phoenix Hawk-class appears ungainly and clumsy.

The ship 's starkest deficiency is its cramped living conditions. Though marketed as a transport for up to six occupants, the craft's amenities are hardly sufficient for half that number. Crew and passengers are pressed together into small quarters, and bunks must be sha red if the ship is staffed to full capacity. Standard ceiling height within the S40K is capped at 1.83 meters, making the interior a claustrophobe's nightmare. To make matters worse, refresher facilities are uncomfortable and prone to malfunctioning at inopportune times unless several systems are replaced with nonstandard parts.



Despite its drawbacks, the S40K succeeds in the area of defensive sys­tems and offensive capabilities. Though it is slow and plodding in flight, the Phoenix Hawk-class is equipped with excellent shields and powerful weap­onry. When flown by a skilled pilot, the S40K makes a formidable target, so it is popular with bounty hunters, mercenaries, and paramilitary units that are less concerned with amen ities and more interested in the application of brute force.

Though it is an incredibly common sight on the space lanes during the days of the Old Republic, the Phoenix Hawk-class becomes increasing ly obscure with each passing decade.

S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace Gargantuan starfighter Init + 1; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +8 armor hp 150; DR 10; SR 30 ; Threshold 48

Speed f ly 12 squares (max. velocity 750 km/h), fly 3 sq uares (starship scale)

Ranged heavy blaster cannons +3 (see below) or Ranged light ion cannons +3 (see below)


Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 squa res (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0; Grp +33 Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 46, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative + 1, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot + 1,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1 or 2; Passengers 4 Cargo 20 tons; Consumables 2 months; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 Availability Licen sed ; Cost 112,000 (22,500 used)

Heavy Blaster Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dmg 6d10x2

Light Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg 3dlOx2 ion

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S CURRO H-6 PROTOTYPE B OMBER The Scurrg H-6 is one of the most dangerous starfighter designs in the galaxy. It is created five years before the Battle of Naboo by the Nubian Design Collective, who hope to sell it to Naboo. Naboo, seeing little use for an expensive offensive bomber, refuses the Collective's offer. The original Scurrg prototype is mothballed on Nubia wh ile the Collective lackadaisica lly seeks another buyer. As they search, the prototype is stolen by a Feeorin pirate named Nym with the aid of Jinkins, one of the Collective's engineers.

Followi ng the original prototype's theft , the Nub ian Desig n Collective produces several other prototypes anticipating the impending civil war. These new prototypes incorporate minor improvements on the original design, but are otherwise identical. The expense of the starfighter, along with its advanced Nubian technology, dissuades a number of buyers (including the Republic) from investing in the Scurrg. Given their friendly relationship with Naboo, the Nubians refuse to entertain offers from the Confederacy.

The Scurrg is best classified as a heavy assau lt starfighter. It is equipped with six forward-mounted laser cannons, a laser turret, and an experimental bomblet generator. The energy spheres dropped by the Scurrg are produced by the bomblet generator, which uses the ship's primary power source to create them. The generator can produce one bomblet every 10 rounds (1 minute), but it can hold no more than ten energy spheres at anyone time. The bomblet generator is a modular design, allowing it to be removed and incorporated into other compatible starfighters. The Scurrg can easi ly be equipped with a standard bomb chute that drops standard proton bombs.

The original Scurrg prototype, as flown by Nym, is known as the Havoc. In addition to an improved hyperdrive engine, the Havoc is modified to allow Nym to operate it without a full crew comp lement. While Nym takes the helm, the gunner and navigator positions are filled by two astromech droids, which have been integrated into the ship's system.

Scurrg H-6 Prototype Bomber Colossal starfighter Init -1; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 27; +12 armor hp 140; DR 15; SR 25; Threshold 77

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged laser turret +7 (see below) and laser cannons +7 (see below) or

Ranged bomblet generator +7* (see below)

CL 10

Fighting Space 14x14 or 1 squares (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +2; Grp +39 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, laser tu rret)

Abilities Str 44, Dex 16, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1,

Use Computer +6

Crew 3 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 1 navigator); Passengers 3 Cargo 10 metric tons; Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft none Payload 10 explosive energy sphe res (see below) Hyperdrive x2 (backup xlO) Availability Military; Cost 150,000 (no used models available) 'Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +7 (+2 autofire), Dmg BdlOx2

Laser Turret (gunner) Atk +7 (+2 autofire), Dmg 6d10x2

Bomblet Generator (pilot) Atk +7 (-13 against targets sma ller than Colossal), Dmg Bd10x5

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THE DWINDLING ~EDI CAMPAIGN When the Clone Wars campaign opens, the Gamemaster liberally sprinkles the Jedi throughout the early adventures. The heroes receive missions from Jedi Masters, encounter wandering Jedi Knights on the battlefield, and help Padawans escape trouble. As the heroes grow in power, gaining levels and completing adventures, the Gamemaster gradually reduces the number of Jedi that show up in the campaign . Instead of having Jedi show up every session, they begin to show up every other session, then every third session, and so forth. Major NPC Jedi die in the Clone Wars, wh ile others are called away to distant star systems well beyond the heroes' reach. Jedi heroes who become one with the Force are replaced by non-Jedi heroes, so that even within the confines of an adventuring party of heroes the Jedi are on the decline. By the time the heroes reach the highest levels, only a sma ll number of Jedi-one or two, at most-are actively visible in the campaign.

The contrast between the beginning of the campaign , when the heroes encountered Jedi frequently in nearly every adventure, and the end of the campaign, when only one or two Jedi are even interacting with the heroes on a regular basis, should be enough to reinforce the sense that the Jedi are a dying breed.

THE MASTERLESS PADAWAN Jedi heroes in a Clone Wars game keep the Jedi in the heroes' perception throughout the campaign. However, this does not mean that a campaign with a Jedi hero cannot take advantage of the diminishing Jedi Order as a theme. A Clone Wars campaign that starts at 1st level could begin with Jedi heroes as Padawans whose masters have died or otherw ise deserted them.

Left to find their own way, Padawan heroes are confronted immediately by the decline of the Jedi . If that Padawan then makes contact with the Jedi Council (an encounter that could even be worthy of a small quest). the Jedi Council informs the Padawan that no Jedi Master is available to complete his or her training. The Padawan can be given an assignment, or entrusted to the companionship of the other heroes (particularly if another hero is a Republic soldier or a well-known and loyal noble) until such a time when another Jedi Master can continue the Padawan's training. Alternatively, a Padawan might be entrusted to the care of a mere Jedi Knight-as Ahsoka Tano is entrusted to Anakin Skywalker just a short time after his Knighting ceremony. This leaves the hero under the tutelage of a Jedi who is not yet ready to truly train the Padawan.

ORDER SS Using Order 66-the order given by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to wipe out the Jedi-can be tricky because it represents a major setting shift. When Palpatine issues Order 66, the Clone Wars quickly come to an end, and within a brief time the Empire rises and the Dark Times begin. However, using Order 66 in a campaign gives the Gamemaster a chance to build up to a single, climactic event that is prominent in Revenge of the Sith and can connect a campaign to the Star Wars films. For campaigns taking place during the Clone Wars, Order 66 should probably be one of the last major events in the campaign . Jedi heroes in the company of clone troops during Order 66 must deal with sudden betrayal, which can surprise players if they do not know it is coming. This surprise can also be enhanced if any of the heroes have clone trooper followers, as formerly loyal allies that have likely been through many adventures with the heroes suddenly, without warning, become enemies.

Order 66 presents a great opportunity to surprise the heroes, and Game­masters planning to use Order 66 should be careful, over the course of the Clone Wars campaign, to resist providing too much information as to how close, or how far away, Order 66 is. Additionally, after the Order 66 event, Jedi become outlaws, and Jedi heroes quickly find themselves hunted and cut off from the resources they have come to rely on over the course of the campaign, radically altering the feel of the campaign. Order 66 represents the final blow in the collapse of the Jedi Order, and it should be treated as either a major shift in the campaign's tone or as one of the final events leading to the climax of the campaign .

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R AMPANT CORRUPTION By the time the Clone Wars begin to tear the galaxy apart, the Republic has already been steeped in massive corruption for decades, even centuries. In fact, corruption in the Republic allowed Palpatine to maneuver his way into becoming Supreme Chancellor a decade before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Similar corruption allowed him-in his guise as Darth Sidious-to manipula te the Separatists into engaging the Repub lic in open war. In a Clone Wa rs campaign, the heroes are likely to encounter corruption at every turn , and those in positions of power can never be truly trusted, for they might have their allegiances bought by enemy factions. Politicians sell their votes, corporate leaders disregard the basic rights of their employees, and security forces turn a blind eye to crime and violence all out of the greed that permeates the Republic during this time.

The heroes are likely to encounter rampant corruption when dealing with thei r enemies and opponents. A corrupt Republic Senator, taking bribes from Separatist agents, might reveal the heroes' plans to their enemies, allowing the Separatists to set a trap and draw the heroes into it. A civilian contrac­tor at a military shipyard might deactiva te the automated security system at the shipyard, forc ing the heroes to repel an invasion withou t the help of the yard's droid defenders.

Cor ruption usually means saying one thing and then doing another, meaning the heroes likely have no idea that they are dealing with a corrupt individua l until proof of corruption surfaces. For example , a high-ranking military officer who has proven to be an al ly and an asset for the heroes is suddenly revealed to have been sending substandard weapons to the front lines, endangering not on ly the war effort but also the soldiers on the front li nes. The heroes are then faced with a difficult decision: to continue to benefit trom that officer's assistance and expertise, or reveal the officer's corrupt dealings and lose the benefi t of his friendship. If they decide upon the latter, they make an enemy of tha t officer and also likely f ind themselves making enemies with whoever bribed the officer to buy the substandard munitions in the first place.

Typically corruption is problematic, but sometimes it ca n work in the heroes' favor. Savvy heroes who use the corruption of the enemy to their advantage can orchestrate victor ies that prey upon the susceptibility of their enemies. Heroes who know that two enemy leaders are distrustfu l of one another cou ld arrange for one (or both) to be bribed into betraying the other, using credits and leaning on their lack of trust to create friction within the ene my ranks. Similarly, if the heroes discover that an enemy leader is particu larly susceptible to one form of bribery, they could turn that enemy into an ally by exploiting the enemy's corruption. The heroes gain insight into the workings of the enemy, and ga in a valuable, though untrustworthy, asset who can provide a significant advantage in future adventures. For example, if the heroes learn that a Trade Fed eration starship captain is willing to accept bribes, they can use credits to ingratiate themse lves with that captain and

then turn him to their advantage. When the heroes need to sneak behind enemy lines, they cal l in a favor wi th the bribed starship captain and f ind themselves moving through Confederacy space aboard a Confederate vessel. Gamemasters should feel free to use the corruption of the enemy to help heroes achieve the ir goals once in a wh il e, since it keeps the heroes from feeling as though corruption happens only among their allies.

Additionally, the heroes shou ld not be considered above the temptation of corruption. During an adventure, a liaison from the enemy could approach the heroes, offering them an astronomical sum of credits to turn over sec ret information or abandon their mission. Such situat ions can be interesting rol eplaying opportunities because each hero must decide whether greed outweighs principles in a time when corrupt ion is everywhere. If the heroes are smugglers, mercenaries, or bounty hunters, the corruption might serve to further their goals. With the promise of credits from both sides, the heroes can turn corruption to their advantage, plying their trade while draining credits from corrupt officials on both sides of the war.

For more advice on running campaigns in which the heroes are confronted and tempted by widespread corruption, check out the Scum and Villainy supplement.

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VILLAINS The Clone Wars has an abundance of high-profile villains . Count Dooku , General Grievous, Durge, Asajj Ventress, General Loathsom, and others make up a motley group of villains who share the spotlight. Though some, like Asajj Ventress, work behind the scenes, other vi llains are wel l-known. Count Dooku and General Grievous are famous names recognized throughout the galaxy, even among those who are not directly involved in the war. High-profi le vil­lains are extremely important in Star Wars, but even more so in a Clone Wars campaign. Th e following aspects of the villa ins of the Clone Wars should give Gamemasters a good basis on which to build their own villains. Providing such notable enemies for the heroes not only provides a more genuine Star Wars experience but also helps the Gamemaster create memorable characters and storylines that can last throughout an entire campaign .

DEHUMANIZATION One important aspect of creating memorable, high-profile villains for a Clone Wars campaign is the dehumanization of those vi llains. Even though this need not apply to all villains (Count Dooku is a good example of a very Human vil lain ). most of the vil lains of the Clone Wars are distinctly dehumanized,

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even monstrous. A villain's physical appearance has a great deal to do with how monstrous that villain seems. Some villains, like Asajj Ventress, are merely twisted shadows of humanity; her gray skin, dark eyes, and lack of hair are just different enough from Hu mans to make her seem both alien and terrifying. On the far end of the spectrum are villains like General Grievous and Durge; though vaguely humanoid in shape, they are so distinctly mon­strous in their appearance that no one confuses them with Humans. Grievous achieves new levels of inhumanity because he is a near-total replacement cyborg, truly embodying the idea of being more machine than creature. Durge, on the other hand, is dehumanized by his faceless armor, an effect like that of stormtroopers and clone troopers. When creating a villain for a Clone Wars campaign, Gamemasters should take care to describe them in a way that makes them seem one step away from Human-monstrous and yet just familiar enough that Human qualities are recognizable. These similarities make the differences stand out all the stronger.

High-profile villains need more than a frightening and monstrous appear­ance to sustain them. The vil la ins of the Clone Wars have voices, mannerisms, and habits that augment their inhuman appearances. The metallic echo to General Grievous' voice, the harsh accent, and the hacking coughs wrack­ing his cybernetic body combine with his physical description to create a complete, memorab le villain package. Asajj Ventress has a hissing, snakelike voice, while Durge is notable for his disturbing sil ence. General Loathsom's

boiling anger complements his physical stature and personality, producing a three-dimensional villain. Not all of a villain's mannerisms must be off­putting or exaggerated, and strong contrasts can also breed good villains. A Human villain who speaks with a smooth, well-cultured accent and rich vocabulary can be interesting if the Gamemaster contrasts his conventional appearance with a deep, inhuman cruelty.

The above advice might tempt a Gamemaster to make one-dimensional villains who are little more than monstrous caricatures. However, the villain's actions truly define him as an antagonist. Especially among the Confederacy, high-profile villains are careless with the lives (or, in the Separatists' case, good repair) of their subordinates, and they are willing to cast their followers aside when the situation demands it. The lives of underlings mean little to the Clone Wars villain, and ruthlessness is the order of the day. A truly sinister and dehumanized villain kills anyone or anything that gets in the way of her progress, and Gamemasters should not be afraid to have their villains perform acts of heartlessness and cruelty to get the heroes' undivided attention.

POWERFUL. PERSONAL.ITY A villain is more than just a collection of physical descriptions, mannerisms, and acts of cruelty. A key aspect of creating good villains for a Clone Wars campaign is giving the villains a strong personality that resonates throughout an entire campaign. For example, Count Dooku is an excellent and iconic villain of the Clone Wars because he is charismatic and bo ld. Likewise, he is not afraid to delve into darkness to achieve his goals. Yet he is still very much the Jedi Master who left the Order after the death of one of his most beloved apprentices. Similarly, Asajj Ventress is more than just a pair of lightsabers and a frightful appearance. She strives to be the heir to the Sith legacy, and must prove again and again to Count Dooku that she is worthy of his tutelage. A good villain has his or her own aspirations, flaws, and personality traits that heroes can relate to. Many Jedi heroes, for example, begin their adventuring careers trying to prove to their Masters or to the Jedi Council that they are worthy of knighthood, much as Ventress begins her career as a villain trying to prove her worth to Dooku.

When creating a personality for a Clone Wars villain, the Gamemaster can likely take a look at the histories, personalities, and aspirations of the heroes in the campaign for reference. Villains are often merely twisted, dark reflections of heroes, having walked a different path after reaching a deci­sive turning point. Others are simply damaged beings thoroughly corrupted by the injustices (real and imagined) inflicted upon them. If the heroes see something of themselves in the villain, that villain is not only memorable but also relatable. For example, if one of the heroes in the campaign is a scoundrel whose aspiration is to become the greatest smuggler in the galaxy, the Gamemaster might create a villain who once had similar aspirations. This new villain might have once been a smuggler who bartered away his freedom for the credits to buy a starship, and as his debts to crime lords grew, the more horrific and dangerous acts he had to perform to placate them. Over

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time, working for crime lords eroded any sense of right and wrong, reduc­ing the once-aspiring smuggler to a brutal, uncompromising pirate captain who has achieved the notoriety he once sought by sacrificing his humanity in the process.

M ILITARIZATION The onset of the Clone Wars necessitates that various planets of the galaxy leave their peaceful , prosperous, and civilized ways behind and embrace mili­tarization to survive. Worlds that have not seen major conflicts for thousands of years become central to the war, and more than just infrastructure must cha nge for those worlds to survive.

A Clone Wars campaign brings with it an aspect of growing military importance, and few worlds are exempt from this. Gamemasters have several options for highlighting this militarization in their campaigns; some methods are overt, such as throwing the heroes directly into a battle between the Republic and the Confederacy, while others are more subtle, such as having the heroes witness the launch of a Republic flotilla from a staging point on an Outer Rim world . Below, Gamemasters can find suggestions on ways to make mi li tarization a small or large part of a Clone Wars campaign.

C ONVERSION OF C IVILIAN ASSETS One intrusive form of militarization is the conversion of civilian assets into mil itary assets . Droid-manned factories devoted to pumping out civilian airspeeders or computers for homes are converted to manufacturing AT-TEs ard fire control computers for droid starfighters. Research hospitals that once served xen obiologists as havens for study are commandeered by the military and transformed into research facilities for biological weapons and their countermeasures. Few industries escape militarization, and practically all those that invol ve manufacturing are transformed by the Clone Wars.

For Gamemasters, including this aspect of militarization in a campaign entails sh owing how the military has invaded every aspect of life. The heroes might be required to go beh ind enemy lines and rescue engineers who are being forced to work on weapons against their will, or they might receive a mission to escort former Republic citizens who have been forcibly removed from a hospita l to make room for Separatist mercenaries. Gamemasters need only refe r to a facility 's former role to instill a sense of militarization. For example, when the heroes infiltrate a Separatist weapons factory, the GM can inc lude in the description of the building some offhand references to discarded consumer electronics or dormant machinery that once made speeder bike parts. The transformation of important civilian resources into military resources is a big part of conveying the Clone Wars' impact on the galaxy, and Gamemaster should feel free to include many references to assets that have been confiscated or stripped by the military for use in the war effort.

CL O NE HEROES Given the prominence of clones in the story of the Clone Wars, Game­masters should not be surprised if players wish to play clone characters. Clone heroes can be interesting and present exciting story opportunities, especially for a Gamemaster who plans to use Order 66 in the campaign finale. Gamemasters should allow players to play clone heroes who stand out from the rank-and-file clone troopers.

The basic clone trooper is bred for obedience and military discipline. This can stifle players who want more free wi ll. Instead, the player cou ld choose to play an ARC Trooper or a Republic clone commando; both unit types are clones based on the original Jango Felt template, but they have more of Felt's personality and fewer behavioral restrictions than standard clone troopers. They receive special training belter suited to heroic careers, and many have destinies that stretch out beyond the Clone Wars. For clone heroes, use the following species template-a variant of the basic Human template.

REPUBLIC CLONE SPECIES TRAITS The Human clones produced by the Kaminoans fo r the Repub lic share the following species traits:

Ability Scores: Republ ic clones begin wi th the following abi lity score array: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. Additional ly, a clone player can choose one ability score to increase by 2 at the time of character creation .

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, clones have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Base speed is 6 squares. Bonus Trained Skill: Human clones are versatile and accompl ished

at many tasks. A Human clone character chooses one additional tra ined skil l at 1st level . This ski ll must be chosen fro m the character's list of class sk ills.

Bonus Feat: Human clones gain one bonus feat at 1st leve l. Automatic Languages: Basic.

FORCES OF T HE CLON E W ARS One of the easiest ways to make mil itarization more vi si ble is to make refer­ences to the Republ ic and Separat ist mil ita ries. If t he he roes are working for- or against- the Republic, this is easy. Incl uding clone troopers, V-19 starfighters, and AT-XT wa lkers in an adventu re gives the Re pu bl ic an extremely visib le presence. However, not every reference to military presence requires direct interaction with mi litary pe rsonne l or assets. For examp le, heroes who have taken no side in the Clone Wars might see Confederacy Recusant-class destroyers in orbit above a planet they are visit ing, or they might be stopped by a Separatist securi t y deta il. Alternat ive ly, the heroes might enter a cantina where a number of off-duty clone troopers are taking

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some downtime. Picking out individual elements of the various militaries to highlight during an adventure does not requ ire the GM to involve them directly in the adventure. Gamemasters should feel free to use elements of the two opposing factions as simple "w indow dressing" when setting the scene during an adventure. Every casual reference to Republic or Separatist forces helps reinforce the image of a wartorn galaxy, keeping the players in a mindset appropriate to a Clone Wars campaign .

PL.AVINO AS SEPARATISTS Though adventuring heroes likely want to work for the Republic against the Separatists if they take sides in the war, some might instead choose to work as Separatist agents against the Republic. In this case, the Gamemaster can choose from two styles of campaign. First, the campaign can assume that the heroes are, in fact, villains; they wo rk for the Separatists willing ly out of greed or lust for power, and Jedi in this style of campaign are likely to have fallen away from the Jed i Order and instead joined the Separatist cause. The heroes in such a campaign are probably out to see the Republic shattered so they can seize power, and adventures in this kind of campaign are merely the opposite of adventures run with heroes of the Republic. These Separatist-aligned heroes might infiltrate Republic installations, sabotage shipyards, or engage in large-scale battles against the clone forces of the Republic. Gamemasters running this style of campaign need only treat the relationship between the heroes and the Republic as adversarial to craft fulfilling adventures.

However, the alternative campaign involving Separatist heroes is more complex. Instead of joining the Separatists out of greed or out of a desire to see the Republic destroyed, the heroes might have aligned themselves with the Separatists because they believe they are doing the right thing. These heroes might be unhappy with methods used by the Confederacy, but they believe that the Separatists are a more appealing faction than the Repub lic. Campaigns of this type rarely feature Jedi heroes, since it can be difficult to reconcile the heroes' desire to protect the Republic with joining the Separat­ists. Gamemasters running campaigns of this type can challenge the heroes with a broad range of adventures and enemies, beyond the obvious "heroes against the Republic" scheme. For example, even though the heroes are, themselves, Separatists, they might come into conflict with members of the Confederacy; for example, Separatist heroes who discover a Techno Union research facility torturing the indigenous inhabitants of a remote world might be compelled to intervene, even violently. Gamemasters running Separatist campaigns of this type should include adventures that blur the line between ally and enemy, and encourage the heroes to consider whether they are on the right side of the Clone Wars.

L.AROE-BcALE CONFLICT Large-scale battles are common throughout the Clone Wars. Battles of the Clone Wars reach truly epic proportions, spanning multiple star systems or covering the surface of an entire planet. Adventures in the Clone Wars should also include similar large-scale battles, either as encounters themselves­using the mass combat ru les below-or as the backdrop for Clone Wars adventures. If the heroes participate-and perhaps even turned the tide-in the Battle of Glee Anselm, for example, the players become invested in both the setting as well as the campaign . Large-scale conflicts are an important part of the Star Wars milieu, and the Clone Wars give Gamemasters ample opportunity to create battles that reach massive proportions, involving the copious resources of both the Republic and the Separatists.

When the time comes for a large-scale conflict to take place in your campaign, as the Gamemaster you should be prepared to answer certain questions about the batt le and the role it serves in the story. First and fore­most, you should decide whether the battle is merely the backdrop for this section of the campaign's story, or whether it is a pivota I event. If it is simply a backdrop, the actual outcome of the battle is likely out of the players' hands, but if it is a pivotal event, you should take care to design the adventure so that the heroes' actions can sway the outcome of the battle. Gamemasters using the battle as a backdrop can still allow the heroes to influence the battle, but more likely the battle is scripted and plays out according to the needs of the adventu reo



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Next, you should decide where the battle takes place (as determined by the needs of the adventure) and whether it is a land battle, a space battle, or a combination of both. The opposing factions are usually the Republic and Separatists, but you also need to decide whether mercenaries or indigenous peoples are involved. And you need to determine whether one side will have an advantage in the battle. From there, you should either construct the ba ttle's sequence of events to match the needs of the adventure, or play out the battle using the mass combat rules below.

Large-scale battles are complicated, and literally millions of tiny factors can influence the outcome of real batt les. For the purposes of your adven­ture, you should determine the major turn ing points of the batt le and focus on describing those rather than getting caught up in the little details. The battle should serve the needs of the adventure and the greater campaign, and as the Gamemaster, you should feel free to script the battle as much as you need to accomplish that. The progress of the battle should make sense, but fantastic occurrences can turn the tide on the batt lefie ld. Similarly, you want to make your battle memorable, so make sure you choose a locale that lends itself to an easily visualized and interesting series of events.

BATTL-EFIEL-D ADVENTURES When set amid large-scale conflict, adventures require extra considerations for their construction . Entire adventures can take place during the course of a single battle, or the battle can be the backdrop for just one or two encounters. For adventures that take place entirely on the battlefield, as Gamemaster you should plan the events that will happen and determine the goals of the heroes. The heroes' goals should encourage them to stay involved in the battle, so giving them objectives like "sabotage the shie ld generator" or "rescue captive allies from the enemy bunker" mesh well with the backdrop of a battlefield adventure. When designing a battlefield adventure, keep in mind that though you can have encounters that are just as diverse as in other adventures, a battle is a dangerous place. With explosions all around them and troops advancing over the next hill, the heroes likely will not want to stop for an extended rest to allow their medic to perform surgery. Provide players with plenty of ways to heal up and pre pare for the next encounter, and plan the encounters so that they do not follow one another so closely that the heroes' survival becomes impossible.

Encounters in a battlefield adventure are usually objective-based. If the heroes are going to sabotage a Separatist antivehicle cannon, an encounter might likely involve droids trying to defend the cannon while the heroes try to set explosives. Battlefield encounters feature an additional degree of tension, and the Gamemaster can reinforce this with descriptions of troops coming over the horizon, droid bombers screaming in to target the heroes' location, and explosions growing closer by the second. A battlefield encounter should be built just like any other combat encounter, but use the ongoing battle as a backdrop. Don't worry about the number of troops in the vicinity or how long reinforcements take to arrive any more than you wou ld for a normal

encounter. The battle is going on around the heroes, in the background, but for the purposes of the encounter, all that matters are the heroes and the enemies you have arrayed against them. An ongoing battle offers an opportunity to create exciting and challenging terrain effects. For example, if stray bombs falling on the encounter area cause an explosion to go off every round at a random location on the map, the encounter becomes even more interesting and players feel like they actually are part of a larger battle.

USING TROOPERS Low-CL nonheroic characters are easy to use in large numbers as background elements or obstacles in a battlefield adventu re. By the time the heroes have hit middle levels, low-level opponents like basic B1-Series battle droids are no real threat. However, battles of the Clone Wars feature dozens, if not hundreds, of basic troops engaged in the fight. Gamemasters can use non­threatening, low-CL enemies (hereafter referred to simply as troopers) as a means of highlighting this aspect of the Clone Wars. Since low-CL enemies are not much of a threat, the heroes and their allies can blast through them with relative speed without earning much (if any) XP for defeating them. However, Gamemasters should be wary of the threat of the natural 20 when includ­ing large numbers of troopers in the encounter, and therefore, should have troopers take the aid another action to assist a sing le trooper on an attack roll. The squad ru les (described below) use th is basic principle to transform a cluster of troopers into a more significant threat. Gamemasters can add a number of troopers to an encounter to not only make the encounter feel more like it is taking place on a large batt lefield but also to present a number of enemies that function more like obstacles than true opponents.

SQUADS Squads are collections of lower-CL enemies that work together as a single creature on the battlefield. Squads are ideal for encounters in which the Gamemaster wants to include a large number of weaker enemies and allies, and can help replicate the chaos of a batt lefield in a more manageable fashion. Similarly, squads provide the Gamemaster with ways to transform low-CL enemies into a more significant th reat. By the t ime the heroes hit 10th level, those CL 1 battle droids have ceased to be a challenge, but trans­forming those droids into squads raises their CL to the point where they can be sufficiently dangerous.

A squad represents a small number of creatures (usual ly three to four) of the same type that come together into a single unit. They occupy the same space and have only one turn's worth of actions. The squad is an abstract concept that allows the Gamemaster to populate an encounter with low­level troopers and still maintain the speed and ease of combat they need. Squads are by no means necessary, but they do streamline the game experi­ence. For examp le, a Gamemaster could create an encounter with 15 battle droids, or the same encounter could be created using only 5 squads, which is more manageable.


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Squads follow a few special rules that differentiate them from normal creatures, though they are similar to packs and swarms (see page 130 of Threats of the Galaxy).

Creating a Squad To create a squad, make the following changes to the statistics block of any character:

• Increase the character's size by one category, and apply all relevant modifiers.

• Double the character 's hit points. • Increase the character's damage threshold by 10. • Add +4 to all attack ro lls, as the members of the squad are considered

to be aiding one another.

Squad Traits Sq uads share the following special traits:

• All melee attacks made by a squad are considered melee area attacks that affect all squares within the squad's reach (although a squad can choose not to affect a target with its attacks).

• All ranged attacks made by a squad are considered to have a l-square splash. If the squad's weapon already has a splash effect, increase the splash rad ius by 1 square.

• A squad can choose not to affect al lies with its attacks. • Area attacks deal +2 dice of damage against a squad. • A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled. • A squad can make attacks of opportunity against creatures that provoke

them, though these attacks of opportunity are not considered area attacks.

Sample Squad: Battle Droid Squad The following stat istics are for a sq uad of Bl-Series battle droids. The statistics are derived by taking the basic statistics for the Bl (see page 199 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) and applying the changes indicated above.

B l-Series Battle Droid Squad Large droid (4th degree) squad nonheroic 3 Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 8 (flat-footed 8). Fort 11, Will 11 hp 20; Threshold 21 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +7 (ld3+ 1) Ranged blaster carbine +5 (3d8, l-square splash) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2; Grp +8

Abilities Str 13. Dex 9, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10 Special Qualities droid traits, squad traits


Feats Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons)

Skills Perception +6 Systems walking locomotion, remote receiver, 2 hand appendages,

internal comlink, vocabulator Possessions blaster carbine

Squad Traits-The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that affects all squares within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a l-square sp lash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage

against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.



January 2009

p. 94 – Creating a Squad Add the following bullet point to the end of the list: The squad’s CL is equal to the CL of the base creature +2.

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M ASS COMBAT The Clone Wars are al l about the massive battles that transform the galaxy for decades- even centuries-to come. No conflict on the scale of the Clone Wars is complete without sweeping battles that cover entire planets. In most cases, these battles serve as the backdrop for adventures, with either predetermined outcomes planned in advance by the Gamemaster or outcomes based on the results of smaller encounters, as described in the guidelines above. However, sometimes the GM might want the players to act as com­manders and tacticians on a higher level. In these cases, ledi generals can truly be generals in command of entire batta lions, and all the heroes can participate in these large-scale battles. . .

The following rules govern massive ground combat, like that seen In the Star Wars movies and The Clone Wars animated series. In many ways, these rules mirror vehicle combat-and for good reason. Units-the basic organi­zational name for large numbers of troops-function like veh icles in that heroes can join the unit and take actions to control and manipulate that unit. The mass combat rules are designed to simulate the outcome of large-scale ground battles, and vehicle-only or space battles are likely better resolved using the existing vehicle combat rules (including the expanded rules from Starships of the Galaxy) .

These mass combat rules represent the chance to put thousands of so ldiers into play during a single encounter. This section also includes rules for integrating both individual vehicles as well as groups of smal ler vehic les, allowing Gamemasters more diversity than just having two armies firing at one another across an open plain. like designing interesting character-scale and vehic le encounters, designing interesting mass battles is a matter of choosing compel ling opponents, providing an engaging setting , and adding exciting hazards and challenges. Th e Clone Wars feature battles deep In the jung les of Felucia, on the ash-choked streets of Mygeeto, and deep In the sinkholes of Utapau. Picking an exciting setting for a mass battle IS an important step-just as important as choosing the two (or more) opposing forces.

SCAL. E Everything in a mass combat encounter takes place at starsh ip scale (see page 165 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). As in starship scale, each square is abstract, representing however much terrain the Gamemaster needs It to. In a densely packed battle, the squares might be relatively small , forcing the members of each unit to crowd in together (as in the Battle of Geonosis). In other cases, the battle might be spread out over several kilometers. As a result, the actual time taken up by the combat round is also abstracted, and to a certain extent, so are the actions of each unit.

UNITS A unit represents a group of combatants taking part in mass combat. For the most part, a unit is based on a single creature or character represent ing the majority of the combatants in that unit. Th erefore , the statistics for the unit are based on the statistics for this representative creature. Units are like vehicles in that heroes can join units, filling specific roles in the unit, just as heroes can serve as pilots, copilots, gunners, and system operators on a starship. Furthermore, a unit has statistics and actions comparable to those of vehicles, allowing vehicle combat and mass combat to integrate seamlessly. Indeed, the mass combat system is effectively also the vehicle combat system, allowing vehic les, mass combat units, and individual characters to take part in the same encounter. like vehicles, units can be used in character-scale combat. but they are designed to be used primarily in mass combat. The squad rules in this chapter (see page 93) provide an easier method for including large numbers of enemies and allies in a sing le encounter.

A unit represents a large group of more-or- Iess identical creatures that work together in mass combat. Unlike a vehicle, a unit is composed of dozens, or even hundreds, of individuals. Therefore, single attacks do far less damage to the un it than a spray of autofire or an exploding grenade. Though members of a unit do not need be exactly identical, the unit's statistics are based on a single creature for simp licity and ease of play. Heroes contribute to the unit by their leadership and ability to affect the whole uni t, not their indi­vidual combat prowess. A single crea ture or character within a unit cannot be targeted; all attacks target the unit, effective ly providing all heroes in a unit with total cover from outside attacks.

When a unit is reduced to 0 hit points, or when the commander of the unit orders it so, the unit disbands. Any heroes in a unit that disbands are no longer part of the unit, and they are then considered individual targets. Two or more adjacent disbanding units can recombine into a single unit. The newly formed unit is of the same type as the lowest Cl disbanding unit; thus, a Cl 8 unit and a Cl 10 unit can disband and reform as a unit of the same type as the Cl 8 unit. The hit points of the disbanding units are added together, and become the new hit point total ofthe unit (up to the unit's maximum hit points). If the Cls of the disbanding units have a difference of 4 or more, the Gamemaster can designate the new unit as an advantaged unit (see below). However, this is solely at the Gamemaster's discretion, and might be affected by the circum­stances surrounding the formation of the new unit. A disbanding unit that does not reform with another disbanding unit leaves the battlefield.

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COMBININO MASS COMBAT AND BATTLEFIELD ENCOUNTERS Combining mass combat with individual battlefield encounters can lead to exciting scenes mirroring those of th e Star Wars saga. In fact, entire adventures can be created simply by presenting batt lefield encounters within the framework of mass combats .

One method of integrating battlefield encounters into mass combat is to use mass combats to trigger smaller encounters. This method works best when al l the heroes are part of the same unit in a mass combat. Whenever the heroes' unit moves adjacent to, or into the same square as, an opposing force, the heroes immediately begin a battlefield encounter. If the heroes emerge victorious, they gain favorable circ*mstances on their unit's attack rolls until the end of the next mass combat round .

Alternatively, the heroes might be charged with winning several battlefield encounters while the mass battle takes place around them. In this case, the heroes are not a part of any unit, but each time they complete an objective, it triggers a special effect on the battlefield. For example, if the heroes take out a communications tower, enemy reinforce­ments accidental ly target their own allies for one round.

Perhaps the most challenging possibility is having the mass combat and battlefield encounters take place simultaneously. In this scenario, the players control two heroes (or one hero and one NPC); one is engaged in batt lefield encounters while the other is a part of a unit in mass combat. For example, the heroes might be part of a unit in a mass batt le, but the players of those heroes also each take control of a Republic Commando with a special mission to disable a shield generator. In itiative is rolled fo r both batt les simu ltaneously, and the mass combat encounter and the batt lefield encounter progress concurrently.

Creating a Unit To create a unit, make the foll owin g changes to th e statistics block of a base creature to t ransform it into a unit:

Challenge Level: Th e unit has a CL equa l to its base CL + 6. Size and Type: All un its are considered Co lossal in size. Colossal (f rigate)

and larger veh icles are typica lly used as terra in, not units in mass combat. See the "Col ossal Vehic les" si debar fo r more in formation on how to use larger vehicles and starships.

Initiative and Senses: Use the Init iat ive and Senses of t he base creature.

Defenses: The un it retains the defenses of the base creature.

Hit Points: The un it mUl tiplies its hit points by 4. DR/SR: The unit uses the SR of the base creature, and gains DR 15. Threshold : Replace the base creature 's size bonus to damage threshold,

if any, with a +50 size bonus to damage threshold. Attr it ion: All units have a set of 3 attrition numbers. Each time a unit's

hit po ints drop below one of the steps in the attrition list, the unit moves-1 persisten t step down the condition track . Using the example unit below, when a clone trooper battalion drops below 62 hit points, it moves - 1 persistent step on the condition track. If the unit drops below 42 hit points, it is now - 2 persistent steps on th e condi t ion track. The persistent condition cannot be removed from t he unit.

To determine attrit ion numbers, divide the unit 's to tal hit po ints by 4 (round ing down). Then, subtract that number from the total hit points 3 t imes, each time marking the result on the attrition line.

Speed : For most base creatures, the unit's base speed at starship scale is 1 square. Certain creatures with a high base speed can move faster (see "Speed," below). The unit reta ins the movement mode of the base creature.

Melee Attacks: Convert basic melee attacks to unit melee attacks. Attack bonuses remain the same, but all attacks without a damage multiplier gain a x2 damage mult iplier.

Ranged Attacks : Convert basic ranged attacks to unit ranged attacks. Attack bonuses remain the same, but all attacks without a damage multiplier gain a x2 damage mul t ip lier.

Fight ing Space: All units have a fighting space of 1 square at starship scal e.

Base Attack and Grapple: The unit retains the base attack and grapple scores of the base crea tu re.

Abili t y Scores : The un it retains the ability scores of the base creature. Talents and Feats : Units have no talents or feats. However, the uni t

re tains the benefit of any talents or feats of the base creature that provide a f lat numerica l benef it, such as Weapon Focus , Weapon Specialization, Im proved Defenses, or Martial Arts I. If the unit has talents or feats that alter attack rolls with flat numerical values (such as Power Attack, Rapid Shot, or Bu rst Fire). those attack options can be converted as well. Units cannot use ta lents or feats that rely on other conditions or situations to activate .

Skills: The unit retains the skill mod ifiers of the base creature. Possessions: Units have on ly the possessions relevant to their attacks

and defenses.

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Sample Unit: Clone Trooper Battalion The following statistics are for a unit of clone troopers. The statistics are derived by taking the basic statistics for the clone troope r (see page 281 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) and applying the changes indicated above.

Clone Trooper Battalion Colossal ground unit (Hu man non heroic 6) Init +9; Senses Perception +9

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 16), Fort 13, Wil l 9 hp 82; DR 15 ; Threshold 63; Attrition 62/42/22

Speed 1 square (starship scale) Ranged blaster rif le +5 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Base Atk +4; Grp +5

Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Special Qualities half damage from nona rea attacks Skills Initiative +9, Perception +9 Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle

Blaster Rifle Atk +5 (+0 autofire), Dmg (3d8+3)x2

CL 8

MOUNTED UNITS On rare occasions, a unit can be composed of mounted combatants riding creatures and not vehicles. In these cases, you can create a unit stat block that integrates both the mounted combatant and its mount as a single unit. First, start with the statistics for the creature being ridden and its rider. Give the rider the same base speed as the mount. Next, choose one natural weapon possessed by the mount and transfer the attack and damage to the rider (keeping attack bonuses and damage intact) . Now modify the rider's stat block as normal for creating units, and you have a stat block for a mounted unit.

If the mounts used in the creation of the unit are not trained for combat, the unit must make a DC 20 Ride check at the beginning of its turn; failure means that the unit can take no actions this turn. If the unit uses a two-handed weapon, increase the DC to 25. Otherwise, the mounted unit functions exactly as any other unit.

Riders on Colossal or larger mounts cannot be made into units, and instead function as normal on the battlefield.

VEH ICLE U NITS Large, Huge, and Gargantuan vehicles can also be comb ined into units. A vehic le unit typically represents four of th e same vehicle. To create a vehicle un it, multiply the vehicle's hit points by 4 and calculate attrition numbers based on the new hit point total (see "Creating a Unit" above). Like ground units, vehicle units take half damage from all nonarea attacks, but also suffer persistent cond itions due to attrition, as per normal unit rules. Additionally, if a vehicle possesses any ant ipersonnel weapon (weapons that do not have a damage multiplier), the damag e for those vehicle wea pons also gains the x2 multiplier for the veh icle unit. Otherwise, vehicles follow all the same rules as nonvehicle units . Additionally, vehic le units can take vehicle actions as though they are ind ividua l vehicles.

Starfighters and airspeeders can also join together into fighter groups instead of form ing a unit, following the normal ru les for fighter groups (see page 31 of Starships of the Galaxy). Colossa l vehic les typically operate alone in mass combat. Colossal (frigate) and larger vehicles are typically used as terrain elements, and are usually not a part of mass combats (except when they fire on the battlefield from orbit).

Vehicle units do not have the same roles as nonvehicle units (such as those described below). Instead, the vehic le unit is considered to have the same roles as in normal vehicle combat, as determined by the base vehicle. If a unique character occupies a role in a vehicle unit, use the lower of the unique character's statistics and the default statist ics for the unit's role. For example, if a hero with a base attack bonus of + 10 acts as a gunner on a vehicle unit with an attack bonus of +4, that vehicle unit sti ll uses the +4 from the vehicle unit's base stat istics.

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COLOSSAL VEHICLES Colossal vehicles function as ind ividual combatants in mass battles. For example, the heroes might be in command of an LAAT/i, flying over the battlefield, dropping off or picking up units and manning the guns to both devastate enemy forces and to deal with antiveh icle weapon emplacements. However, the LAAT/i acts as an individual combatant, meaning it doesn't gain the benefit of taking half the damage from all nonarea attacks.

Co lossa l (frigate) and larger vehicles do not usually participate directly in mass combat. However, including a grounded capital ship as a piece of terrain can produce interesting tactica l choices. For the most part, Co los­sal (frigate) and larger vehicles have difficulty targeting units, and units are treated as Gargantuan for the purposes of being targeted by capital ship weapons (thus, capital ships take a -20 penalty on attack ro lls against units) . Having a capital ship act as terrain (blocking particular avenues for units) can produce situations where tactical decisions must be made, and capital ship weapons can also be used to target vehicles on the battlefield, effectively serving as antiveh icle weapon batteries.

ADVANTAGED UNITS Sometimes, a unit is more than just the sum of its ind ividual members. Some units have exceptional training, have a small number of artillerists, or inte­grate a small vehicle into their ranks. Some units have more members than other standard units, and thus can produce a greater amount of f irepower. These units are known as advantaged units, and they carry with them benefits above and beyond those provided by the standard unit creation system.

A Gamemaster who designates a unit as advantaged makes several altera­tions to the unit's statistics. First, the base creature's hit points are mult ipl ied by 5 instead of by 4 to create the unit's hit points, and attri t ion numbers are calculated as usual. Second, the Gamemaster can apply one or more of the following special qualities to the advantaged unit, granting that unit its benefit. For each Special Quality selected, increase the unit's CL by 1.

All-Terrain Unit Th is unit is special ly equipped to hand le rough terrain. The unit ignores difficult terrain.

Antiair Unit This unit is trained and equipped to dea l with airspeeders and starfighters. Against flying units and vehicles, this unit gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and deals + 1 die of damage.

Antiarmor Unit This unit is trained and equipped to deal with tanks, walkers, and other ground vehicles. Against nonflying units and nonflying vehicles, this unit gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and deals + 1 die of damage.

Dedicated Officer This un it includes a dedicated officer who enab les the un it to take extra actions, as though the unit had a hero in one of the unit roles. Choose one of the ro les from the "Characters in Un its" sect ion below. The unit is considered to have a character filling that roll, and ga ins a full round's worth of actions to use on actions for that role. You cannot select "commander" as this role. Use the statist ics for the base creature for any attack rolls or skil l checks required for actions made by this role.

Mobile Unit This unit is exceptionally mobile and has trained to cross long stretches of terrain quickly. When the unit uses the hard march or all-out movement actions, it moves 5 times its base speed instead of 4.

Reinforcements This unit is good at providing reinforcements for other units . When this unit disbands and reforms with another unit, the new unit starts at ful l hit points, regardless of the actual hit points of either unit.

Superior Formation This unit is exceptionally good at minimizing casualties because of its forma­tion. This unit gains a +2 competence bonus to Reflex Defense.

Superior Training This unit is trained to overcome obstacles and deal with unexpected situa­tions. It gains a +5 competence bonus on all ski ll checks.

Superior Weapons This unit is outfitted with special weapons that can deal greater damage. This unit dea ls + 1 die of damage with all attacks made with weapons.

Vehicle Contingent This unit is composed not only of soldiers or creatures but also a small contingent of vehicles. Choose a vehicle whose CL is no more than 2 points higher than the CL of this unit, then select a single weapon system from that vehicle. Once per turn, when the unit makes an attack it can also make an attack with this vehicle weapon, using the same attack bonuses and damage as normal for this vehicle weapon.

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DISADVANTAOED UNITS In contrast with an advantaged unit, a disadvantaged unit is distinguished from other units of its type by a detrimental feature in its makeup. Typi­cally, this could mean inferior numbers, poor equipment, or even low morale. When the Gamemaster designates-a unit as disadvantaged, he makes on ly two alterat ions to the unit's statistics. First, the base creature's hit points are multiplied by 3 instead of by 4 to create the unit's hit points, and attri­tion numbers are calculated as usual. Second, the Gamemaster reduces the unit's CL by -2.

ATTACKS Al l units can make melee and ranged attacks if they possess the appropri­ate weaponry. Apply the bonuses to the attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of the target, as normal. A unit's attack bonuses are listed in its statistics blocks.

Melee Attacks: A unit can make melee attacks against another unit occupying the same space. Only ground units can make melee attacks, and only against other ground units.

Ranged Attacks: A unit can make ranged attacks aga inst units within its weapon range.

Vehicle Attacks: Individual vehicles can make attacks against units as normal. Veh icle units follow all the same restrict ions as nonvehicle units on their attacks.

Vehicles and vehicle units use the standard starship scale for determin­ing the range on their vehicle weapons. Character-scale wea pons, such as those wielded by nonvehicle units, use Table 7-1 to determine their range at starship scale. All normal weapon range penalties still apply.




Heavy weapon ° 2-3

Pistol ' ° Rifle ° 2

Simple weapon ' ° Thrown weapon 2

° 1 This weapon can be used only at point blank range or long range.

2 This weapon can be used only at point blank range.





Area Attacks Since units take half damage from nonarea attacks, area attacks are a more efficient way to deal damage to a unit. Area attacks target only a single star­ship-scale square unless otherwise specified. Thus, a unit of clone troopers can make autofire attacks using their rifles, but only aga inst a single square.

Making an Area Attack: When you make an area attack in mass combat, you select a single square within weapon range, make an attack roll, and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of each un it and vehicle in the target square. If both ground units and flying units occupy the same square, you must choose to make the attack against air units or ground un its, but not both. If the attack roll is higher than a unit's Reflex Defense, that unit takes full damage from the area attack. The unit takes no damage on a miss if the attack was made with a character-scale weapon, or half damage on a miss if the attack was made with a starship -scale weapon.

Critical Hits and Automatic Misses If an attacker making a nonarea attack against a unit rolls a natural 20, the target unit is automatically hit and takes fu ll damage from the attack instead of the normal ha lf damage. If an attacker making an area attack rolls a natural 20, it is still an automatic hit, but the damage is the same.

A natural 1 on an attack against a unit is always a miss.

DAMAOE Units take half damage from all nona rea attacks. Area attacks deal normal damage to units on a hit, half damage on a miss if the attack is made with a starship-scale weapon, or no damage on a miss if the attack is made with a character-scale weapon.

When you hit with a unit's attack, be su re to add in all numerical modi­fiers before multiplying the damage. Vehicle weapons deal damage to un its just as character-scale weapons do.

HIT POINTS Units have hit points, just like characters and vehicles. Hit points are abstract, meant to represent not only the amount of actual hits a un it can susta in befo re al l the individua ls in the unit are dead but also the unit's ability to keep fighting effectively given its losses.

Damage Threshold Units have a damage threshold calculated as follows:

Damage threshold = Fortitude Defense + 50 (size modifier)

If a un it takes damage from a single attack that equals or exceeds its damage threshold, the unit moves -1 persistent step down the condition track. This represents the unit taking a staggering blow that greatly reduces its efficiency. A unit pushed to the bottom of the condition track must disband on its next turn as its only action.

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Reducing a Unit to 0 Hit Points When a unit is reduced to 0 hit points, it disbands immediately. Any heroes in the unit appear in the square where the unit was . Additionally, if the attack that reduced the unit to 0 hit points also exceeds the unit's damage threshold, each hero in that unit takes damage equal to the lowest attrition number. Thus, if the attack that reduces a clone trooper battalion (see above) to 0 hit points also exceeds its damage threshold, each hero in that unit takes 22 damage.

SPEED Every unit has a speed, given in squares. A commander can move a unit up to its listed speed as a move action, and up to four times its speed with th e hard march action. All speeds are listed in starship scale. For the most part, all ground units based on creatures or characters have a ground speed of 1. Vehicle units and mounted units might move faster (see "Vehicle Speed" below).

Vehicle Speed Some vehicles, particularly ground vehicles, do not have a starship-scale speed. Use Table 7-2 to determine the starship -scale speed of any units that do not have such a speed listed.



12-15 squares

16+ squares


2 squares

3 squares

OCCUPYINO THE SAME SQUARE Unlike character-scale combat, mass combat allows a unit to move into a square with another unit. A square can hold up to two ground units and two flying units at a time. There are no direct consequences for moving past, into, or out of a square already occupied by a unit (though occupying the same square might allow the enemy to target you with area attacks).

CHARACTERS IN UNITS A character in a unit fills one of several possible roles, determining not only the actions a character can take but also how the unit behaves in mass combat. Mass combat allows several distinct roles, but a single character can fill mUltiple roles at the same time. You can change roles from round to round, but you can fill a particular role only if no other character has filled that role since the end of your last turn . Characters within units cannot be specifically targeted by effects or attacks, just as one cannot target specific vehicle systems in most circ*mstances.

