Biggin Hill Spitfire Flights out of ex-RAF Biggin Hill fighter base | Prices From £2,975.00 (2024)

What's Included

We know how important organising your Spitfire flight is. Don't hesitate to contact us by email anytime or by 'phone and chat during office hours if you'd like us to help with flight availability, times, dates and so on.

YourBiggin Hill Spitfire flight with factory tour:

  • Unique flight experience in the rear seat of a combat veteran MKIX two-seater Spitfire
  • Four exciting flight options to choose from:

'Weald of Kent'

  • 30 minute flight(approximately 20 minutes airborne)

'Leeds Castle'

  • 35 minute flight(approximately 25 minutes airborne)

'Beachy Head'

'White Cliffs of Dover'

  • 55 minute flight(approximately 45 minutes airborne)

(More info on the extendedBeachy Head and the White Cliffs of Dover flight paths )

All Biggin Hill Spitfire experiences include:

  • A detailed pre-flight briefing covering the aircraft, equipment and in flight safety procedures
  • Approximately 10 minutes for preparation, taxiing and pre-flight safety checks
  • Tour of theSpitfire Factoryfor the pilot and up to four guests
  • Unlimited guest spaces, giving you access to the garden area, viewing platform and 1940's style dispersal lounge
  • Q+A session with the hangar team with close up access to the aircraft being restored
  • Take off from Ex RAF Spitfire Station Biggin Hill and fly over Kent's 'Battle of Britain Country'
  • Feel and experience the effects of your hands on the controls (at the pilot's discretion)
  • All flights include the opportunity to do Victory Rolls and other manoeuvres
  • Hear radio commentary from your pilot, air traffic control and ground crew
  • In-flight video recording of the flight on SD card
  • Flight debrief and opportunity to take photographs with the aircraft
  • Souvenir flight certificate, flight suit patch and pilot notes to take home
  • Helmet, flight suit and parachute are provided for the flight
  • Allow spending up to four hours at the venue
  • Complimentary premium gift packaging from Into The Blue

Want to see the Battle of Britain Spitfires keep flying? Support the BBMF Memorial Flight with ourexclusive membership gift packs available online.

What Can I Expect

Biggin Hill Spitfire flights - two-seater Spitfire flights with a factory tour included! These very special experiences operate out of former RAF Biggin Hill, one of the principal fighter bases of the Battle of Britain in WW2.

We are very proud to be able to offer these incredible Spitfire flights at Biggin. We often talk of 'once in a lifetime' opportunities and these two seater Spitfire flights really do fall into that category.

So what about the Spitfire you'll be flying in? Well, Spitfires with two seats are incredibly rare. Over 20,000 single seat Spitfires were built, with only a few dozen remaining airworthy today. After WW2, creators Supermarine modified a handful of Mark IX Spitfires into two seaters, called TR9s. The Spitfire Factory at Biggin Hill counts several fully-restored two-seater Spitfires on the flying roster.

You could be flying in G-BMSB (serial number MJ627, code Q-9G). Resplendent in her invasion stripes, this Spitfire has an amazing log book. She flew numerous ground attack, bomber escort and patrol missions during WW2. That includes being credited with the downing of an enemy Messerschmitt Bf 109 on September 27th 1944.

After being damaged and put into storage, the aircraft was bought by Vickers Armstrong in 1950. MJ627 was one of the Spitfires converted to a TR9 and sent to the Irish Air Corps, before retiring in 1960. The Bayliss family breathed life into the old girl, when she was fully restored and took to the skies again in 1993, exactly 50 years since she first flew.

Imagine what it'll be like to sit under your bubble canopy in the rear co*ckpit, waiting with bated breath as the Merlin engine kicks into life on the apron. You can choose from a flight over the Weald of Kent, Leeds Castle, the White Cliffs of Dover, or Beachy Head for these amazing Spitfire flights out of Biggin Hill.

Whichever flight path you head out on, we're sure the day you got to fly in a TR9 Spitfire out of historic Biggin Hill and through the Kentish skies, will be indelibly inscribed in your mind and your heart forever. Buy your voucher for your very special two-seater Biggin Hill Spitfire flight online now.


  • Flights generally operate out of London's Biggin Hill Airport 7 days a week all year round
  • Sessions usually start at 08.00 and 12.00
  • Other bespoke times may be arranged but may be subject to an additional fee
  • All Flights and routes are subject to weather conditions, aircraft serviceability and air traffic
  • Aircraft MJ627 / G-BMSB is normally used for flights, however the operator reserves the right to use other two seat Spitfires


• The historic ex WW2 RAF Spitfire base at Biggin Hill Airport in Kent
• The airport is easily reached from London and the M25

Suitable For

  • Flying in a Spitfire carries certain elements of risk which will be clearly explained prior to your flight, on the day you'll also be shown a detailed video explaining these risks, if you decide not to proceed or cannot fit safely inside the co*ckpit you can exchange your experience or request a refund
  • Minimum age is 18
  • There's no maximum age limit however you need to be healthy and agile enough to climb into the aircraft and safely experience the dynamic nature of the flight - if you have any concerns over your suitability you should consult your GP
  • You should not participate if you are on prescription medication, suffering from a cold, are pregnant or suffering from any condition affecting your breathing or consciousness
  • A maximum weight limit of 108 kilos (238 lb) applies and you will be weighed on the day
  • The aircraft can usually accommodate passengers up to 6'6"
  • Passengers dimensions must allow unrestricted movement of the control column
  • The operator reserves the right to refuse the flight if for any reason they feel you are unsuitable to participate
  • Please do not drink alcohol prior to the flight


  • Up to 4 guests can accompany you on yourSpitfire Factory Tour
  • Observe the engine start up and shut down of the aircraft
  • Additional tour spaces can be booked in advance or on the day for £39 per person
  • Unlimited guest spaces, giving you access to the garden area, viewing platform and 1940's style dispersal lounge
  • Sorry - no pets allowed

Anything Else

  • Biggin Hill Spitfire flights are fully approved by the CAA as a flight experience
  • Youcan extend the duration of your flight or add a formation chase plane directly with the operator, additional charges will apply
  • Hand held cameras are not permitted however on-board video recordings of the flight are taken (content of video recordings cannot be guaranteed)
  • You and your guests may be joining a small group of other VIP visitors on the day
  • Pre flight briefings are usually delivered as part of a small group, all flights are conducted exclusively 1:1
  • You should wear clothing suitable for fitting beneath a flight suit and sturdy footwear e.g. boots or training shoes, leather soled shoes are not suitable
  • Biggin Hill is also home to St Georges RAF Chapel of Remembrance, entrance is free and makes a fantastic addition to your day (opening times vary)
  • Additional bespoke flight options can be arranged e.g another guest flying alongside in formation with the Spitfire or exclusive celebrations or corporate events. Please contact us with your requirements
Biggin Hill Spitfire Flights out of ex-RAF Biggin Hill fighter base | Prices From £2,975.00 (2024)


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