Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (2024)

Welcome to an ancient Scandinavian land.

There is a trigger warning at the start of this game, but I'll throw in another one here, some sections of this game are brutal, gory and can depict some awful scenes. I'll try to give warnings before the worst of them though, mainly one in Chapter 10.

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If you happen to miss any collectables, once a chapter is completed, you unlock it in the Chapter Select menu, so you can go back through and clean up before you attempt your deathless run.

I'll do my absolute best to avoid spoilers while writing this. There are some environmental jump scares and other moments that are best experienced while playing. However, there may be one or two moments where spoilers are unavoidable.

In case you skipped the previous page, I recommend playing the game twice; once to get 29/30 achievements then once more for your deathless run. If you want to try and get them all in one go, you're welcome to do so. I'll try to include some hints and tips as I go. Use the next section to learn how to use cloud saves to make your deathless run easier.

How to force a backup save for when you try your deathless run.

Close the game to make a backup save to which checkpoint you want to save.

When you die, don't quit or reload the checkpoint.

Instead, press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (1) then Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (2) on Bramble and go to "Manage game and add-ons" -> "Saved data" -> Your profile.

Here, erase your local save only.

The game will be force closed as a result. Then, load the game up again. You'll have a cloud sync screen appear and when you hit "Continue", you'll be back at the point you were when you quit the game.

One final note: While playing the game on your deathless, DO NOT load a previous checkpoint, even if you aren't dead. This voids the achievement.

From the main menu, start up a brand new game.

You'll launch straight into a cinematic sequence, giving you a bit of background to the game.

When you take control of Olle, you'll find yourself in your bedroom. Walk from your bed to the bottom right of your screen, where you'll find a desk. On it, interact with the book there using Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (3) to discover your first Storybook (#1/7). Flip through the pages, then once you reach the end, back out.

Interact with the other items in the room (they should all be highlighted for you with a small glowing white dot), including a matchbox on the bedside table, the door, the measurements next to the door, a couple of model soldiers on the bookshelf and the painting on the wall next to the window.

Once you've found all of them, interact with the window to climb out.

Once outside, you'll have a fairly linear path to follow.

Run forward into the forest, following the path (you can hold Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (5) to sprint a little faster and pressing Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (6) to jump while sprinting gets you a little more speed/distance too). After the first bend, you'll eventually approach a couple of ledges you can climb up. Before doing so, interact with the pinecone on the tree stump just to the right. Clamber up the first ledge and travel slightly left to interact with another ring of pinecones next to a red mushroom. Leave them and climb up the second ledge.

Jump off the ledge and run forwards, balancing on and crossing two fallen trees, before sliding down into a wider open area. Here you can get your first achievement.

In the middle of this area is a large apple tree with a bench in front of it. All around this tree on the ground are fallen apples. In the bottom right of this area is a small set of stick making up a tiny goal. It's quite hard to see, but the picture below shows Olle standing right in front of it.

Head over to an apple and walk into it to knock it down the hill. You can adjust the course a little on the way down too. If you miss, there are plenty more apples. Once you score, you'll unlock:

  • Goal!

    Kicked an apple into the goal

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (8)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (9)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (10)

If you find you're struggling with this, you can also kick the apples uphill from behind the goal. As long as an apple passes through the goalposts, you'll pop this.

Once you've scored, sit on the bench and interact with more pine cones, then travel past this tree, following the path until you reach a ladder up to a tree house.

Enter and go to the wooden bench to the left. On this bench, move your cursor a little to the left to find a wooden figurine that you can interact with. Do so to examine it, then press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (11) to pick it up (Wooden Figurine #1/11 - Lillemor). This will unlock:

  • Lillemor Figurine

    Found the Lillemor wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (12)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (13)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (14)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (15)

Now, interact with the matchbox on this table. Invert it and angle it so the box opens and the open part is facing downwards. A key should slip out onto the floor. Collect the key, use it on the door to the treehouse and leave.

Follow the path along to the right and up until you spot a series of platforms ahead of you. Jump over them and follow the path to find it blocked off. Interact with more pinecone men in the blockage. Then, travel right and jump through the hole in the floor. Wander forwards and interact with the light at the end.

After the cinematic ends, follow the path ahead, leading you outside. Once here, head to the vines on the right (the camera will pan towards them as you approach). Climb the vines and follow the path, climbing a ladder and then mounting the ensuing platform. Run towards the open doorway to find Lillemor and another cinematic.

Once back in control, follow the tutorial using Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (16) and Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (17). Another cinematic will start.

You'll find yourself sliding down a long path, but you don't have to hit any controls. Once you reach the other side, you may notice that you have now dramatically shrunk in size.

Follow Lillemor to the edge of a few huge red mushrooms. Jump onto the first, then onto the second, but before continuing, jump back to the first one again. You need to jump between these two mushrooms until you've jumped over them five times in total. Once you've done so, you'll unlock:

  • Bouncy

    Jumped on a mushroom 5 times

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (18)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (19)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (20)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (21)

Leap the gap and continue to follow Lillemor along the path, over a river and to the outskirts of a tiny little village. After a quick cinematic, follow the path around (you can interact with the little birdhouse on the right if you'd like) and climb up the vines at the end. Enter the bell tower via crouching and interact with the crank handle in the top corner to lift the bell inside, saving a little gnome underneath.

Follow this new character out of the tower and down into their village. In the first area of the village, you'll find two red houses, with a gnome sleeping on a bench between them:

Interact with this bench and you'll find a carved wooden gnome statue, which you should collect (Wooden Figurine #2/11 - Gnome).

This gives you:

  • Gnome Figurine

    Found the gnome wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (24)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (25)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (26)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (27)

Run to the right and try to open the door with Lillemor.

Once you realise you can't manage it, run to the centre of the screen and wait for a load of gnomes to appear. They'll want to play a game of hide and seek with you. You'll go into a first-person view and have to find the eight gnomes. They're relatively easy to find, but in case you're struggling:

Then look to the left:

Once you've found them all, head to the door to open it with the help of everyone. Head through the door and into the fields to meet an elder gnome.