Commander: The commander of a unit is the central authority and leader who issues most of the unit's commands. A commander controls the unit's movement and can also f ill every other role not currently filled by another character. A unit can have only one commander at a time.

First Officer: The first officer is the unit's second-in-command, helping to ensure that all orders are carried out properly. A first officer can perform all the same actions as the commander, though only if the commander hasn't performed that same action since the end of the first officer's last turn. A unit can have only one first officer at a time.

Attack Leader: The attack leader coordinates all the unit's attacks. An attack leader can order attacks and use special tactics. A unit can have only one attack leader at a time.

Communications Officer: The communications officer is responsible for coordinating all the orders withi n the unit and coordinating with other units. A unit can have only one communications officer at a time.

Medic: The medic is responsible for making su re the unit remains a healthy fighting force. The medic coordinates a team of combat physicians who oversee the general welfare of the unit. A unit can have only one medic at a time.

Using Talents. Feats. and Special Abilities Characters filling the various roles in a unit might have talents, feats, Force powers, and other special abilities that they can use in mass combat. As a general rule, special abilities that function in character combat have too small an effect to be noticeable in mass combat. However, some abilities, especially those used by officers and nobles, can give units a big advantage through superior leadership. Talents, feats, and special abilities can be used in mass combat only if they meet certain criteria.

All Targets Who Can See, Hear, and Understand You: Abilities that require your targets to be able to see , hear, and understand you function only for targets within your same square in mass combat.

All Targets in Line of Sight: Abilities that affect enemies, all ies, or targets in line of sight function in mass combat. They affect all targets of the appropriate type within your same square.

Single Target, Limited Number of Targets, or Nearby Targets: Abilities that affect a single target, a limited number of targets, or targets within a certain number of squares of you have no effect during mass combat.

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STARTING MASS BATTI...ES Unless noted otherwise, joining a unit is a move action. Some actions

described below can be performed only by particular roles in a unit. In this

case, eligible roles are indicated following the action's name.

INITIATiVe: There are two options for determining initiative in mass combat. First, each

character can make separate Initiative checks. This is probably the best

method if most or all characters are part of the same unit, but it can result

in excessive delayed or readied actions as attack leaders wait for command­

ers to move units into position. An alternative is to make an Initiative check

for each unit, using the unit's Initiative check modifier. This is particularly

appropriate when the characters are parts of different units, since it allows

everyone in the same unit to act more or less simultaneously.

Special: If a unit or a unit's commander is trained in Knowledge (tactics),

you can choose to make a Knowledge (tactics) check instead of an Initiative

check to determine that unit's place in the initiat ive order.

STANDARD ACTIONS Standard actions available to units include the following:

Aid Another As a standard action, your unit can aid an attack roll or suppress an


Aiding an Attack Roll: You can aid the attack roll of another unit or

vehicle by adding your unit's firepower to the attack. An attack leader selects

a target within the range of his unit's weapons, and the unit makes an attack

roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 (applying all range penalties as though

the unit is attacking the designated target). If this attack is successful, the

attack leader grants a single adjacent allied unit or vehicle a +2 bonus on

its next attack roll made against that target before the beginning of the

attack leader's next turn.

A commander or first officer can make a DC 10 Knowledge (tactics)

check as a standard action to grant a single adjacent allied unit or vehicle

a +2 bonus on its next attack roll made before the beginning of the com­

mander's next turn.

Suppressing an Enemy: You can suppress the attack of an enemy unit

or vehicle by bombarding the target with fire. An attack leader can select a

target within the range of his unit's weapons, and the unit makes an attack

roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 (applying all range penalties as though

the unit is attacking the designated target). If this attack is successful, the

attack leader causes the target unit or vehicle to take a -2 penalty on its

next attack roll.

Attack with Melee Weapons Attack Leader Only

A ground unit can make melee weapon attacks against another ground unit

in its square. If a unit occupies the same space as an enemy unit or vehicle,

it can make a single melee attack against that target as a standard action.

Individual characters cannot make melee attacks against units.

Attack with Ranged Weapons Attack Leader Only

Units can make attacks using their ranged weapons. A unit can target a unit

or vehicle within its range and attack with its ranged weapon as a standard

action. Individual characters cannot make ranged attacks against units.

Attack with Vehicle Weapons Attack Leader Only

Vehicle units can attack with each weapon that has its own gunner. As a

result, a vehicle unit can make more attacks per round than ground-based

units. Vehicle weapon attacks follow all the same rules as in vehicle combat

(see page 167 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Unlike individual creatures,

an individual vehicle can attack units.

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Charge Commander Only The commander can order the unit to charge , moving toward an enemy and making an attack in one action. As a standard action, the unit moves up to its speed and then makes a melee attack roll against a target unit or vehicle in the same square or a ranged attack against a unit within weapon range. The charging unit gains a +2 bonus on its attack roll but takes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense until the start of its next turn. If a commander orders a unit to charge, the attack leader cannot order the unit to attack until the beginning of the commander's next turn.

Fight Defensively Attack Leader Only An attack leader can order the unit to fight defensively as a standard action, hunkering down to res ist an incoming attack. The unit can make no attacks unti l the beginning of the attack leader's next turn but gains a +5 bonus to Reflex Defense.

MOVE ACTIONS Move actions available to units include the following:

Move Commander Only The commander can move the unit up to its speed as a move action.

SWIFT ACTIONS Swift actions available to units include the following:

Disband Unit Commander Only The commander can disband the unit as a swift action .

Provide Medical Assistance Medic Only By spending three swift actions, the medic can administer basic first aid to t he un it. After spending the third swift act ion, make a DC 20 Treat Injury check. If the check succeeds , the unit heals 5 hit points. However, the unit 's hit points cannot exceed the next highest attrition number. For example, a clone trooper battal ion with 60 hit points can be healed only up to 62 hit points, the next highest attrition number.

Use Tactical Knowledge Commander Only By spending three swift actions, the commander can give the unit a tactical advantage. After spending the third swift action , make a DC 20 Knowledge (tactics) check. If successful, the commander can grant a single extra stan­dard action to any other character filling a role in the unit. If the commander is the only character fil ling a role in the unit, this action has no effect.

FULL-RoUND ACTIONS Full-round actions available to units include the following:

Hard March Commander Only As a full-round action, the commander can move the unit up to 4 times its speed. The unit is flat-footed until the beginning of the commander's next turn. An attack leader cannot order the unit to make attacks until the end of the commander's next turn.

REACTIONS Reactions avai lable to units include the following:

Disband and Reform Unit Commander Only When a unit disbands, as a reaction, the commander of an adjacent unit can order that unit to disband also and reform with the other unit as a new unit. Any heroes or unique characters must rejoin the unit as a move action on their next turn, except for the com mander, who automatically transfers his role to the new unit.

SPECIAL MASS COMBAT RULES The fol lowing additional ru les apply to units in mass combat.

Cover and Concealment Units can gain cover and concealment just as characters do. Determine cover or concealment as normal for an attacker targeting a unit in a particular square.

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FAL.L.ING VEHICL.ES When a flying vehicle or vehicle unit is disabled (but not destroyed) in mass combat, the vehicle falls to the ground and might damage ground units. At the beginning of a disabled or uncontrolled flying vehicle's turn, that vehicle crashes into the ground in the square it occupies. All nonflying units in that square take damage equal to collision damage for a vehicle of that size (see page 173 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Orbital Bombardment Combatants in a ground battle can be devastated by capital ships in orbit above the planet. As a standard action, the commander of a capital ship can order a single weapons system to aim at a single square on a mass combat battlefield. The square is considered to be at long range for the capital ship, and the ship must make an attack roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 to hit the target square. If successful, all units in that square take normal weapon damage for that weapon system, or half damage on a miss. That ship cannot make any other attacks until the beginning of the commander's next turn .

Orbital bombardment should be used by the Gamemaster only as a means of making a mass combat encounter more dangerous. A single shot from a capital ship weapon is usua lly more than enough to destroy a unit, so orbital bombardment should not be used lightly. Orbital bombardment should occur only if the needs of the adventure require it rather than as a means for resolving combats.

WEAPON EMPL.ACEMENTS Weapon emplacements are a staple of ground warfare. They typically fall under two categories: antipersonnel and antivehicle. Weapon emplacements are treated as vehicles for statistical purposes, but they are usually immobile and do not require a pilot to function . Instead, gunners control all the func­tions of the weapon emplacement.

Example weapon emplacements include the LR1 K sonic antipersonnel cannon and the AV-7 antivehicle cannon.

LRl K Sonic Cannon The LR1K is a large antipersonnel cannon manufactured for the Confederacy by Gordarl Weaponsmiths. This large, conical emplacement produces a con­cussive blast of sonic energy that damages not only its primary target but also other creatures nearby. The LR1K sonic cannon is successfully used at the Battle of Geonosis, where Geonosian warriors direct the weapon against the inva ding clone troopers and Jedi.

LRl K Sonic Antipersonnel Cannon Large emplacement Init +5; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 101. Fort 15; +1 armor hp 30; DR 5; Threshold 20

Speed 0 sq uares (immobile) Ranged sonic can non +8 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover +5 Base Atk +2; Grp +17

Abilities Str 21, Dex 10, Con -, Int 18 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Use Computer +6

Crew 2 (sk illed); Passengers none Availability Restricted; Cost 9,000 (5,000 used )

Sonic Cannon (2 gunners) Atk +8, Dmg 4dlOx2 sonic1

1 Sonic damage cannot be deflected by lightsabers and is considered energy damage.

Republic Antivehicle Cannon


Taim Ct Bak manufactures this large, semimobile antivehicle emplacement for the Republic after the Republic's leaders reali ze that defending a world means hunkering down and enduring constant threat of assault or invasion. The clone forces of the Republic use several of these antivehicle cannons to help secure the planet Chri stophsis.

AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon Huge emplacement Init +4; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 111. Fort 18; +3 armor hp 80; DR 5; Threshold 28

CL 6

Speed 0 squares (immobile in firing model. fly 4 squares (in hover mode) Ranged antivehicle cannon +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover +5 Base Atk +2; Grp +6

Abilities Str 26, Dex 10, Con -, Int 18 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Use Computer +6

Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Availability Military; Cost 14,000 (8,000 used)

Antivehicle Cannon (gunner) Atk +6, Dmg 5dlOx2

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CATO NEIMOIDIA Region: Colonies

Climate: Tempera te and moist

Gravity: Stan dard

Moons: 2

Length of Day: 25 st anda rd hou rs

Length of Year: 278 loca l days

Sapient Species: 100% Neimoidian

Government: Fed era ti on

Capital: Za rra

Major Exports: Droids, foodstuffs , technology

Major Imports: Labor, ore


DC Result

10 Cato Neimoidia is on e of t he ea rli est and most prominent Neimoidi an

"purse worlds."

15 The cities of Cato Neimo id ia are built upon large bridges t hat span the

spaces below massive arch-shaped rock formations.

20 Th e Neimoidians that ca ll Cato Neimoid ia t heir home hide their trea­

sures and other va lu ables in we ll -p rotected and cleverly concea led

vau lts .


DC Result

15 The so-ca ll ed "purse wo rlds" of t he Nei moidians act as admin istrative

posts t hat rule the ir own se ts of co lonies.

20 Only t he wealthi est Neimoid ians are permi tted to li ve on Cato

Nei moidia.




CHRISTOPHSIS Region: Outer Ri m

Climate: Temperate

Gravity : Standard

Moons: 0

Length of Day: 26 standard hours

Length of Year: 369 local days

Sapient Species: 51 % Human, 49% other

Government: Empire

Capital : Chalcydon ia

Major Exports : Raw materials (crysta l)

Majo r Imports : Foodstuff s


DC Result


10 Christophsis is an Outer Rim wo rld covered in massive, green-blue

crystal spi res.

15 The inhabi t ants of Christophsis have buil t their cities into and around

the massive crystal spires, taking advant age of thei r sol id structure to

serve as both f oundation and suppo rt.


DC Result

20 The crystalline city-spires of Christophsis are merely th e largest exam­

ples of t he crysta ls that grow al l across the world. Most of t he world 's

crysta ls grow in sma ller clumps less tha n a meter ta ll.

25 The crysta ls of Christophsis can sometimes be used as lightsaber

cryst als, though the Jedi prefer to obta in their crystals from more

sacred sites.

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C3EONOSIS Region: Outer Rim Climate: Arid Gravity: Low standard (90%) Moons: 15 Length of Day: 30 standard hours Length of Year: 256 local days Sapient Species: 100% Geonosian Government: Feudal hives Capital: Stalgasin Hive Major Exports: Droids, technology Major Imports: Raw materials

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Harsh solar radiation storms are common on Geonosis, and they have

caused occasional planetwide mass ext inct ions. 15 Geonosis's largest moon was struck by a comet in the distant past,

creating a dense ring system around the planet. 20 The rocky spires prevalent in Geonosian architecture are easily mis­

taken for naturally occurring surface features. 25 Several droid and weapon foundries, administered by the Baktoid

Armor Workshop, are located across and beneath Geonosis's rocky landscape.

KNOWLEDGE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) DC Result 10 The Geonosians are an insectoid species native to Geonosis. 15 The Geonosian species is composed of two distinct varieties: wing ­

less drones that act primarily as laborers, and winged aristocrats that include the species' rulers and elite warriors.

20 Geonosians are further divided into castes, depending on the physical attributes with which they are born.

25 Geonosian society exists to serve the species' elite castes.

GLEE ANSELM Region: Mid Rim Climate: Tropical to temperate Gravity: Standard Moons: 1 Length of Day : 33 sta ndard hours Length of Year: 206 local days Sapient Species: 53% Anselmi, 45% Nautolan, 2% other Government: Republic council Capital: Anselom (Anselmi), Piera los (N auto lan ) Major Exports: Food stuffs, medicine, water Major Imports: Technology

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 There are only a few large landmasses on the surface of Glee Anselm.

The majority of its remaining islands and archipelagos are little more than swamps.

15 Though the climate of Glee Anselm is mild , the planet is wracked by intense storms and hurricanes.

20 Most of Glee Anselm's aquatic life, wh ich survives in the high-pressure oceanic depths of the planet, has yet to be catalogued.

KNOWLEDGE (LIFE SCIENCES) DC Result 15 Glee Anselm is home to two naturally evolving species : the Nautolans

and the Anselmi. 20 The Anselmi species is land-based. Their culture is warlike, due in large

part to the harsh competition between its members for control of Glee Anselm's few land masses.

25 Though peaceful, the Nautolans have competed militarily with the Anselmi for control of Glee Anselm's few land masses.









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IKTOTCH Region: Expa nsion

Cl imate: Arid, rocky, and windy

Gravity: Standard

Moons: 0

Length of Day: 22 standard hours

Length of Year : 481 local days

Sapient Species: 97% Iktotchi, 2% Human, 1% other

Government: Representative democracy

Capital : Ankhe la

Major Exports: Minerals, ore

Major Imports: Technology


DC Result

10 Iktotch is the third moon of the planet Iktotchon.

15 The surface of Ik totch is windswept, rocky, and barren.

20 Iktotch has very litt le surface water. Much of the moon's water is

found deep beneath its surface in naturally occurring aquifers.

25 Sand and gravel storms form frequently on Iktotch 's surface. The most

violen t of these can span hundreds of kilometers and manifest w ith

enough force to strip f lesh from the bones of unprotected surface

dwel lers.


DC Result

15 When Republic scouts visited Iktotch for the first time, they discov­

ered the seal of the Republic carved into one of the moon's mountain s.

It was soon revealed that the Iktotchi, thanks to their precognitive

abil ities, had known of the Republic's coming for generations.

20 Members of the Iktotchi species are often feared or discriminated

against because of their innate prescience.

25 The Iktotchi evolved from mountain-dwell ing quadrupeds that were

once numerous upon the moon's surface.

KALEE Region: Outer Rim

Climate: Arid, temperate, tropical, and arctic

Gravity: Standard

Moons: 1

Length of Day: 23 standard hours

Length of Year: 378 local days

Sapient Species: 99% Ka leesh , 1 % other

Government: Wa rring tribes

Capital: Kalee la

Major Exports: Exotic animals, mercenaries

Major Imports: Medicine, weapons, technology


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KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Kalee is a harsh world with few natural resources. 15 Kalee was recently invaded by the Huk, a mantislike insectoid species

that enslaved the Kaleesh and stripped the planet of its few natu­ral resources . The Huk were defeated and nearly wiped out by the Kaleesh. The Huk petitioned the Republic for aid, which resulted in economic sanctions and war crimes trials against the Kaleesh.

25 The Republic's actions against the Kaleesh on behalf of the Huk were the result of corruption within the Senate.

KNOWLEDGE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) DC Result 10 The Kaleesh are a nomadic species that has only recently made its way

into space. 15 Though warlike, the Kaleesh rarely attack without provocation. 20 The Kaleesh revere ancestors who died in self-sacrifice and with honor.

They believe that these ancestors rise to the heavens upon their death and descend to the planet's surface again when they are needed.

25 Abesmi, a large rectangular island within Kalee's single ocean, is con­sidered the holiest place on the planet's surface.

KAMIN O Region: Wild Space Cl imate: Temperate Gravity: Standard Moons: 3 Length of Day: 27 standard hours Length of Year: 463 local days Sapient Species: 98% Kaminoan, 1% Human (clones). 1% other Govern ment: Ruling council Capital: Tipoca City Major Exports: Clones, fish, military hardware, technology, weapons Major Imports: Droids, foodstuffs


KNOWLEDGE (BUREAUCRACY, GALACTIC LORE, LIFE SCIENCES) DC Resu lt 15 Kamino is one of thirteen planets in the Kamino System, wh ich is situ ­

ated near the dwarf ga laxy known as t he Rish i Maze. 20 Because it has no surface geography, Kamino is subject to powerful

storms that rage continuously across its watery landscape. 25 Climate changes in Kamino's distant past submerged the surface of

the world, and water now covers 100% of the planet's surface.

KNOWLEDGE (BUREAUCRACY, GALACTIC LORE, LIFE SCIENCES) DC Result 15 The Kaminoans are regarded as isolationist cloners who rare ly interact

with others unless it is to conduct business. 20 Kaminoans appear to be nearly identica l to one another. This is due to

their exacting methods of selective breeding and clon ing in order to ensure the survival of their species.

25 The soldiers of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic are clones that were created and trained on Kamino.

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KERKOIDIA Region: Expansion Region Climate: Temperate Gravity: Standard Moons: 3 Length of Day: 26 standard hours Length of Year: 324 local days Sapient Species: 99% Kerkoiden, 1 % other Government: Oligarchy Capital: Maldinian City Major Exports: None Major Imports: High technology, luxury goods

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Kerkoidia is a civilized world in the Expansion Region and is the home­

world of the Kerkoiden people. 15 Most of the planet is covered in savannahs. The tall grass of these

savannahs grows to a height of almost two meters, allowing the native beings on the world to hide from predators and prey alike.

20 Kerkoidia's swamps, wh ich cover nearly 30% of the planet, are home to vic ious predators from which the Kerkoiden species is descended.

25 The headquarters for the Retail Caucus is located on Kerkoidia, which has made many Kerkoidens extremely wealthy and created a fledgling aristocracy.

MAL..ASTARE Region: Mid Rim Climate: Arid, temperate, and tropical Gravity: Heavy (156%) Moons: 2 Length of Day: 26 standard hours Length of Year: 201 local days Sapient Species: 51 % Gran, 44% Dug, 4% Human, 1 % other Government: Gran Protectorate Capital: Port Pixel ito Major Exports: Podracing Major Imports: Foodstuffs, luxury items

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Malastare is a popular stop in the galaxy's Podracing circuit due to the

large variety of terrain types that make up the planet's surface. 15 Malastare is one of the Galactic Republic's staunchest supporters. 20 Though Dugs are Malastare's single indigenous species, the planet was

colonized millennia ago by the Gran and is controlled by the Gran Protectorate.

25 Dugs have suffered greatly under the rule of the Gran, and they have been marginal ized throughout the galaxy as a result.

KNOWLEDGE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) DC Result 10 Dugs are perceived as bullies and brutes throughout the galaxy. 15 Though they consider themselves proud warriors, the Dugs were forc­

ibly disarmed by the Republic nearly a thousand years ago. 20 Despite being technologically advanced, many Dugs live in primitive

arboreal villages known as tree thorps. 25 Dug society is tribal , with a number of clans forming each tribe. Mul­

tiple tribes are ruled by a unifying monarch.

MUSTAFAR Region: Outer Rim Climate: Hot (volcanic) Gravity: Standard Moons: None Length of Day: 36 standard hours Length of Year: 412 local days Sapient Species: 95% Mustafarian, 3% Skakoan, 2% other Government: Techno Union Capital: Fralideja Major Exports: Minerals, ore Major Imports: Foodstuffs, technology

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Mustafar is a possession of the Techno Union, and has been for almost

300 years. 15 It is a volcanic planet. Nearly 35% of Mustafar's su rface is molten.

This is due to the stresses placed on the planet by the gravity fields of two large gas giants that affect its orbit.

30 Many Jedi temples once existed on Mustafar. War with the Sith resulted in the near-apocalyptic changes to the planetary surface, causing the Jedi to abandon their enclaves.

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DC Result

10 Mustafarians are composed of two related but distinct subspecies:

Northern Mustafarians, who are tall and thi n, and Southern Must afar­

ians, who are short and somewhat sturdier.

20 Mustafarians use domesticated arthropods known as lava f leas as

mounts so that they can traverse the cooled and crusted - over sur­

faces of thei r planet.

25 The Mustafarians survived Mustafar's cataclysm by migrating to the

planet's coo ler reg ions.

30 Though theoretically under the control of the Techno Union, the Mus­

tafarians are largely neutral and unconcerned with offworld polit ics .

MUUNIL..INST Region: Outer Rim

Climate: Temperate

Gravity : Standard

Moons: 2

Length of Day : 28 standard hours

Length of Year : 412 local days

Sapient Species : 99% Muun, 1 % other

Government: Clans

Capital : Harnaidan

Major Exports : Metals

Major Imports: Consumer goods, foodstuffs


DC Result

10 Muunilinst is the well-deve loped homeworld of the Muun peop le, a

race of tall , slender aliens.

15 The InterGalactic Banking Clan is based on Muunilinst, and much of

the galaxy's money moves through banks on the planet, earning it the

nickname "Moneyland ."

20 Muunilinst is a mineral-rich world covered in small, conical, underwa­

ter volcanoes (known as "smokers").

25 Several settlements on Muunil inst are actually built around rich min­

erai deposits, which can be mined quickly to provide physica l capita l

should the planet's government need it.

NEL..VAAN Reg ion : Outer Rim

Climate: Cool

Gravity: Low (85%)

Moons : 3

Length of Day: 24 standard hours

Length of Year: 349 loca l days

Sapient Species: 96% Nelvaanian , 3% Skakoan, 1 % other

Government: None

Capital: None

Majo r Exports : Water

Major Imports: None


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KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Nelvaan is experiencing the onset of an ice age. 15 Because of its low gravity, Nelvaan is home to several large animal

species, and it features exotic cliffs and mesas that would have crum­bled beneath the strain of higher gravity.

20 Bothan vessels occasionally visit Nelvaan to siphon water from its expansive glaciers.

30 The cooling of Nelvaan is a direct result of a Techno Union siphon generator that is draining thermal energy from the planet.

KNOWLEDGE (BUREAUCRACY, GALACTIC LORE, LIFE SCIENCES) DC Result 10 The Nelvaanians are a primitive species with a tribal culture. 15 Religion is an important aspect of Nelvaanian society. 20 Male Nelvaanians act as warriors, hunters, and scouts for their respec­

tive tribes, while females act as builders and gatherers that manage the day-to-day activities of their tribes.

25 The planet Nelvaan, known as the Great Mother, is central to Nelvaanian religion.

POL..IS MASSA Region: Outer Rim Climate: None (asteroid) Gravity: Low (56%) Moons: None Length of Day: 24 standard hours Length of Year: 590 local days Sapient Species: 99% Polis Massan, 1 % other Government: Ruling Council Capital: Polis Massa Base Major Exports: None Major Imports: Foodstuffs, heavy machinery, water

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Polis Massa is a small mining colony in a remote asteroid field. 20 The Polis Massa asteroid is the largest fragment of the planet Polis

Massa, which was broken apart by a natural cataclysm many centuries ago.

25 Polis Massa was originally home to the Eellayin civilization. The Eel­layins vanished following their planet's destruction.

30 The center of Polis Massa's mining operations is an excavation, where the current inhabitants search for clues to the lost Eellayin civilization.

KNOWLEDGE (BUREAUCRACY, GALACTIC LORE, LIFE SCIENCES) DC Result 10 Polis Massans are known for their medical and archaeological

expertise. 20 The Polis Massans are not the original inhabitants of the planet Polis

Massa, but are instead from another planet. 25 Polis Massans emigrated from their homeworld of Kallidah (also in the

Subterrel Sector) to the Polis Massa asteroids in order to mine for arti­facts from a lost civilization . They believe that they are descendants of the original inhabitants of Polis Massa, the Eellayins.

30 The Polis Massans learned cloning techniques from the Kaminoans, and they might be attempting to use these skills to bring about the return of the Eellayin civilization.

SEMBL..A Region: Outer Rim Climate: Temperate Gravity: Standard Moons: 4 Length of Day: 32 standard hours Length of Year: 274 local days Sapient Species: 100% Vurk Government: None (nomadic tribes) Capital: None Major Exports: Foodstuffs, water Major Imports: Technology

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Sembla is covered by shallow seas and volcanic islands. 15 Vast gardens of coral and valuable crystal growths can be found in the

hottest of Sembla's oceans, and these are often targeted by off-world miners.

25 Due to the nomadic nature of its indigenous species, there are few permanent settlements on Sembla .

30 Ancient subaquatic ruins have been found along Sembla's equator. These ruins do not appear to have been created by the Vurks, nor do the Vurks have any memories of established permanent settlements.

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KNOWLEDGE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) DC Result 10 The Vurks are a nomadic and seemingly primitive species native to

Sembla. 15 Th e primitive nature of the Vurks is belied by the species' highly

advanced philosophical traditions, which stress personal freedom, integrity, and honesty in all things.

20 As a species, Vurks are empathetic and serene, and they make excep­tional diplomats.

25 Despite their peaceful nature, Vurks are capab le combatants who see se lf-defense as an aspect of their own personal integrity.

SKAKO Region: Core Worlds Climate: Temperate (high-pressure) Gravity: Standard Moons: 2 Length of Day: 27 standard hours Length of Year: 384 local days Sapient Species: 100% Skakoan Government: Guild Capital: None Major Exports: Technology Major Imports: Foodstuffs, raw materials, water

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 The su rface of the planet Skako, like Coruscant, is covered by one mas­

sive city. 15 Skako's atmosphere is one of methane-based gasses and extremely

heavy pressure, making it a hazardous place for species not adapted to its stresses.

20 Though most of Skako is covered by urban sprawl, some examples of the planet's original ecosystem have been preserved in the form of vast fields of sp rawling vines.

KNOWLEDGE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) DC Result 10 The Techno Union, while not a specifically a Skakoan organization, is

largely controlled by the Skakoan species. 15 Skakoans are unable to leave their homeworld unless they wear spe­

cially designed pressure suits that allow them to survive in environ­ments with standard pressures and atmospheres.

25 Skako's indigenous inhabitants are similar in appearance to sickly, gaunt humans. Because of the dangers of decompression away from their homeworld, few Skakoans will ingly travel away from Skako.

TETH Region: Outer Rim Climate: Temperate Gravity: Standard Moons: 2 Length of Day: 27 standard hours Length of Year: 298 local days Sapient Species: 94% Human, 6% other Government: Democracy Capital: Inner Teth Major Exports: None Major Imports: Foodstuffs, high technology, luxury goods

KNOWLEDGE (GALACTIC LORE) DC Result 10 Teth is a remote jungle world on the Outer Rim. Its land masses are

often shrouded in purple mist. 15 The wildlife on Teth is relatively benign despite the huge jungles cov­

ering the planet, making travel through the wilderness far less dan­gerous than on most worlds.

20 Teth has long been a haven for smugglers and other criminals, who use the world as a hiding place thanks to its remote location.

25 Teth was one of the planets where the B'omarr Monks built monas­teries, but those edifices have long since been abandoned and then claimed by criminals as hideouts.



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TOYDARIA Region: Mid Ri m

Climate: Temperate swamps

Gravity: Standard

Moons: 3

Length of Day: 21 standard hours

Length of Year: 184 local days

Sapient Species: 79% Toydarian, 18% Hutt, 3% other

Government: Hutt crime lords

Capital: Toydor

Major Exports: Labor

Major Imports: Foodstuffs


DC Result

10 Toydaria is located in Hutt Space and is controlled by the Hutts. Most

Toydarian villages are primitive by galactic standards.

15 Speeders are illegal on Toydaria because they endanger flying Toydar­

ians, and spaceship traffic is restricted to specific zones. Toydarians

have incorporated a sophisticated light-rail system to make surface

travel between settlements more convenient.

20 The vast majority of Toydaria's surface area is covered in nutrient-rich

muck-lakes interspersed with fields of dense algae.


DC Result

10 Toydarians are a stingy and ill-tempered flying species native to


15 Toydarian government is feudal, owing allegiance to a single king who

commands many vassals.

20 Because of their high metabolisms, Toydarians must consume more

food than their small frames would at first indicate. As a result, fam­

ines are common on Toydaria in especially lean years.

UTAPAU Region: Outer Rim

Climate: Arid and rocky sinkholes

Gravity: Standard

Moons: 9

Length of Day: 27 standard hours

Length of Year: 351 local days

Sapient Species: 70% Utai, 30% Pau'an

Government: Utapaun Committee

Capital: Pau City

Major Exports: Water

Major Imports: Medicine, technology


DC Result

10 The inhabitable areas of Utapau's surface are covered in grassy, wind­

swept plains pockmarked with gaping sinkho les.

15 While Utapau has limited supplies of water on its surface, there are

massive subterranean seas hidden beneath the planet's crust.

20 The mineral-rich waters of Utapau are rumored to have mystical heal­

ing properties, and this "healing water" fetches a high price on the

galactic market.

25 Extensive mineral deposits exist beneath Utapau's subterranean seas,

lending to the planet's vast natural reso urces.


DC Result

10 Two races, the Pau'ans and the Utai (collectively known as the Uta­

paunl. share the planet in a near-symbiotic relationship.

15 The Pau'ans are a tall species with a natural predilection for bureau­

cracy and oversight, while the Utai are a short species who excel as

laborers and animal handlers.

25 An increase in surface storms drove the Pau'ans underground long

ago, where they joined their civilization with that of the Utai.




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PLANETARY UPDATES The Clone Wars transform planets throughout the galaxy. A number of famil­iar worlds are reshaped by the events that unfold around and, occasionally, upon them. The updates in this section should provide Gamemasters with enough information to use these planets during this era.

BESPIN While Bespin has always been an important source of Tibanna gas, its economic and strategic importance is only truly realized at the start of the Clone Wars. The Republic and the Confederacy, desiring a stake in Bespin's resources, dispatch forces to secure their interests. A number of small orbital battles, punctuated by lengthy dogfights in Bespin's upper atmosphere, ulti­mately end with the Republic having a slight edge over its Separatist foes. Even though the Battle of Bespin is considered a loss for the Separatists, occasional skirm ishes continue to occur between the two enemies throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars.

One of the most popular tourist hubs on Bespin prior to the Clone Wars is Tibannopolis. Tibannopolis's only true competition is Cloud City, and the rivalry between the two settlements only fuels their popularity. As the Clone Wars intensifies and tourists are less inclined to travel to Bespin's resorts, Tibannopolis ceases to be a sign ificant economic factor. Cloud City's ability to mine Tibanna gas on behalf of the Republic is its salvation, enough to keep it functioning until the official end of hostilities.

BOTHAWUI Bothawui is a longtime member of the Senate and supporter of the Republic. Despite this fact, Bothawui remains a neutral planet during the Clone Wars. The Senator from Bothawui, Polo Se'lab, consistently abstains from many of the Senate's more politically charged votes in the months leading up to the Clone Wars. He states many times that he does not want Bothawui to be party to the start of open warfare, and he consistently maintains this stance in the following years.

Though Bothawui is publicly neutral, the Bothan predilection for secrecy and clandestine action is in full swing. While the Bothans do not specifically play one side off against the other during the Clone Wars, they are proud to serve each one in a professional, if not exclusive, manner. Accord ing to Bothan thought, providing the Republic and the Confederacy with useful intelligence IS a good way to hasten the war's end, as well as make a profit.

Bothan neutrality does little to prevent both Separatist and Republic representatives from attempting to woo Bothawui to their side in the conflict. As the war progresses, it becomes increasingly obvious to the Bothans that neither side is worth supporting in full and that each faction is hiding several proverbial skeletons in their closet. This only reinforces the perception of Bothan neutrality during the Clone Wars.

Bothawui, defended by its own small planetary defense forces, is largely untouched by the war. Intell igence agents from the opposing factions, however, are numerous. Republic and Separatist agents rarely interact with one another in a hostile fashion on Bothawui, though a number of quiet confrontations and mysterious deaths are unavoidable.

CEREA Due to its isolated location and antitechnologica l stance, Cerea garners little Republic attention until a few decades prior to the start of the Clone Wars when the Republic seeks to tap into the planet's vast natural resources: Republic representatives offer technological incentives in an attempt to persuade Cerea to join the Republic, but these offers are rebuffed by the planet's ruling council.

When millions of refugees are displaced by the destruction of the Clone Wars, Cerea offers its aid to the Refugee Resettlement Coalition. As a result, vast numbers of refugees are brought to Cerea from across the galaxy. The newcomers settle, but many feel constrained by Cerea's lack of high technol­ogy. The newcomers' dissatisfaction, coupled with rebellious Cerean youths who wish to lift their society to the same technological level as the rest of the galaxy, stir up a hornet's nest of dissent.

Despite the Republic's diplomatic efforts to bring Cerea into the fold and the Confederacy's attempts to foment unrest at the local level, Cerea continues to remain neutral throughout the length of the Clone Wars. Regardless of the planet's neutral stance, it is only a matter of time before the war finds its way there. A year into the confl ict, the month-long Battle of Cerea takes place, resulting in horrible civil ian casualties. Large swathes of the planet's virgin landscapes are reduced to ashes by the battle, and the reigning president becomes the target of Confederacy-sponsored assas­sination attempt.

CORUSCANT Coruscant experiences a number of radical changes after the start of the Clone Wars. Large swathes of the cityscape are laid low to make room for military staging areas. Millions of citizens are displaced by the urban renewal, the vast majority of them impoverished, members of alien species loyal to the Confederacy, or both . There is an initial public outcry, but with the war effort in full sw ing, such dissidence is either ignored or quickly quashed.

Acts of terrorism are commonplace. Most are the products of Separatist cells, though a few isolated incidents are of questionable origin . Bombings are the most common types of attacks used by Separatist terrorists. Given Coruscant's large population, these indiscriminate tactics result in hundreds sometimes thousands, of casualties. Terrorists also employ toxic gasses and attempt to compromise the integrity of Coruscant's water and food sup­plies. Assassination attempts against influential Republic politicians are also common.

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Clone troopers patrol much of the planet in force. Ostensibly, this is to combat and root out terrorist threats. More often than not, it is to maintain order and keep public protests to a minimum. Given the clones' military training, they are prone to using deadly force in situations that don't war­rant it, and they have little compunction about doing so. Local authorities are helpless to intervene, and they can do little more than stand id ly by and watch events unfold.

Discrimination based on species becomes more common on Coruscant. Overwhelming votes in the Senate have resulted in a number of mass deportations targeting members of species that are loyal to the Separatist movement. The majority of the deported individuals are loyal citizens of the Republic, however, which only makes enemies of individuals who might have otherwise been supportive of Palpatine's leadership.

DORIN Dorin, the home planet ofthe Kel Dor, is a staunch supporter of the Republic. Due to a number of factors, notably its oxygen-poor atmosphere and location between two black holes, Dorin is practically ignored by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the war.

The opinion of most Kel Dor is that the Separatists are disloyal and unwill­ing to go through proper channels to get what they want. Thus, they are deserving of nothing, and they should forcibly be brought back into the fold of the Republic. Dorin is a strong supporter of the formation of the Army of the Republic, even providing a handful of its own defense troops and ships in support of the war effort.

DURO Duro is a loyal member of the Galactic Republic at the outbreak of the Clone Wars. The system's standing is further reinforced during the Battle of Duro, which is a pivotal point in a massive Confederacy offensive known as Opera­tion Durge's Lance. The victory of the Separatists allows them to pave the way for a full-scale invasion of the Core Worlds.

The planet Duro is devastated by the Separatist invasion. Bombardment of the planet's vast industrial holdings, ordered by General Grievous, results in a catastrophic release of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. These chemicals are further distributed across the planetary surface as fallout, transforming much of Duro into an uninhabitable wasteland. Utterly defeated, the Duros have little choice but to surrender to the Separatists and be absorbed into the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

In time, the Duros population learns that a number of Republic ships that should have been present at the Battle of Duro had been rerouted to other systems because of Senatorial corruption. The resulting investigation leads to the resignation of two Senators and a number of other officials.

The ultimate result of Duro's fall is the incredible boost it gives to the Separatist cause. General Grievous, the invasion's architect, is lauded throughout the Confederacy as a military genius. Scores of undecided systems ra lly to the Separatist cause in the wake of Duro's conquest.

C3AMORR Though ignored by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars due to its prim itive inhabitants, Gamorr is given special attention by the Confederacy. Thousands of Gamorreans, less concerned with galactic politics and more interested in a good fight, are taken offworld by the Separatists and employed as mercenaries. The Gamorreans rarely serve the Separatists with distinction, and they are instead employed for dangerous frontal assaults. As a result, the survival rate for Gamorrean mercenaries working for the Confederacy is less than 8 percent.

The Hutts, upset with the Confederacy's claim on so many Gamorreans, petition the Separatists in an attempt to preserve their own hold on the planet's natives. The Trade Federation negotiates a finder's fee, paying a bounty to the Hutts for each Gamorrean that the Confederacy hires in the course of the conflict. Although this results in only a minimal profit for the Hutts, it eases their concerns over the perceived Separatist encroachment on a labor force that is largely considered theirs.

Though the war never comes to Gamorr's surface, a number of small space battles do occur in neighboring star systems. Separatists establish a single base on Gamorr's moon, but by the end of the war, it is completely abandoned and overtaken by pirates.

IRIDONIA Although it figured prominently in past wars, Iridonia plays only a small part in the Clone Wars. A loyal member of the Galactic Republic following the Mandalorian Wars, Iridonia as a whole maintains its place in the Senate throughout this turbulent period. Though Iridonia itself is not subject to Separatist invasion, a number of its colonies suffer insurrections and political upheavals inspired by the Confederacy.

Several months after the start of the Clone Wars, one of the eight Iridonian colonies petitions to secede from the Galactic Republic and join the Confed­eracy. This starts what many Zabrak refer to as "The Great Debate," which eventually ends with Iridonia's continued support of the Galactic Republic.

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ITHOR A member of the Galactic Repub lic for millennia , Ithor continues to swear its fealty throughout the Clone Wars. The vast and well-protected natural resou rces of t he fo rest wo rl d are never compromised by Separatist attacks. A number of small attacks and prob ing actions are attempted against Ithor by the Confederacy early in the war, but these are determined to be little more than diversions as the Separatists launch full-scale invasions of Duro and other important Republic targets.

The closest thing to a Separatist invasion of Ithor is the Confederacy's captu re of the Ottega Dawn, an Ithorian herdship. The Ottega Dawn is subsequently placed at the fore of a Separatist assault force, where it is assumed that Republ ic ships wil l be less likely to fi re upon it due to the large number of civil ian passengers and crew aboard. While this tact ic is initial ly successful , it backfires when the Ottega Dawn is reclaimed by a contingent of Ithorian muti neers.

KASHVVVK Kashyyyk remains unaligned at the start of the Clone Wars. Seeking a means to end their troubles with neighboring Trandosha, the leaders of Kashyyyk initially attempt to better thei r position by negotiating with both the Con­fede racy of In dependent Systems and the Ga lactic Republic. At stake are a number of secret hyperspace routes known only to the Wookiees as well as the potential for new hyperspace routes that are as yet unknown.

Despite a small number of hostile actions by Separatist forces, Kashyyyk maintains its neutrality for nearly a year and a half. General Grievous orders a number of attacks in an attempt to persuade the Wookiees to make a choice, bu t the tactic backfi res when King Grakchawwaa learns of his son's accidental death at the hands of Separatist droids.

In a rage, Grakchawwaa sides with the Galactic Republ ic. This spurs a massive invasion by the Confederacy, which is eventually repulsed by a combined Republic/Wookiee force during the Battle of Kashyyyk. The tide of batt le t urns when Order 66 tu rns the Republic clone army against its Jed i genera ls. Th e Wookiees she lter a number of Jedi survivors, an act of mercy for which they suffer greatly in the years to come.

MON CAL-AMARI In the t ime leading up to the Clone Wars, Senator Tikkas, the Quarren Sena­tor from Mon Calamari, turns a blind eye to slaver activity in the Calamari Sector. When his part in these activities is discovered, Tikkas is forced out of office, and he defects to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As leader of the Quarren Iso lation League, a group dedicated to reducing the influence of the Mon Calamari on planetary politics, Tikkas foments outright civil war on Mon Calamari .


With the aid of Separatist droids as well as a number of Mon Calamari who are loyal to the Confederacy, Tikkas beg ins his campaign. He orders attacks against a number of Mon Ca lamari cities. The Republic counterattacks by sending troops, led by Kit Fisto, to aid the Mon Calamari .

It is eventually discovered that the Quarren are also being aided by a type of deepsea invertebra te known as the Moappa. Whi le the Moappa are not inte lligent on an individual basis, they possess a sophist icated group intel­lect. Like the Quarren, the Moappa are disaffected by the Mon Calamari's claim of planetary control. Even after the destruction of the Quarren central command on Mon Calamari, the Moappa continue to lead the remaining troops via telepathic commands.

Until th is po int, the Mon Calamari had been unaware of the Moappa's intelligence. Following the defeat of the Separatists, diplomatic relations are estab lished between the Mon Calamari and the Moappa so that the two species can live in peace.

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NASOO Because of Naboo's close relationship with Chancellor Palpatine, himself a citizen of that planet, Naboo remains a staunch bastion of the Galactic Republ ic throughout the length of the Clone Wars. Despite Naboo's peaceful nature, the average citizen sees support of Palpatine's initiatives as common sense. With the invasion ofTheed by the Trade Federation prior to the Clone Wars as an example, there is little doubt to the citizenry of Naboo that the Separatists are a grave threat that must be dealt with in a decisive manner. To the majority of the Naboo, the person to bring about an end to such a terrible enemy is Pal patine.

The Trade Federation never forgets its defeat during the blockade. Because of this, Naboo continues to suffer repeated attacks and invasions from Confederacy forces throughout the conflict. While none of the incur­sions succeeds, the most disastrous of them wipes out nearly all life on the Gungan lunar colony of Ohma-D'un during what is to become remembered as the Defense of Naboo. Quick action by the Jedi and other Republic forces results in victory over the Separatist invaders.

NAR SHADDAA During the Clone Wars, Nar Shaddaa remains a haven for criminals of all stripes, a terrible and multileveled urban playground inhabited by the worst that the galaxy has to offer. Wars come and go, but Nar Shaddaa always remains in one form or another.

The Hutts that pull the strings on Nar Shaddaa see the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems as just another opportunity to make money. To this effect, they channel all manner of illegal products to one side or the other. Weapons, cortosis ore, assassin droids, sp ice, slaves, and any of a number of other forb idden goods pass through Nar Shaddaa like water through a sieve.

The Separatists are the Hutts' largest customer. Though backed by a large number of technological concerns, such as the Techno Union and the Trade Federation, the Confederacy is always looking for an edge, regardless of how underhanded or destructive it might be. This is not to say that the Republic's hands are completely clean, either, especially early in the war when the Army of the Republic is in its embryonic stage. Weapons, especially hand weapons and vehicles, pass through Nar Shaddaa on their way to Republic and Separatist munitions depots.

Nar Shaddaa not only offers physical goods for sa le. Services are another of its more profitable offerings, and these include theft, assassination, and everything in between. Both sides in the war have agents assigned to Nar Shaddaa, both to contract for services as well as to monitor the movements of the opposition. Unlike the Republic and Separatist agents on Bothawui, who are relatively quiet and secretive, those living on Nar Shaddaa are much more likely to come to a spectacularly violent end at the hands of their enemies.

RODIA Despite the best attempts of the Separatists, Rodia remains a loya l member of the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Rodia is never directly threatened by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, though negotiators sent by Count Dooku are often found in Iskaayuma as they attempt to sway the Rodians to support their cause.

Even though Rodia remains loyal to the Republic, many individual Rodians seek out their fame and fortune in the employ of the Confederacy, offering their services as assassins and mercenaries. Many of these individuals are considered criminals by the galactic community, but they are otherwise revered as heroes on Rodia for their exploits.

Rodia is represented in the Ga lactic Senate by Senator Onaconda Farr, a tried and true loyalist of the Republic. Farr is appointed to the Loyalist Committee, gaining a great deal of influence as a result. Unfortunately for Rodia, Onaconda Farr is exposed for bribing a fellow Senator in order to divert a number of naval starships to Rodia. Had the starships been sent to Duro, their original destination, it is quite possible that the Battle of Duro would not have been a Separatist victory.

RVLOTH At the start of the Clone Wars, the homeworld of the Twi'leks is a strong supporter of the Galactic Republic in the Senate. Despite this, the planet is seized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, an act that is protested by Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth. Among Ryloth's citizens, opinions remain so sharply divided that small-scale conflicts openly break out between dif­ferent Twi'lek factions.

The Confederacy establishes a firm hold on the world through the impo­sition of martial law. Distrust and betrayal among Ryloth's citizens leads to further divisions, and suspected Republic sympathizers are rounded up, detained, and-in some cases-executed. Paranoia and suspicion run rampant, making the planet's major cities dangerous places to live.

The Separatist interest in Ryloth is twofold. A large droid reclamation facility is established on the planet's surface, proving to be an important asset as the Confederacy wages war against the Galactic Republic. Produc­tion and distribution of ryll is also an important Separatist consideration, even though vast numbers of credits from the sale of the addictive spice somehow find their way into Huttese coffers.

Late in the Clone Wars, a brief but intense battle takes place on Ryloth as a part of the Outer Rim Sieges. Through the efforts of diplomats and Hutt criminal interests, the planet is left relatively unscathed.

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SULLUST Because of SoroSuub's membersh ip in the Commerce Gui ld, Sullust secedes from the Galactic Republic at the beginning of the conflict and joins forces with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Given that nea rly ha lf of the Sul lustan population is employed by SoroSuub, there is practically no public outcry at this development. From this point onward, Sullust remains a strong supporter of the Confederacy. The planet itself is an important Confederacy fortress world, act ing as a staging point for many invasions into the Core Worlds.

Less than a month after Sul lust secedes, a Republic invasion of the system commences. Though some initial successes are reported, there are a number of setbacks. The mi litary forces used by the Republic are disparate and va ried, consisting mostly of planetary defense forces that have been pulled together into an impromptu assault force. Casua lt ies are high, and battl efield ga ins are insubstantial. Treachery wi thin t he Repu blic ran ks is the catalyst th at leads to its ultimate defeat an d withdrawal from Sullust.

Su llust remains one of the Confederacy's most prized holdings until the end of the war. Its rich minera l deposits, loya l workfo rce, and production capabilities make it an important and well-defended asset. Many Repub lic missions are sent to Sul lust in an attempt to erode the Confederacy's hold on the planet, but few succeed.

TATOOINE Tatoo ine is technica lly held by the Galactic Repub lic, but it is largely con­t rolled by the Hutts at the start of the Clone Wars. In the ea rl y days of the war, the Repub lic attempts to establ ish a spaceport on the planet in order to utili ze it as a base in the Arkan is Sector. The Repub lic's newly rea lized interest in Tatooine is not welcomed by many of the planet's citizens, pa rticula rl y those who thrive under Huttese control of the world.

Boorka the Hutt, seeking to remove the Republic from Tatooine, negotiates a pact with the Confederacy in exchange for the destruction of the fledgling Republic spaceport. The Confederacy forces, led by Sev'rance Tann, destroy the spaceport and wipe out the small Republic force that had occupied it.

Jabba the Hutt, Boorka's competitor on Tatooine, is incensed by Boorka's cooperat ion with the Separatists. He betrays Boorka to the Jedi , who kill Boorka and root out the Separatist units on Tatoo ine. Despite his loud objec­tions, Jabba's interest in seeing Boorka fall are not entirely al tru istic; t he Hutt crime lo rd is playing one side aga inst the other, taking a dangerous compet itor out of the picture wh ile continuing to supply co rtosis ore to the Techno Union.

TRANDOSHA Due to its position within the Kashyyyk system, Trandosha 's only representa­tion in the Senate is Yarua, a Wookiee. The two species have never seen eye to eye, and t heir relationship is, at best, lukewarm at the outbreak of the Clone Wars due to a number of factors.

Peaceful negotiations between the two species had never been com­pletely successful. Shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, dip lo­macy completely breaks down when a Wookiee ship is attacked over one of Trandosha's moons. In response, the Wookiees erect a blockade around Trandosha. Peace talks rekind le the following year, but these fail when the Wookiees learn that the Tra ndoshans are seeking Senatorial backing with the aid of the Trade Federation .

Though never committed to the Separatist cause in a public forum, a number of independent Trandoshan organ izations join forces with the Confederacy of Independent Systems duri ng the Clone Wars . Pirate bands , slavers, and pro-Trandoshan terrorist groups participate in many Separatist act ions, pa rticu larly those that take place on the Wookiee homeworld prior to the Battle of Kashyyyk. In t ruth, many (if not most) of these groups have indirect financial backing from Trandosha itself, as the planetary govern­ment is only too happy to direct its own attacks upon the Wookiees from the shadows.




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THE ~EDI SERVICE CORPS If you nglings pass the age to begin their training as a Padawan without being chosen by a jedi Master, they are sent to the jedi Service Corps. The Service Corps has four separate branches of service: th e Agricultural Corps, the Educational Corps, the Exploration Corps, and the Medical Corps. Younglings are assigned to a branch that reflects their individual talents. There, they serve the rest of their time in the jedi Order.

Each branch serves the jedi Order and the Galactic Republic accord­ing to its designed purpose. The Agricultural Corps (or AgriCorps) serves the Republic by tending to the va rious farms estab lished t hroughout t he Core Worlds to help feed its citizens. Th e Educational Corps (or EduCorps) dispatches its members throughout the galaxy to provide for the education needs of many of the Republic's underprivileged ch ildren and, in turn, learn about the worlds to which they travel to help expand the knowledge base of the j edi Order. The Exploration Corps (or ExplorCorps) primarily trave ls on miss ions to exp lore the Unknown Reg ions of the ga laxy, charting new star systems and discovering new civil izations and races. The Exp lorCorps also works in conjunct ion with li kem ind ed organizations, such as the Intergalactic Zoological Society. The Medical Corps (or MedCorps) tends to the medical needs of Republic citizens throughout the galaxy, assisting the medical staff in many of the galaxy's hospita ls and medical faci lities. In addit ion , they also are responsible for maintaining the infirmary located in the jedi Tem ple on Coruscant.

