Help the larger cause · Transition to Bi-Weekly Paydays from Twice a Month · (2024)

We call on Cyngor Gwynedd to cancel the Article 4 Direction plan. (See Welsh version below)

What Article 4 Direction means for property owners -At present, owners can change between specific use classes without the need for planning permission. However, in order to control the use of houses, planning authorities can now modify the planning system locally in their area through the introduction of an Article 4 Direction.

If the Article 4 Direction is confirmed, and you own a residential dwelling (which is a main home) within the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority Area and wish to change the use to a second home, short term holiday let or specific mixed use, you will be required to obtain planning consent from Cyngor Gwynedd Local Planning Authority before undertaking the change of use after September 2024. Please review this link at the council website to further understand Article 4. You can and should review the justification papers here -

The council has no moral right and should have no legal right to dictate how a privately owned, bought and paid for dwelling property can be used in a free and open society (unless the council actually owned the property). This proposal, should it be enacted will be detrimental toALL property owners in Gwynedd.For those that agree with our position against Article 4 you can join us here:

The council is gambling with local people’s lives and finances. This will damage the prosperity and futures of every permanent resident (household and its occupants) risking loss of jobs and the local economy. Article 4 is a direct attack on the goals and dreams of all individuals and represents an overreach of power by Gwynedd Council. Gwynedd is the test, a pilot scheme. If this is allowed to happen here, this could happen in other tourist areas in Wales. You do not have to be from Gwynedd to support those of us standing against Article 4. If you are from other areas in Wales, this may impact you in the future, please show your support by signing this petition.Key points to the negative impact of Article 4 Direction -- The Article 4 Direction is going to have a negative impact on local communities and Welsh (and non-Welsh) main home residents- It is going to reduce the home valuations of local residents and have a significant negative impact on their finances- This is going to result in further hardship and poverty with local residents less likely to be able to remortgage and not having sufficient equity in their homes- Those close to retirement will be particularly hard hit and it will not help younger main residents get on the housing ladder- It will negatively impact tourism, a significant source of income for the area, pushing the area into further financial difficulty- The Council are not exploring sufficiently other alternatives which is dangerous as this is a policy that once implemented is likely to be irrecoverable- It will create a 2 tier housing market, with second homes and holiday letsattracting a premium, and punishing local home owners at the same time- Manipulation of the housing market will not change the current housing market challenges if there is no viable or sustainable income for locals to be able to pay rent or mortgage- Reduction in opportunities for people who use the Welsh Language and status of Welsh Language in the community as the change is likely to drive out those who use the Welsh language to areas where they can engage in a free property market without restriction

- Those who speak the Welsh language and are home owners are more likely to suffer financially as a result of the restrictions on property use and how this affects property valuations and mortgage rates- The negative impact on tourism will result in less jobs and employmentopportunities for those who speak the Welsh Language.- There are alternatives such as promoting business growth, subsidizing local businesses, provision of housing grants and allowing development that actively would promote the use of Welsh language by providing opportunities for Welsh speakers, rather than a policy that penalises them- It is contrary to Article 8 of the human rights actWelsh -

Beth mae Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4 yn ei olygu i unrhyw un sy’n berchen ar eiddo -Ar hyn o bryd, gall perchennog eiddo newid rhwng y dosbarthiadau defnydd hebfod angen caniatâd cynllunio. Fodd bynnag, er mwyn gallu rheoli defnydd tai, gall awdurdodau cynllunio nawr addasu’r rheolau cynllunio yn eu hardal leol drwy weithredu Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4.Os yw Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4 yn cael ei gadarnhau, ac rydych yn berchen arannedd breswyl (sy’n prif gartref) o fewn ffiniau Awdurdod Gynllunio LleolGwynedd, ac yn dymuno newid defnydd eich eiddo i ail gartref, gosod llety tymorbyr, neu unrhyw ddefnydd cymysg penodol arall, bydd rhaid i chi dderbyncaniatâd cynllunio ffurfiol gan Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol Cyngor Gwynedd cynymgymryd â’r newid defnydd ar ôl Medi 2024.

Dilynwch y ddolen yma i wefan Cyngor Gwynedd ymhle gallwch ddarllen a deall effaith Erthygl 4. Yno gallwch & dylech edrych yn fanwl ar eu ‘cyfiawnhad’.

