Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine (2024)

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Portland Press Heraldi

Portland, Maine

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1 1 NsSM-? fiV AC' --5VJ AfcXSA'aw 'LAaZAA -OXja 'it Ti il 311111 1 'll ii Ik HxHZ'lTZ 'hl "1 tl vimaii tT iT ii -rr w- i v-' 1 15 f1 A 1 'V iX hi Weather: WGAN4WCANTV rfcrfA TV CBS RADIO A TV NETWORK) 'dafVi0 S60 1m 'Vr'fr Owmel IS tt Showers Late Today And Early Saturday (Coqjfplet Report Ob Page 2) -i I Si 5-j i1' -i i' i' -t1- r'M V-W'? t-b4l'3p' 1 4 4 -mJl I pi -s- 'V vw 1 vww BMa A A i'V ar A A MH AA1 aaa A llrf 1 ui I I 1 irkkkf44Ta gts VOL NOr301 Established June 31 iu PORTLAND-MAINE FRIDAY MORNING MAY 28: 1954 tntfAAaHtmi PRICE? FIVE Class laS Uitter CENTS its'- A osen QUONI A Carney sArmyCounsel felll Of 1 t- I t- i l-7l 'I 4 PETER DAMBORG (ffelitlcal Writer)! May 27 -w GoV Cross today 'nominated Bangor Attorney Abraham Rudman to -the Superior the first the Jewish faith to be named in Maine -b 1 Rudman 57 apparently will he confirmed by the Executive Council He will replace Supreme Court Justice Walter Tapley Jr of Portland recently elevated by Gov Cross I- POINT i May 27 Adm Robert ilef of naval operations said tonight hr found and effects from the explosions and fire that killed '92 men of the big carrier Bennlng ton- as she crvised at sea 1 ii in do to aid the disaster victims ling: i 'If those fellows need anythinc well set the funds even if we have to steal them" 7 Carney had high praise for' tbe crew He said many iaf the ship's officers warrant of- Tbe havsl court-of inquiry whose 'job it Is to try Jo determine the causa of the tragedy set its first formal' session for am (EDTj Saturday "He admiral flew In from Washington toured the torn end smoke-blackened compartments of the 32 -g-O FA a -i WASHINGTON May 27 (AP)r-Roy Cohn eonttarfl dieted junder oath today the sworn testimony of of the Army Stevens anti Army Counsel' John Adams I V-i on six ix major polhte j' Cohn chief counseVto the McCarthy! investigating subcommittee and top aide McCarthy (R-Wls) 'A QUONSET POINT RL May (AF) Tha death toU In the aircraft carrier Bennington disaster reached 92 tanight when LL (JG) Paul Tisdi died in Newport Naval HaspitaL Tha mother Uvea in New Britain Cornu and a sister Concetta Uvea in East Orange flatly accused Adams of and aald tho'Aniy lawyer admitted he would "stop at to kill ani in to kill an in- vestlgatlon of alleged Communist infiltration in tha Army 3 sTt general at Ft Monmouth beeauae he cooperated with and praised the work Cohn said the Army officials succeeded in blocking a promotion for XAWton 000-ton ship and visited with the loo injured victims in two hospitals A total of 201 men were In jured In erne of the Navy's biggest peacetime 40 of them re main in critical condition 'Carney told newsmen that char acteristica of the blasts were "freakish" and "very unique from anything have seen" VACUUM EFFECTS Pressed! for more detail on this statement be added that there were explosions in areas where there was no best and that unique vacuum effects were evident where the blasts occurred Soma fabrics and structural parts he said showed' signs of terrific heat while others at the same area showed none The chief of nival operations said he Is unable to speculate on the cause- of the- tragedy -which 'struck as the big vessel cruised 75 miles off shore en route from Norfolk Va to her home base in New port across the bay from Quonset Pdiit' He said technical personnel from the Bureau of Slips in Washington are combing the cabler for clues ALL AID FLEDGED The kdmiral said he came htere to see if there was snythjpg he A native- of Bangor Rudman waa gradisted' from tha University of Maine Law'1 School and admitted to the Maine Bari In 1917 A World War One navy veteran he is past president of the Penobscot Bar Association and a director of the Merchants National Bank of Bangor He Is married and the father of 'Three sons one of Gerald practices law with bis father Attorney Herbert Locke secretary of the Maine Bar Association said today he is that Rudman is "the first man of Hebrew ancestry ever to go to the high court "Today's nomination which Executive Council