AgriCorps Worker The Agricu ltural Corps teaches its new recruits to va lue the nature of life and to maintain balance between living creatures and their environment. These lessons, taught from the first day of their arrival, are meant to instill an overall appreciat ion for and an understanding of the natural world. The Agr icultural Corps also teaches their young pupils patience to wait for results, self- control to let other things find their own way, and ingenuity to seek other methods to resolve a situation without resorting to the destruction of li fe.

The primary goal of the AgriCorps is to su pport the Republic's Agricultural Administration , which oversees the production and processing of foodstuffs th roughout the Republic. Although most members serve on or near Coruscant, some are sent to other worlds to help with farming operations. Use of the Force by these recru its is restricted to tending the crops and livestock under their care, pr imarily because they have not learned anything beyond these basic skill s at this point.

AgriCorps Worker Medium Human nonheroic 6/jedi 1 Force 2 Init +3; Senses Use the Force +7 Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12). Fort 13, Will 12 hp 27; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +6 (ld4+1) or Ranged by weapon +5 Base Atk +5; Grp +6 Special Actions Shake It OffH

Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8 Talents Force Perception


Feats Force Sensitivity, Skill Focus (Knowledge [life sciences]). Shake It OffH, Ski ll Training {Endurance, Knowledge [galactic lore]' Survival , Use the Force, Weapon Proficiency (Ii ghtsaber)

Skills Endurance +9, Knowledge (galactic lore) +8, Knowledge (life sciences) +13, Mechanics +8H, Survival +8, Use the Force +7

Possessions agricultural tools, datapad H Bonus feat or tra ined skill for being Human.

EduCorps Worker The Educational Corps instructs its recruits in the ways of imparting knowl­edge, teaching them not only to be effective instructors but also to show patience and compassion for their pupils. Above all, they need to understand that one cannot always rely on the Force to reach one's goal. The id ea of forcing somebody to learn someth ing through the Force violates the basic doctrines of the jedi Order.

The EduCorps provides instruction to the disadvantaged on countless worlds across the galaxy. Armed with the philosophy that knowledge of the universe and those who dwell in it increases one's understanding of life in the galaxy, these EduCorps scholars str ive to learn all they can within the first few years of membership to prepare themselves to teach that knowledge to their future students.

Members of the EduCorps also study the worlds and cultures they visit, recording their experiences in the libraries located within the jedi Temple on Coruscant.

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EduCorps Worker Medium Human nonheroic 6/Jedi 1 Force 2 Init +2; Senses Perception +9 Languages Basic, High Galactic, one additiona l lang uage

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11). Fort 12, Will13 hp 20; Threshold 12

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +4 (ld4-1) or Ranged by weapon +4 Base Atk +5; Grp +4

Abilities Str 8, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11

Talents Skilled Advisor

CL 1

Feats Force Sensitivity, Skill Focus (Knowledge [physical sc iences], Knowledge [social sc iences]). Skill Training (Knowledge [bureaucracy] H, Knowledg e [life sciences], Knowledge [physical sciences], Use the Force, Weapon Proficiency (Iightsaber)

Skills Knowledge (bureaucracy) + 10H, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 10, Knowledge (life sciences) + 10, Knowledge (physical sciences) + 15, Knowledge (social sciences) + 15, Perception +9, Persuasion +8, Use the Force +8

Possessions 5 data cards, data pad H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

ExplorCorps Worker The Exploration Corps takes its students from other branches of the Jedi Service Corps . Not surprisingly, the young Jed i who are assigned to the ExplorCorps are considered by their peers to be "the lucky ones." They travel the galaxy with Jedi Masters instead of remaining planetside to train for their designated positions. As such, many consider the ExplorCorps a traveling Jedi academy.

Service in the ExplorCorps teaches its recruits that, despite differences in race and culture throughout the galaxy, everyone has the same basic underlying needs that they fulfill in varying ways. Understanding this concept teaches the student perspective, seeing that the idea of right and wrong can vary between different cultures. But no matter where you go and what you do, the Force is always there to guide you .

The primary purpose of the ExplorCorps, however, is to seek out new worlds and civilizations in the galaxy. Knowledge of their discoveries is catalogued in the Jedi Archives for all to learn, much in the same way that the members of the EduCorps transcribe their findings about the planets they vis it. Finding new civilizations opens the possibility of first contact, establishing relations with new species that might have someth ing to con­tribute to the Republic.

ExplorCorps Worker Medium Human nonheroic 6/Jedi 1 Force 2 Init +3; Senses Perception +9 Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12). Fort 13, Will 13 hp 27; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +5 (1d4) or Ranged blaster pistol +0 (3d6) Base Atk +5; Grp +5 Special Actions Shake It Off", Equilibrium

Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 8 Talents Equilibrium

CL 2

Feats Force Sensitivity, Shake It Off", Skill Training (Knowledge [galactic lore], Perception, Pilot, Survival, Use Computer). Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers)

Skills Endurance +9", Knowledge (galactic lore) +8, Perception +9, Pilot +8, Survival +9, Use Computer +8, Use the Force +7

Possessions blaster pistol, comlink, datapad, field kit H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

MedCorps Worker Life in the Medical Corps teaches recruits that life is fragile, and they quickly learn that people can become sick and die for no reason other than the will of the Force. For some, this can be hard to fathom, but internalizing it provides a valuable lesson for those who have had difficulty dealing with a personal loss earlier in life. Those that work for the MedCorps use their talents and abilities to heal the sick, treat the wounded, and provide comfort for those less fortunate.

Members of the MedCorps can be found at medical facilities throughout the galaxy, bestowing relief in times of crisis or instruct ing non-Force-using personnel in new methods to care for their patients. In addition to this basic task, the MedCorps is also responsible for maintaining the infirmary located in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which is connected to the expansive Galactic City Medical Center via a dedicated underground transport tube. Thanks to maintaining this facility, the MedCorps has come to the aid of a large number of Republic citizens during emergencies in the capita l.

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MedCorps Worker Medium Human non heroic 6/Jedi 1 Force 2 Init +3; Senses Perception + 10 Languages Basic, one additional language

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12). Fort 11, Will 14 hp 13; Threshold 11

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +4 (1d4-1) Ranged by weapon +5 Base Atk +5; Grp +5

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11 Talents Skilled Advisor


Feats Force Sensitivity, Skill Focus (Gather Information", Treat Injury). Skil l Training (Knowledge [life sciences], Perception, Treat Injury). Surgical Expertise, Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers)

Skills Gather Information + 13", Knowledge (life sciences) +9, Perception +10, Treat Injury +15, Use Computer +9, Use the Force +8

Possessions datapad, med ical kit, 2 medpacs H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

SPECIALIZED ..JEDI KNIGHTS Jedi who achieve knighthood and have a natural talent in certain areas might choose to serve the Jedi Order in ways that allow them to use such talents to the best of their ability. Many areas are available from which one can choose, and the ones listed here are but a sample of the ways in which Jedi Knights might serve the Jedi Order.

Jedi Archivist Jedi who prize knowledge over other things usually find that their under­stand ing of the Force expands with the study and retention of other subjects. Even more so than other Jedi, Jedi archivists delve into many areas of study, letting the Force guide them to their areas of specia lty. By receiving and archiving knowledge so others might learn , a Jedi archivist increases her own awareness of the galaxy.

The number of Jedi archivists flourishes during times of relative peace in the galaxy. Th ough most archivists remain close to the temple archives on Coruscant or Ossus, others travel to ga in more information about the galaxy, its inhabitants, and its cultures, cont inually increasing their common pool of knowledge. Archivists also work with ExplorCorps, search ing for lost civiliza­tions or exploring and studying newly discovered star systems.

During the latter days of the Republic and into the Clone Wars, Jedi archivists become fewer in number. Older Jedi believe that the younger members of the Jedi Order do not have the patience to take on the role of an archivist, choosing other roles deemed more important to the Jedi Order at that time.

Jedi Archivist Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3 Destiny 2; Force 5 Init + 10; Senses Perception + 12

CL 10

Languages Basic, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, two additional languages

Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 23). Fort 24, Will 25; Deflect hp 89; Threshold 24

Speed 6 sq ua res Melee lightsaber + 11 (2d8+5) or Ranged by weapon + 10 Base Atk +10; Grp +10 Atk Options Improved Disarm Special Actions Adept Negotiator, Coordinated Attack", Lightsaber

Defense, Melee Defense, Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 12): farseeing, Force thrust, rebuke

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Force

Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14 Talents Adept Negotiator, Deflect, Force Persuasion, Lightsaber Defense,

Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor Feats Coordinated Attack", Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved

Defenses, Improved Disarm, Linguist, Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Knowledge [galactic lore]), Skill Training (Knowledge [bureaucracy]), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 10, Knowledge (bureaucracy) + 13, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 18, Knowledge (social sciences) + 13", Perception +12, Use the Force + 12 (can substitute for Persuasion checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). Jedi robes, datapad H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

Jedi Healer Like many religions and Force-using trad itions in the galaxy, the Jedi Order values life and its preservation, and life in turn creates the Force. To that end, the ability to channel the Force to heal is one of the most prized powers a Jedi can possess. Although many Jedi learn to treat wounds to some extent, few Jedi devote their lives to the healing arts. Those that specialize in this area find that their understanding of the Force increases when they heal the sick and tend to the wounded .

Jedi healers are experts in the field of medicine. They spend a majority of their time tending to patients and expanding their understanding of the Force by studying its connection with all living things. Since anger and aggression hamper their healing abilities, Jedi healers are less likely to be tempted by the dark side of the Force. Many great instructors and philosophers of the Jedi Order throughout history were also healers. Any younglings that show an interest or natural ability with hea ling are carefully tutored to take up the mantle of a Jedi healer to keep their abilities from going to waste.

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Despite their devotion to the preservation of life, Jedi healers are not pacifists. Many of them are more than willing to use their lightsabers to defend the sick and helpless. Jedi healers actively seek out battlefie lds, plague-ridden worlds, and highly dangerous locales to donate their time and abilities to help those in need.

During the Clone Wars, the Republic encourages Jedi healers to accom­pany troops onto battlefields. Citizens unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle of battle often benefit from Jedi healers passing through.

Jedi Healer Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 2 Destiny 1; Force 5 Init + 10; Senses Perception + 12 Languages Basic, one additional language


Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 24; Block, Deflect, Dodge, Elusive Target

hp 74; Threshold 21

Speed 6 sq ua res Melee lightsaber + 11 (2d8+4) or Ranged by weapon + 11 Base Atk +9; Grp + 10 Atk Options Improved Disarm" Special Actions Adept Negotiator Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 16): farseeing , Force disarm,

Force stun, malacia, negate energy, surge, vital transfer (2)

Force Techniques Improved Vital Transfer

Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14 Talents Adept Negotiator, Block, Deflect, Elusive Target, Force Treatment Feats Dodge, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Improved Disarm",

Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training (Perception), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simp le weapons)

Skills Initiative + 10, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 10, Knowledge (life sciences) + 10", Perception + 12, Use the Force + 16

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), Jedi robes, utility belt with medpac H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

Jedi Instructor Jed i instructors devote themselves to educating younger Jedi on the ways of the Force and the goals of the Jedi Order. Through the instruction of others, Jedi instructors increase their own understanding of the Force.

Jedi instructors are most often found in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, teaching younglings. Others actively seek out potential Jedi recruits that the order might fail to notice in the Outer Rim Territories and other areas outside the Republic's jurisdiction. In some cases, Jedi instructors take young students or even other Jedi Knights with them on extended tours of the galaxy, sometimes traveling aboard an ExplorCorps vessel.

Particularly effective Jedi instructors are often invited to join the Jedi High Council.

Jedi Instructor Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 2 Destiny 1; Force 5 Init +5; Senses Perception + 10 Languages Basic, High Galactic, two additional languages

Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 22; Deflect hp 74; Threshold 21

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 10 (2d8+4) Ranged by weapon + 10 Base Atk +9 Grp + 10 Atk Options Melee Defense Special Actions Adept Negotiator, Direct, Lightsaber Defense,

Skilled Advisor Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 11): farseeing, mind trick,

move object, rebuke

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery

Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14 Talents Adept Negotiator, Deflect, Direct, Lightsaber Defense,

Skilled Advisor


Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Knowledge [life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences], Use Computer"), Skil l Training (Perception), Weapon Proficiency (iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Knowledge (galactic lore) + 12, Knowledge (life sciences) + 17, Knowledge (physical sciences) + 17, Knowledge (social sciences) + 17, Perception + 10, Pilot + 10", Use the Force + 11

Possessions lightsabers (self-built), Jedi robes, data pad H Bonus feat or trained skill for being Human.

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THE ~EDI COUNCILS Jedi selected to lead the Jedi Order are grouped into four councils: the Council of First Knowledge, the Council of Reassignment, the Council of Reconciliation, and the High Council. Each council gathers in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

The Council of First Knowledge Assembling in the northwest tower of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Council of First Knowledge advises Jedi on matters that require access to and use of ancient Jedi lore. The council also oversees the repository of holocrons stored within their tower as we ll as certain sect ions of the Jedi Archives.

The Council of First Knowledge has five members: one permanent member known as the Caretaker of the Tower of First Knowledge, and four rotating members from the Jedi High Council. The council's permanent member at the time of the Clone Wars is Jedi Master Astaal Vilbum.

The Council of Reassignment Th e Council of Reassignment, stationed in the northeast tower of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, organizes work for the younglings and other Jedi students not chosen to become Padawans. Members of the Council work with the Jedi Service Corps to ensure the fair distribution of members. In addition, the Council reassigns Jedi to other positions and responsibilities as warranted.

The Council of Reassignment is made up of five Jedi Masters: two per­manent members, and three rotating members (usually members of the High Council) who serve five-year terms.

The Council of Reconciliation The purpose of the Council of Reconciliation, which is housed in the south­west tower of the Jedi Temple, is to seek out peaceful resolutions to various conflicts-usually political disputes-throughout the Republic and to assign Jedi on missions to implement those solutions.

The Council of Reconciliation has five rotating members who can be chosen from among any interested Jedi Masters.

The High Council The primary governing body of the Jedi Order, the High Council meets in the southeast tower of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and supervises all activi­ties undertaken by the Jedi. In addition, the High Council also serves as an advising body for the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. The High Council has twelve members: five permanent, four long-term, and three limited-term. Most members are Jedi Masters, but a few Jedi Knights have been selected to serve a limited term. The High Council se lects all new members, with the exception of Anakin Skywalker (appointed by the Supreme Chancellor near the end of the Clone Wars).

INFL.UENTIAL. FIGURES Incorporating familiar Star Wars characters into a campaign gives players opportunities to interact with them, which in turn helps the player characters feel like they are a part of the greater Star Wars story and, by extension, part of galactic history. Since these named characters are expected to perform certain events in the universe's timeline, Gamemasters must use them judi­ciously and control their level of interaction with the player characters.

Famous Jedi characters from the Star Wars saga should interact with the player characters in one of two ways:

Behind the Scenes: The Jedi does not appear in person but affects events or communicates with the heroes through a third party. At some point the player characters might learn of the Jedi's involvement in the story, but that's the extent of their brush with fame.

Brief Appearance: The heroes might encounter a famous Jedi at a criti­cal point in the adventure. The famous Jedi might help the heroes in some fashion if the character is an ally, hinder them if an enemy, or merely pursue his own agenda whether it plays a part in the story or not.

ANAKIN SKYWALKER Believed by many to be the Chosen One and foretold by ancient prophecies to bring balance to the Force, Anakin Skywalker is the exception to other Jedi in many ways. He spends most of his childhood away from the Jedi


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Temple on Tatooine with his mother. Highly stubborn and emotional, he

shows arrogance in his abilities as a pilot, with a lightsaber, and with the

Force. Unlike other Jedi who display overconfidence in their abilities, Anakin

is able to back up his boasts.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi is tasked with leading Republic troops into battle

during the Clone Wars, Anakin serves as his assistant, leading clone star­

fighter pilots against Separatist forces. His leadership and piloting ski lls help

the clone pilots emerge victorious time and again, even though his reckless­

ness and overconfidence frustrates Obi-Wan.

Anakin begins to feel the true burden of leadership when he is paired with

a strong-minded Padawan named Ahsoka Tano. Only then does he begin to

appreciate all that Obi-Wan has tried to teach him.

Anakin Skywalker CL 14 Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/ace pilot 2

Destiny 2; Force 6, Strong in the Force; Dark Side 7

Init + 15; Senses Perception +9

Languages Basic, Binary, Huttese

Defenses Ref 31 (flat-footed 28). Fort 31, Will 28; Block, Deflect,

vehicle dodge +1

hp 141; Threshold 31

Speed 6 squares

Melee lightsaber + 18 (2d8+ 15) or

Melee lightsaber + 16 with Rapid Strike (3d8+ 15)

Ranged by weapon + 16

Base Atk +13; Grp +16

Atk Options Rapid Strike

Special Actions Djem So, Redirect Shot, Vehicular Combat

Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 19): dark rage, farseeing, Force disarm, Force grip, Force slam (2). move object, rebuke, surge

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Move Light Object

Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14

Talents Armored Defense, Block, Deflect, Djem So, Force Pilot, Redirect

Shot, Renowned Pilot, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3).

Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Use the Force). Strong in the Force, Vehicular

Combat, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers,

simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 15, Initiative + 15, Mechanics + 14, Pilot + 15,

Use the Force + 19

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). com link (encrypted). cybernetic

prosthesis (1, right hand). Jedi robes, utility belt

OBI-WAN KENOBI Obi-Wan Kenobi has a long and successful career that helps to shape the

future of the galaxy. Honorable and ga ll ant, he speaks and acts in a manner

that many consider the ideal of what a Jedi should strive to be. His reputation

is well earned as he deals with many trials on the road to becoming one of

the most highly regarded Jedi Masters.

With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan becomes a general in com­

mand of thousands of clone troopers. His stalwart presence and leadership

skills earn him the respect of his troops and fellow Jedi, as he proves to be

a highly capab le and trusted strateg ist and commander.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Kn ight 5/Jedi Master 2

Destiny 2; Force 7

Init +15; Senses Perception +9

Languages Basic, Shyri iwook

CL 14

Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 27). Fort 31, Will 29; Block, Deflect, Soresu

hp 129; Threshold 31

Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares

Melee lightsaber + 19 (2d8+ 13) or

Melee lightsaber + 14/+ 14 (2d8+ 13) with Double Attack

Ranged by weapon + 17

Base Atk + 14; Grp + 17

Atk Options Double Attack, Severing Strike

Special Actions Adept Negotiator, Combat Reflexes, Redirect Shot,


Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 19): farseeing, Force slam (2). mind trick, move object, rebuke, surge (2). vital transfer

Force Secrets Quicken Power

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Move Light Object

Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15

Talents Adept Negotiator, Armored Defense, Block, Deflect, Redirect Shot,

Severing Strike, Soresu, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Combat Reflexes, Double Attack

(Iightsabers). Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3). Skill Focus (Use

the Force)' Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon

Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 15, Initiat ive + 15, Pilot + 15, Use the Force + 19

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). comlink (encrypted). Jedi robes, utility

belt with medpac, electrobinoculars

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VODA Considered by many to be the wisest of all Jedi, Yoda is a senior member of the High Council and highly respected by virtually the entire Jedi Order. Not much of his personal history is known, but the fact that he has trained Jedi for eight hundred years is widely known even by the politicians of the Galactic Senate and many other high-ranking officials of the Republic. Most Jedi in this timeframe have received at least some training from Yoda, most often as younglings.

Throughout the Clone Wars, Yoda leads troops on the front lines, mounted on his kybuck (see sidebar) with lightsaber in hand. Throughout the war, Master Yoda continues to show concern for the lives of his soldiers as well as the state of the Republic and the Jedi Order.





Yoda Small Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 7/Jedi Master 5 Destiny 4; Force 8, Strong in the Force

CL 20

Init + 18 (Force Point: can reroll and keep better result); Senses Improved Sense Surroundings, Use the Force +24

Languages Basic, Cerean, Shyriiwook (understand only)

Defenses Ref 37 (flat-footed 34). Fort 33, Will 38; Block, Deflect hp 134; Threshold 33 Immune fear effects

Speed 4 squares Melee lightsaber +25 (2d8+ 16) or Melee lightsaber +24/+24 (2d8+ 16) with Double Attack or Melee lightsaber + 19/+ 19/+ 19 (2d8+ 16) with Triple Attack Ranged by weapon +23 Base Atk +20; Grp + 18 Atk Options Acrobatic Strike, Double Attack, Melee Defense, Triple

Attack, Whirlwind Attack Special Actions Redirect Shot, serenity, Skilled Advisor Force Powers Known (Use the Force +24): battle strike (2). farseeing,

Force disarm, Force slam (3). Force thrust, mind trick (2). move object (2). negate energy, rebuke (2). surge (2). vital transfer

Force Secrets Devastating Power, Distant Power, Multitarget Power, Quicken Power

Force Techniques Improved Sense Force, Force Point Recovery (2)

Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 21, Cha 19 Talents Ataru, Block, Deflect, Force Perception, Foresight, Multiattack

Proficiency (lightsabers x2). Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Skilled Advisor, Visions

Feats Acrobatic Strike, Double Attack (Iightsabers). Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3). Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Use the Force)' Strong in the Force, Triple Attack (Iightsabers). Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons). Whirlwind Attack

Skills Acrobatics + 18, Initiative + 18 (Force Point: can reroll and keep better result). Knowledge (galactic lore) + 17, Knowledge (tactics) + 17, Stealth + 15, Use the Force +24 (can substitute for Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). gimer stick cane, Jedi robes

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KVBUCK Kybucks are swift herbivores from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Yoda receives one as a gift for heal­ing an ai ling Wookiee princess. Yoda forms a bond of friends hip with the riding beast. When General Grievous attacks Coruscant, Yoda rides his kybuck into batt le but keeps it away from danger.

Kybucks move at incredibly high speeds overland. Outside of combat, they have a maximum velocity of 90 kilometers per hour.

Kybuck Medium beast 2 Init +4; Senses Perception +2

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11 hp 7; Threshold 9

Speed 12 squares Melee bite +2 (1d6+2) or Melee kick +2 (1d4+2 plus special) Base Atk + 1; Grp +4 Atk Options kybuck kick

Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 12 Feats Skill Focus (Jump) Ski lls Jump + 12

CL 1

Kybuck Kick-As a standard action, a kybuck can move its speed. At any point during its move, it can make a kick attack against a target and exit that target's threatened space without provoking an attack of opportunity from the target.

MACE WINDU Believed by many Jedi to be on par with Master Yoda in his skills with the lightsaber, Mace is a diplomat at heart, preferring to negotiate toward peaceful resolution rather than reso rt to combat.

As the Clone Wars dawn on Geonosis, Mace Windu easily slips into the ro le of a military lea der, lead ing the clone troopers against the droid forces of Count Dooku and the Separatists. His role as a sen ior member of the Jed i High Council and his natural talent as a negotiator help him muster the troops and spearhead his part in the Republi ~'s overall battle plan to bring down the Separatists.

Throughout his time as a general, Master Windu proves himself to be an aggressive leader and a formidable warrior, lead ing his troops from the front and unafraid to engage the enemy personally.

Mace Windu Medium Human Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 6/Jedi Master 5 Desti ny 3; Force 8 Init + 16; Senses Improved Sense Surroundings, Use the Force +23 Languages Bas ic, Huttese, Mando'a, Ryl

Defenses Ref 35 (flat-footed 32), Fort 34, Will 36; Block, Deflect hp 167; Threshold 34 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber +24 (2d8+ 17/19-20) or Melee lightsaber +28 (2d8+26/19-20) with Pow erfu l Charge or

CL 19

Melee ligh tsaber +26 (3d8+26/19-20) with Powerful Charge and Rapid Strike or

Melee lightsaber +22 (3d8+ 17/19-20) with Rapid Strike or Melee lightsaber + 19/+ 19 (3d8+ 17/19-20) with Doub le Attack or Melee lig htsabe r +17/+17 (3d8+17/19-20) with Double Attack and Rapid

Strike Ranged by weapon +21 Base Atk +19; Grp +21 Atk Options Cleave, Double Attack, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Powerful

Charge, Rapid Strike, Severing Strike Special Actions Improved Shatterpoint, Juyo, Redirect Shot, Serenity,

shatterpoint Force Powers Known (Use the Force +23): battle strike (2), farseeing,

Force grip, Force slam, mind trick, move object, surge, shatterpoint, technometry

Force Secrets Devastating Power, Multitarget Power, Quicken Power, Shaped Power

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Surround ings, Improved Shatterpoint

Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 18 Talents Block, Deflect, Force Perception, Greater Weapon Focus

(Iigh tsabers), Greater Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers), Juyo, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Vaapad, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers)

Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Great Cleave, Martial Arts I, Power Attack, Powerfu l Charge, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Use the Force)' Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 16, Initiative + 16, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 17, Knowledge (tactics) + 17, Perception + 18, Use the Force +23 (can substitute for Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), comlink (encrypted ), Jedi robes, utility belt

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AHSOKA TANO Ahsoka Tano is the young, eager Padawan of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Despite her young age, the precocious Togruta is placed under Anakin Sky­walker to help him learn not only how to train a Padawan but also how to let one go once her training is complete.

Ahsoka Tano is a fan of unorthodox strategies and, like Anakin as a Padawan, sometimes lets her eagerness get in the way of good sense and forethought. Moreover, she seems to have littl e respect for the sanctity of the bond between a Jedi Knight and his Padawan, as she constantly makes quips at Anakin's expense. Ahsoka studies the Sh ien form of lightsaber combat. choosing to hold her lightsaber in a horizontal grip to take advantage of her speed and agility.

Ahsoka lanD Medium Togruta (young adult) Jedi 4 Destiny 1; Force 3 Init +5; Senses Perception +3 Languages Basic, Togruti

CL 4

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 15, Lightsaber Defense 19), Fort 15, Will 16 hp 47; Threshold 15

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber +8 (2d8+ 1) Base Atk +4; Grp +7 Atk Options Weapon Finesse Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, spatia l awareness Force Powers Known (Use the Force +9): Force slam, move object,

rebuke, surge

Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14 Special Qualities pack hunter, sneaky, spatial awareness Talents Deflect, Li ghtsaber Defense Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focu s

(Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (iightsabers, simple weapons) Skills Acrobatics + 10, Stea lth +5 (can rerall, must take second result),

Use the Force +9 Possessions lightsaber

Pack Hunter-Ahsoka Tano deals an extra 2 points of damage aga inst an opponent she flanks.

Spatial Awareness-Ahsoka Tano ignores all cover and concealment when making Perception checks to notice targets within 10 squares.

KIT FISTO Growing up in the Jedi Temple as a young Nautolan, Kit Fisto focuses his tra ining to take advantage of his aquatic abilities. Throughout his life, he strives to maintain a low profile as he struggles with a lack of self-confidence. He steps out of his self-imposed so li tude when he accepts the Mon Calamari Padawan Bant Eerin as his first apprentice after the death of her master, Tahl . Even when instructing his Padawan, he lacks confidence in himself as an instructor. Only after he effectively leads units of clones into battle against the droid forces of the Separatists does he find faith in his abilities and accept a seat on the High Council .

Kit Fisto accepts command of a unit of clone subtraopers and leads the campaign on Mon Calamari against the Separatist-supporting Quarren Isolationist League. He successfully leads his forces and his Mon Calamari allies to victory over the Quarren, securing the planet for the Republic. Later campaigns on Devaron and Ord Cestus add more triumphant returns for the Nautolan Jedi.

Kit Fisto Medium Nautolan Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 1 Desti ny 2; Force 6 Init + 13; Senses low-light vision, Use the Force + 17 Languages Anselmian, Basic, Nautila

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 26), Fort 28, Will 28; Block, Deflect, Shii-Cho

hp 122; DR 2; Threshold 28 Immune fear effects

CL 13

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Speed 6 squares, swim 4 squares Melee lightsaber + 18 (2d8+ 10) or Melee lightsaber + 13/+ 13 (2d8+ 10) with Double Attack Ranged by weapon + 15 Base Atk +13; Grp +15 Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack Special Actions Force Focus, Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, serenity Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 17): battle strike (2), Farce slam,

Force thrust, mind trick, move object, rebuke (2), surge Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Force

Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 Special Qualities breathe underwater Talents Block, Deflect, Force Focu s, Force Perception, Greater Weapon

Focus (Iightsabers), Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Shii-Cho Feats Cleave, Double Attack (Iightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force

Training (3), Power Attack, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 13, Initiative + 13, Perception +8 (can reroll when sensing deception or influence; underwater, keep better result), Swim +8 (can reroll, can take 10 when distracted), Use the Force + 17 (can substitute for Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), Jedi robes

NAHDAR VESS Nahdar Vebb is a young Jedi who studies under Kit Fisto as a Padawan. Though skilled in the art of lightsaber combat, Nahdar Vebb's talents also extend to healing. Vebb is a master of using the Force to help a body repair itself more quickly and efficiently, and during his service in the Clone Wars, Vebb uses his talents to keep clone troops fighting despite their grievous wounds.

Nahdar Vebb Med ium Mon Calamari Jedi 7/Force adept 1 Force 4 Init +4; Senses low-light vision , Use the Force + 17; Block, Deflect Languages Basic, Mon Calamarian

Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 21), Fort 20, Will 26 hp 73; Threshold 20

Speed 6 squares, swim 4 squares Melee lightsaber + 11 (2d8+6) Base Atk +7; Grp +9 Atk Options Acrobatic Strike Special Actions Equilibrium Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 17): battle strike, Force slam,

move object, negate energy, rebuke, surge, vital transfer (2)

Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16

CL 8

Special Qualities breathe underwater, expert swimmer, low-light vision

Talents Block, Deflect, Equilibrium, Force Perception, Force Treatment Feats Acrobatic Strike, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Improved

Defenses, Skill Focus (Use the Force)' Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobat ics +9, Knowledge (life sciences) + 10, Perception + 17, Treat Injury + 17, Use the Force + 17

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), comlink

KI-ADI-MuNDI Discovered at the age of four by the Dark Woman, Ki-Adi-Mundi travels to Coruscant and join the Jedi Order. Decades later, he returns to Cerea and becomes his homeworld's watchman, driving out the raiders that haunted his people for many years and helping the planet join the Republic. Even during his time as Cerea's protector, Ki-Adi learns about the Force quickly, exemplifying the role of Jedi Knight to his people and impressing the rest of the Jedi Order. Eventual ly, he is invited to join the Jedi High Council, becoming one of a few Jedi to gain a permanent seat on the Council before reaching the level of Jedi Master.

When the Clone Wars begin on Geonosis, Ki-Adi fights alongside the other Jedi, although he and fel low Jedi Master Plo Koon are captured whi le attempting to disable the droid control ship. After the battle, he serves with the Grand Army of the Republ ic as a general, becoming one of the first to fight against General Grievous and survive (thanks to the timely arrival of a squad of ARC troopers). After his recovery, Ki-Adi-Mundi accepts command of the 21st Nova Corps.


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Ki-Adi-Mundi Medium Cerean Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 1 Destiny 2; Force 6 Init + 17 ; Senses Perception +8 Languages Basic, Cerean, Ryl

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 27), Fort 29, Wil l 29; Block, Deflect hp 122; Threshold 29 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 17 (2d8+ 10) or Melee lightsaber + 15 (3d8+ 10) with Rapid Strike Ranged by weapon + 14 Base Atk +13; Grp +14 Atk Options Improved Disarm, Melee Defense, Rapid Strike Special Actions Combat Reflexes, Equilibrium, Lightsab er Defense,

Redirect Shot

CL 13

Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 14): battle strike, Force slam, mind trick, move object, rebuke, surge

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Force

Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16 Talents Block, Clear Mind, Deflect, Equilibrium, Greater Weapon Focus

(Iightsabers), Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers)

Feats Combat Reflexes, Force Sensit ivity, Force Training (2), Improved Defenses, Improved Disarm, Melee Defense, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Initiative), Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, sim ple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 17 (can reroll), Knowledge (galactic lore) + 13, Pilot + 12, Use the Force + 14 (can rero ll when opposing Force detection)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), Jedi robes








K'KRUHK Selected to be the Padawan of Lilit Twoseas, the Whiphid named K'Kruhk fights alongside her as well as Micah Giiett, Qu i-Gon Jinn, and Plo Koon during the Yinchorri Uprising . Witnessing his master's death as she saves him from a Yinchorri warr ior, K'Kruhk flies into a rage and slaughters countless Yinchorri until he recovers her body. Although he completes his training under another master, Twoseas's death continues to haunt his memories.

K'Kruhk matures in to a capable Jedi Knight and joins the task force sent to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padme Amidala. Entrusted with the rank of general and command of the 416th Star Corps, K'Kruhk leads his troops into battle on the planet Teyr. Despite his best efforts, his uni t su ffers heavy casualties and he disappears without a trace, distraught over the high death toll that occurred under his command. He later rejoins the war effort with th e help of Master Mace Windu, joining a Jedi strike force on the planet Hypori, where he is terribly injured and left for dead by General Grievous. Surviving even that, he escapes back to Coruscant and is reassigned to the protection of Senator Viento.

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K'Kruhk Medium Whiphid Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 1 Destiny 3; Force 7 Init +8; Senses scent, Percept ion +8 Languages Basic, Whiph id

CL 13

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-foo ted 26 ), Fort 27 (32 against cold), Will 28; Block , Deflect

hp 122, Extra Second Wind; Th reshold 32 Immune fear ef fects

Speed 6 squares Melee claw + 16 (l d8+9) or Melee li ghtsaber + 18 (2d8+ 14) or Melee lightsaber + 13/+ 13 (2d8+ 14) with Double Attack or Ranged by weapon + 15 Base Atk +13 ; Grp +1 4 Atk Options Do ub le Attack Special Actions Adept Negoti ator, Equilibrium, Force Fort ification,

Li ghtsaber Defense, serenity Force Powers Known (U se t he Force + 18): battle strike, Force slam,

move object, rebuke, sever Force, surge Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Force Trance

Abilities St r 17, Dex 15, Can 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14 Talents Adept Neg otiato r, Block, Clear Mind, Deflect, Equilibrium, Force

Fo rti f ication , Lightsaber Defense, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) Feats Double Attack (Iightsabers), Extra Second Wind, Force Sensitivity,

Force Trai ning (2), Improved Damage Threshold, Skill Focus (Use the Fo rce), Tou ghn ess, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Ii ght sa bers, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 12, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 12, Use the Force + 18 (ca n re roll when opposing Fo rce detection )

Possessions lig htsaber (se lf-b uilt), Jedi robes, conical straw hat

PL.O KOON Plo Koon is descended f rom a long line of Kel Dor Jed i that includes his uncle and niece. He stud ies under the Wook iee Jed i Master Tyvokka, but his sarcastic wit an d tendency to make quick decisions without considering the conseq uences of his act ions push Tyvokka's patience to its limits many times. Plo Koon eventua lly t rains seve ral Pa dawans during his career with the Jedi, incl ud ing Bu ltar Swan and the female Trandoshan Lissarkh.

Fol lowing the Stark Hyperspace Wars, Plo Koon receives his promotion to Jed i Master and is offered a permanent seat on the Jedi High Council in honor of his dying master's wish. Al though he feels that many others are more deserving, he nevertheless accepts the honor.

Plo Koon survives the Battle of Geonosis, although he and fellow Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi are captured while trying to disable the droid control ship and escorted to the arena to be executed with the rest. After helping lead the Repub lic to victory that day, Plo Koon is given the rank of general, direct­ing his troops through the Battle of BrentaallV and the Battle of Rendili .

Pia Koon Medium Kel Dor Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 3 Desti ny 3; Force 7 Init Use the Force + 19; Senses low-light vision, Use the Force + 19 Languages Basic, Huttese, Kel Dor, Shyri iwook (understand only)

Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 28), Fort 29, Will 30; Block, Deflect hp 122; Threshold 29 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber +20 (2d8+ 11) or Melee lightsaber + 15/+ 15 (2d8+ 11) with Double Attack or Melee unarmed +18 (ld6+8) Ranged by weapon + 18 Base Atk +15; Grp +18 Atk Options Double Attack Special Act ions Combat Reflexes, Force Intuition, Redirect Shot,

Resilience, Shien, Telekinetic Savant

CL 15

Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 19): battle strike, farseeing, Force disarm (2), Force thrust, malacia, mind trick, rebuke, surge

Force Secrets Multitarget Power, Quicken Power Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Force Power Mastery

(Force thrust)

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 14 Talents Block, Deflect, Force Intuition, Force Perception, Redirect

Shot, Resilience, Shien, Telekinetic Savant, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers)

Feats Combat Reflexes, Doub le Attack (Iightsabers), Force Sensit ivity, Force Training (3), Martial Arts I, Skill Focus (Use the Force)' Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Knowledge (physical sciences) + 14, Mechanics + 14, Pilot + 14, Use the Force + 19 (can reroll when searching feelings or sensing Force, can substitute for Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-bui lt), Jedi robes, antiox breath mask and goggles

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AN'YA KURO (THE DARK WOMAN) The Dark Woman, originally named An'ya Kuro, has an unremarkable child­hood in the Jedi Temple, but she gains notice soon after ach ieving the rank of Jedi Knight. She travels the galaxy searching for Force-sensitive children to bring into the Jedi Order, among them Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Kuro uses training methods considered by the High Council to be too harsh, despite the fact that her methods quite effective for most of her students. However, a few of her pupils-among them Aurra Sing-fail under the pressure and leave the Jedi Order.

After a short exile and return to the Jedi Order, Kuro accompanies the Jedi task force to Geonosis and helps in the starfighter battle. Later, she chooses to assist the war effort as a spy instead of as a military leader.

An'ya Kuro (The Dark Woman) CL 16 Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Kn ight 6/Jedi Master 3 Destiny 3; Force 7; Dark Side 2 Init +15; Senses Improved Sense Force, Use the Force +20 Languages Basic, Huttese

Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 29), Fort 30, Will 31; Block, Deflect, Dodge, Mobi li ty

hp 134; Threshold 30 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber +20 (2d8+ 10) or Melee lightsaber + 17/+ 17 (2d8+ 10) with Double Attack or Melee unarmed + 18 (ld6+9) or Ranged by weapon + 18 Base Atk +16; Grp +18 Atk Options Double Attack Special Actions Gauge Force Potential, Lightsaber Defense +2, serenity,

Skilled Advisor Force Powers Known (Use the Force +20): cloak, Force slam, move

object, phose, rebuke, technometry Force Secrets Distant Power, Quicken Power Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Phase, Improved

Sense Force

Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15 Talents Block, Clear Mind, Deflect, Force Perception, Gauge Force

Potential, Lightsaber Defense (2). Multiattack Proficiency (Iightsabers). Sk illed Advisor

Feats Dodge, Double Attack (Iightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Martial Arts I, Mobility, Power Attack, Skil l Focus (Use the Force)' Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 15, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 14, Knowledge (tactics) + 14, Use the Force +20 (can reroll when opposing Force detection, can substitute for Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built), black Jedi robes

AAYLA SECURA Discovered by Jedi Master Tholme and his apprentice Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura is rescued from certain death at the hands of a Hutt's wampa guard on Ryloth. Quinlan, sensing her sensitivity to the Force, convinces his master to take her back to Coruscant for testing. Accepted into the Jedi Order, Aayla grows to become highly skilled with a lightsaber, mastering the Ataru style many years earlier than expected. After overcoming amazing challenges­including a period of memory loss, rescuing Vos on Ord Mantell, and freeing Tholme from the clutches of the Morgukai-Aayla's deeds convince the High Council to promote her to Jedi Knight.

After participating in the Battle of Geonosis, Aayla becomes a genera l in the Grand Army of the Republic, tak ing command of the 327th Star Corps. She fights alongside her troops in various battles during the Clone Wars, including the Battle of Kamino, the Siege of Saleucami, and the Battle of Hypori, where she faces off against General Grievous and almost dies at the cyborg's hands.


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Aayla Secura CL 11 Medium Twi'lek Jedi S/Jedi Knight 3 Force 6; Da rk Side 2 Init + 13; Senses Improved Sense Surroundings, low-light vision,

Perception + 12 Languages Basic, Huttese, Nautolan, Ry l

Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 23), Fort 26, Will 25; Deflect, Dodge, Mobility

hp 96; Threshold 26

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 16 (2dS+ 11) or Melee lightsaber +11/+11 (2dS+11) with Double Attack or Melee lightsaber +6/+6 (2dS+S) with Double Attack and

lightsaber +6 (2dS+S) or Ranged by weapon + 14 Base Atk +11; Grp +14 Atk Options Acrobatic Strike, Ataru, Double Attack, Dual Weapon

Mastery I Special Actions Acrobatic Recovery, Force Haze, Redirect Shot Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 13): Force thrust, mind trick, surge

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Surroundings

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17 Talents Acrobatic Recovery, Ataru, Clear Mind, Deflect, Force Haze,

Redirect Shot Feats Acrobatic Strike, Dodge, Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I,

Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 13, Deception +S (can reroll), Initiative + 13, Perception + 12, Use the Force + 13 (can reroll when opposing Force detection)

Possessions 2 lightsabers (self-built), Twi'lek-style Jedi uniform



SAESEE TIIN Saesee Tiin grows up in the Jedi Temple before Master Omo Bouri chooses him as a Padawan. Bouri strives to instill a strong sense of conviction in his pupil, succeeding to the point that many Jedi see Tiin's skill and dedication to the Jedi Order as fanatical, his conviction growing even more after Bouri's death. In addition to his stark devotion to the Jedi Order, Master Tiin is stern and introspective, mostly keeping to himself.

Saesee Tiin proves himself during the Clone Wars as a formidable oppo­nent and a highly competent pilot. His zealous demeanor easily shines through in the heat of battle, leading his troops into seemingly insurmountable odds but coming out virtually unscathed.


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Saesee Tiin Medium Iktotchi Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 3 Destiny 2; Force 6 Init +15; Senses Use the Force +15 Languages Basic, Bi na ry, Iktotchese

CL 16

Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 30). Fort 33, Will 30; Block, Deflect, limited precognition, + 1 natura l armor

hp 144; Threshold 33 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 19 (2d8+ 10) or Melee lightsaber + 17 (3d8+ 10) with Rapid Strike or Ranged by weapon + 18 Base Atk +16; Grp +18 Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, Severing Strike Special Actions Force Intuition, Li ghtsaber Defense +2, Redirect Shot,

serenity, Vehicu lar Combat Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 15) : battle strike, farseeing,

Force thrust, move object, rebuke, surge

Force Secrets Devastating Power, Mu ltitarget Power Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Telepathy

Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15 Talents Armored Defense, Block, Deflect, Force Intuition, Force

Perception, Lightsaber Defense (2). Redirect Shot, Severing Strike Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Cleave, Force Sensitivity, Force Training

(3). Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Pilot). Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Mechanics + 14, Pilot +20 (can rero ll)' Use the Force + 15 (can substitute for Initiative and Perception checks)

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). comlink (encrypted). Jedi robes, electrob inoculars, utility be lt






QUINLAN Ves Quinlan Vos's early life is fraught in turmoi l. As the son of the leaders of his homeworld of Kiffar, his destiny is set in stone by his people, who expect him to grow and become a Guardian like his parents. Hi s la tent abil ities with the Force and his discovery by Jedi Master Tholme change everything: After his parents are killed, Quinlan is taken to Coruscant to complete his Jedi training against the wishes of the Kiffar people.

After growing and passing the trials to become a Jedi Knight, Quinlan accepts a mission that takes him to Nar Shaddaa. At the hands of his cousin, he loses his memories, including the knowledge of his position with the Jedi and his abilities with the Force. He spends the next several years fight ing against the temptations of the dark side.

When the Separatists rise up against the Republic, Quinlan Vos works undercover establishing a spy network to obtain information from the Con­federacy. He works his way into Count Dooku 's inner circle, by which time many believe Vos to have changed his al legiance to the Separatists after finally succumbing to the dark side.

Quinlan Vos Medium Kiffar (Near-Human) Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5 Destiny 2; Force 6; Dark Side 7 Init + 13; Senses Use the Force + 18 Languages Basic, Ryl

Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 24). Fort 26, Will 26; Block, Deflect hp 114; Threshold 26

Speed 6 squares ; Running Attack Melee lightsaber +16 (2d8+10/x3) or Melee li ghtsaber + 14/+ 14 (3d8+ 1O/x3) with Rapid Strike or Ranged by weapon + 13 Base Atk + 12; Grp + 14

CL 12

Special Actions Combat Reflexes, Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 18): battle strike, dark rage,

farseeing, Force lightning, Force slam, mind trick, move object, rebuke

Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Sense Force

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Can 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14 Talents Block, Dark Side Sense, Deflect, Force Perception, Li ghtsaber

Defense, Psychometry, Weapon Special iza tion (Iightsabers) Feats Combat Reflexes, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3). Rapid Strike,

Running Attack, Skill Focus (Use the Force). Triple Crit (Iightsabers), Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 13, Initiative + 13, Know ledge (galactic lore) + 12, Use the Force + 18

Possessions lightsaber (self-built). Jedi robes

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~EDI VEHICI...ES AND STARSHIPS Many Jedi use some form of vehicle or starship to move with their troops and engage the enemy during the Clone Wars. As the war progresses, new technologies and new information from the field allow new and improved vehicles to be constructed and passed along to the front lines for use and further testing.

AETHERSPRITE INTERCEPTOR (HIOH-SPEED VARIANT) Although the Delta-7 starfighter is one of the fastest sh ips to be used by the Republic during the Clone Wars, certain missions undertaken by the Jedi require an even faster model to help avoid any possible entanglements with Separati st forces.

Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor CL 10 (High-Speed Variant) Huge starfighter Init + 13; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; +3 armor, Veh icular Combat hp 65; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 32

Speed fly 18 squares (max. velocity 1,260 km/h)' fly 6 squares (starship scale)

Ranged laser cannons +9 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew),

+5 (astromech droid) Base Atk +5; Grp +27 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 34, Dex 24, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative + 13, Mechanics +8 (+ 13*), Perception +8, Pilot + 13 (+20

when increasing vehicle speed), Use Computer +8 (+ 13*)

Crew 1 plus astromech droid (expert); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none (1 week with booster ring);

Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (with booster ring), 10-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Military (Jedi only); Cost 385,000 (290,000 used ) • If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire), Dmg 6dlOx2

AETHERSPRITE INTERCEPTOR (H I OH-MANEUVER VARIANT) Having a fast ship is good, but speed does not help when an enemy fighter maneuvers directly behind you and open s fire. Input from a number of Jedi pilots, including Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker, leads to the development of this high-maneuver variant of the Aethersprite interceptor. Tests performed in closed runs and on the front lines prove the sh ip's ability to frustrate pursu ing droid starfighters.

Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor CL 10 (High-Maneuver Variant) Huge starfighter Init + 16; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22 ; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 65; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 32

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,1 50 km/h), fly 5 squares (sta rship sca le)

Ranged laser cannons +9 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (sta rship scale); Cover total (crew),

+5 (astromech droid) Base Atk +5; Grp +27 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 34, Dex 30, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiat ive +16, Mechanics +8 (+13*), Perception +8, Pilot +16,

Use Computer +8 (+ 13*)

Crew 1 plus astromech droid (expert); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none (1 week with booster ring);

Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (with booster ring), lO-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Mi li tary (Jedi only); Cost 210,000 (160,000 used) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire)' Dmg 6d10x2

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AZURE ANOEL Not satisfied with the base model issued by the Jedi Order, Anakin Skywalker

puts his technical skills to use in modifying his Oelta-7 starfighter to perform

more to his liking. Although the High Council exp resses their disdain for

Skywalker claiming ownership of a f ighter, Saesee Tiin's endorsem*nt of the

young Jedi's activities convinces the Council to let him continue.

Skywalker's efforts result in the construction of the Azure Angel, a highly

modified Aethersprite interceptor. Highly detailed reports of his accomplish­

ments are delivered to Kuat Systems Engineering. This information helps in

the development of later variants and models of sta rfighters for the Jedi

and the Republic.

The ship has been modified so much that it is hardly recognizable as an

Aethersprite anymore. Changing the shape of the body to accommodate

many of the new systems, the ship appears to be more of a heavily armored

vers ion of the Jedi starfighter instead of an interceptor.

Azure Angel CL 12 (Modified Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor)

Huge starfighter

In it +19; Senses Perception +12

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat

hp 71; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 32

Speed fly 18 squares (max. veloci t y 1,260 km/h), fly 6 squares

(starship scale)

Ranged laser cannons + 14 (see below) or

Ranged proton torpedoes + 14 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew).

+5 (astromech droid)

Base Atk +10; Grp +32

Atk Options autofire (laser cannons),

Abilities Str 34, Dex 28, Con -, Int 14

Skills Initiative + 19, Mechanics + 12 (+ 13*), Perception + 12, Pilot + 19,

Use Computer + 12 (+ 13*)

Crew 1 plus astromech droid (ace); Passengers none

Cargo none; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none

Payload 16 proton torpedoes

Hyperdrive xl, lO-jump memory (astromech droid)

Availability none; Cost Not available for sa le

* If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk + 14 (+9 autofire), Dmg 7dl0x2

Proton Torpedoes (pilot)

Atk + 14, Dmg 9dl0x2

DAVSTAR CRAFT DC005Z "INTEROALACTIC" SPEEDER Among the different vehicles available to the Jedi on Coruscant is the sma ll

Oaystar Craft OC0052 "Intergalactic" speeder. The Jedi Order maintains a

small fleet of sixteen of these speeders to permit travel around the planet

without having to rely on public transportation or checking out a starfighter

for such a short trip.

Oaystar Craft's main selling points for the little speeder are its streamlined

body and twin thrust pod system that propels the craft up to 800 kilometers

per hour. Coupled with the veh icle's range of 2,000 kilometers and ceiling

height of 170 kilometers, the OC0052 allows its occupant to reach virtually

anywhere he wants to go on the planet.

The speede r's resemblance to various starships in production around the

galaxy helped it earn the nickname "Intergalactic," despite the fact that it

cannot achieve suborbital altitudes. Although Oaystar officials never adopt

the nickname, the moniker sticks nonetheless.

A feature added specifically to the Jedi variant of the speeder is what

Daystar calls a "drop-deployment" panel, which allows the pilot to drop

out of the speeder at a second's notice without bringing it to a halt. Once

activated, the speeder is set to autopilot, while the hatch drops open and

lets the occupant fallout of the vehicle.

