Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

11 i. Macdonald Resigns As Associate 75 General Secretary of YMCA donald, associate general secretary of the Marion Young Men's Christian Association, effective June 15, was announced today by the board of directors. The resignation was. accepted by the board Monday night and the personnel committee was assigned to' ob-; tain his successor. Macdonald will become general secretary of the Michigan City YMCA, and will work for 15 days with the present secretary, Ernest P.

Messner, whose retirement will become effective July 1. Named associate to the general KID MATTHEWS BLASTS EAGLE Marion, Indiana, Chronicle April 15, 1952 secretary, P. F. Alexander, Macdonald came. to Marion Nov.

1, 1948, from the Portsmouth, YMCA, where be was serving as physical director. A native of Ottawa, he attended "the YMCA College' in Chicago in 1937 and twas engaged in YMCA work at' Chicago. Central until November, 1942, when he entered the Army. Upon receiving his discharge. from the service in May, 1946, he accepted the Portsmouth post.

In accepting the resignation with regrets and congratulations. members of the board praised Macdonald for his, achievements here and for civic his affairs. activities Under 'his church direction the YMCA has had outstanding tumbling teams as well trampelene and trampelet teams which have made a number of public appearances. Under Macdonald's leadership the physical education program has reached an all-time high. Since the old building was closed last November Macdonald was responsible for the opening of the west branch of the YMCA at 1652 Euclid and it has been under his constant supervision since its opening.

Active in church and civic affairs, Macdonald has served as secretary of the Marion, Lions Club the past three years, is a deacon of the First Presbyterian Church, and is serving his second term as president of the Grant County Council for Community Service, formerly known Grant County Council of Social Agencies. vi Macdonald, who is married and has two children, said today he hoped to move his family to Michigan City on or about June 1. 1 Ore. (INS) -Harry "Kid" Matthews of Seattle took another step toward a shot at the heavyweight title knocking out Charley Eagle of Waterbury, in five rounds before an estimated 7,500 fight fans at Portland Monday night. Fighting his first bout in four months, Matthews knocked Eagle for a nine count early in the fifth round.

Eagle got to his feet sparred -for 10 or 15 seconds and then slumped to the canvas, more from the effects of the knockdown blow than any struck afterward. At the count of nine, Eagle tried to get up but rolled over on his back and- had to be worked over before he could leave: the ring. Eagle gave a good account himself in the first four rounds of the scheduled 10-rounder, using "a "I near-John L. Sullivan style with his. left hand poked "in Matthews' face much of the time.

Matthews weighed 181 and Eagle SISTERS PLAN BOXING SHOW VANCOUVER, B. C. UP The Sisters of the Child Jesus, an order of nuns in suburban North Vancouver, turned their hand to something new. They're sponsoring an amateur boxing show this weekend. The event is the two-day Indian boxing of the Pacific Northwest--better known as the Buckskin Gloves--Friday and Saturday.

Strain, coach of St. Paul's Athletic Club, and Andy Paull, president of the North American Brotherhood, had difficulty raising $50 'for a deposit the auditorium where the fights will be' held. "The Sisters went into a huddle and came up with the required cash deposit," Strain said today: "It is probably the, most extraordinary kick-off for boxing show In. "I Through Rain or This Dog Likes His Nap COLUMBUS, O. (-When 'Willie "is tired, he sleeps-rain or shine.

Willie, a part co*cker, part setter pup, lay in the rain Monday near mailbox. He didn't seem to mind that his hair was getting matted by the steady drizzle. quickly But to five actoungsters thetepped the pup. They ran home, got rags, newspapers and food. They returned and fed Willie.

Someone called the humane society. Before someone from the society had time to arrive, Mrs. Matthew walked up and took her dog' home. lA She explained Willie loves to follow the mailman. When the mailman leaves him, Willie stretches out for a nap wherever he happens to be.

li COLORED NOTES "Young People's meeting will be held pat 7:30 p.m. today at Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church. W. M. Holder is 'the pastor.

Boys Club will entertain the Marion High School basketball team at a dinner and a program at 7 p.m. today at Allen Temple Church. Woodrow Weir, Milton Brinkbock, park superintendent, and C. 'B. Weesner, probation officer, will be the speakers.

A discussion period will follow the program. This meeting Is open to the public. Stewardess Board No. 1 of Allen Temple Church will meet at 7:30 p.m. today at the home of Mrs.

Edgar Gibson, 3402 S. Selby St. Choir No, 2 of Allen Temple Church will meet. at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the church.

A greens supper will be served at 5 p.m. Friday at Allen Temple Church. LaEstrellas Club will sponsor a womanless wedding at 8 p.m. Friday at the Masonic Hall. Mrs.

Irene Beck and co workers will. sponsor a benefit supper at 5 p.m., Friday at Bethel Church. Miss Martha Ellen Smith, Joliet, and Clyde Merritt, Chicago, were the weekend -guests of Mrs. Cristobel Smith, W. 26th Strect.