members said was discussed during an executive time ends speculation ever which section of the state would receive the new superior justice At least three coastal counties had expressed Interest in securing a justice for their areas Waldo Lincoln and Sagadahoc Attorneys from two additional' Knox and also were known to be candidates The McCarthy most serf- ous charge was that Stevens on me occailQBHind Adams three ent tried to "take the heat the Arpvy by proposing in- veaUgationa of the Navy and Air Porce 'The Intense 37-year-old Cohn testified Adams offered to siipply material for an investigation at the other including the location of an Air Force base where there waa "a large number of sexual Both Stevens and Adams cate- fleers Siid senior enlisted personnel were killed in the explosions "Yet" he said "deprived of that leadership these youngsters got themselves organized and Aid a superb job of rescuing their shipmates if was an excellent commentary mi the discipline of the Bennington NEAR WARDRdOM Carney also said: 1 HO has no Idea where the blasts started except that it was in the vicinity of the wardroom on the third deck 2 He has no basis for assuming that the explosions may have been caused by sabotage 3 No orders have been issued to other Navy aircraft canters because of the Bennington disaster And such orders must await the ings of the Investigators ontinned an fa*ge 2: 2nd CaL Onus Off The Amj9 i and In putting him on tha side- i' i lines-sending him in feet to a hospital although -he waa feeling fine Stevens and Adams denied praise of the McCarthy -s group hid anything to do with a price-considered plan to remove him" i1 t-" -si: 3 Cohn said a luncheon in his office last Nov 04 asked McCarthy If he couUnft find way of stopping the on PL Monmouth version was that ha objected only to a-type of hearing be considered Both sides greed Stevens expressed the view he might be forced out of officer if publicity unfavorable to the i Army continued- yf w'r Roy Cohn continues as a witness in yesterday gorleiHy denied they did or ever session of the Army-McCarthy hearing He 2 testified that Sec Stevens and Army Counselor John J3S5 teufegfe1S Adams suggested the McCarthy subcommittee to the Justice Department and gate communism In the Air Force and Navy and of take the onus off the Army (AP Wlrephoto) nesses where there Is major conflict of -testimony TESTIFIES RAPIDLY J-: Rebel Drive Threatens ASKED SCHLNE TD POSE 1 r' Bus Workers Reject Pay1 Cut Proposal 4 Cohn said Stevena asked Schine to stand beside him and told the young soldier he wss glad CantlnaeSan Page Cato French Delta Outpost back at the rebels and dropped half-ton delayed action bombs both HANOI Indochina May 27 Vietminh troopa surrounding Yen -f -4' comment on the po The Waldo County Bar Association some time ago endorsed Cognty Attorney Hillard Bus-zell Of Belfast aq did the Saga Bar Association in the interests of John Carey of Bath a Democrat The names of Ralph Gails gher of Wiscasset Stuart Burgess of Rockland Assistant Attorney General Boyd Bailor and former County Attorney Harold I Rubin both of Bath and Armand Duficsne of Lew iston Androdcoggin Judge of Probate also have been mentioned Redman is the second Bancor man to be named to the Superior Court by Gov Cross The first was Justice Randolph A Weatherbee early In 1953 to replace Just ice Frank Tirrell of Rockland who was elevated to the Supreme Court The prospective justice is a Republican -as are all of- the current seven members of the superior level The governor said the prom inent Penobicot attorney was highly recommended by many attorneys in his area The nominefc is a couslq of Maurice A 'iMose" Rudqian formerly of Portland and now of Boston who was a football star at Portland High and Harvard and football coach at Chewrus Higjh School In the 19208 Guatemala City Jittery Plane Ban Still Stands GUATEMALA May 27 IB-Still Jittery over a mystery plane which power-dived over tbe Aapital And dropped auti-Cotnmunlst leaflets last night Guatemala City was without air sendee- today Airline officials said they hoped to resume service Friday with the lifting of an official ban on planes landing in the capital Defense Minister Jose Angel Sanchez who had