FREE Situational Judgement Test & Prep Tips [10 Questions + Score] (2024)

Answer with Explanation


Primary Competency:Teamwork, responsibility Secondary

Competencies:Problem-solving; working under supervision; integrity; thoroughness/attention to detail.

Correct response:B

Response (B) employs the practice of admitting mistakes and sharing responsibility. Although Travis played a larger role in committing the mistake while gathering the data, by sharing the responsibility for the mistake, you are showing that you are a team player (teamwork). By telling the supervisor that both of you have made an error you are showing that you are responsible and have the integrity of admitting your mistakes – thus allowing your supervisor to take the possibility of being late for the deadline into account. By working together to amend the mistake – your team has the potential of solving the task effectively by the deadline.

Further Explanations:

This question tests for the ability to share responsibility in a team and the ability to admit mistakes while having the willingness to correct them. The trick for solving the question is to choose the response that employs both integrity and teamwork- while solving the problem effectively.

Response (A) may seem like the correct response as Travis is certainly responsible for the problem. However, by dropping all the blame on Travis and not offering to work together on solving the problem- you show that you are unwilling to share the responsibility- thus showing low teamwork competency. Also, by criticizing Travis behind his back you might cause unnecessary damage to his relationship with the supervisor- as he should be given a chance to explain himself.

Response (C) lacks responsibility and problem-solving. Handing the supervisor notes is only a partial solution if the supervisor hasn't agreed to this solution- and is not prepared in advance for this solution. The quality of your work here is diminished – so you are also showing a lack of thoroughness and attention to detail.

It is difficult not to choose response (D), as willing to work together with Travis in order to solve the problem on time shows a high level of teamwork. Since the intention communicated in this answer-choice is to “not bother” the supervisor- choosing this question reveals a low level of being responsible and a problem with working under supervision- as you are not allowing your supervisor access to valuable information which could affect his decision-making regarding the presentation and the deadline.


Primary Competency:Teamwork, responsibility Secondary

Competencies:Problem-solving; working under supervision; integrity; thoroughness/attention to detail.

Correct response:B

Response (B) employs the practice of admitting mistakes and sharing responsibility. Although Travis played a larger role in committing the mistake while gathering the data, by sharing the responsibility for the mistake, you are showing that you are a team player (teamwork). By telling the supervisor that both of you have made an error you are showing that you are responsible and have the integrity of admitting your mistakes – thus allowing your supervisor to take the possibility of being late for the deadline into account. By working together to amend the mistake – your team has the potential of solving the task effectively by the deadline.

Further Explanations:

This question tests for the ability to share responsibility in a team and the ability to admit mistakes while having the willingness to correct them. The trick for solving the question is to choose the response that employs both integrity and teamwork- while solving the problem effectively.

Response (A) may seem like the correct response as Travis is certainly responsible for the problem. However, by dropping all the blame on Travis and not offering to work together on solving the problem- you show that you are unwilling to share the responsibility- thus showing low teamwork competency. Also, by criticizing Travis behind his back you might cause unnecessary damage to his relationship with the supervisor- as he should be given a chance to explain himself.

Response (C) lacks responsibility and problem-solving. Handing the supervisor notes is only a partial solution if the supervisor hasn't agreed to this solution- and is not prepared in advance for this solution. The quality of your work here is diminished – so you are also showing a lack of thoroughness and attention to detail.

It is difficult not to choose response (D), as willing to work together with Travis in order to solve the problem on time shows a high level of teamwork. Since the intention communicated in this answer-choice is to “not bother” the supervisor- choosing this question reveals a low level of being responsible and a problem with working under supervision- as you are not allowing your supervisor access to valuable information which could affect his decision-making regarding the presentation and the deadline.

FREE Situational Judgement Test & Prep Tips [10 Questions + Score] (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.