Other Easter callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dudley, Joliet. Phillip Pettiford, Bertram Thruston and Phillip Stewart, students of Central State College, are spending Easter vacations with their parents. Miss.

Lois Ward, student at IndiUniversity, is visiting her father, Eddie Ward, and, other relatives. Mrs. Katherine Price will be hostess to the Young Mothers' Study Club of A Allen Temple Church at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at her home, 3428 S. Nebraska St.

Mr. and Mrs. James Mack left Sunday for a visit in Ohio. The Choir of Calvary Baptist Church will sponsor a song festival at 3:30 p.m. April 27, All choirs in the city have been invited to participate.

COUNTY NURSE RE-APPOINTED Ending long drawn-out controversy between the State Board of Health and the board of county! commissioners, the latter today' confirmed the appointment of Mrs. Grace Clements as county health nurse for a term which will end 31, 1952. Township trustees and PTA units bad urged the appointment of 8 nurse to assist in the pre-school health roundups and Mrs. Clements was the only qualified applicant, according to the county health officer, Dr. Lester Renbarger, who would accept the The nurse receives an annual salary of $2,820.

Virgil Kariger and Raymond Republican members of the board had resulted in their selection of Miss Sally Embree to filly the post. They explained they had assumed any licensed nurse would be qualified. The state board insisted that the county nurse have public health training. While called: a county health nurse, officials said she actually spends more than 85 per cent of her time in schools and is more of a school than a health nurse. "I A PLAN ISLAND OIL REFINERY sible sources reported today that plans will soon be announced for the crection of a huge oil refinery in the Philippine Islands.

Negotiations have been underway for almost two years the It is believed to be of great military, in as the well area. as economic 1m- The refinery is expected to have a capacity of 13.000 barrels daily. Much this will be consumed on the islands. But it will also be available for defense, purposes. 1 necessary.

The project will be built in Ba: Province on Luzon! It will be within easy hauling distance of the Manila Airpoort. The negotiations have been conducted on a private level between the Cal-Tex a joint company Standard Oil of California, and the Texas Oil Philippine government. Philippine informants in Washington said that the oil refinery would expand the Philippine economy. It would supplement plans of the Mutual Security Agency to build a small arms plant on. the islands.

value of the plant is believed to lie in its strategic location. Oil the western hemisphere and turncould be brought from. Borneo and ed into the special products for more convenient shipping -to Japan, India, Thailand and other stra- DICTATORSHIP TREND BLASTED PITTSBURGH -Sen. Taft accused President Truman today of endangering the country's freedom and opening the way for "any president to make himself 8 The Ohio Republican, seeking his party's nomination for the presidency, said he believed Truman's seizure of the steel mills "is a violation of the constitution." 1 1 Taft's remarks were in a speech preapred for delivery here on his campaign tour. Truman's steel action, he commented, "is in line with his general disregard of the constitution and laws of the United States." He added: "It follows the usurpation of the power to make war in Korea, It follows the usurpation of the power to send American soldiers to Korea.

"His action and the precedent thereby set endanger the freedom of this country and make it possible for any president to make himself a dictator if he chooses to do so." I Taft said he did not necessarily rule out seizure as one means of settling a nation labor dispute. He said included power in a bill which he introduced in 1949, "but it was carefully spelled out, and I have even more doubt today whether it is desirable to grant this power." Athletics Will Sign Former Boston Pitcher PHILADELPHIA (P -Pitcher Ed Wright, former. Boston Braves righthander, will be signed to a Athletics contract today, General Manager Arthur H. Ehlers has announced. Wright, 31, was obtained by the A's during the winter when the Philadelphia club bought five players from the New York Giants after taking over the Ottawa International League franchise.

He bad been on the Ottawa roster, Actress Wins Divorce From Ex-Football Star LOS ANGELES UP) Actress Terry. Moore won a divorce from: football star Glenn Davis after testifying he was stingy, shabby, called her a liar, derided her acting, insulted her friends, and drove too fast. Davis, 27, former West Point AllAmerica now the Los Angeles Rams, didn't contest the suit. I FUND TRANSFER BATTLE LOOMS I Ordinance providing for a transfer of street department funds so that city employes may complete major. repairs on.

the main thoroughfares will be considered at the regular meeting of the common council tonight. City Attorney Lloyd Cochran was ordered to bers of the prepare the ordinance so despite the protests of the three holdover memTotal of $95,000 was allowed for contractural services for the department at the time of the preparation of the budget, and Street Superinendent Wilbur Bradford has asked that a part of this money be transferred so it might be used for. materials and supplies as well as equipment to improve the streets. He told the council two weeks ago that the department could build twice as many miles of streets with the same funds as the contracting firms. However, opponents to the action pointed out in previous years they had found it advisable to permit a well quipped firm to resurface the streets or to complete the major program and to allow the city department to assume only the minor repair work.

hug Councilman Harry Jackson requested the city attorney to prepare the transfer ordinance, and his action was seconded by Joseph Outspoken opponent 'of the move was Robert Shields, declared his experience with such a project has revealed a more 'satisfactory job is performed by a contractor who is engaged in that type of work on a full time basis. Reports also indicated that additional appropriations may be asked by the fire department. The session will begin at p.m. under the direction of Mayor Ralph J. Leech.

ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 AUTOMOBILES INDIANA Cloudy with rain Funeral Directors Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 east portion ending today becom- REDUCE Operating costs and AUTO PARTS ing partly cloudy late today. Most- funeral expenses are conse- GLASS INSTALLED scat- quences of the up-to-date equip- SPENCER 4309-W 17th, SALVAGE Service ly and cool tonight ment and modern methods we Phone and By-Pass fair with tered frost. Wednesday fair and a employ. Phone 1815-W. little warmer.

High today 42-48. MILFORD. FUNERAL HOME Repairing, Service Stations 16 Sincere Service. Fair Prices EXPERT Low tonight 32-36. MECHANICAL SERVICE ILLINOIS Mostly fair today Personal On All Make Cars; and Trucks and tonight.

A little warmer to- CHARIS Foundation garments, We Use Genuine Factory Parts day, cool with scattered frost to- girdles, bras, slips, in white and Quick Service night. Wednesday Increasing nude. Call for an appointment CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. cloudiness with rain developing Mrs. William F.

McConn. Ph. 221 W. Second Phone 1081 west-central portion by night. A 3164-W.

ALL THIS Shawn MORE! little warmer Wednesday. High to- Wrecking and Towing Service day 50-55 north, 55-60 south. Low WANTED Ride from! Marion to Bumping and Retouching tonight 32-36. Gas City at 5:30 p. m.

Phone Complete Paint Jobs OHIO Cloudy and cool with Gas City 8-4421 Engine and Transmissions Work light rain or drizzle ending today. WILL Care for children in my of All Kinds Highest in the middle or upper home, near college. By hour or HOWARD AUTO SERVICE 40s. Partly cloudy tonight, lowest day. Ph.

2553-M. Eighth and Adams Phone 4 4808 in the middle 30s. Wednesday fair WILL CARE -For children in COMPLETE and warmer in the afternoon. my home days or by the week. MECHANICAL SERVICE and KENTUCKY Mostly cloudy Phone Gas City 6001 or write BODY WORK, ALL MAKE CARS with a few showers east and cen- Box 16, Jonesboro.

WITH EXPERT MECHANICS tral this morning: partly cloudy Can't stand the odor of old fash- FAST SERVICE this afternoon. Highest 50-55. Fair ioned moth killers? Get Berlou. NOTTINGHAM OLDSMOBILE tonight. Lowest 35-40.

Wednesday No odor and guaranteed for five 309 E. Phone 1328 fair and warmer. years. Economical too. i EXTRA THOROUGH INDIANA FIVE DAY FORECAST WE BUY AND SELL Make 'sure ENGINE TUNE car is in MARION HARDWARE UPI Temperatures will average near Men's Used Clothes' and Shoes Flight" your condition by letting "Top our normal.

Normal maximum 60 WITCOFF, 211 East 3rd. Ph. 363 factory trained experts tune-up north to 68 south. Normal mini- BUY AND SELL AT your engine. We Have The Right mum 39 north to 45 south.

Warmer so. MARION USED CLOTHING Parts- Tools and Prices. Wednesday. Colder Friday. Warm- 3230.

S. Washington Phone 5309 DRAPER AUTO SALES Saturday and Sunday. Precipl FOR THE BEST 517 So. Wash. 779 tation will average one fourth inch GROCERIES 'AND MEATS "Marion's Highest Trader" ring as rain mostly.

over south BOB REWEAVING WILSON Opp. ALTERATIONS P. O. BUSINESS SERVICE north to one inch south occurportion Wednesday night! and Thursday and as scattered show- Pick up and deliver. Phone 2331W Business Service, Offered 18 ers over most of district about Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 Mimeographing Duplicating Sunday.

LOST--Red male co*cker spaniel. 409 N. Adams Ph. 4212-W DEATH RETURNS Phone 6303. 700 W.

'5th. FENSTERMAKER-Clark Clark Charles. LOST Black. leather billfold SWEEPER KARNES BROKE? SWEEPER CALL US Phoenix, Arizona. Mortu- with papers.

Urgently needed. 38th and ary. Liberal reward. Phone 5177-R. Wash.

Phone 1772 DAINES Anna L. 221 S. Taylor. STRAYED -Fox terrier with li- TREE WORK- -Built in repairSouth Bend, Indiana. Needham cense no.

27-820. Ph. 2716-M. Phone 3607-1. Son.

