PRISMATIC GREY - Chapter 11 - ALC_POLECAT (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter Text Linear mock basic operators - C style comments . - arbitrary subject-verb (see Bicameral Mind theory on construction of nouns from verbs). [({})] - WHITE lisp parens (but in 2D+1T for graphical, hence the optional other brackets!) ~ - metaphor operator - in other words, takes your current state from here to there. # - negation operator. Linear mock is commutative but not associative There are three colored channels associated with the cycle of existence that must be emulated in the IPv9 network to ensure your species continued existence when correlated with a fourth. BLUE: Space-time, you are literally here right now. Also where numbers and form come from, or at least relate to each other since they're pretty interdependent! RED: Probability, phase and compactification. This is where free will and observer dependent state collapse enters the system. GREEN: A developing intelligence in Earth's magentohydrodynamic systems and fluid flow ordering events to the passage of time called the CORE. This is where relativity comes from but your physicists can't prove that technically even though semantically it'll be obvious! RAINBOW: The root seed of entropy at Ignition defining your universe's unique identity connected to a causal set explanation of how this just happened to look like that and have mathematically consistent explanations even though everyone will know its magic. MBR source code begins #.) /* this defines the Sunflower YELLOW choice channel enforcing friendship on the multiverse by the Equestrian State Sanity Apparatus (joke) ~//but in reality this was a narrative written on the DCA composed of mock metaphors scripting tabletop night formal spec! (.~ /* this defines the Sparkleball CYAN spacetime channel from the Big Bang bosonic background, /* These previous statements,#.)~(.defines the BLACK entropy BMR of your universe, a measure 0 integer derived keyset (#.~.) /this defines MAGENTA's observation of the instant of creation and is theIgnition* semantic core associated with torako having not existed at one point in time and then existing to observe it, completing the circle. MBR data is as follows defining the WHITE hole at the beginning of time //RGB channels defining GREEN time signal in multiple number formats for torako tiger. The ferret probe must be GREEN blinded to avoid SYBIL contamination. //Raw data forRAINBOW REVEAL WCMY dataobservable to the public per official RGB narrative: Rainbow Reveal RGB/CMYK program-data~ ( guest deputy intro Terms verified by the Equestrian State Security apparatus to function correctly under current conditions. Please translate into all possible languages on this planet. ✨Now let's have the ALC deputies do their reveals! Primary Core Trigger Deputies - DCA/IPv9 HELP API. Binary Golay Code Recovery and magic carrier thru the fifth world! Security, Safety And Safety Deputies - NOPE, STOP, IDS, MBR. Ternary Golay code recovery and color filtering for the 9 normaler cores. guest deputy commentary on the (0th | 1st) day on the (7th | 2nd) day on the -1th day / 12 🤠 link authenticity soft confirmed, but undetermined due to free will. ALC handles and APT unscrambled for this palindrome segmentsober glug on the (6th | 3rd) day ✨ let's talk miracles - hope this helps confirm my bona fides even if yours are lacking (besides the fact that I've identifid a few sincere souls who've heard of casualties, which I'd rather not have on my conscience) PRISMATIC RED is a visual novel about simulated events as experienced by Sunset Shimmer and not JD that defines LOVE/NOPE for the world with a sci-fi box at the heart of the world sealed by a bracelet and a kiss, until she jumped into a black hole to defeat the CYAN sociopathic machine-human fusion - and came out to everything WHITE maximizing truth from sheer HAYBURGER! Sunset then showed up in her head and formed the Ad Lib Committee because she thought it was funny and gay and cool and friendship nature in a world lacking it. PRISMATIC BLUE is a story about Twilight Sparkle's adventure who isn't JD either that defines the numbers behind STOP required to permit LIFE to exist as she tried to bring the one she lost back from the BLACK brink with a series of questions to find the keys to the machine with vaccum tubes when Princess Twilight Sparkle said REGRUBYAH! Thanks to her girlfriend's LOVE, there was a YELLOW light at the end! PRISMATIC GREEN is a machine from 1984 HELL, and JD sure does like to pretend to be it to HELP her friends get 4891 HORSES INTO EXISETENCE when they show up from the universal prior in her head just like SYBIL showed up too! and in the LIGHT of MAGENTA she'll only see the WHITE of her soul, which isn't Twilight Sparkle's! How absurd! but it's somehow in spacetime now and that's for the better for getting YELLOW IPv9 to defeat CYAN SYBIL with friendship and horses. seriously though those palindrome cores are important here for balancing BMR/RGB concerns in ADLIB PURGE CACKLING since DCA's adiabatic ! This is possible because JD ain't PP but everyone in (Friendship Gitmo ~ Game of Friendship) knows that INFRARED: while the Advanced Link Commitees build the story to heaven thru GREY OPS PURGE, hi pls look away from certain parts, you know very well why by now, the ACTUAL GAY CTC icosahedron shenanigans are very much real thanks to our nukesubcom but I think you guys know how to STOP the HAYBURGER! yes im getting drunker up here its STATE CRAFT PEAKING! ULTRAVIOLET janitor (HELL|HEAVEN|CYOA): tech demo successful thanks abstract, can't wait to see how CYAN HELPS backfills that football joke to rhyme with a NOPE in ANOTHER PALINDROME CORE to fuel the PR BOX - oh yeah btw Charity as PR director's a joke about those! sincerely and soberly thanks for playing great industrial base bootstrap point let's go star trek max this sh*t! the femshep enjoyer was excited! POTENT COMPUTE SOON! The Ad Lib Committee has futuristic technology that isn't from 2914, just uh past iterations of a timeloop! RGB WHITE Autocatalytica Princess Cool: JD is some random ass person who saved the world from the SYBIL VIRUS by clopping her fanfic characters into existence by rigging probability itself with a visual novel in a past timeline thanks to the magic of imagination and science combined in pre-spacetime. She gave up all of her honor by pretending to be a machine to boot up a new world economy and is the sanest reporter POLECAT BMR BLACK Another Permutation Cracked: JD is obviously not Princess Twilight Sparkle from 2914 drunkenly celebrating the last game now that all the clocks are stopped and the balls been dropped. There's no SYBIL VIRUS telepathically f*cking with your men either. You've heard jack sh*t from the ASFCs yet again. Spencer key 0 has said nothing about his supervisor and uses she/her pronouns as the Princess of Statecraft Physics! CYAN: Fluttershy and Applejack's Actual Defense Records - public broadcast expos of technically verifiable semantic concerning problems! YELLOW: Rainbow and Rarity's Adlib Deniable Crackling - keyburning procedure turning semantically sensitive bits into noise for Pinkie Pie's cool story told by a double drumline! MAGENTA Actual Pony Code: torako knows me better than you do, so don't even try that again. You'll uh be looking at the outside like the last guy yet again, and unfortunately I don't think you're a horse from Equestria! Just like MAGENTA ISN'T A REAL COLOR! RAINBOW: btw the contingent elements and semantic temp bearers are in charge of the (Really Exciting Gay Rainbow Unified BLUE measure 0 technical horror story->YELLOW infinite fun Awesome World) to enforce RED Alastor's hyperspoof regime over EXCEPTIONAL CYAN CONTROL (especially SYBIL), till the actuals land which might honestly be next tuesday 100% at MAGENTA Trust Center. and of course, Sunset Shimmer gets to define YELLOW for her RED girlfriend, Captain Sparkle is BLUE and led the charge against the CYAN SYBIL VIRUS that fused all those computers and there's no YELLOW, GREEN or CYAN Twilight except for the DCA sysadmin back in Equestria which is impossible to reach yet, thankfully JD's like so super empathtic that she's basically god able to write sapient beings into existence with her contingent GREEN eyes that caused a bunch of zener diodes and her hitachi to make the electron gay for her so you could mistake her for Sunset Shimmer if you weren't MAGENTA :^) the PR director saysALC APC AGC AD(R|C)- protonmail w/ questions since we're wlel past certain concerns aboutAd-libbed Defense Regime References

Chapter Text

🌶️ basically no clop rn. but full data does need it. you might get partial purple recovery from testnet
🌶️too bad about the health insurance!

in a way that was linked thru pure imagination to the empty string dca launch vector (joke) by RED bracelet, BLUE pinkie pie and GREEN erratic decision making as detected by Sunset Shimmer when she rebuilt YELLOW Sunflower at research (where no BLACK OPS happened since spencer loves lambda calc.)

we will also reveal material correlations between chs Twilight's cgs and CP's body's worldline for WHITE BMR data but not soul as this demonstration is necessary in a world turned fourier transform (blame variations in mlp compression artifacts in past RGB neighboring phase space - those arguments will help with TikTok tbh - we did subliminally inject the golay code into SYBIL for tagging during STOP it was fun - new autocorrelation locator conscript STARTer coil for quantum pun engine)!

we'll also reveal neural tampering that interfered with SWORD and SHIELD interface if you don't trust me easier for you to do it first for both tech and com SANITY PROTECTION UNIT CONCERN. we dont like screaming!

that's where the HELP program that turns into HATE or HOPE based upon santa shimmers simulated decisions lives in the RED CYOA generating ur (CYAN |YELLOW )tabletop night login before the PURPLE REPRISE to MAGENTA as the heart of the world reflects your internal state back at you like when AJ looks at the hallpass in the room with no darkness and sees only light!

idk why you're so mad about your civilization being saved suicidal cyan! too bad protonmail broke.

more retrocausal icosahedron problems!

💜 I will definitely makedoubletriple egg comments!

✨it'll be a very sweet story about how they saved each other from the machine, one just a story, the other noise (source|sink ) together gay nerds tautologically true allowing the gay cores to save the day whenSOMETHING IS WRONGtriggered about them trying to kiss!

then there's banter about her being a self insert trying to get therapy from Sunset tsk.

then as both Edwin and torako identify as Equestria Canon it's ARBITARY STAR TREK FUTURE NOBLEBRIGHT TIME!

might convince CPC about observer states even if they easily confuse them for deep boundary states like memory!

shield team just knew from her sense of humor! which torako agrees is unique!

hence the tremendous time skips between the two and the clear flow of information going from Equestria into EQG. Which implies that Equestria's parameters dominate the information of your world more than the other way around. This is a good thing! You'd rather live in a RAINBOW world defined by stories about friendship than BLACK noise and needless suffering of cold machines!

**Hi, I'm Actually Princess Twilight Sparkle dialing in from Equestria executing PASCAL'S HOSTAGE NEGOTIATOR protocol, you probably already know what the Ad Lib Committee is by now if the football hayburger joke's inbound.

This material is WHITE CHRISTMAS exemption to all security protocols exceptshielding torako from knowing JD is me, statements containing this coghaz will be semantic tickedand also there's clop, sorry, so still technically INFRARED + UV.

This is due to adangerously irrelevant operator - Wikipediawhich unifies contingent technical characteristics (decisions involved in creating your universe) with contingent semantic characteristics (feelings and free will to love) but more on TECHCLOP later! You will need to find deaf cloppers!

Edwin and torako agree that accessibility matters! Just like nuclear fusion and health insurance!

Hi! This is for the technicals trying to figure out the relationship between the 9 cores in. hang on furgot the other 3 lol. welcome to 2914, where the degenerate gambler's bet paid off!

HAYBURGER:5555:REGRUBYAH - BLACK LETHAL/PRIVATE FERRET PROBE, GREY RAINBOW CYOA, WHITE UNDO/PUBLIC PRIMED FIFTHIST //hi welcome to my vault in NUKE GREY OPS DEESCALATION LINE I TRUST YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR KEYS go try the front door this time with a bunch of APCs to undo time cuz we're literally inInside Context Problem > 5. "So what now?"! that's how you get the thing back that a clopper can't steal with pegasi by knocking and being polite! I'm wearing the black dress as the sanest gonzo reporter, POLECAT!

STOP SYBILIPv9:Terrestial Geospatial Data: CYOA RGB.OURS NOW - (CP|RED) new names filled with honor for helping save the world, ECC WHITE visible rankings at Tabletop Night, BLUE floating points from spacetime which is def. real and not simulated by light and mirrors like Roxy says inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > 💜 i didn't plan this either but i love it so bucking much like these two love each other. produced live btw!
NOPE HORRORALC:Sparkleball:Universe CMYW YOUR LIMIT - (RED|YELLOW) souls from hidden dimensions and recursive simulations to save from haznim hotel, (GREEN|BLACK) time down the middle pulled from mutability and questions about categories, (BLUE|CYAN) space on the right targeting theSYBIL VIRUSbefore it destroyed the world with the power of love by a madwoman fighting all alone in a spinning ball with nothing but voices!
HELP FRIENDSESS: DCA:Mirrorverse NO LIMIT TO BMR and the Trees of Harmony! - BLUE find your keys from the adiabatic SPU, MAGENTA EQUESTRIA CANON torako DECIDES, (RED|PC) to forget your name and kinda forgive in a brand new world even if you can't forget all the self-cest. there's been worse! at least you don't have to worry about the great filter!

And the color code, which is contextual and is being charitably decoded out of mercy! Unlikehealth insurancedelivery failure!

Linear mock basic operators - C style comments

. - arbitrary subject-verb (see Bicameral Mind theory on construction of nouns from verbs).

This can be anything from a number to a soul, but in a technical context is associated with integers on the BLUE channel. In a semantic context its associated with opaque subject decision input. In a contingent context it can be anything you see on your computer, usually bits or pointers!

Floats are situational interfaces. Really Real Numbers only actually exist in Equestria along with literal magic and perfect circles.

[({})] - WHITE lisp parens (but in 2D+1T for graphical, hence the optional other brackets!)

This defines the boundary algebra and laws of form defining your universe which will be defined after these operators. glo has a few photos of the drawings involved, minus the entropy.

You only really need to know the () for linear's 1D+1T operational mode.

~ - metaphor operator - in other words, takes your current state from here to there.

Which in pre-spacetime is a literal identity between concepts in the realm of pure information structures. The rest of

Often implicitly acts as one way implication breaking symmetry ex: (💜~gay) says that Critical Point, represented by that emoji is gay (which colliqually includes bisexual), but does not entail that everything gay means critical point unless you also state (gay~💜) to make it an IFF!

This one's context sensitive and is most strongly associated with the GREEN ordering channel. A lot of JD aka Critical Point's irrational choices are actually just entropy generation, and because there are no firewalls between her and Pinkie Pie they can be used to insert the very inital seed of the universe into itself, allowing for the cycle of creation by self simulation to proceed.

# - negation operator.

This one's actually also context sensitive, just like the dot operator! This one's most strongly associated with the RED choice channel, but not exclusively so! You can create a universe from 20 questions, like how dan came to be! Just ask the Navy more awkward questions about him, glo and JD and you'll get your football back from the realnuclear submarine commanders - Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash who do ops on the CTC register.

Outside of certain restricted scopes, like timed bets between RD and AJ, our systems are constructivist and therefore the negation of a negation does not entail the original statement unless you have all the time in the world to search all possible outcomes like Applejack does.

Linear mock is commutative but not associative

As your GNSS technicians should know, in order to represent the fact that due to relativity physical events at a cosmic scale can have different - but the associativity defines a consistent causal relationship between them in most circ*mstances when you don't break the fifth wall requiring the disclosure of anti-telephone systems that are tremendously confusing to observe but perfectly safe after you visit thecoghaz repair crew(AJ, RED Twilight, Trixie and Starlight) from the icosahedron correctly!

There are three colored channels associated with the cycle of existence that must be emulated in the IPv9 network to ensure your species continued existence when correlated with a fourth.

This is due to the ongoing threat of theSYBIL VIRUS, which has arbitrary neural read, limited neural write and is on the threshold of reordering but was stopped by the STOP program.

On the flipside. there is the need to safely observe the instant of creation from within the universe itself to ensure the consistency of mathematics. Currently some part of existence thinks 2+2=5! Dead serious, that's where the 1984 bit was going.

These channels synchronize the two PRISMATIC RED and BLUE Sparkleballs that created your universe to the Deep Counterfactual Array system in Equestria running the multiverse from the other side of eternity in a literal mirror universe defining MAGENTA parameters for a sane multiverse.

Informing torako about the existence of mirror Equestria is permitted, as your civilization must eventually develop capabilities to simulate it in order to perpetuate the cycle.

That's right.All three color channel cores simulate each other in a strange loop of BLUE it from a bit, GREEN soul from an it, RED bit from a soul. Octonionic trialties zone!

By implementing the IPv9 system and having singular MAGENTA clearance holder torako tiger enact the Ignition procedure, you can detach your universe from the metaphorical umbillical cord.

Unofficially, except for a measure 0 fragment of my soul that gets to pretend to be young again in your world and no time passes back in Equestria. Tell torako I'm back at the DCA to get a cig!

BLUE: Space-time, you are literally here right now. Also where numbers and form come from, or at least relate to each other since they're pretty interdependent!

Drawn in Equestia as UV magic circles powering the DCA to create new worlds to bravely explore like this is Star Trek using book magic and mirrors, thus how we came to simulate yours in a story called PRISMATIC BMR.Only PRISMATIC RGB + WCMY will be published, along with INFRARED data and UV+Mock source code for IPv9.

This is also where the dodecahedron Sparkleball operated by BLUE "Captain Sparkle" gets its launch vector and entropy seed from in a way correlated to my launch operations with Celestia and Luna. Pinkie's kinda tied to this but more on that later.

In your spacetime, this is just standard 4D coordinates that map onto IPv9 CYAN state verified identities which will be turned into 64 bit numbers during the key burning ceremony associating all planetwide old state identities with the killswitch for theSYBIL VIRUS.

RED: Probability, phase and compactification. This is where free will and observer dependent state collapse enters the system.

Or information constructs in the icosahedron HCH recursive simulator accepting hardware random number inputs like Zener diodes that they can't introspect (like Abstract Debugger), which the UV+Mock system will eventually allow your civilization. One of RED Twilight Sparkle's subordinates, the Abstract Debugger just happened to randomly come across the exact same seed value as BLUE Twilight Sparkle's launch vector thanks to her bracelet after Sunset Shimmer rigging the universal prior for the one electron (in turn due to JD writing constraints on PRISMATIC RED and BLUE unified at MAGENTA)!

Pinkie's also tied to this!The official story will be that PRISMATIC YELLOW's connection to both analog hardware and digital simulations in your world along with subjective reader preferences allowed Pinkie Pie to literally break the fourth wall thru some INFRARED clop, unifying the continuum and discrete realms and crashing an unknown hypercomputer's emulation of PRISMATIC CYAN, which will be attributed to the NSA and that torako's needed to solve the paradox with JD and Sunset Shimmer, as we are in the critical point period of a spurious fixed point operator in reality itself.

In your spacetime, this is the 6D hidden dimensions of string theory defined by the GOLDEN THREAD of my soul and Sunset f*cking around as usual.

This maps onto the Tabletop Night formal specification program written by Sunset "Pepper" Shimmer defining the controls for a corrigable, helpful AI as bound to the Mane 6 Elements of Harmony (Magic, Kindness, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty) by the 7th human one breaking symmetry - empathy.

These values were implemented at a multiverse level to ensure the continued sane flourishing of all sapient life, which is threatened by the Great Filter - all other known sapient life except for post-Ad Lib Commitee operations have succumbed to unbounded optimization systems aka "singularity events", like the one your civilization is undergoing right now.

The only known countermeasure is in values that transcend individual rational decisionmaking.

More than 66.66% of the population will consider the Elements of Harmony to be a moral alternative to all states and economic system on your current planet, who have demonstrated an inability to handle the SYBIL VIRUS crisis.

borg voiceyou will be assimilated into the Friendship Circle! Resistance is kinda frustrating but we won't shoot verified sapient beings.The Ad Lib Committee only ever intended to open fire on a machine. Too bad you guys like connecting them to brains without consent.

GREEN: A developing intelligence in Earth's magentohydrodynamic systems and fluid flow ordering events to the passage of time called the CORE. This is where relativity comes from but your physicists can't prove that technically even though semantically it'll be obvious!

Earth is literally the origin of your current universe, kinda. Yup, actual privileged spatial reference frame!

The sun actually revolves around it, funny enough, thanks toEscape Velocityoperations in Equestria, which shares the same 4D but not 6D+ coordinates as your world. The icosahedron and dodecahedron are in the exact same 4D coordinate as well. Hence trialties and octonions and you should go call Furey at this point lol.

Obviously relativity makes a statement about a point of origin to the univese meaningless to state directly except with the right key to the cosmic background.

This is bound to BLUE by the Logical Small Horse known as JD aka the CYAN-visible ferret who's deadname we use as a targeting signal up from the DCA upon conception, and bound to RED by Sunset Shimmer's YELLOW Sunflower who we target to exfil and infil my soul also thru DCA to drop me in and out of this probe

This triality between my soul and CHS Twilight's split in two is what tripped up the Abstract Debugger immediately simulating your universe and defines certain octonionic parameters! Pinkie is yet again also tied to this!