OC0052 "Intergalactic" Speeder Large airspeeder

Init + 11; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 10), Fort 13; + 1 armor

hp 30; DR 5; Threshold 18

Speed fly 12 squares (max. ve locity 800 km/h)

Fighting Space 1 xl; Cover total (pilot)

Base Atk +0; Grp +8

Atk Options if any

Abilities Str 16, Dex 24, Con -, Int 14

Skills Initi ative + 11, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot + 11

Crew 1 (normal) Passengers 0

Cargo 3 kg; Consumables none; Carried Craft none

Availability Licensed; Cost 10,000 (2,000 used)

CL 1


January 2009

p. 138 – Daystar Craft DC0052 Intergalactic Speeder Change the Fighting Space to 2x2

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ETA-Z ACTIS INTERCEPTOR (HIOH-MAN EUVER VARIANT) Learning their lesson with the Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor, Kuat Systems

Eng ineering began experimenting with variant models of the Eta-2 Actis

In terceptor well before receiving any feedback from Jedi pilots using the base

model on the f ront lines. Seein g the success of the high-maneuver variant of

the Delta-7, a high-maneuver variant was created for the Eta -2 and ushered

to the Jedi within months of the release of the baseline fighter.

Eta-2 Actis Interceptor CL 11 (High-Maneuver Variant)

Huge starfighter

Init +21; Senses Perception + 12

Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 11). Fort 22; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat

hp 70; DR 10; Threshold 32

Speed fly 16 sq uares (max. velocity 1 ,SOO km/h)' fly 6 squares

(starship sca le)

Ranged laser cannons + 14 (see below) or

Ranged ion cannons + 14 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (pilot).

+S (astromech droid)

Base Atk +10; Grp +32

Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, ion cannons)

Abilities Str 34, Dex 32, Con -, Int 14

Skills Initiative +21, Mechanics + 12 (+ 13*). Perception + 12, Pilot +21,

Use Computer + 12 (+ 13*)

Crew 1 plus as tromech droid (ace); Passengers none

Cargo 60 kg; Consumab les 2 days (1 week with booster ring);

Carried Craft none

Hyperdrive xl (with booster ring). lO-jump memory (astromech droid)

Availabi lity Military Cost 320,000 (240,000 used)

* If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk +14 (+9 autofire)' Dmg 4dl0x2

Ion Cannons (pi lot)

Atk + 14 (+9 autofire)' Dmg 4dl0x2 ion

ETA-Z ACTIS INTERCEPTOR (HEAVY-DEFENSE VARIANT) Demanded by a number of Jedi Knights, a version of the Eta-2 geared for

heavy combat was created. After a number of revisions by Jedi Council

member Saesee Tiin to remove unnecessary offensive systems, Kuat Systems

Engineering devised a variant that focused on higher defense rather than a

space superiority starfighter. Initial reactions to the fina l decision were not

positive, but those opinions changed after the ship was tested during the

Battle of Coruscant.

Eta-2 Actis Interceptor CL 11 (Heavy-Defenses Variant)

Huge starfighter

Init + 18; Senses Perception + 12

Defenses Ref 20 (flat- footed 12). Fort 22; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat

hp 77; DR 10; SR lS; Threshold 32

Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,SOO km/h)' fly 6 squa res

(starship scale)

Ranged laser cannons + 14 (see below) or

Ranged ion cannons + 14 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (pilot).

+S (astromech droid)

Base Atk + 10; Grp +32

Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, ion cannons)

Ab ilities Str 34, Dex 26, Con - , Int 14

Skills Initiative + 18, Mechanics + 12 (+ 13*). Perception + 12, Pilot + 18,

Use Computer + 12 (+13*)

Crew 1 plus astromech droid (ace); Passengers none

Cargo 60 kg; Consumables 2 days (1 week with booster ring);

Carried Craft none

Hyperdrive xl (with booster ring). 10-jump memory (astromech droid)

Availability Military Cost 310,000 (230,000 used)

* If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk + 14 (+9 autofire). Dmg 4dl0x2

Ion Cannons (pilot)

Atk +14 (+9 autofire)' Dmg 4dl0x2 ion

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However, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine demurs, fearing that forming an army will send the wrong message to the Separatists and dash any hopes of ending the hostilities with a mutually agreeable compromise. Repea tedly, he arranges to forestall votes on the matter, striving to buy time for one more negotiation, one last chance to make amends. Despite the respect of key figures in both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, it becomes clearer every day that neither side feels that the other is willing to arrange any kind of settlement.

Then, the news breaks that the Separatists are constructing a massive droid army on Geonosis, bringing the Republic Senate to the inescapable conclusion that war is inevitable. Reluctantly, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine accepts the Senate's vote to cede him emergency powers, which Pal patine uses to mobilize an army of clones that have been created for the Republic on Kamino. The collision of these two great armies signals the beginning of the Clone Wars.






ORGANIZATION The Galactic Republic is a democratic polity consisting of over one million member worlds, working together for mutual protection and economic ben­efit. The Republic's government centers around the Galactic Senate, and its members elect a Supreme Chancellor to act as the leader of the legislat ive body. Through most of the Republic's history, the Office of the Supreme Chancellor is invested with some of the Senate's executive authority, although these powers increase substantially under Palpatine's administration. A separate judiciary is headed by the Supreme Court.

THE OALACTIC SENATE The core of the Republic government is the Galactic Senate. The primary duties of the Senate are to mediate any disputes between member systems, worlds, and cultures; to regulate trade between systems, including non­Republic systems; to protect and care for citizens in need; and to provide mutual defense in the face of threats to the Republic.

Hierarchy In theory, the Senate is led by the Supreme Chancellor, elected by a vote of the Senate from among its delegates. In practice, the Supreme Chance llor has little formal authority in the Senate itself other than the prerogative to call for a special session, but the Office of the Supreme Chancellor (see below) acts as the executive of the Galactic Republic, managing the day- to­day operation of the ministries that make up the Republic's bureaucracy. The Supreme Chancellor can be removed from office by a vote of no confidence in the Senate.

The Speaker of the Senate, also known as the Vice Chair, wields far more power within the Senate itself, being empowered to begin and end each session as well as to open, close, and moderate debate on each motion. Thu s, the Speaker effectively controls the agenda of the Senate, but as with the Supreme Chancellor, the Speaker is elected-and can be removed-by the Senate.

Each member state-whether it consists of one world, a corporation or guild, or even an entire sector-is allowed a senatorial delegation that is appointed, elected, or otherwise chosen by the member to represent them on Coruscant. Each delegation includes one Senator and, usually, one or more associate representatives, and all of a delegation's members serve on the var ious committees and subcommittees that oversee the Republic's bureaucracy.

Senators: Senators are voting members of the delegation, entitled to a single vote on any motion in the Senate. Furthermore, a Senator can introduce new legislation, or call for revisions or amendments to existing legislation. In theory, every new issue can be put to an immediate vote, but in pract ice, it has become common for Senators to exercise their right to ca ll for the legislat ion to be referred to a committee to study it, evaluate its impact, and propose amendments.

Associate Representatives: In addition to Senators, each member's delegation is entitled to have associate representatives for different con­stituencies. Although they, like Senators, serve on committees and can be elected as Supreme Chancellor, they do not normally vote on motions in the Senate. However, in the event of an absence, a Senator can designate one of the delegate's associate representatives to be "acting Senator," as Senator Amidala did when she empowered Associate Planetary Representative Binks to cast her vote on the Military Creation Act.

Senate Committees There are many standing committees and subcommittees in the Senate, each of which is responsible for a specialized field of government (such as appropriations, allocations, finance, intelligence, or technology). In effect, each committee acts almost like a miniature legislature, handling all propos­als, motions, and amendments in their areas of expertise and providing the final vers ion of bills for a Senate vote.

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Each committee's membership and chair are technically elected by the Senate as a whole, but long before this motion ever reaches the f loor, al l decisions have already been negotiated by Senate leaders based on seniority, expert ise, relevance to a particular constituency, and simple favorit ism. Open committee memberships and chairs are often used as a unit of barter, trading votes and support in return for being placed in a highly valued posit ion.

Most proposals fall under the jurisdiction of a standing (permanent) committee, which can then assign it to an appropriate subcommittee. Some issues of particularly broad or unusual scope might prompt the creation of a special committee. Once assigned to a committee, the chair places it on the agenda, though many proposals are quietly kil led at this point as they are pushed to the back of a long list of more pressing (and politically expedient) matters. As such, committees in general, and committee chai rs in particular, act as gatekeepers that determine what-if anything - will be considered by the Senate on a given topic, and this fragmentation of authority can cause action on a proposal to be drawn out over weeks, months, or years even if the Senate as a whole would have voted to approve the proposal the moment it was introduced.

SENATE FACTIONS In the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, the Republic Senate is dominated by two groups: the Core fact ion and the Rim faction . Although these factions have no formal identity or membership, they effectively act as political parties that vie for majority control of the Senate. In practice, negotiations between the most senior and influential members of each faction determine matters such as the allocation of committee chairs and memberships.

Special Interests and Senate Corruption While many Senate member states are corporations and other traditionally nonpolitical entities, some organizations are too small or too weak to be granted a Senatorial delegation. Instead, they send representatives to the Senate to attempt to influence the legislators. Officially, these special­interest coa litions are on Coruscant to present their viewpoints to the senators, and to provide Senate committees with facts and insights into various issues.

Unofficially, these representatives use any means at their disposal to serve their organization's needs-from distorting the facts to outright bribery. Some even draft legislation favorable to their interests, then pay Senators to introduce the legislation to the Senate. Most anticipate which committees and subcommittees wi ll be assigned a particula r item, and they focus th eir efforts on persuading the appropriate committee chairs and members before the legislat ion is ever introduced to the Senate for a vote.

This state of affairs is responsible for reducing the once-honorable Galactic Senate to a col lection of greedy, manipulative bureaucrats who are interested only in stuffing their pockets for as long as they can. Particularly despicable Senators have even been known to employ delaying tactics in the assembly to give them time to auction their vote to the highest bidder between sessions. The fact that so many Senators can be so easily manipu lated by outside forces is considered a major cause of the Separatist movement.

SENATE PLATFORMS In the Senate rotunda, Senators sit aboard floating platforms, which provide public-address systems for speaking to the assembly, as well as translation devices that enable them to understand what other delegates are saying. The platforms connect to chambers assigned to specific delegations, wh ich are adapted by t he delegations to their physical and cultural needs.

THE SUPREME COURT Headquartered in the Galactic Courts of the Justice Building on Coruscant, the Supreme Court is the highest cou rt of the Republic. It is t he final court of appeal for decisions reached in lower courts, providing the ultimate interpretation of the law and the const itut ion.

The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over certain high-profile legal cases, such as those between member states; between a member state and the Republic; between a member state and a citizen of another member state; between a non-Republic litigant and a Republic citizen or member state ; and cases involving interstellar travel or commerce. However, the Supreme Court does not hear a case unless it involves some issue of constitutionality, such as whether a planetary law violates Republic law. Even then, the Court only chooses to hear a small fraction of those cases that are appealed to it.

The Supreme Court consists of a dozen justices, including a Chief Justice nominated by the Supreme Chancellor and approved by a vote of the other justices. The individua l justices are, in turn, nominated by the Supreme Chancellor and approved by the Senate. During the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars, Pal patine eventua lly replaces all but f ive of the justices, including the Chief Justice.

THE SUPREME CHANCELLOR The Supreme Chancellor exists to officiate over the sessions of the Senate, and to facilitate the legislative process. It is largely a ceremonial position , but the Supreme Chancellor does have the power to call an extraordinary session which every available Senator is required to attend. The Chancellor also has a "special prerogative" to bypass some aspects of the Senate's usual formal pro­cedures in order to ensure a swift reso lution to a legislative decision, although this can only be done with the support of the Speaker of the Senate.

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Formally addressed as "Your Excellency," the Supreme Chancellor is something of a figurehead. The Supreme Chancel lor is the head of sta te and the Republic's chief diplomat, but he cannot draft laws and holds no vote in the Senate. However, t he Office of the Supreme Cha ncellor acts as the executive body of the Repub lic, manag ing the day-to-day operation of the different ministri es in th e bureaucracy. Even so, the bureaucracy is also subject to oversight by the appropriate committee in the Senate.

Election and Remova l The Supreme Chancell or is elected from among the nominated Senatorial delegates, serving a four-year term of office and eligible for reelection to a second four-year term. The Supreme Chancellor is considered the leader of the Republic, expected to fu lfi ll the Senate's mandate and enact the wil l of the Republic's populace. When fai li ng to do so, the Chancellor can be removed from office th rough a "vote of no confidence."

Any delegate to the Senate can ca ll for such a vote, and until the issue is reso lved, no oth er issue can be brought before the Senate. The Supreme Chancellor does not participate in this vote, and, while he is allowed to sit through the vote, it is customary for him to retire to his office until the vote is resolved.

If the vote goes against him, the Supreme Chancellor is relieved of duty whi le the Senate nominates and elects a replacement, during which time his authority temporarily falls to the Speaker of the Senate. The Supreme Chance llor has th is period to surrender all confidential documents relating to the administration of the Republic and vacate his office.

Emergency Powers During t imes of cri sis, the Senate ca n cede the Supreme Chancellor emer­gency powers, by majority vote, in order to deal with the situation . Such measures are deemed necessary when the Senate body itself recogn izes that they cannot act effectively or expeditiously enough to resolve the matter through the usual vot ing procedure. When the Senate does result to such extraord inary measures, however, the precise nature of the Supreme Chan­cellor's emergency powers- and the circ*mstances under which the Sen ate can withdraw those powers- are defined scrupulously.

The Separatist cr isis makes the position of Supreme Chancellor more powerful than it had been in over a thousand years. Concerned by the news of the Confederacy's military buildup on Geonosis, and already deadlocked over the issue of whether or not to respond in ki nd, the Senate votes to cede the Supreme Chance llor limited emergency powers in order to combat the threat of an invasion by t he Confederacy. Ideal ly, Palpatine wou ld use his office's new powers to form a standing army to combat the droid army, restore peace and order to the Republic-perhaps even reunite the Confederacy and the Republic - and then return those powers to the Senate. In practice, however, the situation proves more fluid.

Despite being sound ly defeated at Geonosis, the Separatists are able to evacuate most of their droid army an d equ ipment. With Separatist forces continuing to strike at Republic targets (including the cloning facilities on Kamino), the Supreme Chancellor ord ers additiona l clone troops to help guard vital Republic facilities and drafts the Jedi Order into leading the clones in batt le.

Another emergency power exercised by the Supreme Chancellor is the temporary suspension of the election process, enabl ing Palpatine to remain in office for the duration of the crisis. Although an extraordinary measure, even in times of war, the Senate votes in favor of retaining his leadership for as long as necessary to resolve the crisis, enabling Palpatine to stay in office well beyond his two legal terms.

OFFICE OF THE SUPREME CHANCELLOR The Supreme Chancell or has a staff of advisors and ministers collectively referred to as the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, effectively act ing as the executive arm of the Senate. The Chancellor's Office has only that author­ity ceded to its constituent min istries and departments, but the emergency powers vested in Palpatine greatly enhance its purview.

Speaker of the Senate: In addit ion to maintaining order in the Senate, the Speaker also fu lfil ls the role of Vice Chair. The Speaker stands in for the Supreme Chancellor in the Senate when the Supreme Chancellor is unavail­able. The relationship between a Chancellor and Speaker can vary consider­ably, ranging from cool opposition to close collaboration.

Aide to the Chancellor: Acting as the Chancellor's chief deputy, the Aide is the head of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. The Aide helps to organ ize the Supreme Chancellor's schedule, act ing as secreta ry during the Chancellor's meetings, and sta nding in for the Chancellor during nonessential meetings and public ad dresses. Although the Aide usually resigns his post when the Supreme Chancellor leaves office, it is not an elected position, and any Aide can retain his position for as long as he wishes to do so, provided the Supreme Chancellor is satisfied with his performance.

Ministers: The Senate-appointed heads of major ministries, bureaus, and departments-such as the Judicial Department or the Senate Bureau of Intelligence-are also a part of the Chancellor's Office. They provide advice and expertise to the Chancellor and execute his orders, although they are still subject to the authority of the Senate's appropriate oversight committees.

During the Clone Wars, several new agencies join the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, including the Republic High Command (described below).

Advisors: The Supreme Chancellor has the freedom to retain advisors who provide advice and opinions without senatorial oversight. Advisors are often Senators, representatives, legal counsel, experts in relevant fields of study (such as economics), or even individual members of the Jedi Order, though they rarely have any official authority as a resu lt of the position.

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Senate Advisory Council In addition to his staff, the Supreme Chancellor has access to the Senate

Advisory Council (also known as the Senatorial Council), which consists

of Senators appointed by the Supreme Chancellor to keep him updated on political matters beyond what occurs in the Senate cha mbers. Although the

Council has no official power outside its advisory role, its members tend to

be among the most influential delegates in the Senate. The advisors are generally drawn from various committees and subcom­

mittees, reporting on proceedings within those groups (such as how their

findings and decisions might affect legislation, schedu les, and budgets). To

a lesser extent, the council also advises the Supreme Chancellor on matters

of concern to the Senate as a whole, giving him insights into the moods and

attitudes of the representatives.

THE REPUBLIC HIGH COMMAND Shortly after the Clone Wars begin, the Republic High Command is created

to coordinate the war effort. Several existing agencies and departments are

moved under its jurisd iction and integrated (to a greater or lesser degree)

with the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy.

WAR COUNCIL ADVISORV PANEL While the Senate Advisory Council updates the Supreme Chancellor on matters

in the Senate, the War Council Advisory Panel works with the Chancellor to

oversee matters relating to the war effort-from the creation and disposition

of clone troopers to the funding and disbursem*nt of the war budget. The

members of this council-again, drawn from the ranks of the Senate-act as

an oversight committee to ensure that the troops have the materiel they need

to wage the war successfully, without bankrupting the Galactic Republic in

the process. Despite their oversight role, the War Council eventua lly implement some

of the most controversial measures of the Clone Wars, such as the creation of

the HomeWorld Security Command, which blurs the lines between civilian law

enforcement and military command. Many senators and Jedi are alarmed and

frustrated by these developments, though few openly oppose them.

~EDI COMMANDERS Though technically a part'of the Judicial Department, the Jedi Order enjoys

a substantial degree of autonomy. As a result, the Supreme Chancellor has

never been specifically empowered to give orders to the Jedi, although

they would freely offer advice and render aid in all but the most unusual


When Pal patine is granted emergency powers to deal with the Separat­

ist threat and create a central military, one of the results is the creation of the Republic High Command and the reorganization of the bureaucracy

to coordinate the Judicial Department with the war effort. The Jedi are moved out of their traditional peacekeeper role, instead becoming officers

in the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy. As the Supreme

Chancellor is the Commander-in-Chief, he is now in a position to command

the Jedi directly. While the Jedi sti ll have the right to refuse the Supreme Chancellor's

orders, they must provide considerably more justification than "the will of

the Force," because they can be charged with insubordination, if not treason.

This state of affairs has occasionally forced the Jedi to comply with instruc­

tions against their better judgment-but they cannot openly question the Supreme Chancellor's intentions without damaging the public's faith in the

Jedi Order's leadership of the war effort.

In their new role as officers, the Jedi are assigned a rank that integrates

them into the military's chain of command. Padawans are given the rank of commander, while Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters are all, at minimum,


THE REPUBLIC ARMV The Republic's army is divided into two Orders of Battle-the Grand Army,

and the more highly trained Special Operations Brigade-both of which are

ultimately under the command of Chancellor Palpatine. Though the clone troopers that comprise both orders are created from the same genetic stock,

they are trained differently for different purposes : the Special Operations

Brigade for infiltration, sabotage, and the occasional assassination, and the

Grand Army to fight on the front lines and to occupy captured areas.

The Grand Army of the Republic The Republic Army is largely comprised of clone troopers created from the

genetic template of Jango Fett.

The command structure of the Grand Army breaks down into ten levels,

from squads of clone troopers all the way up to the Supreme Chancellor. The

precise number of troopers varies for different units, and the following order of battle shows only the structure of infantry units (not including clones in

support and command roles, usually at the company level and above).

Squad (9 troopers): The smallest group in the Grand Army is the squad ,

including a clone sergeant leading the uni t.

Platoon (36 troopers): A platoon consists of 4 sq uads, led by a clone

lieutenant and clone sergeant.

Company (144 troopers plus support personnel): A company consists

of 4 platoons, led by a clone captain. Battalion (576 troopers plus support personnel): A battalion consists

of 4 companies, led by a clone commander.

Regiment (2,304 troopers plus support personnel) : A regiment consists

of 4 battalions, led by a clone commander (sometimes known as a clone

regimental commander) and a Jedi commander (usually the Padawan of a Jedi general in a parent unit).

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Brigade (9,216 troopers plus support personnel): A brigade consists

of 4 regiments, led by a clone commander (sometimes known as a senior clone commander) and a Jedi general (a Jedi Knight who has not yet fin­

ished training a Padawan). A brigade is sometimes referred to as a "legion,"

depending on the specific unit. Corps (36,864 troopers plus support personnel): A corps consists of 4

brigades, led by a clone commander (sometimes known as a clone marshal

commander) and a Jedi general .

Sector Army (147,456 troopers plus support personnel): A sector army

consists of 4 corps, commanded by a senior Jedi general (usually a Jedi Master who has trained one or more Padawans through the Jedi trials) .

Systems Army (294,912 troopers plus support personnel): A systems

army consists of 2 sector armies, commanded by a high Jedi general (a

member of the Jedi High Council).

Grand Army (3,000,000+ troopers plus support personnel): The Grand

Army consists of all 10 systems armies, led by the Commander-in-Chief (Supreme Chancellor Palpatine) .

Special Operations Brigade With better training and specialized equipment, the Special Operations Bri­gade carries out missions with objectives that cannot be achieved through

sheer numbers alone. Specia l Operations includes the ARC troopers, the Republic commandos, and the clone assassin corps.

The command structure of the Special Operations Brigade breaks down

into five levels, from four-clone squads up to Jedi General Arligan ley, who answers directly to the Supreme Chancellor.

Squad (4 troopers): A squad consists of 4 clone troopers (usually Repub­lic commandos). While these clone troopers include a sergeant who acts as

the designated mission commander, they are tra ined to work together as a team and rank is not an issue (except where the Jedi are concerned).

Troop (20 troopers): A troop consists of 5 squads- again, acting as a

coordinated team, taking orders only from Jedi.

Company (100 troopers plus support personnel): A company consists

of 5 troops, led by a clone commander.

Group (500 troopers plus support personnel): A group consists of 5 companies. (The most famous is commanded by Jedi General Bardan Jusik,

the former Padawan of General ley. Jusik eventually resigns his military commission and leaves the Jedi Order.)

Special Operations Brigade (5,000 troopers plus support person­

nel): The SO Brigade consists of 10 groups, commanded by Jedi General Arligan ley.

Army Command Structure The Grand Army's ground forces are structured to include six primary ranks:

trooper, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, and commander. Clone com­manders are further differentiated depending on their responsibility, and

they report to Jedi generals. A separate command structure exists for the Special Operations Brigade

(see above). Other clone specialists-such as technical support specialists,

cryptographers, logistics specialists, so on-are also outside the ORBAT shown for the Grand Army of the Republic. Additionally, other clone troopers

are not technically a part of the Grand Army of the Republic, such as the

clone shocktroopers who operate in a law enforcement role as a part of the

HomeWorld Security Command.

THE REPUBLIC NAVY Clones fill shipboard roles as marines, starfighter pilots, and gunners. Many

of the Republic Navy's nonclone captains come from either the navies of

various Sector Forces or the ranks of the Judicial Fleet.

The Republic Starfighter Corps The Republic's starfighter corps is divided into multiple groups, each rep­

resenting the starfighters assigned to a particular unit, whether that is a

Venator-class Star Destroyer or a planetary starfighter base. The specific

starfighters in use vary widely.

The command structure of the Republic starfighter corps breaks down into five levels, from sections of starfighters all the way up to a senior Jedi

general. From there, the starfighter corps is fully integrated with the Orders

of Battle of either the Grand Army of the Republic or the Republic Navy.

Section (2-4 starfighters): The smallest group of starfighters is the

section , commanded by a lieutenant. Flight (4-8 starfighters, plus support crew): A flight consists of 2

sections, led by a captain . Squadron (12-32 starfighters, plus support crew): A squadron consists

of 3-4 flights, led by a major or a Jedi commander (Padawan).

Wing (36-320 starfighters, plus support crew): A wing consists of

3-10 squadrons, led by a clone commander or a Jedi general (Jedi Knight). Group (72-640 starfighters, plus support crew): A group consists of2

wings, led by a clone commander and a senior Jedi general (Jedi Master).

The Republic Navy The Republic Navy is divided into multiple fleets, each representing the

entirety of the naval forces in any given sec tor. There are several hundred

Republic fleets, each configured for whatever purpose is most necessary in a given sector. The command structure of the Republic Navy breaks down

into seven levels, from sections of vessels all the way up to the Supreme


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Element (1 vessel): A single starship in the Republic Navy is technically

called an element, commanded by the ship's captain or, rarely, a Jedi com­

mander (a Padawan).

Section (3-12 vessels): A section consists of a small number of starships, the exact number determined by their role. Heavier cruisers and battleships

usually operate in groups of 3-4, but lighter craft such as corvettes or patrol

ships might be deployed in groups of 6-12. A section is often called a line when it includes heavier capital ships ("ships of the line"), and a section that

includes only very light vessels might be called a flotilla. The most senior ship's captain in the section acts as its commander unless a Jedi commander

is present.

Squadron (12-36 vessels, plus support units): A squadron consists of

from 3-4 sections that complement one another, such as a line of capital

ships supported by a section of escort frigates and a flotilla of corvettes that act as a defensive screen. It is commanded by a commodore or Jedl

general (a Jedi Knight) .

Battle Group (48-72 vessels, plus support units): A battle group

consists of 2-4 squadrons, and it is considered to have sufficient strength

to establish superiority in all but the best-fortified enemy strongholds. It is

commanded by an admiral or Jedi general. Fleet (100-300 vessels, plus support units): A fleet consists of 3-6

battle groups, led by a fleet admiral or senior Jedi general (a Jedi Master).

Fleets vary considerably in composition, and they are likely to be reorganized

into ad hoc task forces as deemed necessary for a given sector.

Armada (1,000-5,000 vessels, plus support units): An armada is

an organizational unit that it not meant to engage in battle but rather to

represent the total forces assigned to a major theater of battle, such as the Open Circle Armada under General Kenobi during the Outer Rim Sieges. An

armada typically includes 10-50 fleets, collectively commanded by a high

Jedi general (a Jedi Master serving on the High Council).

Navy: The Galactic Republic Navy consists of all the armadas (and their

hundreds of fleets) serving the Republic, collectively led by the Commander­in-Chief (Supreme Chancellor Pal patine).

Navy Command Structure The structure of the Navy's space forces is similar to that of the ground

forces-gunnery crew, gunnery officers, communication and tactical officers,

star cruiser pilots, navigational officers, bridge officers, ship captains, and admirals. The command structure includes several specialist positions that

fall into the main hierarchy, but do not themselves have command : medical

officers, who report to bridge officers; deck officers, who also report to

bridge officers; and fighter pilots, who report to ship captains or admirals.

Most officers in the Republic Navy are nonclones, particularly in the higher


PERSONNEL In addition to the numerous Jedi, public officials, and other leaders who guide the Republic through the strife of the Clone Wars, the Grand Army

of the Republic consists of over three million troops created from the basic

genetic template provided by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Created by the cloners of Kamino, the clone troopers are artificially matured to reach peak efficiency in only ten years (from cloning creche to military

deployment), flash-trained via computer programs, combat-trained by

experienced contractors, mercenaries, professional soldiers, and sometimes

even Jango Fett himself, and equipped with the finest weapons and armor the Republic can afford.

Although they are mostly physically identical, clones actually have dif­

ferent and distinct personalities, which usually emerge during training and

are more or less fully developed by the time a clone survives his first combat engagement. They are also differentiated by their purpose: commandos for

high-risk missions, marines for operation in a variety of environments and

terrains, and basic clone troopers for general-purpose infantry.

Below are several different types of clone troopers-a list by no means

exclusive, but suitable, with slight adjustments, for nearly any encounter the Gamemaster might design.

OAR RANK COLORS At first, the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) uses a simple color-coding

system to distinguish ranks on what would otherwise be identical soldiers

wearing identical armor. The colors are usually integrated into the hel-.

mets, arms, and shoulder pads of the individual clone troopers. Commander: Yellow

Captain: Red

Lieutenant: Blue Sergeant: Green

Trooper: White

Later in the Clone Wars, these colorations no longer denote rank but instead reflect a trooper's membership in a particular unit (most often a legion).

ARC TROOPER Advanced Recon Commandos-known to most as "ARC troopers"-are elite

clone troops personally trained by Jango Fett to be every bit as efficient and

ruthless as himself. Unlike the standard infantry clone trooper or even clone

commandos (described below)' ARC troopers are genetically engineered and

specially trained to be as self-sufficient as possible without being entirely independent.

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ARC troopers see their first combat when the Separatist droid army

assaults Kamino and Prime Minister Lama Su releases the troopers from their

cryogenic storage to help drive off the invaders. They are famously employed at the Battle of Muunilinst, where they help Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi

subdue the Separatist commander, the bounty hunter Durge, and again at

the Battle of Hypori, rescuing stranded Jedi from General Grievous.

ARC Trooper CL 8

Medium Human non heroic 6/soldier 3/elite trooper 3

Destiny 1; Force 4; Dark Side 2

Init + 12; Senses low-light vision; Perception + 13 Languages Basic, Mando'a

Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 21). Fort 22, Will 16; +3 armor

hp 51; DR 1; Threshold 22

Speed 6 squares, Running Attack

Melee unarmed + 12 (ld4+5) or

Ranged heavy blaster pistol +6 (3d8+3) and

heavy blaster pistol +6 (3d8+3) or Ranged heavy blaster pistol +4 (5d8+3) with Burst Fire and

heavy blaster pistol +4 (5d8+3) with Burst Fire or

Ranged heavy blaster pistol +4 (3d8+3, 2x2 area) with autofire and

heavy blaster pistol +4 (3d8+3, 2x2 area) with autofire or Ranged frag grenade + 11 (4d6+3, 2-square burst) or

Ranged ion grenade + 11 (4d6+3 ion, 2-square burst) or

Ranged blaster rifle + 11 (3d8+3) or

Ranged blaster rifle +9 (5d8+3) with Burst Fire or

Ranged blaster rifle +9 (3d8+3, 2x2 area) with autofire or

Ranged missile launcher + 12 (6d6+5, 2-square splash)

Base Atk + 10; Grp + 12

Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster pistol, blaster rifle). Burst Fire (heavy

blaster pistol, blaster rifle). Point Blank Shot, rangefinder, targeting scope (blaster rifle)

Special Actions delay damage

Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Talents Armored Defense, Controlled Burst, Improved Armored Defense,

Weapon Specialization (heavy weapons)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Burst Fire, Dual Weapon Mastery I,

Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Weapon Focus

(heavy weapons). Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 12, Perception + 13, Stealth + 12

Possessions ARC trooper armor, 2 heavy blaster pistols, blaster rifle, 2

frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 6 power packs, utility belt with medpac,

missile launcher with 4 missiles

CLONE ASSASSIN Created by a special order from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to safeguard

against the unlikely possibility that the Jedi Order might attempt a military coup against the Republic Senate, clone assassins are specially trained in

martial arts techniques involving bladed weapons. Moving with blinding

speed, a squad of clone assassins is a match for anyone Jedi Knight, though

they fare somewhat less well against a Jedi Master. When the Jedi do rebel against Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor assigns

a unit of clone assassins to guard the Communication Center in the Jedi

Temple and to arrest any Jedi who attempt to coordinate attacks against the

Republic from there. These unfortunate troopers are wiped out when Yoda

and Obi-Wan Kenobi infiltrate the temple at the end of the Clone Wars.

Clone Assassin

Medium Human non heroic 6/soldier 3/elite trooper 3

Destiny 1; Force 4; Dark Side 8 Init + 13; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 18). Fort 23, Will 16; +6 armor

hp 63; DR 1; Threshold 23

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed + 11 (ld8+5) or

Melee vibroblade + 14 (2d6+7, devastating 10) or

Melee vibroblade + 12 (3d6+7, devastating 10) with Rapid Strike or

Melee vibroblade + 12 (2d6+7, devastating 10) and

vibroblade + 12 (2d6+7, devastating 10) or Melee vibroblade + 10 (3d6+7, devastating 10) with Rapid Strike and

vibroblade + 10 (3d6+7, devastating 10) with Rapid Strike or

Ranged blaster pistol + 12 (3d6+3)

Base Atk +10; Grp +12 Atk Options Greater Devastating Attack (advanced melee weapons)

Special Actions Combat Reflexes, delay damage

Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8

Special Qualities delay damage

CL 8

Talents Devastating Attack (advanced melee weapons). Greater

Devastating Attack (advanced melee weapons). Greater Weapon Focus (advanced melee weapons). Weapon Specialization (advanced melee

weapons) Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Combat Reflexes, Dual Weapon Mastery

I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Rapid Strike,

Weapon Focus (advanced melee weapons). Weapon Proficiency

(advanced melee weapons, pistols, rifles)

Skills Initiative + 13, Perception +8, Stealth + 13 Possessions clone trooper armor, 2 wrist-mounted vibroblades,

blaster pistol

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CLONE BLAZE TROOPER Specialized versions of the standard clone jet trooper (see page 150). blaze

troopers wear heavier fire-resistant armor and wield wrist-mounted flame­

throwers attached to the jet packs on their backs. They break through enemy

lines by scattering adversaries with concentrated blasts of fire.

Clone Blaze Trooper Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 3

Force 3

Init + 10; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 20). Fort 20, Will 12; +9 armor

hp 43; DR 5 (fire); Threshold 20

Speed 4 squares (run x3). fly 4 squares, Running Attack

Melee unarmed +8 (ld4+2) or

CL 5

Ranged flamethrower + 10 (3d6+3 , 6-square cone, devastating 5) or

Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+ 1)

Base Atk +7; Grp +9

Attack Options Charging Fire, Devastating Attack (flamethrower)

Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8

Talents Devastating Attack (flamethrower). Weapon Specialization


Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy). Charging Fire, Exotic

Weapon Proficiency (flamethrower)' Running Attack, Weapon Focus

(flamethrower). Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 10, Perception +5, Pilot + 10

Possessions fire-resistant clone trooper armor, 2 flamethrowers (5 shots

each). blaster pistol, jet pack

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CLONE COMMANDO Long before the Battle of Geonosis, Jango Fett suggests to the Kaminoan

cloners that a special type of clone commando be created to handle infiltra­

tion and sabotage operations. What he envisions are the ARC troopers, but the Kaminoans are uncomfortable with clones having that level of autonomy

after experiencing discipline problems with a previous prototype, so they

suggest smaller squads of more highly trained clone troopers. In the end,

they reach a compromise : Fett gets his ARC troopers, and the Kaminoans set

aside a battalion of clone troopers to receive additional training.

These "clone commandos" are individually trained by a hand-selected

team of mercenaries and Mandalorian so ldiers- the Cuy'val Dar-in numerous

specialized tasks, such as demolitions, computer slicing, infiltration, and sniping, until they can function in purpose-oriented four-clone squads, or, as needs arise, individually.

Clone commandos are often sent into enemy territory in advance of the

main force of clone troopers to disable enemy resistance, secure critica l locations, or even to eliminate key enemy personnel.

Clone Commando Medium Human non heroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2 Destiny 1; Force 4; Dark Side 2

Init + 13; Senses low-l ight vision , Perception +13

Languages Basic, Mando'a

Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 18), Fort 23, Will 16; +6 armor

hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6 hp); DR 2; Threshold 23

Speed 6 squares, Running Attack

Melee unarmed + 11 (ld6+4)

Melee vibrodagger + 11 (2d4+4) Ranged blaster pistol + 12 (3d6+3) or

Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire) or Base Atk +10; Grp +12 Atk Options Point Blank Shot

Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage

Abilit ies Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8

Talents Armored Defense, Shou ld er to Shoulder, and see below

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful Shot, Coordinated Attack,

CL 8

Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, pistols, rifles), and see Special Training below

Skills Initiative + 13, Perception +13, and see Specia l Tra ining below

Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

Special Training-Clone commandos are individually trained in different

and complimentary tasks, including small-unit tactics, demolitions,

slicing, and the use of heavy weapons. For each type, adjust the clone

commando's game statistics as follows to reflect their different talents and feats:

Commond: Special Actions Battle Analysis; Talents Battle Analysis;

Feats Skill Training (Knowledge [tactics]); Skills Knowledge (tactics)

+11. Demolitions/Technical:Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 21); Talents

Improved Armored Defense; Feats Skill Training (Mechanics); Skills

Mechanics + 11 . Field Medicine: Special Actions Harm's Way; Talents Harm's Way; Feats

Skill Training (Treat Injury); Skills Treat Injury + 11; Possessions 4


Heavy Weapons: Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 21); Ranged missile

launcher + 12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst); Talents Improved Armored

Defense; Feats Weapon Focus (heavy weapons); Possessions missile launcher with 4 missiles

Infiltration: Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 21); Talents Improved Armored

Defense; Feats Skill Training (Stealth); Skills Stealth + 12.

CLONE ~ET TROOPER Certain missions call for more mobility among the clone troopers, so the Kaminoans train a number of clones in the use of jet packs. While the aver­

age clone can strap on a jet pack and fly a few hundred feet, jet troopers

are trained to optimize the limited fuel capacity of jet packs by alternating

ground movement with short "burst" fl ights to get them over obstacles or circumvent difficult terrain.

Clone Jet Trooper Medium Human nonhero ic 6/soldier 2 Force 3

Init + 11; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 17), Fort 17, Will 11; +6 armor hp 34; Threshold 17

Speed 6 squares, fly 6 squares

Melee unarmed +7 (ld4+2)

Ranged EMP grenade launcher +8 (3d6 ion, 2-square burst, devastating 5) or

Ranged EMP grenade launcher +8 (4d6 ion, 2-square burst,

devastating 5) with Deadeye or

Ranged blaster rifle +8 (3d8+ 1) or

Ranged blaster rifle +8 (4d8+ 1) with Deadeye

Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+ 1) or

CL 4

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Ranged blaster pistol +8 (4d6+ 1) with Deadeye

Base Atk +6; Grp +8 Atk Options Deadeye, Devastating Attack (heavy weapons).

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Special Actions Coordinated Attack

Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8

Talents Devastating Attack (heavy weapons)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Coordinated Attack, Deadeye, Point Blank

Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles,

simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 11, Pilot + 11

Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle with grenade launcher (mounted)' 6 EMP grenades, blaster pistol, jet pack

CLONE NAVAL OFFICER Even among the clones of Jango Fett, there are a se lect number that prove

themselves capable of understanding and execut ing naval strategy to a greater degree than their comrades. These clones are put into special train­

ing programs where they learn the technical and tactical aspects of naval

command . Kaminoan scientists speculate that these clones' aptitude for

space combat comes from Jango Fett's understanding of dogfighting tactics,

and many of these clones eventually go on to become clone officers in the Republic Navy. Though most of these officers are lower-tier commanders and

aides to non clone superior officers, some clone naval officers take command

of sma ll clone space units and may act as the executive officer for a squadron

ofV-19 or ARC-170 pilots. All clone naval officers are also certified to pilot

the V-19 Torrent, the ARC-170, and the Nu-class attack shutt le.

Most clone naval officers are stationed aboard the capital ships used by the Republi c. Despite their training, many believe that these clones are not

particularly suited for the role of an officer, and tensions sometimes arise

between the clones and the nonclone members of the Republic Navy.

Clone Naval Officer Medium human nonheroic 6/noble 1

Force 1

Init +4; Senses Perception +3

Languages Basic, High Galactic

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12). Fort 11, Will 13

hp 19; Threshold 11

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed +7 (ld4+2) Ranged blaster pistol +6 (3d6)

Base Atk +5; Grp +7

Atk Options Coordinated Attack Special Actions Inspire Confidence


Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 9

Talents Inspire Confidence

Feats Coordinated Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [tacticsl)' Skill Focus

(Persuasion)' Skill Training (Pilot)' Skill Training (Use Computer).

Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons) Skills Knowledge (galactic lore) +9, Knowledge (tactics) + 14,

Persuasion + 12, Pilot +9, Use Computer +9

Possessions blaster pistol, officer's uniform, code cylinder, comlink

CLONE PILOT Initially, clone pilots are merely clone troopers with slightly different skill sets : replacing some of their small-unit tactics drills with flight training . While

such pilots are suffic ient to fly LAAT/i transports and the like, the eventual

need for clones to pilot starfighters results in a bit more variation.

The clone pilot presented below is typically found at the controls of trans­

ports and certain ground vehicles. The clone fighter pilot does not appear

until later in the Clone Wars, and is usually found in the co*ckpit of ARC-170 starfighters, V-wing starfighters, or occasionally Eta-2 Actis interceptors.

Clone Pilot Medium Human non heroic 6/scoundrel 2

Force 3

Init + 11; Senses low-light vision, Percept ion + 12

Languages Basic, Mando'a


Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 18). Fort 14, Will 14; +6 armor, Vehicular

Combat hp 22; Threshold 14

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed +5 (ld4+1)

Ranged blaster pistol +7 (3d6+ 1)

Ranged blaster pisto l +2 (4d6+ 1) with Rapid Shot

Base Atk +5; Grp +7 Atk Options Point Blank Shot

Special Actions Coordinated Attack

Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8

Talents Spacehound

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Coordinated Attack, Skill Training (Initiative, Mechanics). Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Vehicular Combat,

Weapon Proficiency (pisto ls, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 11, Mechanics + 10, Perception + 12, Pilot + 11,

Use Computer + 10 Possessions clone trooper armo r, blaster pistol

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Clone Fighter Pilot CL 6 Medium Human non heroic 6/scoundrel 2/ace pilot 2

Force 4

Init + 12; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 13

Languages Basic, Mando'a

Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 21), Fort 16, Will 16; +5 armor, vehicle

dodge + 1, Vehicular Combat, Vehicular Evasion

hp 31; Threshold 16

Speed 6 sq ua res

Melee unarmed +6 (ld4+2)

Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+2)

Ranged blaster pistol +3 (4d6+2) with Rapid Shot

Base Atk +6; Grp +8

Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Rapid

Special Actions Coordinated Attack



Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8

Talents Spacehound, Vehicular Evasion

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Coordinated Attack, Skill Focus (Pilot),

Skill Training (Initiative, Mechanics), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot,

Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +12, Mechanics +11, Perception +13, Pilot +17,

Use Computer + 11

Possessions armored flight suit with helmet package, blaster pistol

CLONE SCOUT TROOPER The need for reconnaissance spurred the creation of thousands of clone

scout troopers skilled at infiltrating enemy positions and reporting back.

Stealth and mobility are paramount to their purpose, with combat capability

falling a distant third.

Scout troopers usually wear camouflaged armor.

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Clone Scout Trooper Medium Human non heroic 6

Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 14). Fort 11, Will 10; +4 armor

hp 21; Threshold 11

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +4 (ld4)

Ranged blaster pistol +5 (3d6) or Ranged blaster rifle +5 (3d8) or

Ranged frag grenade (4d6, 2-square burst)

Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Atk Options Point Blank, Vehicular Combat

Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

CL 2

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Point Blank Shot, Skill Training (Stealth).

Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rif les, simple weapons)

Skills Perception + 10, Pilot +9, Stealth +9 Possessions clone scout trooper armor (+4 armor; as combat jumpsuit

with helmet package). blaster pistol, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility

belt with medpac, BARC speeder

CLONE SHADOW TROOPER Commissioned late in the Clone Wars by Armand Isard, Director of the Senate

Bureau of Intelligence, to replace the rapidly diminishing numbers of ARC troopers, shadow troopers are envisioned as fulfilling more of an infiltration

and espionage role than serving as "one-clone armies" like their Advanced

Recon Commando predecessors.

Because shadow troopers spend so much time behind enemy lines, though,

their equipment often changes to suit the mission . Standard issue weapons

include vibrodaggers for close kills and blaster carbines that fire virtually

silent, invisible blaster bolts.

Clone Shadow Trooper CL 7 Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier l/scout 3/bounty hunter 1

Force 4; Dark Side 4 Init + 11 (can reroll); Senses low-light vision, Perception +8 (can reroll)

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 20). Fort 19, Will 16; +6 armor

hp 39; Threshold 19

Speed 6 squares Melee vibrodagger +9 (2d4+3) Ranged blaster carbine + 10 (3d8+2, devastating 5) or

Ranged blaster carbine + 11 (4d8+2, devastating 5) with Careful Shot and

Deadeye or

Ranged frag grenade + 10 (4d6+2, 2-square burst)

Base Atk +8; Grp +9

Atk Options Careful Shot, Deadeye, Devastating Attack (rifles). Point

Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8

Talents Acute Senses, Devastating Attack (rifles). Improved Initiative,

Nowhere to Hide

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Careful Shot, Deadeye, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Training (Gather Information)' Weapon Focus (r ifles).

Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols, rifles,

simple weapons)

Skills Deception +6 (+8 when disgu ised as different species). Gather

Information +9 (can reroll when tracking an individual). Initiative + 11 (can reroll) Perception +8 (can reroll)' Survival + 11

Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster carbine, vibrodagger, frag

grenade, utility belt with medpac

CLONE SHOCKTROOPER As anti-war sentiment spreads throughout the Galactic Republic, reaching the

streets and plazas of Coruscant itself, Supreme Chancellor Pal patine recog­

nizes that the Grand Army of the Republic is stretched too thinly to pull troops

off the front lines. Therefore, in the late stages of the war, Palpatine calls for

a special division of clone troopers to be created and assigned to mainta in security on Coruscant and other critical planets of the Core Worlds.

These new clones prove to be somewhat ruthless in their zeal to restore order. Authorized to perform random searches and detain citizens who fail to

present proper identificat ion on command, the clone shocktroopers quickly

come to be known as "stormtroopers," an epithet that would , after the end

of the war, be applied to all clone troopers.

Clone Shocktrooper CL 1 Medium Human non heroic 4

Init +8; Senses low-light vision, Perception +8

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 16). Fort 13, Will 9; +6 armor

hp 14; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +4 (ld4+1)

Ranged blaster rifle +4 (3d8) or

Ranged blaster rifle +2 (4d8) with Rapid Shot

Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Atk Options Rapid Shot

Special Actions Coordinated Attack

Abilities Str 13, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Coordinated Attack, Rapid Shot,

Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +8, Perception +8

Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle

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CL.ONE SUBTROOPER Subtroopers are clone troopers tra ined and equipped for aquatic missions.

Their armor and wea pons are modified to function underwater.

These clones see extensive use under Jedi General Kit Fisto, who leads them in act ion on Mon Calamari, Tibrin, and a half dozen other worlds in

the course of the Clone Wars.

Clone Subtrooper CL 2 Medium Human non heroic 6

Init +9; Senses low- light vision, Perception +9

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 16), Fort 13, Will 9; +6 armor hp 21; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares Melee knife +5 (ld4+1) or

Ranged blaster rifle +5 (3dB) or

Ranged blaster rifle +6 (3dB) with Careful Shot

Base Atk +4; Grp +5

Atk Options Careful Shot, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha B

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful Shot, Coordinated Attack, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +9, Perception +9, Swim +6

Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle, knife

OAL.ACTIC MARINE The Galactic Marines are created when the 21st Nova Corps are assigned

to the command of Jedi General Ki-Ad i-Mundi, who needs a fighting force capable of battling in a variety of environments (including space) . Ki-Adi­

Mundi, with his clone marshal Commander Bacara, envision these all-terrain

soldiers as the best of the best, and they routinely reassign any clone who

cannot keep up with the others-while at the same time transferring in clones

from other units who perform particularly we ll.

Galactic Marine Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 2/scout 2 Init + 11; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 14; +7 armor

hp 45, Tough as Nails; Threshold 19

Speed 6 sq uares, Surefooted

Melee unarmed +B (ld4+3) or

Ranged blaster rifle +B (3dB+2) or

Ranged blaster rifle +9 (3dB+2) with Careful Shot or

Ranged frag grenade +B (4d6+2, 2-square burst)

Base Atk +7; Grp +B Atk Options Careful Shot, Point Blank Shot

Special Actions Coordinated Attack

CL 6

Abilities Str 12 (14 in spacetrooper armor), Dex 13, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 11,

Cha B Talents Surefooted , Tough as Nails

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Careful Shot, Coordinated Attack, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Shake It Off, Skill Training

(Endurance), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 11, Initiative + 11, Perception + 12

Possessions clone spacetrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade

SENATE COMMANDO Part of an elite branch of the Republic's Senate Guard, the Senate commandos

are a special reserve unit that performs missions for both the Senate and the

Judicial Department of the Republic. More aggressive than the defensively

minded Senate Guard, the Senate commandos act as an elite police unit on Coruscant and sometimes travel to distant worlds on special missions. The

Senate commandos are often responsible for capturing and detaining sus­

pects wanted by the Senate for questioning, and they frequently act as eli te

bodyguards for Senators traveling to war zones throughout the galaxy.

The Senate commandos also serve as the bodyguards for Supreme Chan­

cellor Pal patine, prior to the creation of the red-armored Royal Guards. The Senate commandos wear a heavier version of the blue Senate Guard armor,

though they do not wear cloaks. The Senate commandos are one of the few

nonclone units in the Republic to perform special missions for the Republic,

and a fierce riva lry exists between the Senate commandos and elite clone

units such as the Republic commandos.

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Senate Commando Medium human non heroic 6/soldier 3

Force 2 Init + 17; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 17

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 20), Fort 21, Will 15; +8 armor

hp 68; Threshold 21

Speed 4 squares Melee unarmed +10 (ld6+3)

Ranged blaster rifle + 11 (3d8+ 1) Base Atk +8; Grp + 11 Atk Options Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot

Special Actions Draw Fire, Harm's Way

CL 5

Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8

Talents Draw Fire, Harm's Way

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Improved Defenses, Martial

Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Initiative), Skill Focus (Perception),

Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 17, Perception +17 Possessions battle armor with helmet package, blaster rifle, comlink

INFLUENTIAL FIGURES Although hundreds of thousands of clones fight and die in the front lines

of the Clone Wars, the outcome of the conflict is truly decided in the vast

rotunda of the Galactic Senate, where delegates, diplomats, and politicians of every ilk discuss and debate the Supreme Chancellor's plans and decisions.

The Senate is united in its desire to bring the war to a swift end, but their

differing views on how to accomplish this goal split the delegates into two

camps: those led by Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Padme Amidala,. who seek a mutual peace with the Separatists to avoid any further compromise of

liberty, and the militarists who want to see the Confederacy of Independent

Systems crushed and brought back into the Republic by force.

Similarly, the Jedi face the dilemma of the ongoing war with mixed feel­

ings. Although they are loyal to democracy and wish to see the war resolved

with minimal violence, they are also loyal to the Republic and so must lead the clone armies into battle. The Jedi become more and more suspicious of

Supreme Chancellor Pal patine's motives as the war drags on and on, with

no end in sight, and ultimately assign young Anakin Skywalker to report on the Chancellor's activities-suspecting that Palpatine has hidden motives

for prolonging the conflict.