You'll be tasked with herding the four orange-berry-hatted gnomes into the wooden pen that's open. Simply run behind one at a time and guide them into the pen (once in the pen, they won't leave). You'll get a quick cinematic, then can continue to the right. Fall down the cliff and continue right, jumping over the lily pads to reach the other side. Once there, you'll have another cinematic. Jump over the last two lily pads and climb the vines all the way up.

After arriving, pass through the hole in the stone, sliding down the narrow path to a large fallen tree across running water. On the long, sprint quickly over the log and jump off the other side before it breaks away. Follow Lillemor up the hill and stare down the well.

When you can, follow the fairy along the path, jumping over the platforms where needed (Note: if you're going for a no-death run, you can fall off here and die, so be careful and if you want to be extra cautious, cloud save before you go). Once on the other side, continue following it until you find Lillemor and a cutscene starts.

Once you regain control, walk through the daisy field and cross the branch over the river to the path on the other side. Follow it along and up, climbing the vines and platforms at the end all the way to the ruins at the top. Run forward a little for a cutscene.

After this cinematic, travel forwards and up the platforms on the dark cliff. Continue into the forest, following the only path. You'll pass some orange mushrooms on the left before reaching the ruins of a gnome house. Try to open the door, only to find that it's locked. You'll turn around as you hear a small whimper, then use the cursor to highlight the young gnome holding a key standing just to the left of your cursor. Selecting him will start a quick cinematic.

Leave the gnome behind and run south towards the cart of fruit on the right side. Push it forwards as far as it can go and clamber onto it, before jumping up one more level and grabbing the pig toy at the top. Return to the gnome and trade the toy for the key. The gnome will also begin following you. Crouch through the now unlocked door and push open the larger double doors on the other side. Head through and follow the path to reach some railing and a wooden bridge over a ravine.

Follow the path until you see a lantern on the floor to the south. When the perspective changes, go through the group of statues on the right (you can go a little north but this is a dead end). Cross the branch over the ravine.

On the other side, there's a large bear trap on both the left and right. These will kill you if you walk onto them. There are also large wooden stakes sticking out of the ground around, falling on them will also kill you.

From the branch, go onto the raised dirt and jump to the vines on the tree. Climb up and around the tree. You'll have to do a reverse launch off the tree, but before you do, make sure you're as far around the tree as possible. The launch angle can be a little buggy, if you're slightly off, you'll fall to your death instead of the other tree vines. Landing successfully, keep climbing up. Once at the top, again climb as far around the tree as possible, then leap to the hanging wooden cage.

The cage will lower slightly, allowing you to jump left to more vines. Climb down them and around, jumping to the red mushroom at the bottom, then onto the ground to the left of this. Travel forward to the little lamp next to a dangling gnome.

Once you're back in control, run right and forwards, jumping to a platform and climbing up the vines. Once you reach a stone platform, crouch and enter the tunnel.

Pass through the tunnel to meet a gruesome scene on the other side. Run forward then climb the small cage on your right. Jump up a level and enter the large shelf of gore. On the other side, climb the vines along the wall before dropping to a cage, then jumping the gap to another one. Fall down into this cage in front of a huge chunk of meat, where you'll get spotted.

The Butcher

This is your first boss fight.

With basically all the boss fights in this game, they have three phases, with each phase getting slightly harder/adding more attacks.

A fun fact here, this was the first place I died on my first playthrough and realised just how brutal/bloody this game can be.

Phase one of the Butcher's attack involves him slamming his cleaver down onto the table that you're on. While the attack is slightly telegraphed, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to see where the blade will land. You'll want to simply keep on the move, running left to right as he swings.

If he hits you, it's an instant death and you'll have to start over. Naturally, you'll have to reload your save using the instructions above if you die here.

After two to three missed cleaver swings, two piles of gore will fall onto the table. Dodge the cleaver and grab one of them, then use Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (30) to aim at the Butcher's eyes and Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (31) to throw it at him. He'll flail around a bit and start the second phase.

The second phase starts with an identical attack to the first. However, after dodging this, he follows it up by slamming his fist onto the table. This will stun you, leaving you unable to dodge his next attack, chopping you in half. To avoid this, you must jump as his fist hits the table, then dodge the cleaver attack as usual. Note: If you die here, you'll respawn and start at this phase. you don't need to repeat the first phase again.

After a couple of these attacks, more gore will drop which you have to once again throw at his face. The third phase of this is essentially a repeat of Phase 2, just a bit quicker.

After this phase is completed, the Butcher destroys the cages blocking you on the left side. Once the path is clear, run across the table and jump to the vines. Climb around them to the wooden plants and follow them over to the exit tunnel, escaping the Butcher's kitchen.

  • Butcher

    Defeated the butcher

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (32)

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (33)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (34)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (35)

As you land, run through this stone tunnel and climb the vines on the other side. Climb up the next set, then descend the stone stairs. Follow the path and drop down left to a set of railway tracks. Follow it to the end where you'll find a large double door. Before approaching, pull the large pot on wheels along the tracks. Go past where the vines are, right to the end of the track. Once at the end, let go then quickly mount the cart. As you let go, the cart will travel down the tracks. You need to jump to the vines as you pass. Once there, push the wooden crate off the ledge to release more gnomes who will help you open the double door.

Don't go charging through these doors, as you could accidentally ruin an achievement.

You stand on the door threshold with a cabal of eight gnomes with you. The next area is filled with bear traps.

You must get yourself and all eight gnomes through the area, without a single one of them dying to a trap.

This would be awkward to do by weaving in and out of the traps (as the gnomes don't follow your exact path and cluster a bit behind you), however, you can cheese it a little. As soon as you pass through the doors, push hard into the left wall. Walk forward a few steps and the gnomes should bunch up with you.

From here, walk forward a few steps, then stop. Repeat this a step or two at a time to make sure the gnomes don't stray too far. After passing the first two traps, you'll reach a tree. Hug the tree as tightly as possible and loop around it, staying as far left as possible and still going step by step. Once past the tree, push up into the vegetation on the left and continue until you reach the wall. After that, slowly go right to reach the stone archway.

If you made it safely with no casualties, you'll unlock:

  • Savior

    Completed the path of traps without any gnome casualties

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (36)

    3 guidesGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (37)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (38)

If you struggle with this, here's a video made by WellStressed.