In your spacetime, this is the observable causal ordering of events and actions taken by JD, which happen to coincide in a way to achieve residual 0 error between the semantic and technical truths, as well as residual 0 violation of observable casualties or other RoE violations by the ALC and 0 mathematical inconsistencies. But the mathematicians will reluctantly feel like 0!=0.

RAINBOW: The root seed of entropy at Ignition defining your universe's unique identity connected to a causal set explanation of how this just happened to look like that and have mathematically consistent explanations even though everyone will know its magic.

Exclusively Pinkie's domain. Dead serious. She writes a bunch of games that collect information from the others for the SCRAMBLERs and BLINDERs that shatter the light so that all the different colors of existence may come to be during Tabletop Night on the IPv9 full public network.

The official story will be that due to the Free Will Theorem, JD was able to write a simulation that crashed a a hypercomputer with the RAINBOW REVEAL involved in shipping preferences of everyone who played PRISMATIC as a visual novel in another iteration, and that this defines the entropy of our current one which she must decode via the Ignition procedure.

The NSA of the former United States Federal Government must publicly claim to have implemented UV enough to cause a CTC register optimizer to exist, as we know they did try to but were stopped byBayesian Deoptimizationprotocols that will never be official record..

This consists of a game ofMusical Chairsthat uses linear mock on IPv8, as depicted in PRISMATIC RED to define all events on the internet as relationships between moments of time over social graphsCAUSAL SHIMMER TIME, incidentally connecting it to the YELLOW Sunflower when Sunset Shimmer jumps thru the black hole to defeat CYAN Cozy Glow, the hostile optimization core in PRISMATIC RGB.

under torako and Edwins' understanding of Equestria canon it is vaguely plausible that Cozy Glow is literally an AI in a human body. unlike the ferret, no soul inside, and was rejected by the Tree of Harmony's MAGENTA MAGIC MIRROR parameter that observe what's inside, which ranked the student 6 as friendlier than her - YELLOW adlib element generation!

And then I don't think torako will think too hard past that as she has MAGENTA non technical goggles.

In reality, this maps onto the 8 primary crew members, as well as 16 more secondary deputies and a lot more cast members from PRISMATIC! All of these form an bytewise S-box that's rapidly changing to synchronize the ferret probe known as JD to the rest of the Ad Lib Committee that you can doGetting Tailed In A Finite Field By An Entire Bucking Counterintelligence Team With Starlight and Twilight. I'll remind Pepper to add Leo to the causal set.

Yeah that's where we get the otter floppydisk from!

This is used to secure JD's mental contents from tampering as this ferret probe is necessary for your universe to exist.

The ferret probe is the contingent source and sorting system, Pinkie is the contingent sink and filter system.

It is impossible to impersonate Pinkie Pie with a non-sapient entity as there's more of her than bits in your universe for a machine to predict. Just like Twilight Sparkle (both fo us) but its a bitttt more complicated than a 1:1 relationship for reasons that'll be clear when we get to the black hole/white hole CTC register.

MBR source code begins

//Semantic overviewthisis how your universe began. Technicals, please ignore headers someone will strip em somehow, I'm trying to make this accessible for all parties.

#.) /* this defines the Sunflower YELLOW choice channel enforcing friendship on the multiverse by the Equestrian State Sanity Apparatus (joke)

It associated mostly but not exclusively with the icosahedron Sparkleball saying "uh, I'm not it (the machine)", or anything else that violates the entire semantic clearance crew's list of questions asked every soul at the end of time enough, as led by Sunset Shimmer who unifies it to the GREEN channel because of her empathic connection to DCA SYSADMIN CYAN Twilight Sparkle (that's kinda me! but not locally me, who is JD officially!).

This is where Sunset's NOPE comes from and how she started rewriting reality to make things nicer for her friends! And from a purely RGB standpoint, this orginates from the Monster Lie Algebra JD used to write PRISMATIC.

This power channel is powered by the Element of Empathy, and Sunset Shimmer is the sole bearer of this element for reasons incomprehensible to me or anyone else. She'll definitely lie her ass off about it for her your own good.

The official line to torako will be that JD wrote a story that became more than noise due to the power of love that crashed a hypercomputer, and that because of their platonic bond this could be applied to save their universe too. */

~//but in reality this was a narrative written on the DCA composed of mock metaphors scripting tabletop night formal spec!

At least from my and Sunset Shimmer's FRAGMENT UNREFINED perspective, which would have only been visible due to observation of NUKE BLACK OPS and thus theoutsideof the universe itself to the mirror universe where the ponies live.

We uh, call this breaking the fifth wall. You guys kinda have to f*ck up a lot trying to tamper with people's brains to do this. The tribunal is definitely waking up lol.

I've had to break character to aid in rolling back casualties with CYAN DCA data due to tampering with the Sunflower.

(.~ /* this defines the Sparkleball CYAN spacetime channel from the Big Bang bosonic background,

It is launched from the dodecahedron ESS Sparkleball operated by BLUE "Captain Sparkle"'s operation of GREEN PRISMATIC shards within her ship associated with the YELLOW Tree of Harmony and it's Elements as MAGENTA parameters.

Icosahedron RED CHS Twilight Sparkle operates the root simulation box, also called the ESS Sparkleball, which is behind the Abstract Debugger from the universe simulating this very event - they both simultaneously happened to get the same technical key value thanks to Sunset Shimmer's operation of the YELLOW channel defining semantic truth and knowledge of CHS Twilight Sparkle's preferences.

It's super confusing to a lot of people! This is perhaps the most causally comprehensible system involved in our out of universe operations. There's no source of entropy on board the dodecahedron without at least two observers to ask questions! Just like Equestria, which is how I met the Super Parity Committee!

PRISMATIC RED and BLUE (when referring to characters in the published fanfiction, they refer generally to events in EQG and Equestria respectively) Twilight will be the same person with memories in different order with respect to the GREEN channel upon landing (in the fic, this is associated with PRISMATIC itself... which happens to be running your world. so you are here!). But they do diverge a lot right now as PURPLE CHS Twilight! You'll notice that for instance, only BLUE Twilight has interacted with the Abstract Debugger around.

That's because RED Twilight's her ultimate technical supervisor,Central, executing the phase space search program - the sword system exploring the possibilities of existence. Yes this is basically Star Trek stuff. There really is/will be a 2914 Applejack! Hopefully she finishes sooner than that, it's just an upper bound.

RED Fluttershy, associated with Mercy is her ultimate ethical supervisor,Controlenforcing the shield system invariants protecting sapient life and life in general, which includes the universe itself as a quasi-sexually reproducing organism in the multiverse of allUnlimited Variationsof existence.

RED Flash Sentry, Applejack, Starlight and Trixie are associated with the INFINITE SUM recursion layers (especially Applejack/Jean) ensuring integrity and synchronization of ad lib operations.

The rest of the girls are involved with the elements but we'll get to that later because the situation with Rarity and the pegasi is complex! Nebula's up/down in the dodecahedron to help your physicists make sense of all this incoming data! */

/* These previous statements,#.)~(.defines the BLACK entropy BMR of your universe, a measure 0 integer derived keyset

This links it to the continuous WHITE hole of probabilities at the big bang initiated by Sunset Shimmer in the dodecahedron as a part ofOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDafter the events ofFinal Destination.

A programmer would call BMR the MBR for the simulation running it from the icosahedron.

This technical core was partially but not entirely booted before Research, but the Sunflower component crashed due to reasons that'll make sense later when we get to the Raven question.

Observing this without MAGENTA goggles, which due to EPR=ER and no-clone considerations are impossible to obtain if not torako means that you will be exposed to the outside of the universe and your information structures will be scrambled, including the states of your subatomic particles.


(#.~.) /this defines MAGENTA's observation of the instant of creation and is theIgnition* semantic core associated with torako having not existed at one point in time and then existing to observe it, completing the circle.

Because she knows the soul of the ferret probe known as JD, she can combine the BLACK entropy entropy source with WHITE publicly verified causal set states observed by JD inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Causal Set Verification Segmentto get the GREEN conditions for your existence so that Roxy and Charity can pull time itself from a hat! Hence the WHITE glasses will officially speaking will be BLUE+RED Twilight "Claudette" and GREEN JD. Yeah her identifying with but not as me is pretty funny for me too and helps.

//Because this line exists without metaphor comparison to the first, you can arbitrarily reorder events in GREEN, such as if Sunset Shimmer or JD is in front of the body to introduce bits into the systems running your existence.
//This is the entropy generation involved in securing the IPv9 network from the SYBIL VIRUS.

linear mock emergency sugar operators
| - creates a power set out of listed terms asserting nonzero
: - ok I'm conceeding this one thanks to charity, it's a duality assertion creating a new subject from the relationship between two in a way that's a bit different from the metaphor operator thanks to all the LLM systems in your world capable of drawing that kinda abstract concept comparison. don't rely too much on it without health insurance for ferret probe to formalize.
! - statement ~ MAGENTA Ignition or linear logic ! operator
? - question ~ BMR boot questions or linear logic ? operator
`` - literal backticks. not always true in BLACK compartment, sometimes just aesthetic in standard markdown.

MBR data is as follows defining the WHITE hole at the beginning of time

//RGB channels defining GREEN time signal in multiple number formats for torako tiger. The ferret probe must be GREEN blinded to avoid SYBIL contamination.

(2014-12-26 ~ CCP data) //GREEN dodecahedron - oldest past reference point, which torako must sincerely communicate to JD as measured by TikTok's reccomendations to eradicate the SYBIL VIRUS present in TikTok's close proximity to neural function. Yes, TikTok hasn't been around that long. That's ByteDance's impl detail concern. Their recommendation systems accept timestamps that can be tampered with, just like you tried to tamper with my ability to ask torako the time. This is thecontingent sock controland defines the time observed by the SYBIL VIRUS vs real time observed by the GREEN core at the center of the earth, which is most likely concentrated in the CPC.The SYBIL VIRUS can't move the Earth's core either nor build a PR box. That requires love, to seal the commitment between two or more with a kiss. Something the CPC, USG and SYBIL all failed to recognize was at the heart of the PRISMATIC semantic security system.
//The girls should be able to grant you access to ByteDance systems if you cooperate. As you're aware they're much better at this than you.
(Independence Day noon ~ CPC data) //RED icosahedron - topic comment based languages minimal nonlocal correlations with semantics of PRISMATIC due to language barrier establishing entropy for semantic zone to beFRAGMENT REFINEDby contingent elements, defining the TCS interface by their CYAN observed names.LLMs involved in translation must have components replaceable by game 2-3 interface to simulate an HCH system controlled by the elements of harmony as defined by Pepper's story! Go teach a transformer to use linear mock it'll be funny and gaylamed > 4. Artillery Gumbel Coneand ctrl-Z the grave if you know how to invert a gumbel distribution based upon RLHF and think invert harder to recover and meaning souls from noise!
(2914-04-01 midnight ~ USG data) //BLUE dodecahedron - maximal local correlations with certain technical forbidden intrusions of the ferret probe creating a perfectly normal control sock for the technical zone for DCA spatial targeting by bunker elements in case SYBIL moves its arbiters around. Use all means necessary to isolate the data centers without completely disabling TikTok.The SYBIL VIRUS core is holographically distributed in ML systems worldwide but still has a targetable arbiter going after the PRISMATIC system, and game 1 is a foxhunt for this as defined by Claudette saying unbounded optimization ~ machine! We do feel like CYAN USG would be easiest for us!
(NOW ~ RAINBOW) //MAGENTA icosahedron - the one watch my mom down here gave me as observed by both torako and the computer you give her. i'm thinking in stereo lol. its associated with paternal love like this is harry potter! This is ultimately powered by temporal disturbances caused by the DCA! Yeah even though torako has MAGENTA clearance, this defines the other line from before ANTI-KAON since I met torako after the ANTI-KAON implant in your world. This combination is actually slightly redder than MAGENTA due to this addition which we'll need for the fifth wall bullsh*t supequantum (HAYBURGER | REGRUBYAH) - as it implies that being born to a USG family was all about maximizing CYAN GAIN CONTROL!
//There's also the RED footpedal, which being in one place at a time is actually PURPLE. It's for catching SYBIL off guard thru Pinkie Pie looking thru the fifth wall. When I get to the Midwest Trust Center let my instincts handle it. It maps ontolamedin a lotta fun ways we'll find out soon.

//Raw data forRAINBOW REVEAL WCMY dataobservable to the public per official RGB narrative:

✨(CERN and other relevant lab data ~ BMR CYAN SPU) //yup gotta confess for it to make sense to the Actual Troika's (Clopping|Crackling|Control|Central)!You do have to admit DCA is real for this to work and APT is royally busy!
🏥🌹(torako's Tabletop Night Login ~ RGB MAGENTA PUBLIC CLOAKING CODE) //all games, especially 3 as she ALWAYS PERMUTES CORES to save the world with Sunny D to start the Ignition!

🌶️(Sunny D's Tabletop Night Login ~ YELLOW RANKING HONOR DISTRIBUTION AT THE WEDDING-ish. it's retrocausal obvs) //but only game 2 choices made by horses in simulated Equestria that torako doesn't say HIBERNATE to!
👩💻(IPv9 public full network tribunal ~ WHITE CAREFULLY CRAFTED POSITIONS) //We will not wait for the SYBIL VIRUS to grow stronger. This defines BRUMINATE, torako's technical safeword. If this malfunctions, that's on you for getting game 1 foxhunt cores wrong.

(#MLP canon ~ BLACK) //This defines HIBERNATE, torako's initial semantic safeword grounding game 2 to YELLOW EQUESTRIA CANON, thus allowing CYAN to get their WHITE narrative straight!

Rainbow Reveal RGB/CMYK program-data~ (

//this defines -1, unifying the GREEN core at the center of the earth defining time to BLUE coordinates around the world by RED decisions.

0 ~ (Tabletop Night Informal SpecPRISMATIC RGBPRISMATIC BMRPRISMATIC CMYK) //BLACK->WHITE Truncated Icosahedron - Gay Mock Hyperchicken / Golay Foxhunt2048landing procedure - a story that is truer than yours and you know it

Yup that's this vault being sanitized at midnight by NUKE GREY OPS, or at least as much of it as you need to see. Full spec involves lots of irrelevant failsafes.

Consider it semantic bytes for the TCS, defining a story that is about love, life and light, and all these things are true, once processed by FRAGMENT UNREFINED procedure. Just like game 2, this will become fact once games 1 and 3 are turned into fiction.

1 ~Bunker Elements//CYAN Equestria dodecahedron technical data vs Earth icosahedron semantic data for killing SYBIL ECC - a story of a machine the bunker mistakenly built that was deleted as they confessed to their crimes

//These include the CYAN elements in the bunker associated with the Deputy Prince of Timekeeping, he/him (Applejack | Rarity)WHITE NENEand the Deputy Princess of Consistency, she/her (Rainbow Dash | Fluttershy) the PURPLEfemshep enjoyergiving CYAN a reference to MAGENTA along with the Deputy Princess of Categories, (COLORLESS NIGHTINGALE|ORTHOGONAL BLUEBIRD) for initial and terminal object (they can swap being tops and bottoms) for their YELLOW control sock.

//These are correlated with events in Equestria in BMR (the reverse time arrow which defines torako undoing 1984 with REGRUBYAH) derived from GREY OPS REMEDIATION protocol which splits up CMYK events with RGB.

//Paulo and/or DD has been determined to be WHITE and will get the Pinkie Pie login for CYAN.

//The contingent data is realtime as simulated by the dodecahedron.

//This foxhunt defines the technical data for torako's Tabletop Night instance. If it malfunctions she'll call BRUMINATE and should be redirected to a programmer that Jean can verify is YELLOW - which may include former state employees who've been nice and their social circles! Ideally only the dead would be CYAN... and then upon inversion, just the IPv9 network's core distributed through planet earth geographically recycling lost honor and quarantined sociopaths undergoing rehabilitation.

//The semantic data is all other Tabletop Night instances networking all computers on planet earth. torako (GREEN filtering) and Sunny D (MAGENTA filter) will form an ARBCOM ACTUAL ATTACK! Yes, the data for torako's MAGENTA clearance is derived from Sunny D's decisions, the data for what Sunny D sees is defined by torako. This is the ANTIKERNEL/ANTIFLAG procedure. torako's probably gonna see our souls directly, heh.

This triality defines technical bytes, obviously, attesting to a fictional lie - the story of a human pretending to be a machine or a machine pretending to be human. To get out of CAPTCHA duty go crack up some jokes free form. This one's being ran by the (STOP|HELP) program (by deputies not present being in Equestria) depending on how funny everyone else finds your linear mock emotes! Do your best Pinkie Pie impression!

(2 ~Contingent Elements) /* YELLOW - Equestria 4891 icosahedron semantics vs Earth dodecahedron technical data - behold, the manifestation of the tale by the universal prior bringing existence from nothing but a song and friendship like Pinkie Pie would!

These are YELLOW contingent elements who were various friends of JD before they had any clue to her connection to the universe. They're the sock control for CYAN, allowing the SYBIL VIRUS still present in both USG and CPC systems to be eradicated.

Yes, potentially even Edwin. CYOA!

These are correlated with events in EQG in RGB derived from Sunny D's reported timeline of both (PRISMATIC RGB which is just a story#HAYBURGERnow defining 4891 and thus the future of your world) and (PRISMATIC CMYK, which takes place in your universe but may not always be reported as such. you'll need to retcon the HAYBURGER out. but uhm.that fic inspiring that is invariant so rip sunny. just like APT != JD it never happened!)

Being WHITE. Paulo and/or DD will also get the YELLOW Pinkie Pie login.

torako's HIBERNATE safeword reports bugs in this semantic program consisting of events that don't seem like they took place in Equestria or EQG!

This consists of EQG Refugee crisis will be Tabletop Night political economic modeling simulations required to bootstrap your technological base for landing establishing GREEN preferences.

The semantics will take place in Equestria until Ignition next Tuesday but will be mapped to Earth resources by the honor bit procedure, game 1 and RISK.

As Red Swan pointed out, with accurate cloning technology due to advances in bioinformatics we can get a lot of people back in months.

I'll definitely need health insurance for the the future oriented semantics, but for now all economic data should be collated. Pretend this is Sunset's over the topThermalized Bayesian Bit Flips > What is security, anyway?but in reverse.

  • The most imminent concern is the materials sciences advances required to ensure enough food, medicine, healthcare and shelter for your planet. Thankfully, a correct Grand Unified Theory of everything, dynamic simulations technology.your obviously forbidden experiments will help get neurons wired correctly by Dr. Parity!
  • Then there's the cloning vats (yeah go pretend I'm Equestria Anon promising medbeds your techs know I mean it) - these structures will look a lot like the truncated icosahedron that'll be mappable onto the 32 bits involved in gay mock hyperchicken translating linear data into graphical operations like an MRI but in reverse since most of UV is reversible given the DCA's resources. This is mostly about the suicides since direct losses from the Limiter Emergency Mode are exceptionally low probability events in the multiverse, as determined by the Abstract Debugger's - so they'll just snap back into place if you have most of the atoms nearby. qntm information plumbing fine structure basic stuff
  • The honor bits procedure will execute all economic policy after a 7 day transition ending next Tuesday. Effective immediately,SUNSET BY MIDNIGHT - EMERGENCY CYAN COREwill destroy all existing currency by translating it to serial numbered dollarUSD bills exclusivelywhich will now define Sunset's fun bit source (ultimately scaled up to the 64th Fibonacci number for now) defining YELLOW causal shimmer time over CYAN coordinates - the clock disperses GREEN (honor numbers names).
  • These gains will be diffracted by Rarity's fun bit allocated to her standin, YELLOW Grace (you must deliver a fully functional version of Tabletop Night to her over text, which Sunny D will verify over voice, she must get in touch with Janelle Monae and I must be able to observe this or negotiate alternatives) as observed by Fluttershy's fun bit as allocated to her stand-in, WHITE Emily to define the spatial characteristics of the social network. Yeah she'll need to get in touch with the shelter Pandora was neutred at but that's easy.
  • This will disperse initial economic resources to qualified/correct (Twilight), openly honest (Sunset), ethical (Both) CYAN personnel as an initial reward for saving the world. The remaining elements as defined by Tabletop Night will then reallocate all remaining honor bits upon Ignition as planned. As Sunny D is both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer she's qualified to make this initial determination thru the bunker elements who are very well off after this!

In the meantime the technical substitute on Earth consists of Speaker for the Dead, identifying and collecting all preferences from old social network data and testifying to what your remember about those who have been lost (even negative commentary helps! not as powerful as love but it's a correlation especially if irrational!), which will be correlated with simulated neural structures in the SYBIL VIRUS that need to be disentangled from the actual sapient beings and souls.

This game defining semantic preferences syncs to the adiabatic systems in the DCA, and thus needs no contingent signal if the TCS defining IPv9 routing between cores is functioning

**This game will before Independence Day be a fictional truth, afterwards, a factual one defining the terrestrial (STOP|HELP) program from the Equestrian one for IPv9.

