Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (2024)

This simple gluten free fruit loaf is made with milk kefir for additional rise. It makes a lovely moist bread that is perfect for an afternoon tea.

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Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (1)

This gluten free fruit loaf is the best recipe you’re going to find. Not only is it simple to make but it’s also much better for you than the ‘standard’ fruit loaf recipe.

If you’re looking for a gluten free fruit bread that you can either ice or serve with butter then look no further. It has one ‘magic’ ingredient in it which you’re really not going to want to miss. It’s milk kefir and works in a similar way to a sourdough starter.

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (2)

What is milk kefir?

Milk kefir is my secret weapon for gluten free bread making.

I discovered that it was a great natural leavening agent when I first started making it for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

As a natural and powerful probiotic many people with IBS find that it improves their symptoms. However, I found that it made my symptoms worse so I would caution you to introduce it very slowly into your diet.

Having said that if you’re using it for baking with, the beneficial bacteria will be killed so you don’t need to worry.

These days you don’t have to make milk kefir, you can buy it in the supermarket. If you do that just make sure you’re buying a ‘live’ one rather than one that has been pasteurised. The pasteurisation process kills the beneficial bacteria and yeast in it so it won’t work in this recipe.

If you’d like to know more about milk kefir and how to make it check out my article: Milk Kefir Recipes And How To Make Milk Kefir.

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (3)

Where can I get hold of milk kefir for this gluten free fruit loaf recipe?

As I said above, milk kefir is a very powerful probiotic. It’s similar to yoghurt but thinner (more like a drink) and with a huge variety of beneficial bacteria and yeast.

If you want to make milk kefir it’s very easy. All you need to do is buy some milk kefir grains and then follow my instructions in this article: Milk Kefir Recipes And How To Make Milk Kefir. I even tell you how to make dairy free milk kefir.

If you don’t want to bother making it and drinking it for the benefit of your gut then buy some. As I said above, most big supermarkets sell it now.

What does the milk kefir do in baking gluten free bread?

Using milk kefir in gluten free bread is much like using a sourdough starter. Only a hundred times easier because you don’t have to keep a sourdough starter alive.

Using milk kefir gives the same sour flavour that you get with sourdough. It also helps to create light and airy gluten free bread due to the natural yeast in the kefir.

In this recipe I’ve used my own homemade (second fermented) milk kefir. Previously I have left the bread to prove for 24 hours but recent experiments have shown this not to be necessary. However, if you don’t want to bake the bread immediately then you can easily leave this recipe for up to 24 hours before adding the oil, baking powder and eggs.

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (4)

How do you make gluten free fruit loaf?

It’s very simple!

Combine the dry ingredients well before adding the milk kefir and honey. I do this in my Sage stand mixer because I can be sure that everything has been mixed well.

At this stage you can leave the dough for up to 24 hours to develop more flavour.

However, if you want the gluten free fruit bread straight away then continue with the recipe.

Add the oil, baking powder, vanilla extract and eggs and mix to combine. Then stir through the dried fruit. Here you can use any dried fruit you like. The last time I made it I used sultana’s and glace cherries. That was delicious.

Once you have the dough, transfer it into a deep 2lb loaf tin. I highly recommend you buy this particular tin because it is tall and thin. I use it for all my gluten free bread making because it supports the loaf to rise properly and gives perfect results every time.

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (5)

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Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (6)

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free)

Gluten-free, Soya-free, Nut-free, Refined Sugar-free

5 from 6 votes

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Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time50 minutes mins

Optional resting time1 day d

Total Time1 day d 1 hour hr

Servings 8

Author Vicki Montague - The Free From Fairy


  • 300 g plain Free From Fairy gluten-free flour
  • 2 tsp psyllium husk powder - or xanthan gum
  • 2 tsp clear honey
  • 2 tsp mixed spice
  • 240 ml milk kefir - or coconut milk kefir
  • 30 g coconut oil - butter or other oil, melted
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 medium eggs - beaten
  • 100 g dried mixed fruit
  • For the icing - optional:
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar - I used Natvia sugar alternative
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp water


  • Place the flour, psyllium husk powder and mixed spice into a large bowl or stand mixer and stir well.

  • Mix the milk kefir and honey together, then add to the dry mixture. Stir well until you have a dough, using your hands to bring it together if you need to

  • OPTIONAL STEP (not necessary but develops flavour) - Cover with a tea towel and leave to stand at room temperature for about 24 hours

  • After the proving time is up, mix the baking powder into the oil along with the vanilla extract and pour over the dough

  • Beat the eggs and add them to the dough too, then give it a stir to combine the wet ingredients into the dough. Go slowly and carefully at first, then once combined give it a good beat

  • Add the mixed fruit and mix well

  • Grease a 2lb loaf tin ( I recommend this one for best results) then add the dough and level. With wet fingers smooth the top neatly

  • Place a wet tea towel over the loaf and put in a warm place for 1 hour, to rise. I place a cup of boiling water in the oven with the loaf to aid the rising process.

  • After the hour, cook the loaf in a pre-heated oven (I just take my loaf out while I pre-heat the oven) at 220 degrees (200 fan, gas mark 7) for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees (160 degree fan, gas mark 4) for a further 40 minutes or so until golden.

  • Leave to cool completely.

  • If you wish to drizzle icing on it, mix the icing ingredients together, decorate and enjoy. Alternatively brush the top of the loaf with runny honey for a shiny glaze.


Nutrition data for information only.

Nutrition (Approx)

Calories: 263kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 50mg | Sodium: 36mg | Potassium: 276mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 12g | Vitamin A: 130IU | Vitamin C: 0.2mg | Calcium: 127mg | Iron: 1.4mg

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Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (8)

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (9)

Gluten Free Fruit Loaf Recipe (Refined Sugar Free) (2024)


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