If a gnome accidentally dies here, you can load up the last checkpoint and try again. HOWEVER, remember that loading a last checkpoint will void your no death run, so if this happens, you may want to come back at a later date using Chapter Select (we're in Chapter 5 - The Troll Forest).

Once through to the other side, approach the hut for a cinematic to start.

When you are able, walk a little to the right staying firmly behind the stone or in the tall grass.

This section very much plays out like the Scarecrow section from Batman: Arkham Asylum. You must do everything you can to avoid being seen by the patrolling light. You can crouch behind rocks and in long grass, but that's really your only protection. If you get seen, you'll be immediately killed.

Make your way right, while avoiding the light. At the end, you'll be able to sneak into a long tube of broken tree bark. Crouch and pass through it sliding down into water the other side. Here, you'll have to crouch behind a partially submerged cage to avoid the light.

Before moving. notice that the light reveals a number of bear traps submerged beneath the water. You need to remember their locations as you move, as they don't show when the light isn't on them.

When the coast is clear, travel from behind the cage into the first patch of tall grass. Wait here for the light to pass again, noting the bear trap in front of you. When the light passes, run out and around the trap into the next patch of tall grass (the timing here can be tight even with spring). The next little area has even more traps between you and the next patch, so you'll have to be very careful.

Wait for the light to pass over and run through the traps as fast as possible to reach the next grass patch. Again, the timing here can be really tight. Repeat to reach more grass, until you reach a wooden cage in the water that you can hide behind. When possible, climb the ledge out of the water (just right of the cage) and hide behind the rock. When the light finally passes, run across the fallen log.

When you're about halfway across the log, the light can no longer reach you. Climb the vines at the end.

At the top, run towards the large severed hand lying on the ground. You can hide behind this as the light shines through the archway ahead of you. Follow the hand down to reach the stone wall. Climb the vines on the wall up and along the top of the archway. As you approach the top, the troll wielding the light will also begin looking over the stone walls for you. Their head will move from the left to right then back again. As their head moves backwards to look the other way, make your move.

Once through this, climb up the vines, then run along the plank the other side and jump to the tree vines. Climb around and up them, reverse launching to the next tree when possible. On the second tree, drop to the platform and walk along the branch.

After the cutscene, you'll find yourself in a small cave.

Don't leave the cave yet.

Before leaving, you'll see a pinecone man who has fainted just left of you (and the one you landed on). You'll want to get behind it and walk him to the edge of the cave. This is a little tricky as you have to keep circling back to get your feet to kick the poor little guy. Your aim is to kick him out of the cave's mouth on your right.

Once you kick him out, you'll pop:

  • Evicted

    Kicked the pinecone folk out of the cave

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (40)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (41)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (42)

Leave the cave yourself and slide down into a lake of gore. Quickly move to the raised objects ahead on your left. You'll notice a large bulge moving towards you from the top right, underneath all the gore. If this touches you, it'll kill you. Once on top of one of the raised islands, the bulge will continue moving towards you and slowly disappear or move out of the way. You need to run and jump over to the next nearest platform, over to your right. Over to the right again is the next platform, but you can't make this in one jump. You'll need to wait for the bulge to move out of the way, then run and jump towards the platform as closely as possible then wade towards it as quickly as possible.

Wait for the bulge to move and jump to the left platform. On this platform, there's a cage resting on the edge. Push this into the gore to distract the bulge, earning an achievement in the process:

  • Bait

    Sacrificed the gnome

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (43)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (44)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (45)

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Continue up to the top left to climb out of all the innards and leave the area. Once inside, Climb up the first platform, but don't climb the vines just yet. Jump up a smaller platform on the right and interact with the boxes at the end.

Look around this area to find the next Wooden Figurine (#3/11 - Troll Figurine).

  • Troll Figurine

    Found the troll wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (48)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (49)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (50)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (51)

Climb up the vines to escape the area.

At the top, follow the path along the wall around the top of the Butcher's house. Jump onto the mounted, carcass. climbing along the vines. As you climb down the back leg, drop to the platform below, and cross the cutting board and along the bridge to the edge of the cooking pot. Walk around the pot to the other side when a cinematic starts.

You'll find yourself in a cage once the cutscene ends. When it does, push right to send your cage toppling over the side and opening at the bottom. When possible, travel forward towards all the pinecone men. There are a handful of pinecone men on top of what looks like a giant rock. Approach them and they'll start throwing small spears at you. Dodge them and find the two piles of rocks on the ground. Collect a rock, aim and throw it at the pinecone men on top of the rock. Once all are taken out, you'll have a cutscene and meet a friend, Lemus.

Lemus will help you to the next area. Run towards the mushrooms ahead of you and another cutscene will start.

Once back in control, walk along the stone arms and right, up past the mushrooms. Jump over the next mushrooms and slide down into a wildflower meadow. Continue running right and forward for a few minutes, heading towards the lake. Just in front of the lake is a gnome mounted on a hedgehog. As you approach, a cinematic will start and you'll end up mounted on it. Direct your new mount across hte lake, between the lily pads. When you reach small island around a tree stump, jump off the hedgehog and run around the top of the stump.

Around the other side, you'll see a little pile of stones:

Interact with it and grab the Wooden Figurine (#4/11 - Näcken Figurine).

  • Näcken Figurine

    Found the Näcken wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (54)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (55)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (56)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (57)

Travel back to the hedgehog and mount it once more, crossing the river up to the north. Dismount, climb the ledge and run up and over the crest of the hill. Continue wandering through the forest filled with yellow flowers. A little way in, you'll find some small dandelions running around. Herd one in the direction you're going and you'll find Lemus sleeping with a flower crown. Direct the dandelion just under his nose and he'll sneeze himself awake.

Climb onto his open palm to get a lift and slide down the other side. After the cinematic with the gnomes, carry your new passenger into the water and wade across to the other side. Leave the water and travel up the hill a tiny bit. On your left, you'll see a little figurine sticking out the mud.

Interact with it and pick up your next Wooden Figurine (#5/11 - Lemus).

  • Lemus Figurine

    Found the Lemus wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (60)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (61)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (62)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (63)

Travel right and duck under the tree roots, before following the path over a fallen tree across the river. Here your gnome passenger will depart. After a quick cutscene, slider down the slope and into the dark.

Use your light to guide the way. Follow the path and leap onto the first section of wooden bridge. Jump to another until you see a light up ahead.