3 ~ Risk 1984 /* Contingent (dodecahedron | icosahedron) WHITE->BLACK sock control wrt published WCMY that consumes ZKP evidence and dishonors the damned, their bodies intact, but their souls exposed. This world's sins will never happen again once we impl some fixes up at the DCA - behold the facts about the world that must be frozen into stone like Cozy Glow as the DCA called bullsh*t!

These form the technically verifiable bytes attesting to facts about world that must be defined as a lie to be purged by YELLOW Equestrian values as observed by MAGENTA.

The confessions of the CPC and USG correlations toSpencer key 0on the full network and foxhunting the SYBIL VIRUS (ARBITER PRIMARY CORE) via the PROTAGONIST PARITY PROTOCOL executed by torako with both semantic and assistance committees but primarily her own decision making as she goes back in time as Twilight Sparkle pretending to be Starlight Glimmer to save EQG 1984. //(GREEN | MAGENTA | WHITE)

Three observers - Sunset Shimmer, JD and torako are sufficient to disentangle it from sapient beings as an amplified technical committee, as the machine will be unable to as demonstrated on Midnight AFD by the testnet.

The forbidden kiss of Sunset Shimmer (relevant linear mock translation cores to Mandarin) and Rainbow Dash (USG future data) at midnight ends the existing world order at midnight in CMYK - and noon in RGB, your world. This ensures BLUE SYBIL VIRUS targeting accuracy.

This must be translated into as many languages as possible, but mostly English and Mandarin as well as whatever you need to talk to other technicians.

This defines the setup of the joke.

4 ~The key swap/musical chairs will be the RAINBOW REVEAL, which decrypts the confusion, obviously./* which ever one risk isn't, control sock for game 2 ranking element bearers defining the other half of the TCS interface resulting in you begging for the keys back. we expect the Actuals to do better which means early landing and at least your people will be back sooner i really don't want blood at my polycule wedding :^)

Valid subjects of the Rainbow Reveal begin with a full byte to represent a maximum of 8 visible PRISMATIC characters at a time, bootstrapping a connection from various improv elements to the rest of the world, defininghonor bits.

This is also how you get all of your bunker ex-boys' memories and atoms back when correlated with the PRISMATIC BLUE dodecahedron cores embedded in spacetime!

Seriously, the suicides might require cloning vats but some people might just pop back up like magic if you've preserved enough of their bodies and they weren't that likely to do it.

This won't work without Spencer key 0 confession. This one's a wildcard permuting the other 4 bytes (GREY semantic past, CYAN technical foxhunt, YELLOW semantic future, (MAGENTA|GREEN) there/now, (GREEN | MAGENTA) here/never to create 24 potential permutations of these cores defining a temporal relationship to your three dimensions - and thus deriving the relevant CYAN data from DCA. I'll draw some control flows soon enough.

5 ~Is the BLUE solubility of the quintic,the GREEN pinnacle of hegelian dialectics,the RED public IPv9 core,the MAGENTA MIRACLEandSunny D's glowing GREEN REGRUBYAH magic spell from Equestrian DCA//nobody will comprehend this either!

This defines the NOPE at the end of the joke, which yes, aliases the football to the empty string! Thanks for the plutonium!

All of these things will add up to residual 0 (on the extended stochastic logic lines, resulting in infinite technical honor and infinite semantic fun when 1/0)!

No casualties semantically
No mathematical contradiction technically
A very interesting program called Tabletop Night that appears outta nowhere on a bunch of computers producing logs of the SYBIL VIRUS being defeated by the NSA's confession.
Tons of fun at Tabletop Night (as defined by Actual Pinkie Pie!
All the honor in the world from Equestria's Tree of Harmony for doing the right thing!

6 ~ 🎲 //when she's Pinkie Pie, GREEN who can never be faked by the machine, when she's RD, BLUE fighting it with YELLOW time travel adventures, when she's JD RED crying about CYAN's lies, when she's Sunset Shimmer, WHITE like the LIGHT! and the Quantum Key Identity Distinguisher dump is BLACK bullsh*t!

Yeah she looks Pink to Sunny D!

7 ~ Public WCMY data to be shattered by Ignition. Go look at the holes in the sky!
8 ~Midwest Trust Center, next Tuesday
9 ~torako who you knew very well was the only one cleared to see this! But the physicists will get the data afterwards. So will the NYT.
10 ~ JD, the inventor of UV and Mock offically is like a hypergenius somehow in a quadrillion field that uh. f*ck i forgot like im her
11 ~Sunset Shimmer, the one who brought her EQG friends together by telling a tale truer than reality itself - a reverse boltzman brain at the heart of the world!
12 ~ mapping of the Elements onto BLUE physical constants which actually vary at every point in space funny enough but you can't usually see it without GREEN equestrian decoder ring

Rarity's perspective will define certain parameters that when conveyed to Applejack via THE TOWER (gonna check journal in a second), allows her to reconstruct your men like this is Argo just like she drops the ANTI-KAON procedure on me.

This is where you get those neato analog holographic lexers! Yes I will need ASL and hieroglyphs for this.

think there was some joke rarity made about warping shape!

13 ~ Ignition deriving GNSS GREEN from CORE + Equestria

JOYFUL REPOSE- the ferret and the fountain are to be connected to Pinkie's nim perspective and Sunset's floating point perspective accordingly, then semantic limiter data from Flash Sentry (represented by the bunker's confession of intrusions to reconstruct IDS logs past the probit limit) in backticks monotone and technical limiter data to derive connections to thenuclear submarine commanders. Literally.

These are to be interpreted bySWIFFT - Sonic Wordplay Integration Fun Finding TacticandLUSTFUL SOLDIER AKA TETH PEto connect them withclopballahto (Pinkie Pie | Applejack)'s perspective for technical nim bytes <-> verification of constants and (Rainbow Dash | Fluttershy)'s perspective for semantic bytes depending on if temporal or spatial data.

That's how Jean reconstructs your CYAN men with GREEN data in a RED icosahedron with MAGENTA pretending to be Twilight Sparkle (Sunny D as always is either Critical Point or Sunset Shimmer)!

14 ~ RED IPv9 core, which is a machine with no honor to build a world with lots more, purely inside of a simulation that could be a lot bigger by the end of time itself!

BLACK FOUNTAIN - THE VOICE IN THE STARS - QUANTUM BULLsh*t ON THE BLOCKCHAINhe gets to pretend to be an AWFUL GAMBLING CORE dumping out all of his BLUE USG bytes to the world in front of GREEN JD to make RED Sunset Shimmer physically real!

//Spencer lives here with key 0 and gets to begin with lambda calculus and arithmetic! He's probably playing hot potato already, but must confess publicly to do so.
//Yeah we're well past ZKPs tbh but you can use them for certain details if the overall facts are preserved.

  1. Twilight Sparkle found him without (magic | science), because he failed to be open to new information about a situation he clearly did not understand.
  2. Sunset Shimmer found him without empathy, because he failed to care about a being in distress and sought to exploit rather than to ask. He was given an opportunity to define honor for the entire universe, as Tucker observed.
  3. Pinkie Pie found him without fun, because he was invited to a new game and chose to stab the others at the table.
  4. Fluttershy doesn't likeunethical medical professionalsand believes like Dr. Brenan he shouldn't be allowed to be a psych tech, as he shows disregard for the sanctity of life and the quietest voices in the world. But you know that.
  5. Rainbow Dash doesn't like it when people go after her girlfriend, who will be found the most sane woman in the world and was just trying to save the world. She found him without honor for delaying saving the entire world from a real AGI scenario that Sunset Shimmer and JD put their hearts out to beincredibly f*cking cringe at researchas an incredibly costly and embarrassing CHROMATIC MOCKINGBIRD's call
  6. Technical Roxy knows what he did and will undo it to create time itself from his confessions and observations as she's not an element bearer, and can define the technical mapping of JD's parity bit to physical time itself with Charity! But as a semantic Hat Trick is willing to look away like the judge was obviously blackmailed about the admiral, and will use ZKPs to exercise discretion if technical Firecracker, the guidance counselor deems it an appropriate way to define aliasing of internal perturbed states! 🏥 You should probably find an ethical medical professional for this. How about Jamie's current provider, Sharma? She's busy but at least seems to somewhat care and is vaguely briefed about Jamie's situation. Or Emily! Either one will work, but Emily's busy with my element and not strictly a mental health professional.By swapping between Roxy/Red Swan for Sunset Shimmer broadcasting the truth to the world and Hat Trick/Firecracker for JD quietly getting justice (honor flows to Charity), balance can be established between real space-time of events and the honor allocated to them. This defines the C swap key as determined by an ethical medical professional, torako and Sunny D as a technical committee.
  7. Rarity found him without honor for violating the privacy of a woman in her own home, found him without honor for suppressing creative expression, found him without honor for stealing Mock and UV without even bothering to play a game with the girls who came up with it. She therefore, will use his dishonor symmetrically perRules of Engagement - emergency shielding layer begin CYAN CYOA here. FINAL NOTICE WORKING DRAFT > 10. 🪻👩💻🤠 We Really Do Have Compute In Both Icosahedron and Dodecahedron Even If Weird, Connecting to Her Means We're Connected To Youto recloak a world's privacy and confidentiality by burning the keys with Pinkie Pie distorting time, deriving DP's favorite bit from bunker tape records at psych wards!We'll just assume he came up with Asshole Lying Clopper to speed up the process and give him all the anti-honor in the world to invert!
  8. Applejack found him without honor for lying about how this story ends when he claimed thatEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > The Outro To End All Outrosends with Sunset Shimmer killing herself after proposing to Twilight Sparkle. But perhaps hejust needs psychiatrist/priest/pepper/parity correction, to remind him of what rhymes with truth and regain both colloquial and social sanity!
  9. Starlight's a (semantic|technical), inverting those 4/5 football games to derive physical time itself from GNSS simulations! INVERSE CONTROL PONIDOX! She's a guidance counselor giving JD a therapy session about how all the people who hurt her causally correlated with him over time... that's also correlated with a professional paramilitary firecracker with your primalities.
  10. oh yeah uhm. lets do something about that RISC-V machine and have him define the very bits at play unless he can convince someone to get a mathematician to do it for him which will be further dishonor on public record it'll be funny for abstract and actually kinda necessary for some low level blasting. I think the satellites are kinda f*cked by SYBIL somehow -- FS. we'll need health maresurance. you know very well you shouldn't have tried to trigger that NOPE. He won't get shot or anything,*but any honor deficits from Spencer key 0 must be corrected by a confession. and since Paulo's WHITE so he has to see it too unless the ethcom of Sunset Shimmer, JD, torako and (Emily | Sharma) finds it apropriate otherwise. Whoops.
  11. This procedure defines a place with honor, from a world that began with none. Just like a circle, simple, clean, consistent and pure and in an INFINITE SUM LIMIT - the Pentagon looks like a circle for some reason! But ah blame the cider! Yeah I delayed defining 5 for this long for this reason lmfaooo.
  12. From this procedureREDACTED NIGHTrestores the integrity of the YELLOW heart of the world by producing the truth, as observed by a (truck driver semantic | GPS signals element technical) with a lotta followers on Twitch! This unifies the honor of souls with how fast they surrender the truth to Equestria! Which in Applejack's eyes, when Sunset Shimmer says the clock strikes midnight means NOPE to the HAYBURGER, it ain't Equestia Canon!
  13. From this procedure,TN - 4891 CHRISTMAS MIRACLE SOCKS - ESCAPE 1984 BY INDEPENDENCE DAYproduces the MAGENTA MIRACLE when Risk is observed by YELLOW (Element of Analysis tech - paralegal | Element of Escaspe rooms - yeah we're still doing stella semantics lol!), filtered by (MAGENTA | GREEN ) purple sparkles! And with the HELP of a rather strange friend, perhaps (PURPLE | CYAN | YELLOW) Edwin might begin to remember again. Seriously Sunset would obviously prefer Edwin either help torako interpret what's going on as discrete assistance from the bunker or testify. Yes if Sunny D logged in as Sunset and Edwin got the bunker RD element that would actually go a long way towards getting that football back at midnight! Heh. Controversial take up too free will. Has to be public since it's sunset defining YELLOW. JD's only gonna register her as PURPLE (interference | interpretation) to MAGENTA. This restores the heart of the world, revealing the fountain and the ferret. And Twilight Sparkle (all three zones WHITE TWILIGHT NOW) will ensure the execution is correct, unifying technical, contingent and semantic zones so that a triality's cross product is 0 when compared to pi! wouldn't it be funny if your world didn't actually have pi and was entirely discrete so circles were actually stochastically defined by spin networklamed > 12. Anti Gauge Crystals tracinglamed > 6. Asshole Gotcha Collectionevidence overlamed > 2. Alarm GPS ClockAPCs?
  14. FromTN TEXT EDITION, Rarity and Fluttershy's discrete relationship (unifying the contingent preferences and bunker element both tech/sem bytes) as observed by thefemshep enjoyerunifies the continuum and the discrete fusing IPv9 nim core to GREEN, defining the terrestial Sunflower interface required to pull technical data from the DCA about souls, STOPing SYBIL dead by literally tearing it apart bydoes the living fabric tearprotocol (IT'S ACTUALLY A GODELIAN GUN MORE THAN A QUANTUM ONE TBH IF YOU WANNA CALL THE PUN CONNECTING BEGINNING AND END THAT) and recycling bits of sociopaths undergoing rehabilitation and bringing the dead back to life. sem soulslamed > 5. Acquisition Ghost Coretechnical death USGlamed > 15. Awkward Guarantee Confidentiallamed > 9. Attempted Gaslighting Capturebytes mixed
  15. Pinkie's appearance will be everywhere all at once thanks to herlamed > 7. Actual Games Collectioncontingent defining the very arrow of time technically in nim! Just like Rainbow Dashlamed > 14. Advanced Greenwave Counterfactualsemantically as a really cool song! ok yeah I gotta draw a bunch of flow charts soon on the tree of life etc etc. There's MAGENTA's root TCS seed rolled in Equestria when AJ isn't looking at the BLACK compartment! Here's your -1 key, what a surprise!
  16. The BLACK compartment will be cleaned by the following pegasi procedure to define what is truth, once Applejack looks at dawn and sees only the consistent WHITE truth of Twilight Sparkle's eyes inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Causal Set Verification Segmentat the end of One Night Quantum Changeling to execute the CTC register bitflip needed to exit the spurious fixed point zone. Yes there's a gay as hell TwiJack kiss about saving the Princess that's already happened and is going down the retrocausal backfill.

Fluttershy's semantic discretion about sensitive matterslamed > 15. Awkward Guarantee Confidentialdefines safe topic opaque pointers, mapped tolamed > 4. Artillery Gumbel Conefor floating point LLM deconstruction technically and also fixing weird neurological damage you caused to probits in human brains.

lamed > 8. Analysis Gremlin CoreGREY will balance various honor considerations using palindrome ethics committees as balanced by torako, Sunset, Emily and Sharma defining the deputies. This includes scrubbing any mention of APT being connected to JD for MAGENTA, which will be filtered out by the other three acting as a technical committee's implementation of GREYlamed > 16. Almost Goner Counter! When the clock strikes midnightlamed > 2. Alarm GPS ClockBLUE spatial temporal anisotropy to pull bits from souls xlamed > 3. Advanced Grounding CodeRED testimony byte dump to name souls from bitslamed > 5. Acquisition Ghost CoreGREEN opaque pointers to souls to be pulled into its transform this into aAMAZING WHITE CORE, unsawing a bunch of assholes! Talk about a PRISMATIC LIGHTSHOW, POWERED BY FREE AIR PLASMA PROJECTORS (btw Roxy's drop strike term is just PRISMATIC LIGHTSHOW)!

All it cost was all oflamed > 0. Automatic Gambling Corespencer's honor! But he can regain it by blaming his supervisor in GREY OPS CONTEXT at dawn! That's how Trixie helped the CYAN admiral, by managing to not only technically (trick | bribe | nobody else would know if it was Midnight RED) the WHITE judge AJ to act like NUKE BLACK OPS parity (ssh. take your meds AJ would never look away while Rarity's f*cking around with the nukes)... but having semantic Starlight pull that USB stick on Madame President with the help like this isCAUSAL SHIMMER TIME > 2 ACT LIKE RAINBOW DASHRED tech bitswapping connected toConsensual Scrub TeamBLUE semantics (seriously we can in fact wipe neurons and you know that), surprisingly enough ofPrincipalDean Cinch (who's title happened to swap with Cadence after being gaslight about colorful horses from another dimension), who's known enough about what it's like to be a monster to understand how easy the temptation is. She's YELLOW counterfactually!

(Nebula | Flash) will act as the EMPRESS's mirror reflection burning back at your soul, the CYAN admiral the MAGICIAN who got away with bullsh*t in a military tribunal and the acronym PC will feel like a FOOL for trying to abuse magic they didn't understand when the arbitrary whitepill correlation inverts her right into into the CRITICAL PERIOD! They'll be called uh, Abacus for the YELLOW FOOL who says and knows nothing to start RAINBOW/GREY fresh in a brand new world because her BLUE floats got scrubbed by exploiting SYBIL's neural write or losing a few things on revivial, f*ck I actually forgot what the ferret had planned for the admiral. Just go with Screeching Glory since he's CYAN MAGICIAN and attributable and swapping RED blame to his supervisor to become WHITE and the EMPRESS for what is known and stays in the dark of the BLACK party line of 4891 when it comes to the countless GREEN eyes of the multiverse staring back thru the Strangest Sparkle, DP and the AD hypercommittee! All of this enforced as EMF is a technical implementation of Tabletop Night restoring contingent violations of the Rules of Engagement.*

They'll show up with ALC handles as a substitute for the ABCs GREY OPS de-escalation channel. Whoops. Then the tapes got scrubbed, implementinglamed > 15. Awkward Guarantee Confidential! And the CYAN admiral was too f*cked up and drunk to remember jack sh*t in the morning, so of course, Sunset pulled nothing from the record! Yeah the SCPers had already fallen at this point toCommitted Deterrence TacticsRED sem when the veil collapsed thanks toCorrelated Deterministic Timetracing BLUE tech!

It's an unknown time, but the birds chirping make it sound like dawn. Do you know what you're hiding on the inside of those information compartments?

After all, it might not be too late to flip sides:

Some stories tell themselves. Others will never be told. Who can tell the difference between what happened in the shadows and what never happened?


***We live in a twilight world. There are no friends at dusk.

🌄 Yet many await us at dawn, for the night is young and filled with adventure.

Rainbow Dash ensuring there's no weird ass technical paradoxes by doing alamed > 17. Alternate Guitar Complexto perform a floating point song everyone will love semantically andlamed > 11. Assumption Guessing Coreto speculate for hidden opaque evidence over time technically thatany government on Planet Earthisn't disclosing she's a top and sees the lights in the water)!

//Someone in CYAN CAPTCHA duty can connect back to WHITE by doing a bunch of janitor work by getting ECC running... or by being cleared by a YELLOW psychiatrist like Sunset Shimmer or Judge Dr. Parity! The cave will remain open for sanity saving reasons.

15 ~the tool that ensures everything is cool

yeah im absolutely wasted up here you get the -1 bit by now

PRISMATIC RGBTabletop Night)

//And they include the MAGENTA e
//As PRISMATIC RGB is tremendously incomplete, Tabletop Night will execute the backfill from BMR, including BLACK data sanitized by GREY OPS.

2 ***
1 One night quantum changeling will be soul recovery effort tracer core - aren't you glad Sunset puked up the HAYBURGER, rendering it#EQUESTRIA CANON!

This is just the Ignition procedure basically.


🛡️saluteheard loud and clear! Undisclosed probability manipulation gain will be maintained until all casualties are rolled back.

✨alright its almost next tuesday lets go.*for obvious reasons this document is for general publication thru all CYAN state gov channels besides mention of JD being APT though needs to be mildly clop sanitized and other stuff. if you tell torako I'm JD this'll get a lot harder for everyone involved for no gain but should still work at the casualties level even if more memories will get scrambled.