LOST Little White female wire CARPENTER-Repair and finish. MARRIAGE LICENSES Phone haired 4995 terrier, 309. "Chee Chee." CEMENT References Ph. WORK--Block City 6037. laying; Claudia Jones, 1928, Marion, fac- or house: raising.

Phone Gas City tory; Mary Nell Doniver, 1929, AUTOMOBILES 87888. Marion: Richard Downam, 1931, 1 TREE CUTTING Marion, for sale. Automobiles for Sale 11 All kinds. Insurance, liability zee, Army; Joyce Haynes, 1932, Sway- 1947 Studebaker Champion de- and property. Lanter.

Ph. 1556. Donald Koons, 1929, Marion, luxe; 1940 Chevrolet truck. Both SEPTIC. Tanks, cesspools, toilet Army; Betty Fosnough, 1933, A-1.

Phone 5484-2. vaults, vacuum cleaned sewer ion. Mar- 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion, lines, basem*nt drains cleaned I' Carl Plotner, 1893, la- 604 regal Highland deluxe, Ave. Ph. 4676-J.

with electric cutting knives. Clean $1,235. borer; Mamie Guyre, 1886, Mar- SPECIAL David Sewer Cleaners. 4415-W. 1951 Ford Pick up.

CUSTOM -Welding. Sam SchwarzloRiobert Lawson, 1931, Marion, $1,195. YORK'S AUTO SALES Ph. kopf, 6669. 273 W.

High Montpelier, Army; Phyllis Short, 1931, 2nd ByPass Phone 5778 HAULING Trash and cinders. Fred Lake, 1907, Marion, ma- FOR SALE 1946- Plymouth club Phone 4417-J. chinist; Elsie Wilkins, Mar- coupe Inquire 1316 N. Meri- SLIP COVERS And draperies ion. dian, made.

Ph. Gas City 84101. 1941 4-door. Excellent. DAWN--Mowers sharpened and re His.

ANNOUNCEMENTS 321 E. Grant upstairs. paired. Phone 986. 1704 West BUY OR TRADE AT 4th, rear.

Funeral. Directors DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES HAULING Ashes or trash; will SHAWLEY MEMORIAL Chapel 3212 So. Adams St. Phone 1954 pick up junk. Peat moss, 50c bul Established tip 1888 1941 FORD Tudor clean, 2 miles delivered.

Ph. 5091-W. 2901 Washington Phone 120 west of Bypass on Roseburg NEEDHAM AND SON Pike. James Morgan. Quarterly Bookkeeping Tax Returns Service Filed 814 'S.

Adams St. Phone 1552-W. door. mileage. A perfect Farmers Trust Bldg.

Ph. 2454 We' Appreciate Your Confidence. 1951 BUICK- Riviera hardtop 2- Richard Harrigan Serving As OWEN We Would MORTUARY Be Served car. Cranbrook 2- INSIDE And outside painting, 2722 S. of Washington Phone Trust 1877 door.

like 2,070 miles. extras, exact- COOKSEY'S SEWER SERVICE 1951 Reasonable. Phone 4868-M. DIGGS Worthy a Sacred ly 8 Club. Sedan.

$1,695. Modern equipment. Phone 2035 504 W. Third FUNERAL St. Service, Phone (169 Inc.

1950 Nice and PONTIAC clean. Runs excellent. CHIMNEY Work and plasterWas $1,595. Cut to $1,495. ing; kinds.

painting. Ph. 5559-J. Coment Call work of "THE RAVEN FUNERAL HOME 1950 PONTIAC 6 A beautiful all anyHOME far Services" 911 S. Washington I Phone 1480 cream color.

Hydramatic, radio, QUALITY Plumbing. Reasonheater, Deluxe model. $1,595. LEGAL NOTICES 1949 OLDS 98 Sedan. Best buy able.

Phone 4535-M. in town. Reduced to 81 $1,595. DITCH DIGGING LEGAL NOTICE OF 1949 OLDS 88 Club Sedan. Has By Jeep digger for and Public PUBLIC HEARING of Indi- hydramatic and everything.

Real septic lines. Electrical cable etc. ana Docket Service No. 19035.1 Commission nice. $1,595.

Much faster and cheaper than In the matter of the Petition of 1949 BUICK Super 4-door. Dyn- hand digging. Central Indiana Gas Company, an In- aflow, radio, heater, beautiful J. C. Hamilton Ph.

1431-M. diana certain Corporation, restrictions applicable exemption to from de- light blue, excellent tires. $1,495. CLOGGED SEWERS Drains, liveries of natural gas imposed by 1948 PLYMOUTH 'Special Se- sinks, stools and lavatorics cleanston orders of of the Indiana Public dated Service December Commis- 20,. dan.

Clean as a pin. Runs and ed the modern way. Work guar1946. March 20. 1947 and April 13, 1950 looks perfect.

$995. anteed, experienced operators. Cause No. 19035. 1942 CHEVROLET Fleetline.2- Latest equipment.