Don't go on the platform in the light.

Instead, take the bridge to the north in the darkness (and you'll see why you had to miss the lit bridge). Continue leaping over the platforms and going north until you reach more wooden bridges. Stand on the first little lip and the next platform will be swinging backwards and forwards for you. Jump when it's close and ride it over to the other side. Jump to the hanging circular cage, shimmy around it and reverse leap to the vines.

Jump to the next segment of bridge and then climb up the vine-covered platforms to find a cage at the top. Push it over the edge to start another wooden platform swinging back and forth. Drop down and use that to cross the next gap. Follow that path, jumping gaps and claiming up more stone platforms. There is a tall rock where you must fall off to a lower platform. For this one, make sure you edge yourself forward and fall. If you jump, you may miss the next platform and fall to your death (as I did!).

Continue along the path, crossing a wooden beam then eventually leaping over to a hanging square cage. Stand on this and it'll lower into more darkness.

Leap off onto the middle of the next platform. Stand as still as you can. You need to wait for another square metal cage to drop to the right, but the platform you're on is precariously balanced. You must stand in the very centre and adjust for any horizontal movement. If you don't, the platform collapse and you'll fall to your death. When you can, jump onto the next cage then over to another platform. The next few platforms are as sturdy as the one you just waited on. To start, you need to hop onto it, start it falling to the right and use the momentum to jump to the next platform. The next two platforms are the same, but to the north.

One you land on stable ground, follow the curving bridge around and jump to the first hanging circular cage. Make your way around the cage, but wait for the next cage to be slightly higher in the air. Jump to it, then work your way around hopefully by the time you reach the other side, you can reverse leap to the ground. Continue right all the way to enter a new area.

As you enter, some cave paintings will begin to glow red when you pass. Jump over the stone platforms and continue following the path until you find your way out. A cutscene will start at the end of which you'll find yourself on some lily pads (whilst also disturbing a local resident).

Cross the pads, the rock and fall into the mud. Wade across to the next set of stones and lily pads. After crossing these pads, you'll have a very quick cutscene where you see Näcken for the first time.


As soon as you're introduced to Näcken, you'll have control back. Immediately start crossing the lily pads ahead of you. You get a few seconds head start before Näcken starts chasing you, smashing the lily pads behind you. You need to keep running and leaping along the path of lily pads. Some areas will have patches of lily pads that you must cross. Take any path you think is best, they all lead the same way.

You'll eventually reach another patch of mud. Jump into it and wade across, with the Näcken close on your heels. Travel straight ahead, avoiding the broken tree branch on the left. At the end, climb the vines and continue running right. Climb up the next couple of rocks and when you're hidden behind a large one, stand still. Näcken is back on his rock in the middle of the lake and will start sending out purple/green sonic blasts in waves. You must be behind cover when it hits, otherwise you'll be killed.

Travel between the sets of cover, crossing the gaps and slowly making your way along the path. Take it one piece of cover at a time, you very rarely have the chance to go between two pieces of cover in a single go. You'll get to a point where you're hidden behind a tree. There will be a rock or two rolling across the path next to you. Time your next run so you're behind the rock for when Näcken's blast hits it.

Be careful though, as this rock can be badly timed and may fall off the side before you make the most of its protection.

Run and crouch behind the next static chunk of rock and repeat the same for the next couple of rolling rocks. For the section with double rocks, watch out as these can also crush you if you stand in the wrong spot.

After you pass this section, climb up and crouch in the tall grass. Sneakily pass under Näcken's nose and follow the grass path around until you slide down into a small river.

Here, you unlock:

  • Näcken

    Survived against Näcken

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (64)

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (65)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (66)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (67)

Wade through the water until you find a poorly lit skeleton on your path:

Interact with it and look at the ground just to the right of it to find your next Storybook (#2/7).

Read the story and then follow the rock path up. The next section will have the camera zoom in a little, but follow the path and be careful of the gaps you need to jump over. You'll shortly leave the dark of the cave and find a stream. You'll be scared into it and must navigate your way downstream. You CAN die here if you navigate into a rock, so be careful. At the end, you'll find a waterfall and a cutscene.

You'll have a quick-time event here where you must pull Olle up and send him struggling onwards into the rain. Once it ends, you'll find yourself in a greyed-out version of the field you crossed before. Follow the path over the river and up to the top of the ruins. At the top, you'll be surrounded by bramble.

After the next cinematic, run along the path ahead of you and drop down a short way. When you drop down, you'll see some bramble with a white flower on it ahead of you. Ignore that for now and instead go left. The camera perspective will change and you'll see a little pond ahead of you. Head over to it.

On a rock in the middle, you'll find your next Wooden Figurine (#6/11 - Tuva Figurine).

  • Tuva Figurine

    Found the Tuva wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (72)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (73)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (74)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (75)

Leave and head back to the bramble. As you approach it, you'll be shown to how to remove the bramble. Approach the white bramble flower, press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (76) to raise the light into the air and then Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (77) to create a pulse of light that causes the bramble to retreat. You need to use this a fair bit from now on and is also a big part of the final boss battle at the end. If you find that the flower isn't causing the bramble to retreat, get a little closer to it before using the light again.

You'll also find some of the upcoming areas can be a bit dark. You can run around and use Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (78) to hold the light up and use it to show you more of the area.

Once the path is clear, travel along it, using the light to clear the path once more. At the third bramble blockage, the flower isn't found on the main path. Instead, go to the right and jump up some vines to find it. Jump back down and use the now clear path. Force the large area of bramble back and climb some vines to reach a better-lit part of the forest. As you head towards it, you'll have another cinematic.

As it ends, you'll see you can slide down to a roof. But before you do so, note the long grass on the roof itself. You want to slide down and immediately head for that grass, crouching inside of it for shelter. Once inside, you'll see a large bramble flower in the middle of the town. This flower will light up the whole area. If you're spotted for more than a second or two, you'll be killed.

Traverse the area and use the grass, then a chimney to hide from the light. Be cautious and don't try to go between too many obstacles as you will most likely be caught out. From the first chimney, you'll notice the next one is suspended in the air by bramble. As soon as the large bramble flower extinguishes, run towards it and use your light to drop the chimney down just in time to hide behind it. Cross the gap and keep using chimneys and long grass to hide. Once you make it all the way around, climb up some vines and all the rooves behind you will be covered in bramble.