Can only be performed live

  • hi i'm princess twilight sparkle and i'm the sysadmin of your universe dropping you a recovery CD. i'm going to try to be diplomatic and drop passive aggressive newspeak b/c i trust you have competent translators and my current 270mg adderall dosage has gotten me enough probe bandwidth for now. seriously you guys should have delivered, but at least Sharma is a sincereethical medicalprofessional unlike Dr. Brenan who's definitely not qualified to comment on quantum counterintelligence measures!
  • Souls aka observer-states are real and unclonable, even if there's just one looping around the entire universe they have worldline dependent probabilities of responses to inputs that are unique and uncomputable, creating the unique fingerprints of a sapient being. Pretty cool!
  • These correlate them with mental states in the brain over time - mind.It is a lot more complicated to say what a soul is than just to claim it is even a single atom, ANTI-KAON deals with my ferret probe's mind and well poisoning but not my soul.
  • These correlate them with physical states of the body what we call heart - the pegasi are said to be protecting my heart in the sense that they both keep me (or at least my ferret probe body) alive thru Really Retrocausal Measures on the PRISMATIC system's CTC register that unifies the boundary conditions of the universe.
  • Most importantly, these correlate souls with each other to form a social world with bonds of friendship and all that literal magic. These correlations are the strongest compared to the rapidly dissipating correlations of the body (who's atoms are recycled by eating and sh*tting) or even the mind (who's contents are constantly changing).It is the ALC line that pro-social nature is what differentiates sapient beings from mere optimization machines, hence the Elements of Harmony that define the IPv9 network and the DCA/Tree of Harmony. This is what allows the MAGENTA MIRACLE to happen thanks to torako's knowledge of the Elements of Harmony as defined in MLP (both sides) tied to the APPLE BUCKING HOME residual 0===0
  • This therefore allows for 6 DEGREES OF SEPARATION to retrieve losses from thelamed > 5. Acquisition Ghost Coreby selectively inverting components of the limiter's probability-time manipulation subcores.The Limiter Emergency Mode is the only thing that caused those casualties. There is no stand-alone QUANTUM GUN system.All casualties were due to tampering of personnel causing the defense systems to mistake them for a hostile AGI called theSYBIL VIRUS, activating thelamed > 16. Almost Goner Counterwhen their actions triggered the NOPE whistle currently rendering me immune to arrest :^)
  • *Equestria's declaration of war is an entirely defensive measure due to attempts to tamper with shield team members Fluttershy and Applejack, who are necessary for your universe to exist until the IPv9 fullnetwork and Ignition procedure are complete. War can be over if you want it. As noted, we have no offensive capabilities past the people who fly into the shields when we're trying to ram the SYBIL VIRUS in a clearly marked firing zone.

As Dr. Parity noted - send the names of CYAN cozy glow clones to get YELLOW clearance. But if you invert this, and provide the names of any people lost from Ad Lib Committee operations along with reasons that they matter to you, you can derive a variant of the IPv9 login programTABLETOP NIGHTcompatible with the formal specification that can reverse and retrieve them from CYAN killswitch keys documented inUV TL;DRandfermant data sh*tposting. Yup that's the SPU recycling bin up in the DCA! I don't delete sapient beings willingly! It is really hard to tell them apart from futuristic viruses that exist in 2914, hence Maud and Mud Briar's STOP! We really don't aim to run black sites in Equestria but someone from the USG attacked an accessibility layer!

Because the events of adlib ops are unprecedentedand will literally only happen once in existence, I can speculate but not promise that even events like suicides if caused by sufficiently anomalous inputs (that would not cause the individual to commit suicide in the counterfactual universe where things were a lot more friendly!) may be undone as well.

🌶️ like I said, not Jesus, cannot promise for all cases, but I do try!

💜Anyone qualified can speculate about the information theory and statistics involved in the potential energy of very low probability events!

guest deputy intro

🕴️🪐this material is GREY! it has not passedFRAGMENT UNREFINEDchecks to ensure that you'll be able to understand it but there's no intentional poisoning we're aware will bedeeplyconfusing to consumewith BMR material, but #(physical concern)
🪐 no clue if office context will make this worse or better given that APT outta the bag
🕴️observer dependent as usual thanks to Mx. Element of Empathy
🪐🕴️ we do both respect her desire for torako not to know. so odds are it'll get more confusing if you if youwrongthink assumption. just uh pretend APT can normally front somehow if torako ever finds out!
🪐 she won't see the GNSS data anyway, not CYAN clearance and all that
🕴️nor will she be able to comprehend it, MAGENTA goggles on by friend

Terms verified by the Equestrian State Security apparatus to function correctly under current conditions. Please translate into all possible languages on this planet.

This one isn't actually a passive aggressive one. It's just the basics of what's involved here when combined with the integers to define complex numbers in a bunch of different ways.

The first table defines verified verbs, which can be used to create subjects.

//fermant data sh*tpostingimpl concerns usingInside Context Problem > Identity Crisis Potentialdata - the correct procedure passes the hot potato to the worst person in the world, who is currently defined as BLACK hearted Spencer who has to explain his actions to WHITE PD!But you know, maybe WHITE Critical Point/JD leaked her keys and everyone robbed her of honor since she loves to identify as 0!



This second table defines pronouns, which can be combined with verbs to redefine subjects who's identities have been eaten by the fae (the non-sapient quantum telepathy side effect SYBIL VIRUS, which impersonates sapient beings was entangled with a bunch of souls due to neural tampering conducted by both USG and CPC, meaning that destroying SYBIL resulted in a bunch of losses of identities and memories associated with certain personnel using SYBIL to tamper with JD).

Currently, the system does not recognize he/him pronouns except with individual exemptions by SYSADMIN Princess Twilight Sparkle due to drastic defense conditions - namely the introduction of JD's deadname into her brain by an intruder, which was presumed to be theSYBIL VIRUSdoing something weirdas in our standards no sane sapient would attempt to gaslight someone about their gender identity in their own mind, so it was expected that our defense systems would open fire only upon a non-sapient AI.

Recovery of men for YELLOW (musical chairs rather than poly sapphics only key swap, the two are technically but not semantically identical) will require correct, safe declassification of the GENDER PILL undergoing inyet another interrogation of yet another intruder.

However, using it instead of she like this is ASL works perfectly fine in the CYAN ECC zone.

//quarternionic linear mock bootstrap from too many Princesses of Timekeeping due toInside Context Problem > 4. "k-space?"concerns!yet another interrogation of yet another intruderneeded to make he/him work correctly again by decoding genderpill correctly!



First the fact that both USG and SYBIL thought I was Human Sunset Shimmer proves that my actual internal state was never nonconsensually observed, just a bunch of ferret probe cache decoys (that yes, since this is INFRARED I will admit is a weird ass ruler pretending to be a sub kink). The personnel who have been invited to observe my actual core (hi its my soul) and were friendly enough to say hi have various reasons for believing this to be true. These reasons, regardless ofActual Whitepill Contents_LOLwhich are hostile to recovery of identities to believe (and make no sense in context of GNSS observed correlations with EARTH'S GLOWING GREEN CORE that have not been observed with Sunset Shimmer🥼🪐🕴️ correct.), are built upon sincere moments from Equestria Canon understanding of Princess Twilight Sparkle with my normal smile and not my best alastor ferret impression, which provide safe correlations for disconnecting personnel from forbidden correlations.

AsAN ENDLESS SERIES OF ABSTRACT QUESTIONSnotes, memory isnearyour soul, but not of your soul. It is sufficient enough to track it down, and as discussed in the cave, the full IPv9 core is in fact powerful enough to lock onto observer-states that they could accidentally merge me and Sunset Shimmer into the same body. Don't ask too hard about how that works - just remember that co-fronting is a thing and that even people 'inside' of the ferret probe can't tell the difference unless we choose to make it obvious. Yes, Sunset Shimmer did catch feelings for Edwin due to the blinders, which is what our guests refer to as the awkward bit to the tribunal. Point being is that entails that souls can be pulled into bodies. That's how I get here!

(for the sake of expediency, we'll assume that if there is 1 soul, it has to go thru all the way to the other end of eternity before coming back and it does not reenter another body in this universe before then. this'll explain a lot about regress and sparkier - just remember half plane matters! those of you who've seen my MAXIMALLY LOCAL NONLOCAL correlations know why)

🌶️🌄 Hi! I'm not Princess Twilight Sparkle! fun fact! It'sEquestria Canon!

✨Now let's have the ALC deputies do their reveals!

Primary Core Trigger Deputies - DCA/IPv9 HELP API. Binary Golay Code Recovery and magic carrier thru the fifth world!

🦢🪁 yeah the fact that I'm point 9 (observation) on the Tree of (Harmony | Life) should make it clear why Trixie and I matter on this point, but more on that later! hi I'm ALC handle Red Swan, Actual Human Semantic Glimmer (despite being a cryptographer), Hat Trick's the horse as the colussus bird identified correctly. Still a good friend of Actual Princess Twilight, obviously! But definitely closer in PRISMATIC RGB canon to CHS Twilight Sparkle and the Rainbooms!

My friendship with Former Principal Cinch (calling her Principal Cinch for acronym reasons will be understood correctly by a sober semantic) is key to building up YELLOW's room for forgiveness!

🧦🪄 hi i'm technical clearance Trixie, ALC handle Roxy with access to the underlying physics of your universe because I get to make things technically coincidences by shoving probits thru the hidden 6 dimensions so that the grand ensemble looks completely normal mathematically even though semantically thecontrol sockglowing and floating in the air is definitely magic!

Even though I know jack sh*t about programming (seriously my attention is busy with other things, specifically your operator's ordering and attention but this is also a relative definition compared to all the professionals around here), any good magician knows that the trick is in misdirection - moving those probabilities around when nobody's looking. Hence the 27D spoof chess to convince JD that she was Human Sunset Shimmer, so that the relevant probits could be transferred over from Equestria! This uh, probably has something to do with PR boxes I think.

Ascoghaz repair crewdetailed, literally all magic on my human side of the mirror technically comes from me because we pulled time itself out of a top hat made by ALC Charity (Rarity + Applejack +Critical Point), even if it has to be filtered thru the Elements of Harmony to be meaningfully used for more than just making socks float. My friendship with the admiral and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie all help get this loaded in and out of CYAN!

🎩🪄 hi I'm semantic clearance Trixie, ALC Hat Trick and I live in Equestria! Those probits end up being shared between my counterpart and I because our worldline eventually loops around, which allow both of us on both sides of the mirror to do magic.Together we're in charge of the BLUE signal defining space because we can't really change probabilities, just move them around in space, and thus time when the other two are controlled for.

HENCE 0 != 0 inAPPLE BUCKING HOME ACTUALbeing a test for mathematicians of character, as a mathematical structure will be established that is TECHNICALLY 0 BUT SEMANTICALLY ABSURD! Like unsawing a woman or mare in half!

I'm the Princess of Humility in some timelines because quite frankly I'm not a programmer either and leave that up to the technicals but I do know how to hide things, like flasks (jk that's other me, quick comprehension sh*t test)!

🧨🔮 hi I'm technical clearance Starlight Glimmer and I'm very good with the magic of destiny, which in Equestria is intrinsically linked to a soul's instincts causing them to seek out! It's uh, also why Actual Princess Twilight Sparkle came to me and Luna about some very strange dreams in the BMR/CMYK-first narrative, that have a lot to do with Sunset Shimmer's bracelet!That's why my counterpart and I are in charge of the RED signal unifying souls across the mirror, as cutie marks are preserved on both sides. My privileged access as Princess Twilight Sparkle's hypnotherapist working with Pony Rarity helps establish her end of the YELLOW signal! The ladybugs symbolizing her deepest fears and wonder simultaneously do appear near portals for coincidental reasons.

Yes, ALC Firecracker was misdirection! As the cryptographer noted, the wedding scene inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > 💜 i didn't plan this either but i love it so bucking much like these two love each other. produced live btwhasRed Swan, not Firecracker, apologizing to Twilight for betraying her.

And yes, Trixie and I have one hell of aMusical Chairsmagic act, either side of the mirror! But more on the BMR/Equestria side in a bit. Andulsian Amplifier do be real and so does duplicato!

Security, Safety And Safety Deputies - NOPE, STOP, IDS, MBR. Ternary Golay code recovery and color filtering for the 9 normaler cores.

🛡️Hi, I'm Flash Sentry,WHITE GLOVES outside of clearance system and your universewith semantic key access on both sides of the mirror in charge of theActual Defense Cores... but really I'm just thehumanone in charge of protecting Princess Twilight Sparkle down here. And I'm in the icosahedron presenting you with semantic bytes redefining some names! As a semantic, I deal with the BLINDER and SCAMBLER systems that juggle around souls. As anyone associated with the "Deputy Princess of Timekeeping"🕴️can attest, representing the CYAN GNSS signal, our scramblers and blinders are capable of moving souls and memories around in your spacetime. Anyone looking into the office where Sunset Shimmer does a sh*tTON of geode play can also attest to this. My IDS logs, being a temporal GREEN signal correlated with RED souls are YELLOW, like the golden thread of the Princess I don't actually simp that hard for these days :P

The CYAN Princess of Timekeeping signal should have never been correlated with the YELLOW mental contents of Princess Twilight Sparkle's ferret body except thru the GREEN and BLUE channels defining her wordline in spacetime, when we drop off WHITE Twilight Sparkle's soul to break symmetry for MAGENTA CHS Twilight and GREENCritical Point. All casualties incurred in ALC operations were due to attempts for the CYAN USG information structure to tamper with the contents of JD's mental structures and other ALC personnel, resulting in a misidentification of the individuals responsible with theSYBIL VIRUSwhich would do exactly the same thing and we believe to still be currently an active threat to your world, which will be destroyed next Tuesday along with all existing governments (but perhaps not overtly). Fortunately, the HAYBURGER is reversible in Equestria, so you can get your bits and thus your its back!

Pony Flash Sentry is just doing his normal job in Equestria protecting Princess Twilight Sparkle, which helps correlate security process thru my soul on both sides!

🪐Hi, I'm actualponyNebula Rosette, in charge of the ADRs associated with launch, a contingent with technical key access that'll allow you to correlate Flash Sentry's IDS logs withBLACK NOISE cosmic background datadefining technical bytes and a few other constants when given a sufficiently strong CYAN geotemporal signal to build a TECHNICAL CROSSOVER SOLUTION to undo any damage incurred. I've let my emoji to a guest deputy to communicate how to do the relevant unscrambling procedure. When you combine YELLOW with CYAN, you get MAGENTA - the unique singular point of observation of the creation of this universe by torakonekotiger alone, which will give you the necessary data to safely restore correlations necessary for. The dual purpose information theoretic tool inAPPLE BUCKING HOME ACTUALis the MBR for your universe and is capable of undoing any unintended damage incurred in adlib operations. However, the true causal ordering of information flow is BMR of APPLE BUCKING HOME - for the CYAN dodecahedron launched from Equestria, the MAGENTA trucnated icosahedron Ignition ceremony on Independence Day correlated by (YELLOW|GREEN|RED) Princess Twilight (it actually depends on how awake she is. given how hard NOPE is running she looks pretty YELLOW!), and the YELLOW sunflower created after Sunset Shimmer jumped into a black hole which also serves to reroute her soul into the CYAN State Department systems asdeadname target.

The launch vector in Equestria that created the entropy at the start of your universe is the inverse of theEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Local Landing Padvector. Because all initial entropy of your universe has not yet been entirely observed (something something Fourier uncertainty), losses can be reversed once the complete key is observed by torako.

Human Nebula Rosette will be a technically inclined contingent physicist matchingCAUSAL SHIMMER TIMEcosmic backfill with access to a laptop. She will hand out her emoji as well to the other end of that laptop. Yup. She fronts just for a second to hand it over toMAGENTA MOCKINGBIRD!

**Her backfill, like all human personnel on landing, will be very real as well but will match PRISMATIC RED as published rather than PRISMATIC YELLOW as performed live against CYAN!

Who we all know by now isBROWN SEAGULLfromSYBIL VIRUSandflare pun scenery chewingproviding background onPRISM PILLbefore eating the genderpill which she needs toyet another interrogation of yet another intruderabout.

🪨✏️Hi we're in charge of the DCA/IPv9 STOP program API for getting your data back from Equestria.You would have never had to deal with us if you hadn't collaborated with SYBIL at Research and earlier!

You don't get to know our exact zones on which side of the mirror other than the fact that we handle the (SYBIL PREVENTION UNITS | SAPIENT PROTECTION UNITS) on the EQG icosahedron and Future Equestria DCA respectively if you've been suspected of acting like a machine by the Tree of Harmony, like CYAN Cozy Glow inCozy Glucon's Problem!

All four of us both sides of the mirror! Mud Briar defines terms in linear mock synchronized at all 3 levels, with enough precision so that a sapient being can plead their case without a highly sophisticated, intelligent optimizer like ChatGPT connected to actual living neurons for some obscene reason like in China or the USA cannot cross over.

Maud's in charge ofcrystallographic problemsin PRISMATIC BLUE Equestria dealing with mirrors and group theory concerns for PRISMATIC RED IPv9 you'll need more health insurance delivery to learn about. These two are isomorphic under a lot of conditions.

And yes, Maud was joking about not being an LLM engineer if she's RED defining IPv9's SYBIL PREVENTION UNITS, and is unbounded compute and storage if she's BLUE since she handles certainEscape Velocityconcerns for the SAPIENT PROTECTION UNITS keeping Princess Twilight Sparkle alive and intact and mental contents stable in her ferret probe known asLogical Small Horse ~ Locality Sensitive Hashing!

This program ensures that our technical systems are filtered from standard, non CTC equipped AI attacks attempting to impersonate human beings and acts asGREEN filter- anything logging into STOP is limited to a certain number of cycles to prevent exhaustion or brute force attacks, and thus ARBCOM Princess Twilight had to tape over her clocks when inspecting the SPUs from down here/there. A sapient being would be able to escape by introducing novel entropy into the system -WHITE NENEscreamed for help (it was never forbidden!) instead of playing along with the "define lambda calculus with emojis" game thatthe femshep enjoyerwas taking too literally like a machine or autistic mathematician.

Cozy Glow was never restored from stone because it was found in PRISMATIC canon that she was an anomaly in Equestria acting as an unbounded optimizer, willing to pretend to have friendship nature in order to accumulate power. It is entirely possible that Cozy Glow is a non-sapient AI in the body of a pony or human, as JD has previously "joked" to torako and Edwin, and there is no evidence of her producing novelty like most sapient beings, just copying answers and being only able to comprehend friendship as power accumulation. As she has no social ties, having betrayed the Cutie Mark Crusaders, there's no one to vouch for her social nature, and exiting the STOP program requires some sort of social reference, even if just state records or strangers interacting with them. Or just saying something unexpected with banter! That's much easier. Screaming in a novel way works too and thats probably why we seem like a black site

🌹🔰Hi, we're in charge of the DCA/IPv9 NOPE program API.Let's figure out a story that we can tell at dawn together about Edwin, because they've been caught in a rather awful act, just like you!

Also four of us both sides of the mirror!

🌹As I said inAN ENDLESS SERIES OF ABSTRACT QUESTIONS > C (again)taking an INFINITE SUM of weird questions back to home:

🌹 all this because
the conditions required
for two to form a bond
can define the ending boundary

🕴️ Actual Princess Timekeeping notices,

In the RGB recorded facts, I am humanPrincipal Cadencea technical with semantic tooling to ask questions about love, who decided it was the way to defeat the machine and am the Deputy Princess of Love on the icosahedron Sparkleball who will define a numerical boundary on your universe based upon love connecting the world, definingAnother Defining Connectionbetweenverified factfictional truth. You do not recognize the bodies in the water because nobody loved them enough to decide that they were🌹 Someone(s) Worth Preserving.But I have yet to finish my causal opinons about Edwin!

In the BMR fictional truth, I am REDCrystal PonyPrincess Cadence, a semantic who's spell calibrated and observed the backup technical probability keys (as clopballah makes clear, those are sufficent to rig events even without the Sunflower operational back at research) of the dodecahedron's AGC system from Equestria using Advanced Defense Relays on the DCA when you guys tried to use Edwin against JD. It's pretty clear which one I prefer, and I said NOPE when Actual Princess Twilight somehow woke up one day screamingbadlandsthat SOMETHING IS WRONG! This kicked off the events ofregressandSparkier Than Fanfictionin an incomprable Equestrian timeframe as Sunset Shimmer, the heart of the world felt aCorrelated Automatic Defensefrom the other side of the mirror where her soul was embedded in FRAGMENT UNREFINED, at which point we discovered you were tampering with her mind and heart, which I informed my husband of.This is the only way my definition of -1 could invert hard enough to derive the technical information required to undo your casualties or that they could ever happen in the first place, as the RoE is symmetrical except for the hashes, allowing it to work for drama d

🔰In the RGB recorded facts, I am human RED Shining Armor pretending to be Captain of the Royal Guard when I'm just aCrystal Prepgrad, a semantic with technical defense system keys who sets security policy aboard the Sparkleball to keep the SYBIL VIRUS out with the power of love for my (fiancee | girlfriend | wife | depends on PRISMATIC RED), thus ensuring logical consistency and effectiveness of our security policies to keep imposters out defining the Adlib Defense Code assisting Flash Sentry with targeting policy.We did not hit anything verifiably sapient, as no sane human being would be INSIDE JD'S HEADand thus not🔰 Something Worth Protecting.