ADMIRAL. WUL.L.F YUL.AREN One of the youngest members of the Republic's naval officer corps to hold

the rank of admiral, WullfYularen begins his career in the Senate Intelligence

Bureau, but after years of dealing with corrupt Senators and officials, Yularen

retires. He comes to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's attention as a potentially

dedicated and loyal Intelligence officer and is coaxed out of retirement.

Palpatine quickly promotes Yularen to admiral in order to retain his service. Unable to pass up such a promotion, the dedicated, loyal, and disciplined

officer takes control of a naval task force assigned to Obi-Wan Kenobi. During

the Clone Wars, Admiral Yularen serves as an unflinching naval commander who follows his orders, no matter what doubts he might have.

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Admiral Wullf Yularen Medium human noble 4

Destiny 1; Force 3

Init +3; Senses Perception + 13

Languages Basic, Bocce, Durese, Gran, High Ga lactic, Huttese

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 15, Will 17

hp 33; Threshold 15

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed +3 (l d8+2)

Ranged blaster pisto l +4 (3d6+2)

Base Atk +3; Grp +4

Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Special Actions Inspire Haste

Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14

Talents Educated, Inspire Haste

CL 4

Feats Linguist, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Gather

Information), Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Proficiency (heavy

weapo ns, pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Deception +9, Gather Information +14, Knowledge (bureaucracy)

+9, Knowledge (gala ctic lore) +9, Knowledge (social sciences) +9,

Perception + 13, Persuasion +9, Pilot +8, Use Computer +9

Possessions blaster pistol, officer's uniform, com link, data pad, various

personal belongings

ARC TROOPER ALPHA-I? One of the most respected clone tra iners on Kamino, ARC trooper Alpha-17

serves through the first year of the Clone Wars in engagements on Ohma­

D'un, Jabiim, and-like all ARC t roopers of his day-Kamino itself. Often work­

ing alongside Jedi luminaries such as General Obi-Wan Kenobi and General

Anakin Skywalker, Alpha-17 faces off against foes as deadly as General

Grievous, the bounty hunter Durge, and the Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress.

After his captu re and torture by Ventress on Rattatak, and his subsequent

escape, Alpha-17 returns to Kamino, where he tra ins clone commanders such

as CC-2224 and CC-1138-clones who, at Genera l Skywalker's suggestion,

are given names by Alpha-17.

Following his stint as a trainer, Alpha-17 serves aboard the Intervention, escorting Senator Bail Organa on his tou r of the Outer Rim Sieges. During

th is mission, Alpha-17 is gravely wounded battling Genera l Grievous. He is

sent back to Coruscant for treatment, but his transport van ishes en route.

The famous ARC trooper is not seen again.


ARC Trooper Alpha-17 Medium Human non heroic 6/soldier 3/elite trooper 5

Destiny 1; Force 5; Dark Side 3

Init + 13; Senses low-light vision; Perception + 14

Languages Basic, Mando'a

Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 23), Fort 24, Will 18; +3 armor

hp 64; DR 2; Threshold 24

Speed 6 squares, Running Attack

Melee unarmed +14 (ld4+6) or

Ranged blaster rifle + 14 (3d8+4) or

Ranged blaster rifle + 12 (5d8+4) with Burst Fire or

Ranged missile launcher + 14 (6d6+6, 2-square splash) or

Ranged heavy blaster pisto l +8 (3d8+4) and

heavy blaster pisto l +8 (3d8+4) or

Ranged heavy blaster pistol +6 (5d8+4) with Burst Fire and

heavy blaster pistol +6 (5d8+4) with Burst Fire or

CL 10

Ranged heavy blaster pistol +6 (3d8+4, 2x2 area) with autofire and

heavy blaster pistol +6 (3d8+4, 2x 2 area) with autofire or

Ranged frag grenade + 13 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or

Ranged ion grenade + 13 (4d6+4 ion, 2-square burst)

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Base Atk +12; Grp +14 Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster pistol, blaster rifle), Burst Fire (heavy

blaster pistol, blaster rifle), Point Blank Shot, rangefinder, targeting

scope (blaster rifle)

Special Actions delay damage, Indomitable

Abilities Str is, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Talents Armored Defense, Controlled Burst, Improved Armored Defense,

Indomitable, Weapon Specialization (heavy weapons) Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Dual Weapon Mastery I,

Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy

weapons), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles,

simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +13, Perception + 14, Stealth + 13 Possessions ARC trooper armor, blaster rifle, missile launcher with 4

missiles, 2 heavy blaster pistols, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 6

power packs, utility belt with medpac

CAPTAIN AROYUS Captain Argyus is the respected leader of the Senate commandos. A veteran

officer and a formidable combatant, Argyus also has a dark secret: He is a

spy for the Confederacy on the payroll of Count Dooku.

Argyus first encounters Count Dooku several years before the Battle of Naboo, while Dooku is still a respected member of the Jedi Order and Argyus


is a young recruit just beginning his service as a Senate Guard. Argyus is assigned to guard a diplomatic envoy that includes Count Dooku among its

members. After negotiations fail, the consular ship comes under attack, and

during the fighting Argyus is gravely wounded. Only timely action by Count Dooku saves the young Senate Guard, after which Argyus and Count Dooku

become friends a nd associates.

When Count Dooku leaves the Jedi Order to join the Separatists, he

contacts Argyus and persuades his friend-now Captain of the Senate commandos-to work for him in secret. Captain Argyus continues to serve

the Republic, though he knows that the day will come when he will be forced

to reveal his true allegiance.

Captain Argyus CL 9 Medium human soldier 7/elite trooper 2

Force 4; Dark Side 4 Init + 11; Senses low-light vision, Perception +11

Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 26), Fort 28, Will 20; +8 armor

hp 94; DR 1; Threshold 28

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed + 10 (ld8+S)

Ranged blaster rifle + 12 (3d8+4/x3) or

Ranged blaster rifle +10 (3d8+4/x3) with autofire

Base Atk +9; Grp +10 Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle), Controlled Burst, Martial Arts II,

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Running Attack

Special Actions Indomitable

Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16

Special Qualities delay damage, damage reduction 1

Talents Armored Defense, Controlled Burst, Improved Armored Defense,

Indomitable, Juggernaut Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Improved Defenses, Martial

Arts I, Martial Arts II, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Running Attack,

Triple Crit (blaster rifle), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency

(pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 11, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Perception + 11,

Use Computer +9

Possessions battle armor with helmet package, blaster rifle, comlink

o I ) 11 -l (II D


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COMMANDER REX A clone commander assigned to a detachment of clones under General Anakin

Skywalker, Commander Rex is a steadfast and resilient clone officer who is unafraid to do his duty, even if it means placing himself and his men in

mortal danger. With a reputation as one of the toughest clones in the galaxy,

Commander Rex spits in the face of danger, and though far from reckless,

his courage and willingness to leap into the fray has helped the Republic win

numerous engagements. Having developed something of a friendship with General Skywalker, Commander Rex has learned not to doubt the resolve of

Jedi, nor their capabilities, and when given an order he faithfully executes

it with little concern for his own well being. Commander Rex is a skilled warrior who has survived many battles. He is

known for wielding two heavy blaster pistols at once-like Jango Fett-but

is trained in a variety of tactics and fighting styles, and can lead specialty

clone units into battle whenever the situation calls for them.

Commander Rex Medium human soldier 7/officer 3

Force S

Init + 13; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 12

languages Basic

Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 23). Fort 27, Will 2S

hp 90; Threshold 27

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed + 12 (ld4+7)

Ranged heavy blaster pistol +14 (3d8+S) or Ranged heavy blaster pistol + 12 (4d8+S) with Rapid shot or

Ranged heavy blaster pistol + 12/+ 12 (3d8+S/3d8+S) or

CL 10

Ranged heavy blaster pistol + 10/+ 10 (4d8+S/4d8+S) with Rapid Shot

Base Atk +10; Grp +12

Atk Options Charging Fire, Coordinated Attack, Cover Fire, Dual Weapon

Mastery II, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot Special Actions Assault Tactics, Battle Analysis, Indomitable, share talent

(Shift Defense I). Shift Defense I

Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12

Special Qualities command cover, share talent (Shift Defense I)

Talents Armored Defense, Assault Tactics, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire,

Indomitable, Shift Defense I

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Charging Fire, Coordinated

Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (pistols).

Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +13, Knowledge (tactics) + 10, Perception + 12,

Treat Injury + 10

Possessions clone trooper armor, 2 heavy blaster pistols


MAS AMEDDA Mas Amedda, the Speaker of the Senate, is truly a sad case of an ambitious

and overconfident politician being outwitted and outmaneuvered by a far

superior strategist-in this case, a Sith Lord posing as the Supreme Chancel­

lor of the Republic. Mas Amedda begins his political career as the Senator of Champala,

the Chagrian homeworld. Though he thinks of himself as incorruptible, he

quickly falls in with manipulative delegates, including Senator Orn Free Taa

of Ryloth, who nominates Amedda to the position of Speaker shortly before

the Trade Federation commences its blockade of Naboo. Amedda, something

of an idealist, believes that he can use his position to restore order and

eliminate corruption in the Senate, unaware that this same corruption has secured his position. It is his obsession with orderly proceedings that make

him such an excellent pawn. Although Amedda knows he does not have the political influence to

become Supreme Chancellor himself, he believes that he can easily use his

superior knowledge of the Republic bureaucracy to manipulate the Chancellor,

and, in truth, his tactics work well with Supreme Chancellor Valorum. After

Palpatine succeeds Valorum, things seem to go much more smoothly, and Pal patine seems as easy to control as a broken down farm eopie. The new

Supreme Chancellor agrees to nearly every measure that the Speaker suggests,

and Amedda believes that he has achieved his great~st political victory.

However, as worlds begin seceding from the Republic to join the Con­

federacy of Independent Systems, Mas Amedda gradually becomes aware that Pal patine is the true master of manipulation. Mas Amedda becomes

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increasingly suspicious of Palpatine's every move, and, when four Jedi Masters

from the High Council come to arrest the Supreme Chancellor, the Chagrian

finally sees what a fool he has been.

Mas Amedda Medium Chagrian non heroic 3/noble 5

Force 3; Dark Side 6

Init +3; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10

Languages Basic, Chagri, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Muun, Neimoidian


Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15), Fort 16 (21 against radiation), Will 18

hp 33; Threshold 16

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +7 (ld4+4)

Ranged by weapon +4

Base Atk +5; Grp +7

Special Actions Coordinate, Inspire Confidence, Presence

Abilities Str 14, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16 Special Qualities breathe underwater

Talents Coordinate, Inspire Confidence, Presence

Feats Linguist, Skill Focus (Gather Information, Knowledge [bureaucracy],

Persuasion), Skill Training (Knowledge [galactic lore]' Knowledge

[social sciences], Perception, Use Computer)

Skills Gather Information + 17, Knowledge (bureaucracy) + 16, Knowledge

(galactic lore) + 11, Knowledge (social sciences) + 11, Perception + 10,

Persuasion+ 17, Use Computer + 11 Possessions encrypted comlink, data pad

CHAORIAN SPECIES TRAITS Chagrians are powerfully built amphibian humanoids from the watery world of Champala . Their skin ranges from light blue to deep indigo, and

they have fleshy horns ("Iethorns") on their heads; females have one pair,

and males have two. Chagrians are known to be even-tempered, stoic,

and somewhat stubborn about following proper procedures.

Chagrians have the following species traits :

Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity.

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Chagrians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: 6 squares.

Breathe Underwater: Chagrians can breathe normally in water.

Radiation Resistance: Chagrians gain a +5 species bonus to their

Fortitude Defense against radiation damage. Low-Light Vision: Chagrians ignore concealment (but not total

concealment) from darkness.

Languages: Basic, Chagri.


SLY MOORE Little is known about the past life of Sly Moore, the Supreme Chancellor's senior aide. Quiet and unassuming, Sly Moore is a familiar face in the Senate,

and although everyone knows her title and her place in the government

hierarchy, her activities are so low-profile that no one can say exactly what

it is that she does for the Supreme Chancellor.

Sly Moore has actually been working with Pal patine since his days as

the Senator of Naboo, although she has never set foot on that planet. She is

introduced to Palpatine after being abducted by a tattooed Zabrak assassin and imprisoned for months in an ancient tomb somewhere in the Kron Drift.

While imprisoned, she is mentally and spiritually assaulted on a daily basis

by long-dead Sith Lords; only her natural strength of will keeps her from

going completely mad. Palpatine rescues her, claiming that he "heard" her

cries for help in his mind. He praises Sly for having survived the ordeal and

cares for her until she is ready to be on her own again. In time, they form a

close bond, and Palpatine eventually admits to the young Umbaran that he has powerful mental abilities that he intends to use to bring order to the

galaxy. Intrigued by his vision of the Republic, Moore asks Palpatine if there is anything she can do to help him.

Palpatine gradually comes to trust Moore's discretion, finally reveal­ing the details of his grand scheme to her, as well as his "alter ego." After

Pal patine becomes Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Sly Moore finds it

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easier to suppress the voice of her conscience. She watches as Darth Sidi­

ous plots against the Jedi, oversees the creation of a secret clone army, and

manipulates everyone around him to bring about a galaxy-spanning war. By

the time Palpatine issues Order 66, Sly Moore firmly believes that he has the galaxy's best interests at heart, and that war is a necessary step toward

ensuring lasting peace.

Sly Moore CL 9 Medium Umbaran noble 8/Force adept 3

Destiny 2; Force 5, Power of the Dark Side; Dark Side 13

Init +5; Senses low-light vision, Use the Force +17

Languages Basic, Bothan, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Rodese, Ryl, Umbarese, Zabrak

Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 23), Fort 22, Will 26

hp 45; Threshold 22

Vulnerable light sensitivity

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed +7 (ld4+4) or

Ranged by weapon +8

Base Atk +8; Grp +8 Special Actions Dark Presence, Presence

Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 17) : Force stun, mind trick Force Techniques Improved Telepathy

Abilities Str 8, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 15

Special Qualities low-light vision

Talents Dark Presence, Force Perception, Force Power Adept (mind trick),

Gauge Force Potential, Power of the Dark Side, Presence

Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Linguist, Skill Focus (Deception,

Gather Information, Knowledge [bureaucracy], Knowledge [galactic lore], Knowledge [social sciences], Persuasion, Use the Force), Weapon

Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Deception + 17, Gather Information + 17, Knowledge (bureaucracy)

+ 18, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 18, Knowledge (social sciences) + 18,

Perception + 11, Persuasion + 17 (can reroll), Use Computer + 13,

Use the Force + 17 (can substitute for Perception checks) Possessions holo-comlink, data pad

UMBARAN SPECIES TRAITS Umbarans are humanoid aliens from the Ghost Nebula. They are masters

of persuasion, leading others to believe that they are all Force-users.

Umbarans share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Umbarans have no special

bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: 6 squares.

Low-Light Vision: Umbarans ignore concealment (but not total

concealment) from darkness. Conditional Bonus Feat: Umbarans with Persuasion as a trained skill

gain Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.

Skills: An Umbaran can reroll a Persuasion check but must keep the

second result, even if it's worse. Light Sensitivity: An Umbaran exposed to bright light (such as

sunlight) is blinded for 1 round .

Languages: Basic, Umbarese.

REPUBLIC DROIDS While Separatist armies rely heavily on droids, droids employed by the

Republic tend to fill more utilitarian roles.

FIRST-DEGREE DRCJIDS First-degree droids have specialized scientific or medical programming.

FX-6 Medical Assistance Droid Designed by "rogue" droid engineers who left Industrial Automaton to start their own droid company, Medtech Industries' FX-6 "medassist" droid was

designed specifically to compete with the 2-1 B medical droid. The FX-6 came

factory-bu ilt with a shell of plasteel armor, making it safer to deploy the

droid on battlefields than the more vulnerable 2-1B.

The darker side of the FX-6 is that it is programmed to ignore suffering

and save the patient's life by any means neces·sary. Whereas the 2-1 B is

capable of installing cybernetics if absolutely necessary, the FX-6 is specifi­

cally programmed to perform standard surgery only if cybernetics are not

feasible or cost-effective-and it comes equipped with a vast database of cybernetic replacements suitable for any medical need.

FX-6 medical assistance droids can be played as droid heroes.

FX-6 Medical Assistance Droid Medium droid (1st-degree) non heroic 3

In it + 1; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10

Languages Basic, Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 9, Will 12; +2 armor

CL 1

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hp 7; Threshold 9 Immune droid traits

Speed 2 squares (tracked) Melee instrument +1 (ld2-1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 squa re Base Atk +2; Grp +2

Abilities Str 8, Dex 11, Con - , Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 9 Feats Cyberneti c Surgery, Skil l Focus (Trea t Inju ry), Ski ll Tra ining

(Knowledge [techn ology], Use Computer), Surgi ca l Expertise Skills Knowledge (li fe sciences) +8, Knowledge (techno logy) +8,

Perception + 10, Treat Injury + 13, Use Computer +8 Systems tracked loco motion, heuristic processor, 6 instrum ents,

improved sensor package, vocabulator, plasteel she ll (+2 armor) Possessions medical kit Availability licensed; Cost 4,300 credi ts

SECOND-DEGREE DROIDS Technical droi ds, inclu ding slice r droids and astromech droids, fall into t he second - deg ree category.

FA-4 Pilot Droid SoroSuub's FA line of service droids included the popula r FA-4 pil ot droid, used throughout the galaxy as personal chauffeurs and inexpensive copil ots for f reighters and yachts. Progra mmed primari ly for starsh ip t rave l an d built for easy sto ra ge when not in use, FA- 4s are also f requently used as airspeeder pilots and even ground vehic le drivers. They are particularly popula r In pol itical ci rcl es beca use of their "privacy buffer," which allows t he userto wipe t he dro id's memory of destin at ions and overheard co nversati ons with a si mp le voice com mand.

Despite t heir advanced processors, however, FA-4 droids are not pro­grammed for combat opera t ions. Th ey are wi red to avoid attacks and other hazards, but cannot make use of ships' weaponry to f ire back .

FA-4 pilot droids can be played as droi d hero es.

FA-4 Pilot Droid Sma ll droid (2n d-d egree) non heroic 2 Init + 13; Senses darkvision, low- light vis ion, Perce pti on +4 Languages Basic, Binary, 2 unassigned

Defenses Ref 13 (fla t-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11 ; Ve hicu lar Com ba t hp 5; Threshold 9 Immune droid t rai ts

Speed 4 squares (wheeled ) Melee hand +0 (ld2-l) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk + 1; Grp -2

CL 0

Abili t ies Str 8, Dex 15, Con - , Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7 Feats Ski ll Focus (Initiative, Pilot, Use Computer), Vehicular Combat Ski lls Initiative + 13, Perception +4, Pilo t + 13, Use Computer + 13 Systems wheeled locomotion, magnetic feet, 2 hands, improved sensor

pa ckage, darkvision, voca bulator Possessions astrogation buffer (sto rage device, 10 memory units) Availabil ity Li censed; Cost 4,200 cred its

OTHER REPUBLIC FORCES The characters, droids, vehicles, and starships presented in this book are not the only sources of information on the forces of the Republic. Additional Republic characters and starships can be found in both the Saga Edition core rulebook and the Starships of the Galaxy supplement. Gamemasters should feel free to use these other sources to flesh out their Clone Wars campaigns.

CHARACTERS CL SOURCE ARC Trooper 8 Saga Edition 282 Clone Trooper 2 Saga Edition 281 Clone Trooper 5 Saga Edition 282


STARSHIPS CL SOURCE Acclamator-class 18 Starships of the Galaxy 56

Assault Ship ARC-170 Starfighter 12 Saga Edition 180 Consular-class 8 Starships of the Galaxy 126

Cruiser CR70 Corvette 8 Starships of the Galaxy 75 Delta-7 Ae thersprite 10 Starships of the Galaxy 60

Interceptor Dreadnought-class 18 Starships of the Galaxy 77

Cruiser Eta-2 Actis 11 Saga Edition 180

Interceptor LAAT/i Gunship 12 Saga Edition 177 Theta- class Shutt le 11 Starships of the Golaxy 141 V-wing Starfighter 8 Starships of the Galaxy 150 V-19 Torren t 9 Starships of the Galaxy 149 Venator-class 19 Starships of the Galaxy 148

Star Destroyer Victory /I-cla ss 18 Starships of the Ga laxy 98

Star Destroyer

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FOURTH-DEGREE DROIDS Most battle droids, scout droids, and combat remotes fall into the category of fourth-degree droids.

Marksman-H Combat Remote Developed by Industrial Automaton for use by military and security forces throughout the galaxy, the popular Marksman-H training remote is used by everyone from the Jedi Order to bounty hunters and in the training exer­cises of clone troopers on Kamino . Some mercenaries use them as se ntries, although they usually prove litt le more than a delaying tact ic meant to keep enemies busy while the mercenaries prepare for batt le (or escape).

The spherical Marksman-H is equipped with a low-power "stunner blaster" that delivers a blaster bolt that feels like a sharp sting . The defau lt setting is for the Marksman-H to remain "on guard" until an opponent readies a weapon, then begin attacking.

Industrial Automaton manufactures Marksman-H combat remotes from common droid components, al lowing them to keep costs down.

Marksman-H combat remotes can't be played as droid heroes.

Marksman-H Combat Remote Diminutive droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 2 Init + 10; Senses Perception + 1 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 15), Fort 6, Will 10 hp 5; Threshold 6 Immune droid traits

Speed 1 square (hovering) Ranged light blaster +5 (ld4 stun) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +1; Grp -18 Special Actions Dodge, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 3, Dex 18, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 6 Feats Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (pisto ls),

Weapon Proficiency (pistols) Skills Initiative + 10

CL 0

Systems hovering locomotion, basic processor, weapon mount (stabilized) Possessions light blaster Cost 350 credits

REPUBLIC VEHICLES Many of the larger corporations rep resented in the Galactic Senate sup­port the war enthusiastically. Among them are Rothana Heavy Engin eerin g and Aratech Repulsor Compa ny, both of which see th e conflict as a great opportunity to earn obscenely large profits.

WEAPON SYSTEMS Vehicle weapons share many of the same design character ist ics as star­ship weapon systems, and the two are often interchangeab le. This allows vehicle weapons to be employed against starships-as seen at the Battle of Geonosis- and, of course, lets weapons factories crank out weapons without the need for wholesale retooling of the assembly lines.

Below are a few weapons used by the Republic during the Clone Wars. Some of these are later discontinued but might be avai lable as "m ilitary surp lus" in later eras.

Composite Beam Cannon Th e com posite beam ca nnon uses a cycl ing beam generator to alter the ene rgy signal of the beam, ignoring 5 points of the target 's SR.

Mass-Driver Cannon Mass-d river cannons f ire acce lerated microprojectiles. They are capable of punching hol es in starships and reducing enemy artillery to rubble after one or two solid hits.

Mass-driver ca nnons can only be mounted on vehicles of Gargantuan size or larger because of their intense recoi l.

Proton Grenade Proton grenades throw out a high -energy burst of accelerated particles capable of disassembling matter at a molecular level. A proton grenade detonates on impact.

Wh en you make an area attack with a proton grenade, make a sing le attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of every target in th e grenade's 3-square burst radius. Targets you hit take full damage, and targets yo u miss take half damage.

Rail Cannon Rail ca nnons deliver explosive warheads at super-high ve locity, in f licting damage via both the payload and the kinetic energy of the impact.

Like mass-driver ca nnons, rai l ca nnons can only be mounted on vehicles of Garga ntuan size or larger beca use of their intense reco il.

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ALL-TERRAIN ATTACK POD (AT-AP) A later addition to the Grand Army of the Republic, the All-Terrain Attack Pod, or AT-AP, is designed to be a lighter, faster version of the AT-TE (see below). The AT-AP sees extensive use on Kashyyyk, where the dense forests make it much more difficult for AT-TEs to be quickly deployed.

All-Terrain Attack Pod Gargantuan ground vehicle (walker) Init +7; Senses Perception +8

CL 10

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 14), Fort 23; +9 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 180; DR 15; Threshold 43

Speed 6 squares·(max. velocity 60 km/h} Ranged mass-driver cannon +7 (see below) and

blaster cannon +7 (see below) and medium laser cannon +9 (see below)

Fighting Space 4x4; Cover tota l Base Atk +5; Grp +33 Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster cannon, medium laser cannon)

Abilities Str 36, Dex 12, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +4,

Use Computer +8

Crew 3 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 200 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Payload 50 mass-driver microprojecti les Availability Military; Cost not available for sale

Mass-Driver Cannon (gunner) Atk +7, Dmg 6dlOx2

Heavy Blaster Cannon (gunner) Atk +7 (+2 autofire), Dmg 5dlOx2

Medium Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire), Dmg 3d10x2

A LL-TERRAIN EXPERIMENTAL TRANSPORT (AT-XT) An early prototype of the AT-RT, the All-Terrain Experimental Transport, or AT-XT, provides an armored canopy for the co*ckpit, protecting the driver from small arms fire. It also incorporates a plasma shield generator as a means to offset the vulnerabilities created by the addition of the weight of its armor.

A large number of AT-XTs are produced before the Grand Army settles on the lighter and more maneuverable AT-RT, though engineers continue to tinker with the basic design for many years after the Clone Wars.


All-Terrain Experimental Transport CL 6 Large ground vehicle (walker) Init +8; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 18; +4 armor, Veh icular Combat hp SO; DR 5; SR 5; Threshold 22

Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 25 km/h) Ranged double laser cannon +8 (see below) or Ranged twin proton grenade launchers +8 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +12 Atk Options autofire (double laser cannon)

Abilities Str 26, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +S, Perception +8, Pilot +8,

Use Computer +8

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 12 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Payload lS proton grenades Availability Restricted; Cost 14,700 (2,200 used)

Double Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +6 (+1 autofire), Dmg 4d10x2

Twin Proton Grenade Launchers (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg Sd6 (expends 2 grenades), 4-square burst radius

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AL.L.-TERRAIN RECON TRANSPORT (AT-RT) The All-Terrain Recon Transport , or AT-RT, is a single - trooper veh icle designed for close infantry support and long-range reconna issance. While its open co*ckpit provides excellent visibility for the driver, it also provides little cover.

Clone commanders frequently divide their force of AT- RTs into teams of three for patrols and recon . Equipped with a variety of scanners and sensors, AT-RTs can move quickly around the field of operations and transmit data back to the commander in the forwa rd command center.

AT-RTs also see extensive use in the civil ian sector (as police patrol vehicles) and are popular with clone shocktroopers for the "pacifying" effect their appearance has on unruly mobs. This civilian variant usually replaces the repeating blaster cannons with a grenade mortar and a rack of two dozen shells (usua lly stun grenades, ion grenades, or fragmentation grenades); its avai labil ity is Restr icted and its cost is 25,000 credits (1 5,000 credits used).

All-Terrain Reeon Transport CL 5 Large ground vehicle (walker) Init +8; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 16 (flat- footed 13), Fort 16; +4 armor, Vehicula r Combat hp 60; DR 5; Th reshold 21

Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 70 km/h) Ra nged repeating blaster cannon +5 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover +2 Base Atk +2 ; Grp + 13 Atk Options autofire (repeat ing blaster cannon )

Abilities Str 22, Dex 16, Can -, Int 12 Skills Initiat ive +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pi lot +8,

Use Computer +6

Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 20 kg; Consumables 1 day ; Carried Craft none Ava ilability Military; Cost 40,000 (24,000 used)

Repeating Blaster Cannon (pi lot) Atk +5 (+0 autofirel. Dmg 3d10x2



Adapted from industrial security vehicles built by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, or AT-TE, is a formidable weapons platform capable of delivering an entire platoon of clone troopers to strategic points on the battlefield, then providing them with covering f ire while they take up positions. A dorsal rail can non enables the AT-TE to serve as mobile art illery, and an array of missile payloads allow it to be custom -armed to fit whatever purpose is necessary on the battlefield .

The AT-TE's six massive walker legs and low profile provide great stabi lity, but this design also makes the vehicle vulnerable to land mines and in fantry equ ipped with explosives, as none of the AT-TE's seven weapons covers the veh icle's underside. .

An unusual feature of the AT-TE is its magnetic grapplers, which enable it to scale even sheer cliffs. The rear passenger compartment is also equ ipped with a medical droid for stabilizing wounded troopers until they can be safely transported to the nearest Republic Mobile Surgical Unit.

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All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer Gargantuan ground vehicle (walker) Init +3; Senses Perception +8

CL 12

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 14). Fort 26; +9 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 240; DR 15,30 against ion damage; Threshold 46

Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 60 km/h)' climb 2 squa res Ranged rail cannon +7 (see below) and

6 medium laser cannons +7 (see below) Fighting Space 6x4; Cover total (ere"'!). +5 (rail cannon gunner) Base Atk +5; Grp +41 Atk Options autofire (medium laser cannons)

Abilities Str 42 Dex 10, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +3,

Use Computer +8

Crew 7 (expert); Passengers 38 Cargo 10 tons; Consumables 15 days; Carried Craft none Payload 48 heavy concussion warheads Availability Military; Cost not available for sale

Rail Cannon (gunner) Atk +7, Dmg 5dlOx5 (heavy concussion warhead)

Medium Laser Cannons (gunners) Atk +7 (+2 autofire). Dmg 2dl0x2

BARe SPEEDER The Aratech Repulsor Company's contribution to the Grand Army of the Republic is this military-grade speed er bike, designed to replace its slightly older (and poorly armed) 74-Z speeder bike. Although originally designed fo r use by ARC troopers, the BARC speeder (an acronym for Bi ker Advanced Recon Commando) swiftly becomes the Grand Army's preferred light recon veh icle.

Unlike the 74-Z speeder, the BARC can perform at high altitudes, making it useful for escorting LAAT/i gunships and LAAT/c transports. More impor­tantly, the BARC comes with two sets of light blaster cannons-one mounted on the forward van e, and another on the rear stabilizer-to provide greater firepower.

BARC Speeder CL 5 Large ground vehicle (speeder) Init + 11; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 10). Fort 14; + 1 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 45; DR 5; Threshold 19

Speed fly 12 squa res (max. veloci ty 520 km/h) Ranged twin light blaster cannons +8 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover none Base Atk +5; Grp + 14 Atk Options autofire (twin light blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 19, Dex 18, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative + 11, Perception +8, Pilot + 11

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers 1 Cargo 5 kg ; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost 8,300 (1,550 used)

Twin Light Blaster Cannons (pilot) Atk +8 (+3 autofire)' Dmg 5dlO


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CR-20 TROOP CARRIER The Corellian Engineering Corporation's CR-20 troop carrier is designed to carry a platoon of troops and their support gear to the battlefield, although it is not as well equipped to handle a hostile landing zone as LAAT transports.

The majority of the Republic's CR-20s are purchased shortly after the Battle of Geonosis from the Corellian Defense Force's surplus. They are modified to meet the Grand Army's needs, including racks upon which can be mounted a dozen BARC speeders or 74-Z speeder bikes.

CR-20 Troop Carrier CL 13 Colossal space transport Init -1; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 10). Fort 38 ; + 10 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 300; DR 15; SR 25; Threshold 88

Speed fly 12 squares (max. ve locity 850 km/h)' fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged medium turbolasers + 10 (see be low) and medium turbolasers +8 (see below)

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +53 Atk Options autofire (fire-linked medium turbolasers)

Abilities Str 66, Dex 12, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative - 1, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot -1 ,

Use Computer +8

Crew 6 (exper t) ; Passengers 40 Cargo 15 tons; Consumables 2 weeks; Carried Craft 12 speeder bikes Hyperdrive x3 (backup x12) Availability Restricted; Cost 680,000 (265,000 used )

Fire-linked Medium Turbolasers (pilot) Atk +10 (+5 autofi re). Dmg 6d10x5

Fire-linked Medium Turbolasers (co- pilot) Atk +8 (+3 autofire)' Dmg 6d 10 x5

INFANTRY SUPPORT PLATFORM Built for both speed and maneuverability, the Infantry Support Platform, or ISP, utilizes a vectored - thrust turbofan engine that can be angled for maximum acceleration or maximum deceleration , particularly over "soft" terrain (such as the marshy swamplands on Felucia and Kashyyyk, where it sees the most use).

Intended as a heavier version of the versat ile BARC speede r, the ISP is introduced late in the Clone Wars.

Infantry Support Speeder Platform CL 7 Huge ground vehicle (speeder) Init +8; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 15; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 50; DR 10; Threshold 25

Speed fly 8 squares (max. velocity 100 km/h) Ranged twin blaster cannons +8 (see below) and

twin blaster cannons +6 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover +5 Base Atk +5; Grp + 15 Atk Options autofire (twin blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative +8, Perception +8, Pilot +8

Crew 2 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 55 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Availability Restricted; Cost 11 ,600 (2,880 used)

Twin Blaster Cannons (pilot) Atk +8 (+3 autofire)' Dmg 4d10 x2

Twin Blaster Cannons (gunner) Atk +6 (+1 autofire)' Dmg 4dlOx2

Low-ALTITUDE ASSAULT TRANSPORT/CARRIER (LAAT/C) Rothana Heavy Engineering's Low Altitude Assault Transport Carrier is a varian t of the LAAT/i gunship, built specifically to carry slow, heavy vehicles directly to the front lines. Crewed by a single clone trooper pilot, the LAAT/c is capable of delivering massive payloads planetside from orbiting starships and back again.

Originally designed to carry the AT-TE specifically, the LAAT/c was later modified to transport a variety of cargoes, such as forward command centers (see the "Forwa rd Command Center" sidebar). Its rapid cargo-deployment system allows the pilot to set the transport down, release the ca rgo clamps as a move action, and lift off again, without the time-consuming offloading operations of tradit ional transports.

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LAAT/c Carrier CL 8 Colossal air vehicle (airspeederJ Init - 1; Senses Perception +B

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 25;' + 13 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 150; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 75

Speed fly 12 squares (ma x. ve locity 620 km/h), fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged light laser cannons +9 (see below) Fighting Space 6x6 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +40 Atk Options autofire (light laser cannons)

Abilities Str 40, Dex 12, Con -, In t 15 Skills Ini tiative -1, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot -1,

Use Computer +B

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 40 tons; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft usually 1 AT-TE, 4

AT-XTs, 1 Republic troop transport , 1 TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank, or 1 forward command center

Availability Military; Cost 58,000 (42,000 used)

Light Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire), Dmg 3d10x2


FORWARD COMMAND CENTER A forward command center, or FCC. is a portable tactical center equipped to relay information about the battle to the commander and his staff. Crewed by four clone troopers, the FCC gathers tactical information from all across the battlefield for the immediate evaluation by the clone commander (and, often, a Jedi General).

The use of an FCC grants a +5 equipment bonus to Knowledge (tactics) checks, and troops directly under the command of an officer stationed at an FCC gain a + 1 circ*mstance bonus on Initiative checks.

MEDLIFTER TROOP TRANSPORT Designed by a variety of engineering companies to ferry wounded troops from the front lines to Republic Mobile Surgical Units, medlifters come in different styles and shapes. The most commonly used, the Ubrikkian Industries Model 300, carries up to four passengers in enclosed duraplast "cocoons," tended by a field medic, whose job is to keep the wounded alive long enough to reach the operating room.

Medlifter Troop Transport CL 4 Huge air vehicle (airspeeder) Init +6; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 15; +3 armor hp 50; DR 5; Threshold 25

Speed fly 10 squares (max. velocity BOO km/h) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover +5 (crew), none (passengers) Base Atk +2; Grp +17

Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12 Skills In itiative +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6

Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers 4 Cargo 1 ton; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Availability Licensed; Cost 24,000 (6,100 used)

REPUBLIC TROOP TRANSPORT The lightly armored Republic Troop Transport, or RTT. is used primarily to deliver troops into neutralized landing zones-though it comes armed with anti-personnel laser cannons and missile launchers to clear light resistance and debris. They are usually employed during missions where stealth is a factor, or as backup transports while the more formidab le LAATs are being refueled or reloaded.

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Republic Troop Transport CL 8 Colossal air vehicle (airspeeder) Init +0; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 22; + 10 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 120; DR 15; Threshold 72

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 580 km/h) Ranged laser cannons + 10 (see below) and

missile launcher +8 (see below) Fighting Space 6x6; Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +37 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 34, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +0

Crew 2 (expert); Passengers 12 Cargo 3 tons; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft none Payload 12 missiles Availability Restricted; Cost 42,000 (10,200 used)

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk + 10 (+5 autofire), Dmg 4dlO

Missile Launcher (gunner) Atk +8, Dmg 6d6, 2-square splash

SELF-PROPELLED HEAVY ARTILLERY Too heavy to be deployed via LAAT/c carriers, the ponderous Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery, or SPHA, must be delivered to the ground directly from Acclamator-class assault ships. Although among the slowest vehicles in the Grand Army's arsenal, the SPHA is also the most formidable, mounting a heavy starship-scale weapon capable of bringing down capital ships (provided they are still in the atmosphere) or leveling entire cities.

Defended from infantry assault by a dozen heavy repeating blaster cannons, the SPHA also includes a troop compartment that can hold three full squads of clone troopers. Fortunately, the range of the SPHA's primary weapon usually means that it is far enough away from the main battlefield that attacks by ground troops rarely present a problem.

The designation of SPHA is based on its primary gun: SPHA-T (turbolaser); SPHA-I (ion cannon); SPHA-V (antivehicle heavy laser); SPHA-C (concussion missile launcher); or SPHA-M (mass-driver cannon).

Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery CL 16 Colossal ground vehicle (walker) Init -2; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15), Fort 32; +15 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 360; DR 20; Threshold 82

Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 35 km/h) Ranged heavy turbolaser +7 (see below) and

12 heavy repeating blaster cannons +2 (see below) or Ranged heavy ion cannon +7 (see below) and

12 heavy repeating blaster cannons +2 (see below) or Ranged heavy laser cannon +7 (see below) and

12 heavy repeating blaster cannons +2 (see below) or


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Ranged heavy missil e launcher +7 (see be low) and

12 heavy repeating blaster cannons +2 (see be low) or

Ranged heavy mass-driver cannon +7 (see be'low) and

12 heavy repeat ing blaster cannon s +2 (see below)

Fighting Space 12 x 12; Cover tota l

Base Atk +5; Grp +47

Atk Options autof ire (heavy repeating blas ter cannons)

Abilities Str 54, Dex 10, Con - , Int 14

Skills Initiative -2, Percept ion +8, Pilot -2

Crew 25 (expert) ; Passengers 30

Ca rgo 500 kg; Consumabl es 1 week; Carr ied Craft none

Payload 48 concuss ion missiles (SPHA-C only)

Availability M ilita ry ; Cost not available for sale

SPHA-T: Heavy Turbolaser (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 7dl 0x5

SPHA-I : Heavy Ion Cannon (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 3d l 0x5 ion

SPHA-V: Heavy Laser Cannon (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 5dl0x2

SPHA-C: Heavy Missile Launcher (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 9d l 0x5

SPHA-M: Mass-Driver Ca nnon (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 7dlO x 2

All: Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannons (gunners)

Atk +2 (autofire only). Dmg 3dl0

TX-130 SABER-CLASS FIGHTER TANK The TX-130 Saber-class f ig hte r t ank was meant to serve as a counter to the

Trade Federation's versa tile AATs, but without the inherent "lowest-bidder"

design flaws , Often piloted by Jedi in the field, the TX-130 is sma ll enough

to provide enemies with a difficult target wh il e simultaneously bei ng armed

well enough that it can launch a devast at ing counterattack-and quickly get

back out of range aga in,

Although the TX-1 30 includes a compartmen t desi gned to ca rry an R2

unit, astromech droids are generally con sidered more valuab le as starfighter

support; most crews use the extra space as addit ional cargo stora ge,

A later variation added a top - mounted turret fitted with a composite

beam cannon,

TX-130T Saber- class Fighter Tank Huge ground veh icle (speeder)

Init +7; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 17 (flat- footed 13), Fort 21 ; +5 armor

hp 120; DR 5; SR 5; Threshold 31

Speed 8 squares (max, velocity 200 km/ h)

Ranged laser canno ns +3 (see below) and

twin laser cannons + 1 (see below) and

missi le la uncher + 1 (see below) or

Ranged laser ca nnons + 1 (see below) and

twin laser ca nn ons + 1 (see be low) and

missile launcher + 1 (see below) or

co mposite beam canno n + 1 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3; Cover t otal (crew). + 5 (astromech droid)

Base Atk + 0; Grp +21

Abilit ies Str 33 , Dex 18, Con -, In t 14

Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +5 (+ 12*). Perception +5 , Pil ot +7,

Use Compu ter +5 (+12*)

Crew 3 plus optional astromech droid (normal ); Passengers 2

Cargo 750 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none

Payload 16 missiles

Avai labil ity Mili ta ry ; Cost not ava il able for sale

CL 7

* If the tank has the optional astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead,

Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk +3 , Dmg 5dl0x2

Twin Medium Laser Cannons (copilot)

Atk +1 (-4 autofire)' Dmg 5dl0

Missi le Launcher (copilot/gunner)

Atk + 1, Dmg 8d6, 4-squ are splash

Composite Beam Cannon (gunner)

Atk +1, Dmg 8dl0

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UNSTABLE TERRAIN ARTILL E RY TRANSPORT (UT-AT) Notoriously slow and vulnerable, the Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport, or UT-AT- known by the troops as the "Trident" because of its weapon configuration-is a heavy repulsorlift tank bui lt by Kuat Drive Yards and the Mekuun Corporation to make up for the design shortfalls of walkers such as the AT-TE. Equipped with banks of repulsorlift "skis" that redistribute the vehicle's weight based on the terrain, the UT-AT is ungainly in combat and requires an additional full round of all -out movement to reach its top speed of 45 kilometers per hour. However, the repulsorlifts can be reconfigured for traction (rather than repulsion). allowing the UT-AT to scale sheer surfaces.

The UT-AT's bomblet generator allows the pilot to shunt some of the reactor engine's energy to an ion converter, unleashing virtual storms of ion "grenades" with the range of a grenade launcher. However, diverting the energy to the bomblet generator drains a great deal of energy; the UT-AT must come to a complete stop for a full round before firing the ion bomblets.

The interior of the UT-AT can be configured either for clone troopers (half a platoon) or materiel, such as bridge-laying equ ipment.

Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport CL 6 Colossal ground vehicle (speeder) Init -2; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 8). Fort 19; + 10 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 200; DR 15; Threshold 69

Speed 4 squares (max. velocity 45 km/h)' climb 2 squares Ranged heavy laser cannon +8 (see below) and

2 medium laser cannons +6 (see below) and 4 heavy repeating blasters + 1 (see below) or

Ranged bomblet generator +8 (see below) and 2 medium laser cannons +6 (see below) and 4 heavy repeating blasters + 1 (see below) or

Fighting Space 8x12; Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +34 Atk Options autofire (heavy repeating blasters)

Abilities Str 28, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot -2

Crew 6 (expert); Passengers 20 Cargo 26 tons; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost not available for sale

Heavy Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +8, Dmg 6dl0x2, 2-square splash

Medium Laser Cannons (gunners) Atk +6, Dmg 4dl0x2

Heavy Repeating Blasters (gunners) Atk +1 (autofire only). Dmg 3dl0

Bomblet Generators (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 4d6 ion

REPUBL..IC STARSHIPS Industrial titans such as the Corellian Engineering Corporation turn out record numbers of military starships, keeping assembly lines running night and day to produce components and replacement parts.

CONSULAR - CLASS CRUISER (MODIFIED) At the start of the Clone Wars, when starships and other weapons of war are still in short supply, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issues an order that thou­sands of government vessels be converted into warships for use against the Separatist fleet. At this time, much of the Republic's fleet of Consular-class cruisers receive a retrofit (known as the Charger c70 retrofit) to improve their combat capability. Many battle groups in the Republic Navy use retrofitted Consular-class cruisers to supplement their larger capital ships and provide a much-needed step between starfighters and the Acclamator-class and Venator-class ships.

Consular-class Cruiser (Charger c70 Retrofit) CL 16 Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 14). Fort 36; +14 armor hp 960; DR 15; SR 120 ; Threshold 139

Speed f ly 3 squares (starship sca le) Ranged 2 light turbolaser cannon batteries +8* (see below) and

2 point-defense medium laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship sca le); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +48

Abilities Str 62 , Dex 18, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0,

Use Computer +6

Crew 8 (skilled); Passengers 20 (troops) Cargo 6,000 tons ; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive xl.5, advanced navicomputer Availability Military; Cost 1,650,000 (700,000 used) * Apply a -20 on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal in size.

Light Turbolaser Cannon Battery (3 gunners) Atk +8 (- 12 against targets smaller than Colossal)' Dmg 3dl0x5

Point-Defense Medium Laser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4, Dmg 4dl0x2

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KAPPA-CLASS SHUTTLE Decades before the Clone Wars, Republ ic Sienar Systems designs the Kappa­class shuttle to serve as a troop t'ransport for local militias and planetary defense forces . Equ ipped with two blaster cannons for space combat and two heavy repeat ing blaster cannons to provide covering fire for disembarking troops, the Kappa is meant to drop into hot land ing zones, offload a platoon of troops and their support vehicles, then lift off again within ha lf a minute.

The troop cabin can be reconfigu red fo r a variety of payloads , includ­ing extra vehicles, cargo, munitions, or as many as two more squads of troopers.

Kappa-class Shuttle CL 11 Colossa l space transport Init +0; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 14). Fort 26; +14 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 130; DR 15; SR 25; Threshold 76

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 820 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged double blaster cannons +7 (starship scale ; see below) and 2 heavy repeating blaster cannons +2 (character scale; see be low)

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +41 Atk Options autofire (heavy repeating blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 43, Dex 14, Con -, Int 15 Skills In itiative +0, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pi lot +0,

Use Computer +8

Crew 4 (expert); Passengers 40 Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft 2 AT- RT walkers or

2 ISP platforms Hyperdrive x2 (x18 backup). nav computer Availability Military; Cost not available for sa le

Double Blaster Cannons (co-pilot) Atk +7, Dmg 5d10x2

Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannons (gunners) Atk +2 (autof ire on ly). Dmg 3d 10

MSOSTAR-CLASS FRIGATE The exigencies of the war quickly pushed the Republic's fleet of MedStar­class frigates into service as mob ile hospitals, where patients stabilized on the battlefield could receive al l necessary care to restore them to fighting condition.

Though outfitted for defense, MedStar-ciass frigates are not well-suited for combat, and, if they are entering a hostile zone, are usually accompanied by a sma ll number of battle-ready frigates. However, once on station, they are generally fairly safe from attack. Only the most ruthless Separatist captain would th ink of firing on a hospital sh ip.

MedStar-ciass Frigate CL 15 Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -3; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12). Fort 34; + 12 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 680 ; DR 15; SR 100; Th reshold 134

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 turbo laser battery + 13 (see below) Rang ed 2 point-defenses laser cannon batteries + 13 (see below) Ranged tractor beam +5 (see be low) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +51 At k Opt ions au tofire (point-defenses laser cannon batteries)

Abili ties Str 59, Dex 12, Con -, Int 16 Skills Ini t iative -3 , Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilo t -3 ,

Use Computer +6

Crew 440 (skilled ); Passengers 655 Cargo 4,800 tons; Consumables 3 years; Carried Craft up to 12 Colossal

vessels Hyperdrive xl (xlO backup) Ava ilability Licensed; Cost 4,875,000 (2 ,550,000 used)

Tu rbolaser Battery (5 gunners) Atk + 13, Dmg 4d 10x5

Point-Defenses Laser Cannon Batteries (5 gunners) Atk + 13 (+8 autofire)' Dmg 2d 10x2

Tractor Beam (p ilot /cop ilot/gunner) At k +5, Dmg - (grapple +51)

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NU- CL.ASS ATTACK SHUTTLE Designed to supplement, but not rep lace, the LAAT/i transport vehicles, the Nu-class attack shuttle from Cygnus Spaceworks combines much of the design aesthetic of the LAAT/i wit h contemporary shutt le design. The end result is a starship that functions as both a troop transport and an infantry support vehicle. Capable of undertaking longer-range missions than the LAAT/i and faster as well, the Nu-class attack shutt le has th icker armor and heavier shield ing than atmospheric vessels, allowing it to survive pas­sage through sh ip-to -sh ip engagements and stil l deliver its ca rgo-whether materiel or troops- into a war l one. Many Nu-class attack shuttles also serve as t he personal t ransports for Republ ic mi li tary commanders (such as the Jedi generals) during the Clone Wars, ferrying them from capital ships to planetary battlefields quickly and safely.

Nu-c/ass Attack Shuttle Colossal space transport Init +2; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 14). Fort 25; + 14 armor hp 110; DR 15; SR 30 ; Threshold 25

CL 12

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged medium laser ca nnons +9 (see below) and double light laser cannons +7 (see below)

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starsh ip scale); Cover total Base Atk +5 ; Grp +40 Atk Options autofire (double light laser cannons)

Abilities Str 40, Dex 18, Con - , Int 14 Ski lls Initiative +2, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +2,

Use Computer +8

Crew 2 (expert); Passengers 30 Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost 85,000 (50,000 used)

Medium Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +9, Dmg 4dl0x2

Double Light Laser Cannons (copilot) Atk +7 (+2 autofi re)' Dmg 4dl0x2


PeL.TA-CLASS MEDICAL FRIOATE The Pelto-class frigate from Kuat Drive Yards is one of the newest vessels in the Republic Fleet. Boasting a design that allows the ship to alter its shape to fit its role, the Pelto-class frigate has two large auxiliary "wings" that can fold back into the sh ip to present a smaller profile at the expense of interior space. A multipurpose frigate produced with modular interiors, the Pelto-class frigate can be retrofitted in a matter of hours simply by remov­ing one interior module and inserting another. Though this process must be performed at a shipyard or other facility capable of servic ing the ship, this feature allows battle groups to alter their role in a matter of days rather than weeks or months.

The Pelto-class f rigate often serves alongside the MedStor-ciass frigate as a medical vessel, giving the Pelto-class ships the reputation of being medical frigates despite their multipurpose role.

Pe/ta-class Medical Frigate Colossal (frigate) cap ital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 35; + 11 armor hp 760; DR 15; SR 100; Threshold 135

Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 light turbolaser batteries + 17 (see below) and

3 point-defense li ght laser cannon battery + 17 (see below) and tractor beam battery + 11 (see below)

CL 16


January 2009

p. 172 – Nu-class Shuttle Add the following line beneath the Cargo line: Hyperdrive x1, navicomputer

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Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +2; Grp +47

Atk Options if any

Abilities 5tr 60, Dex 14, Con -, Int 20

Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Percept ion +6, Pilot -2,

Use Computer + 6

Crew 900 (skilled); Passengers 300 (troops)

Cargo 275 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none

Hyperdrive x2 (backup x16)

Availability Mi litary; Cost not available for sale

* Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossa/size.

