Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (2024)

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (1)

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I've watched my Mum make her Christmas pudding.

The fruit soaks for weeks in a mix of brandy and sherry in her white two piece tupperware container that she's had since she was married. It's the perfect size to hold the mix of sultanas and mixed fruit that's left to soak up the alcohol and plump to perfection.

After the fruit soaked, the pudding process began. First the cloth is boiled in her big metal pudding pot that's only used once a year. The mixer is filled with butter and bread crumbs and sugar and flour and then finally the fruit mixture is added. Once the pudding cloth is boiled, she lays it out on the bench top and sprinkles it with flour, dumping the pudding mixture out of the mixer bowl and into the centre of the cloth ready to wrap it.

When I was about 8, I became the helper. Mum would wrap the pudding up, twisting and tying it until it was just rightand my little hands would grasp the cloth, holding it in place to Mum could carefully tie it with twine. As a child, this was the bestjob because it meant I "helped" to create everyone's favourite pudding.

Mum's pudding would them boil away for a few hours before being hung to dry on the coat hook in our laundry (weird place, possibly, but it's probably the safest and where she's always hung it!) where it would dry out and mature until Christmas day before being boiled for a few hours once again on Christmas day.

It's a classic recipe - but one that involved waaaaaaaaaytoo many steps and processes for me - so this recipe is wayeasier than that!

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (3)

Four years ago, when I had my first gluten free Christmas, I wasdevastatedthat I couldn't eat myMum's Christmas Pudding. At the time, I couldn't even find gluten free bread crumbs in the shops and there was no way I wanted to make a giant pudding for just myself - so I got to experimenting.

I decided rather than a boiled pudding, I was going to go with a fruit cake - so for the last four years I've been perfecting that recipe. The ingredients have always been the same, but it's the ratios that I've changed - and this year, I've come up with the perfectratio.

You see, Jesse doesn't like my Mum's Christmas Pudding (but we try not to mention that :P) or any other Christmas Cakes/Fruit Cakes - but this year, he decided to try my fruit cake after seeing so much of it cooling in the kitchen....

And then an entire mini fruit cake disappeared.

This fruit cake is soeasy and so delicious that even my fruit cake hating husband lovesit - and did I mention it has just threeingredients?

But let me give you the recipe so that you can make it yourself! >>

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (5)

The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar

recipe makes 1 large thick fruit cake or 6-8x 6" individual fruit cakes (see notes for smaller batches)

no added sugar, low fat/no added fat, gluten free, vegan, egg free, dairy free

1kg mixed fruit ordried fruit of your choice (see notes)

3 cups boiling water

3 cups (360g) gluten free self raising flour

  • Soak your fruit in your boiling water either overnight or for a few hours, covering your boil/container to trap the steam. If I forget to soak mine overnight, I'll simply start soaking it in the morning and make the fruit cake that afternoon.
  • Once your fruit has soaked, preheat your oven to 125C/260F.
  • Grease and/or line a large (~9-10") cake tin or 6-8 individual cake tins (we used small 5-6" cake tins so that we could share them with friends) and set aside.
  • Mix your soaked fruit mixture with your flour, mixing until just combined.
  • Pour your cake mixture into your tin(s), smoothing the surface with a spoon or spatula.
  • Bake for 1 hour (for individual cakes) to 2 1/2 hours (for one larger cake) or until golden and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake removes clean.
  • Leave to cool completely before storing in an airtight container. The cake will keep for 3-4 weeks at room temperature, however, we always store ours in the fridge just to be safe.


  • I can't eat citrus so mixed fruit is a no-no for me. In my fruit cake I used 500g chopped dried dates, 250g currants and 250g raisins.
  • You may substitute some of the water with alcohol if you want a more traditional fruit cake!
  • Smaller batches
    To make one regular sized cake: 500g mixed fruit/dried fruit of your choice, 1 1/2 cups water and 1 1/2 cups (180g) gluten free self raising flour


Chocolate desserts more your style? Click here for my 4 Ingredient Chocolate Fruit Cake Recipe.


But tell me, does your family have any Christmas food traditions?

What's your favourite Christmas dessert?

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (7)Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (8)Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (9)

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (10)Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (11)Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (12) Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (13)Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (14)

Recipe: The Easiest Gluten Free & Vegan Fruit Cake with No Added Sugar (2024)


What happens when you bake a cake without sugar? ›

Sugar helps cakes stay moist after baking. A completely sugar-free cake will dry out quickly, so wrap cooled cakes in cling film to prevent moisture loss.