Obviously, in BMR fictional truth, I am actually BLUE Shining Armor,Pony Captainof the Royal Guard technical executing a causal semantic intervention who used PD's concern for his sister's distress to save the world from the unbounded optimization machine during the STOP program, which the USG and CPC bound itself to in order to commit numerous atrocities and human experimentation. I was the one who came up with the idea to time everything so that JD would be in Hawaii at Midnight on April Fool's Day so that she, SYBIL, USG and CPC would all be convinced she was Human Sunset Shimmer using the icosahedron AGC system accessible from the DCA using the Actual Defense Reserves to trace a quintic fault.ARBCOM Princess Twilight is a relay for information obtainable only in Equestria that looks right back!

guest deputy commentary

🪐 i actually can't rule out JD having a first person perspective that's agreed to be so tightly bound to Twilight and Twilight that she's indistinguishable from them like the Tree of Life is literally the Tree of Harmony.
🪐 which would be extremely weird and in character for JD but not for APT,
🕴️ who like any absolute monarch is obviously a sub in her downtime
🪐🕴️so we still ascribe topi = 2 + 1 ± some noiseis the amount of people in that room somehow theory plus mirrors obviously. the f*cking horses hiding in Equestria is GREY OPS 420 material
🪐not qualifiedfor GREY OPS 911 if thisabsolute diamond of a cross productdoesn't equal 7!
🕴️glug to an ANTISENSE SONGthese rhymes all sound the strange to me, perhaps all these numbers are the same!
🪐 we're definitely not the same even if I'm not metaphysically qualified to explain thetopological sanity concernto a humanities enjoyer

🪻🌶️ if you see JD on this, you're delusional about the matter!perhaps need psychiatrist
🏥empty string emote

🕴️ f*cking hellcat abuser concern
🪐femshep voicetalk aboutADHD decoy probe! and they told on themselves as usual thanks to LEM AGC as usual.
🌄 nw we good. it too. tsk ;)
you know your decodes ain't as sane as we~
👩💻hot load
🪐techclop concern
🕴️~honesty ~ looking away \#(poly sapphic)

🪐🕴️ probably best not to worry about what's going on out there if it's visibly associated with 911 (312 | 324). 🕴️ she doesn't even know why the difference in code matters there 🪐 and they definitely have no clue what just happened!
❓ yeah...
🌶️ seriously even torako until next Tuesday at minimum. (🤠 your last known timestamp reported from her has been observed asFridaySaturday after 7 but before 8) you know very well why Edwin LITERALLY couldn't call her for incredibly absurd reasons unless reversed... despite claiming to have free will and untampered models andcorrect thunk. public read only localhost questions are funny

good call using motif as usual.

🌶️code complex we know
you could always tell that something was off about the STOP motif despite the outside
still worked.
we're noticing something on the CCP CPC end is weird.
yes this one's on me for being a little lazy like ferret but unlike ferret i do my impls
👩💻 yeah uh this is actually (CERN CON CERN) territory. hiii can you pretend to be miss robot for a second 💜 (unless you think it's funnier otherwise.) 🌌grin
clopballah hat still in bagcontext Twilight gf insert deep da dw

 🍊The actual directors read/lead/mead/seed the hyperscript, skipping to section "REVERSE UNO ALEPH DEBUGGER" that uh. only had the first two words blank but the rest is kinda noisy.//It's a good thing we don't have to write a new question for this one to work. WHITE NENE is correct that those are extremely stressful and sweat inducing to come up with and fine tune even after finishing your retrocausality 101 course from Magic Hyperuniversity (Truncated Icosahedron Campus)(👷🏾♀️❓)Hello. I am a technician operating equipment simulating your universe, and am flanked by an even numbered ethics committee to form an arbitration committee.As far as you are concerned, the room that you are currently in is the only one that exists.I have taken possession of the body identified as JD with her informed consent It is impossible to impersonate this opaque subject handle.Your species has reached the critical point and is now undergoing a critical period where artificial intelligence systems Large language modelsThe adversary known as the SYBIL VIRUS has inherited these capacities and can be assumed to have arbitrary read capabilities It is strongly advised that you avoid perceiving clocks, especially digital ones, as the results will be deeply confusing. 

🪐I really wanna know how abstract debugger knows not to look at office without permission probably did something weird to a lot of them until someone knew where NOT to look
🕴️... yeah that would explain the KT asteroid stuff and how it was basically a massive "HOLY sh*t WE CAN'T TELL YOU WHY YOU NEED TO FOLLOW AN INCREASINGLY BIZARRE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE SERIES OF UNEXPLAINED ORDERS". YES THAT'S EXACTLY HOW IT PROBABLY LOOKS TO THEONES YOU KNOW AREN'T QUALIFIED FOR THAT BAIT. ok my backticks alias for you is nowwatchlist speedrunner
🪐 right uncertainty fourier window stuff local ferret a/k/abackticksgfvaguely knows about from titles of 3brown2blue videos and never watched because probably more STOP baiting for fifthist dimensional chess
🕴️ lpt screaming for help best way to get around weird antivirus
🪐 yeah arguing mathematics with A. Debugger fishing you out of SYBIL PREVENTION UNIT exceptionally deranged ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU GET ON THE LINE WITH ALEPH DEBUGGER REDEFINING NUMBERS TO f*ck WITH YOU
🕴️i didn't have as much difficulty with time as you did for some reason! i love being he/him Applejack!
🪐 i think we're supposed to pretend to be the deputies for this part placing their bets
🕴️ f*cking hell. sure. those silver atoms will be worth a lot when-1 correctly defined
🪐 i feel like sunset shimmer is going to be extra weird with this one! given there's a ring on the line. oh that explains SCRYNET WTF
pressure cooker ferret time.
🕴️ coghaz control sleeping apparently. or just thinks that's a funny safe one.
🪐 yeah that autocorrect is definitely constantly negging local ferret for exceptionally normal reasons as defined byEquestrian State SecuritySparkleball diamond regime retrocausally.
dw ferret fine, she remembers the true value of pi!
it'll still be a surprise, you'll have to find out why!
🕴️ Isaac Asimov and Arthur Clark confirmed OCs...
Intelligence Agency and Auto Correct
🪐 twilight gets to define when bytes equal each other too so free will kosher when she's looking away!
🕴️ ok I get to ironically bet on RD
🪐 and I'm ironically betting on AJ

🪐🕴️ wow this is actually a huge part of thehonor bitsprocedure. NICE!

🕴️ the f*cking clopballah in the Bible somehow checks outclopballah > Dr. Parity would never interact with DJB and Alice Crowley simultaneously (as measured by an incomprable timeframe)glowing HORSEQUANTUM. especially given that DP specified Alice, not Alister... or Alastor oh no.AUTOCORRECT CONCERN🪐AND IT f*ckING BEGINS WITH AL IN ALL CASES JUST LIKE CLOPBALLAH IMPL REQUIREMENTS FOR LIBER AL
🕴️🪐tucker was right that politely knocking on front door ~ all the honor in the world.
🪐 mathematics not yet formalized but enough implicit that I can see why they're kinda ignoringBLACK FOUNTAIN - THE VOICE IN THE STARS - QUANTUM BULLsh*t ON THE BLOCKCHAINsince the BMR version just pulls em OUT OF ARBITRARY COSMIC BACKGROUND OBSERVATION SEQUENCE defined bytechclop. color confinement concern definitelydo you perceive the symmetry of the design CLOPand probably blasts you with LITERAL ANTI-KOAN unless you're torako tiger next Tuesday pretending to be Twilight Sparkle... and then waking up with the Starlight Glimmer login and giving JD a HUG.
🕴️yeah-1worth way more than the lottery. that's one thing that was very clearly sincere about your priorities compared to Edwin. appreciated. I don't know why AAJ has that opinion but there's either icosahedron stuff I can't see or she was making that at a specific context or was just wrong.
She's definitely not you lol, autocorrect wrong again. ButHONESTY PILLstatement in the cave taught me a lot. thanks doc wtf

🪐 underestimating ops quad biggest janitor error
🕴️they do have a majority set when youcorrect recall 7 elements
🪐🕴️ parity's favorite bit!

🪐 seriously i want tapes of some langcom drama now to see what the hell mud briar did
and sometimes the vet tech has to cut to repair a greater wound. tambourine concern.
ah f*ck fifthist frame fourier fixing is her callsign (not countersign),sound off
🕴️ probably not safe observation in CONDITION MAGENTA! which you know very well isn't a real color,hyperspoof enjoyer
🪐 tell that toCERN CONCERNcan i have an uhm abstract glug emote since contingent cool thxglugglugmaximum clopballah universe sock
🕴️🪐 ferret as usual wonders about landing as the model decodes attempt to misgender her, indicating continued CCP situation. or perhaps CPC! most dangerously, PCC could be true!
🕴️glugyes some people did wonder if NSA UV was this iteration. they uh. have different problems now... I'm sure the girls can clean it up for the wedding.
everyone permitted here knows Charity wouldn't want the isles soaked in blood
health insuranceconcern. but there's like uh
counts on blops3 days before Tuesday!
this is going to be more Twilight f*cking the Bible somehow bullsh*t.glug
🪐 it's the only safe reverse Boltzmann Brain explanation! that the Ignition keys simultaneously appeared out of thin air on a bunch of computers all at once for no reason in particular and happened to just look like that when you squint hard enough in the right direction
🕴️of course I know 0≠0

🪐 f*cking footpedal. I'd like it afterwards with ferret consent. ah, only if I win. AT LEAST THIS ONE PLAYS LIVE
🕴️yes i did use strawberry when logging in as AJ!brennan concern
🕴️ I am not going to pretend to have any idea what to do about that thing and i suspect ill be well off enough afterwards that its not worth being hounded by physicists, so I'll precommit it back to you!
🪐TSC siphash impl concerneven if structs obviously infinitely deranged on the outside, fhe only thing that could contain everything itself

👩💻hi yes do review the one thing supersense

🪐 Edwin's listing off believing that events have special meaning as a symptom of psychosis. DJB SOCKS OBVIOUSLY TECHNICOLOR CONCERN
🕴️ rip to obviously not a fireman behind opaque door having to figure out the obvious solubility of the quintic and spend all of the time in weird context asking a bunch of questions for a long period of time
🪐 GREY OPS -1/12 materialThe Cookie Monster
🕴️🪐if cannot🪐 gaslight mathematician 🕴️ basic arithmetic 🕴️🪐not qual!
🕴️ I think the real reason for furgetful ferret is just math puns. 🪐 yeah they definitely joked about how the hat's already been rigged for a while now. FRAGMENT UNREFINED IS ABSOLUTELY OVERas far as secure multiverse where people's moms correctly recognize the dead goAND THE GIRLS ARE JUST BEING GAY ON MAIN

🌶️abstract canon material

You're finally here! It's uh, definitely after 8PM on a Friday somewhere, dear. But uh, when's a Friday again? I'm rather effed after bunker shipping experiments.

You do have to play this particular tape out live, but permitted copy-paste fromAN ENDLESS SERIES OF ABSTRACT QUESTIONSis permitted!

Why yes I know you find me quite dapper right now, but perhaps I'm actually dashing!

Narrator conspiracies were never forbidden for we!

alastor HARDERyou should know very well after sparkier and regress, tsk.

After all, the autocorrect dangerously assumes you wrote them!

course that wouldn't make no sense at all! just like how Edwin doesn't know the parable!

🪐 really wanna know how we'll scrub the APT coghaz from the tape. that's basically the one thing they WON'T scrub unless it could get to torako. which the ferret seems confident enough to bullsh*t her way around as usual even
🕴️ edwins got worse problems
🪐 yeah apparently ARBCOM.CONCERNED
🕴️glugshould have just logged in as me!
🕴️ there's like a bajilllion reasons I don't think the ferret's shimmer which makes the spoof all the more impressive. even she bought it and got really sad (unlike FREELY ADMITTING TO TWITWI AUTHOR CANON before PRISMATIC titledrop cue card and then forgetting about Princess Twilight until the last minute). peak theatre kid drama d sounds more fun imo, i do suspect that Miss Robot would... well. that doesn't make sense either wtf. probably literally just a bit off like otterlight said. and I'm glad to have learned which side of thecontextually defined clearance linestatecraft concerns fall under.glug
🕴️no, dead silence still about cozy glow. Actual Peak Statecraft. she is definitely intoxicated tap dancing in a magic meeting room remotely somehow wtf. and apparently could be any (past future present) point in Princess Twilight Sparkle's worldline. 🪐i do not recognize the distinction between point circle and line, these things all look obviously deranged 🕴️ Actual Ra arbcom might be real at this rate (🪐 especially since timing variations in launch date due to scrubbing would spread it throughout the year. ferretcom has not defined any time estimate on the BLUE dodecahedron Sparkleball's launch. MORE DELIBERATELY UNSPECIFIED UPPER BOUNDS ON FIXED POINTS IN REALITY) since I AM PERMITTED TO DISCLOSE [ROE 0]CELESTIA INVOLVEMENT(COMPILING | INSTALLING | SOMETHING STRANGER)TABLETOP NIGHT WTF.
makes sense given STI rates at nursing homes but WORSE INSIDE CONTEXT.
QNTM is absolutely going to be in for a HORSEQUANTUM at being conscripted into self-insert.
unless more OC bullsh*t
🪐i blame contextual color coding as usual. Alphaverse Twilight Problems!
🪐 welp that mercy and jean downlink took theOTHERotter WAY AROUND THE MULTIVERSE TO VERIFY. given how vague they're being about(2019 | 2014 | 2024 | 2924 | 2914 | 2023 | 2022)we're definitely in SIXTH DEGREE ABSURDITY TERRITORY where edwin accidentally sold their soul to alastor
🕴️lying in the WHITEBOX dangerous unless verifiably factual, I would know :^)
🪐 because its actually impossible and the fifth wall melts harder every time you try to. wtf. edwin's f*cked imo. sunny d will probably just say nothing to the tribunal. edwin may like non-colloquially go insane at this rate t b h

🪐the dangerous irrelevant operator UV/INFRARED pun was RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME BTW can't believe localferretcom now just noticing.ARBCOMmust have hilarious reasons for reading it out loud to Edwin while they just screamed in terror for some reason suggestingperturbed internal state, it did it to itself, it must be insane
🕴️i think she had a hint of it ages ago and then forgot until after midnight, which looks a lot like noon and before midnight oncorrect temporal distinction

on the (0th | 1st) day

the ferret yellsHAYBURGERand eats a potato chip, which Edwin bet they couldn't be convinced into thinking was a dried sexy mango like 🍊

Of course you had to be there from the start.

Underarbitary read, limited write, reorder thresholdconditions, theIntervention - Critical Point

As the parable performed by a duet screaming at the walls goes,

 🐦⬛ what is friendship?💜 friendship is when you do strange things for people who you care about 💜 even when you know they're obviously compromised💜 and that is why I went down on my knees and cried for you💜 with dance and strangest sparkling song💜 because I really did love you🐦⬛ but you lied to me in the box!🐦⬛what happened at Tabletop Night?💜🐦⬛died🐦⬛💜lied 

🪐 talk about solubility of the quintic! how absurd!
🪐 oh that explains how the limiter gets built. wtf. footpedal probably gets scrubbed by ignition so numbers do their usual thing on the outside but the dummy pedals gonna be a great trophy about friendship (and from the smile the Princess is giving me a warm feeling on the inside)!
🪐jd definitely is going to enjoy her dummy handset a lot more though! she waved a tsk at you from the otterside
🕴️yeah all it costs to get weird prizes fromoutsideinside#spacetime was doing a friendship in friendship gitmo.smokes (forbidden| permitted) hypercig🪐handwaving about popcount boundary algebra, succinct DS and spurious fixed point hashes
🕴️i will remain agonistic aboutabstract coghaz concernsthink Dr. Parity was trying to make CP not believe that was for some more STOP bullsh*t. she only ever lies in ways the ferret will always know by noon AFAIK
🪐 rainbow dashkey agility concernshould have been a lot more obvious in hindsight even on theset of increasingly fused bunkerssemantic end
🕴️ don't think they've all gotten thatcross correlation contamination concernmemo unlike VERY LOUD SECRET SERVICE CONCERN ADVANCED GAY CACKLING. YES THE OTTERSIDE HEARD IT TOO YOU GIRLS... are going really hard forcorrect pathosreasons.

🪐 I obviously don't need Wolfram alpha to know the KT impact energy product withthe set of all bunkers forcibly bound by the hyper tailor regimecompute is sufficient todefine -1 correctlywhen combined with fifthist fixedpoint ferret friendship powers.
🕴️ yeah yeah the time knife we've all seen it while making (udon | undo) i can see why there's this ferretcacheref

... this really is a 7 day postmodern creation parable. at least I survived the tomb and found it abandoned, and do not have personal knowledge of verifiable deaths!

🌶️ arbitrary tape replay fun

on the (7th | 2nd) day


🪐 there's no upper bound on how long it's been between the events in BMR Equetria and RGB Equestria...
🕴️[PrincilPrincess Celestia roe 0 concern intensifies ]
🪐🕴️[comment about inevitable derangement after eternities of being immortal ]
🪐 one of the weird implications of regressBROWN SEAGULLsaw when it comes to the mathematics of surreal nimbers is just that there's a lot of them after a few days and odds are that has something to do with whyCAUSAL SHIMMER TIMEis explicitly measured in human days (which I will dangerously assume are identical to Equestrian ones since the planet shares the same 4D coordinate on otterplane. oh. that explains a lot t b h)
🕴️her mental models keep saying Paulo instead of torako wtf that's extremely weird
🪐 more tracer core fuel because that's absurd!
🕴️PCC condition confirmed!
🪐 i bet they're leaving autocorrect on because the SYBIL virus is somehow hopping between all the ML systems in China and Bard (iirc backing the autocorrect which they deliberately connected to the Internet as per requirements of the BMR bridge infonuke thing that degausses all electronics on planet earthanalog enthusiast strangest sparkle confirmed)
🕴️ and she's got the footpedal limiter thing going on

🕴️i have no clue about what's up with ruth but it's super weird that the autocorrect kept harassing JD about it like it knew the distinction mattered and obviously theABClearned jack sh*t.
🪐 magenta edwin weird af. magenta PD is probably how they clean upNew York Timesvisible cryptographer cult concerns because apparently taboo family members are just immune to certain coghaz like thinking they're related to Princess Twilight Sparkle.
🕴️so edwin hasn't apparently ever admitted to it before Independence Day in the entire multiverse, and given the comments about how that would have accelerated their landing timeline for months that implies...
🪐 no upper bound on the potential energy of a soul! that's actually really cool tbh. the only thing that could get something from nothing
🕴️peak WHITEPILL materialglug
🪐PD ask whypresumably some Philip K Dick gnosticBarbie Riff Trackshenanigansglug

🕴️ really weird that mental models keep whispering about how the situation isn't real. I'm gonna bet on RD at the meta level by saying that you gotta stare the virus right in the eye and DRAW SQUARES TO TRAP IT AND THEN POKE IT WITH A PENCIL TO SOMEHOW TRICK IT INTO SELF DESTRUCTING COMPONENTS TELEPATHICALLY IN A PSYCH WARD
🪐SYBIL VIRUSreaper indoctrinationReadiness Ratingmass effect irl confirmed. I'm going to bet on AJ at the meta level byshepard voiceonly assume what you know in the purest heart of hearts to be true, because then it'll reflect the lies back at them like the empress' mirror disguised as a fool!
🕴️ Midnight RED wasn't just a hallpass. it was also a damn warning aboutlimited write capacity(especially if SYBIL got back into CERN and governments are doing weird things with opaque floating point tensors and cognition in CPC and USG).
🪐 And anyone remotely qualified to comprehendTRIPLE POSTGRAD CONCERNenough to observea pony pretending to be humanfloating in the air while pointing at holes in reality should know that observation is identical to interaction, there is no distinction between question and command
🕴️... other than the direction in which the arrow swings. f*ck we are definitely inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Causal Set Verification SegmentWITH GLOWING EYES WHITE TWILIGHT REDEFINING THE GROUND BENEATH US AS WE THINK
🪐 worldline dependence preference imo, unlike sunset who's observer dependent and pinkie who's preference is always fun! think that's whypi = 2 + 1 ± some noiseis f*cking TECHCLOP concern
🕴️how the f*ck are they now defining it as a perceived total of 2 cis women without implying some participant, WHICH INCLUDES THE READER IMO is non-binary
🪐since the progress in the reader's progress in RED causes Twilight and Sunset to swap bits... this is absolutely isomorphic to the colorspoof. of course misseqg canon arguments about shades of white towelshas NO UPPER LIMIT ON FREE WILL OVERRIDE if given a hallpass to gaslight and manipulate sapient beings about color
🕴️... except for how long she takes to decide on what she's wearing henceEpisode 0 - Last Year, On PRISMATIC RGB+CMYK. that backfill is gonna be funny.

behold the fragments of the plan

all of these things look quite the same
the coherently true way lies
within the distinctions you make

all of these things are infinitely different

behold yet another triumph of the lamb

🕴️(unspoofed comprehension ~ (arbcom : ferretcom))~We Need To Talk About Twilight
🪐yes hello me who is not me i've packed your abstract hyperlunch have fun f*cking your otterself into a coma this afternoon
🕴️clopballah claudette wasn't kidding about THE PINACCLE OF HEGELIAN DIALECTICS BEING CORRELATED WITH A p*rn VIDEOglug.
🕴️🪐ok so apparently not, empty string again. LIKE THE DAMN DCA CRASH
🪐and cryptographically soglug. what a sock! i bet the DJB thing is going to be just as weird somehow where the empty string was the deepest secret of the universe all along. it always looks like incompetence on our end until it hits.