planned to leave for the United States on an unexplained mission was among those held up bythe bin on the planes The government tint ordered the airport radio'eut off early today and told airlines to bypass tbe capitsL Later the' bypass Order? was modified to restrict approach1 paths and to ban flying over the national palace and other government areas But all airlines decided not to land hero until the situation was clarified The capital was oddly empty meantime A Catholic religious holiday was responsible for some store dosings But others decided not to open because of the tension built up by the mystery plane Newspapers were filled with official statements denouncing the incident as everything from an insult to a grave dainger Foreign Minister Guillermo Tor-iello announced Guatemala hat offered to sign a bilateral nonag WW rneumonialn Cohn testified in rapid-fire fashion with tody one long Interruption bitter exchange between Me- Carthy and Democrats on the investigating subcommittee -Sen McClellan D-Ark) said Mc Carthy might well be of a in accepting secret FBI data fMm an Army intelligence office McCarthy defended his action scoffed at presidential secrecy directives and said anybody who wants to indict him Venn just go right ahead In' addition to accusing Stevens and Adams of trying to get the Air Perce and Navy investigated Cohn denied the testimony of one or both of them on' these major points -I Cohn said Adams frequently Cohn i '(i Vu- K'u of I 4s-s- a'' TT-y 5- J- on wages 'as is plus five paid holidays for maintenance and some Increase In vacation time VACATION CHANGES 1 their original Request for three weeks after 10 years the union said yesterday It would be willlng to tske two weeks plus two days after 10 years three extra days after 13 years four extra days after US years and three weeks after 15 sition Balloting bn the question of a strike will be held the day before another mediation session set Ur 10J0 pi Wednesday In the Jutland Hotel- 5 A written' referendum wUl be conducted limn 9 to 9 at 32 Monumcnt-Sqto enable men working day and night shift to vote The 10 per cent cut for' example would cut the 105 present $137 hourly pay by about 14 cents or a minimum of 1658 weekly There would be corresponding reductions In the pay of me thanks helpers painters carpenters and garagemen A nine-day strike of the Portland bus union followed a wage dispute- in 1950 with the union winning some its demands at hat time 1 MODIFIES POSITION on bill hideouts and before Yen Phu The bombs were timed to explode at night when the rebels usually launch assaults The French High Command laid fighters and bombers would renew attacks on the rebels in' tha Dien Blen Phu sector tomorrow after a1 48-hour notice period expired A spokesman said the French bndY given the Vietmiph the 48 houra to transfer out of the for tress area Vietminh mediical per sonnel who had handled evacua tion details for 858 French wounded whobsva been flown to Hand The menaced French Union garrison like the one at Dien Blen Phu was being supplied solely by air Helicopters landing inside the post removed those wounded by last hammering Despite the numerical toge of the French at Yen Phu they have reinforced their units along the rat of the Phu -Ly front RICE AT STAKE Phu eut closer today to (hat key Red River Delta post only 30 miles south of Hand Heavily outnumbered Ttench Union defenders prepared for another "little Djen Blen battle Yen Phu guarda Phu Ly western anchor of a defense are stretching through Nam Dinh and Thai Binh important rice center The ftench narrowed their fines cm that sector blowing tip tbelr own post at Arne 12 miles norih of Thai Binh and pulling Us 80-man garrison back to that town Rebel troops equal to about two divisions menaced the Phu Ly-Thai Binh fine For two weeks some 12 battalions have concentrated their fire on encircled Yen Phu sis miles south of Phu ly ADVANCE Repotting costly but successful tactics they Used at Dien Blen Phu the Vietminh poured morttr and machlnegune fire on Yen Phu then set their sappers furiously to digging trenches closer tp the French lines to provide more advanced positions for mortar barrages French fighters and bombers hit i NEW DELHI' Indis Msy 17 