Light Turbolaser Battery (6 gunners)

Atk +17 (-3 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 3dl0x5

Point-Defense Light Laser Cannon Battery (6 gunners)

Atk +17 (+12 autofire), Dmg 4dlOx2

Tractor Beam Battery (3 gunners)

Atk +11 (-9 against targets smaller than Colossal),

Dmg - (grapple +47)

KOENSAVR BTL-51 V-WINO The first iteration of the starfighter that will continue to serve a military

function for decades to come, the Koensayr BTL-51 V-wing starfighter is the

multipurpose predecessor to the V-wing fighter used by the Rebel Alliance

at the Batt le of Yavin. The BTL-51 is aesthetically and functionally similar to

later models, though a f ew major differences are noticeable on first glance.

The most obvious difference can be seen in the copilot's placement in the

ship; the copilot sits in a gunnery bubble behind the pilot, which swivels to

provide the copilot with a greater angle of fire for the ship's ion cannons.

Koensayr BTL-S 1 Y-wing Gargantuan starfighter

Init +3; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 25; +7 armor

hp 110; DR 100; SR 10; Threshold 45

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h), fly 3 squares

(starship scale)

Ranged medium laser cannons +7 (see below) and

double light ion cannons +5 (see below) or

Ranged medium laser cannons +7 (see below) and

proton torpedoes +5 (see below)

CL 10

Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total {crew}, +5

(astromech droid)

Base Atk + 1; Grp +32

Atk Options autofire (double light ion cannons)

Abilit ies 5tr 40, Dex 16, Con -, Int 16

Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6 (+ 13*), Perception +6, Pilot +3,

Use Computer +6 (+13*)

Crew 2 plus astromech droid (skilled); Passengers none

Cargo 130 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none

Payload 10 proton torpedoes

Hyperdrive x2, 10-jump memory (astromech droid)

Availability Military; Cost 127,000 (63,000 used)

• /f the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Medium Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk +7, Dmg 4dl0x2

Double Light Ion Cannons (gunner)

Atk +5 (+0 autofire), Dmg 4dlOx2 ion

Proton Torpedoes (gunner)

Atk +5, Dmg 9dlOx2, 4-square splash



January 2009

p. 173 – Y-Wing DR should be 10, not 100.

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ORGANIZATION Over ten thousand systems fl ock to the Separatist ca use, even if not all of them comm it to joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When they first unite around a common need to defend themselves aga inst pirates and ra iders (such as the Nebula Front). they share tech nology for building private armies for se lf-defense. When the Republic refuses to provide any rea l assistance, the Separatists begin to evolve from a group of malcontents with similar goals to a full-b lown political movement with views and expectations radically different from those of their parent organization-and combined forces numbering in the quadril lions.

THE COMMERCE FACTIONS The Confederacy of Independent Systems has a strong core membership consist ing of several associated commercial organizations: the greedy Trade Federation, the bu reaucratic Commerce Gui ld, the ambiti ous Corporate All i­ance, the enigmatic Techn o Union , the opportunistic InterGalactic Banking Clan, the hivelike labor pool of Geonosian Industries, and the galaxy-spanning Retail Caucus. Each has reasons for support ing separation from the Republic, which, cumulatively, provide the Confederacy with the resou rces it needs to form a po litical body strong enough to secede. They all know that support­ing the Separatist movement is an end to their lucrative relations with the Republic; they have all weighed the risks and decided that following Count Dooku is the best strategy for optim izing their profits.

The level of support among the commerce factions for the Separatists is mixed, however. Each has its own reasons for joining-and its own price.

The Retail Caucus The Reta il Caucus is a conglomerate of hundreds of corporations that special ­ize in commercial goods created for public consumption . Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Reta il Caucus is largely a financial institution, manag­ing the money and investments of its component companies, which specialize in the creation and distribution of consumer goods. Prior to the Battle of Naboo, the Retail Caucus has very little in the way of military resources, relying on the Trade Federation to ship and protect its goods.

Count Dooku f irst approaches the Retail Caucus primarily for f inancial backing. Seeing a chance to make an investment that could payoff in the fu tu re, the Reta il Caucus fronts the credits to fund dozens of clandes­tine battle droid and starsh ip manufacturing plants across the galaxy. In excha nge, the Retail Caucus rece ives 10% of al l of the milita ry materiel produced by these manufacturing facilities, resulting in a new mi litary power almost overnight.

The Trade Federation The Trade Federation, under the leadership of Viceroy Nute Gunray, feels cheated by the backlash over its occupation of Naboo-which was, technical ly speaking, perfectly legal-and they are awaiting an opportunity to recoup some of the ir considerable losses from the reparations they were forced to pay to the Naboo and the Gungans.

The Commerce Guild The Commerce Guild comes to the Confederacy in secret. As the most influential commodities broker in the Republic, it knows all too well that too much pressure here or there can severely unbalance the market, costing hundreds of tri llions of cred its. But after a few of the more cagey prospective members of the Confederacy die in convenient accidents, Commerce Guild President Shu Mai-a Gossam, from the world of Castell-decides that she can play both sides of the conflict without arousing the ire of either; both the Repub lic and the Confederacy need ore and minerals and bulk produce, particularly in wartime.

The Corporate Alliance The Corporate Alliance-the organization in charge of regulating sales and distribution throughout the galaxy-knows all along that the Republic will not miss them if they leave; there will always be someone else more than eager to fill their seats in the Senate. But its Magistrate, Passel Argente, is a Koorivar- a species driven from its adopted homeworld by a RepubliC resolu­tion that ceded the planet to another species over two thousand years before the Battle of Naboo. The Koorivars have never forgiven the Republic for the grievous injury, so Magistrate Argente feels no compunctions whatsoever about joining the Separatist movement, pledging the Corporate Alliance wholeheartedly to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The Techno Union The galaxy's foremost developer of emerging technologies, including advanced engineering and microelectronics, the Techno Union is strongly devoted to the Separatist agenda. Represented by Wat Tambor, a Skakoan, the Techno Union incorporates Haor Chall Engineering, Republic Sienar Sys­tems, Kuat Systems Engineering, and TaggeCo, among others. The combined technological acumen of these cutting-edge corporations is unparalleled in the Republic-though many of the Techno Union's best and brightest chose not to co mmit to the Confederacy, including BlasTech Industries and the Corell ian Engineering Corporation .

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The InterGalactic Banking Clan Based on Muunilinst, the InterGa lactic Banking Clan supports the Confed­eracy of Independent Systems-but not exclusively. The enigmatic Chairman of the IGBC, San Hill, feels that denying the Republic the services provided by the InterGalactic Banking Clan-the administration of loans and interest rate s, and the regulation of investment market prices-will only put the Republic in a position where it has no choice but to fight until the bitter end. If allowed to view the independent systems as friendly competitors, rather than enemies, the Republic will be much more willing to concede the war and let those systems secede, in order to preserve its own financial stability.

Geonosian Industries Th e Geonosians have always felt sl ighted by the Republic's refusal to accept the supremacy of their queen-despite most humanoids' lack of wings (a clear sign that the galaxy's other species are of inferior castes). The Geonosians' archduke, Poggle the Lesser, is impressed by Count Dooku's deference toward the Geonosian queen caste, so he pledges every last one of his species' underground factories to the Separatist cause and offers his homeworld as a meeting place for the other trade faction representatives.






THE 91TH At the top of the Separatist hierarchy-and kept carefully hidden from both sides-a re the Sith: Darth Tyranus and his dark master, Darth Sid ious. Under Darth Sidious's sinister tutelage, Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) spends ten years manipulating a minor political movement into a full -blown seces­sionist front while Sidious maneuvers the Republic loyalists into declaring all-out war.

Darth Sidious adheres to a tradition of secrecy imposed by the Sith a thousand years before, working his evil schemes th rough intermediaries and dupes while remaining hidden in the shadows. His organization includes politicians and anarchists, crime lords and corrupt law enforcement, schemers and dreamers, the wealthy and the impoverished-and, as the war draws to a close, the most powerful Jedi Knight alive: Anakin Skywalker.

Sidious recruits the disillusioned Count Dooku short ly after the Jedi Master leaves the Order over an ill-fated mission to the world of Galidraan. A suave and charismatic speaker, Dooku makes the ideal figurehead for the Separatists: a dynamic orator with a strong desire to see the Republic made to serve its most influential constituents, without all the inconvenient public safety rules and annoying trade regu lations. Much of his own philosophy has formed the core of Separatist views, and it is li ttle wonder that they f lock to his side.

However, like all of Sidious's apprentices, Dooku is expendable. In fact, the Sith philosophy is for an apprentice to continually prove himself. If the apprentice does not survive, he can be replaced-often by whoever kill ed the apprentice. Th is is the case with Darth Tyranus-slain by the Jedi Anakin Sky­walker, who soon replaces Dooku as Sidious's new apprentice, Darth Vader.

THE COMBINED CONFEDERACY Initially, the Separatist forces are five independent armies working toward a common goal but wi thout an overall strategy, or even a unified battle plan. The first several battle actions, includ ing the Battle of Geonosis, are basically free-for-all engagements, won (or survived) merely because the Separatists have the advantage of greater numbers than their Grand Army opponents. In time, Count Dooku convinces the various factions to combine thei r military forces, enabling the Separatist Droid Army to team Trade Federation Bl-Series battle droids with Commerce Guild homing spider droids, for examp le, or Techno Union octuptarra tri-droids with Corporate Alliance Persuader-class droid enforcers, making for a more effective and well-rounded Separatist military.

But Dooku recognizes early on that he is not the best general for such an army, and he recruits numerous tacticians, commanders, and, in some cases, particularly aggressive figureheads to lead the Separatist forces into battle: the Chiss general Sev'rance Tann, the Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress, and the brutish cyborg Durge. None of these, however, comb ine all the qualities needed to ensure victory for the Confederacy, until Dooku persuades the Kaleesh cyborg Grievous to take command. General Grievous turns the war around for the Separatists and slow ly pushes the conflict right to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's very doorstep, abducting Palpatine and nearly captur­ing Coruscant in the process.

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THE SEPARATIST DRCID ARMY The Separatists' military co nsists of organic and droid forces from all five of

t he original signatory members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems­

the Commerce Guild, the InterGalact ic Banking Clan, the Corporate Alliance,

the Techno Union, and the Trade Federation-and a number of other aligned

systems and worlds as we ll. Organized at first into individual forces, they

eventually combine under General Grievous's leadership into a sin gle fighting

force of extrao rdinary magnitude.

SEPARATIST C3ROUND FORCES At its inception, the Separatists' forces are divided into five major orders of

batt le, and numerous minor orders of battle: the Commerce Guild's "pun itive

securi ty forces"; the Corporate Alliance's Policy Administration Directo rate;

the InterGa lactic Banking Clan's Collections and Security Division; the Techno

Union's droid army ; the Trade Federation's droid army; and count less other

secur ity forces, law enforcement agencies, and private armies.

Under General Grievous, each of these orders was reorganized into more

efficient armies, each with specific purposes for which different combina­

tions of forces are required.

Commerce Guild Punitive Security Forces Th e Commerce Guild employs a force of security personnel and battle droids

whose major function is to keep the Commerce Guild's member wo rlds and

systems in line. The organic personnel generally work sepa rately from the

droids, though most of the Com merce Guild's droid forces are comma nded

and maintained by Gossams.

The command structure of the Commerce Guild 's organic forces follows

a sim ilar command structure to the Republic's specia l forces.

Squad (6 officers) : A squad consists of six Gossam security off icers

(usually Gossam commandos), one of whom acts as a squad leader.

Troop (36 officers): A troop consists of six squads, includin g six squad

leaders. They are generally led by a singl e Gossam with the ti t le of security


Division (216 officers plus support personnel): A company co nsists of

6 troops, led by six security chiefs and a division commander.


The Commerce Guild's droid forces are arranged by type of droid.

Advanced DSD Unit: This unit consists of one advanced dwarf spider

droid and a support group of one squad of B1-Series or B2-Series battle


Spelunker Probe Droid Unit: This unit includes five spelunker probe

droids. Forces of up to 20 units are sometimes fielded to handle particularly

tough targets.

Dwarf Spider Droid Unit: Dwarf spider droids usually opera te in groups

of four, or in forces of 2-5 units.

Heavy Dwarf Spider Droid Unit: Heavy dwarf spider droids usually

operate in groups of four, or in forces of 2-5 units.

OG-9 Homing Spider Droid Unit: OG-9 homing spider droids are almost

always f ie lded si ngly, t hough usually with an escort of four DSD1 dwarf spider

droids (which also act as spotters).

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Corporate Alliance Policy Administration Directorate The Corporate Alliance maintains a small security force, the Koorivar Fusiliers,

whose j ob is primarily to guard Alliance faci lities against sabotage and

industria l espionage. Like the Commerce Gui ld, though , they also have a

sizeable force of droids, composed entirely of their devastating Persuader­class droid enforcers.

The Koorivar Fusiliers have a command structure similar to the Grand

Army's, though not qu ite as extensive. Much of the Fusil iers' armed might

re lies on artillery emplacements, wh ich are always crewed by two fusi li er

engineers and a crew leader.

Squad (12 fusiliers): The Fusi lier's sma llest group is the squad, led by

a sergeant. Platoon (36 fusiliers): A platoon consists of 3 squads, led by a


Company (108 fusiliers plus support personnel): A company consists

of 3 platoons, led by a captain.

Battalion (324 fusiliers plus support personnel): A battalion consists

of 3 companies, led by a colonel.

Regiment (972 fusiliers plus support personnel): A regiment consists

of 3 battalions, led by a general.

The Corporate Alliance's droid units consist entirely of squads of 2-4

NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers.

Geonosian Hive Army While the Geonosians lack a formal military, their warrior caste is usually

sufficient to deal with most criminal or secur ity issues . As part of a hive

society, the warrior caste is t ight ly organ ized under ind ividual members of

the queen caste, and require no further command structure: A Geonosian

warrior serves his queen and takes orders from no one else (though Archduke

Pogg le has considerable influence over his queen, and can usually expect his

requests to be commuted into orders by the queen within moments).

In battle, Geonosian warriors simply throw themselves at opponents in

whatever numbers they have at hand; they have no concept of squads, ranks,

or orders of battle. An encounter with Geonosian troops might be with a

handfu l of Geonosian regu lars, a swarm of elite warriors, the reverse, or any

combination in between .

InterGalactic Banking Clan Collections and Security Division The IGBC's Collections and Security Division's primary purpose prior to

the outset of the war is to co ll ect overdue debts and provide security for

IGBC facilit ies and the clan's officers. They are organized into two differ­

ent groups: the organic Muun Guard and IG lancer combat droids, and the

IG-l00 MagnaGuard "elites." The Muun Guards and IG lancer combat droid

units are structured exactly the same way, while IG-100 MagnaGuards are

produced in such low numbers that they need no command structure; they

merely follow the orders of their programmed masters.

Squad (9 soldiers): A squad consists of 9 soldiers (Muun guards or

IG lancer combat droids). Either type of group is led by a Muun guard


Troop (45 soldiers): A troop consists of 5 squads, coordinated under a

Muun guard lieutenant.

Brigade (225 soldiers plus support personnel): A brigade consists of

5 troops and a section of 5 Hoi/fire-class tank droids, led by a Muun guard


Division (1,125 soldiers plus support personnel): A group consists of

5 brigades, led by a Muun guard colone l.

Techno Union Droid Army Short ly before joining the Separat ist movement, the Techno Union restruc­

tures to more closely resemble the Trade Federat ion, in a successful effort to

gain membersh ip in the Galactic Senate. As a result, most of the organization

of the Techno Union's armed forces is modeled after the Trade Federation's

(see below)' with minor differences based on the specific units available.

The chief differences lie in the types of un its. Wh il e the ma in battle droid

forces are virtual ly identical, the Techno Union utilizes a number of special­

ized droid types in its army.

LM-432 Crab Droid Unit (3 droids): A crab droid unit consists of 3

LM-432 assault crab droids of the same size.

Octuptarra Tri-Droid Unit (3 droids): An octuptarra tri-droid un it

consists of 3 octuptarra combat tri-droids.

Tri-Droid Unit (3 droids): This un it consists of 3 tri-droids.

Spelunker Probe Droid Unit: Th is unit includes f ive spelunker probe

droids. Forces of up to 12 units are somet imes fielded to handle particularly

tough targets.

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Trade Federation Droid Army The Trade Federation creates its droid army initially for security purposes,

but quickly puts it to use invading and occupying Naboo. Although they are

ordered to disarm after their defeat by the combined Naboo-Gungan forces,

the Trade Federation merely transfers most of its materiel to subsidiary

corporations-only to transfer it back, years later, in time to pledge its droid

forces to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The command structure of the Trade Federation's droid army is profoundly

simple: Battle droids report to droid officers, and droid officers report to

their organic commanders.

AAT Crew (4 droids): An AAT crew consists of 4 OOM-Series battle


MTT Crew (4 droids): An MTT crew consists of 4 OOM-Series battle


Troop Carrier Crew (2 droids): A troop carrier crew consists of 2 OOM­

Series battle droids.

Squad (8 battle droids): A squad consists of seven battle droids.

Because the droids are controlled by a remote processor, no squad leader

is required.

Platoon (56 battle droids): A platoon consists of 7 squads.

Company (112 battle droids plus support droids): A company consists

of 2 platoons transported on either an MTT or a troop carrier, under the direct

command of a battle droid officer.

Battalion (784 battle droids plus support droids): A battalion consists

of 7 troop carrier companies and a reinforced squadron of 24 AATs, under

the direct command of a battle droid officer.

Vanguard (1,232 battle droids plus support droids): Intended for break­

ing through heavy defenses to deploy battle droids, a vanguard consists of

11 MTT companies and a squadron of 18 AATs, under the direct command

of a battle droid officer.

Regiment (4,368 battle droids plus support droids): A regiment

consists of 4 battalions and 1 vanguard, under the direct command of a

battle droid officer. A regiment is the total force carried aboard a C-9979

landing craft.

Division (21,840 battle droids plus support droids): A division consists

of a 5 regiments carr ied aboard a section of 5 C-9979 landing craft.

Corps (109,200 battle droids plus support droids): A corps consists of

a 5 divisions carried aboard a squadron of 25 C-9979 landing craft.

Army (218,400 battle droids plus support droids): An army consists of

2 corps, the total surface force carried aboard a Lucrehulk-class battleship

under the command of a Trade Federation ship's captain.

The Separatist Droid Army Once combined, the individual elements of the commerce factions' military

organizations form the mighty Separatist Droid Army: over a quadrillion

droids in total (including the vast numbers of support droids necessary to

keep such a large force operational), all of which are ultimately answer­

able to the cunning Kaleesh cyborg General Grievous. Reporting directly to

Grievous are the various military leaders of the commerce factions, while

the heads of the factions collectively act as an advisory council, with Count

Dooku as their leader (much the way Supreme Chancellor Pal patine leads

the Galactic Senate).

The Separatist Droid Army has no true order of battle due to the

completely separate militaries that comprise it; instead, task forces are

assembled as needed from available units. The genius of General Grievous

is his abi lity to coordinate radically different force structures in a way that

keeps the Republic off balance at the strategic level. Tactically, however,

these incompatible command structures result in profound inefficiency and

chain-of-command confusion, the result being that the Republic can usually

outfight the Separatists even when badly outnumbered.

Army Command Structure The Confederacy has a simple but effective command structure. Droid offi­

cers command droid troops, and organic officers command droid officers.

The concept of individual ranks is largely wasted on Separatist droids, who

are simply programmed to obey their officers. Even the organic troops

often have no more official place in the rank structure than "foot sold ier"

or "squad leader."

Only those organics who are part of preexisting armed forces tend to

have traditional ranks such as private, lieutenant, colonel, and so on. But

all report to their respective superiors, and, eventually and ultimately, to

General Grievous. Grievous, in turn, reports to Count Dooku, who does the

bidding of Darth Sidious.

SEPARATIST NAVAL FLEET The Separatists have a sizeable armada of ships we ll before hostilities with

the Galactic Republic begin-from the blockade fleet of the Trade Federation

to the war fleet of the Commerce Guild. Unlike the ground forces, though,

the Separatists' ships are crewed almost entirely by living beings-though

maintenance and astromech droids are common, and the Neimoidians and

Skakoans rely heavily on droid crews on all their ships.

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The Separatist Admiralty Like their ground forces, the Confederacy Navy begins as separate corporate

fleets of the various commerce factions, only to be later combined under

General Grievous. The organization changes little during the transition but

grows in size. The command structure of the Separatist admiralty consists of five

groups. Section (2-4 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew): The

sma llest group in the Separatist admiralty is the section, commanded by

a captain . Flight (4-16 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew): A flight

consists of 2-4 sections, commanded by a commodore.

Squadron (12-64 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew): A

sq uadron consists of 3-4 flights, led by a commodore.

Task Group (36-640 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew): A

task group consists of 3-10 sq uadrons, led by a rear admiral.

Task Force (72-1,280 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew):

A task force consists of 2 task groups, led by a vice admiral.

Fleet (200-4,000 vessels, plus maintenance and support crew): A

fleet consists of 3 task groups, led by an admiral.

Admiralty: The Separatist Admiralty consists of hundreds of individual

fleets, under the command of General Grievous.

Admiralty Command Structure The admiralty's hierarchy is simi lar to the Separatist Droid Army's-gunnery

crew, gunnery officers, communication and tactical officers, pilots (or pilot

droids). navigational officers, bridge officers, sh ip captains, and group com­

manders. In addition, the command structure includes positions for mUltiple

noncommand specialists: medical officers; deck officers; and fighter pilots­

or, in many cases, droid starfighters. Officers in the Admiralty are organic,

except for a small percentage of battle droid officers.

PERSONNEL. The Separatists' droid army is vast, but its military includes great numbers of

organic warriors as well. The Geonosians are among the Separatists' earliest

and most fanatical followers, and Trandoshan mercenaries often work with

the Confederacy (with unofficial encouragement from their leaders).

OEONOSIAN WARRIOR Geonosis's hive world produces millions of new warriors each year. These

winged fighters are trained from the moment they hatch to obey the bidding

of their queen. Though not particularly intelligent, they are fiercely loyal.

Because the Geonosian warrior caste can fly, they tend to think in three

dimensions-and because they sleep by clinging to walls, Geonosians make

use of the high ce ilings and uneven walls of their hive chambers to spring

devastating ambushes.

Geonosian Warrior Medium Geonosian nonheroic 3

Init +6; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 1

Languages Basic, Geonosian

CL 1

Defenses Re f 10 (flat-footed 10). Fort 10 (15 against radiation)' Will 10

hp 10; Threshold 10

Speed 6 squares, fly 4 squares, climb 3 squares

Melee electro-staff +3 (2d6+2)

Ranged sonic blaster +2 (2d8 sonic1)

Base Atk +2; Grp +3

Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8

Special Qualities radiation resistance

Feats Skill Training (Stealth). Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (advanced

melee weapons, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +6, Stealth +6

Possessions electro-staff2 or sonic blaster

1 Sonic damage cannot be deflected by lightsabers and is considered energy damage.

2 The Geonosion version of the electro-stoff is not a double weapon.

OEONOSIAN SPECIES TRAITS Geonosians are members of an insectoid, hive- oriented species with a

rigid caste system. Each has an exoskeleton, elongated limbs, and a long

face. Warriors also have thin, semitransparent wings. Members of the

worker caste are subject to brutal oppression by the warrior caste.

Geonosians have the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Geonosians have no special

bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: 6 squares, fly 6 squares.

Radiation Resistance: Geonosians gain a +5 species bonus to their

Fortitude Defense against radiation damage.

Low-Light Vision: Geonosians ignore concealment (but not total

concealment) from darkness.

Languages: Basic, Geonosian.

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OEONOSIAN EL.ITE WARRIOR Elite warriors are assigned to guard sensitive areas of the Geonosian hives,

such as the nurseries and the hidden chambers of the queen caste.

Geonosian Elite Warrior Medium Geonosian nonheroic 3/soldier 2

Init +7; Senses low-l ight vision, Percept ion +2

Languages Basic, Geonosian

CL 3

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 15), Fort 15 (20 against radiation), Wi ll 12;

+4 armor

hp 26; Threshold 15

Speed 6 squares, f ly 6 squares, cl imb 3 squares

Melee electro-staff +6 (2d6+5)

Ranged sonic blaster pistol +4 (2d6+ 1 sonicl, devastating 5)

Base Atk +4; Grp +6

Atk Options Devastating Attack (pistols)

Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8

Special Qualities radiation resistance

Talents Devastating Attack (pistols)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Skill Train ing (Stealth), Toughness,

Weapon Profic iency (advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, rifles,

simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +7, Stealth +7

Possessions electro-staff2 or sonic blaster pisto l, warrior tun ic (+4 armor;

as combat jumpsui t)

1 Sonic damage cannot be deflected by lightsabers and is considered energy damage.

2 The Geonosian version of the electro-staff is not a double weapon.

TRANDOSHAN BOUNTY HUNTER Trandoshans have hunted Wookiees for as long as anyone can remember, and

many of their bounty hunters sign up with the Separat ists as soon as the war

starts, just for an excuse to leg it imize slaughter ing their ancient foes .

Trandoshan Bounty Hunter CL 6 Medium Trandoshan non heroic 3/scout 4/bounty hunter 1

Force 4; Dark Side 5

Init +8; Senses darkvision, Perception + 4

Languages Basic, Dosh

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 18), Fort 18, Will 15; +4 armor, +1 natural

hp 47; Threshold 18

Speed 6 squares

Melee claw +7 (ld4+3) or

Melee bayonet +7 (ld8+4)

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +5 (3d1O+2) or

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +3 (4d 10+2) with Rapid Shot or

Ranged stun grenade launcher +5 (4d6+2 stun, 2-square burst) or

Base Atk +6; Grp +7 Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster rifle), Dastardly Strike, Rap id Shot

Special Actions Acute Senses, Keen Shot, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 13, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10

Special Qualities limb regeneration , natural armor

Talents Acute Senses, Dastard ly Strike, Keen Shot

Feats Armor Proficiency (l ight), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Ski l l

Training (Survival)' Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons,

pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +8, Survival +9

Possessions combat j umpsuit, heavy blaster rifle with mounted bayonet,

grenade launcher, 4 stun grenades

Limb Regeneration-A Trandoshan reg rows a lost limb in 1d1O days. At

the end of that t ime, all persistent penalties associated with the loss of

the limb are removed .

TRANDOSHAN MERCENARY Those Trandoshans who embrace warfare-rather than slaving-as their

profession often rise to the top of their t rade : Being able to regenerate lost

limbs in a matter of days is a huge advantage over most soldiers-of-fortune.

Their relative invulnerab ility makes them overconfident, though, and Tran­

doshan mercenaries often pile on the heaviest armor they can afford, strap

on the biggest, most lethal weapons they can find, and wade into batt le as

though nothing can stop them. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for

the Grand Army of the Republic, they are often correct.

Trandoshan Mercenary CL 12 Med ium Trandoshan soldier 7/e lite trooper 5

Destiny 2; Force 6; Dark Side 8

Init + 11; Senses low-light, Perception +9

Languages Basic, Dosh

Defenses Ref 31 (flat-footed 30), Fort 31, Will 23; +5 armor, +1 natural

hp 131; DR 2; Threshold 36

Speed 4 squares

Melee claw +14 (ld6+8)

Ranged heavy blaster rifle + 10 (3d1O+8, devastating 5) with autofire or

Ranged heavy blaster rifle + 10 (5d10+8, devastating 5) with Burst Fire or

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +5/+5 (3d10+8, devastating 5) with Double

Attack and autofire or

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +5/+5 (5d10+8, devastating 5) with Double

Attack and Burst Fire or

Base Atk +12; Grp +14

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Atk Options autofire, Burst Fire, Devastating Attack (heavy weaponsl.

Rap id Shot

Special Actions delay damage, Charging Fire, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10

Special Qualities limb regeneration

Talents Armored Defense, Controlled Burst, Devastating Attack (heavy

weaponsl. Improved Armored Defense, Indomitable, Multiattack

Proficiency (heavy weaponsl. Weapon Specializat ion (heavy weapons)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavyl. Burst Fire, Charging Fire,

Double Attack, Improved Damage Threshold, Martial Arts I, Point Blank

Shot, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles,

simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 13, Ini tiative + 11, Knowledge (tactics) + 11

Possessions heavy battle armor, heavy blaster rifle, helmet package

Limb Regeneration -A Trandoshan reg rows a lost limb in 1d10 days. At

the en d of that time, al l persistent penalties associated with the loss of

the limb are removed.

INFLUENTIAL FIOURES In every war, battles are decided by the actions of a few brave individu­

als. But those battles are not fought except at the bidding of the army's

commanders-and, above them, their civilian leadership. For t he Republic,

this means the Jedi and the Senate. For the Separatists, the leadership comes

down to a handful of individuals: the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, the mad

cyborg Durge, the merciless tactician General Grievous, and, above them,

the charismatic Count Dooku . But even Dooku answers to an even higher

authority: the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

Unlike the Jedi who lead the Grand Army of the Republic, the Separatist

commanders fight the war with vengeance in their hearts; each has a reason to

hate the enemy, and, in at least two cases, a bloodlust that almost makes them

more effective assassins than commanders. Although Grievous sees the war as

a tactical equation to be solved, Ventress and Durge see it as an opportunity

to settle old scores; fo r t hem, the wa r ca nnot go on long enough.

For Count Dooku, the end of the war means the end of his charade with

his Sith Master. When the war is over, there will no longer be a need to

pretend that Darth Sidious and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine are two dif­

ferent people-neither of whom are otherwise necessary to the Confederacy

of Independent Systems. Dooku can dispatch Sidious and become the new

Sith Master . .. and the ruler of the new Sith Empire.


COUNT DOOKU, SEPARATIST LEADER AND SITH LORD Count Dooku is the enigmatic and compelling leader of the Separatists, a

former Jedi Master who broke with the Jedi Order. He is also Darth Tyranus,

the new apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Powerful, sk il led, and char­

ismatic, Dooku leads the secessionists, slowly gathering them together into a

Confederacy of Independent Systems. A natural leader of uncommon vis ion,

Count Dooku has enticed thousands of worlds away from the Republic with his

dream of reshaping the galaxy, of wiping away the greed and the bureaucracy

and the inequities that come with them. Of all the Separatists, Dooku alone is

the best suited for the task of forging a true and lasting political system-for

of all the Separatists, Dooku alone knows the will of the Force and how it can

guide the Separatists to a new age of peace and prosperity.

Bu t Dooku has fallen under the sway of the dark side, and, sadly, cannot

see how it clouds his judgment. As a Jedi Master, Dooku is assigned to lead

a miss ion to Galidraan, to repel an invas ion by Mandalorians-among them,

Jango Fett-but his forces are only hastily assembled, and he loses over half

of the Jedi assigned to him. Only later does Dooku learn that he had been

manipulated; Galidraan's governor had actually hired the Mandalorians for

another job, wanting the Jedi to get rid of them when they became incon­

venient. Anyone but a Jedi might have been enraged by this betraya l, but

Dooku is more disappointed in how the Jedi Order had become dupes for

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the Galactic Republic. Upon hearing the news that his former apprentice, Komari Vosa, has been killed whi le on a similarly pointless mission, Dooku res igns from the Jedi Order.

Soon after his departure, though, Count Dooku is visited by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. The loss of Sith Lord's former apprentice, Darth Maul, motivates Sidious to seek out a new apprentice, a convert who already has the training he needs-and who can be turned to the dark side. Dooku fits the bill perfectly, a fu lly trained Jedi Master with radical phi losoph ies on galactic pol itics. Dooku is disenchanted with the Jedi way just enough to hear what the Sith Lord has to say rather than immediately attack him or notify the Jedi High Council. Sidious's words are compelling; he, too, believes that the Repub lic is rapidly being crushed under its own weight, and that a new order is desperately needed. But he, Sidious, cannot adequately effect change without attracting the attention of the Jedi. Furthermore, the last th ing the Sith Lord can afford at this point is to be exposed; his plans to rescue the Republic from itself depend on his own anonymity.

The need for secrecy severely hinders Sidious. He needs someone who can openly talk to the right people, to arrange meetings between them, and to serve as the public voice for the secessionist movement he proposes. In exchange for Dooku becoming that person, Sid ious agrees teach the former Jedi Master about the dark side of the Force and how Dooku can use it to bring about the positive changes they both envision for the galaxy.

So, yet again , Dooku chooses his destiny. But in doing so, he has truly sealed his fate.

Count Dooku Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Jedi Master 4/Sith Lord 2 Destiny 3; Force 7, Strong in the Force; Dark Side 14 Init + 16; Senses Use the Force + 17 Languages Basic, Geonosian, Shyriiwook

Defenses Ref 33 (flat-footed 31). Fort 32, Will 33; Block hp 141; Threshold 32 Immune fear effects

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber +22 (2d8+9) or Melee lightsaber +20 (3d8+9) with Rapid Strike Melee lightsaber + 19/+ 19 (2d8+9) with Double Attack or

CL 18

Melee lightsaber + 17/+ 17 (3d8+9) with Double Attack and Rapid Strike or Melee lightsaber + 14/+ 14/+ 14 (2d8+9) with Triple Attack or Melee lightsaber + 12/+ 12/+ 12 (3d8+9) with Triple Attack and Rapid

Strike Base Atk + 18; Grp +20 Atk Options Double Attack, Improved Disarm, Melee Defense, Rapid

Strike, Triple Attack Special Actions Lightsaber Defenses +3 (Makashi). serenity, temptation

Force Powers Known (Use the Force +17): Force grip, Force lightning, Force slam, Force thrust, mind trick, move object

Force Secrets Devastating Power, Distant Power, Multitarget Power, Quicken Power

Force Techniques Force Power Mastery, Improved Move Light Object

Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 16 Special Qualities temptat ion Talents Adept Negotiator, Block, Force Deception, Force Perception, Force

Persuasion, Lightsaber Defense, Makashi, Multiattack Proficiency (Iightsabers). Severing Strike, Telekinetic Savant

Feats Double Attack (Iightsabers). Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2). Improved Disarm, Melee Defense, Rapid Strike, Strong in the Force, Triple Attack (Iightsabers). Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons). Whirlwind Attack

Skills Initiative + 16, Knowledge (galactic lore) + 16, Knowledge (social sciences) + 16, Perception + 16, Use the Force + 17

Possessions lightsaber (self-built)

ASA..J..J VENTRESS, DARK ..JEDI Although the Sith tradition prevents Count Dooku from taking on an appren­tice, he does train several acolytes in the Sith arts, including a bitter young former Jedi named Asajj Ventress. Ventress was trained on her homeworld of Rattatak by a Jedi Knight named Ky Narec, and she knows little of the Jedi Order. When Ky Narec is killed, Ventress is unable to control her anger, vowing vengeance not only on the warlords whose squabbles caused Ky Narec's death but also on the Jedi Order for not sending anyone to help.

As the years pass, Asajj Ventress becomes increasingly embittered toward the Jedi. She tries her hand at bounty hunting for a while, hoping to pit her skills against Jedi targets, but never has the opportunity. During this time, Asajj Ventress learns of the Sith and concludes that, since she cannot join the ranks of the hated Jedi, she wi ll become their greatest enemy. However, it is not until she meets Count Dooku in the battle arena known as the Cauldron that she learns what a Sith truly is.

After proving herself worthy by defeating over a dozen opponents in the Cau ld ron, Asajj Ventress presents herself to Dooku, who awards her a pa ir of curve-hilted lightsabers (formerly belonging to Komari Vosa) and gives her an assignment to kill Anakin Skywalker. Although she fails, Ventress proves to be a resourceful and vicious assassin , carrying out numerous missions on Dooku's behalf. She clashes repeatedly with both Anakin Skywalker and his master Obi-Wan Kenobi, but despite capturing Kenobi at one point, she is unable to kill either Jedi .

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Shortly before the end of the Clone Wars, Skywalker and Kenobi defeat Asajj Ventress, and Kenobi believes that they have purged the hatred from her, redeeming her from the dark side. Assuming her dead, the Jedi send her body back to Coruscant aboard a medical shuttle. However, the shuttle vanishes en route, and, despite a rumor that she f ights in the Second Battle of Xagobah, she has not been seen since.

Asajj Ventress CL 13 Medium Rattataki (near-Human) Jedi 5/scout 4/Sith apprentice 4 Destiny 2; Force 7; Dark Side 13 Init +14; Senses Perception +7 Languages Basic

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 25). Fort 26, Will 26; Block, Elusive Target hp 105; Threshold 26

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 15 (2d8+ 7) or Melee lightsaber + 15 (2d8+7) and

lightsaber +15 (2d8+7) Base Atk +12; Grp +15 Atk Options Acrobatic Strike, Dark Scourge, Running Attack Special Actions Dark Healing, Power of the Dark Side Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 13): battle strike, dark rage, Farce

slam, move object

Force Techniques Improved Move Light Object, Improved Sense Surroundings

Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14 Talents Block, Dark Healing, Dark Scourge, Elusive Target, Improved

Stealth, Lightsaber Defense, Power of the Dark Side Feats Acrobatic Strike, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery

II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2). Running Attack, Skill Training (Pilot, Stealth). Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)

Skills Acrobatics + 14, Initiative + 14, Pilot + 14, Stealth + 14, Use the Force + 13

Possessions 2 lightsabers

DUROE, SEPARATIST COMMANDER Part cyborg, part ancient warrior, and almost entirely insane, Durge is little more than a killing machine. He is given the rank of commander in the Separatist army by Count Dooku and assigned the task of eliminating the last vestiges of the Mandalorians in the galaxy: the Grand Army's clone troopers, created from the genetic template of Jango Fett.

Over 1,500 years old, Durge is the epitome of the aggressive Gen'Dai warrior: strong, fearless, and ruthless. An early interest in bounty hunting leads him to apprentice with a Mandalorian named Jaing, and the two become friends. Eventually, they are approached by a doctor who offers to enhance their already formidable skills with cybernetics-essentia lly, bonding them to their armor. Shortly after the procedure, a group of rival Mandalorians attack the doctor's laboratory, kill ing Jaing and setting Durge on a path of vengeance that ultimately leads him to slay the Mandalorian leader. However, he is tortured by Mandalore's followers, which drives him past the brink of sanity.

A long hibernation restores Durge to physical health, but his mind is too damaged . Still thirsting for vengeance against the Mandalorians, Durge learns that the last of their number, Jango Fett, has been killed-but that he had left behind hundreds of thousands of clones, and the Separatist's leader, Count Dooku, recruits Durge to help kill them.

As a commander in the Separatist army, Durge leads a troop of IG lancer combat droids and often works alongside the equally vengeance-driven dark side acolyte Asajj Ventress. Together, the two poison the moon of Ohma-D'un, killing countless Naboo and Gungans, and nearly kill Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. They set up a trap for the Jedi on Queyta, and square off against Kenobi and Skywalker aga in at the Battle of Muunilinst.

Durge's increasing mental instability troubles Count Dooku. Although an effective killer, he lacks the leadership skills that the Separatists require. In response, Dooku recruits another cyborg , the deadly Grievous, to be his general-and to make sure that Durge is in no position to object. Pitting Grievous against both Durge and Asajj Ventress aboard the Trenchant Space

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Station, Dooku is most pleased when his new candidate bests both of his

previous commanders in short order.

Dooku still sees a use for Durge and Ventress, however, and orders his

medics to treat them and restore them to health. Durge soon returns to

action, facing off against Jed i Master Kit Fisto and Plo Koon, and, later,

battling Kenobi and Skywalker again in the Karthakk system, where Anakin

Skywalker maneuvers Durge into an escape pod. Trapped, Durge is helpless

to prevent young Skywalker from launching the shuttle into the nearest

star-apparently ending Durge's long life once and for all.


Du~e el16 Large Gen'Dai (cyborg) soldier 8/elite trooper 2/scout 3/bounty hunter 3

Destiny 3; Force 5; Dark Side 24

Init +12 (can reroll); Senses low-light, darkvision; Perception +15 (can


Languages Basic, Gen'Dai

Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 32). Fort 38, Will 24; + 10 armor

hp 190, Gen'Dai surge; DR 6; Threshold 43, resilient physiology

Immune atmospheric and inhaled poison hazards

Speed 8 squares, fly 6 squares (jet pack)

Melee spiked flail + 141 (2d8+38) with Mighty Swing or

Melee spiked flail +9/+91 (ld8+38) with Double Attack or

Ranged blaster pistol + 14 (3d6+8) or

Ranged blaster pistol +9/+9 (3d6+8) with Double Attack or

Ranged blaster pistols + 12 (4d6+8) with Rapid Shot or

Ranged blaster pistols +7/+7 (4d6+8) with Double Attack and Rapid Shot


Ranged blaster rifle + 14 (3d8+8) or

Ranged blaster rifle +9/+9 (3d8+8) with Double Attack or

Ranged blaster rifle + 12 (4d8+8) with Rapid Shot or

Ranged blaster rifle +7/+7 (4d8+8) with Double Attack and Rapid Shot or

Ranged flechette launcher + 14 (4d6+8 slashing, 2x2 area) or

Ranged flamethrower + 14 (3d6+8, 6-square cone)

Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square (4 squares with pseudopodia)

Base Atk +15; Grp +27

Atk Options Cleave, Double Attack, Great Cleave, Martial Arts I, Mighty

Swing, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot

Special Actions aid another (+4). delay damage, fam iliar foe +1,

Shake It Off

Abilities Str 24, Dex 9, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 14

Special Qualities cyborg hybrid, hibernation, regeneration

Talents Acute Senses, Armored Defense, Exotic Weapon Mastery,

Improved Armored Defense, Improved Initiative, Juggernaut, Second

Skin, Uncanny Dodge I, Uncanny Dodge II

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy). Cleave, Double Attack,

Extra Second Wind, Great Cleave, Martial Arts I, Mighty Swing, Pin,

Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Shake It Off, Weapon

Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 17, Initiative +12 (can reroll). Perception + 14

(can reroll)

Systems 2 hand appendages, unique armor (+ 10 armor, +4 equipment).

shield generator (SR 10). improved sensor package, darkvision,

synchronized fire circuits

Possessions 2 blaster pistols, blaster rifle, flamethrower (5 shots)' spiked

flail, flechette launcher, jet pack (10 charges)

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Cyborg Hybrid-Durge can use any type of droid system except a

processor. His cyborg chassis includes a life support system, making

him immune to atmospheric and inhaled poison hazards.

Gen'Dai Surge-Durge heals 5 hit points per round after he takes

his second wind. Though Durge cannot regrow lost body parts, he

can reattach severed limbs if his dismembered extremities can be


Hibernation-Durge can enter a hibernation trance. While in the trance,

he can remove persistent conditions, such as from the effects of

poison and disease, at a rate of one condition per hour. While in the

trance, Durge ceases to age, and needs no food, water, or air until he

emerges from hibernation.

Pseudopodia-Durge has learned how to stretch his natural Gen'Dai form,

giving him a reach of 4 squares. Durge can use this ability only when

he is not wearing his armor.

Resilient Physiology-Durge's Gen'Dai physiology allows him to shrug off

the effects of wounds that would be fatal to anyone else; his damage

threshold is doubled after adding in all bonuses for feats or size.

1 Includes 8 points of Power Attack.

OENERAL WHORM L.. OATHSOM The commander of the Retail Caucus's military forces, General Whorm

Loathsom is a Kerkoiden who prides himself on his cunning and leadership

ability. General Loathsom's creative strategies lead the Separatists to victory

on a number of battlefields.

If General Loathsom has one flaw it is that his ego sometimes gets in the

way of his strategic thinking, resulting in command decisions made more out

of arrogance than solid strategy. This flaw allows Obi-Wan Kenobi to stall the

Retail Caucus's advance at the Battle of Christophsis, a blunder that shames

General Loathsom after the Separatist defeat.

Whorm Loathsom Medium Kerkoiden non heroic 6/noble 3/officer 2

Destiny 1; Force 5; Dark Side 6

Init +5; Senses Perception + 19

Languages Basic, Bocce, High Galactic, Kerkoidese

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 18), Fort 16, Will 24

hp 46; Threshold 16

Speed 6 squares

Melee unarmed +8 (ld4+2)

Ranged by weapon +8

Base Atk +8; Grp +8

CL 7

Special Actions Assault Tactics, Bolster Ally, Born Leader, Inspire Haste,

Leader of Droids

Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14

Special Qualities command cover, predator's heritage, share talent

(Bolster Ally), social cunning

Talents Assault Tactics, Bolster Ally, Born Leader, Inspire Haste

Feats Improved Defenses, Leader of Droids, Skill Focus (Knowledge

[tacticsl)' Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Training (Knowledge [tacticsl)'

Skill Training (Use Computer), Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Deception + 14, Knowledge (tactics) + 17, Perception + 19,

Persuasion + 14, Use Computer + 12

Possessions blaster pistol, com link, various personal belongings

OTHER SEPARATIST FORCES The droids, vehicles, and starships presented in this book do not represent

the full extent of the Separatist forces. Additional Confederacy droids

and starships can be found in the Saga Edition core rulebook and the

Starships of the Galaxysupplement. Gamemasters should feel free to use

these other sources to flesh out their Clone Wars campaigns.


B1-Series battle droid 1 Saga Edition 199

B2-Series super battle droid 2 Saga Edition 199

Crab droid scout 4 Saga Edition 201

Droideka 4 Saga Edition 200

Dwarf spider droid 3 Saga Edition 200

IG-100 MagnaGuard 6 Saga Edition 201


AAT 8 Saga Edition 176

Droid tri-fighter 9 Saga Edition 181

Lucrehulk-class battleship 18 Starships of the Galaxy 146

Mankvim 814 interceptor 5 Starships of the Galaxy 109

Munificent-class frigate 18 Starships of the Galaxy 64

Nantext-class starfighter 7 Starships of the Galaxy 86

Porax-38 starfighter 10 Starships of the Galaxy 121

Recusant-class destroyer 19 Starships of the Galaxy 72

Scarab-class starfighter 6 Starships of the Galaxy 79

"Vulture" droid starfighter 7 Saga Edition 181

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CONFEDERACY DROIDS Armed with the materiel of the Trade Federation, the Techno Union, and

Geonosian Industries-and the financial resources of the InterGalactic Bank­

ing Clan and the Commerce Guild-the Confederacy of Independent Systems

IS well-suited to generating vast droid armies.

FOURTH-DEGREE DROIDS The category of fourth-degree droids encompasses most of the droid army:

battle droids, super battle droids, assassin droids, and so on.

With the ability to manufacture new troops at a rate of thousands per

day in the Geonosis factories alone, the Confederacy of Independent Systems

has a distinct numerical advantage over the Republic's Grand Army. And, in

addition, their new experiments and prototypes can simply be shut down if

they prove unstable-something that is a bit more difficult for the Kaminoan

cloners to do with their own failures.

The major contributors to the droid army are, of course, the Trade Federa­

tion, with their OOM-Series battle droids, and the Geonosians, with their

underground droid factories pumping out B1-Series and B2-Series battle

droids for the Separatist cause. Meanwhile, the Techno Union suggests

Improvements upon the other factions' basic designs and provides a steady

stream of new weapons and equipment to be field-tested under actual

battle conditions. With so many different factions and species supplying

drolds for the war, the Separatists' forces are understandably diverse; even

the lowly battle droid comes in all shapes and sizes, based upon the design

goals of their creators.

DROID COL-DRS Unlike the Grand Army's color-coded ranking system, the Separatist's

droid army only has two rank distinctions: commanders and troops.

However, specialized battle droids are often painted in other colors so

that organic personnel can easily tell them apart. This practice is mainly

confined to OOM-Series and B1-Series battle droids. Other droids-such

as the droideka, IG lancer, and even the B2-Series super battle droid-do

not use the same conventions for insignia.

Droid Officer: Yellow

Security Droid: Red

Pilot/Technical Droid: Blue

Battle Droid: None

A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid The Commerce Guild's contribution to the Separatist battle droid army is the

"dwarf" spider droid, originally built to root out miners who refused to pay

Commerce Guild tariffs. The advanced model upgrades the blaster cannon

and adds a pair of fire-linked missile launchers. Like the DSD-1, the A-DSD

is capable of operating in complete darkness.

A major improvement over the DSD1 is that the A-DSD has heavily armored

leg plates that it can use to shield its body.

Th e A-DSD1 is avai lable commercially for many years before the Battle of

Geonosis, and is actual ly used in holographic training simulations for clone

troopers on Kamino prior to their first action. However, it is not manufactured

in large numbers until some time after the mobilization of the droid armies

possibly due to cost overruns. '

Advanced dwarf spider droids can 't be played as droid heroes.

A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid CL 6 Huge droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 9/soldier 3

Init + 10; Senses low-light vision, darkvision, Perception +7

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 14). 18 (flat-footed 18). Fort 31, Will 12; +7

armor (see also leg shields below)

hp 59; Threshold 46

Immune droid traits



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Speed B squares (walking) Melee claw +12' (ldB+14) Ranged blaster cannon +7 (3d12+ 1, 1-square splash) or Ranged blaster cannon +5 (4d12+ 1, 1-square splash) with Rapid Shot or Ranged fire-linked missile launchers +7 (4d12+ 1, 2-square burst) or Ranged self-destruct +5 (Bd6, 4-square burst centered on droid) Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square Base Atk +9; Grp +27 Atk Options autofire, Burst Fire, Power Attack Special Actions leg shields, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 26, Dex 7, Con -, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 7 Special Qualities stability Talents Armored Defense, Juggernaut Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Double Attack, Point Blank Shot,

Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles)

Skills Initiative +9 Systems walking locomotion, basic processor, claw, improved sensor

package, darkvision sensors, self-destruct system (Bd6 damage) Possessions blaster cannon, fire-linked missile launchers, 36 frag missiles,

quadanium battle armor Availability Military; Cost 25,000 credits

Stability-An advanced dwarf spider droid gains a +5 stability bonus on checks made to resist being knocked prone.

Leg Shields-As a move action, the A-DSD can pull its legs in close to increase its armor bonus to + 11 until the start of its next turn.

1 Includes 5 points of Power Attock.

A-Series Assassin Droid Created long ago by an Anx scientist named Pollux Poi, A-Series assassin droids survive their creator and have been scattered throughout the galaxy ever since-some as the property of new owners, others as independent droid mercenaries. Count Dooku acquires a sizeable quantity of them just in time for deployment against the Jedi in the Battle of Jabiim, though he continues to assign them to various commanders throughout the course of the war.

The assassin droids presented here are the most basic model, equipped with wrist-mounted blasters and retractable finger blades. However, over the centuries since the death of their creator, the A-Series droids have accu­mulated countless new weapons (and the training to use them) including grenade launchers, flamethrowers, Geonosian sonic blasters, vibroblades, and-reportedly-lightsabers. They are also able to collapse into a wheel shape, enabling them to move somewhat faster-an innovation usually associated with the droideka destroyer droid.

A-Series assassin droids can't be played as droid heroes.