Cross two fallen trees, then climb up a large statue covered in vines. Follow the vine path up, along then down, jumping to another roof. As you land, you'll have to sprint across all the rooves laid out before you as bramble takes them over behind you. If you dawdle, you'll die. At the end, you'll see Lemus waiting for you, so jump into his hands.

After the cutscene, follow the path forward. You can examine the carving on the way past if you wish. You'll reach a set of wooden platforms moving side to side.

Jump onto the first one, but go no further.

As the first platform sways to the left, jump to the vines on the wall and take them up. Follow the platform and push a large log from the top to make a bridge. From here, run right and you'll find yourself back at the start of the swaying platforms. (You can also risk jumping down from this platform to skip the swaying bridges, but the first time I did this, Olle moved too far forward when recovering from the fall and fell to his death in the pit instead, so be careful.)

Cross the log bridge you made and continue on the path, pushing through the tall grass for another quick cinematic.

Approach the scarecrow, then cross the wooden planks into the swamp. As you reach the first raft, interact with it and pull yourself across the gap as directed. Continue along the wooden planks until you can push a box into the water. Do so, then jump to it (take care, it can be a little awkward to get the correct angle and jump straight into the water, killing you) and then to the next platform. Follow the planks along until the path starts to become crowded by dark spirits with glowing white eyes. Use your light to clear them from the path and continue.

There will be a quick split in the path, take the one to the right. Balance across a narrow beam and follow the path up and over a ramp. On the other side, quickly jump over the floating platforms. These seem to sink a little when you stand on them. I didn't try hanging around to see if they'd sink fully. Follow the path until you reach a large building.

Climb the netting on the building (you can peer in the window if you'd like). Run across the roof and leap to the netting that takes you down into the building. Once on the ground, hop down and go to the right. In the far corner of the building is a bramble flower to blind, this releases a bramble vine from a crank handle just behind you. Use this handle to lower a hanging cage. As soon as you let go of the handle, jump onto that hanging cage and it'll start raising you to an upper platform. Once there, use the light on the flower to drop a boat into the water below.

Fall down and then cross the room to the left side. Blind the bramble flower that's blocking the door and head out of this building. Follow the path out, jump over a gap and follow the path a very short way. At the end, go left and hop over the gap using the boat that you just dropped. On the other side, you can take the path up or down. Take the path down first and follow it to the end. Here you'll see some wreckage in the water.

Interact with it to find your next Wooden Figurine (#7/11 - Kärrhäxan Figurine).

  • Kärrhäxan Figurine

    Found the Kärrhäxan wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (81)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (82)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (83)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (84)

Take the path back out of here and then choose the upper path into the house. Once in the building, immediately go to the dresser on the cupboard on the right.

On this, you'll see a woven duck figure in front of an animal skull. Grab this duck.

Now you have to solve a puzzle to extinguish the fire in the doorway and leave the area. The puzzle seems to be the same every time, but it's not super hard if it does change between playthroughs. There is a cauldron on the right and a mix of symbols on the door. You need to create a potion to match the symbols on the door.

Look at the door and note the symbols (I had a cross inside a circle). Look around the room at the three sets of shelves (two left of the fire door, one where you found the duck). On these shelves, find the jars that are marked with a cross and a circle. I found the cross potion next to the skull/duck and the circle on the shelf closest to the door (near the bottom of the shelf). Take them both and then interact with the cauldron to create a potion and automatically use it on the door via a cinematic. Another set of symbols will appear on the door, a diamond with three circles on three of the corners. The three circles were on a wine bottle on the shelves closest to the door (top right on the shelf) and the diamond was on the left most set of shelves (yellow powder on the bottom shelf). Take them to the cauldron. This will open the door for you, and you'll also unlock:

  • Witchcraft

    Brewed a potion. Bring out the scales!

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (87)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (88)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (89)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (90)

The next area is quite dark, so feel free to use your light.

As soon as you go through the door, go to your right and on the first lower shelf is your next Storybook (#3/7).

Leave this book and go to the left wall where you'll find a crank handle. Twist that to lower a ladder. Climb the ladder for a cinematic to start at the top.

When you regain control, you'll hear a door slam and a book will fall down towards the back of the area. Interact with the circular table in the middle and grab the large white book. Place this on top of the book at the back. Just to the right of this (behind the table from the current camera angle) is a set of shelves. Interact with it and look to the upper right to find another white book. Grab that and add it to the pile. Run around the right of the circular table and grab the next white book from a regular table against the wall and add that to the pile. Finally, go to the second set of shelving to the right of the previous table to grab the final book.

With that on the pile, jump onto the book stack and then up to the open window above you.

Crouch out of the window and follow the path to the right and down the stairs all the way to the bottom. Follow the path to the right, all the way along. As the camera angle changes so you're running north, you'll notice a short path leading to a light on the right. Head this way and leap to the next platform. From this platform, you'll need to navigate through the wamp. Do this by holding your light in the air using Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (92). Look into the water on your right and you'll notice a very faint plank path just under the water. Jump down to this and don't deviate from it. If you leave the path, you die.

Follow the path until it ends, then jump across the gap to reach the next segment of the underwater plank path. When you can, push the crate into the water, wait for it to settle then jump to it. From this crate, jump to the south to find more planks. Continue along the path. Jump to the lit platform, however this will start sinking. Jump to the south once more and you'll find the path. On the second lit platform, jump to the right, after which you'll balance and then reach dry land.

Use the pulley to ferry yourself across the next body of water, where you'll encounter the Kärrhäxan the Swamp Midwife.


From your little platform, use your light and target Kärrhäxan's head and arms while she's mounted on the cross. She'll fall into the water and the cross will sink behind her, with a number of black crows flying towards you. These should all miss you, but I kept my light held high just to be sure. After a quick cutscene, you'll find yourself surrounded in darkness on your little platform.

In the water around you, you'll begin to see and hear waves in the water. Look around to find where these waves are coming from. For a random number of these, you'll see a babies' crib pop up from the water (in one playthrough I saw three in a row). However, eventually, Kärrhäxan will summon some darkness and rise from the water close towards you. If she touches you, you die. To prevent this, aim your light at her face and attack her using it (Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (93)). It must hit her in the face, you should see the usual targeting circle. If you hit anywhere else, it doesn't count and you die. Repeat this twice more to dispel her.