il i'iS -Sfe- Edmund Hillnry 24 qunor: of Everest vu today to be battling pneumonia on the flee bound fiopes of MW Bnnjmtse in iho bfeak ipmalayu Penicillin and oxygen trm-n 4 nearby American expedition have i beed sent to him News that the lafi gangling New Zealander wu lying 111 and eut off from civilization by more thin 100 miles of glaciers and Himalayan waste came In in eight-day-old dispatch from Dr William Slri leader ofanr American party trying to scale nearby Mt Mxlaku City bus line workers ached uled a strike' vote for next Tues-r day last night after a spokes-J-min declared "under no cir si c*mstances" woult the mkn take a pay eut t- V- 1 The bus latest pro posal for a-5 per cent wage dash was-unanimously rejected at a special meeting i Millard Jordan union president said there was a nearly 109 per cent turnout at the meeting which was split Into two sections to accommodate day and night shift workers A four and one-half hour Federal Mediation service session saw both sides give some ground i The union reduced its vacation and holiday requests The company reduced Its announced 10 per cqnt wage cut to 5 per cent But the union said the 150 drivers mechanics and other employes would strike before they would take a cut Elmer Reisinger general manager of the Portland Coach Co aaid there would be no i referred to Pvt David Schlne as a and threatened to have Schlne shipped overseas if the McCarthy committee persisted in subpoenaing loyalty board members and continuing an investigation of Ft Monmouth NJ Adams denied this His version was that Cohn pressed the Stibpoena issue because he get New York assignment for Schlne 1 The Pentagon said that Gen Lawton Is currently on convaleg-cent leave from Walter Reed Army PERILOUS SITUATION i i Mountaineering- experts hare Medical Center Tfie general wtf were spcculsting about chances of UlfllW IIIWlHtdflW lit bin AIWIR I Hillary surviving In his years The 10 per eent wage cut announced by the company win show up for the first time In pay Checks distributed next Thursday for this past week's earnings Union officials said they were particularly disturbed by the case of a driver who started his vacation this week and found the 10 per cent cut taken out of his next pay Fitzgerald aid the man earned his vacation at the $137 rate fox' a and his vacation check should not have been cut John Sullivan of Boston presided at yesterday's session representing the Federal Media-tgdn Service AMPLE NOTICE Portland Coach Co negotiators were Elmer Reisinger general manager: Alfred Sweeney of Lewiston vice president Richard Maguire of the Lewlaton-Aubum Transit Co under the same ownership and Morris SnCrson of New York vice president and treasurer Representing the union were Fitzgerald Millard Jordan Can tinned on Page 2: 7th CaL advised in February the Pentagon related that he was suffering frqm a circulatory ailment went on sick leave on April 17 offer previous examination at Walter ltaed became a patient at the hospital April 29 On May 21 he was given a 30-day convalescent leave and Is due to report back to the hospital on Jjine 21 2 Cohn swore that Stevens and Adams did their best to fire MaJ Gen Kirke Lawton commanding ailtflaail las VakiHiaM 4ko Bawlaami Best company offer to come out of the mediation was a modification ofthe slash to a per cent-wage cut and a two-year contract This pact they said could Include a reopener after one year which would permit the union to seek restoration of the 5 per cent But the bus union held fast Fred Fitzgerald of Belmont Mass international -vice president of the AFT -Amalgamated Association of Electric Street Railway and Motor Coach Em plages of America declared: no circ*mstances will the workers take a pay cut and if the company persists there will be a i For the bus workers Fitzgerald said: "We will settle for one year If 'the Vietminh take Phu Ly they will win vast supplies of freshly harvested rice control roads leading directly to Hand Nam Dinh and Thai Binh and gain an excellent jumping bff pdnt to threaten Hand itself They also would have a first rote base from which to knife with more effectiveness at the vital road and railway Which carry American-supplied materiel from Haiphong on the coast