Nid oes gan y Cyngor hawl foesol, a ni ddylai bod ganddynt hawl gyfreithiol i arddweud sut caiff eiddo preifat, sydd wedi ei berchnogi a’i dalu amdano mewn marchnad rydd, gael ei ddefnyddio mewn cymdeithas rydd ac agored (oni bai na’r Cyngor ei hun sy’n berchen ar yr eiddo hwnnw). Bydd y cynnig hwn, os caiff ei ddeddfu yn niweidiol i BOB perchennog eiddo yng Ngwynedd

Os ydych yn cytuno gyda’n safbwynt yn erbyn Erthygl 4 gallwch ymuno a ni yma: & lt ;>

Mae’r Cyngor yn gamblo gyda bywydau a chyllid pobl leol. Bydd y Cyfarwyddyd yn peryglu ffyniant a dyfodol pob preswylydd parhaol (cartref a’i ddeiliaid) yn achosi colli

swyddi a niwed i’r economi leol. Mae Erthygl 4 yn ymosodiad uniongyrchol arfreuddwydion a nod unigolion ac yn cynrychioli gorgyrraedd grym enfawr gan Gyngor Gwynedd.Gwynedd yw’r arbrawf, cynllun peilot. Os caniateir i hyn ddigwydd yma, gallddigwydd ym mhob ardal twristiaeth arall yng Nghymru. Nid oes rhaid i chi fod yn dod ac yn byw yng Ngwynedd i gefnogi’r rhai ohonom yma sy’n sefyll yn erbyn Erthygl 4. Os ydych yn breswylydd o ardal arall o Gymru, gall hyn eich effeithio chi yn y dyfodol, dangoswch eich cefnogaeth drwy arwyddo’r ddeiseb hon.Pwyntiau allweddol ar effaith negyddol Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4 -● Mae Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4 yn mynd i gael effaith negyddol ar gymunedau lleol a thrigolion prif gartrefi Cymraeg (a di-gymraeg).● Mae’n mynd i leihau gwerth cartrefi trigolion lleol a chael effaith negyddolsylweddol ar eu cyfoeth.● Bydd hyn yn ei dro arwain at galedi a thlodi pellach ymysg thrigolion lleol ganfydd y trigolion hyn yn llai tebygol o allu sicrhau adnewyddu morgais pan rhaidoherwydd bydd llai o ecwiti yn eu cartrefi.● Bydd y rhai sy’n agos at ymddeol yn cael eu taro’n arbennig o galed ac ni fydd y cyfarwyddyd o gymorth i’r prif breswylwyr iau gael eu troed ar yr ysgol dai● Bydd yn cael effaith negyddol ar dwristiaeth, sy’n ffynhonnell incwm sylweddol i’r ardal, bydd hyn yn ei dro yn arwain at drafferthion ariannol pellach i’r gymuned a’i drigolion.● Nid yw’r Cyngor yn archwilio nac yn rhoi digon o ystyriaeth i opsiynau eraill. Mae hyn yn beryglus dros ben gan fod Cyfarwyddyd Erthygl 4 yn bolisi sy’n debygol o fod yn anadferadwy unwaith caiff ei weithredu.● Bydd gweithredu’r cyfarwyddyd yn creu marchnad dai dwy haen gydag ail gartrefi a thai llety gwyliau tymor byr yn denu premiwm, ac felly yn cosbi perchnogion a phreswylwyr tai lleol sy’n prif gartrefi.● Ni fydd rheoli’r farchnad dai fel hyn yn newid yr heriau presennol sy’n wynebu’r farchnad dai yn enwedig os nad oes incwm hyfyw a chynaliadwy i drigolion yr ardal ddibynnu arno er mwyn talu rhent neu forgais.● Lleihad mewn cyfleoedd i bobl sy’n defnyddio’r Gymraeg a lleihad yn statws yGymraeg yn y gymuned gan fod y newid yn debygol o gynyddu mudiant y rhaisy’n defnyddio’r Gymraeg i ardaloedd lle gallant ymgysylltu â marchnad eiddorhydd heb gyfyngiad.● Y rhai sy’n fwyaf tebygol o ddioddef yn ariannol o ganlyniad y cyfyngiadau yw’rrheini sy’n siaradwyr Cymraeg rhugl ac yn berchen ar eiddo. Hynny oherwydd ydirywiad mewn gwerth eiddo, yr effaith ar brisio eiddo, a chyfraddau morgais.

● Bydd yr effaith negyddol ar dwristiaeth yn golygu llai o swyddi a chyfleoeddcyflogaeth ar gyfer y rheini sy’n siarad y Gymraeg.● Mae dewisiadau eraill, megis hybu twf busnes, rhoi cymhorthdal i fusnesau lleol,darparu grantiau tai a chaniatáu datblygiad a fyddai’n hyrwyddo defnydd yGymraeg yn weithredol drwy ddarparu cyfleoedd i siaradwyr Cymraeg - ynhytrach na gweithredu polisi sy’n eu cosbi.● Mae’n groes i Erthygl 8 o’r Ddeddf Hawliau Dynol.

Help the larger cause · Transition to Bi-Weekly Paydays from Twice a Month · (2024)


What are the disadvantages of getting paid biweekly? ›

Biweekly pay also has its disadvantages compared to weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly alternatives, such as:
  • It requires additional paperwork. The more payroll runs, the more administrative work is required.
  • There's more room for potential error. ...
  • It's more expensive than monthly.