  • Kärrhäxan

    Defeated the swamp midwife

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (94)

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (95)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (96)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (97)

Once she's gone, pull yourself to the shore and travel left, opening a path in the bramble. At the end, you'll hit another cutscene.

When you can, travel left along the pier, jump to the lit platform then to land. Use your light on the flower to the right, then jump to the next platform and land once more. Use your light on the bramble to release a large boat and then travel back to the small pier at the start. Return to dry land and travel north, climbing the ladder onto the freshly-released boat. Walk along it, jump to a roof and then fall to the ground beyond.

Quickly follow the only path, jumping up the vine platforms and over gaps when you can. You'll reach a cutscene at the end. When you can, travel through the water north and climb onto a long wooden barrier. This next section is just like the one earlier where you had to avoid the creature causing the bulge in the animal innards and gore. When you enter the water, Kärrhäxan will slowly approach you. You need to get onto any segment of land or floating platforms. Once on one, wait for the waves to pass then jump over to the next one. Repeat this all along the area. Near the end, you can jump to a platform on the right and climb up a ladder. Do so, then reverse leap to a hanging platform to cause it to drop.

Now jump to that platform. This allows you to take a running jump and quick swim through some bramble and to the next platform. Without it, you almost always get caught before you make it due to the platform angles. From this one, you can leap and swim to the next horizontal barrier, after which you'll be safe. Walk north through the water and make sure your light is out. You'll reach a large group of black spirits, like before. Use your light to part them, but you'll find they begin to split in set ways rather than wherever you go.

Cutscene Trigger Warnings: Suicide and Infant Death

You don't see the child die, but you see a body and you bury it in the cutscene. Skip it if needed by pressing and holding Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (98).

Once you reach the shore past these spirits, a cutscene will start, where you find the woman from earlier hung from a tree. When you can, you need to walk beneath her body towards some candles on the ground in the distance. Here you have the next cutscene.

Once it ends, as long as you grabbed the duck in the house, you'll pop:

  • Proper burial

    Found the toy duck and placed it on the grave

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (99)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (100)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (101)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (102)

Once back in control, travel right and then north through the gap in the bramble when you can. You'll be heading towards someone holding a light, who is introduced as the friendly Lyktgubben. A cutscene will start when you approach.

Run towards the light in the distance to follow Lyktgubben into a library. In the very centre of this area is a raised pedestal, on top of which is your next Storybook (#4/7).

After reading the book, hop down and run north behind Lyktgubben.

After a short loading screen, reach Lyktgubben and travel through the hedge he's holding open.

Travel along the only path into an open grove, where you'll find Skogsrå. I recommend you pause and read ahead a little as there can be a lot going on.


In this battle, Skogsrå will be hovering in the centre of the grove, initially surrounded by trees. You can't currently attack her directly.

She has a handful of different attacks that she can use throughout the battle. Firstly, she'll fire red smokey projectiles at you, lifting her right hand into the air to summon and throw them at you. You avoid these by hiding behind a tree when they hit. Give yourself time to get behind a tree as when thrown the projectiles are very quick. Secondly, a large circle of red power will form around Skogsrå, which she then fires out in a wave all around her. Again for this, you need one directly behind a tree to avoid damage. Finally, she'll lift her left hand into the air and the ground will start shaking. Around the base of every tree (each with a slightly different delay), a group of pink spikes will shoot out of the ground. For this one, you can't be anywhere near a tree or you'll die.

For the first phase of this battle, you'll want to run around the grove dodging her attacks. On a number of the trees facing you, you'll find cloaked bodies hanging attached to them at about your level. When you spot one, and you're safe from an attack for a few seconds, aim at them with your light and fire to destroy the body. Repeat this on all the bodies in the grove, then fire a shot at Skogsrå. After a quick cutscene, your light will become a sword. Run towards Skogsrå and you'll have a quick time event using Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (104). Complete it and the next phase will start.

The grove will change look slightly, but you essentially need to repeat this first phase again. The main difference is Skogsrå's attacks are a little faster (or at least seem to be) and the bodies you need to destroy with your light are up higher and on the inside of the trees, facing Skogsrå. She'll also occasionally use a new attack, where a red wind/dust will cloud the screen and Skogsrå will summon some glowing red clouds that slowly increase in size. You can touch it as they appear, but make sure you're out of their area once they fully develop.

You need to run around the outside of the ring of trees, firing across the ring at bodies on the opposite side. Once you hit them all, fire once at Skogsrå and you'll get your QTE to attack.

For Phase 3, all the trees are blasted away. Skogsrå will sit in the middle and have a ring of bodies floating around her. The attacks she uses are a little different too. She still charges up and fires out a big wave, but this time you must jump over the wave rather than hide behind a tree. She also still summons the red clouds that slowly increase in size. For her new attack, she'll summon a large number of blue beams from the sky in random places. that fire down. You simply have to avoid these and keep on the move.

As soon as the phase starts, open fire on the bodies. I managed to get three to four before her first attack. Once you take out all the bodies, hit Skogsrå a final time for the last cutscene/QTE. However, this time, you have an additional achievement to get.

During this last QTE, you need to hit Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (105) 100 times. Do not let it disappear off the screen or you'll miss your chance to get this and have to repeat the whole boss.

It takes four minutes to hit all 100 hits. Once you do, you'll pop:

  • Murderer

    Stabbed Skogsrå 100 times

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (106)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (107)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (108)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (109)

This will pop during the boss, so you shouldn't have to keep count. Just stab until it pops, then let the QTE end and a cutscene will start. You'll also pop:

  • Skogsrået

    Made it through Skogsrå's grove

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (110)

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (111)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (112)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (113)

When you can, wander to the right and drop down. Run north into the decimated forest and follow the only path past the hanging tree and a long fallen tree. You'll also come across a cart with a dead animal in front, then a long section through a number of women strung up on crosses. A cutscene will start when you reach the end.

Run down into the burned town and enter the church. You'll see a body on a chair. For now, go to the book on the left and interact with it.

