Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (2024)

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (1)

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Table Of Contents hide

  • What Is Keto Cheese Sauce?
  • What Is Cheese Sauce Made Of?
  • How To Thicken Keto Cheese Sauce
  • How To Make Cheese Sauce
  • Can You Make Keto Cheese Sauce For Broccoli Ahead?
  • Can You Freeze Keto Cheddar Cheese Sauce?
  • What To Serve With Low Carb Cheese Sauce
  • Tools To Make Low Carb Cheese Sauce
  • Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe

This is the keto cheese sauce recipe you’ve been needing in your life! My keto cheddar cheese sauce is a delicious addition to just about anything and everything. It’s only 3 ingredients to make it (plus one optional), and I’d bet you have all of them in your fridge right now! This low carb cheese sauce is smooth, creamy, and full of flavor – no flour necessary. Learn how to make cheese sauce, and you’ll never have to buy the fake orange sauce made with who knows what again!

This easy cheese sauce recipe started out as part of my cauliflower mac and cheese recipe. It has been so popular that it warranted posting the keto cheddar cheese cheese sauce on its own. And yes, keto cheese sauce for broccoli is delicious on vegetables, but it’s also fantastic on keto soft pretzels, zucchini noodles, or used in sausage rotel dip, and so much more.

What Is Keto Cheese Sauce?

Thisketo cheddar cheese sauce recipe is a cheesy, flavorful sauce that you’ll want to put on just about everything.

What Is Cheese Sauce Made Of?

Thisketo friendly cheese sauce is made of just a few simple ingredients: cheddar cheese, heavy cream, almond milk (or any low carb friendly milk of choice), and butter. That’s it!

How To Thicken Keto Cheese Sauce

Many cheese sauces are thickened with a flour-based roux, but thisketo cheddar cheese sauce doesn’t need any of that! It’s really not hard to make cheese sauce without flour.

We’re thickening our cheese with real cheese. Novel idea, huh?! 😉

How To Make Cheese Sauce

Learning how to make cheese sauce barely takes any effort, because it’s just ONE easy step and 5 minutes:

  • Combine the cheddar cheese, heavy cream, almond milk, and butter in a saucepan over low heat.

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (2)

TIP: Stirketo cheese sauce for broccoli frequently and be careful to not overheat,or the cheese will burn.

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (3)

Your keto cheese sauce recipe is ready when it’s smooth and melt-y.

TIP: You can adjust the thickness of your sauce. If it’s too thick, add a little more cream or milk of choice. If it’s too thin, add more cheese a bit at a time.

I love to serve it over steamed or sauteed broccoli!

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (4)

Can You Make Keto Cheese Sauce For Broccoli Ahead?

Yes, you can make thisrecipe for cheese sauce for broccoli ahead of time. Store this low carb cheese sauce recipe in the fridge for 4-5 days. When you’re ready to eat it, gently reheat it so that it heats slowly.

TIP: Don’t boil it, or the sauce will “break” and get chunky, instead of staying smooth.

Can You Freeze Keto Cheddar Cheese Sauce?

No, I don’t recommend freezingketo cheddar cheese sauce. Dairy does not freeze well as it changes the texture. If you won’t be able to eat all of theketo cheddar cheese sauce recipe, simply cut the recipe in half.

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (5)

What To Serve With Low Carb Cheese Sauce

I love serving this keto nacho cheese sauce recipe over steamed veggies like cauliflower and broccoli (it’s an irresistible way to get your veggies in!), but the possibilities are endless. Here are a few ideas:

  • Fresh Veggies – It’s great for dipping fresh bell peppers or broccoli!
  • Keto Soft Pretzels – These fathead pretzels need a dip, and it’s either mustard or the best keto cheese sauce recipe! 😉
  • Zucchini Noodles – Yes, low carb broccoli and cheese sauce is a great option, but so is drizzling thislow carb cheese sauce on zucchini noodles. It’s a zucchini mac & cheese!
  • Spaghetti Squash – Another great keto mac & cheese option. Follow my easy, fool-proof method to roasting spaghetti squash.
  • Keto Tortilla Chips – Oh yes, we’re turning thischeese sauce keto recipe into nachos! Top these chips with your favorite keto taco meat, a hefty drizzle of keto cheddar cheese sauce, and fresh salsa.

Tools To Make Low Carb Cheese Sauce

Tap the links below to see the items used to make this recipe.

  • Stainless Steel Pots & Pans Set – The only pots and pan set you’ll ever need! These are high quality and I love them.
  • Whisk – My favorite silicone utensils set. I love utensils that are made with silicone so that they can be used on both stainless steel and nonstick, without scratching or damaging the nonstick pan.

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Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (7)

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Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe

This 5-minute, easy keto cheese sauce for broccoli is irresistable! Once you see how to make cheese sauce with 3 simple ingredients, you'll never go back to the processed kind.

Cook: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Author: Maya Krampf from WholesomeYum.com

Servings: 8 (adjust to scale recipe)

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Tap underlined ingredients to see where to get them.


Tap on the times in the instructions below to start a kitchen timer while you cook.

  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Heat, stirring frequently, until the cheese mixture is smooth. Be careful not to overheat or the cheese will burn.

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Recipe Notes

Serving size:1/4 cup

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving. Serving size in recipe notes above.




Total Carbs1g

Net Carbs0g



Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy. Have questions about calculations or why you got a different result? Please see our nutrition policy.