A-Series Assassin Droid CL 11 Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 6/soldier 6/elite trooper 3 Force 5; Dark Side 11 Init + 14; Senses low-light vision, darkvision; Perception + 14 Languages Basic, Binary, 1 unassigned

Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 24), Fort 27, Will 19; +3 armor hp 67; DR 1; Threshold 27 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking), B squares (wheeled) Melee finger blades + 15 (ld6+6) or Melee finger blades + 13 (2d6+6) with Rapid Strike or Melee finger blades + 10/+ 10 (ld6+6) with Double Attack or Melee finger blades +B/+B (2d6+6) with Double Attack and Rapid Strike

or Ranged wrist blaster + 15 (3dB+4) or Ranged wrist blaster + 13 (4dB+4) with Rapid Shot or Ranged wrist blaster + 10/+ 10 (3dB+4) with Double Attack or Ranged wrist blaster +B/+B (4dB+4) with Double Attack and Rapid Shot Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +13; Grp +15 Atk Options aid another (+4), autofire (wrist blasters), Double Attack

(finger blades or rifles), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot

Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 11 Talents Armored Defense, Exotic Weapon Mastery, Improved Armor

Defense, Indomitable, Multiattack Proficiency (rifles) Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Coordinated Attack, Double

Attack (advanced melee weapons), Double Attack (rifles), Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Rapid Strike, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 14, Perception + 14 Systems walking locomotion, heuristic processor, improved sensor

package, darkvision, synchronized fire circuits, 2 hand appendages, 1 stabilized weapon mount, vocabulator, locked access

Possessions wrist blasters (as blaster rifle), finger blades, quadanium battle armor

Availability Illegal; Cost 14,000 credits

Bl-A Air Battle Droid Designed as fast-assault battle droids, B1-A Series droids are equipped with jet packs that let them get behind enemy positions well ahead of standard droid troops. Air battle droids are outfitted with small, wrist-mounted blast­ers and long, double-edged blades in each forearm, making the droids ideal for close combat.

Air battle droids can't be played as droid heroes.

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B l-A Series Air Battle Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) non heroic 3/soldier 3

Init +9; Senses Perception +8

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 14). Fort 16, Will 13

hp 24; Threshold 16 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking). fly 6 squares (jet pack)

Melee knife +6 (ld4+3) or

Melee knife + 1 (ld4+3) and knife +1 (ld4+3) or

Ranged wrist-blaster +6 (3d6+ 1) or

Ranged wrist-blaster +4 (4d6+ 1) with Rapid Shot or Ranged wrist-blaster + 1 (3d6+ 1) and

wrist-blaster + 1 (3d6+ 1) or

Ranged wrist-blaster -1 (4d6+1) and

wrist-blaster -1 (4d6+1) with Rapid Shot

Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square

Base Atk +5; Grp +6

Atk Options Rapid Shot, Stunning Strike

Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10 Talents Melee Smash, Stunning Strike

Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I, Rapid Shot, Skill Training (Initiative).

Running Attack, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons,

pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative +9, Perception +8

Systems walking locomotion, remote receiver, 2 hand appendages,

internal comlink, vocabulator Possessions 2 knives, 2 wrist-blasters (blaster pistols). jet pack (10


Availability Military; Cost 2,100 credits

Battle Droid Assassin

CL 4

Built on the standard Bl-Series battle droid chassis, the battle droid assassin

is loaded with gyroscopic stabilizers and detailed target-selection programs

designed to make it a more effective sniper. Unfortunately, the high cost of developing the appropriate algorithms-while still keeping the droid "slaved"

to a remote processor-means that, in the broad scope of things, very few

battle droid assassins are produced.

Battle droid assassins can't be played as droid heroes.

Battle Droid Assassin Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 3/soldier 3

Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 10

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 14). Fort 16, Will 13

hp 24; Threshold 16 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking)

Melee unarmed +6 (ld3+2) or Ranged heavy blaster rifle +6 (3dlO+ 1, devastating 5) or

CL 4

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +6 (4dlO+ 1, devastating 5) with Deadeye or

Ranged hold-out blaster pistol +6 (3d4+ 1) or Ranged thermal detonator +6 (8d6+ 1, 4-square burst)

Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square

Base Atk +5; Grp +6 Atk Options Devastat ing Attack (rifles). Far Shot, Precise Shot,

Point Blank Shot Special Actions aid another (+4). Battle Analysis

Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9 Talents Battle Analysis, Devastating Attack (rifles)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). Deadeye, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot,

Precise Shot, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Perception + 1 ° Systems walking locomotion, remote receiver, synchronized fire circuits,

2 hand appendages, improved sensor package, internal comlink,

vocabulator Possessions heavy blaster rifle with standard targeting scope, hold-out

blaster pistol, 2 frag grenades Availability Military; Cost 6,460 credits

Cold Assault Battle Droid Built for use in arctic climates, cold assault battle droids-or "snow

droids"-are built on an enlarged B2-Series super battle droid chassis but

with their wrist blasters removed to accommodate the snow droid's greater

grip strength. The heavy blaster that replaces the wrist blasters is a more

dangerous weapon, but the droid is still extremely effective even when it

loses its main armament. The major design flaw of the cold assault battle droid is that its large

feet-desig ned to keep it stab le on snowy ground-slow it down somewhat.

When running, the cold assault battle droid can only move up to three times

its speed, rather than four times.

Cold assault battle droids can't be played as droid heroes.

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Cold Assault Battle Droid Large droid (4th-degree) non heroic 6

Init +2; Senses Perception +8

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 14, Will 10; +2 armor

hp 31; Threshold 19

Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking)

Melee unarmed +8 (ld3+4)

Ranged heavy blaster rifle +3 (3dl0) or

Ranged heavy blaster rifle + 1 (4dl0) with Rapid Shot

Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 2 squares

Base Atk +4; Grp + 13

Atk Options autofire (wrist blasters), Charging Fire, Rapid Shot,

aid another (+4)

Abilities Str 18, Dex 9, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7

CL 2

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Charging Fire, Rapid Shot, Toughness,

Weapon Proficien cy (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Perception +8



Systems walking locomotion, remote receiver, backup processor,

synchronized fire circuits, 2 hand appendages, internal com link,

vocabu lator, plasteel shell (+2 armor)

Possessions heavy blaster rifle

Availability Military; Cost 5,500 credits

Cortosis Battle Droid Constructed specifical ly to counteract the Republic's fo rce of Jedi Knights­

and at an extraordinarily high price for droids-C-B3 battle droids are plated

with a cortosis-durasteel alloy that sh rugs off hits from a lightsaber, in

add ition to stopping most small-arms fire.

Their offensive capability, while limited to a pair of portable laser cannons

(built on the droideka template), is still highly effective, especially when

C-B3s appear in numbers and can concentrate their fire. Every second that

cortosis battle droids can delay a Jedi, the more time their reinforcements

have to join the fray. Eventuall y, the sheer number of incoming blast bolts

can overwhelm even a Jedi Master-especially when his attacks are nowhere

near as effective as they are against standard B2-Series battle droids.

Cortosis battle droids can't be played as droid heroes.

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C-B3 Cortosis Battle Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 6/so ldier 3

Init +4; Senses Perception +9

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 19), Fort 17, Will 13; +8 armor

hp 40; DR 5 (Iightsabers only); Threshold 17

Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking)

Melee unarmed +9 (ld3+3)

Ranged wrist blaster +7 (3d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) or

Ranged wrist blaster +2 (3d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) and

wrist blaster +2 (3d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) or

Ranged wrist blaster +0 (4d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) and


wrist blaster +0 (4d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) with Rapid Shot


Ranged wrist blaster +2 (5d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) with Burst

Fire or

Ranged wrist blaster - 3 (5d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) and

wrist blaster -3 (5d8+ 1, devastating 5, penetrating 5) with Burst Fire

Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square

Base Atk +7; Grp +9

Atk Options autofire (wrist blasters), Burst Fire, Charging Fire,

Devast at ing Attack (rifles), Penetrating Attack (rifles), Rapid Shot

Special Actions aid another (+4)

Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7

Talents Devastat ing Attack (rifles), Penetrating Attack (rifles)

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Charging Fire, Dual

Weapon Mastery I, Rapid Shot, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (rifles)

Skills Perception +9

Systems walking locomotion, remote receiver, backup processor,

synchronized fire circuits, 2 hand appendages, internal comlink,

vocabulator, durasteel battle armor (+8 armor, cortosis-durasteel alloy)

Possessions 2 wrist blasters (as blaster rifle)

Availability Military; Cost 25,000 credits

Droid Commando Although Separatist droid armies rely heavily on their sheer numbers to

overwhelm enemy forces, the Confederacy does have need for elite droid

units that can accomplish objectives that cannot be achieved through

overwhelming force alone. As a response to the desire to have droid units

capable of performing more subtle or delicate missions, the droid engineers

at Baktoid Combat Automata produced the BX-Series droid commandos.

With heuristic processors and memory banks loaded with complex military

tactics and strategic information, the droid commandos act as special forces

capable of missions involving infiltration, stealth, and subterfuge.

Droid commandos are specifically programmed to function in small groups

of 3-6 droids, allowing them to effectively sta ge more precise str ikes than

remote-controlled battle droids.

Droid commandos can't be played as droid heroes.

Droid Commando Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 6/soldier 4

Force 3

Init + 13; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 13

Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 18

hp 37; Threshold 17

Immune droid immunities

Speed 6 squa res

Melee unarmed +8 (ld3+2)

Ranged blaster ri f le + 12 (3d8+2)

Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square

Base Atk +8; Grp + 11


Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle), Coordinated Attack, Cover Fire, Point

Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sniper

Special Actions Battle Analysis

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8

Special Qualities droid immunities

Talents Battle Analysis, Cover Fire

Feats Coordinated Attack, Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Precise

Shot, Ski ll Training (Knowledge [tacticsl)' Sniper, Weapon Focus

(rifles), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, ri f les, simp le weapons)

Skills Initiative + 13, Knowledge (tactics) + 12, Perception + 13, Stealth + 13

Systems walking locomotion, 2 hand appendages, heuristic processor,

internal comlink, vocabulator

Possessions blaster rifle, electrobinoculars

Availability Military; Cost 17,900

IG Lancer Combat Droid IG Series combat droids are originally created by the Muunilinst-based Phlut

Design Systems, but when PDS defaults on a loan, the InterGalactic Banking

Clan seizes all of its assets-including the IG droids, which they soon turn

over to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ironically, the IG lancers

see their first mass deploymen t at the Battle of Muunilinst-practically under

the noses of their orig inal creators.

The IG lancers have been adapted to fight from the back of swoop bikes,

and they can be extraord inaril y effect ive when deployed in large numbers.

If the swoop bike is equipped with a minelayer, it can drop explosives in the

path of oncoming enemy vehicles and either bring them to a sudden halt or

destroy them outright.

IG lancer combat droids can't be played as droid heroes.

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IG Lancer Combat Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 6 Init + 11; Senses Perception +3 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 10), Fort 12, Will 10 hp 15; Threshold 12 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (wa lking) Melee energy lance +6 (2d8+4) Melee energy lance + 10 (2d8+7) with Powerfu l Charge

CL 2

Melee energy lance +61 (2d8+ 15) with Powerful Cha rge and Power Attack Fighting Space 1 square ; Reach 1 squa re (2 with energy lance ) Base Atk +4; Grp +6 Atk Options Powerfu l Charge, Rapid Strike, Running Attack

Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con - , Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8 Feats Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Running Attack, Weapon

Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) Skills Initiative + 11, Pilot + 11 Systems walking locomotion , remote receiver, 2 hand appendages,

internal comlink, vocabulator Possessions energy lance (as force pike, + 1 square reach) Availability Military; Cost 2,700 credits 1 Includes 4 points in Power Attack.

IG-ll 0 Lightsaber Droid The IG-110 lightsaber droid from Holowan Mechanicals is one of the newest droids created by the Separatists to deal with the growing involvement of the Jedi in the Clone Wars. Based heavily on the design of the MagnaGuards, which prove effective in deal ing with the lightsaber-wielding Jed i, the IG-11O lightsaber droid uses programming based on thousands of hours of ho lorecordings of Jedi in combat.

An IG-110 lightsaber droid wields two lightsabers crafted with synthetic crystals; the technique for creating the lightsabers is handed down from Count Dooku himself, though the lightsaber droid does not share the same conn ection to its weapons that the Jedi do.

IG -110 lightsaber droids can't be played as droid heroes. Although these droids have levels in the Jed i class to simulate the fact that their combat programming is based on Jedi techniques, they are not Jedi.

IG-ll0 Lightsaber Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) soldier 1/Jedi 5 Force 5 Init + 11; Senses low-light vision, Perception +9 Languages Basic, Binary


Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 18, Lightsaber Defense 23), Fort 20, Wil118 hp 58; Threshold 20 Immune droid immunities

Speed 6 squares Melee lightsaber + 10 (2d8+8) or Melee lightsaber +8 (3d8+8) with Rapid Strike or Melee lightsaber +8/+8 (2d8+8/2d8+8) or Melee lightsaber +6/+6 (3d8+8/3d8+8) with Rapid Strike Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +6; Grp +9 Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery II , Rapid Strike, Weapon Finesse Special Actions Lightsaber Defense

Ab ilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qual ities droid trai ts Ta lent s Lightsaber Defense (2 ), Melee Smash, Weapon Specialization

(Ii ghtsabers) Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual

Weapon Mastery II, Rapid Strike, Weapon Fi nesse, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (I ightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 11, Mechanics +8, Perception +9 Systems walking locomotion, magnetic feet, heuristic processor, 2 hand

appendages, improved sensor package, locked access, secondary battery, vocabu lator

Possessions 2 lightsabers, quadan ium armor Availability Military; Cost 27,000 credits

JK- 13 Security Droid Cestus Cybernetic's infamous "Jedi killer" security droids are of grave concern to the Repub lic because of the th reat they pose to the Jedi commanders of the Grand Army-and , early in the war, rumors circulate that Count Dooku intends to purchase thousands of them for use in the Separatist army. The rumor ultimately proves to be an elaborate ruse to lu re the Jedi into a trap; the JK-13's organic processor incorporates a Force-sensitive dashta eel, which is driven mad when it is ma de to use lethal force-obviously making them all but useless on the battlefield.

The droids themselves are a work of genius: a highly stable eight-legged platform fitted with hundreds of extendible, whiplike "probes" capable of del ivering stunning jol t s of electricity-all safely protected behind a shield generator powerful enough to deflect repeated blows from a lightsaber. The JK-13 is even esthetically pleasing, sheathed in go ld plating and articulated stun tentacles.

JK-13 security droids can't be played as droid heroes.

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JK-13 Security Droid Large droid (4th-degree) soldier 12 Force 2 Init +13; Senses low- light, Use the Force +11 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 22), Fort 29, Will 23; Dodge hp 120; SR 20; Threshold 44 Immune droid traits

Speed S squares (walking). climb 4 squares, Running Attack Melee stun tentacles + 161 (ld4+9, devastating 5) or

CL 12

Melee stun tentacles + 111/+ 111 (ld4+9, devastating 5) with Double Attack or

Melee stun tentacles +141 (2d4+9, devastating 5) with Rapid Strike or Melee stun tentacles +91/+91 (2d4+9, devastating 5) with Double Attack

and Rapid Strike Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square (3 squares with stun tentacles) Base Atk + 12; Grp +20 Atk Options Devastating Attack (stun tentacles)' Double Attack, Me lee

Defense, Pin, Rapid Strike, Trip Special Actions Combat Reflexes

Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11 Special Qualities killing rage, stability Talents Devastating Attack (stun tentacles), Expert Grappler, Force

Perception, Foresight, Melee Smash, Stunning Strike Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Double

Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (stun tentacles). Force Sensitivity, Melee Defense, Pin, Rapid Strike, Running Attack, Trip, Weapon Focus (stun tentacles)' Weapon Proficiency (pisto ls, rifles, simp le weapons)

Skills Endurance + 11, Initiative + 13, Use the Force + 11 Systems walking locomotion (extra legs). climbing claws, organic

processor, 10 probes, hardened systems (x3). shield generator (SR 20). improved sensor package

Possessions stun tentacles Availability Illegal; Cost 50,000 credits

Killing Rage-If a JK-13 securi ty droid reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, the droid flies into a berserk fury, gaining a +2 rage bonus on melee attack ro lls and melee damage rolls, but losing the ability to make Use the Force checks, until the end of the encounter. While raging, the JK-13 droid attacks the nearest target (friend or foe) until the droid is dest royed.

Stability-A JK-13 security droid gains a +5 stability bonus on checks made to res ist being knocked prone.

1 Compare the attack rail to the target's Fortitude Defense as well as its Reflex Defense. If the attack hits both defenses, the target moves -7 step on the condition track.

LM-432 Assault Crab Droid Crab droids come in a wide range of sizes, but perhaps the most effective is the massive assault crab droid, standing over 6 meters tall and armed with more effective weaponry than the standard, mid -sized unit: a water jet sprayer that gives the crab droid its "Muckraker" nickname, plus a Merr­Sonn blaster cannon. The assault crab droid has the same weaknesses as its smaller cousins, including the fact that the area directly above it is out of its line of fire.

Assau lt crab droids can't be played as droid heroes.

LM-432 Assault Crab Droid Huge droid (4th-degree) nonheroic lS Init +5; Senses Perception + 13 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 16). Fort 21, Wil l 12; +10 armor hp 145; Threshold 71 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking). climb 3 squares Melee claw +141 (ldS+21) with Power Attack Melee claw +lSl (ldS+30) with Power Attack and Powerful Charge Ranged blaster cannon + 11 (3d12, 2x2 area) or Ranged jet sprayer + 11 (3dlO stun, 6-square cone) or Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square Base Atk + 13; Grp +34 Atk Options Power Attack Special Actions Cleave

Abilities Str 32, Dex 7, Con -, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha S Special Qualities stability


Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy). Cleave, Crush, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, simple weapons)

Skills Climb +20 (can reroll, can take 10 when threatened)' Perception + 15, Stealth -3

Systems walking locomotion (extra legs). climbing claws, heuristic processor, 2 claw appendages, hardened systems x5, duranium battle armor (+ 10 armor)

Possessions blaster cannon, jet sprayer (including 100-liter water tank) Availability Military; Cost 40,000 credits

Stability-An assault crab droid gains a +5 stability bonus on checks made to resist being knocked prone.

1 Includes 70 points of Power Attack.

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LR-S7 Combat Droid A massive combat droid used by the Retail Caucus at the Battle of Chris­tophsis, the LR -57 specializes in la unching surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies . The LR-57 typically operates in a passive standby mode, consum­ing only enough power to keep its sensors active and searching for threats. When the combat droid detects a threat within its range, it activates and goes into attack mode, sending a signal back to its remote processor and awaiting instructions.

Th e Retail Caucus has developed a strategy of burying LR-57 combat droids in the ground, using them like droid land mines with only their anten­nae protruding above the surface.

LR -57 combat droids can't be played as droid heroes.

LR-S7 Combat Droid Large droid (4th-degree) non heroic 9 Init +5; Senses low-light vis ion, Pe rception +18 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 17, Wil l 12; +6 armor hp 33; Threshold 22 Immune droid immunit ies

CL 3

Speed 8 sq ua res Ranged double heavy blaster rifle +7 (4d10) or Ranged double heavy blaster rifle +2 (6dlO) with Burst Fire Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +6; Grp +18 Atk Options Burst Fire

Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con -, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8 Special Qualities droid traits Feats Armor Prof iciency (li ght), Burst Fire, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill

Focus (Stea lth ), Skill Tra ining (Stealth), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons , rifles)

Skills Perception + 18, Stealth + 10 Systems walking locomotion, basic processo r, remote receiver, 2 tool

mounts, improved sensor package, internal comlink, locked access, vocabulator

Possessions double heavy bla ste r rifle, durasteel plating (+6 armor) Availability Military; Cost 16,000 credits

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Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid The Techno Union's combat droid of choice is the octuptarra t ri-droid, named after the Skakoan herbivore it resembles in shape. Equipped with three laser turrets, the octupta rra tri - droid is capab le of laying down withering f ields of fire in all directions, but it is vulnerable in hand-to-hand combat because it needs all three of its legs for support.

Later variants of the octuptarra tri-d roid replace the exp losives in the self-destruct system with a potent virus. When the virus is released, make an attack against the Fortitude Defense of each living creature in the burst rad ius. If the attack hits, the ta rget creature moves -1 persisten t step down the condition track. Whether it hits or misses, the attack repeats every hour until the creature is treated (requiring a successful DC 15 Treat Inju ry check).

Dctuptarra combat tri - droids can't be played as droid heroes.

Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid Large droid (4th -d egre e) non heroic 9 Init + 15; Senses low- light vision , Perception +5 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12, Will 9 hp 32; Threshold 17 Immune droid tra its

Speed 6 squares (walking), climb 3 squares Ranged laser turret +7 (3d8) or Ranged laser turret +2 (5d8) with Burst Fire or Ranged laser turret +2 (3d8) and

laser turret +2 (3d8) with Double Attack or Ranged laser tu rret +5 (4d8) with Rapid Shot or Ranged laser turret - 2 (5d8) and

laser turret -2 (5d8) with Bu rst Fire and Doub le Attack or Ranged laser turret +0 (4d8)

CL 3

and laser turret +0 (4d8) with Doub le Attack and Rapid Shot Ranged self-destruct +5 (8d6, 4-square burst centered on dro id) or Ranged virus burst +5 vs. Fortitude Defense (-2 persistent steps down

cond ition track, effect reoccurs once per day unti l treated) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +6; Grp +13 Atk Options autofire, Burst Fire, Double Attack, Rapid Shot Special Actions Running Attack, self-destruct

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con - , Int 11 , Wis 8, Cha 7 Feats Burst Fire, Double Attack, Rapid Shot, Runn ing Attack, Skil l Focus

(Initiative), Weapon Proficiency (rifles, simple weapons) Skills Initiative + 15, Stealth +0 Systems walking locomotion, magnetic feet, basic processor, internal

com link, improved sensor package, self-destruct system (8d6 damage or virus)

Possessions 3 laser turrets Availability Military; Cost 2,500 credits

OOM-Series Battle Droid DDM-Series droids are orig ina lly designed by the Ne imoidians to serve as crew aboard Trade Federation vessels. Yel low-striped DDM commanders oversee ope rations, blue-striped DDM pilo ts fly the ships, and red -striped DDM security forces protect vi tal areas. While not as effective as living crews, they require almost no day-to-day maintenance and consume little energy, and defective droids can be deactivated and replaced within minutes- al l very important considerations to the cost- conscious Trade Federation .

Although technically superior to (and less expensive than) their replace­ments, the B-Series batt le droids and super battle droids, DDM-Series battle droids are viewed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems as "obsolete" and "ineffective"-particu larly given the Trade Federation's disastrous defeat at Naboo. (Unfortunately, the improvements demanded by the Techno Union and th e other Separatists lead to outrageous cost overruns , and the compromise they reach make the new droids less effect ive, but still cost twice as much.)

DDM -Series battle droids can 't be played as droid heroes.

OOM-Series Battle Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 6 Init +3 ; Senses Perception +7 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fo rt 11, Wi ll 10 hp 21; Threshold 11 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +5 (l d3+1) Ranged blaster carbine +4 (3d8) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +5

Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con -, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 9

CL 2

Feats Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons), plus Coordinated Attack1, Skill Training (Knowledge [tactics])2, or Skill Tra in ing (Pilot)3

Skills Perception +7, plus Knowledge (tactics)2 +5 or Pilot3 +5 Systems walking locomotion , remote receiver, 2 hand appendages,

internal comlink, vocabulator Possessions blaster carb ine, electrobinocu lars2, pe rsonal ho loprojector2 Availability Mi litary ; Cost 900 credits 1 Securitv models onlv. 2 Commander models onlV 3 Pilot models onlv.

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Spelunker Probe Droid Spelunker probe droids are originally designed to enter subterranean areas to search for valuable ore deposits . When the Commerce Guild joins the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they hand the designs over to the Techno Union, which removes some of the mining-specific components and replaces them with advanced stealth systems. These modified droids are often referred to as "chameleon droids."

The modified spelunker probe droid is intended as a covert assassin droid, using stealth to approach enemies and either attack with its laser cannons or deliver mines undetected to key entry and exit points on the battlefield . A common tactic for chameleon droids is to invisibly lay down numerous mines around their intended targets, then open fire, thus hopefully herding enemies into the explosives. The integrated remote detonator also enables the droids to engineer avalanches and cave-ins without requiring their opponents to trip the mines.

The Techno Union retains the original droids' traction-field generators, which allow the spelunkers to walk on walls and ceilings, planting their mines completely undetected.

Spelunker probe droids can't be played as droid heroes.

Spelunker Probe Droid Medium droid (4th-degree) non heroic 3/scout 5 Init + 10; Senses low-light vision, Perception + 11 Languages Binary

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 17), Fort 17, Will 15 hp 30; Threshold 17 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking), climb 3 squares Melee claw +6 (ld4+3) or Ranged laser cannons + 1 (3d8+2) with autofire or Ranged laser cannons + 1 (5d8+2) with Burst Fire Ranged frag mine +6 (4d6, 2-square burst radius) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +5; Grp +6 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Can -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9 Special Qualities cloaking (total concealment), Hidden Movement,

Improved Stealth, stability Talents Acute Senses, Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth

CL 6

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Stealth), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles)

Skills Climb +10, Perception +11 (can rerell), Stealth +15 (can reroll) Systems walking locomotion (extra legs), basic processor, claw (climbing

claws), improved sensor package, cloaking holoprojector Possessions laser cannon (as light repeating blaster), minelayer, 24 frag

mines, remote detonator Availability Military; Cost 15,750 credits

Stability-A spelunker probe droid gains a +5 stability bonus on checks made to resist being knocked prone.

Ultra Droideka The ultra droideka is an oversized destroyer droid that can be used to supple­ment droid treops on the battlefield in much the same way that large crab droids do. The ultra droideka requires tremendous power to produce enough energy to sustain its shields. For this reason, many of these droids operate in shield less mode when there is a low chance of being targeted, or when other droids are nearby to protect them from harm. Otherwise, the ultra droideka functions almost identically to the droideka, though its weapons are considerably more powerful.

Ultra droidekas can't be played as droid heroes.


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Ultra Droideka Huge droid (4th-degree) nonheroic 16 Init + 10; Senses Perception + 15 Languages Basic, Binary

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 20, Will 13; +6 armor hp 60; SR 20; Threshold 29 Immune droid immunities

Speed 3 squares (walking), 12 sq uares (wh eeled) Ranged heavy repeating blaster + 10 (3d12) with autofire or Ranged heavy repeating blaster +10 (5d12) with Burst Fi re or Ranged heavy re peating blaster +8/+8 (3d 12) with autofire or Ranged heavy repeating blaster +8/+8 (5d12) with Burst Fire Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square Base Atk + 12; Grp +31 Atk Options Burst Fire, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Point Blank Shot

Abilities Str 28 , Dex 15, Con -, In t 8, Wis 14, Cha 7 Special Qualities droid traits

CL 8

Feats Arm or Proficiency (light), Burst Fire , Du al Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II , Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (h eavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles)

Skills Perception + 15, Stealth +0 Systems walking locomotion, wheeled locomotion (excl usive), remote

receiver, 2 tool appendages, shi eld generator (SR 20), in tegrated com link)

Possessions 2 heavy repeating blasters (treat as E-web repeating blasters)' durasteel plating (+6 armor)

Availability Military ; Cost 29,000 credits

CONFEDERACY VEHICL.ES The Confederacy of Independent Systems has a dist inct advantage over the Grand Army of th e Republic in that many of the corporations that had military contracts with the Re public were among the first to defect to the Separatist movement.

Many of the vehicles described below are droid-controlled and do not requ ire organic crews to operate.

C3ROUND ARMORED TANK Baktoid Armor Workshop's answer to the Grand Army's TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank, the Ground Armored Tan k (or GAT) is a lightly armed, lightly armored fast-attack vehicle built for recon and light infantry su pport. Often escorted by a squad of B1-Series battle droids on STAPs, the GAT is fast and agile, making it ideal for "hit-and-run" tactics . The GAT is controlled by an integrated droid brain, ensuring that it is expendable.

WEAPON SYSTEMS Separatist vehicle weapons share many traits in common with starship weapon systems; the two are frequently interchangeable. This allows vehicle weapons to be employed against starships and enables weapons factories to combine production for a wide variety of final uses. Below is one such weapon used during the Clone Wars.

Heavy Ordnance Launcher Similar to ancient repeating slugthrower cannons, chain-fed ordnance launchers fire high-explosive projectiles at great distances, inflicting massive amounts of damage-sufficient to destroy most vehicles in a single shot.

Microtractor-Pressor This device functions as a tractor beam (see page 174 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), except that its grapple bonus is halved. On a successful grapple, the ship can choose to push the grappled target 10 squares away (or 1 square in starship scale) .

By the second year of the Clone Wars, most GATs are either destroyed or warehoused; improvements made to the TX-130 coupled wi th the appearance of AT-XTs in the Republic's battle lines render the GAT virtually obso lete.

Ground Armored Tank Huge ground vehicle (speeder) Init +6; Senses Perception +5

CL 10

Defenses Ref 17 (f lat-footed 14), Fort 23; +6 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 175; DR 10; Threshold 33

Speed 8 squares (max. ve locity 130 km/h) Ranged medium laser cannons +6 (see below) or Ranged missile launchers +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover tota l Base Atk +2; Grp +25

Abilities Str 36 , Dex 17, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +6, Perception +5, Pilot +6

Crew dro id brain (expert); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Payload 24 missiles Availabi li ty Military; Cost 17,500 (11,000 used)

Medium Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 4d10x2

Missile Launchers (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 8d6, 4-squa re splash

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10-227 HAILFIRE-CLASS DROID TANK Built by Haor Chall Engineering to be the ultimate droid weapons platform, the IG-227 Hoi/fire-class droid tank (sometimes called the "whee l droid") is effective against the Republic's heaviest wa lkers and even their LAAT/i gunships. Under ideal circ*mstances, one Hoi/fire can take down a section of AT-TE walkers and still wipe out an entire platoon of clone troopers with its retractable laser cannon.

Designed as an all-terrain tank, the Hoi/fire operates on two massive, independently turning wheels that give the tank an extremely tight turning radius, as well as letting it reach decent land speeds-at least fast enough to move into range, deliver its payload of missiles, then retreat to a safe distance where it can be resupplied. Unfortunately, the Hoi/fire is very lightly armored compared to most tanks, making it extreme ly vulnerable to counterattack .

The Confederacy'sIG-227 droid tanks are all equipped with Baktoid Armor Workshop's inexpensive "hailfire" missiles. Packed with concentrated thermal detonator warheads, these missiles use an algorithmic guidance system designed to counter anti - missile defense systems.

IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tank Hu ge ground veh icle (wheeled) Init +5; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11) Fort 19; +3 armor hp 60; DR 10; Threshold 29

Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 45 km/hJ Ranged missile launchers +5 (see below) or Ranged lase r cannon +5 (see bel ow) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +21 Atk Options fire-linked missile launchers

Abilities Str 29, Dex 15, Con -, In t 13 Skills Initiative +5, Perception +6, Pilot +5

Crew droid brain (skilled); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Payload 30 "h ai lfire" missiles Availability Mil itary; Cost 60,000

Missile Launchers (pilot) Atk +5, Dmg 6d10x2, 4- sq uare splash

Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +5, Dmg 4d10x2


CL 12

Built by Haor Chall Engineering, the Manta droid subfighter is an aquatic fighter craft used against aquatic or amph ibious species such as the Mon Calamari and Gungans. Although originally specified as a variable-geometry droid (similar to the "Vulture" droid starfighterl. the intense pressures at the Manta's operating depths proved an insurmountable design obstacle, and Haor Chall Engineering compensated by producing more than the contracted­for number of subfighters, as we ll as a subfighter carrier.

After the disastrous Battle of Mon Calamari, the Separatist forces flee and leave behind a large number of the ir Manta droid subfighters. Unable to depart on their own, the subfighters band together in a loose-knit droid com­munity and eventua lly form alliances with the native Quarren, hunting various ocean predators in exchange for repairs, equipment, and modifications.

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Manta Droid Subfighter Huge water vehic le (speeder) Init +6; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11 ), Fort 17; +3 armor hp 75; DR 10; Threshold 27

Speed swim 12 squares (max. velocity 160 km/h) Ranged laser cannons +3 (see below) or Ranged torpedo launchers +3 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover total Base Atk +0 ; Grp + 17 Atk Options fire-linked torpedo launchers

Abilities Str 25, Dex 16, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative +6, Perception +5, Pi lot +6

Crew droid brain (normal); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Payload 12 torpedoes Ava ilabili ty Military; Cost 22,000

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg 4dlOx2

Torpedo Launchers (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg Sd6, 4-square burst


CL 9

Baktoid Armor Workshop designs and manufactures the Multi -Troop Trans­port (MH) for the Trade Federation's battle droid "security force" long before the Clone Wars. Although equipped with on ly minimal weaponry, the MH is heavily armored, allowing it to plow through troops or light vehicles to reach its deployment point.

To facilitate rapid deployment, the engineers at Baktoid Armor Workshop developed a hydraulic storage rack that could not only stack 112 Bl-Series battle droids (compressed into a convenient boxl ike shape) in the MH 's cargo bay but also deploy them direct ly onto t he battlefield in less than one minute.

A variant of the MTT. the Multi-Uti lity Transport, lacks the MH's weap­onry and has a top speed of only 25 km/h (4 squa res), but carr ies up to 20 tons of cargo.

Multi-Troop Transport CL 6 Colossal ground veh icle (speeder) Init -5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 26 ; +10 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 240; DR 20; Threshold 76

Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 35 km/h) Ranged 2 twin blaster cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 6x6; Cover total Base At k +0; Grp +36

Ab ilities Str 42, Dex 10, Con - , Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Perception +5, Pilot -5

Crew 4 OOM-Series battle droids (normal); Passengers 112 Bl -Series battle droids (compressed) or 20 droideka destroyer droids (compressed)

Cargo 12 tons; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Avai lability Restricted; Cost 13S,OOO (SO,OOO used)

Twin Blaster Cannons (gunner) Atk +2, Dmg 3d l 0x2

00-9 HOMINO SPIDER DROID The OG-Series droids from the Commerce Gui ld are employed as mobile heavy weapon platforms prior to the Clone Wars, and they require only minor modifications for use in the war against the Republic. Being essentially a starship reactor on legs, the so-called "spider walker" is able to mount nearly any weapon for use against opponents.

Homing spider droids are often teamed with units of four DSDl dwarf spider droids, which act as spotters for the larger and somewhat less agile OG-9s. The DSDl's synchronized fire circuits re lay targeting data to the OG-9, making it more accurate. (In game terms, the dwarf spider droids use the aid another act ion to grant bonuses on the OG -9 attack rolls.)

The OG-9 has a significant weakness in that its legs are not as heavily armored as its main body. Any critical hit against an OG-9 that deals damage equal to or greater than its damage threshold brings the spider droid to an immediate halt and reduces its speed to 0 squares, though it is still capable of attack ing . The droid remains immobile until repaired .


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OG-9 Homing Spider Droid CL 7 Huge ground vehicle (walker) In it +5; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 17; +5 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 70; DR 10; Threshold 27

Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 50 km/h) Ranged laser cannon +6 (see below) and Ranged heavy repeating blaster -1 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp + 19 Atk Options autofire (heavy repeating blaster)

Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Perception +6, Pilot +5

Crew droid brain (skilled); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost 70,000

Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 5d10

Heavy Repeating Blaster (pilot) Atk -1 (autofire only), Dmg 3dlO

PeRSUADeR-CL.ASS DROID ENFORCER Known variously as the Corporate Alliance tank droid, CAD, or "snail " tank, the NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer is originally developed as an anti­insurgent droid, but it is swiftly converted for a somewhat more lethal role in the Clone Wars. Although few were present at the Batt le of Geonosis, the NR-N99s are deployed in massive numbers at the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Persuader-class droid enforcers are usually deployed in pairs as escorts for Hai/fire-class droid tanks, or in trios as escorts for OG-9 homing spider droids.

Persuader-class Droid Enforcer Huge ground vehicle (tracked) Init +5; Senses Perception +6

CL 14

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 20; +5 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 120; DR 15; Threshold 30

Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 50 km/h) Ranged ion cannons +5 (see below) Ranged heavy repeating blaster +0 (see below) Ranged missile launcher +5 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3; Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +22 Atk Options autofire (heavy repeating blaster)




Abilities Str 30, Dex 12, Can -, Int 12 Skills Init iative +5, Pe rcepti on +6, Pilot +5

Crew droid brain (skilled); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Payload 48 therma l detonators, 12 concussion missiles, 4 homing

missiles, 2 dumbfire torpedoes Availability Milita ry; Cost 49,000

Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +5, Dmg 4d10x2 ion

Heavy Repeating Blaster (pilot) Atk +0 (autofire only)' Dmg 3d10

Missile Launchers (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg 8d6, 4-square burst (thermal detonators) or 7d10x2 (concussion missiles) or 6dlOx2 (homing missiles) or 9d10x2 (dumbf ire torpedoes)

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SINGLE TROOPER AERIAL PLATFORM (STAP) Designed specifically for OOM-Series and Bl-Series battle droids by Baktoid Armor Workshop, the Single Trooper Aerial Platform (or STAP) is a swift, agile weapons platform held aloft on repulsorlifts. The STAP is really little more than a variant of the speeder bike, built to accommodate a battle droid rider. The Trade Federation employs entire squadrons of STAPs for scouting, patrols, and light anti - personnel support, though several of them working in concert can wreak havoc on entrenched opponents or deliver battle droid troops behind enemy lines, where they can dismount and attack enemies from the rear.

Single Trooper Aerial Platform CL 2 Large airspeeder Init +8; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11; +2 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 15; Threshold 16

Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 400 km/h) Ranged twin blaster cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover none Base Atk +2; Grp +8 Atk Options autofire (twin blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con - , Int 10 Skills Initiative +8, Perception +6, Pilot +8

Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Licensed; Cost 2,500

Twin Blaster Cannons (pilot) Atk +4, Dmg 4dl0

TRADE FEDERATION TROOP CARRIER The Trade Federation troop carrier is an unarmed variant of the Multi-Troop Transport, but equipped with the same hydraulically powered batt le droid deployment racks. Propelled by repulsorlifts, the troop carr ier is litt le more than a modified cargo sled, so it needs considerable protection while it sets down its droid "passengers." Consequently, few are employed during battles, though they are quite common in pre -battle deployment.

Trade Federation Troop Carrier CL 4 Colossal ground vehicle (speeder) Init -3; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 9 (flat-footed 8). Fort 20; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 120 ; DR 10; Threshold 70

Speed 6 squares (max. velocity 50 km/h) Fighting Space 6x6; Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +32

Abilities Str 30, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12 Skills Initiative - 3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -3

Crew 200M-Series pilot battle droids (skilled); Passengers 112 Bl-Series battle droids

Cargo 4 tons; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Milita ry ; Cost 37,000

TRI-OROID The success of the octuptarra combat tri-droid prompted the Techno Union to develop a larger model, resulting in the mobile artillery tri-droid-a towering behemoth capable of destroying enemy armor with a single shot from one of its three heavy ordnance launchers.

The tri-droid sees extensive use in the Battle of Mygeeto toward the end of the Clone Wars, but it is fairly rare prior to that.

Tri-Droid Gargantuan ground vehicle (walker) Init +2; Senses Percept ion +6

CL 9

Defenses Ref 14 (fl at-footed 13), Fort 22; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 160; DR 15; Threshold 32

Speed 8 squares (max. velocity 50 km/h)' climb 4 squa re s Ranged 3 heavy ordnance launchers +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4; Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +29

Abilities Str 34, Dex 12, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +2, Perception +6, Pi lot +2

Crew droid brain (skilled); Passengers none Cargo none; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Payload 48 heavy ordnance shells Availability Military; Cost 100,000 credits

Heavy Ordnance Launcher (gunner) Atk +4, Dmg 5dl0x5, 4-square burst

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TSMEU-6 PERSONAL WHEEL B I KE Originally created as an all-terrain military reconnaissance vehicle-and later adopted by civilians for racing-the Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike returns to its roots during the Clone Wars, serving as a light patrol vehicle for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The wheel bike is difficult to control, particularly at higher speeds, so pilots need to be specially trained to handle the vehicle. Even the military version is dangerously unstable in high-speed turns, requiring extreme skill to maneuver.

One particular innovation that makes the Tsmeu-6 popular with both the military and racing enthusiasts is the set of retractable all-terrain legs, which allow the driver to not only right the vehicle after a spill but also enables the wheel bike to negotiate difficult terrain, such as is commonly found on battlefields.

Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike Large ground vehicle (wheeled/walking) Init +10; Senses Perception +8

CL 3

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 13). Fort 15; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 50; DR 5; Threshold 20

Speed 10 squares (max. velocity 330 km/h)' walk 6 squares Fighting Space 2x2; Cover +5 Base Atk +5; Grp +15

Abilities Str 20, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative + 10, Perception +8, Pilot + 10

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers 1 Cargo 10 kg; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Licensed; Cost 15,000

General Grievous's Wheel Bike General Grievous's personal wheel bike has been modified by replacing the passenger seat with a doub le laser cannon.

Grievous's Wheel Bike (Modified Tsmeu-6) CL 5 Large ground vehicle (wheeled/walking) Init + 10; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 13). Fort 15; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 50; DR 5; Threshold 20

Speed 10 squares (max. velocity 330 km/h)' walk 6 squares Ranged double laser cannon +9 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover +5 Base Atk +5; Grp + 15 Atk Options autofire (double laser cannon)

Abilities Str 20, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative + 10, Perception +8, Pilot + 10

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 5 kg; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost not available for sa le

Double Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire). Dmg 5dl0

CONFEDERACY STARSHIPS All of the major factions tha t comprise the Confederacy of Independent Sys­tems, including the Techno Union, the Commerce Guide, the Trade Federation, and the InterGalactic Banking Clan, have fleets of sh ips at their command and access to vast resources with which to build more.

BC-714 LUXURY TRANSPORT Commissioned by the InterGalactic Banking Clan and designed by the Techno Union, the BC-714 luxury transport is one of the galaxy's fastest, most comfortable interstellar vessels, with quarters for 30 passengers, private staterooms for special guests, a 20-seat holotheater, and a dining room that rivals some of the finest restaurants on Muunilinst. Essentially a starfaring pleasure yacht. the BC-714 is considered a status symbol to Muun executives, and many consider it an affront to travel in anything less.

What the Banking Clan's BC-714 transport lacks in firepower, it makes up for in speed . The transport's lean, aerodynamic shape and powerful twin engines gives it tremendous thrust in atmosphere, and its advanced hyperdrives carry it from system to system without the delay of more common transports.

BC-714 Luxury Transport Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12). Fort 27; + 12 armor hp 135; DR 15; SR 45; Threshold 77

CL 5

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,800 km/h)' fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +37

Abilities Str 44, Dex 10, Con -, Int 18 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,

Use Computer +5

Crew 17 (normal); Passengers 30 Cargo 80 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive xl (x6 backup). nav computer Availability Restricted; Cost 1,700,000 (980,000 used)

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BELBU L LAB HEAVY STARFIOHTER Feetha n Ottraw Scalable Asse mbl ies , developers of the Se lf-Co nstru ctin g Arm ament Facto ry, develop t he Belbullab-22 heavy starf ighter to f il l a gap in the Confederacy's starf ighter f leets: an assa ult starfighter that, unlike vul ­tu re droid sta rf ighters an d droid t ri-fighters, ca n go head-to-head wi th th e Republi c's ARC-170s. The Belbullab-22 also comes in heavy assault craft and strike bomb er mode ls (the Belbu llab-23 and Belbullab-24, re spectively).

Ge neral Grievous owns a modi f ied Be lbu llab-22, the Soulless One, which includes a cutting -edge HoloNet tra nsceiver and considerab ly more eff icient hyperd rives. He uses the Soulless One as his perso nal tra nsport when he needs to trave l quickly, without the protection of the Separatist fl eet.

Belbullab Heavy Starfighter CL 13 Garga ntua n sta rfighte r Init +3 ; Senses Pe rception +6

Defenses Re f 17 (f la t-fo oted 17), Fort 28 ; + 10 armo r, Vehicu la r Combat hp 160 ; DR 10 ; SR 25; Threshold 48

Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,100 km/h)' f ly 4 squa res (sta rship scale)

Ranged 2 triple laser cannons +6 (see below) or Ranged 2 concussi on missi le launchers +6 (Belbullab-24; see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover tota l Base Atk +2; Grp +35 Atk Options autofi re (trip le laser can nons)

Abilities Str 47, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14 Skills In it iat ive +3, Percept ion +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6

Crew 1 (sk illed); Passengers none Cargo 140 kg ; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Payload 12 concussion missiles (B elbu ll ab-24 only) Hyperdrive x6 (x15 backup), nav computer Availability Mili tary; Cost 168,000 (1 25,000 used)

Belbullab-22: Triple Laser Cannons (p ilot) Atk +6, Dmg 5dlOx2

Belbul lab-23 and Belbullab-24: Triple Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 6dlO x2

Belbullab-24: Concussion Missile Launchers (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 9d10 x 2



Soulless One (Modified Belbullab-22) CL 14 Gargantuan starfighter Init +7; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 19), Fort 28 ; + 10 armor, Vehicu lar Combat hp 160; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 48

Speed f ly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,100 km/h)' f ly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged t ri ple laser cannons +9 (see below) Fighting Space 4x 4 or 1 square (sta rsh ip scale); Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +38 Atk Options autofire (tr iple laser cannons)

Abilities Str 47, Dex 19, Con - , Int 14 Skills Initiative +7, Perception +8, Pilot +7, Use Computer +8

Crew 1 (expert); Passengers none Cargo 160 kg; Consumables none; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (x5 backup), nav co mputer Availability Mil itary; Cost not avai lable for sa le

Triple Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autof ire)' Dmg 5dlOx2

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C - 9979 LANDINO CRAFT When Haor Chall Engineering builds thousands of C-9979 landing craft for the Trade Federation, nominally for "security purposes," the Trade Federation wastes no time in using them in their invasion of Naboo. Later, they pledge their entire fleet of C-9979s to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

As landing craft, the C-9979s are very functional, carrying over 150 ground vehicles of different types in massive storage racks and quickly deploying them via computerized repulsor tracks, through the central staging area and down the boarding ramp, located in the C-9979's landing pedestal. The C-9979s themselves also break down easily for transport aboa rd Trad e Federation cruisers; their wings can be detached and stored alongside the main body of the landing craft.

Although the C-9979 can be crewed by organic beings, it is more cost­effective to use battle droids. During the invasion of Naboo, nearly all the C-9979 land ing craft are operated entirely by OOM-Series batt le droids; during the Clone Wars, B1-Series battle droids are more common.



C-9979 Landing Craft Colossal (frigate) space transport Init - 5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11). Fort 34; + 11 armor hp 600; DR 15; SR 60; Threshold 134

Speed fly 12 squ ares (max. ve locity 590 km/h)' fly 1 square (starship scale)

Ranged 2 fire- linked laser cannons +3 (see below) Ranged 2 f ire-linked blaster cannons +3 (see be low) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +49 Atk Options autofire (blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 58, Dex 10, Con -, Int 16 Skills Ini tiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,

Use Computer +5

CL 10

Crew 88 OOM-Series battle droids (normal); Passengers 30 repair droids, 40 OOM-Series command battle droids, 39 OOM-Series pilot battle droids, 15 OOM-Series security battle droids

Cargo 1,800 tons; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft 28 Trade Federation troop carriers; 114 AATs; 11 MTTs

Availability Mi litary; Cost 200,000 (75,000 used)

Fire-linked Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +3, Dmg 5d10x2

Fire-linked Blaster Cannons (gunner) Atk +3, Dmg 5d10x2

CIS-ADVANCED STARFIOHTER Stolen from a secret weapons factory on Diado by Jedi Master Saesee Tiin, the CIS-Advanced starfighter is a prototype that never sees actual battlefield use except in a few trials. However, many of the systemic innovations are borrowed by Republic engineers for inclusion on Republic starships such as the Eta-2 Actis Interceptor developed by Kuat Systems Engineering specifi­cally for Jedi fighter pilots.

Very few CIS-Advanced starfighters are built, and most of those are constructed by the Republic for use in t raining clone f ighter pilots. The one Saesee Tiin steals is the only one the Separatists have, and the plans are vaporized when Master Tiin destroys th e weapons fa ctory building the prototype.

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CIS-Advanced Starfighter CL 9 Huge starfighter

Init +7; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 24; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat

hp 90; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 34

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,300 km/h)' fly 5 squares

(starship scale)

Ranged heavy blaster cannons +7 (see below) or

Ranged proton torpedo launchers +7 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +2; Grp +26

Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster cannons)

Abilities Str 38, Dex 16, Con -, Int 16

Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +7,

Use Computer +6

Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none

Cargo 190 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none

Payload 24 proton torpedoes

Hyperdrive x6, nav computer

Availability Military; Cost not available for sale

Heavy Blaster Cannons (pilot)

Atk +7, Dmg 6d10x2

Proton Torpedo Launchers (pilot)

Atk +7, Dmg 9dlOx2

DIAMONO-CL.ASS CRUISER The Commerce Guild's entry in the rapid-deployment arena is the Diamond­class cruiser. Designed to deliver thousands of spider droids quickly and

efficiently to ground-based battlefields-it is a considerably more effective

landing craft than the Trade Federation's C-9979. Although lightly armed,

the Diamond-class cruiser's ability to field a dozen OG-9s (and their accom­

panying DSD1s) in less than a minute ensures that the vessel spends very

little time on the ground-and most of that time it is surrounded by deadly

homing spider droids.

The president of the Commerce Guild, Shu Mai, uses a Diamond-class cruiser as her personal transport and as the flagship of the Commerce Guild


Diamond-class Cruiser Colossal (frigate) space transport

Init -4; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12), Fort 35; + 12 armor

hp 840; DR 15; SR 50; Threshold 135

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 1,450 km/h)' fly 1 squares

(starship scale)

Ranged 2 laser cannon batteries + 13 (starship scale; see below)

Fighting Space 12 x 12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +0; Grp +50

Atk Options autofire (laser cannon batteries)

Abilities Str 61, Dex 12, Con -, Int 17

Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -4,

Use Computer +4

Crew 148 (normal); Passengers 45

CL 13

Cargo 1,380 tons; Consumables 3 months; Carried Craft 600 OG-9

homing spider droids, 2,400 DSD1 dwarf spider droids

Hyperdrive x.75 (x4 backup), nav computer

Availability Military; Cost 5,000,000 (2,125,000 used)

Laser Cannon Batteries (6 gunners)

Atk + 13, Dmg 4dlOx2


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DRCJCH-CLASS BOARDINO SHIP The Confederacy likes to use captured enemy ships for covert missions. Toward this end, Separatist engineers design specialized boarding vessels that can transfer boarding parties to the interior of an enemy vessel without causing catastrophic damage to the ship itself. One such design is the Droeh­class boarding ship, which can be launched in large numbers to capture enemy capital ships while still keeping them spaceworthy.