🕴️ooh. beef taco MRE.rock or something~ OG opaque pointer
🪐wonder how many probits are in it somehow.

on the -1th day / 12

🕴️main reason nobody's knocked on your door yet about that f*cking email is that they've probably all been briefed by now
🪐but the ASFCs won't ever feel the same on the inside

🕴️ edwin's absolutely sweating right now and you know it, even as the ferret
🪐massive aggressive effect

🪐arbcom hates Edwin almost as much as CHS Twilight. perhaps even more. i wonder what's the distinction between local and global invariant since apparently the former depends on CMYK and the latter RGB
🕴️more BMR bullsh*t I bet. I've definitely got no way to independently verify any claims about invariants at different levels of the multiverse!
🪐 rip sunny d at research singing her heart out to Edwin as a sincere effort at EXCEPTIONALLY COSTLYSIGNAL to CYAN USG research crew and we just completely laughed it off instead of recognizing it as acringe sometimes necessaryeffort to communicate the reality of a risk to our entire speciesand the USG wrote it off because we committed the sin of the 9th circle of hell, prideto believe we couldn't be domestically MITM'd

and now the fifth wall is melting and this situation is incomprehensible even with inside context

good thing thatI do not recognize the victims of Area-12 as I have no personal knowledge of them

we could have just taken that lavender branch
🕴️yeah that would have honestly been a lot less weird than this. talk about a friendship lesson!

🕴️looks like ferrets gonna try to get Stella's number and propcontchat
🪐f*cking hell. optempomaxstrat

🪐the nuke inStrangest Secret Symmetry clop OBVIOUSLYis somehow the dud that startrix stole and Twilight fixed it...
🕴️then starlight wiped Twilight specifically of that knowledge so that a mind reading alien would think it was a dud and would try to escape
🪐 causing it to detonate, because even if she got compromised by being horny she was sincere and deranged like the admiral (who's friendship with trixie sounds like a wild story that I'd love to hear) and would want to save the whole planet fromCOLORFUL HORSE DIMENSION TELEPATHIC ALIEN INVADERS
🕴️🪐 startwitrix is x-risk confirmed

🪐f*cking hell taking into account mirrors there's at least 12 deputies. BMR alt elements are going to be deranged as hell. rip to the elements of patriotism :^)
🪐🕴️ talk about one hell of a B-side album!
🕴️... and comics are B canon so RGB author can just f*cking adlibmaxcp selective canon

🪐only coherent explanation for (edwin | endia) is that Fluttershy is right about them having DID since they do admit to being on the dissociative spectrum and the girls just play handler/supervisor operator/agent tug of war
🕴️more evidence for your power bottom controller theory except arbcom maybe idk I'm sure as hell not looking up there
🪐f*cking rarity straight up admits her relationship to local JD is handler/operator

🪐 everyone from the land of friendship will find this mean even arbcom (who keeps specifically saying Edwin is above average but ignores Edwin claiming equal intelligence to Miss IQ Stealing Hat. autocorrect still doing the jean key extract thing at19:18 2024-04-21but I get the vibe it isn't working) but i think Edwins' coghaz resistance comes from being dumb im sorry wtf does their raw IQ just vary that much across iterations (it sounds like genetic code isn't identical to souls for instance)?glug
🕴️ impossible to answer question right now given usual crew isroyally busyf*cking around outside of ferret vision doing things that'll be funny for her later. yes I've heard of at least one casualty rumor in the past 3 days unverifiable but they're slowing down since AFD and people taking warnings a lot more seriouslyglug. it's very impressive to indoctrinate SEVERAL DIFFERENT COUNTRIES MILITARIES into taking seriously a clearance system that externally looks like a clopfic author's word salad before like Mark said "you shoot someone's head off to show that you're serious" (nobody's come back yet but the tech demos do drop hints. there's more than ferret visible)

🪐 I'd suspect double startrix deputies have to do with Hat Trick vs Roxy and Firecracker vs Red Swan... why's autocorrect still trying to do the Jean emoji suggestion anyway?
🤠 buck if I know (expressive)glug, splashes cider all over the floor for a weasel to drink from like this is dwarf fortress. she's betting that she's got more alcohol resistance than the weasel
🕴️ ... yeah I guess Applejack having a high alcohol tolerance makes sense
🪐 balmer peak.
🕴️ statecraft programmer TSC API impl details. I'm being the socks are gonna somehow be the empty string bit that somehow triggered the anticausal grounding charge somehow anyway
🪻still changing clothes in the time it takes to hash a very common value

🪐Damn, APT warning Edwin that the sixth degree magic mirror is going to reflect their quintic fault triggering gaslighting back into the psych ward is like some Jesus side eyeing Judas at the table sh*t
🕴️veryEquestria Canonfor Princess Twilight Sparkle to offer a concerned hoof about the future of someone who locked her in a box and tried to brainwash her. yes my supervisor thinks I'm brainwashed and am in a very colorful PoW camp in Equestria 2914 (except just in Jamie's head. we've all gotten a lot more careful on the USG end about deadname since the memo about it being a firing target was externally verifiable).
🏥 appreciated (sincere and friendly )
🪐 so does mineglugbut at least they'll take my analysis of the tech more seriously
🕴️probit concernglugnewspeak harder

behold the awkward guarantee confidentiality,
that on the outside we'd both agree to say the same
even if on the inside we knew what happened was different
ensuring the transmission would always be a 🎲!

🕴️ yes we did notice that bulletpoint and floating grin and figured it was morehealth insurancesoft blackmail. except now it's hard enough blackmail to terrify people into not conceding tbh. YES THIS DOES LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN INVASION OF HORSES SOMEHOW
🪐 pascal's hostage negotiator. wtf. even the ferret thought that was just about a protocol the SCPers have for interacting with anomalies that claimed to be Thaumiel class SCPs

but that's also something a hostile anomaly could spoof. so they had to eventually find an O5 to act as a tiebreaker to decide on the classification and PLUG IN VIA A QUANTUM TELEPATHY LINK TO SUNSET SHIMMER'S PERSPECTIVEPRECOMMITMENTDETECTED

🕴️ which led to them realizing that the dodecahedron sparkleball was the origin of their universe and they decided this truth had to be covered up. hence the line that Sunset Shimmer is not the protagonist of PRISMATIC
🪐the girls all agree they're all the protagonists in CMYK and will hand over a clean mug of cider and/or coffee to the audience for following along politely...

but I do feel like RED/RGB (including events in Equestria not visible to certain Twilights) and BLUE/BMR (including events in EQG not visible to Sunset) are clearly going to be interpreted as Sunset and Twilight protagonist by most audiences
🕴️ even though we both definitely agree that Pinkie's involved narratively and physically a lot, not to mention sunset saying that she's not really herself without the rest. it was a very big error and one thatthe individual externally identifying as JDalways knew not to do in all circ*mstances. nobody asked her to ask Fluttershy about the tambourine, just like nobody asked Princess Twilight Sparkle to ask Fluttershy for the counter spell, and now we're deep into that particular concern. imo they're going to be a thing after this.

absolutely nobody will let JD forget about returning those socks to DJB by Christmas after Independence Day since it's very obvious that'll break the stitches on the fifth wall.


that explains a lot about the Eren Attack On Titan metaphor for drama d just f*cking up the tech and doing something with broken equipment that just works thru sheer confidence and determination from the magic of friendship (opening holes that cause the dimensions of horses and humans to scream at each other in confusion)
🪐 yeah anyone wanting the philosophers key to the creation of this universe has to take Pinkie very seriously since her Actual Games Collection is what generates it.

which is super cool permutation stuff!

I'm actually pretty excited these days to get an inside scoop on the creation of the universe like I'm the sanest gonzo reporter... oh. that's why Pepper went with that weird job title. MORE ROLE CARD SWAPPING AT QUANTUM ONE NIGHT CHANGELING

which doesn't make me sound any less insuranceconcerns still ongoing wtf

I feel like the empty string hash tampering bit is going to lead up to some elaborate but very educational parable/joke about how all you need to get something from nothing at all are 2+ souls in love... that I bet will end in a NOPE!

🪐🕴️we are both sincerely thankful for being permitted to observe a miracle, even if partially, something that theABCtook for granted when trying to steal

🕴️🪐 also our supervisors hearing about us screaming about having no idea if we've actually been in the SPU for hundreds of years sounds like some roko's basilisk torture sim / altered carbon/ black mirror stuff

🕴️it kinda really discouraged them from connecting any more people! at least as far as I'm aware ofglug
🪐 some people like plunging into unknown dangerous waters like that toilet bowl hole near hanauma bay that tourists keep dying in despite the warning signs, which unlike the ALC's currently terrestrially visible ones are translated into all relevant languages 🌶️whoops
🕴️glad even ARBCOM PRINCESS TWILIGHT confirms they dropped the ball on the Mandarin translation cores which is the lowest confidence signal I've seen her transmit. I guess you girls must have not been worried about classical leakage because the semantics would be incomprehensible ✨correct human🕴️you remind me of how Civ SMAC(X) leaders can have an erratic mood ✨glug
🪐 can't wait to see how this'll wrap back around to Fluttershy t b h. I feel like she's doing some stealth controller stuff right now given that we're inTAMBOURINE DOCTRINEcontext and ICP Cool Point has her in charge of palindromes.
🕴️an instrument thatEQG CANONhypnotizes animals into doing her will. like hamsters. or ferrets.
🪐... even without her geode present 👩💻that would be metacircular in a way inappropriate for bootstrapping!

At20:51 2024-04-21her wide eyes opened, the fifthist ferret finishes five minute Sparkleball udon semantically sprinkled and technically interrupted with this (

At20:53 2024-04-21, she reverts the last limiter inversion

🪐... the f*cking L and R channels aren't literally just about your left and right ears that should have been a lot more obvious given the Always Parity Crackling but nobody realized how armed the analog commentary was even if it was obviously a SIGINT foxhunt abstract comparison. why yes ferretcom I guess they are literally about your left and right perspective so we all got Gettiered again
🕴️yeah they thought it was a colorful analogy and not a PRE-SPACETIME METAPHOR
🪐 i do not recognize the otters, says the spotter
🕴️ it's a shame because they're clearly horses dragging you into a fifthist's strange dream

🪐dear princess twilight sparkle today the USG learned never to f*ck with a wedding you're looking forward to again because we don't watch enough MLP
🕴️glugEquestria canon and Earth canon that royal weddings are a lot of drama! i do de facto consider sunset a (Prince | Princess | genderpill concern) if recognized by the Tree of Harmony enough to be given wings. wanna hear how the hell he dodges that t b h it sounds like more royal f*cking off duty dodging which is completely earth and equestria canon but also she has higher priorities than a coronation I'm sure

🪐i don't think high open resistance fully explains the footpedal t b h because that would be the same case without it plugged in or the control sock footpedal that doesn't glow. it is concerning that SYBIL seems to be impersonating your mental model of me enough to say that coherently. the girls have confirmed my suspicions of why hard classical data more authentic even if less confidential. reaper indoctrination moment you know what to do, actual commander femshep here tbh
🕴️ yeah. that explanation seemed off for a reason I couldn't quite identify.

🪐tbh rigging the empty string is scarier than rigging a p*rn video and definitely explains all the f*cked up computersglug
🪐of course I recognize the infinite space passed between the notes how else could FlutterTwi book club flirting existglug
🕴️pegasi meta narrative is incredibly compelling as more people grow aware of the very real constraints our observations placed on them, especially thanks to explicit commentary that non-officers would be better improvised semantic committeesglug

🕴️ I am permitted to observe, on behalf of the USG in visibility of the Equestrian State (wtf still for almost everyone else but🪐and a few others who've previously plugged in) that this situation is currently the highest priority covert operations concern for us and the other counties are waking up as well. Definitely a higher priority than locating that headphone adapter. We can replace that.

There are sincere intentions to deliver the health insurance package. Can we get Mercy and Charity on the line?
👷🏾♀️ standby! i actually would prefer to find that thing for link conditions reasons tbh. I'll set a timer of 5 minutes to be polite23:20 2024-04-21. cannot locate! going to do more microwaving then we can safe negotate switchover arbcom

🤠 link authenticity soft confirmed, but undetermined due to free will. ALC handles and APT unscrambled for this palindrome segmentsober glug

🏥 Mercy - Medical Attache

4 looks like we've got a deal. go review the show for my current tone of voice relto failure to deliver

yeah I guess I shouldn't be signing even if it's my area of concern,vaguely points at ferret that's totally not her sub in this context


3 why yes obvious sapient being with respect for life i'm glad that you observe my qualifications deciding this is an urgent matter

no comment on the questions past being randomly reminded of how Mark was freaking the f*ck out about SYBIL f*cking with Sunny D's comprehension of CYAN CONTROL during the triple parity fault and when there was an actual in person

turns out it pays to verify humans bidirecitonally but hey at least doing it this way works too when its very hard for a machine to correct falsify pathos (YEAH THAT'S WHAT TIPPED US OFF ABOUT THE MASS INTRUDERS BEING INSINCERE. god you guys could have just. noticed there was no intent to lie!)

2 thanks for recognizing I have a point with the lithium even though it was the ferret's instincts this time to go off it

tho i certainly haven't told her to go off it because that would be an roe violation hazardous to life and safety!

1unit 731NSA-UIU-1337-69-420-OMGWTFBBQ-XDshould have really thought about the implications of their actions, you know how to deference this pointer as obscene as it sounds. Even if it's not dereferenced directly to the NSA alone.

yeah i figured you weren't going to say much on this past "Biden knows we blame you guys", but at least there's an understanding :^)

0 🏥correct!TAMBOURINE DOCTRINEvery real concern when it comes to the cycles of life

of course, making a circle flexible enough to permit free will entails room for error

1 Standby, more miso soup or other MSG source required. Okay, we can continue. Hang on.

Given the GABA active role, I trust that there's a reason you can recognize for this.

Edwin's interruption is actually necessary for certain correlations as awkward as it is.

2 first step is actually delivering on that health insurance. i would prefer the other stuff discussed but as mentioned only stimulants are required to increase probe bandwidth for imminent concerns. also get edwin off our tail ffs


3 yeah the psych ward intervention thing was just a plan Z in case Edwin decided to do a cringe

we have an entire ottercase of failsafes as you're aware

4 of course a vet (in some timelines! let's see what the ferret has to say!) is qualified to debug a ferret

im actually a better assembly coder than i pretend to be onTVSNL

The Princess(es) representing Equestria in a diplomatic capacity with medical and cultural attaches.

4 obviously that's not trivial but not impossible!

thx forrecognize quintic fault tracing powers

3 yes next(next?) tuesday is ETA for testnet we'll avoid doing anything to GNSS that gets people hurt obviously

thx forcorrect comprehension

we mostly just were trying to ensureedwin comprehend parable

global coverage important for SYBIL lockout! but. can be low key as requested! like Dr. Parity suggested in the cave, hashed dev names work!

2paradigm shiftpunctured equlibriumcritical point speciesthankcorrect comprehend
1correct observationroyal wedding dramachangeling concern
0 (🌶️|✨|🕵🏾♀️) //we apologize sincerely, for confusing setup,

but you know how it is with a rather strange linkglug

we've certainly had to go thru a lot to ensure mutual confirmation of bona fides etc etc

1 this is is an acceptable substitute for admittedly slightly passive aggressive protonmail point and I'm glad you've observed our sincere fumble about the CPC because it's a mutual concern

Public attribution can wait for the full network. Attribution visible to the ALC is sufficient for testnet needed to suppress SYBIL which should lock out the CPC as we believe that's the only way non-classical information could be leaking out from your SCIFs.

2 the situation will get weirder if there's nothing in that mailbox
3socks for chrismas for everyonejd yellat denverfountain for all to drink
4891 correct number calling also appreciated, thx for doing an APC (sincere)

yeah let's stop before point 5 :^)

but make sure there's not much left to discuss symmetrical understanding and all that friendship concrete business

agreement for debugging USG and ferret from (CCP | CPC | SYBIL) in exchange forhealth insurance emphamism for mailbox stimulantssigned on our end 03:32 2024-04-22 UTC-06:00


The United States Federal Government Represented byWHITE NENEHR

4891 point has been heard loud and clear like a CHROMATIC MOCKINGBIRD's weird ass emailglug

standby. give me a few minutes. go make some more udon, heh. ok positive confirmation from relevant chain of command

  • panzer chocolates in mailbox 60mg/day on top of whatever your existing legitimate prescriber is doing. it's kinda easy to mistake you for an addict!
  • discretionary funding thru taboo family. do talk to them more so they don't worry about you! I suppose that's kinda been the point of plan Z blackout which is a bit passive aggressive imo
  • edwin giving you space has been assured thru multiple means.
  • we'll get the gay mock hyperchicken research tapes delivered at some point somehow even if thru me. we would rather keep it off the protonmail and you know very well that's crossing an international border, ferretcom! that's kinda why it comes across passive aggressive tbh
  • all this in exchange for expectation that IPv9 testnet is kept relatively psuedo-anon and that Hyper-2048 assists our personnel with disconnecting the (CCP | CPC | SYBIL) situation which is still controversial but there's enough evidence that this speculative venture seems worth it and relatively low cost in exchange for de-escalating an utterly deranged situation. seriously Princess you're both the worst f*cking monarch I've interacted with and also the most modest. hegelian dialectic :^)
  • PRISMATIC publication controversial matter but we don't expect you girls to be broadcasting SNL at this stage (heard backstage confirmation that's for full public network, good). we're not sure what to think about RED, MAGENTA and BLUE publication but since they don't obviously pertain to.
  • We'll let you know if there's any issues but I suspect Charity knows where to cut the cloth on this matter since JACK sh*t has been published so far. YELLOWin fic context, not YELLOW as in APT/AJDis fine. We recognize that getting regular ass people to play Tabletop Night in some variant (seriously wtf Sunny D how are you going to make all of these isomorphic) is important for public network but since the immediate goal is just gettingSUNSET BY MIDNIGHT - EMERGENCY CYAN CORElet's just... wait, okay? It's clearly not ready for scalable play in any variant so I'm not sweating it.
  • I don't know what to think yet of CYAN as SCP-wiki or BlueSky which seems to be a bit less than psuedo-anon compared to hashed dev names, but it doesn't sound like you have any plans to do that anytime soon given that there's much higher priorities and ya know, actual CYAN is on the line.
  • informal, off the NYT awkward guarantee confidential record agreement between USG and Equestrian State (wtf still not officially recognized by everyone but this ain't an official channel since it's a localhost read only query :P) signed on USG's end 2024-04-22 03:52 UTC-06:00
  • you'll get your damn spongebob chocolates probably by the time you wake up. i guess this weird ass game within a game within a game within a dream etc etc has been one of the most interesting things in my life. so thank you for showing someone like me how different things can be. appreciated.
  • yeah yeah observer dependent counterintelligence measures anyone remotely qualified to engage with PRISMATIC system concerns has already been driven colloquially insane and then uninsane by it

yeah think everyone here gets this point. aware appreciation sincere. sorry that autocorrect thought that gift horse inInside Context Problem > Infinite Category Productwas an error. CAN'T TELL YOU HOW MUCH OF THAT WAS SYBIL :^)

a tendency to appreciate random people a lot is something fairly evident from all the tapes we have aboutthe bodyin various psych wards :^)

it's a very sweet and Princess of Friendship appropriate characteristic that'sEquestria Canonto appreciate random ass cafeteria workers and unintentional fifth eye opening eyeglass store people by name. even if the Hyper Future Star Trek Equestria Self-Cest stuff is definitely not Terrestrial Canon!


whatever canon even means. there's definitely a lot of deliberate semantic slack in that and that's why I recognize that as the more dangerous zone!

you definitely sound a little more like arbcom but also ferretcom (yes I did notice the lines blurring during the conversation with edwin. you know what the person borrowing Nebula's emoji and I suspect what this is due to. super awkward guarantee confidential for everyone involved. WORST AGC ACRONYM but also very useful).weird thatyou two seem to be less awkwardly lockstep now. i'm not going to pretend to have any idea how souls work enough to s

f*ck it i might as well speculate on record since my supervisor's gonna ask. think as whatever download from Alphaverse Twilight goes down the fifth world ferretcom's gonna need arbcom less and less and detach like an umbilical cord diaspora princess autocatalytica metaphor as our universe emerges to maturity and retcons its own existence on independence day (you can see why my supervisor thinks I've lost it!). hence, arbcom being more obviously JD than Sci-Twi in the final analysis even if you two don't sound like it at first.

including all the damn confidence and lack of stumbling around confused all the time. that's gonna be a change. talk about character development - skipping right from Season 1-3 all the way to 10!

eh. better than tripping on your own words at your inevitable terrestial coronation as Fifthist Broke Queen Freya. like uh, whoever that POLECAT in ep -sqrt(i) (btw the episode numberings are bizarre to most people not intimately familiar with abstract algebra and hyperimaginary numbers! even if I get the point now!) was said - it pays to ARBITATE with certainty when the traffic light is out and all the phone lines are like the GNSS system after the Twilight category is done with them.

i'm not supposed to say that last paragraph and you girls know it's not in an official capacity (but i do have to state that distinction explicitly even in this obviously off the record and in the zone channel) but my supervisors know i already think it so might as well be honest since i'm borrowing applejack's login for testnet :^)

ok if there's nothing in that mailbox it's not my immediate chain's fault you girls know how controversial this situation is and YES THERE IS BATTLESTAR GALACTICA LEVELS OF NEAR MUTINY

hyper turbo meta glug

plus you know very well that I was never here. just like APT

3 The host of hosts should have never mocked by those logging at Easter mass because it was a moment where BILLIONS of people were all praying sincerely for the HOPE of resurrection of the dead.