How do you make gluten-free cake not dry? ›

Add extra liquid: Gluten-free flours tend to absorb more liquid than regular flour, so you may need to add more liquid to your recipes to compensate. This can help to keep your baked goods moist and prevent them from becoming dry and crumbly.

What makes a gluten-free cake rise? ›

Add an egg: You could even add an extra egg which will help the cake to rise. However it will also give more moisture so you might need to fiddle with a few more ingredients so the batter isn't too wet. More leavening agent: Gluten-free cakes may need a little more leavening agent.

What is vegan vs gluten-free cake? ›

Vegan cakes are made without dairy products like milk, eggs, or butter. Instead, vegan bakers use plant-based substitutes such as bananas, flax seeds, or dairy-free butters. Gluten-Free cakes, on the other hand, use non-wheat flour to avoid the complex gluten protein present in regular wheat flour.

What if I don't have enough sugar for cake recipe? ›

Swap in Pureed Fruit

Applesauce and mashed bananas can be used in a 1:1 ratio to replace sugar in your recipe. If you're using bananas as a baking substitute, get the ripest ones you can find and blend them so they're smooth before adding.

What is the secret of baking with gluten-free flour? ›

Gluten-free flours often contain fine starches, so they absorb more liquid than conventional flour. To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters. They may also call for a larger quantity of leavening, like baking powder, to help add volume and lighten the texture.

Should you let gluten-free cake batter sit before baking? ›

We recommend covering your batters and doughs and letting them rest for at least half an hour.

What are two gluten free baking tips when preparing a gluten-free food product? ›

Dissolving leaveners in liquid prior to adding to dough will give a better rise to the product. Gluten-free baking at high altitude requires less liquid and either a higher oven temperature or a longer baking time. Start with omitting 2 tablespoons of liquid and increasing the oven temperature by 25° F.

What ingredient tenderizes the gluten in a cake? ›

Sugar tenderizes a cake by preventing the gluten from forming. Sugar also holds moisture in the finished product. Sugar crystals cutting into solid fats like butter help form the structure of the product by making small holes which are filled with CO2 when the leavening agents react.

Why did my gluten-free cake turn out gummy? ›

Gluten-free baked goods often benefit from extra liquid to hydrate the flour blends, eliminate grittiness, and achieve a less dense or dry texture. However, it's very important to drive off this extra moisture during baking, or you'll wind up with a gummy texture.

How to tell when gluten-free cake is done? ›

Ultimately, the toothpick test is just one data source to rely upon: with the trio—toothpick, edges, & centre—you can reliably know your gluten-free baked goods are, well, baked! If your toothpick comes out with wet batter on it, your cake definitely needs more time.

Is it possible to be vegan and gluten-free? ›

A lot of vegan food is naturally gluten free, particularly all fruit and vegetables unless they have been processed. But not all vegan or vegetarian food is gluten free because the cereals that contain gluten – wheat, barley, rye and their derivatives – could be part of a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Do vegan cakes have less sugar? ›

Just as with traditional cakes, vegan cakes still contain sugar and fat, which are key ingredients for creating that oh-so-satisfying indulgent treat. But they don't usually contain any more or any less of these ingredients than regular cakes.

What happens if you don't use sugar in baking? ›

The chemistry of sugar attracts water molecules, so cutting it out can make your baked goods too tough and dry.

What happens when you remove sugar from baking? ›

Baking with reduced sugar produces less-sweet treats, of course, but lack of sugar also tends to increase blandness as well. Like salt, sugar is a flavor enhancer. Reduce the sugar in your chocolate chip cookies, and the flavors of butter, chocolate, and vanilla will all be less apparent.

What happens if you forgot to put sugar in a cake? ›

But if you forgot the sugar in this step, all is not lost. Martina shares: “You can add the sugar in at any point during mixing. The resulting cake will still taste great but be slightly dense from the lack of air bubbles.” That may not be a bad thing, though.

Does a cake need sugar? ›

Sugar creates texture

Sugar easily binds with water, which accomplishes two main things. 1) It locks in moisture, keeping your baked goods from drying out; and 2) It inhibits the development of gluten which keeps your cookies, cakes and sweet breads softer.


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.