When looking at the book, look to the shelves on the back right, where you'll find your next Wooden Figurine (#8/11 - Skogsrå Figurine).

  • Skogsrået Figurine

    Found the Skogsrå wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (116)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (117)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (118)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (119)

Leave this bench and interact with the dead woman in the chair and look at her hand on the back of the chair. Use the buttons highlighted to prise her finger off a crank on the chair, then use the crank, then leave and use the door to the back of the church.

Once outside, you'll notice that this isn't a fully abandoned town, it's instead been infected by a plague. Crawl forward under the gap in front of you where you'll see a number of people/infected feeding on a body to the right, then another up ahead in the centre of the screen. You can sneak around them while staying crouched and not getting too close. If they see you, they'll start charging towards you and you'll need to outrun them. However, as long as they aren't too close, you can hide in the tall grass and they'll lose you.

In this first area, creep forwards, then walk around to the right, through the long grass that's to the right of the second group.

Climb the platform to enter the second area. The second you drop down into the second area, the birds will fly away and the group on the right will run at you. You need to quickly crouch in the long grass on the left in order to survive. Walk forward through the grass until you reach the water and make sure that the right group that changed at you is now back where they were. Once the group are distracted with their body, you can crouch and walk through the middle of them and up to the next platform.

In the next area, jump down and go towards the door on the left. Inside, head to the back left of the building where you'll find your next Storybook (#5/7).

After reading the book, leave the building and head north to the next area. Take the grass on the right to avoid the birds, then cut directly left at end into the water on the left. Climb up onto the platform at the end of the water and all the infected in the area will swarm towards you into the water you just climbed out of. As they get close to you, jump forwards, then quickly jump to the next wooden platform to the north. The infected close to you will fall down into the water.

Jump off the end of this new platform and run south through the village, going left at the end and climbing the netting. Take the netting up to the open window. In this building, you'll be completely in the dark but there is a group of infected just north of you as you enter (you can just about make out some white spots in that area, which are the eyes of the infected). Make sure you crouch and follow the left side of the room around and jump up to a platform where you'll be safe. Make your way up to the open window at the top.

Head outside and balance over to the next roof. Fall in and then drop down to the fire.

You have another cauldron puzzle here.

On the door to the right is your set of symbols. Same as before, find the ingredients around the room to make up the symbol mix on the door, then make the required potion in the cauldron and take it to the door. Repeat this again with the second symbol mix, then leave the room.

Once outside, ignore the door on the right, it's locked and you need to grab a key. Instead, run north, past a puddle of water and into the open building on the left. In the left of this building is a table with a small model of the village. Interact with it and look right to see a key buried in a block of wood. Grab the key, leave the building and return to the door on the right. Open it, head inside and cross the netting. Interact with the crank handle inside to lift a cage you can climb. Climb up it, move around it so Olle's back is facing you, then reverse leap to the platform. Crouch out the hole in the roof on the right.

Fall down into the next area, go right and climb up the netting on the building. Jump to the next roof and fall down before going in the third building. Pull the corpse away from the table, then prise open the hand same as before. Grab the key she was holding and open the door to the north. Outside, follow the path up to the right and enter the building here. Inside this room, walk to the right of the room and you'll find your penultimate Storybook (#6/7).

Leave this building and go left, clambering onto the platform there. The second you jump to the ground on the other side, you'll be chased by a few infected. Quickly sprint north and onto the next platform you see. Jump off the next platform and follow the path around to a table you can interact with. Push it over in a QTE, then jump down. Go to the double door on the left and push inside. Inside, use the light to see your surroundings and travel south. At the end, go up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, run a little left then stand still and an infected will run at you and fall down the hole in the floor. Run around the top and onto a platform. Don't use your light here, as there are a couple more infected in here. Instead, walk a little forward and you'll find a hole in the ground. Sprint at the hole and jump to the boxes in the distance. Once on top, jump up one more left, then drop down and grab the crack in this area (you'll see the small white light indicating an interactable). Jump back up to where you were and use the crank handle on the socket. Lift the obstacle out the way and cross to the next building.

Here, use your light as you enter to attack an infected to you a bit. Lower the light, walk around the infected and leap over an obstacle on the right, then go down some stairs. You'll see lots of eyes down here but don't worry, lifting your light will show you that they're only rats. Run towards the camera until you see a door on the left, then exit outside.

Jump over the wall on your left and enter the next building via the door. There will be a number of hanging bodies in here, but walk past them to the hole in the wall and exit. Approach the other church and go inside for a cutscene.

Walk forward and grab the white book off the floor in front of you. Move it to the pile ahead and left of you. There's another book in the pulpit on the right, a third just to the right of this and next to a corpse. You access this one via the gap in the pews in the middle, then going up. With all three collected, clamber onto them, jump to the netting and climb to the top. Cross the top of this area and fall down and leave the church via the open door.

Leave the church garden via the low wall on the left and enter a small cemetery. Quickly run north as a number of infected will slowly wake up and rise from the ground. Hug the right wall and jump up the low section between the broken fence, just in front of three large wooden barrels. Leap over and follow the path left and down into another open cemetery area. Run right and stay in the larger gap between the rows of gravestones to reach the next low wall. Clamber over that and run south as quickly as possible. Cross the rope bridge.

Here, climb the ladder and follow the only path up. After crossing a narrow beam, you'll reach the bottom of a very tall ladder. Before mounting that, go a little to the right and interact with the end of the path:

Perched on the end, you'll find your next Wooden Figurine (#9/11 - Pesta Figurine).

  • Pesta Figurine

    Found the Pesta wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (127)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (128)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (129)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (130)

Climb the long ladder to the top where you'll start a cinematic. When you can, run left through the water as the light from the lighthouse brings light and dark.

Get inside the rowboat and row as instructed, where you'll face off against Pesta


Pesta has a few different phases to deal with, some of which can be confusing at first. You'll spawn into a completely black area, but keep running forwards. After a short period, Pesta will appear and perform one of a few attacks.

  • One involves him bringing out a rake and sliding it quickly towards you. To dodge this, make sure you're in the gaps between the metal rake teeth (and be careful as the rake moves really fast along the ground).
  • A second will see Pesta open his mouth and a plague of rats will come streaming out. You must dodge all the rats.
  • A third will have you standing on top of Pesta's horizontal face and it'll start chewing at you. Jump and run forwards over his forehead and off his face.
  • A fourth will have multiple copies of his face spawn off in the distance and close in on you. Turn and target the one with what looks like a runny nose using your light.