Free estimate. Notice is hereby given that the Pub- door. Radio, heater, two-tone No job too large or too small. lic conduct Service public Commission of In this Indiana cause will paint. $495.

service. Phone 4415-R. hearing the Rooms of the Commission, 401 1941 FORD V-8 Tudor. A good one. WELL DRILLING-4" up.

Clyde State House, Indianapolis, 9 a.m.. Runs swell. $350. Prine. Ph.

Fairmount 113-W. Central 1952. Standard Time, Tuesday, April 1939 PONTIAC 6 2-door. A HAULING Basem*nts, garages, Public participation 18 requested. good little, automobile.

$295. and lawns cleaned. Reasonable. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 1947 Pickup. A Ph.

6117 ARNOLD OF J. INDIANA ATWOOD, clean one. Runs excellent. $695. By Secretary DUMP TRUCK HAULING Indianapolis, 15, 1952.4 April 14, 1952.

35th DUDLEY Wash. SMALL MOTORS Ph. 452 Gravel, dirt, stone. Ph. 5608-W.

HAULING WANTED The Board ADVERTIsem*nT of Trustees FOR of BIDS the 1941 NASH 4 door, overdrive, Ashes and trash. Phone 5608-W. School City of Marion, Indiana, will Heater, $325. This car can be WE REPAIR receive sealed bids. at the Office of bought without a down payment.

Gil ALL MAKES the Superintendent of Schools in the KILEY SALES AND SERVICE SEWING MACHINES ing of the High School Heating and St. Phone 5435 Let a Singer expert tune up your High School Building for Remodel- Boots at river Ventilating Systems and Related Work EXPERT Body and Mechani- sewing machine. Reasonable until 1:00 P. Central Standard cal Service on All Makes Cars. charges.

Estimates furnished in the Time, bids May will be 1952, at opened which 'by' time said J. MATTHEWS, 316 W. 3rd. advance. Call your Board and read aloud.

Bids re- Buick Service. Parts. Accessories. SINGER SEWING MCHE. CO.

ceived after that hour will be re- 412 So. Washington Phone 372 The turned work unopened. shall performed In DEPENDABLE USED CARS PAPER HANGING accordance with this Notice; In- At All Times Phone 4769-R structions to Bidders, Contract, and "Marion's Highest Trader" COMPLETE Vacuum Cleaners Specifications prepared by the M. Rotz Engineering Company, Me- DRAPER AUTO SALES Parts and Repair Service chanical Engineers, 1005 Merchants 517 So. Washington Phone 799 EMMONS Bank Building, Indianapolis, Indiana.

1938 OLDS-4 door sedan, 3101 So. Wash. St. Ph. 801 Copies including of the Drawings Contract and Specifications, Documents, radio, tires, nice running heater, CLOGGED SEWERS DRAINS may be obtalned by written applica- motor $295.

Cleaned with electric cutter. tion to the Engineers. Each application HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS Beckman Roto-Rooter, Ph. 1203. shall be accompanied by certified check in the sum of $25.00 payable 905 Phone 1883-45 Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 eering the order Company of the for J.

each M. copy Rotz applied Engin- WE BUY- LATE MODEL ROOF LEAK? AN deposit. The amount of de- WRECKED CARS FOR, PARTS Phone 108 posit for refunded one to set each: of bidder documents who will ATKIN'S BROS. Phone 2941 STATE ROOFING CO. 115 E.

6th turns the documents to the Engineers 1951 HUDSON No mile Insurance and Surety, Bonds 23 after good the condition opening of within the ten bids: (10) $10 days to age. BARKER Factory warranty. McCLAIN UNDERWRITERS BROKERS refunded for. each of all other 16th INSURANCE of Proposals documents shall be so properly returned. executed PHONE Washington 1164 Sts.

Cor. Third and Boots Phone 500 proposal form 96 with non-collusion Laundering A diana, affidavit and required must be by Statutes accompanied of In- by 1951 Olds. with all extras WASHINGS-24 hr. service. Refform 98a prescribed by State Board 1951 Pontiac- Catalira, erences.

Phone 582-M. Thousand Accounts, Dollars for all ($5,000) bids or of more. Five 1951 door, LAUNDRY WANTED. Each proposal shall be accompa: 1951 Plymouth-4 door. Phone 5421-Wl nied by a certified check or bid bond '1950 4 door, 98, hydramatic, WANTED Washings or! ironings.

made Trustees payable of the to School the Board City of of Marion, School 1950 radio, heater Frazer-Manhatten Pickup and deliver. Ph. Indiana, for an amount of not' less 1950 Chevrolet-4 door, radio, heat- WASHINGS And Ironings, pick than Contractors five. of awarded total work bid price. will be er up and deliver.