to- Hand French troops pushing mopups of scattered rebel units around Phu Ly killed or wounded 50 Vietminh French armored unit dashed with rebels in company strength midway between Phu Ly and Hand The French- reported they killed 20 and captured 3 while suffering "fight themselves The French also reported killing 11 Vietminh near Phat Diem 75 miles southeast of Hand HOdreth In Hospital For Check-Up In Hub WASHINGTON May 27 Former Governor Horace Hildreth of Maine now 8 am bnsshdor to -Pakistan will not return to Washington until next Tuesday because of illness State Department spokesman said toddy Hildreth in this country for consultation is In a Boston hospital for physical check-up and had been expected here today Mrs Hildreth accompanied him on the journey home No estimate was given here how long Ambassador Hildreth would be In this country camp 22-Sto feet up on windswept glacier Doctors said pneumonia1 is always dangerous at Mgh altitudes! Dr iiri aald he rushed the oxygen and supplies of penicillin to the New Zealand team which Hillary wu leading Doctors hero said their availability' wbuld be a point In Hillary favor i dispatch dated May 19 tv: WU-brought by native runner (Tom the' base camp on ML i Malaku to nearest point 't to communicatiims with the out-f side world 'r COMMUNICATIONS ROQB (f Sri uid he reedved woitfby radio from the New Zealand party i of Illness Just tha Americans were darting their final assault on Malaku 1 Sri Indicated It might be some time before he ean send 1 news to the outside world He uid illneu wu apparently an aftermath of an urller -accident Jn which he broke rib or two helfeng to reacue New Zealand climber James McFarlane from a CMoot orevasse The' British high eonimlaaloner'a office In New Delhi aald today communication "with tha mono MM -J I xy no ImmeSatir nttempla Ito aend 4v'- with neighboring Today Chuckle Patient: "How can I ever repay yoa for your ness to Doctor: cash check or postal (CorrUH cLhI rsaiwn Cm) gression pact Honduras Twitchell-Champlin Property Sold For Estimated $130000 Land and buildings pf Twitchell-Champlin Co year old wholesale food firm which closed Its doors last March has been sold to' Benjamin Lewis president of the Lewis Lumber Co for an estimated $130000 Tha transaction which en tailed transfer of six separate deeds from Twitchell-Champlin heirs was recorded- with the Register of Xieeds here yester day 1 Lewis reached Just as he was catching a pline for New York where bids for Redbank Village are being opined today laid he 'had not formulated -complete Plans for the property It Is understood however that two Commercial St1 firms havcac qyirodlegse rights to at legi parts of the buildings i I -J New t7 Embassy Dedicated COPENHAGEN Denmark May 37 The new four-millioo-dollar UA Embassy building here -was 'dedicated today Which Type Ol Shat Wat Vied? an Child In Vast Polia Tests dren in YIT communities in 44 statu had received initial shots of either the vaccine or placebo And 95 per cent of 800000 have Thus he said then- are only seven Instances of possible polio which could remotely be possibly attributed to the jraedne All could further medical supplies or or ganlze parties PA J7 On Other Pages have been leu shots some communities -half of a the trials have developed milk al- group of children get vaccine and lergfe reactions possibly due to: the other half the placebo Neither the penicillin contained In the vac- the doctor giving the shot the cine itself The vaccine is made of child or his parents know which children getting the use- had two or more shots In the ached- hut lut majesty ef tha monntala tha -t quiet af tfia lake the taubter' AXe: falling wafer tha song of das birds the ahad af tha graa waeda'tba crukla af a -'warm 'Vr i fire the coal light af tha maaq sad tha wares color af tbs way 1 BUSINESS ANALYST Sam Pawson arter trip about countr reports many believe tiie slump has reached bottomland are now looking for anup-swlngln business Page 34 tV'' GREATER PORTLAND ERS are believed likely to be drinking fluoridated water within th next year- Page 5 nido flawgr help to su I yaad creation tha hand af the Creator and to join witL all ss 4 tnra fa praising Thu wtth aar jl Mini Dolio virus Dr Van