After each of these, Pesta's face will appear in front of you with glowing white eyes. Target one eye and fire your light to take it out. After the next successful survival, target his other eye.

Once both eyes are taken out, keep running towards the gap in the distance, where Olle is on the boat. After a bit more rowing, you'll enter the next phase. The second and third phase are basically identical to the first phase, except the attacks change slightly. More rats will appear, the rake will be drawn from front to back rather than back to front, more faces will appear or his flat face chomps his mouth faster. Survive all these to overcome Pesta and remove him from the boat.

  • Pesta

    Escaped Pesta

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (131)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (132)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (133)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (134)

When on dry green land, run left through the fields until they turn grey. Cross through the flowing river of blood and up the other side. Run up the path and climb the vines, ladders and platforms to reach the now familiar ruins at the top. At the summit, clear all the bramble flowers to let yourself through. After all the bramble vines are cleared, go to the archway and fire the light once more to clear all the brambles.

  • Bramble

    Freed yourself from Bramble

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (135)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (136)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (137)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (138)

A cinematic will take you inside.

Run down the long corridor and approach the painting at the end. Interact with it and look to the right to open a hidden door in the rock. Pass through it into a library area. Run south through the shelves and into the library.

In the middle of this area is your last Storybook (#7/7).

  • Bookworm

    Found all story books

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (140)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (141)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (142)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (143)

In the bottom right, approach the table and interact with it.

On it, you'll find your penultimate Wooden Figurine (#10/11 - Lyktgubben Figurine).

  • Lyktgubben Figurine

    Found the Lyktgubben wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (146)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (147)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (148)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (149)

Leave the library using the stairs to the right and pass through the shelves. Interact with a shelf at the end and pass through.

As soon as you gain control, turn around and interact with the bookcase you just emerged from. Look at the top right to grab the last Wooden Figurine (#11/11 - King Nils Figurine).

  • King Nils Figurine

    Found the King Nils wooden figurine

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (151)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (152)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (153)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (154)

  • Collector

    Found all wooden figurines

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (155)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (156)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (157)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (158)

Now open the door in the back right of the room and interact with the uniform inside. You'll put it on and also gain a clock hand. Run over to the clock in the bottom left. You're now meant to look around the room at the items there and work out what numbers to set the hand to. Instead, I had the same through all my playthrough:

  • Add the hand to the clock.
  • Set it to 6 (VI) then press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (159).
  • Set it to 2 (II) then press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (160).
  • Set it to 10 (X) then press Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (161).

This will open a drawer on the other side of the room. Leave the clock and head over there, it's just left of the shut door (and right of the one where you got the uniform). Interact with it to grab a key from on top of it. Open the door to your right and a short cutscene will start.

Follow the only path, sliding down make sure not to jump onto a sleeping troll. Climb onto an anvil and then we have one more section where you must hide behind objects to avoid a blast in the distance. This time it's powerful blasts of light.

Hide behind a hammer first, then a set of moving stone lumps. To cross these, wait for a blast of light then jump onto the side of them. Climb around them and reverse leap to the other. Wait for the blast, then climb around and leap to the next platform. Use the set of bellows to launch you to the next platform. When you reach this platform the gear on it will start rolling, hide behind the solid part as it rolls down the ramp (there should only be two blasts for you to hide from in this bit). Jump to the next set of moving stones then balance along a bean, hiding in the obvious spots.

Leap to the rocks at the end to reach a huge door. Fire your light at the bramble flowers on the door and run in.

Run around the left of the large rock table in front of you to reach the king's sword, blade rammed into the ground.

Climb up the sword blade and hilt, then run along the vines around the king's back. Blast a bramble flower on the other side to be taken for a ride and start a cutscene.

After this, King Nils will awaken.

King Nils

The final boss.

In the first phase, your aim is to use your light attack to take out all the bramble flowers on the king's shoulders, roughly six on each side. He has two main attacks here:

  • He will hold his fork above you in the air, tracking your movements. After a few seconds, he will ram it down into the table. Simply keep on the move and you should avoid this, try not to double back as he stabs downards.
  • He will horizontally hold his knife and track your movement before slicing it across the table at you, leaving a small scratch in the rock. Same as the fork, keep on the move and try to avoid spinning on the spot.

After each attack, you dodge, fire your light at one of the flowers on his shoulders. After you get them all, you'll reach Phase 2, with the king drawing his sword and a hefty mace. More flowers will appear on his shoulders for you to take out.

In this phase, his attacks are:

  • He will sweep his sword from right to left across the table. You need to jump over it to avoid damage. Once you taken out a few of the flowers, he'll begin to do a double slash, swinging right to left then back from left to right.
  • He'll slam his mace down into the table, trying to crush you. Once it hits the table, a few seconds later, large chunks of rock will drop from the ceiling (look out for the shadows), which can also kill you. Keep on the move and watch out for the shadows to avoid these. As you take out the flowers, more rocks will begin to fall. After one or two mace hits, he will swing his sword and clear the fallen rocks.
  • His final attack will see him slam his sword and mace together. Causing a big pink shockwave that'll kill you. This will only happen after a mace hit, as your only way to survive this is by hiding behind one of the fallen rocks.

After dodging an attack, take out the flowers one at time. Once the last one is gone, you'll get a cutscene.

  • The Mountain King

    Dethroned the Mountain King

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (162)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (163)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (164)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (165)

When you can, run forward towards the large open flower and watch it end.

Climb up the King's sword and hands to reach the pommel. Jump to his beard and cutscene will start.

Once it ends, you'll unlock:

  • Home Again

    Completed the game

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (166)

    1 guideGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (167)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (168)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (169)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (170)

If you managed to do this all without dying, you'll unlock:

  • Survivor

    Completed a playthrough without dying

    Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (171)

    2 guidesGuide for Bramble: The Mountain King (172)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (173)Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (174)

Congratulations on your latest 1000G, thanks for playing this interesting little game and for using my walkthrough!

2. General hints and tips

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This walkthrough is the property of This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners.

Guide for Bramble: The Mountain King (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.