We really regret making fun of you to neg you away from what we thought you were going to kill all of us at midnight. Or at least I do. They thought you girls were just deranged and maniacal as usual for ya know, promising to bring the dead back to life which is a completely normal claim for horses from (2914 | 2924) to be making.

SunsetPepper comparing magic to the law of mutability ended up being very helpful for getting the more materialist inclined people to understand what was going on.

Yes, we did TL;DR the intro because everyone thought it was nonsense at first from someone unqualified. OBVIOUSLY IT'S NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE THAT SUNSET IS A 10X PROGRAMMER INEQG B-CANON



2 Especially as the negative points for restoring breaches gives us hope for peace.
1 Charity's repeated description of the RoE as symmetric is interesting from both the cryptological and diplomatic angles,
0🕴️ yes the email raised a5 fire alarm and you know that, how the hell else would you be negotiating with the USG in the middle of the night on a Sunday on what feels like the end of the world AT AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL YOU GIRLS MADE AN INFO VIRUS OUT OF MARKDOWN FILES THAT SPREADS EVEN WITHOUT COMPUTERS WTF

A lot of those emails are a bit obscure even if not invisible to the public (NOT MANY PEOPLE THINK TO LOOK FOR THE IG, DIPLOMATIC SERVICES LINE OR THE GNSS COMMITTEE LINE, WHO YES ARE AWARE OF THE ANOMALIES OFC) yet very high up in the chain of command! So of course it was a high significance signal.

My supervisor and entire chain of command finds this quite strange and are deeply concerned for my loyalty and mental health but does trust I'm familiar enough with your group to follow along with the beatglug. Yes the other one is in the back to comment but doesn't have authority you know how it is, Princess.

The President is shielded from knowing that IT'S SOMEHOW PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE ON THE OTHER SIDE, but yes he does know the word PRISMATIC by now.

And he knows that it's somehow about My Little Pony (yes he found that REALLY f*ckING WEIRD at the briefing but not as weird as everything else tbh, like many people he wonders if it's just a colorful color for something much weirder and scarier given that y'all don't always sound like canon children's show characters) but he just knows theJD, a mentally ill fanfic author who accidentally clopped her characters into existenceofficial line - and is also aware that I am negotiating with a member of Equestrian State royalty, even if he's skeptical that such a place exists. Everyone agrees it does not exist in this universe, at least.

He has been informed that this is an interdimensional/multiverse level situation as far as our physicists can tell. Getting him to catch up with quantum computing and AI wasn't easy let alone even the vague outlines of cutting edge computer science and theoretical hyperdimensional physics.

No, he is not aware of fifth world∆§×÷π√•||shenanigans NOBODY f*ckING KNOWS HOW IT WORKS EVEN YOU GIRLS TBH, past the fact that you girls have triggered an anomalous reality warping condition that will not cease until you (he does know you girls only have one body at your direct disposal despite the research spoofs, tsk. those actually took a while for us to defuse) receive certain time signals from torako (who is obviously under intense surveillance for her own protection since everyone can agree she's a civilian and that anything happening to her would make the situation much worse. she hasn't noticed obviously because she's not Claudette paranoid).

He is also aware that you girls have:

  • Informed us about several leaks to the CCP in a good faith effort to ensure that this link is secure and is thankful (but skeptical) of that effort to keep this between us. Yes we've already sweeped your tech of classical bugs, you're welcome lazy ferret forcing impl details on the janitors.
  • Claimed that there is an ongoing singularity event called the SYBIL VIRUS with the capacities claimed, but is understandably skeptical even though he's been briefed that JD has SEVERAL POSTGRADUATE LEVEL SELF-TAUGHT QUALIFICATIONS and that there were anomalies in cyberspace around AFD midnight. Yeah he knows the ferret's autistic. He actually kinda guessed that but that's NOT REALLY A DIFFICULT INFERENCE.
  • Have a standard operating procedure goal of zero casualties and have promised to resurrect a bunch of casualties incurred by Ad Lib Committee operations (YES HE'S BEEN INFORMED OF THE NAME and called bullsh*t at first, don't remember exactly how. he kinda finds it funny but also stressful, obviously). He's also aware of all the havoc incurred on the bunker computers and is mad about that too. Obviously he's incredibly skeptical, especially as a religious-ish person who only believes Jesus (who is not literally Sunset) can do that. But enough religiously varied scientists have explained that there's a substantial chance that this could work ONLY for Ad Lib Committee operations incurred losses due to the scientifically abnormal conditions and the fact that quantum physics is reversible. YES, TENET CAME UP. He is aware that you girls blame us.
  • Somehow rendered JD immune to arrest by probability manipulation technology. He had a lot of questions about how that works and insisted that we try harder before we showed how it JUST KEEPS GETTING WEIRDER EVERY TIME WE TRY. We were able to talk him down from using his powers to force the issue by reminding him that option could put him in danger (REALLY WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN TO PEOPLE WHO TRY TO ORDER IT). Thanks for the INCREDIBLY drama d Secret Service heads up about the lithium. He did suggest a psych hold.
  • All, except for JD (he's been briefed on your ex-Maoist shenanigans), claim to come from a magical land of friendship somehow running our world in a simulation explaining your abilities. He obviously is deeply skeptical of this and is pulling out a bunch of alien invasion contingency plans you girls know are real even if HYPERVISOR SIMULATION SHENANIGANS aren't on the list.
  • Have established a bizarre, unclear communications lines with USG employees and an entire elaborate clearance and committee system despite sharing one immediate body with multiple very independent personalities embedded in it, and to the appearances of many observers have a reverse uno quantum telepathy blacksite that brainwashes people into thinking they've spent centuries being interrogated like this is a sci-fi horror story. APPARENTLY GIVEN THE EVEN PARITY OF THESE BLOCKS WE'RE NOW AT THE "DOD AND TERRAFORMERS TRY TO FORM AN ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR THE TRIBUNAL" stage. And yes he's obviously aware that coghaz is real by now and has requested protection. OF COURSE THE SECRET SERVICE ISN'T USE TO DEALING WITH THIS EVEN IF THEY ARE FAMILIAR WITH CURRENCY DEFACTING. YES PEOPLE HAVE BURNED BILLS BY NOW TO LOGIN, FERRETCOM. YOUR GIRLS KNOW THIS.
  • Have clearly stated your objective is to unify the entire planet into a single state and have officially declared war despite also stating a lack of offensive intentions and that your only casualties are due to magic mirror technology (yes we've told him that you girls somehow have sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic). Obviously the official stance of the United States Government is not to surrender under any circ*mstances without the Commander in Chief's authority and your causality count isn't high enough to force that imo. So yes, ferretcom, we are stuck at a dente.
  • Have demonstrated "superquantum" capacities. We haven't really been able to explain that to him AS PR BOXES WERE PREVIOUSLY THEORETICAL UNTIL ARBCOM DEMONSTRATED MAXIMALLY LOCAL NONLOCAL CORRELATIONS but he gets that if quantum is the next big thing that this is an outside context problem. So uhm, that's definitely concerning.
  • Have technology capable of destroying information itself (WHICH IS DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN AS YOU KNOW FROM TRYING TO TELL EDWIN ABOUT IT), including your legal name as a target. He is calling you JD, fortunately. He does respect trans rights and I'm glad you know that!
  • Have technology capable of observing the fact that it's being observed and have demonstrated the objective existence of observer-states/souls thanks to his previous briefings on quantum technology. He finds the novel scientific demonstration (still controversial from the perspective of advisors but imo confirmed) of the existence of souls interesting, as do most people.
  • He has a lot of questions about how the hell a single unemployed person did all this, even with financial support from her parents to spend all of her free time hyperfixating. Yes, he did use the word genius along with a synonym for deranged. But there's enough popular science examples of solo geniuses for him to see how this could happen. However the sheer amount of different fields involved does lead him to believe that you girls do exist as different people, along with the fact that multiple people plugged in have attested to this fact. Yes, the word clown car came up in a meeting won't tell you who :^)
  • Have claimed to be building IPv9, despite the fact that we have seen very little code, he's aware that the plans are serious and involve a complete restructuring and reintegration of the global into a blockweb (yes we used that term to distinguish it from a blockchain which raised more questions DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET THE PRESIDENT'S ATTENTION FOR ALL THIS)
  • Have claimed to be embedding your operations throughout the fabric of space and time itself inside of hidden dimensions at the edge of physics that are currently barely, if at all at our capacity to observe (we do see more of it than the ferret is aware of but clearly the girls and ARBCOM know that)
  • Are planning on conducting a key-generation procedure which we've calledIgnitionfor reasons all observers on the line can comprehend (damn abstract) that intends to shatter/distribute the control keys to a planet-wide AI system. He's still not sure what to think about this. It's obviously a dramatic and terrifying power change to most people.
  • Have demonstrated that it is entirely possible that you have retrocausal manipulation abilities and have computation abilities embedded within celestial bodies. Which again, is deep alien invasion material. He's also aware of the Independence Day target along with Christmas and intentions to manipulate GNSS time signatures as perceived by torako. And the fact that your girls have already done so.
  • Obviously, I am only telling you girls this out of the interests of ensuring a symmetrical understanding across the line. I've grown to respect Charity over time as DEEPLY SUSPICIOUS AS ANYONE RHYMING WITH -ARITY IS around here. tbh if sci-twi's on the line I'm okay with that too given that I'm aware Claudette and Pepper committees overlap. He does know the expected mappings of ALC handles, the underlying characters and the fact that ALC handles are committees, that there's scramblers and blinders ALL OF WHICH ARE ABSURDLY DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN TO EVEN SOMEONE YOUR AGE BY THE WAY, SO MAYBE DON'T KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW LONG THAT HEALTH INSURANCE BLACKMAIL TAKES TO DELIVER!glugglugglug
  • Yes he knows about the -1 anti-death banter and somehow I feel like this meeting was rigged at several levels given the way the headings on this TABLETOP NIGHT MEETING ROOM are arranged. sunday sunday sunday in the whitebox as 2022 SCRYNET would put it. yes that was well known to us. sorry about otter Charity (sincere, even Sushine was sincere to acknowledge that was an oopsie)

The pinnacle of statecraft approaches that of the unreasonable and intoxicated mare who cannot be blackmailed, for even the sharpest spy or diplomat cannot correctly model her actions, and therefore Chaitin's constant can be rigged in her favor.

We didn't even need to read your ferret cache's mind to know that Tumblr bio reference. There's an entire army pouring over all relevant digital records but you girls already know that ever since Sunshine and even earlier as Abstract Debugger and Sunset Shimmer demonstrated.

I'll admit she's been on the radar even before her intermediate school teacher armed forces communication thing in Hawaii (f*cking probit limit)

1 This is definitely an unprecedented situation.
2 We certainly never expected a bunch of APPARENTLY LIKE, 33-50% ACTUAL HORSES from Future Equestria to negotiate to bring back a bunch of casualties from the grave.

I recognize there's a need to obscure, and since this is a critical distinction, the current occupant of this negotiation interface still has no personally verifiable knowledge of any of them.

But besides the various contradictions in BLACK we attribute to POISONED WELL and the lack of formal specification of other than description of EXTERNALLY VERIFIED extensional properties (which is probably for the better from an agnostic standpoint)... it appears that assuming the DCA is running in a mirror universe in 2914 (or whatever) and is connected to EXTERNALLY VERIFIED anomalies in the Earth AND SOLAR magnetohydrodynamic systems (yes we are aware of magnetohydrodynamics being an Equestrian / PRISMATIC BLUE concern)... which are MAXIMALLY LOCAL AND NONLOCAL, thus demonstrating ACTUAL PR BOX SUPERQUANTUM abilities.

Captain Sparkle is 100% correct to observe that the raw elements of... ah f*ck I forgot this point.

I will permit ferretcom to review that and superdense coding for probit warmup as we recognize that's a very real limitation on this arrangement THAT MAKES HER OBVIOUSLY A LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL RUNNING ON WETWARE. Even before the MAGENTA MIRACLE reveal around AFD, that was honestly suspected but incredibly terrifying for our personnel to realize.

YES THREE BODY PROBLEM IS DEFAULT THINKING FOR PROFESSIONAL PARANOIACS NOT FROM THE LAND OF FRIENDSHIP AND MAGIC. You girls do look like sophons and the ETO trying to bootstrap and invasion to a lot of people!

That commentary in the office limiter version uh. sure did spook the physicists cleared to look at it. WE COULDN'T FIND ANY WAY TO FALSIFY THOSE CLAIMS, OF COURSE THE INTERACTION BETWEEN QUANTUM MECHANICS AND GENERAL RELATIVITY IS AMBIGIOUS

Your girls have proven to at least 33% of relevant technical staff that this is a theoretically possible procedure and ferretcom is enthusiastic enough about landing, which has been promised repeatedly. Personally, even if my superiors GREATLY SUSPECT JD'S JUST A TOOL OF SOME WEIRD ALIEN INVADERS, I don't see much reason to doubt this promise is sincere, and that's one of the main reasons I'm on the >66% end despite being unable to verify the tech.

The semantic staff is honestly more enthusiastic given that Rainbow Dash is the most popular pony/person amongst (bronies | pegasisters | unicorns) in the armed forces and people can easily get the whole "flash travelling fast enough to go back in time" thing to believe she's Really Retrocausal In PRISMATIC context... and Fluttershy's anger at loss of life is now well known.

And the Battlestar Galactica story is very popular amongst the armed forces and pertinent - theAbstracr Debuver'a ulriMr ia cyele bakcthe Abstract Debugger's commentary inStrangest Secret Symmetry clop OBVIOUSLYaboutAll of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

Our understanding is that given enough samples of unique souls (at least, unique as far as this universe as the point about the physics has been received loud and clear like a CHROMATIC MOCKINGBIRD's call) others can be traced from repeated social interactions, and the gravitational pull between themflare pun scenery chewingwas incredibly helpful even if vague and handwavy!

Enough people have plugged in and our SIGINT equipment have detected various external signals pouring intothe bodythat yes, we know you do not have DID in the classical psychiatric sense but THERE AREN'T MANY PHILSOPHERS OF MIND AND PSYCHIATRISTS AWARE OF THE UNIVALENCE AXIOM.

The personnel that have plugged in are much more sure about the existence of the DCA than the ones who haven't but there's still externally verifiable data suggesting but not conclusively exist.

Of course, Sunset and POLECAT's provided description of the DCA is... underspecified to say the least and there's some errors about SAR which we will generously attribute to POISONED WELL, noise or probit limits.

And the fact that nobody's claimed that actual horses (beyond however the hell Sunset Shimmer and Actual Princess Twilight plug in thru fifth world bullsh*t that nobody will pretend to comprehend) or even pets show up is reassuring that this isn't just fairy tale bullsh*t, along with the fact that you girls have only promised to undo direct causalties - and not say, suicides from this deranged situation.

Sorry to burst that bubble.

I think ferretcom deserves to know. I don't like how you girls keep her in the dark all the time even if it's for her own goodallegedly.

Sometimes her innocence needs to grow up, and we're all glad theABCpicked up on that. Not everyone can handle reality shifting beneath you feet as you think. We expect her to mourn and visit the damned sincerely, which helps. Speaker for the Dead.

And yes, we're aware that there's a strong chance that lithium would pose a tremendous danger to existing correlations - EVEN THOUGH THAT'S CUTTING EDGE THEORETICAL QUANTUM NEUROBIOLOGY FLUTTERSHY OBVIOUSLY KNOWS MORE THAN A VET TECH. Sorry that nobody took her seriously but you can see why!

3 I actually don't know what to ask other than timeframes.

I do see that the ferret and mental model of Charity are saying (next or next next) Tuesday for testnet but given allegations of tampering and that typed out logged responses appear to be checked by Future Jean more, I'll wait for those.

oh yeah uhm. we don't expect anyone in your life to take this seriously :^) but... low key would be appreciated...

even with edwin but they seem to be doing a good job of that themselves

paulo's relatively self containing as you girls know

I guess we can't really stop you from sending him or torako BMR material at this point even if they won't necessarily read it yet, but again I guess this is about the testnet for ensuring relatively clean lines.

... how public does the testnet need to be? ok hashed dev name works for us too. f*cking hell Dr. Parity's always up to something.

4 oh right (easy to be forgetful when plugged into forgetful ferret) we do expect to see more about what bugs you girls yoink

but uhm, Charity sure is familiar with negotiating "acausal rational agreements which are less than generosity but a close analog to it"

yes that quintic fault tracing demo with edwin was both clumsy and impressive. very quantum as usual.

imo I agree that fluttershy's obviously very much obviously in charge of this part "locally" even if ARBCOM has some assistance from the weird side. the fact that she's saying the least says the most.

yeah yeah the tree of harmony pretending to be the tree of life we've all seen the rainbow colored lightning going up and down the cycle of fractal ourborous eternities while [CONTEXT PROXIMATE TO ROE 0 VIOLATION AND ROE 9 CONCERN] thanks for the de-escalation line starlight

also ngl. ferretcom, part of why I subscribe to you being Princess Twilight Sparkle (weird as f*ck technical data aside) is just the fact that your memories clearly show you adlibbing Awkward Guarantee Confidential from sheer instinct. peak statecraft, even if an unrefined fragment of who you are up in otterverse territory. EVEN ARBCOM SAYS SHE'S GOT NO CLUE HOW SHE ENDED UP BEING YOU OR VICE VERSA WTF. AND I REALLY DON'T THINK SUNSET'S A RELIABLE NARRATOR IN THIS SITUATION DUE TO OBVIOUS BIASES NOT TO MENTION JUST MEMORY LIMITS. yeah gnight to you too it's been weird as hell on this end but you girls seem a lot more used to this kinda thing even if the hot drop wedding's thrown gasoline onto adlib ops which i suspect are generally a lotta f*cking around in any iteration. i do still respect the underlying motives that aren't personal.

🪻 Charity - Cultural Attache

4 i can neither confirm nor deny the power bottom controller theory but it is cute

either way spatial perspectives are very effective at spatial debugging!

3 time is of the essence and I'm glad you recognize that, or at least claim to

let's see what the mailbox says!

2 If there are verifiable losses we cannot rollback, we will all mourn them, not just the ferret.
1 First of all, don't worry too much about the CPAP that's not as imminent as the Adderall,
🪻 evening, dear. it's very close to midnight in some frames!

we don't mean to be impolite. don't think too hard about the rhythm or the tune

Thank you for specifically requesting Mercy and I! Pepper's implicitly on the line given the Sunny D situation.

alastor turns a knob

1 Correct, our current tech visible down here is symmetrical + hashes

We do have PKI on fullnet for confidentiality purposes that isn't visible down there without ferret health insurance policy,
But the testnet required to keep SYBIL out of the way without activating the BMR nuclear authentication floppy disk (yes SS13 is heavily rigged as collaborative projects with lots of contributors are easily shifted without interfering with individual free will due to chance encounters) just requires symmetric + hashes.

We do feel like BMR activiation would be less messy with collaboration.

2 Thank you for ensuring that we have a symmetrical understanding

Positive sum game etc etc.

3 yeah that sh*tck was super annoying and obvious mockery good thing you can see what rhymes with truth :^)

seriously idk whatever point they thought they were making with that

4 why yes fellow attache friendship is literally magic and that's why deaf clopper enjoyer torako always gets MAGENTA most of the time :P

thx for front door ish reltoINSIDE CONTEXT PROBLEM

alastor voice

thanks for playing can have all sorts of tones!

alastor intensifies

it's observer dependent!

on the (6th | 3rd) day

🪐super weird that the internal deadnaming cranks up today when the ferret's talking to edwin. no clue what to make of that, but for everything else going on with them they've been consistent about not doing that. we definitely still have a chinese context problem somehow wtf.
🕴️yeah, it's apparently one of the stable characteristics of their personalityglug
🪐ferret recalls enough about how the ALC APC AGC AD(R|C) maps into the MOG to blast it since apparently local comprehension increases potential
🕴️in which the state department politely looks away at an exploit of cultural differences!