Riper declared fane question hu bun answered that is that the vaccine property made la ufe and la not the killer referred to by some (Before the trial began columnist Walter WlncheD broadcast that some batehu of the vaccine Bright contain live virus and so "may be a Foundation officials said that by put history the calculated risk A paralytic polio among children in the actual field trial areas la 1 in every 1A50 each year 1 That means 270 youngsters of child is getting which In other communities nil volunteering children In seeood grades of schools get the vaccine Whit happens to them this summer will be compared with other noa-vacdnited children in the firsts second and third grades Dr Vu Riper said the IS per cent- record for second shots wu remarkable and praised parent! children newspapers and others who have been reporting progress of the trials 1 The official outcome will not be known until late this year or early next year when experience of a million In these hlgh-poUo-fcinated and non-vsednated chil- nr ALTON BLAKESLEE NEW YORK May 27 One child In the vast polio vaccine trials has developtol paralytic polio but it isn't known If he had hots of the real vaccine or useless material that couldn't protect him This wu announced today by Dr Hart Van Riper medical director of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis who again expressed confidence in the safety of the vaccine The child In Lenawee County Michigan wu In a group half of whom get the actual vaccine gad half get a placebo injection which would) be useless against poUo water This child developed polio five days after Ms second shot which wu 12 days after Ms flnt one He's now being treated at the University of Michigan Hospital Ann Arbor Whether he received the vaccine developed by Dr Jonas Silk or shots of the useless and harm-leu placebo wont be known until this fall when code numbers Identifying shots of vaccine or placebo are broken Dr Van Riper said He said six other children had developed illness first diagnosed polio but there htvent yet been confirming tests to move AO these six also were among groups of children divided half and half to who Received real vac-tains and -who received placeboe whala beings tbraogh 1 June 4' 4 4ih Christ ear Lard Amen -m-iA I Philadelphia Pi miniiler iTrtitf Lathtna 'f Jiiv fCBrrlirtit 1IM If tha CTirlilta MucaUoii Kallofiil CNincd if t)H Churchr at cartel ia un 0 a i i is -'-i Blaine Davis 23! Haworth Classified (Horoscope 1 41 4243 Inside TV 1: Clearing House! Camden Man Hag Rare Bibles A Bible printed In 147620 years niter the Invention ol movable type la among three andent volumes otLby Cary Bok ol Camden Bok acquired the Bibles during a tour of Europe Middle Bast in the 1920s while a student at Oxford 14 University The 478-year-old Bible was printed in Venice by Nicolai Jensen the 23RadJ0-TV sj GauI It la ln the kft foreground Bok it holding a chain used to fasten Use big 1607 family Bible to the lectern A 1686 Dutch Bible is being held in lap and has a map of the world at that time It was printed in: Amsterdam The books have a remarkable clarity of type cast from wiDodenycmpldS -hand carved by the printers and the papers are in very good preservation (By7 Staff Photographer Moore) 22 Radio-TV 42jSen Smith 2 22 41 9 j1 -r i i I dren can be compand Vy be patient and wait until we have the full evidence about the effectiveness of he vaccine" besaid --u An advlaonr committee of experts bad confidence In the Salk vaccine and uthorized fee testing he We certainly believe it will be effective We believe 1954 ndD mark the end cf this (fiseue! Comics Craig crossword Deaths Editorials Financial Qoren inddenu tress would be expected to become paralyzed temporarily or permanently during the summer -ft the vaccine were totally ineffective -Polio Is-starting i out high this year There have been 2454 esses reported over the- nation through May 22 or one-third more than the average number by the ume week over the last five year v-Dr Vu Riper uid 017459 chil -v-: TONIGHT til 9 Shoo roM Purolturi showrooms for outstanding Quality in furfutun carpeUngr dnperias FOSS4 FURNITURE CO 'rv Ml FOREST AVENUE mn 1- fj 1 ti O':.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.