Course:Appetizer, Side Dish, Snack


Keywords:how to make cheese sauce, keto cheddar cheese sauce, keto cheese sauce for broccoli, keto cheese sauce recipe, low carb cheese sauce

Calories: 152 kcal

© Copyright Maya Krampf for Wholesome Yum. Please DO NOT SCREENSHOT OR COPY/PASTE recipes to social media or websites. We'd LOVE for you to share a link with photo instead. 🙂

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe

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Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (15)

Low Carb Keto Cheese Sauce Recipe | Wholesome Yum (2024)


What cheese has the least amount of carbs? ›

Goat cheese is an excellent choice for someone following the keto diet. It contains 0 carbs, making it a great way to hit your macros — 1 ounce (oz) of goat cheese also offers 103 calories, 8 g of fat, and 6 g of protein, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

What's the best cheese on keto? ›

The best keto cheeses include cheddar, Gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese, while the worst are cottage cheese and low fat and processed varieties. If you're following the keto diet or know someone who is, be sure to keep these cheeses in mind to promote ketosis and meet dietary goals.

Can I eat unlimited cheese on keto? ›

Enjoying cheese is one of the pleasures of the keto diet. But that doesn't mean it's unlimited and unrestricted. Nutritionists say that keto practitioners need to be selective with the cheese varieties they consume while on keto and enjoy them only in moderation to avoid disrupting ketosis and hampering weight loss.

Is there a limit to how much cheese on keto? ›

The Bottom Line

Cheese is delicious and supports a healthy keto diet. To maintain ketosis and weight loss, limit yourself to 1-3 ounces of cheese per day. It's fantastic as a snack or ingredient in any recipe!

Can you eat too much cheese on a low-carb diet? ›

Overdoing it on meat and cheese has its own health risks and may lead to weight gain, as these foods contain a lot of calories (primarily from fat). Going low-carb isn't a license to eat as much of these foods as you want.

How many carbs should I consume daily to lose weight? ›

Experts say you should aim to burn 500 calories more than what you eat each day. As far as how many carbohydrates to eat, Pratt says 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates is safe for most people who are trying to lose weight. It may be better for some people to eat carbs consistently throughout the day.

Can I eat cheese everyday on keto? ›

Any type of cheese can be included on the keto diet, as long as total dietary carbohydrate intake remains low enough to keep the body in nutritional ketosis (using stored fat instead of carbohydrate to fuel the brain and body).

Which milk is better for keto? ›

Unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, macadamia nut milk, flax milk, soy milk, cashew milk, and pea milk along with half-and-half and heavy cream are all keto-friendly milk options. 1.

What butter is keto-friendly? ›

If you are following a low-carb diet or adhering to lazy keto or dirty keto, proponents say you can opt for any variety of butter, including salted, unsalted, clarified, and others.

Can you eat peanut butter on keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

Can I eat tomato on keto? ›

Can you eat tomatoes on the keto diet? "Tomatoes are keto," says Abby Langer, R.D., author of Good Food, Bad Diet. "They're low in carbs, so they fit perfectly into keto." One whole medium tomato contains roughly 5 grams of carbohydrates, of which 1.5 grams are fiber and 3 grams are sugar.

What crackers have the lowest carbs? ›

The Best Keto Crackers
  1. Whisps Crackers. These crunchy, airy crackers are made entirely of cheese and baked to perfection. ...
  2. Pork Rinds. Don't underestimate the power of pork rinds! ...
  3. Sow Good Super Crackers. ...
  4. Cali'flour Foods Crackers. ...
  5. Fat Snax Crackers. ...
  6. High Key Crackers.
May 2, 2023

Can I eat all the meat and cheese I want on keto? ›

The good news is, meat and cheese can 100% be a part of your meal plan (Wooo! Bacon!). But which deli meats are best for your Keto diet depend on what you want to accomplish and how you plan to get there.

Is bacon good for keto? ›

Can You Eat Bacon On a Keto Diet? While you may not think of bacon as diet food, most types of bacon fit perfectly into a keto diet plan since they're low in carbs yet high in protein and fat. That means bacon is perfect for snacking on in the afternoon or mixing into your chicken dinner dish for some extra flavoring.

What fruit is keto-friendly? ›

Keto fruits by definition are low in carbohydrates. You still need to exercise portion control with most keto-friendly fruits to be within the limits of a keto diet. Keto-friendly fruits include avocados, watermelon, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe, star fruit, and blackberries.

What is the most diet friendly cheese? ›

Cottage cheese

A soft, white cheese made from the loose curds of cow's milk, cottage cheese has a unique protein-to-calorie ratio. It's this high protein combined with low-calorie content that makes cottage cheese a good choice for weight management, with studies suggesting it may even be as satiating as eating an egg.

What is a low-carb alternative to cheese? ›

However, if you miss that cheesy texture and flavor, then there are some great Keto cheese substitutes:
  • Keto Substitute for Cheese: Cashew Cheese & Other Nut Cheeses. ...
  • Keto Substitute for Cheese: Nutritional Yeast. ...
  • Keto Substitute for Cheese: Cauliflower “Cheese” ...
  • Keto Substitute for Cheese: Zucchini “Cheese”
Feb 8, 2024

Is popcorn allowed on a low-carb diet? ›

You can still enjoy a serving of popcorn while on a low-carb diet. The fiber content will help keep you full and the volume might prevent you from giving in to cravings for cake and cookies. If you do choose to eat popcorn as your snack, you may have to minimize other sources of carbohydrates for that day.

Is Swiss cheese low-carb? ›

Swiss. Swiss cheese is known as Emmental cheese in Europe because it was first created in Switzerland's Emmental Region. This recognizable cheese offers little to no carbs and high protein.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.