3225 So. Adams required to furnish acceptable surety 1949 Buick-Super, 4 door, radio, Phone 6155-M cent of contract price. heater, dynaflow EMPLOYMENT band in amount of one hundred per- Wage rates on this work shall not be Desoto-4 door than the prescribed scale of wages 1949. Pontiac-8 Chieftain Deluxe Help Wanted--Female 32 visions determined of Chapter pursuant 319 to the the pro- Acts Plymouth-4 door black of 1949 WANTED Waitress and short the General Assembly of Indiana of Chevrolet-4 door. order cook for out of town.

6 No bidder withdraw his bid 1949 Nash-Statesman day week. Good salary. Write period 'of may forty-five (45) days 1949 Buick Roadmaster, dynanow number Chronicle and Box 968 address. giving date set for opening of bids. heater, Plans and specifications are on file 1949 Ford -Tudor, Custom WANTED must be the office of said Superintendent 1948 Pontiac-4 door Waitresses, Schools, Marion, Indiana, and are 1948 Chevrolet- Fleetline experienced and willing to work.

available for inspection. the 1947 Chevrolet-2 door Apply in person. The School Board of of School Marion, Trustees of MORGAN'S CAFE serve the City right to reject any Indiana, and re- all 1947 Ford--Tudor "I So. Adams bidding. and to walve any informalities 1946 Plymouth-4 door EXPERIENCED Waitress.

Ap1946. door BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF 1946 Olds. ply 9 to 3 Marion Tructel RestauTHE SCHOOL CITY OF MARION, 1946 Buick-2 door, Sedanette rant, ByPass North. Arnold Hogan, President 1951 Chevrolet, Pick up INDIANA. AMBITIOUS WOMAN OF charactHobart D.

Hopkins, Secretary 1950 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle er, education, refined, 21-55. PreGeo. E. Hayes, Treasurer 1947 Indiana- -Motorcycle fer one experienced in teaching, E--April 8-15, 1952 BELL USED CARS' club or church Must be NOTICE OP. APPOINTMENT OF 30th Washington ready to accept position by May EXECUTRIX 1st in a Marshall Field owned No.

9673 1 Repairing, Service Stations' 16 enterprise, be unemployed now, I NOTICE undersigned IS HEREBY' has been GIVEN, appointed That desirous rendering service Executrix of the estate of James MOTOR TUNE UP of national importance. cap- London, deceased, late of Grant Coun- Overhauling complete automotive able earning above $4,000 annuSaid Indiana. estate is supposed to be solvent. service. Expert mechanics.

ally. For Muncie interview write LORENA F. LONDON, 1007 S. Washington Phone 553 Mr. L.

Welch, Box 6110, ChiBrown Shadle. Executrix. GEO. RAMP SALES cago 80, Illinois, stating age, Attorneys. 1: education, experience and phone -April 15, 22, 1953.

number. 1 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 WANTED Elderly lady to live in for room, board and wages, Care for children and light housework. Ph. 3373-J. WANTED Secretary' for permanent position in fice.

Must be experienced. Write Chronicle Box 962 giving experlence and references. HELP WANTED -for bookkeeping Dep't. experienced typist. ployment.

Permanent; Pleasant full working time con- emditions. Apply or write. Mr. Sisson. Chronicle Publishing Co.

Inc. WANTED Inside Help and Car Hops. Apply Moons Drive In. 5 to 8 p.m. or' Phone 6314-R for appointment.

Help Wanted -Male 33 YOUNG MEN 18. to 24, travel New York, Florida and return. New car transportation furnished. No clothes or experience needed! Average earnings $75. per week.

Guarantee $160 per month. Bring drivers license, see Mr. Hodge at Draper Auto Sales. WANTED Married farm hand, experienced in farm machinery and livestock. See Frank Marine miles.

So. Pt. Isabel. DRIVER Salesman and solicitors for Fresh Fruit Juice Routes. Men over 50 preferred.

MARION FRUIT JUICE CO. 612 N. Forest Ave. Ph. 5858.

STANDARD OIL COMPANY Position Position vacancies for young men interested in developing. into sales work. Applicants must have sincere desire to progress through a training period to qualify for territorial sales positions. background helpful (bpportunity for men graduating in June), Physical fitness essenstarting salary with opportunity for ad-4 vancement: Apply: R. W.

Smith, 1228 Maumee (Phone Anthony A-0584), Ft. Wayne, Indiana. SONOTONE CORPORATION I Has, exceptional opportunity for sales representative to assume charge of exclusive five county district and Marion, Indiana residential office. Established clientele, semi-professional service. Salary and incentive.

Excellent opportunity for advancement. For, interview, Phone or write Sonotone Corporation, Telephone A-6240, 712 Gettle Building, Ft. Wayne. 1: A MARSHALL OWNED ENTERPRISE Has local opening for ambitious man of unquestionable 'and refinement. Age 26-60, College education preferred.

Must be ready. accept position by May 1st. Be capable earnIng above $5,000 annually. For Muncie Interview, write L. J.