What are the benefits of biweekly pay? ›

Advantages of biweekly pay

Here are some advantages of receiving biweekly pay: More paydays: Biweekly paychecks mean you get two more paychecks per year than semi-monthly pay. Occasionally receiving three paychecks in one month can benefit you, especially if you're an hourly employee.

Is it better to be paid weekly or biweekly? ›

For employees, getting paid weekly provides more frequent paychecks, which can be beneficial for managing short-term expenses and maintaining a consistent cash flow. On the other hand, biweekly pay results in larger paychecks, making it easier to budget for extended periods.

Why do companies pay every two weeks? ›

Pros. Saves time: Paying employees biweekly instead of weekly requires an employer to process payroll only once every two weeks which reduces time spent on payroll processing and the likelihood of payroll errors, which can be equally time-consuming.

Is getting paid twice a month good? ›

Here are the benefits a biweekly pay schedule may provide both parties: Larger paychecks: Though you only get paid twice per month, a bimonthly pay schedule yields larger paychecks. Keep in mind that even though your paychecks may be larger, you paid the same amount at the end of the year no matter your pay frequency.

Does biweekly pay get taxed more? ›

Do you get taxed more if paid monthly versus biweekly? Whether you're paid monthly or biweekly doesn't affect the amount of your taxes. Regardless of how often you're paid throughout the year, the withheld taxes will be the same at the end of the year.

Is it worth paying biweekly? ›

The bottom line

A biweekly mortgage payment schedule can save you time and money. You'll pay your loan off faster and save on principal – perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars. All you have to do is find room in your budget for the equivalent of one extra monthly payment each year.

Do I make less money getting paid biweekly? ›

Paycheck amounts

Biweekly paychecks will be less money, but you will provide the two additional paychecks to make up the difference. Let's say an employee makes $42,000.00 per year. If they are paid biweekly, their gross wages would be approximately $1,615.38 every other week ($42,000.00 / 26).

Is it better to get paid hourly or salary? ›

But salaried employees enjoy more benefits for the most part, such as paid vacation and sick days, retirement accounts, and other employer-sponsored benefits. Hourly workers don't usually receive compensation in the form of paid leave by the companies who hire them and they may be responsible for their own healthcare.

Why do Americans get paid biweekly? ›

With things like payroll tax and other complications introduced, employers opted to let the banks and accountants do the work. With there now being a middleman, the process stretched out to the biweekly and semimonthly system that is now common in the United States.

What are the disadvantages of getting paid monthly? ›

Disadvantages of Monthly Payroll
  • Financial burden on employees. Only paying employees once a month can cause financial burdens, as most have bills to pay throughout the month, and it can be hard to budget when all that money is paid at once.
  • Tracking overtime. ...
  • Makes the end of month busy.

What is twice a month payroll? ›

A semi-monthly or bi-monthly pay schedule means pay checks are distributed two times a month, usually on fixed dates such as the 1st and 15th, or the 15th and 30th. However, they may not necessarily fall on the same day of the week, and you would end up paying your employees 24 times in a year instead of 26.

Why don t companies pay weekly anymore? ›

Unfortunately, most companies don't offer weekly pay periods even if their employees would benefit from it. One of the most prohibitive reasons is cost. Most payroll vendors charge each time payroll is run. If you have dozens of employees on weekly schedules, these fees can add up.

Does Walmart pay every 2 weeks? ›

Walmart pays employees every two weeks (bi-weekly), but the store does not print checks. Employee pay is deposited directly into their bank accounts; in the event that an employee does not have a bank account, Walmart pays them via a prepaid Walmart debit card, called a Walmart Money Card.

Why can't we get paid every day? ›

Most companies don't pay daily because they don't have to. In the past, it was impractical and expensive for employers to manually pay workers every day. With current technology, there's no reason why this should continue to be the case.

Do you make less if you get paid biweekly? ›

Paycheck amounts

Biweekly paychecks will be less money, but you will provide the two additional paychecks to make up the difference. Let's say an employee makes $42,000.00 per year. If they are paid biweekly, their gross wages would be approximately $1,615.38 every other week ($42,000.00 / 26).

Is biweekly good or bad? ›

Biweekly is particularly good for businesses that have a lot of non-exempt employees that are paid hourly, as overtime calculations are much easier, and employees that are paid biweekly appreciate the consistency of being paid on the same day every pay period.

How do you deal with biweekly pay? ›

One helpful strategy is to create a monthly budget based on your overall income and expenses, and then break it down into bi-weekly increments. This can help you see exactly how much money you have available to spend or save during each pay period, which makes it easier to plan ahead for upcoming expenses.


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.