The Drach-class boarding ship has a specia l boarding drill on its forward section that can be used to dri ll into a starship and release its passengers safely in side the ship. As a standard action, the pilot of the Drach-class boarding ship can make an attack with the boarding drill against a ship in an adjacent square. If the attack succeeds, the boarding ship moves into the target's space and attaches itself to the hul l of the target ship without triggering a co llision. Each round thereafter, as a standard action, the pilot can use the drill to make a grapple check and deal damage to the target ship equal to the grapple check's result, ignoring the target ship's SR. When the target ship has taken cumulative damage from the dri ll in excess of its damage th reshold, the boarding ship punches through and its passengers can enter the target ship safely.

Droch-class Boarding Ship Huge starfighter Init +4; Senses Percept ion +6

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; +3 armor hp 60; DR 5; Threshold 32

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h), f ly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged light laser cannons +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +2; Grp +24 Atk Options boarding drill

Abilities Str 34, Dex 12, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilo t +4,

Use Computer +6

Crew 1; Passengers 6 (droid troops) Cargo 30 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Availability Restricted; Cost 43,000

Light Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg 3dlOx2

Boarding Drill (pilot) Atk +6, Dmg - (grapp le +24)

CL 7

HARDCSLL-CLASS TRANSPORT The Techno Union contributed nearly three hundred of their Hardeel/-c lass transports to the Separatist cause before the Clone Wars began. After losing hundreds of them at the Battle of Geonosis, the Techno Union supplied the Confederacy with another thousand. Although sturdy, the Hardeell-class vessel uses a cluster of primary thruster engines, rather than the conven­tional repulsorlift engines found on most starships-partly because thrusters outperform repu lsorlifts in acceleration, and partly because the Skakoans have three fuel-rich moons in their home system.

The crew cabins of the Hardeell-class space transport (located in the uppermost portion of the ship's nose cone) are designed for Skakoan habita­tion. Skakoans can forego their pressure suits in the crew cabins, but other species require either flight suits or space suits to survive.

Although heavily armored, the Hardeell-class transport is only lightly armed, and vulnerable to well-placed shots . A critical hit against a Hardeell­class transport deals tr iple damage, rather than double damage.

Hardcell-class Transport CL 10 Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -4; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 14), Fort 38; +14 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 800; DR 25; SR 100; Threshold 138

Speed fly 18 squares (max. ve locity 4,000 km/h), fly 1 square (starship sca le)

Ranged 2 laser cannon batteries + 16 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +55 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)

Abilities Str 66, Dex 10, Con -, Int 18 Skills Initia tive -4, Mechanics + 15 (+6*), Perception +6, Pi lot -4,

Use Computer + 15 (+6*)

Crew 190 (sk illed); Passengers 1,017 Cargo 12,400 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft 650 Hailfire-

class droid tanks Hyperdrive xl (x8 backup), nav computer Availability Military; Cost not available for sale * If the ship has no astrameeh draids, use these skill modifiers instead.

Laser Cannons (6 gunners) Atk + 16, Dmg 4dlOx2

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HYSNA-CLASS BOMBER One of the many droid starfighter variants used by the Confederacy, the Hyena-class bomber from Baktoid Armor Workshop uses the basic chassis of a droid starfighter but expands it, making room for a greater payload. The bomber features an expanded munitions ho ld to one side of the droid star­fighter's primary control systems, allowing the vessel to carry both concus­sion missiles and proton torpedoes. Hyena-class bombers typically fly toward a target and unleash a torrent of missiles and torpedoes to overwhelm the target's shields in ha lf the time taken by other comparably-sized bombers.

Given the computerized nature of its piloting system, a Hyena-class bomber can attack with all weapons as though each had its own gunner.

Hyena-class Bomber Huge starfighter In it +8; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11). Fort 22; +3 armor hp 70; DR 5; Threshold 32

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged light laser cannons +7 (see below) and proton torpedoes +7 (see below) and light concussion missiles +7 (see below)

Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover none Base Atk +5; Grp +27

Abilities Str 35, Dex 14 Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +8,

Use Computer +8

Crew 0 (expert); Passengers none Cargo none kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Payload 6 proton torpedoes, 6 concussion missiles Availability Restricted; Cost 23,000

Light Laser Cannons Atk +7, Dmg 3d10x2

Proton Torpedoes Atk +7, Dmg 9d10x2

Light Concussion Missiles Atk +7, Dmg 7d1Ox2

CL 7



PROVIDSNCS- CLASS DESTROYER Originally built for the Trade Federation by the Quarren Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, the kilometer-long Providence-class destroyer (frequent ly referred to as a "Trade Federation cruiser") is one of the Confederacy's most powerful warships, more than a match for any similarly classed cruiser in the Republic Navy. It is so formidable in combat that General Grievous uses one, the Invisible Hand, as his flagship in the assault on Coruscant. Endlessly modifiable (due to modular compartments). the Providence-class destroyer can be made faster with upgraded hyperdrives or sublight thrusters; it can be made deadlier by adding weapon battery compartments; it can be made into a light starfighter carrier by increasing the size of the hangar bays; or countless other variations.

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Unlike many warships, the Providence-class cruiser uses a "bridge­

fo rwa rd" set up (rather th an a do rsa l com man d tower, as is common with

Republic wa rships such as t he Acc/amator-cl ass assault ship and Venatar­class Sta r Destroyer). This setup makes t he Providence-class slight ly mo re

maneuverable than its Rep ub lic counte rpa rts, particu larl y in atmospheres­

although the ship is not equipped for ground landings (being desig ned, like

so many oth er Quarren and Mon Ca lamari shi ps, for water landings).

Providence-class Destroyer CL 18 Co lossa l (cruise r) capita l shi p

Init -3 ; Senses Percept ion + 6

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 54 ; + 13 armor, Vehicular Combat

hp 1,800; DR 20; SR 180; Threshold 254

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km/h )' fly 4 squares

(sta rship scale)

Ranged quad tu rbo lase r battery + 18* (see below)

3 dual laser cannon batteries + 16 (see below)

heavy ion cannons +8* (see below)

point-d efense ion cannon battery + 18 (see below)

8 proton torpedo launcher batteries + 18 (see below)

Fighting Space 2x2 (starsh ip sca le); Cover tota l

Base Atk +2; Grp +76

Abilities Str 98, Dex 12, Con - , Int 22

Skills Initiative - 3, Mechanics +6, Percept ion +6, Pi lot - 3,

Use Computer +6

Crew 22,350 (skil led); Passengers 48,247

Cargo 29 ,000 tons; Consumables 1 year; Carried Craft 8 lan ding craft /


Payload 2,800 proton torpedoes

Hyperdrive x l .5 (x l 0 backup), nav computer

Availability Military; Cost not available for sale

* Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.

Quad Turbolaser Battery (6 gunners)

Atk + 18 (-2 against ta rge ts smaller than Colossal )' Dmg 7dl0x5

Dual Laser Cannon Battery (5 gunners)

Atk + 16, Dmg 6d l 0x2

Heavy Ion Cannons (gunner)

Atk + 8 (-1 2 aga inst ta rg ets small er than Colossa l)' Dmg 3dl0x5 ion

Point-Defense Ion Cannon Battery (6 gunners)

Atk + 18, Dmg 3dl0x2 ion

Proton Torpedo Launcher Battery (6 gunners)

Atk + 18, Dmg 9d l 0x2

Invisible Hand Colossa l (cruiser) capi tal ship

Init - 1; Senses Perception +8

CL 20

Defenses Ref 14 (flat- footed 13), Fo rt 54; + 13 armo r, Veh icu lar Combat

hp 1,800; DR 20; SR 180; Threshold 254

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km/h)' fly 4 squares

(sta rsh ip scale)

Ranged quad turbolaser battery +2 1* (see below)

3 dual laser cannon batteries + 19 (see be low)

heavy ion cannons + 11 * (see be low)

po int-defense ion cannon battery +2 1 (see below)

8 proton torpedo launcher ba t teries +21 (see below)

Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +5; Grp +79

Abilities Str 98, Dex 12, Con -, Int 22

Skills Initiat ive - 1, Mechanics +8, Percept ion +8 , Pilot -1,

Use Computer +8

Crew 350 (expert); Passengers 125,000

Cargo 29,000 tons ; Consumables 1 yea r; Carried Craft 16 landing craft /

shuttles, 24 starfighters

Payload 2,800 proton torpedoes

Hyperdrive x l (x l 0 backup). nav compute r

Availability Military ; Cost not available for sale

Quad Turbolaser Battery (6 gunners)

Atk +21 (+ 1 agai nst targets smal ler than Colossa l), Dmg 7d l0 x5

Dual Laser Cannon Battery (5 gunners)

Atk + 19, Dmg 6dl0 x2

Heavy Ion Cannons (gunner)

Atk +11 (- 9 against targets smaller tha n Co lossa l). Dmg 3d l 0x5 ion

Point-Defense Ion Cannon Battery (6 gunners)

Atk +21, Dmg 3dl0x2 ion

Proton Torpedo Launcher Battery (6 gunners)

Atk +2 1, Dmg 9dl0 x2

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PUNWORCCA 116-CLASS SLOOP The Punworcca 176-class interstellar sloop is a small hyperspace-capable

yacht created by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Col lective (the Geono­

sian corporation responsible for the Ginivex-class starfighter). Small and

somewhat cramped, the sloop is usually used only for short interplanetary

flights, but it is at least comfortab le enough for a smal l number of passengers,

provided the journey doesn't last more than a day or so.

As a gift to Count Dooku, the Geonosian archduke, Pogg le the Lesser,

had Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective build a custom Punworcca 176-class interstellar sloop. Dooku then modified the vessel by having an

antique solar sail fitted to the ship, allowing him to cruise largely undetected

by most starship sensors.

Punworcca 11 6- class Sloop Gargantuan space transport

Init +3 (+ 13*); Senses Percept ion +6 (+4*)

Defenses Ref 12 (flat- footed 10), Fort 22; +5 armor

hp 60; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 42

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,600 km/h)' fly 4 squares

(starship scale)

Ranged microtractor-pressor +2 (see below)

Fi ghting Spa ce 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total

Base Atk +2 (+1*); Grp +29

Ab il ities Str 34, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16

Skills Initiative +3 (+ 13*), Mechanics +6, Perception +6 (+4*),

Pilot +3 (+ 13*), Use Computer +6 (+ 13*)

CL 6

Crew 2, or 1 FA-4 pilot droid plus 1 optional organic co - pi lot (sk i lled);

Passengers 11

Cargo 240 kg; Consumables 1 week; Ca rried Craft none

Hyperdri ve x1.5, nav computer

Availabilit y Licensed; Cost 35,700

* If the ship has only the FA-4 pilot droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Microtractor-pressor (co-pilot)

Atk +2, Dmg - (grapple +14; see "Weapon Systems" on page 198)

SHEATH/PEDE-CLASS SHUTTLE The Neimoidian leadership of the Trade Federation frequently travels in per­

sonal shuttles, the most popular of which is the Sheathipede-class transport

shuttle from Haor Chall Eng ineering. It is so popular with them, in fact, that

the vessel is more wide ly known as a "Neimoidian shuttle."

Most Neimoidians employ the Sheathipede's automated f light system,

which enables the ship to receive verbal destination coordinates. Pi lots and

passengers are free to lounge in comfort in the rear compartments whi le the

ship guides itself to the specified destination-an important cons ideration

for Neimoidians. Neimoidians are quick to point out that the shuttle is only

designed to travel from a planetary orbit to the surface and back aga in, and

is not meant to be used in combat situations.

Sheathipede-class Shuttle Colossal space transport

Init -3 ; Senses Percept ion +5

Defenses Ref 8 (flat-footed 6), Fort 27; +6 armor

hp 140; DR 15; SR 35; Threshold 77

Speed fly 12 squares (max. ve locity 880 km/h)' fly 4 squares

(starship scale)

Fighting Space 6x6 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover tota l

Base At k +0; Grp +37

Abilities Str 45, Dex 14, Con -, Int 19

Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3,

Use Computer +5

Crew 1 (norma l); Passengers 6

Cargo 1 ton; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none

Availab ility Licensed; Cost not ava ilab le for sale



One of the largest ships to come out of the Confederacy's shipyards, the

Subjugator-class heavy cruiser is a capital ship designed around its massive

ion pulse cannons. The cruiser disables enemy ships so that it can destroy

them with ease. The Subjugator-class heavy cruiser was designed and con­

structed in secret by Quarren Separatists at their shipyards on Pammant,

using the const ruction of the Providence-class ships as a cover.

The Malevolence, one of General Grievous's command ships, is a Subju­gator-class heavy cruiser.

Tactical Fire: As a standard action, the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser

can forgo all attacks to provide tactical fire to al l squares within 2 squares

of it. All ion weapon attacks made against enemy starships within that area

dea l +2 dice of damage on a successful hit.

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Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser CL 20 Colossa l (cruiser) capi t al ship

Init -2 ; Senses Percept ion + 6

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 53; +13 armor

hp 1,750; DR 20; SR 130; Threshold 253

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)

Ranged 5 heavy turbo laser batteries + 15* (see below) and

2 medium turbo laser batteries + 15* (see below) and

5 point-defense light laser cannon batteries + 15 (see below) and

2 tractor beam batteries + 11 (see below) and

2 ion pulse cannons +7* (see below) and

Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total (crew)

Base Atk +2; Grp +65

Atk Options tactica l f ire

Abilities Str 97, Dex 14, Con -, Int 20

Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Percept ion +6, Pilot -2,

Use Computer +6

Crew 550 (ski lled); Passengers 60,000 (battle droids)

Cargo 13,000 tons; Consumables 2 years; Carried Craft 144 "Vulture"

droid starfighters, 48 Hvena-class droid bombers, various support craft

Hyperdrive x 2 (backup x 12); navicomputer

Availability Mi litary ; Cost not ava ilab le for sale

* ApplV a - 20 penaltv on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.

Heavy Turbolaser Battery (5 gunners)

Atk +15 (- 5 aga inst targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 7d10x5

Medium Turbolaser Battery (5 gunners)

Atk + 15 (-5 aga inst ta rgets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 5dlOx5

Point-Defense Light Laser Cannon Battery (5 gunners)

Atk + 15, Dmg 3d 10x2

Tractor Beam Battery (3 gunners)

Atk +11 (-9 aga inst ta rg ets smal ler t han Colossal),

Dmg - (g rappl e +65)

Ion Pulse Cannon (gunner)

Atk +7, Dmg 9d lO x 10 ion; see the "I on Pulse Can non" sidebar.

ION PULSE CANNON The ion pulse cannon is found on Subjugator-class heavy cruisers and

is used to disable enemy starships before they have a chance to fire

back. No other class of ship carries the weapon due to its unique power

generation needs.

Ion pulse cannons are area attack weapons, even at starship scale.

A single ion pulse cannon targets all starships with 5 squares (starship

scale) of the ship carrying the weapon; the gunner makes an attack roll

against each ship within that area. On a hit; the target takes normal ion

damage and moves -2 steps on the condition track. On a miss, the target

takes half damage and moves -1 step on the condition track.

Unlike most other starship weapons, ion pulse cannons have a sig­

nificant build-up and cooldown time. The weapon can be fired as normal

as a standard action. However, after firing the 'ion pulse cannon, the

gunner must spend three consecutive full-round actions clearing the

weapon of ionized particles before it can be fired again. If the starship

takes damage that equals or exceeds its damage threshold at any time

during this recharge period, the ion pulse cannon automatically overloads

and is destroyed.


January 2009

p. 209 – Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser Crew should be 25,350.

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INFL..UENTIAL.. FIOURES The following individua ls figure prominently in a Clone Wars campaign, and their actions playa major role in shaping the history of this era.

SaBA FETT Boba Fett is the unaltered clone of Jango Fett. He sees his "father" beheaded by Mace Windu during the Battle of Geonosis. As a teenager in the later part of the Clone Wars, he begins his career f ind ing work wherever he can - as mercenary, soldier, persona l guard, assassin, and of course, bounty hunter.

The following statistics reflect Boba Fett at the start of what promises to be a notorious career.

Boba Fett (Episode III) CL 7 Medium Human (clone) scout 3/soldier 4 Destiny 1; Force 3; Dark Side 2 Init + 12; Senses low-light vision , Perception + 10 (can rero ll, must take

second result) Languages Basic, Huttese, Mando'a

Def enses Ref 24 (flat-footed 19). Fort 21, Will 19 hp 66; DR 1; Threshold 21

Speed 6 squares, fly 6 squares (jet pack) Melee unarmed +8 (ld6+5) Ranged blaster carbine + 10 (3d8+3) or Ra nged blaster carb ine +5 (3d8+3) and blaster carbine +5 (3d8+3) with

Double Attack or Ranged flamethrower + 10 (3d6+3, 6-square cone) or Ranged missile launcher + 10 (6d6+3, 2-square splash) or Ranged stun grenade + 10 (4d6+3, 2-square burst) or Ranged whipcord + 10 (grab) Base Atk +6; Grp +8 Atk Options Double Attack, Keen Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,

Running Attack Special Actions Quick Draw

Abil ities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13 Talents Acute Senses, Armored Defense, Juggernaut, Keen Shot Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Doub le Attack, Exotic Weapon

Proficiency (flamethrower). Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot , Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Endurance + 10, Initiative + 12, Knowledge (tactics) + 10, Perception +10 (can rero ll, must keep second result). Persuasion +9, Pilot +12, Stealth + 12, Survival + 10

Possessions Slave I, Mandalorian armor (as battle armor with helmet package; 4 weapon attachments)' blaster carbine, 4 stun grenades, flamethrower (5 shots)' missile launcher, 4 missi les, whipcord (treat as net). blaster gauntlet (treat as hold-out blaster). jet pack (10 charges). utility belt with medpac

CAVIK TaTH Cavik Toth's ambition leads him to found his own mercenary force, the Sabaoth Squadron. Prior ! o the start of the Clone Wars, Toth and his fo rces ally with Count Dooku ana the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Toth's adversaries include Nym and his Lok Revenants as well as Jedi Master Adi Gallia.

Captain Cavik loth Medium Human soldier 4/scoundre l 3/ace pilot 2/officer 2 Destiny 2; Force 4; Dark Side 2 Init + 13; Senses Perception + 12 Languages Basic, Ryl

Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 25). Fort 24, Will 26, Dodge hp 86; Threshold 24

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +9 (ld4+5) Ranged heavy blaster pistol + 13 (3d8+5) or Ranged heavy blaster pisto l + 11 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot Base Atk +9; Grp +9 Atk Options Careful Shot, Deadeye, Hyperdriven, Point Blank Shot,

Precise Shot, Spacehound, Rapid Shot

CL 11

Special Actions Battle Analysis, Coordinated Attack, Deployment Tactics

Ab ilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 Special Qua lities command cover, share talent (Battle Analysis).

vehicle dodge + 1 Talents Battle Analysis, Cover Fi re, Deployment Tactics, Elusive

Dogfigh ter, Hyperdriven, Spacehound Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Careful Shot, Coordinated

Attack, Deadeye, Dodge, Point Blank Shot. Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (pistols). Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rif les, si mple weapons)

Skills Initiative + 13, Knowledge (tactics) + 11, Perception + 12, Pilot + 13 Possessions heavy blaster pistol, flight suit, command uniform

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CHEWBACCA Known for his great strength and loyalty, Chewbacca is a wise, sophisti­cated Wookiee and an exceptional scout. As a close friend to Wookiee city leader Tarfful of Kachirho, Chewbacca is asked to be part of the Wookiee High Command responsible for the battle plan to protect the city from a Separatist invasion. When Order 66 is issued, Chewbacca assists his friend Tarfful in protecting Jedi Master Yoda and aiding the venerable Force-user in his escape from Kashyyyk.

Chewbacca (Episode III) Medium Wookiee scout 6 Destiny 1; Force 4 Init +9; Senses Perception +8 (can reroll, must take second result) Languages Basic (understand only), Huttese, Shyriiwook

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 17, Will 16 hp 67; Threshold 17; extraordinary recuperation

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +8 (ld6+7) or Melee unarmed +10 (ld6+10) with Powerful Charge Ranged bowcaster +5 (3dlO+3) Base Atk +4; Grp +8 Atk Options Careful Shot, Pin, Point Blank Shot, Powerful Charge,

Precise Shot Special Actions rage l/day

Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10 Talents Acute Senses, Extreme Effort, Jury-Rigger

CL 6

Feats Careful Shot, Martial Arts I, Pin, Point Blank Shot, Powerful Charge, Precise Shot, Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Climb +8 (can take 10 when distracted), Endurance + 13, Initiative +9, Mechanics +9 (can rerol! when making jury-rigged repair), Perception +8 (can reroll, must take second result), Persuasion +3 (can reroll attempts to intimidate, must take second result), Pilot +9, Survival +5

Possessions bowcaster, bandolier, tool kit

MERUMERU This intelligent Wookiee elder is about 250 years old during the Clone Wars. He develops effective defensive tactics against Trandoshan raiders prior to the war. Due to his vast experience, he leads the beachfront defense at Kachirho during the Confederacy's invasion of Kashyyyk.

Merumeru Medium Wookiee soldier 5/noble 1 Destiny 1; Force 3 Init + 10; Senses Perception +8 Languages Basic (understand only), Dash (understand only), Durese

(understand only), Shyriiwook

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 17), Fort 22, Will 18 hp 79; Threshold 22; extraordinary recuperation

Speed 6 squares Melee battle staff +10 (ld6+13) Ranged bowcaster +7 (3dlO+3) or Ranged bowcaster +5 (4dlO+3) with Rapid Shot Base Atk +5; Grp + 10 Atk Options Charging Fire, Coordinated Attack, Point Blank Shot,

Precise Shot, Rapid Shot


Special Actions Battle Analysis, Coordinate +1, Indomitable, rage l/day

Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Can 18, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 13 Talents Battle Analysis, Coordinate + 1, Cover Fire, Indomitab le Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Charging Fire, Coordinated

Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Climb + 13 (can take 10 when distracted), Endurance + 13, Initiative + 10, Knowledge (tactics) + 10, Perception +8, Persuasion +4 (can reroll attempts to intimidate, must take second result)

Possessions bowcaster, battle staff, battle helm

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NVM Leader of the Lok Revenants, Nym is a brigand with a sense of honor and of higher purpose. The Feeorin pirate is also considered a scourge of the space lanes. After being orphaned at an early age, a young Nym is raised by harsh criminal s-thus developing his physical skil ls and abrasive personality. Later, his reputation as a fie rce fighter and brilliant tactician earns him the respect he desires in the underworld. Eventually, he bui lds a pi rate crew whose speed and effectiveness make them fearsome. Despite this, he makes every effort to minimize bloodshed on each mission.

Nym's most prized bounty is a heavily modified Scurrg H- 6 prototype bomber he ca ll s Havoc. Nym is caught by a Trade Fede rat ion - hi red mercena ry whi le trying to fence weapons, but he is rescued by his loyal crew. The Lok Revenants' base is attacked by the Trade Federation , and Nym moves on with his lif e. Iron ically, he teams up with the mercenary who caught him, Vana Sage, and with Rhys Dallows, a Naboo pilot, to wreak havoc on the Trade Federa t ion . For aid ing Naboo fo rces, Supreme Chance llo r Palpatine awa rds Nym a f ull pardon. Despite that, he goes back to his fringe ways and lays low in Bothan space look ing fo r work. Later, he reluctantly teams up with Jedi Master Adi Gallia to fight his old -foe, Captain Cavik Toth, commander of the Sabaoth Squadron mercenaries.

Nym Medium Feeorin sco undre l 11 Destiny 2; Force 4 Init +7; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 Languages Basic, Feeori n, Huttese

Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 23), Fo rt 26, Wil l 22 , Dodge hp 86; Threshold 26

Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed + 10 (ld4+7) Ranged heavy bl aster pistol + 10 (3d8+5) or Ranged heavy blaster pistol +8 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot or Ranged blaster rifle + 10 (3d8+5) or Ranged blaster rifle +8 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot Base Atk +8; Grp +10

CL 11

Atk Options Careful Sh ot , Charging Fire, Deadeye, Hype rdriven, Lucky Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Sneak Attack + l d6, Spacehound, Starshi p Raide r

Special Actions Knack

Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 11 , Cha 12 Talents Hyperdriven , Knack, Lucky Shot, Sn eak Attack + ld6, Spacehound ,

Starship Raider Feats Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Deadeye, Dodge, Point Blank Shot,

Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Pi lot), Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simp le weapons)

Skil ls Deception + 11, End urance + 18, Knowledge (tactics) + 11 , Persuasion + 11 , Pil ot + 17

Possessions heavy blaste r pistol, blaster rifle, Scurrg H-6 prototype bomber (Havoc)

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SALPCJRIN Salporin joins Captain Merumeru's defense during the Separatist invasion of Kachirho. He is best known for his mastery of the ryyk blades. Despite his bond-engagement to the Wookiee maiden Gorrlyn, the couple serve together under Merumeru. In addition, Salporin is a childhood friend of Chewbacca.

Salporin Medium Wookiee soldier 4/scout 1 Desti ny 1; Force 2 Init +8; Senses Perception +8 Languages Basic (understand only)' Shyriiwook

Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 17), Fort 20, Will 16 hp 81; Threshold 20; extraordinary recuperation

Speed 6 squares Melee ryyk blades + 11 (1 d8+8, devastating 5) or Melee ryyk blades +9 (2d8+8, devastating 5) with Rapid Strike or Melee ryyk blades +6/+6 (ld8+8, devastating 5) or Melee ryyk blades +4/+4 (2d8+8, devastating 5) with Rapid Strike Ranged bowcaster +5 (3dl0+2) Base Atk +4; Grp + 10 Atk Options Rapid Strike Special Actions rage l/day, Shake It Off

Abilities Str 22, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Talents Devastating Attack (ryyk blades), Surefooted, Weapon

Specialization (ryyk blades)

CL 5

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Rapid Strike, Shake it Off, Weapon Focus (ryyk blades), Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Climb + 13 (can take 10 when distracted), Endurance + 10, Initiative +8, Jump + 13, Perception +8, Persuasion +2 (can reroll attempts to intimidate, must take second result)

Possessions 2 ryyk blades (see page 97 of The Force Unleashed'" Campaign Guide)' bowcaster

TARFFU L A mighty warrior leader, fierce and towering, Tarfful works his way up to become the city leader of coastal Kachirho, where he serves for decades before the Clone Wars. He enjoys dangerous hunting expeditions. At one point in the war, he is taken prisoner by Trandoshan slavers, but later he is rescued by clone commandos. During the Confederacy's invasion of Kachirho, he takes up the little-used mantle of war chief as the Wookiees and their Republic allies fight off the invasion. Notable among the Republic forces is Jedi Master Yoda . Yoda and Tarfful share a strong bond, so much so that Tarfful considers Yoda a member of his "honor family." Because of this, he aids Yoda when the clone troopers under Yoda's command betray the venerable Jedi Master. Another of Tarfful's close friends is the Wookiee scout Chewbacca.

Tarfful Medium Wookiee scout 3/soldier 4/noble 5 Desti ny 3; Force 6

CL 12

In it + 12 (can reroll, must take second result); Senses Perception + 12 (can reroll, must take second result)

Languages Basic (understand only), Dosh (understand only), Shyriiwook

Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 24), Fort 26, Will 25 hp 102; Threshold 26; extraordinary recuperation

Speed 6 sq ua res Melee unarmed +13 (ld4+10) Ranged bowcaster + 11 (3dl0+6) or Ranged bowcaster +9 (4dlO+6) with Rapid Shot or Ranged bowcaster +6/+6 (3dlO+6) with Double Attack or Ranged bowcaster +4/+4 (4dl0+6) with Double Attack and Rapid Shot Base Atk +9; Grp + 13 Atk Options Charging Fire, Double Attack (bowcaster)' Point Blank Shot,

Precise Shot, Rapid Shot Special Actions Battle Analysis, Born Leader, Coordinated Attack,

rage l/day, Rally, Shake It Off

Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 Talents Acute Senses, Battle Analysis, Born Leader, Cover Fire, Distant

Command, Improved Initiative, Rally Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Charging Fire, Coordinated

Attack, Double Attack (bowcaster)' Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shake It Off, Ski ll Focus (Persuasion), Skill Training (Knowledge [bureaucracy]), Skill Training (Persuasion), Weapon Focus (bowcaster)' Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)

Skills Climb +16 (can take 10 when distracted), Endurance +13, Initiative + 12 (can reroll, must take second result), Knowledge (bureaucracy) + 12, Knowledge (tactics) +12, Perception + 12 (can reroll, must take second result), Persuasion + 19 (can reroll attempts to intimidate, must take second result), Survival + 12

Possessions bowcaster

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ZIRO THE HUTT The uncle of Jabba the Hutt, liro the Hutt (whose full name and tit le is liro Desilijic Tiure) is a devious crime lord who dwells in the seedy depths of Coruscant. liro the Hutt employs assassins, thugs, th ieves, and a variety of other sinister agents , both on Coruscant and abroad. Despite holding the rank of Vigo in the Black Sun cr ime synd icate, he is considered a lesse r crime lord on Coruscant; however, l iro has considerable power thanks to his association with influential members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Unafraid to make deals with those who would harm the Desilijic clan if it would bring him more profit and power, liro is a treacherous Hutt whose betrayals will surely catch up with him.

liro the Hutt Large Hu tt noble 4/scoundrel 3/crime lord 2 Destiny 1; Force 7; Dark Side 6 Init + 10; Senses Perception + 17

CL 9

Languages Basic, Bocce, Gamorrean, High Galactic, Hu ttese , Quarrenese, Rodese, Ryl, Shyriiwook (understand only)

Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 27 hp 57; Threshold 31 Immune +5 bonus to Wi ll Defense against Use the Force checks

Speed 2 sq ua res Melee unarmed +6 (ld6+4) Ranged by weapon +7 Base Atk +6; Grp +1 1 Atk Options Point Blank Shot Special Actions Disruptive, Presence, Impel Ally I, Impel Al ly II ,

Walk the Lin e

Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15 Special Qualities supreme stability Talents Disruptive, Presence, Impel Ally I, Im pel Ally II, Walk the Line,

Weaken Resolve Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Defenses, Linguist, Point

Blan k Shot, Skil l Focus (Deception), Skill Focus (Perception), Ski ll Focus (Persuasion)' Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)

Skills Deception + 16, Gather Information + 11, Ini tiative + 10, Knowledge (bureauc racy) + 12, Knowl edge (galactic lore) + 12, Knowledge (socia l sciences) + 12, Perception + 17, Persuasion + 16 (can reroll, must take second result), Use Computer + 12

Possessions va rio us personal belongings




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VEHICL..ES AND STARSHIPS During the Clone Wars, vehicles of war roll off assembly lines on planets throughout the galaxy. The following section details several vehicles that appear during the Clone Wars and are suitable for use by both allies and antagonists in a Clone Wars campaign.

ClEVVAOR ~ET CATAMARAN Named after the oevvaor, a flying marine reptile indigenous to Kashyyyk's coasts, this flying catamaran is designed to the surface of freshwater lagoons on Kashyyyk.

Incorporating Pod racer-style jet engines and compact repulsorlifts, this 15-meter-long vessel can attain speeds of up to 370 kilometers per hour over water. Its hull , fashioned from thick wroshyr timber, is strong enough to provide protection against enemy blaster fire.

Oevvaor Jet Catamaran Gargantuan vehicle (speeder) Init +5; Senses Perception +5

Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 16; +3 armor hp 60; DR 5; Threshold 36

CL 3

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 370 km/h over water)' fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged blaster cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew),

none (passengers) Base Atk +0; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire (blaster cannon)

Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +5

Crew 2 (normal); Passengers 2 Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft none Availability Licensed; Cost 12,125 (2,700 used)

Blaster Cannon (gunn$r) Atk +2 (-3 autofire"L ·Dmg 3dlO

RADDAUOH ONASP FLUTTERCRAFT (ClRNITHOPTER) Named after a dangerous insect native to the Wookiee colony moon of Alaris, these cramped ornithopters buzz through the skies of Kashyyyk, conducting security patrols, search-rescue missions, and perimeter scans. The 7-meter-long vehicle, manufactured by the enterprising Wookiees of Appazanna Engineering Works, is an armed, lightweight, twin-seat scout craft perfect for defending the tree-cities of the Wookiee homeworld. Featuring a tail-gun but no armor, the ornithopter relies on its speed and agility to avoid incoming fire , and its mostly open co*ckpit provides minimal cover for its crew of two.


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Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft CL 4 Huge air vehicle (ornithopter) Init + 11 ; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 10). For t 14; +1 armor hp 40; DR 5; Threshold 29

Speed fly 12 sq uares (max. velocity 310 km/h )' fly 3 squares (starship scale)

Ranged la ser ca nnon ta il-gun +7 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 squa re (starship scale); Cover +2 (crew) Base Atk +2; Grp +20 Atk Options autofire (laser cannon tail-gun)

Abilities Str 18, Dex 18, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative + 11, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +9

Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers none Cargo 3 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost 14,750 (3,200 used)

Laser Cannon Tail-Gun (gunner) Atk +5 (+0 autofire)' Dmg 4dlO

SABAOTH DESTROYER Sabaoth destroyers are intimidating capital sh ips employed by the mercenary Sabaoth Squadron. Recruited by Count Dooku, th e Sabaoth Squadron fights for the Separatists in early engagements of the Clone Wars, influencing key battles. Several Sabaoth destroyers are eliminated by the Feeorin pirate Nym and his allies- includ ing Sabaoth Squadron Leader Cavik Toth 's flag­sh ip, t he Reaver.

Sabaoth Destroyer Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12). Fort 36 ; +12 armor hp 900; DR 15; SR 130; Threshold 136

Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)

CL 12

Ranged 3 point- defense heavy laser cannon batte ri es +9 (see below) and 2 light turbo laser batteries +9* (see below)

Fighting Space 2x2 squares (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +48

Abilities Str 62 , Dex 14, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2

Crew 250 (skilled); Passengers 3,000 Cargo 3,000 tons; Consumables 1 year; Carried Craft 12 starfighters Hyperdrive x3 (backup x18). navicomputer Availability Mi litary; Cost 3.5 million (1.5 million used)

* App/V a -20 pena/tv on attacks against targets smaller than C%ssa/size.

Point-Defense Heavy Laser Cannon Battery (3 gunners) Atk +9, Dmg 6dl0x2

Light Turbolaser Battery (3 gunners) Atk +9 (-11 aga inst targets smaller than Colossal)' Dmg 2dl0x5

SABAOTH STARFIOHTER Structurally, the Sabaoth starfighter is little more than a co*ckpit mounted behind a pair of downward-angled wings, each tipped with a .. pair of laser cannons. As the main starfighters of the Sabaoth Squadron, S'abaoth star­fighters give combat support to the Sabaoth destroyers. Under the command of Captain Cavik Toth, Sabaoth sta rfighters fight for the Separatists. They are first seen launching from Sabaoth destroyers in battle over Geonosis, where they meet the Jedi starfighters of Adi Gallia and Siri Tachi.



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Sabaoth Starfighter Huge starfighter Init + 12; Senses Perception +8

Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 11). Fort 23; +3 armor hp 75; DR 5; Threshold 33

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,110 km/h)' fly 4 squares (starship scale)

Ranged 4 laser cannons +8 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +5; Grp +28

Abilities Str 36, Dex 22, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative + 12, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +9

Crew 1 (expert) Passengers none Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none Availability Military; Cost 170,000 (72,000 used)

Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +8, Dmg 4dlOx2



All worlds have nonsentient life forms that occasionally present threats to civilization. Some of these beasts can be domesticated and used as pets or mounts, while others are untamable. A couple beasts of note are presented below.

DACTILLION Dactillions are predators that plagued Utapauns during their rise to civiliza­tion. These four-legged reptilian carnivores are 6 meters tall with a 24-meter wingspan . They are an ancient species that is often sol itary and nomadic. Within the sinkholes of Utapau, they can use their claws to scale cliff faces or their wings to ride the thermal drifts. They feed on grotto fish, smal l prey, and carrion. By providing dactillions with fresh meat, the Utapauns are able to domesticate them, turning these reptilian predators into trusted mounts.

Dactillion CL 2 Huge airborne beast 3 Init +8 (can reroll, must take second result); Senses Perception +2

Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10). Fort 18, Will 12 hp 37; Threshold 28

Speed 4 squares, fly 6 squares Melee 2 claws +9 (ld8+7) and

bite +9 (2d6+7) Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +2; Grp+ 19

Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 26, Int 4, Wis 15, Cha 8 Feats Skill Training (Climb, Survival) Skills Climb + 12, Initiative +8 (can reroll, must take second result).

Survival +7

HORAX Horaxes are enormous, reptilian creatures native to the planet Nelvaan. Adult specimens grow to a height of 15 meters, their tough blue-gray skin covers a powerfully muscled frame. Because of their immense size, they have a brutal impact on the environment, uprooting trees with their shovel-like horns. Fortunately, Horaxes are solitary creatures, gathering in pairs only to mate. They use their enormous fangs, massive nose horns, and spurred tails to fight each other for territory.

Horax Huge beast 8 Init +4; Senses Perception +4

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 16). Fort 18, Will 9 hp 100; Threshold 28

Speed 6 squares Melee gore +16 (2d6+1O) and

tail slap + 16 (2d6+ 10 plus special) or Melee gore + 11 * (2d6+ 15) and

tail slap + 11 * (2d6+20 plus special) Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 sq uare (2 squares with tail slap) Base Atk +6; Grp +26 Atk Options Power Attack, tail slap

Abilities Str 30, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 2 Feats Power Attack, Toughness, Skill Training (Initiative) Skills Initiative +4, Perception +4 * Includes 5 points of Power Attack.

CL 8

Tail Slap-When a horax uses Power Attack with its tail slap, it deals extra damage equal to the number of points of Power Attack spent. Any creature hit by a horax's tail slap attack is knocked prone.


January 2009

p. 221 – Sabaoth Starfighter Pilot modifier should be +12

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ApPENDIX Every character, creature, droid, vehic le, starship, and emplacement in CHARACTERS AND CREATURES CL PAGE

this book appears on this list, which is sorted alphabetica lly by Chal lenge Commander Rex 10 158

Level (CL). Jedi Archiv ist 10 124


Clone Shock trooper 153 Cavik To1:11 11 214

EduCorps Worker 122 Nym 11 216

Geonosian Warrior 181 Quinlan Vos 12 136

Kybuck 129 Tarfful 12 217

MedCorps Worker 1 123 Trandoshan Mercenary ~ ~t' 12 182

AgriCorps Worker 2 122 Asajj Ventress 13 184

Clone Scout Trooper 2 152 K'Kruhk 13 132

Clone Subtrooper 2 154 Ki-Adi-Mundi 13 131

Dactillion 2 221 Kit Fisto 13 130

ExplorCorps Worker 2 123 Anakin Skywalker 14 126

Gamma-383 "Trench" 2 35 Obi-Wan Kenobi 14 127

Clone Naval Officer 3 151 Plo Koon 15 133

Geonosian Elite Warrior 3 182 An'ya Kuro (The Dark Womap) 16 134

Admiral Wullf Yularen 4 155 Durge 16 185

Ahsoka Tano 4 130 Saesee Tiin 16 135

Clone Jet Trooper 4 150 Count Dooku 18 183

Clone Pilot 4 151 Mace Windu 19 129

Mas Amedda 4 158 Yoda 20 128

Clone Blaze Trooper 5 149

J Salporin 5 217 DROIDS CL PAGE

J 1) Senate Commando 5 154

5YQ Protocol Droid 0 70

lD Chewbacca 6 EW-3 Midwife Droid 0 67

lD 215

J Ilil Clone Fighter Pilot 6 152 FA-4 Pilot Droid 0 161

J ~ Galactic Marine 6 154 FA-5 Va let Droid 0 72

J @ Merumeru 6 215

Marksman-H Combat Remote 0 162

~ Trandoshan Bounty Hunter 6 182 P2 Series Astromech Droid 0 69

J Boba Fett 7 214 Serve-O-Droid Pit Droid 0 70

J Clone Shadow Trooper 7 153 CLL-6 Binary Load Li fter 1 72

J General Whorm Loathsom 7 187 DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid 66

J ARC Trooper 8 147

FX-6 Medical Assistance Droid 160

Clone Assassin 8 148 IG-86 Sentinel Droid 71

J Clone Commando 8 150 IM-6 Medical Droid 67

J Clone Trooper Battalion 8 97 IW-37 Pi ncer Loader Droid 73

J Horax 8 221

LE Series Repair Droid 68

Nahdar Vebb 8 131 SP-4 Analysis Droid 1 68

Ca pta i n Argyus 9 157 BCA-11/X Training Droid 2 71

Jedi Healer 9 124 Cold Assault Battle Droid 2 190

Jedi Instructor 9 125 IG Lancer Combat Droid 2 192

Sly Moore 9 159 OOM -Series Battle Droid 2 196

Ziro the Hutt 9 218 B1-Series Battle Droid Squad 3 94

ARC Trooper Alpha-17 10 156 LR-57 Combat Droid 3 195

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DROIDS CL PAGE VEHICLES AND STARSHIPS CL PAGE Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid 3 196 Freefall-class Starfighter 8 82 B1-A Series Air Battle Droid 4 189 GS-100 Salvage Ship 8 78 Battle Droid Assassin 4 190 KR-TB Doomtreader 8 78 Cortosis Battle Droid 5 191 LAAT/c Carrier 8 166 A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid 6 188 MorningStar-A Assault Starfighter 8 83 Droid Commando 6 192 Republi c Troop Transport 8 167 IG-l10 Lightsaber Droid 6 193 CIS-Advanced Starfighter 9 205 LM-432 Assau lt Crab Droid 6 194 Manta Droid Subfighter 9 199 Spelunker Probe Droid 6 197 Tri-Droid 9 202 Ultra Droideka 8 197 Ubrikkian Seltiss-2 Caravel 9 80 A-Seri es Assassin Droid 11 189 All-Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP) 10 163

JK-13 Security Droid 12 193 C-9979 Landing Craft 10 205 Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor Variants 10 137


DC0052 "Intergalactic" Speeder 1 138 Hardcell-c lass Transport 10 207

Single Trooper Aerial Pl atform (STAP) Koensayr BTL-51 Y-wing 10 172 n

2 202 Scurrg H-6 Prototype Bomber 10 85 I )

Oevvaor Jet Catamaran 3 219 Eta-2 Actis Interceptor Variants 11 139 1l -i

Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike 3 203 Kappa-class Shutt le 11 170 [Il

Ubrikkian Seltiss-2 Caravel Cabin 3 80 Al l-Terrain Tactical En forcer (AT-TE) 12 164 D

Medlifter Troop Transport 4 167 Azure Angel 12 138 X

Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft 4 219 IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tank 12 199 E2) Sheathipede-class Shuttle 4 210 Nu-class Assault Shuttle 12 171 Trade Fed eration Troop Carrier 4 202 Sabaoth Destroyer 12 220 l) All-Terra in Recon Transport (AT-RT) 5 164

Belbullab Heavy Starfighter '(i] 13 204 BARC Speeder 5 165

CR-20 Troop Carrier '(i]

BC-714 Luxury Transport 5 203 13 165 (ill

Grievous's Wheel Bike (Modified Tsmeu-6) 5 203 Diamond-class Cruiser 13 206 {Z

All-Terrain Experimental Tra nsport (AT-XT) ., 6 163 Persuader-class Droid Enforcer 14 201 @)

Soulless One (Modified Belbu llab-22) ~ Dagger-c lass Starf ighter 6 81

14 204 MedStor-class Frigate 15 170

G9 Rigger 6 76 Consular-class Cru iser (c70 Cha rger Retrofit) 16 169

Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) 6 200 Punworcca 116-class Sloop 6 210

Pelta-class Medical Frigate 16 172

Unstable Terra in Artillery Transport (UT-AT) 6 169 Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery 16 168

Barloz-class Freighter 7 75 Providence-class Destroyer 18 208

Dianoga-class Assault Starfighter 7 82 Invisible Hand 20 209

Droch-class Boarding Ship 7 207 Subjugotor-class Heavy Cru iser 20 210

Hyena-class Bomber " 7 208 WEAPON EMPLACEMENTS CL PAGE

Infantry Support Platform 7 166 LR1 K Sonic Antipersonnel Cannon

OG-9 Homing Spider Droid 7 200 4 103

Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship 7 79 AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon 6 103

Sabaoth Starfighter 7 220 S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace 7 84 TX-130 Saber- class Fi ghter Tank 7 168

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The Clone Wars Enhancement 1

Polis Massan

By Gary Astleford

The small asteroid mining colony of Polis Massa in the Outer Rim is the current homeworld

of the Polis Massans. Though the Polis Massans evolved on another world in the Subterrel

sector, they have been away from their homeworld for so long that they have no living

memory of their origins. Instead, they have dedicated themselves to researching a lost

civilization, once native to Polis Massa, known as the Eellayin.

The planet once inhabited by the Eellayin was subject to a great and mysterious cataclysm

which caused it to break apart into several million fragments. The Polis Massa asteroid is one

of the largest fragments to survive, and many artifacts and traces of the fallen civilization are

hidden within its depths. The Polis Massans seek to explore the origins of the Eellayin in the

hopes that they may discover something of themselves in this ancient and extinct species.

It is a little-known fact that the Polis Massans believe that they are the descendants of the

Eellayin species. Their ultimate goal is to preserve the memory of the Eellayin race. They

intend to do so using advanced cloning techniques learned from the Kaminoans in an attempt

to scientifically resurrect the Eellayin species. No viable genetic material has been recovered

from the Polis Massan asteroid, but this does little to stop the Polis Massans from continuing

to explore.

Personality: Gentle and compassionate are the two words that often come to mind when

describing Polis Massans. They are an extremely inquisitive species, especially with regard to

their own origins. They can be overly protective of their work, especially in regards to

treasure hunters seeking wealth within the archaeological digs of Polis Massa. In this regard,

they prefer to maintain their secrecy, and will hesitate to call attention to themselves.

Physical Description: Polis Massans possess smooth, gray skin. Their faces are featureless

with the exception of their eyes, which are universally black. The hands of a Polis Massan are

dexterous, with three long fingers and opposable thumbs. They tend to wear form-fitting body

suits decorated with functional accessories, such as utility belts, tools, and medical


Homeworld: Polis Massa.

Languages: Massan.

Example Names: Osh Scal, Maneeli Tuun.

Adventurers: Nobles and Scouts are common character classes for Polis Massan characters.

Given their peaceful nature and respect for life, Polis Massans rarely take up arms as Soldiers,

though they are perfectly capable of protecting themselves. Polis Massan Jedi and Scoundrels

are unheard of, though their latent telepathic abilities and even personalities make them

excellent candidates for Jedi teachings.

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Polis Massan Species Traits

Polis Massans share the following species traits:

Ability Modifiers: –2 Strength, +2 Wisdom.

Small Size: As Small creatures, Polis Massans gain a +1

size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on

Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits

are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.

Speed: Polis Massan base speed is 6 squares

Conditional Bonus Feat: Polis Massans are known across

the Galaxy for their skill with medicine. A Polis Massan

with Treat Injury as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Treat

Injury) as a bonus feat.

Darkvision: Because they are able to see well in complete

darkness, Polis Massans ignore concealment (including

total concealment) from darkness. However, they cannot

perceive colors in total darkness.

Limited Telepathy: In conjunction with their sign

language and technological methods of communication,

Polis Massans are able to employ a weak form telepathy that allows them to convey simple

feelings and thoughts to any willing recipient within ten squares. They can use the Telepathy

aspect of the Use the Force skill untrained (even if not Force-sensitive). If the target of the

telepathy is within 10 squares, no skill check is requires to initiate the telepathic contact.

Mute: Polis Massans have no vocal cords, and must rely on a combination of sign language,

computers, and telepathy in order to communicate with others. When they learn new

languages, they can understand but not speak them.

Automatic Languages: Basic (understand only), Massan.

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Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Clone Wars Errata and Official


Updated - January 2009

Clone Wars Campaign Guide Errata v1

By Rodney Thompson

p. 21 – Protection Add the following text to the end of the talent’s description: “Characters that use this

talent or the Draw Fire talent cannot be targeted by or benefit from this talent. You may not benefit from this

talent at the same time as the Misplaced Loyalty talent (Scum and Villainy, page 14).”

p. 22 – Improved Consular’s Vitality Add the following line to the end of this talent: Prerequisite:

Consular’s Vitality

p. 26 – Stick Together Remove the phrase “as a move action” from the second sentence of this talent.

p. 29 – Expert Droid Repair Add the phrase “(minimum 2) after the phrase “Intelligence bonus.”

p. 40 – Higher Yield Change the word “Demolitions” to “Mechanics” in the Prerequisites line.

p. 40 – Focused Force Talisman Add the phrase “all your expended uses of” before the phrase “that spent

Force power” in the last sentence of the talent’s description.

p. 46 – Tech Savant Add the following text to the end of the talent’s description: “Any droid or vehicle can

only benefit from this talent once per round.”

p. 76 – G9 Rigger Grp modifier should be +34

p. 81 – Dagger-class Starfighter Add the following line beneath the Cargo line: Hyperdrive x2 (3 pre-

programmed hyperspace jumps)

p. 138 – Daystar Craft DC0052 Intergalactic Speeder Change the Fighting Space to 2x2

p. 172 – Nu-class Shuttle Add the following line beneath the Cargo line:

Hyperdrive x1, navicomputer

p. 173 – Y-Wing DR should be 10, not 100.

p. 209 – Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser Crew should be 25,350.

p. 221 – Sabaoth Starfighter Pilot modifier should be +12

Clone Wars CG Clarifications v1

p. 61-63 – Ranged Weapons The weapons in this section have the following ammunition capacities:

BlasTech 500 “Espo” Riot Gun, BlasTech DT-12, Czerka Adventurer, Merr-Sonn Model 434,

SoroSuub Firelance: 50 shots.

BlasTech DH-23 “Outback” Blaster Pistol: 100 shots

BlasTech DLT-20A: 30 shots

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (230)

p. 40 – Rapid Reload Add the phrase “or power pack” after the phrase “energy cell.”

p. 46 – Sabotage Device Add the phrase “or power pack” after the phrase “energy cell.”

p. 64 – Shadowsuit Replace the full text of this entry with the following:


Light Armor

Used by assassins and burglars, the shadowsuit manufactured by Ayelixe/Krongbing textiles is little more

than a black body stocking covering the wearer’s entire body. Shadowsuits are made from a tough but soft

material known as shadowsilk that absorbs light and sound. The hands and feet of the shadowsuit have

sound-dampening pads that reduce the noise made by the wearer. A shadowsuit grants a +5 equipment

bonus to Stealth checks whenever the wearer has concealment from darkness or low-light conditions. If any

armor or clothing is worn over the shadowsuit, this bonus is lost.

Replace the Shadowsuit entry on Table 5-4: Armor with the following:

Shadowsuit 2 600 +1 +1 +5 – – 2 kg Military

p. 94 – Creating a Squad Add the following bullet point to the end of the list:

The squad’s CL is equal to the CL of the base creature +2.

Star Wars Saga Edition - Clone Wars Campaign Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)


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