Welch, P. O. Box 6110, Chicago 80, Illinois. State education, experience, phone number. YOUNG MAN-H.

S. graduate, for general store, work. FREEL MASON. DRUGS! THE LEADER-TRIBUNE Has openings a first-rate experienced reporter and telegraph editor. Apply or address E.

W. Chronicle Publishing Marion, Ind. Help- -Male and Female 34 WANTED -Chef and or experienced waitress. Sunday work and also parti Apply in person. THE HILLTOP WANTED Short order cook for out of town.

6 day week. Good salary. Write Chronicle Box 969 giving phone number and "NEEDED! Man or woman to take care of established customers in Marion for famous Watkins Products. Average $50 income. No investment.

Write E. K. Shuey, Box 157, Sta. Columbus, Ohio. Situations Wanted -Female 36 EXPERIENCED -Bookkeeper with ability to type, equipped to do your office work here in my home.

Reference. Phone 2730-W. Situations Wanted -Male 37 WANT Restaurant dish-washing and general clean-up work. perience. Call 2898.

Business Opportunities 38 $500.00 CAPITALI Man or woman for new patented merchandising equipment. Your accounts fully established for you. Instant income, no selling. $400 monthly part time more full time! Tol qualify you need car and must 'at' once. If you are ambitious and have the money send reply" and.

phone to Chronicle Box 967. INSTRUCTION Local Schools, Colleges 43 FARMERS' COLUMN Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47. WEIMER KENNELS PH. 4558 SCOTTIES WIRES co*ckERS BEST DOG FOODS and MEATS WANT Good home for part German Shephard Collie dog. 1 yr.

old. Ph. 6233-W. Livestock GUERNSEY Helfer, 1 year old. Jim Davis.

5 mi. Southeast of Jonesboro. -Hamp Boars. Thorp. mi.


GRANT COUNTY FARM BUREAU CO-OP 215 E. BRADFORD PHONE 1055 BUREN PHONE 101 BEEF And dairy bulls to lease. Phone 355-R. Fear FARMERS SPECIAL ATTENTION 0-20-0 Fertilizer. Available once.

SCHAUMLEFFEL IMP. 507 No. Washington 400 NEBRASKA CALVES WEIGHTS 350 to 500 lbs. Thin hardy calves, light calves very scarce. Lower prices justify buying now.

25-500 lb. Shorthorn heifers; 20 springer cows. Harry Thorne, 1 mi. North of Marion on St. Rds.

9 37. 2-Very good yearling Hereford bulls. Virgil Hartford City 1251-R2. TO LEASE Beef, dairy bulls. Delivered short long period.

Ph. 3515-3. G. L. Harmon.

1' r. FARMERS' COLUMN Livestock LIVESTOCK REPORTS DAILY ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AT 3. VI, 6:30 7:30 a. and 8:30 a. Early Prices 'At 9:30 a.


Thrifty, reasonable. Mi. W. Banquo. Sutton; BULLS -Delivered for service anywhere Guy Hodge! Ph DUROC BOARS Sired by 2nd prize Jr.

1951 Indiana State Fair-Reasonable. Laurence Rhoades, 1 mi. So. of Fair mount. FRESH-Mik goat, PHONE 3137-J.

FOR SALE AT CAMDEN 450 choice thin calves 300-650 Ib. Grass in West soon available for winter-fed' cattle. Take advantage of these wintered cattle. Good frame but little flesh makes ideal animal for WERTHEIMER Cattle Ph. 40: Farming Implements 48A 1944- John Deere.

tractor. A-1 power lift. $925 or trade for smaller tractor. Ph. 5551-M.

1947 Farmall with power lift cultivators, starter, lights, wheel weight, Call Marion 2999-M. or Swayzee 151F3. FOR SALE Baled oats straw. Phone 3509-1. 1 Good Used 16 x7 Grain Drill with Grass.

Seed Fertilizer. 1 Good Farmall 1 Good used Farmall with 2 bottom plow cultivator Good used Farmall 1 Farmall Demonstrator Good used Garden Tractor. 1941 K5. Truck with bed and 1950. Motor.

Priced right. ARMSTRONG FARM EQIPMUENT PHONE 150 SWAYZEE, Ind. Call 138 or 114 after 5:30 p.m. 1945-Farmal tractor, excellent condition. Fairmount Phone Red 27-R.

FARMALL B- Tractor breaking plow and cultivator. Phone Sweetser 233 B. GARDEN Tractor 3 H. P. BolenHusky and attachments.

2302 S. Meridian Ph. 846-W. FAIRBANKS MORRIS ton feed mixer. John.

Deere plow, sole fertilizer attachment for a 2 bottom plow. 6 deck chick starting plant. 4. deck broiler pan. Oil brooder stove.

Phone' 3574-R1. FENCE SALE Galvanized stock fence, 9 top bottom, 11 in. filler, 6 in. stay, 39 in. high.