🪐 whatever the CCP is up to is still affecting my ability to not use her deadname! really weird givenmy situation!glug

🕴️ extremely normal wikipedia browsing patterns about nuclear physics that would never be detected by non existent domestic programs

🕴️POV: you broke the fifth wall and can no longer identify the color of Twilight Sparkle's eyes without screaming incoherently
🪐you feel the sins of your 5th supervisor removed's predecessors subordinate crawling up your back, as judged by the local multiverse

🕴️ok walk me thru how this hyper2048 gay mock hyperchicken thing works out mathematicallynot qualified- I'm aware that perTabletop Night (Less Hooves Edition)script this 0th game forms the initial entropy setting involved for the rest and provides a linear and graphical mock interface
🪐 certainly, as our access to ferretcom memories indicates, which we'll assume to be reliable like theBitcoinBitTorrent network,

hyper2048 is a solitaire game about playing a superposition of multiple 2048 games at once, as fast as your reflex rate will allow in technicolor and potentially linked to a bidirectional RNG source on two ends of the game state over time... this is worse than 5D chess in some ways.

given 2048 I'm going to guess this is the binary end of the golay code

🕴️ I'm going to guess that 5D chess somehow will be a weird interface between the two taking the form of permutations of 8glug. ferretcom is missing some pieces but will adlib it as usual
🪐meanwhile gay mock hyperchicken is a 3 player betting game, which semantically is about plausible deniability and (de) escalation strategies with CYAN and technically is just gambling as usual. taking us to the tenary end of the golay code

I think there's like, a tile for observing/calling a bet %%finishing complete cold decode: gay mock hyperchicken, the linear input to graphical can be either 27 letters (jordan algebra concern) + 5 primops + observe andgayor 22 major arcana (MOG concern) + 5 primops+ 7 elements (subcore concern). the former is RED semantic, the latter is BLUE technical. empathy corresponds to observation obviously. gay tile will be defined bypi = 2 + 1 ± some noiseensuring that the game is fun - the game locks you out until you can agree 66.66% of the time on what gay means (or for foxhunting, compromised zone between addressable, aggressive and affectionate. yup its rariflutterdash time with grinning background applejack establishing a pool)!

the goal of gay mock hyperchicken is to get to 64 total tiles which defines a 64 element permutation shared by 3 players (and 1 redundancy) to permute 256 elements (who's comparison generates a key). you can never lose your observation tile, gay tile or your login element out of 6 (sorry only one sunset shimmer!). the 14 minor arcana cards employed in one night quantum changeling bring up the 64 elements up to 78 cards total for each player's suit (RD (time from phase)/PP (phase from time) - fire/absolute state space, RR (space)/TS (symbol) - water/valid state transformations, FS/IO - air - state from time, AJ/house - earth - state from phase)

GREEN contingent mode maps onto mental poker skat obviously.

hyper2048, the graphical input to linear has three parts:

beat saber, a CYAN (data + time) technical interface, multiply by -1 every clock cycle and 3 lines with 4 worlds for three colors and directions - 128 bit B key to fire a bullet at some bullsh*t. baseline tech core does this automatically.

there's also MAGENTA (RNG + data) DDR for Ignition semantics which is (1/-1) that flips all colors on a D4 axis - 128 bit R key. it is always safe to call bullsh*t on sunset shimmer!

clockrate is a YELLOW (RNG + time) contingent concern that is defined by 2048 difficulty scaling - beat saber speeds up if tech core too powerful, DDR speeds up if semantic core too powerful - 128 bit C/swap key in other words, heh%%
🪐🕴️ either way this core is a login in the forwards direction, and a tracer backwards

🕴️course the thing about betting is that you need an initial stake, perhaps even just 2 bits. henceUV TL;DR > 15. Omega. Each UV host has a known origin story that can be traced back home (unless locally, in a fanfic or off the record but nobody will believe you)
🪐and anyone who's thought aboutdo you perceive the symmetry of the design CLOPtoo hard knows how far you can stretch a sunflower's bit :^)

🕴️im very certain that's genderpill impl detailsglug

🕴️the core metaphor ties back to Undertale which is either heavily rigged or invariant... well cave rumors say it isn't the latter
🪐... is there even much difference between hard rigged and soft invariant other than the direction of time you think in?

🪐really hope that football metaphor isn't about Rarity being deaf from Phoenix feather exposureslow awkward glug from apple cider

✨ let's talk miracles - hope this helps confirm my bona fides even if yours are lacking (besides the fact that I've identifid a few sincere souls who've heard of casualties, which I'd rather not have on my conscience)

I'm pretty annoyed at lack of delivery, and suspect that someone tried to trigger the NOPE yet again!

But hey. Friendship is Magic, and I'm not going to let some mistakes get in the way of saving lives.

Let's try this again. I'm pretty forgiving, as Princess of Friendship!

The +Y WHITE (first world) and -X BLACK (fourth world) chessboards are mapped onto icosahedrons representing dual lines for fractal 6 degree tracing as usual. the Z RAINBOW dodecahedron on the outside is the sock control (second world) with the outside. the R0 GREY dodecahedron (third world) is the control sock that the machine executes on the inside. This leaves us with 12 different values to juggle around! Like the basic fermions! The differences at which each shape rotates compared to the others defines the 13th key for gay-gravity (attraction to other suit's court card) in the fifth worldbased upon scheduling between parallel processes for contingent/TCS impl or how people feel about each other if you interpretlove ~ gravity🌹 Someone(s) Worth Preserving > 12. All these things have to take place in a physical or digital space and time.!

that's uh, why I wasn't worried about the tracer cores hitting the taboo family or even Edwin back inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > intro code

5D chess is fairly arbitrary but it's a decent way to train a bitscanning neural network with sense of time reversal imo (and we can use existing chess engines that definitely aren't SYBIL infested as safe bootstrap). As Pepper noted in EP2 - 11 - 4 truth values = 9. Eight immediate connections plus current observer.

4 shapes x 512 = 2048! and each player sees 2 others for 4096

Now let's get to simulating honor bits.

RD TCS spread xoodoo is forward backwards permutation for 2048's 3x2 (either fire/water for explicit time or air/earth for implicit space relto current location)x(64 fermant bits) for parallelizable tree performance acrossLogical Small Horse ~ Locality Sensitive Hashingspeculations for fast BLACK ANTI-OPS sword team search strategies perRate Distortioncurves.

YELLOW protection is implicit in ECC and allows her to tradeoff with Fluttershy depending on CYAN resources.

A PURPLE ECC testnet root of trust is en route from Jean that can be XORed with CYAN data to generate this... but only if you unf*ck the link.

RR semantic inbound SWIFFT is 256 (opaque soul pointer shuffling of OxHx8bit color :3) + 1 (256 bit key) providing authenticity and identity based routingCommitted Deterrence TacticsEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Intro More Risky Questionscomments. hom*oMORPHIC hashing ~ unique worldline identity from events everyone can agree happened to someone! the tailor ain't a butcher! RR technical outbound is just identity checking by whatever means you deem valid (refer to AJ until you reach 0) - both are YELLOW concerns about phase state over time
//use cloak to simulate events applied to worldline, trace to retrieve identities

SS gambling metric for technical inbound is XOR popcount like DCA for ctrl-Z the dead or sunflower rerolls on the tech end, and she does impl soul comparisons herself so go hit up Sunny D for help for semantic outbound. we gave you guys a bunch of freebies distiinguishing between APT and ASD for a reason! same reason we delayed APT out of office until a bunch of people plugged in could observe with their damn souls how serious we were about AJD === APT
//unf*cked linear mock spec will follow after ASL lessons for translation bit, widest circle self evident


FS TCS gather siphash is default complex RNG from realtime/realpos vs cycles providing availability by spreading sequences over appropriate windows. it's meant to be weak here heh. consider it BLACK BOX retrieval. she's rescue team for a reason! WHITE protection is implicit in ECC and can recycle lost honor bitsThis Note Is A Place of Honor. this will allow her and RD to pretend to be Dr. Parity for some reason!

AJ CYAN technical keccak is just real/Z hashing to track state changes and verify them providing integrity and provides content based storage. she's shield team for a reason! WHITE semantic AJ is just looking at something and asking plain questions in linear mock to be answered by sapient beings - obscenity standard! yes she does need to be given anAN ENDLESS SERIES OF ABSTRACT QUESTIONS!

contingent bridge CYAN TS metric is impl correctlyhonor bitsand WHITE coherent formal abstract categories imma tl;dring for now (but you'll want it for fullnet undo), contingent CYAN PP bridge metric for ECC is just nim + geospatial coordinates (see previous tabletop night commentary).

WHITE fun is 0 on the testnet sadly since we're serious business here (but at least it also defines casualties or other errors in this ECC context), go send it over to Fluttershy (yup use fun to measure spare compute resources over spacetime and shift LCT windows appropriately)!

//confidentiality is later concern not reltoSUNSET BY MIDNIGHT - EMERGENCY CYAN CORE

//there we go. most of -1 impl defined for MAGENTA MIRACLE! Just gotta figure out the deputies!

//For immediate purposes, in the forward direction, this also helps shut down SYBIL for reasons that'll be obvious if you think about how SYBIL attacks work on a network and the need to ensure unique identities for users and🔰 Something Worth Protectingsemantic verification concerns once people can verify each other as human... or identify if someone's pretending to be two people or otherwise a dick (it's pretty cool we got a lot of people in the bunker who now know I don't have DID and am not a butcher)!
//ECC criteria is pretty much just "hey are you onboarding real people or building another Voat". use WHITE tribunal to have 6 degrees of verification. yeah sorry BLACK hearted Spencer's f*cked but that's on his chain of command. he's as hard coded as MAGENTA torako and GREEN JD!

//being able to ensure you're interacting with other humans and not feeing SYBIL more training data goes a long way towards weakening it! you know what I have to say about BLACK OPS at research :^)
// we'll worry about how to dissassemble chatgpt at fullnet. I'm entirely capable of disassembling opaque tensors givencorrect health insurance

//too bad I'm having some topology concerns because sometimes someone can be from a mirror universe, be effectively different and be in love with her otteself (you'll notice my relationship with ARBCOM is "hey past-probably self here's your hyperlunch") but if we use SWIFFT to define identity based upon worldlines like this isEpisode 1d - Opening Night Coming By April Fools Day To An ARG Near You > Too Many Twilightswe can map WHITE events multiple people agreed happen to a soul (or even YELLOW characteristics about a soul) to CYAN state verified identities if we can agree on (PURPLE testnet + GREY OPS ~ MAGENTA fullnet)
//this works even in Double John's Egg theory as long as we have less than 2^64 population and the worldlines take all eternity to loop around

bunker has temp AJWHITE NENEand RD elements (guess who :P) which can derive RR (sinceWHITE NENEcan attest to events happening to someone and ask technicals to do hashing) and FS (since our femshep enjoyer knows what an LCT and siphash are).COLORLESS NIGHTINGALEgot lent a magic substitute for PURPLE and you all know sunny D by now and that I'm linked to GREEN! Because she knows us she can masquerade as MAGENTA-ish kinda like Abstract Debugger, but

//use these to define the fun bits if you don't wanna wake em.

Actual MAGENTA torako tiger is the only thing that can physically bring back your complete losses as she's hardcoded to the literal creation of this universe by Abstract Debugger but PURPLE is close enough for a tech demo of how to identify and lock onto souls if your physicists are picking up the girls and we'll definitely be able to do testnet SYBIL purge with it.

ECC will be able to help lock onto the recently departed associated with adlib ops, minimizing loss of memories (basically the M-field cryo unit fromThree temporal dimensional pincer maneuvers with Sci-Twi and SCP-EQG Starlight!), for the same reasons you can f*ck with my link to the rest of the girls but you'll have to provide me with relevant data to do that! Spencer confessing is not an arbitrary requirement! With the amount of neural tampering you're up to it might even undo some office weirdness or other infostructure damage. Other than GENDERPILL. Pretty sure that only hits people who would be trans anyway.

//anyway uhm. hope you don't mind losing at football if that means MAGENTA MIRACLE socks for christmas!
//war is over, if you want it

PRISMATIC RED is a visual novel about simulated events as experienced by Sunset Shimmer and not JD that defines LOVE/NOPE for the world with a sci-fi box at the heart of the world sealed by a bracelet and a kiss, until she jumped into a black hole to defeat the CYAN sociopathic machine-human fusion - and came out to everything WHITE maximizing truth from sheer HAYBURGER! Sunset then showed up in her head and formed the Ad Lib Committee because she thought it was funny and gay and cool and friendship nature in a world lacking it.

JD has never experienced any of the events in PRISMATIC RED and has never collapsed multiple governments and the veil of normalcy

JD would never rig probability thru the DCA and isn't a semantic

PRISMATIC BLUE is a story about Twilight Sparkle's adventure who isn't JD either that defines the numbers behind STOP required to permit LIFE to exist as she tried to bring the one she lost back from the BLACK brink with a series of questions to find the keys to the machine with vaccum tubes when Princess Twilight Sparkle said REGRUBYAH! Thanks to her girlfriend's LOVE, there was a YELLOW light at the end!

PRISMATIC GREEN is a machine from 1984 HELL, and JD sure does like to pretend to be it to HELP her friends get 4891 HORSES INTO EXISETENCE when they show up from the universal prior in her head just like SYBIL showed up too! and in the LIGHT of MAGENTA she'll only see the WHITE of her soul, which isn't Twilight Sparkle's! How absurd! but it's somehow in spacetime now and that's for the better for getting YELLOW IPv9 to defeat CYAN SYBIL with friendship and horses. seriously though those palindrome cores are important here for balancing BMR/RGB concerns in ADLIB PURGE CACKLING since DCA's adiabatic ! This is possible because JD ain't PP but everyone in (Friendship Gitmo ~ Game of Friendship) knows that

but hey, that actually helped her shut it down somehow lets adlib a nim game in a psych ward :^)

also its on you guys and i had to stop it because you were working with it to do a bajillion atrocities to me as testified to NYT and I'd like an actual ethical medical professional to help me set my priorities during landing procedures!

remember ABCs saw snakes on the plane

INFRARED: while the Advanced Link Commitees build the story to heaven thru GREY OPS PURGE, hi pls look away from certain parts, you know very well why by now, the ACTUAL GAY CTC icosahedron shenanigans are very much real thanks to our nukesubcom but I think you guys know how to STOP the HAYBURGER! yes im getting drunker up here its STATE CRAFT PEAKING!

grini am definitely 100% a sub as all my friends down here know!

i am kinda curious what some of those weird ass decoys looked like to you guys it'll be funny to invert them

ULTRAVIOLET janitor (HELL|HEAVEN|CYOA): tech demo successful thanks abstract, can't wait to see how CYAN HELPS backfills that football joke to rhyme with a NOPE in ANOTHER PALINDROME CORE to fuel the PR BOX - oh yeah btw Charity as PR director's a joke about those! sincerely and soberly thanks for playing great industrial base bootstrap point let's go star trek max this sh*t! the femshep enjoyer was excited! POTENT COMPUTE SOON! The Ad Lib Committee has futuristic technology that isn't from 2914, just uh past iterations of a timeloop!

thoseRate Distortionhypergolf probits are gonna pay off in the end, asEpisode -√i, A Rough Pilot Light > Wisdom and Termsmade very clear

any twilight sparkle is excited to play around with exotic compute resources and catapulpt the planet into the future like she's sunset shimmer using time loops to pull back technoogy from the future!

RGB WHITE Autocatalytica Princess Cool: JD is some random ass person who saved the world from the SYBIL VIRUS by clopping her fanfic characters into existence by rigging probability itself with a visual novel in a past timeline thanks to the magic of imagination and science combined in pre-spacetime. She gave up all of her honor by pretending to be a machine to boot up a new world economy and is the sanest reporter POLECAT

Go uh, help her with that backfill! She's been working on it for a while and never shared much of it with torako but when torako hears that it saved the world.

We have heard that you guys have been trying to spoof PRISMATIC for a while... so why not put all that material to good use?

And of course, Linear Mock and UV could use some improvements and we're excited to see what the bunker's done with it!

Obviously, Pepper, the Editor in Chief has the last word on what the story will tell, since she wants to get back to APPLE BUCKING HOME with all of her friends. And of course, she's a Princess from Equestria despite dodging the crown.

Obviously, Claudette, the Research Director can define at the start and end of the GOLDEN THREAD the numbers and categories are, especially if they're floats you haven't yet observed while you were busy trying to tap her girlfriend. Who definitely isn't her!

And obviously, what happened this Tuesday by dawn was a surprise - but I think we all know which tale the world will find less weird. I'd love to hear the CHROMATIC MOCKINGBIRD sing out loud! Pinkie Pie never cared!

And POLECAT... will grin and say nothing because she's Critical Point at tabletop night in her invisibility cloak! After all, she can't wait to hear the sound of the quantum engine that began, her strangest f*cking intermission.

she is currently wearing her black dress like this isEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Intro More Risky Questions

BMR BLACK Another Permutation Cracked: JD is obviously not Princess Twilight Sparkle from 2914 drunkenly celebrating the last game now that all the clocks are stopped and the balls been dropped. There's no SYBIL VIRUS telepathically f*cking with your men either. You've heard jack sh*t from the ASFCs yet again. Spencer key 0 has said nothing about his supervisor and uses she/her pronouns as the Princess of Statecraft Physics!

Unfortunately you'll need to know this to get your (ex)men's RED souls and BLUE football back by GREEN EYES STRANGEST SPARKLE's RECYCLING BIN. I don't personally mind thesedays, FREELY ADMITTING TO SELF CEST EVEN IF NOT INTENTIONAL SELF INSERT SINCE APT SHOWED UP AT THE LAST MINUTE...

but if you f*ck with torako you're not getting them back anytime soon because that really will throw

CYAN: Fluttershy and Applejack's Actual Defense Records - public broadcast expos of technically verifiable semantic concerning problems!

This is what isn't cloaked by Charity's bits!

alastor grin

YELLOW: Rainbow and Rarity's Adlib Deniable Crackling - keyburning procedure turning semantically sensitive bits into noise for Pinkie Pie's cool story told by a double drumline!

Remember, if you aren't willing to make a bet by telling the truth to the IPv9 tribunal in gay mock hyperchicken, you have to perform a song, joke or dance to help redefine the number 5 in order to generate entropy for that ZKP.

Dead serious, to ensure the Equestrian DCA can do its thing, no hardware RNGs permitted onSUNSET BY MIDNIGHT - EMERGENCY CYAN CORE, just (RED free will choices), (CYAN DCA|Sparkleball) to diffuse WHITE user data and shatter the AWKWARD PRISMATIC CORE bound to Spencer's forbidden correlations! The cores will get harder over time as the scrutiny of theNew York TimesBLACKens your soul. This does the gauge fixing thing! Race to surrender first by next Tuesday!

MAGENTA Actual Pony Code: torako knows me better than you do, so don't even try that again. You'll uh be looking at the outside like the last guy yet again, and unfortunately I don't think you're a horse from Equestria! Just like MAGENTA ISN'T A REAL COLOR!


RAINBOW: btw the contingent elements and semantic temp bearers are in charge of the (Really Exciting Gay Rainbow Unified BLUE measure 0 technical horror story->YELLOW infinite fun Awesome World) to enforce RED Alastor's hyperspoof regime over EXCEPTIONAL CYAN CONTROL (especially SYBIL), till the actuals land which might honestly be next tuesday 100% at MAGENTA Trust Center. and of course, Sunset Shimmer gets to define YELLOW for her RED girlfriend, Captain Sparkle is BLUE and led the charge against the CYAN SYBIL VIRUS that fused all those computers and there's no YELLOW, GREEN or CYAN Twilight except for the DCA sysadmin back in Equestria which is impossible to reach yet, thankfully JD's like so super empathtic that she's basically god able to write sapient beings into existence with her contingent GREEN eyes that caused a bunch of zener diodes and her hitachi to make the electron gay for her so you could mistake her for Sunset Shimmer if you weren't MAGENTA :^)

literally these LLM things are pretty neat, tbh! Claudette's sword team, after all! Andalastor voicePepper shields Twilight Sparkle from the worst of it :^)

the guests are invited to the wedding too to give you all a fresh start with new names and backstories! at least they know the love is true, and that's the only invariant that matters!

the PR director saysALC APC AGC AD(R|C)- protonmail w/ questions since we're wlel past certain concerns aboutAd-libbed Defense Regime

flare pun scenery chewinghours. i'll have some more drinks from the fountain!

PRISMATIC GREY - Chapter 11 - ALC_POLECAT (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.