Regularly rod Special $1.12. Galvanized stock fence, 9 top and bottom, 11 in. filler, 12 in. stay, 47 in. high.

Regularly $1.00 rod Special $.90. Galvanized stock fence, 9 top and bottom, 11 in. filler, 6 in. stay, 47 in. high.

Regularly $1.38 rod Special $1.24. A few Avery disc harrows. 7 ft. with 16 in. blades.

At only $1.48. MONTGOMERY WARD PHONE 3395 Pickets Parade In Lake County INDIANAPOLIS (P Pickets of 29. the striking CIO Communication Workers of America paraded in front of three Lake County exchanges of the Illinois Bell Telephone today, The pickets represented striking employes of the Western Electric manufacturing. subsidiary of the Bell Telephone System. Operators at the three exchanges, although not on strike, refused to pass' through the picket lines.

heAbout 500 operators were out at Hammond, which has a manually operated exchange; 200 were out at Gary and 160 at East Chicago. Th latter cities have local systems and only long distance service through their exchanges was af- J. fected. Long distance calls through the three exchanges were accepted only on an emergency basis. Supervisory employes manned the switchboards.

The Indiana Bell Telephone to reported all of its exchanges oper- for, ating normally. Since the Western Electric strike started Indiana Bell be exchanges have been picketed at in Indianapolls, South Bend, Terre Haute, Marion and Evansville. IN- be junctions halted the picketing in sets cach city. on STUDENTS PUT IN PLACE LINCOLN, Neb. (UP) Uni- of versity 'of Nebraska students who repeatedly violate traffic regulations aren't fined they're "rusticated." A "rusticated" student is prohibited from attending classes for one week, during which he is not allowed on the campus.

l. LEGAL NOTICES Trustee. of Franklin Township. -April 15-22, 1952 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 9672 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That NOTICE Notice is hereby given that' on the 28th day of April.

1952, at the hour of 7:00 p. CST, at the office of the Trustee of Franklin Township, Grant County, Indiana, I. Harry Neeley. with the Advisory Board for of said township, will consider bids 8 chassis and bus body for the transportation of school' children, the same to be and in conformity with spectifications required by law." Said bus load. and said chassis of sufficient body to accommodate 48-passenger length to carry said body, 7.50-20 tires, 10 ply.

The Trustee and Advisory Board reserves the right to refect any and all bids. HARRY W. NEELEY, has been appointed Administrator, of the Estate of John Holmes, deceased, late of Grant County. Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent.

MARION NATIONAL BANK OF MARION, Administrator, Batton, Harker Attorneys. E- April 8, 15, 22, to ELECTRIC CHICK BROODERS chick size 1 (100 day old chicks); $12.25.. 200 Chick size (Hex shape) $17.95 chick size 42" Canopy $39.40 chick size 48" 72" Canopy $15.50 Just Received Shipment of 47" Stay Farm Barb Wire, 2 4 pt. ur Poultry Fencing Poultry Netting 1 2 in. Mesh SEARS Farm Store Phone 2020 1- International Mower.

1949 VAC Mounted plows and cultivators. 1948 Ford tractor, plows, and cultivators. 1948 Co-op 12' self-propelled SCHAUMLEFFEL IMP. CO. 1 507 No.

Washington Farmall with cultivators. 1942 FORD Ferguson and plows 1-W. C. Allis Chalmers. 1-H, John Deere 1-Avery with mounted 1-M with cultivator.

3-F-20's with cultivators. 1-Regular with cultivators. WE TRADE TERMS MODERN FARM EQUIP. By Pass and 26th St. Ph.

5671 1950 John Deere MT Tractor with 'plows and cultivators, 250. 12 mi. E. 3 and mi. E.

of Marion on 18 or 3 N. mi. W. of Roll. James Stroup.

Warren phone. Grain 48B 1,000 BU. Good corn. Howard Howell, 2 ml. N.

intersection St. Rds. 18 3. GOOD CLOVER HAY. Phone 3559-11 or 4864 300 BALES -Whoat straw 50c bale.

Phone Fairmount Black. 8-M. Vaughn Powers. CERTIFIED Clinton 59 and Benton oats, Hawkeye and -Lincoln soybeans. Harold Clark Son.

Phones Fairmount Black 31-W or. Summitville 80F14. WANT TO BUY-All kinds baled hay. Ph. 5426-W or 3647-2.

ALL KINDS Hay and straw de livered. Guy Hodge, 2 mi. E. on 18. Ph.

3647-2. 1 bale or truckload, MR. FARMER SEE US FOR FIELD SEED Quality Seed -Right Price THOMAS MILLING CO. 1203 1003 S. N.

Wash. Branson Ph. 2121 Ph. 2001 Farm Miscellaneous 480 HORSEHIDE -Work shoes. The best you can buy.

$8.95. BRUNTS Store r..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.